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[Multiplataforma] Dark Souls III - [ TÓPICO OFICIAL ]

Fico grato, os aneis + 2 não são problema, acho que o problema seria os pactos esses sim vai levar muito tempo e paciência. Vou tentar na raça caso não consigo te dou alo.
Beleza, vou ver se farmo mais uns ítens pra ajudar. (Não esqueça que tem anéis referentes aos pactos)
Galera costuma jogar em coop aqui? :hmm:

Acho anos luz mais divertido do que sozinho :forever:
Galera costuma jogar em coop aqui? :hmm:
Acho anos luz mais divertido do que sozinho :forever:
Coop eu gosto de jogar quando é pra enfrentar os chefes. Pra explorar os estágios eu prefiro jogar sozinho. Jogar em coop durante a exploração quase sempre vira uma corrida, sai todo mundo correndo, matando tudo que tem pela frente. Gosto disso não, gosto de explorar o cenário estudando ele, parando para olhar os detalhes, lendo as descrições dos itens que encontro, etc, etc, etc.
Eu to jogando quase diariamente, se quiserem adicionar pra jogar um coop minha GT é N7Waynner, jogo no Xbox.

Fazendo uma build pra brincar com Farro Greatsword
Terminei o jogo domingo, peguei todas as Magias/anéis possíveis, falta só os itens de pacto e o do ng+, ng++. Agora que vou começar o farm absurdo :nooo:
Sexta feira de tem novo update, segue mensagem do usar kimmundi, funcionário da FROM software no reddit.

Hello everyone,

a new update will be deployed this Friday, however the exact times are not set yet. I will add them here as soon as I know them.

I'm sorry, I won't be able to offer any more precisions to the changes, I already did my best. And you would be disappointed if you couldn't look for it yourselves, wouldn't you ;) ?

I tried to make it as understandable as possible, but if you spot any worthwhile edits, please let me know.

The update will include the app version 1.05 and regulation version 1.08. It will implement the following changes:

  • Archdragon Peak: Fixed the freeze when jumping into the fog after ringing the bell.
  • The Rinfinger Leonhard quest will now start properly after the removal of the restriction on the maximum number of Pale Tongues that can be offered to Rosaria, Mother of Rebirth.
  • Trophies will now unlock correctly even if the required item is sent directly to the storage.
  • Fixed a Skill being changed based on a right hand weapon when equipping White Hair Talisman on the left hand while holding the Sacred Flame with both hands
  • The Horsehoof Ring (which increases stamina drains of ATK) will no longer affect other attacks besides its initial effect on kicks.
  • It will no longer be possible to equip a helm when using a Wax Pool after using the Dragon Head Stone.
  • Fixed the HP drain damage of Symbol of Avarice when resting near bonfire.
  • Fixed a spell animation and effect not synching up when using the magic repetitively.
  • Fixed when summoning the white phantom NPC under a certain circumstance, the character's collision will properly function nullifying all enemy attacks.
  • Fixed issue where skills could be performed even when a certain amount of FP was not available.
  • Adjusted the attack cancel parameters of some curved swords attacks.
  • Adjusted the attack power and skills of fist and claw weapons.
  • Adjusted the skills of twin blade weapons.
  • Fixed the scythe not penetrating shields at close distances.
  • Adjusted stamina consumption and attack cancel parameters for rapier weapons.
  • Adjusted the attack collision for the washing pole weapon.
  • Adjusted parameters of Farron Hail and Busting Fireball.
  • Adjusted casting speed, stamina consumption, cancel timing of some Spells.
  • Increased the number of arrows/bolts that can be possessed.
  • During online multiplayer: During the invasion of a Dark Phantom, the host will no longer be separated from his area.
  • During online multiplayer: A dark phantom can no longer be forcibly brought back in some maps.
  • During online multiplayer: When the player is summoned during a boss battle, the boss will no longer become motionless even after the player is back to his/her world.
  • The status effects below the stamina gauge will no longer be hidden when opening the top menu with HUD display set to auto.
  • The voice chat icon will now remain visible when the HUD display is set to "Auto."
  • Fixed the display of strength level shown in the equipment menu when using two-handed weapon.
  • Other game balance parameters have been adjusted.
  • Several game flaws fixed.
Embrace the Darkness!
Adeus simple gem, que venham os frascos de estus de fp.
Vai ficar ainda mais punk usar meu Mornes Greathammer... :bua:

Mas enfim, parece dar uma balanceada legal...
Kkkkk... acabou-se a boquinha de ficar usando skill de arma com 1fp.
Espero que esse ajusto nas twin blades não tenha sido um nerf. Eu só uso esse tipo de arma no jogo.


É, pra mim já deu por enquanto. Zerei o game 4x e já estava na quinta rodada, mas os bugs do game começaram a me irritar. Acabei de passar por uma invasão em Farron Keep onde o cara me matou com um único golpe daquela Sacred Flame. E isso meu personagem tava com o life cheio, 1560 pts, e com buffs de defesa. Ainda assim, foi one shot one kill. Fiquei abismado com o ocorrido e fui pesquisar o que aconteceu, daí descobri que essa magia tem um bug que, se utilizado, permite vc matar outro jogador com um único ataque.
Última edição:
Realmente, a principal mudança dessa patch, aparentemente, é a limitação de skill de arma com pingo de FP. haha

Estou na metade do segundo gameplay (primeiro de meele, segundo de pyro + chaos weapon) e o jogo ainda tem muito a render pra mim. Estou tentando aprender a lançar a great chaos fire orb sem o lock in. No geral, a cada 5 eu erro 3. rs. Quem sabe até os 100% do jogo eu não melhoro? Pra PVP será necessário.
De pyro, o farm em algumas áreas fica bem facilitado e as maiores dores de cabeça que tive no gameplay de meele foram extremamente fáceis.

Por exemplo na water reserve, aqueles dois monstros que ficam perto da covenant do Aldrich morreram com 2 great chaos fire orbs + critical hit, com mais de 1000 de dano cada e stagger kill depois . =D. Perdi a conta de quantas vezes morri para eles no primeiro gameplay...

Alguns post atrás eu comentei que não conseguia conectar o jogo online. Após muitos testes, consegui um diagnóstico: pra conseguir jogar online de boa, preciso expressamente dar um quit no DS3 toda vez que desligo/ligo de novo o xbox. Se entro no jogo sem dar um quit após ligar o xbox, embora o jogo fique online e faça login no servidor, tem algum bug que me impede de formalizar a conexão com outros jogadores. Também funciona dando um reset no xbox, pq, da mesma forma, acaba dando quit no jogo.
Tempos atrás eu tinha que sair do game, fechar o software, desligar o xone e tirar da tomada. Eu e meu amigo. Só assim conseguíamos ver nossas signs e jogar online. Coisa totalmente nonsense.

Tentamos jogar semana passada novamente e nem assim funcionou. Esse coop com amigos de darksouls3 é inacreditávelvente mal construído.
Hoje lançou o patch e pelos comentarios do reddit melhoraram bastante a velocidade das magias


Misc changes:

Frame data changes:

  • Offensive miracles are faster in general. WoG is unchanged.
  • Soul Greatsword, Dark Edge, Dark Serpent all got significant cast speed buffs.
  • Chaos Bed Vestiges and Boulder Heave are much faster. Same might be possible for more pyromancies.
  • Fist and claw weapons parry attempts have more recovery time.
  • Thrusting swords have been slowed down.
  • Gotthard's rolling L1 has a lot more recovery time.
  • Straightsword class rolling R1 has more recovery time.
  • For some reason the greatlance is slower in general. Chaos blade now has 160 counter.
  • Offhanding a weapon undoes the frame data changes, video proof.

Here's an useful video with a lot of comparisons of cast speed of various spells (click here).


  • Warmth works now.
  • Lifehunt scythe damage increased.
  • People report sorceries are more damaging across the board, spells are faster as well, can't confirm this myself.
  • Farron Hail has a lot more spread now, same is being reported for Bursting Fireball.
  • When you have half the FP needed for a Weapon Art, said WA will come out at full effectiveness.
  • Fist weapons in general have been buffed.

Issues that have been introduced:

  • Ultrawide display support has been reported as broken.
  • Some threads in the sub report bad performance on PS4 and PC, I need more data to confirm this.
  • FROM forgot to adjust frame data when your weapon is on the offhand.
  • Two handed weapons do not display AR properly. AR shown only shows either the 2H bonus or the 1.5 STR scaling multiplier, not sure which. Proof.
Putz! Nerfaram minha Gotthard? É froids! Esse é o mal de jogar esse tipo de jogo logo no começo. Você se adapta a certas coisas, daí eles vem e mudam tudo.

O que querem dizer com "Warmth works now"? Agora ela tem algum scaling, permitindo assim que sirva como magia de cura efetiva?
Putz! Nerfaram minha Gotthard? É froids! Esse é o mal de jogar esse tipo de jogo logo no começo. Você se adapta a certas coisas, daí eles vem e mudam tudo.

O que querem dizer com "Warmth works now"? Agora ela tem algum scaling, permitindo assim que sirva como magia de cura efetiva?
Ah isso é normal de jogos com recursos online , sempre vão mudando o balanceamento do jogo mas nem sempre é pra melhor :coolface:

Um dos posts do reddit sobre as impressões do patch

Here's everything I've noticed and discovered.

  • All attack miracles are much faster. At fastest cast speed, lightning spear is so fast it's sound bugs out! Lightning Storm got the biggest buff and is almost an entire second faster. (EDIT: Force is unaffected but Emit Force is.)
  • I didn't use Emit Force much pre-patch, but considering it does almost the same damage as a Refined Red Halberd +10, I think it was buffed. I've heard some people say that Morne's Ring and Firstborn ring got buffed, so if that's true it could be that that I'm noticing.
  • Not only does Farron Hail have a different arc, but now there is always a projectile going straight ahead. This actually buffs it in two ways: it makes it harder to dodge, and worst case scenario you always hit with the darts shooting straight forward. If you hit with all of the straight forward projectiles, it's slightly weaker than a great soul arrow. HUGE buff.
  • Heavy Soul Arrows are much faster. I think they're the same speed as soul spears were pre-patch. I haven't tested Soul spear cast speed to see if that's also faster. (EDIT: Soul Spears and Heavy Soul Arrows appear to be almost the same speed now.)
  • Regular Soul Arrows are insanely fast. You can cast fast enough to have three Deep Soul projectiles on screen at once. Homing Soulmass is also this same speed, and while Homing Crystal and Affinity are still slower, they're much faster too.
  • Chaos Bed Vestiges and Boulder Heave are much faster. Presumably the same is true of fireball/fire orb/chaos orb/etc. Fire Whip actually seems slower, although that might just be because it didn't get faster so it feels slower.
  • Warmth got buffed so extremely hard that it's almost an entirely different spell. Instead of occasional pulses of tiny healing, the pulses are constant and give about 20-30 HP each. You can heal half your health in seconds now. (EDIT: Thanks u/mecarr for finding out that Warmth heals 35 now, and that it heals a total of 2100 in it's 60 second duration. Dayum!)
  • I don't have any data, but I've found the parrying dagger to be much more effective and reliable post patch. Considering they nerfed the caestus parry, this could be more than my imagination.
  • The 30 limit on Great Arrows and 99 limit on Arrows is still active but now you can store 600 of them in the storage box. Pretty arbitrary number in my opinion, don't know why they didn't just go with 999, but whatever. (EDIT: 600 is the limit on all other consumables. Duh.)
  • All thrusting swords have slower recovery after the first attack. I didn't test if the Estoc is even slower relative to this. Offhand thrusting swords are unaffected, which is hopefully going to be patched soon before offhand Estoc becomes the new meta. (EDIT: Estoc appears to be even more slow than the standard rapier, and takes more stamina. The main advantage of the Estoc now is being a sort of in-between between a rapier and a spear. Still pretty cool, but nowhere near as godlike. Considering so many people invested in their Estoc, you'll probably still see them a bunch in PvP, but hopefully we'll start seeing some R2's and L2's.)
  • I think Straight Sword R1 is slower but it's a bit hard to tell. I'm also pretty sure that the Gotthard swords have an even slower R1, and I didn't have a Dark Sword to test but they're probably slower too. (EDIT: Dark Sword is not slower than other Straight Swords, but the stamina cost was increased by a ton. Broadsword gets 9 swings at 132 stamina while the Dark Sword has 7.)
  • You can no longer use any Skill with only 1 FP. Instead, you need half. This doesn't work with the pyro flame combustion or any spells. I haven't tested gentle prayer or steady chant.
  • I got my ass kicked by a Demon Fist in PvP, something I thought was impossible.

I'll come back and edit this if I notice anything else!

  • EDIT: Forgot to mention this before, but the Profaned Flame got both parts of it's cast speed buffed. It takes less time to create the projectile, and it takes less time to charge before it explodes.

  • EDIT: A moment of silence please for the patched Jailer Robe buttbug. Praise the Moon. In all seriousness though, the Jailer Robe has actually gotten it's collision redone, and looks better in general. Your pants no longer clip through the robe when you do Path of the Dragon, Darkmoon Loyalty, and of course Patches Squat.
Finalmente platinei na raça, pactos malditos.
Galera, no DSIII, matou NPC já era?

Fiz a burrada de matar o Eygon of Carim no começo... :feelbad:
Sim, matou ja era, mas este NPC não vai influenciar em nada na sua jogatina, voce poderia sumonar ele pra te ajudar em duas Boss Fight, e ele faz parte de uma side-quest que não vai interferir em nada na gameplay tb.

Obrigado amigo, era para usar contra o boss Armadura do Caçador de Dragões, não conseguia matar esse cara sozinho. Mas lá pela 30ª vez consegui...:full:
Hahaha, quando for assim ganka o boss. Sumona uns 3 ppl pra ajudar usando dryad finger e já era rs...
Hahaha, quando for assim ganka o boss. Sumona uns 3 ppl pra ajudar usando dryad finger e já era rs...

Então, na teoria seria isso mesmo, mas em DS desde o 1 eu gosto de jogar sozinho, procurar em todos os lugares e tentar passar do boss sozinho, ou no maximo com a ajuda de 1 NPC. Já no NG+ vira zuera, sumono todo mundo, vira corria, hahaha.
Cheguei ao final e fiz "sem querer" o final da Usurpação do fogo que é o da quest da Anri. Fiz um save antes dos acontecimentos do final, tem como fazer algo pra fazer o final básico? (o da firekeeper ta garantido).
Cheguei ao final e fiz "sem querer" o final da Usurpação do fogo que é o da quest da Anri. Fiz um save antes dos acontecimentos do final, tem como fazer algo pra fazer o final básico? (o da firekeeper ta garantido).
Só se vc salvou em um pen drive etc...

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