[PREVIEW] Burning Lands - HLL de Guerra do Vietnã


Velha Guarda

Uma mistura de Rising Storm 2 com Hell Let Loose


A tactical combined arms warfare game promoting deep cooperation between players, amplified by the use of positional VOIP and features designed to help teammates share situational awareness. Squad and role organization that ensures that individual players and small groups have a unique way to contribute to the overall team effort.


Each 60-player team is segmented into squads, which can further specialize towards infantry, logistics or armor. Both factions or teams have a Commander, who is responsible for coordinating squads toward the team objectives. The Commander makes resources available to the team in a mix that shapes the particular tactics a team will use to reach the victory condition. These come in the form of vehicles, equipment or off-map support. It will be essential for the Commander and squads to remain coordinated as the team's ability to maintain their position and resources within the game is utterly dependent on the level of communication between players.


Each squad is further segmented into roles, including the Squad Leader and individual specializations such as Medic, Combat Engineer, Machine Gunner, and even Anti-Tank. Just as the squads and Commander must coordinate at the macro level, so must squad members work toward a common goal that preserves the squad's resources and ability to continue to fight toward it’s individual goal as part as the teams overall objective.


Matches occur on large scale maps of varying sizes, featuring a wide variety of vehicle types that allow players to traverse land, water, and air. Land vehicles include the M151 Jeep, M35 Truck, ZIS150 Truck, light and heavy armor like the M113, M48 Patton and BTR152. Water based vehicles such as the PBR boat and Sampan are complemented by aerial support from helicopters such as the iconic Huey, Chinook and Cobra.


With each round playing out differently due to the resources and tactics used by teams, game modes, and dynamic spawning systems, no two rounds of Burning Lands: Vietnam will feel alike and the player will feel refreshed and excited for just one more round...




Interessante, irei acompanhar. Sinto falta mesmo de algum jogo atual focado no Vietnam.
Sustainment Roles Intro & TrackIR Support

Hey everyone,

We figured this would be a good time to introduce and dive into an intro of
Sustainment Roles
in the Burning Lands. These are one category of roles to play in Burning Lands. You can check out a full diagram of playable roles in
our last developer brief
. Here we will reveal and discuss their tasks and purposes on the battlefield.

Before we begin, we’re also proud to announce that we’ve received support from NaturalPoint, to implement TrackIR and its features into the development of Burning Lands! We anticipate TrackIR will be an especially helpful tool to those who will be dedicating themselves to piloting roles in the game. We’ll follow up on our progress working with TrackIR in the future.


What Are Sustainment Roles?

As their category name suggests, Sustainment Roles keep their team in the battle by fulfilling critical tasks. The three tasks we’re emphasizing in these roles are Logistics, Communication, and Unit Health. Since the Vietnam War was fought between conventional and unconventional forces, each role and their equipment will vary per faction. In some cases (particularly with Logistics), this variance is more akin to a fundamental difference in delivery.

The Medic Role:

The Medic Role is one of three Sustainment Roles in the battlefield. Each of these serve a critical task to their Squad Leader and the rest of the players in the unit. Like any other member of the squad, a medic will be armed and serve a combat purpose when their medical skills aren’t required. However, a Medic’s primary job is to keep the rest of the squad alive, preventing their team from losing valuable tickets during combat.


Some components of the Blufor Medic kit.

A Medic will be equipped with a critical tool to heal other players and keep them in the fight: the IV Kit. While all players (including the Medic) will have their own bandages to stop bleeding and to stabilize, the IV kit will be the most important part of a Medic’s toolbag. Players who are in various wounded states will need treatment from an IV Kit to be returned to full health. To those who missed the previous Dev Brief showcasing the Medical System, here it is again:


The various stages of player health in the Medical System.

In Summary:

Any teammate can use their bandage to address:
Minor wounds (players that are bleeding out). Wounded players will not be immobile if bandaged by yourself or any teammates. The effects of being wounded (Blurred Vision, Lowered Stamina) will be more noticeable depending on the severity.
Major wounds (players that are down and incapacitated).

Only the Medic can both revive and fully heal players after taking any kind of damage, bringing players back to full health and movement speed.

Spawning (A Quick Brushup)

Before presenting the next role, we should offer some context for anyone who hasn’t played a tactical shooter before. This genre of game is defined by teamwork and communication, to fulfill the orders set by a team’s commander.

Typically these orders or tasks are broken up at the squad level, with each squad needing to move somewhere and attack/defend objectives and supply others. This requires spawn points each squad can use on their way to these objectives.

In most tactical shooters, you’ll see
Squad Spawns
Team Spawns
. As their names suggest, Squad Spawns are for members of a certain squad to use, and Team Spawns are for the entire team to use. In Burning Lands, we will be calling these
Squad Spawns
, and we’ll be calling
Team Spawns

The Pack Mule Role:

The Pack Mule role is an important logistical unit for the Opfor team. Their ability to carry and place backpacks that function like physical crates allows them to transport supplies on foot and provide a source of supplies for their team. However, there are some limitations to their abilities, such as only being able to place two backpacks at a time and having to interact with a depot or crate to resupply their own backpack whilst on the battlefield.

The Pack Mule role provides the Opfor team with an additional means of resupplying their infantry on the front line, which can be crucial for maintaining momentum in battles. Pack Mules can use their backpacks to transport supplies directly to the front line, eliminating the need for troops to return to the main base or a distant depot to resupply.

Furthermore, the Pack Mule role allows for more flexible resupply options for the Opfor team.

For example, if a particular area of the battlefield is experiencing heavy fighting, Pack Mules can be dispatched to deliver additional supplies. These supplies can include ammunition, grenades, or medical supplies to that area to rearm those in combat. This can help bolster the defense or offense in that location, increasing the chances of success in that particular engagement. Depending on how well the Opfor logistics chain is set up, the Pack Mules could resupply their frontlines even faster than their helicopter-flying opponents.

The Pack Mule role also provides the Opfor team with a backup supply option in case their main supply sources are compromised. If an enemy team manages to destroy the Opfor’s closest depots or supply crates, Pack Mules can still deliver supplies to the front line and keep their infantry fighting.

Players spawning at a depot will need to be mindful of their limited supplies until they access the depot’s supply pool. Players using a Rally point will need to ensure that their Pack Mule’s backpack has been resupplied before relying on it for additional supplies.

One unique ability of the Pack Mule role is to
steal supplies from enemy depots/crates
from the Blufor team. This is an interesting dynamic for gameplay, as stealing critical logistics supplies from your opponent could change the nature of the frontline battle. Blufor players will need to do their best to protect their supply sources from enemy Pack Mules.


Stealth and cunning are great skills for a Packmule player.

In Summary:

The Pack Mule role in the Opfor team can provide a valuable logistical asset for the team’s infantry gameplay. This can provide the team with more flexibility and resilience in their supply chain, allowing them to keep their troops equipped and fighting on the front line. Ultimately, the Pack Mule role can be a useful addition to the Opfor team’s arsenal and can provide a unique gameplay experience for both players and strategists alike.

The Radio Man Role:

In terms of the Radio Man’s role, they will help ease the pressure on the squad leader by providing support in a number of ways, enhancing communication within the squad. By being responsible for call in and requesting firemissions for the Squad Leader to approve, which will then go up to the Commander for final approval or denial.

The Radio Man ensures that the squad leader remains relatively safe and allows attention to be focused elsewhere within the squad. The Radio Man is also critical for map visibility for the squad, as all friendly units will only be displayed on the map to the remaining squad members if the Radio Man is within a certain radius of the Squad Leader.

This radius is a Fog of War (FOW) bubble around each player, which limits the radius at which all teammates will be displayed on the map. If the Squad Leader and Radio Man are too far apart or one is dead, map visibility will slowly decrease from 100% down to the personal (FOW) visibility. All friendly icons will fade out and the only remaining icons will be FRIENDLY operated/non-vehicles and your Squad Leader.

The same thing will happen when leaving the main base, rallies, and depots as they are important areas for map visibility, as all friendly icons will be displayed to players within a certain distance of these points. Players in vehicles will also have all friendly units displayed on their map.


Always keep your Radio Man close!

In Summary:

The Radio Man is a crucial role in a squad that enhances communication, map visibility, and takes some of the pressure off the squad leader so that he can focus on leading the squad. Without the radio man, the squad may experience a lack of map visibility and difficulty communicating effectively with each other. Which is especially important in large, complex battles where communication and coordination are essential for success.

What Map Visibility and FOW Look Like:

As Squad Member:

Without a Radio Man near your squad leader, you can only see your own squad leader, friendly vehicles (playable and empty), depot spawns, the commander and their orders on the map. You cannot see any other friendly units on the map.
If your Squad Leader and Radio Man are within a shared radius, you can see all friendly units, and orders on the map, no matter your position.


As Squad Leader:

Without a Radioman, you can see all friendly vehicles (playable and empty), depot spawns, additional squad leaders and the commander.
With the Radioman in your radius, you can see all friendly units, and orders on the map.


Since we’re on the topic of map visibility, we should share another exciting mechanic we’re introducing:
Vehicle Capture
. This is a feature we feel has been missing for quite a while in the tactical shooter genre and something we’re excited to introduce to the Opfor factions.

Captured enemy vehicles can provide a significant advantage to a team in terms of mobility and firepower. If the Opfor player who captured the vehicle exits it, the vehicle will still appear on their teams map as an empty vehicle, but it will no longer be visible to the Blufor team. This means that the Blufor team will not be able to see the vehicle’s location or status. For all they know it’s been destroyed and will not know that it has been captured until they encounter it on the battlefield!

In the coming months, we plan to tease more exciting features and how they will work to shape the Burning Lands experience.

Make sure to stay tuned by checking out our Social Links below and join our Official Discord Server.

See you all in the next one!
como tem aparecido jogos "derivados" do project reality que estão dando certo

Kickstarter Tiers & Console Legacy Access​

In today’s brief we’re proud to announce our Kickstarter Tier List, which details all of our perks and bonuses for those of you looking to financially support Burning Lands. Above all else, we know that many of you who own consoles have been asking about Burning Lands and if it will arrive on PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series S/X. We’re happy to confirm that with the proper funding, we intend to bring Burning Lands to console.

By supporting our Kickstarter, you will receive Console Legacy Access to the game. We will give you two copies for console, one for PlayStation 5 and one for Xbox Series S/X, as a gesture of our appreciation. If you’re only interested in purchasing the console version in the future, we recommend opting for our “Boot” Tier, as the console version of the game will be $49.95 USD on those systems. If you receive the keys but do not own a console, you can give them to a friend or sell them for some quick cash! It’s our aim to reward and show appreciation to those who help us reach our goals.

We’re thrilled to offer a variety of tiers for our Kickstarter campaign. Our pledges range from a basic tier that offers the satisfaction of supporting our project, to additional tiers that provide access to the game, exclusive in-game items, and multiple copies of the game for you and your friends. Each tier provides rewards and benefits to our backers, giving you the options that best suit your needs and interests.

Read on to learn more about the rewards and benefits available through our Kickstarter campaign.

All figures listed below are in USD (United States Dollars)


Which tier will you choose?

Kickstarter Stretch Goals​

Our Kickstarter stretch goals are exciting features and content that we will add to our project. Some of you will recognize your favorite requests on this list. By helping us reach these stretch goals, we’ll be able to these features in our game much, much sooner. In short, proper funding helps us give you all what you want faster. Make sure to tell your friends!

All figures listed below are in USD (United States Dollars)


Vehicles, Vehicles & More Vehicles!​

Kickstarter excitement aside, we’re also showcasing our vast array of vehicles coming to Burning Lands. Our multiplayer game will bring players into the thick of the Vietnam War. You will need to utilize ground vehicles to aid in combat, as these are crucial assets for the team’s success.

Different types of vehicles spawn at different intervals, and losing them can result in significant consequences. To operate ground vehicles effectively, players must work in pairs, assuming different roles such as a Crewman, to maximize the vehicle’s potential. (Don’t forget to check out our previous Dev Brief on some of the roles in Burning Lands!)

In addition to ground vehicles, the game also features a range of helicopters that players can use to provide fire support and transport troops and supplies. However, operating these vehicles requires a Pilot role, with caution and situational awareness to the threat of enemy ground units.

The game’s logistics system is also vital to vehicles. You will need to balance the amount of supplies and troops you bring to the battlefield.

Overall, Burning Lands: Vietnam will offer players a comprehensive and immersive experience of the Vietnam War. Every strategic decision can make a significant impact on the team’s success.

This video is showcasing the playable vehicles you can use as the US Army faction in Burning Lands Vietnam.

This video is showcasing the playable vehicles you can use as the PAVN faction in Burning Lands Vietnam.

Small Transports​

The M151 and Gaz67 jeeps serve as small vehicles that can transport up to four players across the map quickly. However, in some instances, the M151 may have a mounted M60 machine gun, reducing the available seating to three players. These jeeps can be a useful tool for reconnaissance or quick insertion of troops in the battlefield.


A soldier exits an M151 Jeep

Large Transports​

The M35 and ZIS-150 transport trucks serve as logistics vehicles that provide critical supplies to the team.

These vehicles are special, as they can carry either troops, logistical supplies, or even both at the same time! The number of supplies the truck carries directly affects the number of troops that can ride in it. If the truck is carrying a lot of supplies, it will have less space for troops, and vice versa. Therefore, players need to make strategic decisions about how much supplies to bring and how many troops to transport at any given time. This balance between supplies and troops is critical to ensure the team’s success in the game.


A ZIS-150 carrying a full logistics load

Ground Combat Vehicles​

In Burning Lands, players can utilize ground vehicles to aid in combat. These vehicles are important assets for the team, providing support and leading charges when necessary.

Different types of vehicles spawn at different intervals and losing them can result in significant consequences for the team. To operate ground vehicles effectively, players must usually work in pairs, with one serving as the driver and the other as the gunner. In some cases, players may need to assume a specialized role, such as a Crewman.

As part of the Crewman role, you have access to light and heavy tanks. Your objective is to assist the infantry by coordinating with their squad leaders and using your tank to provide cover and suppress enemy forces. It’s generally better to keep a full crew of three to maximize your tank’s potential. Don’t underestimate the power of the tank’s machine gun as it can be just as deadly as the main gun!


A BTR-152 is the perfect armored transport for infantry


Several Type 59 tanks sweep the battlefield


The Huey helicopter has been widely adopted for its versatility in military operations. Its primary function is that of a transport aircraft, capable of slinging supplies. The Huey also has a second variant known as the Close Air Support (CAS) helicopter. Along with the Cobra attack chopper and the large Chinook transport helicopter, these air vehicles are critical assets in providing fire support and carrying troops, supplies, and even sling loading vehicles to specific locations or recovering them.

The Huey CAS chopper is designed for offensive operations and is armed with weapons systems to suppress enemy ground units. However, it can still transport troops at a reduced capacity and lacks the ability to sling load supplies. It is crucial to exercise caution and maintain situational awareness when operating these vehicles; RPGs and Anti-Air weapons exist around every corner!

It should also be noted that all helicopters require a pilot kit to fly, and that pilots are typically equipped with just a sidearm. This makes them vulnerable in combat situations. We encourage pilots to use proper communication and coordination between ground and other air units. These vehicles provide a significant advantage in maneuverability and tactical flexibility on the battlefield… when they work together.


Helicopters will be a transport staple for the USA

Amphibious Vehicles​

Amphibious operations in Vietnam were complex and required careful coordination between ground, air, and naval forces. The use of vehicles like the PT76 and M113, as well as boats like the PBR boat and sampan, allowed forces to navigate the challenging terrain and gain a significant advantage over their enemies.


Speed down various rivers in a PBR boat

In the coming months, we plan to tease more exciting features and how they will shape the Burning Lands experience.

Make sure to stay tuned by checking out our Social Links below and join our
Official Discord Server.

The Burning Lands Steam Page has launched, and you can
add it to your Steam Wishlist now!

See you all in the next one!
Gameplay Footage Drop
Exciting gameplay videos, crafted by our creative partners, provide a look into the intense battles of the PAVN and US Army Factions, offering diverse perspectives and a tantalizing glimpse of the upcoming gaming experience.

What you see now is just a very early glimpse of the game, with known bugs, missing features, and ongoing developments that will continue to evolve and improve as we progress.

Nunca confiei muito em Kickstarter, mas espero que seja legitimo e que dê certo, gosto muito dessa ambientação desde Battlefield Vietnam
O maior problema do kickstarted para mim é a questão do preço regional
Esse está saindo por mais ou menos R$ 160
Vai ser vendido a U$ 35 (mais ou menos R$ 170, hoje) sem considerar um possível preço regional

Hell Let Loose foi lançado na faixa de R$ 70 (levando em conta apenas o preço cheio) na Steam Br mas hoje custa mais de R$ 200
O maior problema desses jogos, HLL, SQUAD etc, que são jogos tops e melhores que todos AAA que existem no segmento, é a otimização. é sempre sofrível.
O maior problema desses jogos, HLL, SQUAD etc, que são jogos tops e melhores que todos AAA que existem no segmento, é a otimização. é sempre sofrível.

Eu praticamente parei de jogar hell... entrei ontem pra ver como estava a questão da otimização que falaram que iriam lançar nos últimos updates, mas parece que melhorou bem a performance.
Parei porque o studio que assumiu lançou mapas cagados, o exército inglês veio lixo, nível de partidas absurdamente ruins... chegou num ponto que a comunidade criticou tanto que eles "deslançaram" um update de tão ruim que foi.
Confesso que é um jogo que dá pra divertir muito... só não tenho o mesmo pique de antes depois de mais de mil e trezentas horas.
Disputei alguns campeonatos internacionais, partidas incríveis, incríveis, só quem jogou sabe a satisfação e tenção que dá.:omfg: vai ficar guardado na mémoria...
Hoje não acompanho o hell, sei que o jogo tem crescido, mas não é mais o mesmo, muitos veteranos que abraçaram o jogo desde o início já pararam de jogar por causa de algumas caneladas dos devs ou por outro motivo qualquer.
Hoje quando entro a mira tá daquele jeito: dura que só:crycat:
Mas dá pra trocar uns tiros vez ou outra
Sinceramente, preferia que fosse mais na pegada do RS2 com gameplay mais rapido do que HLL/squad.... infelizmente eh dificil um jogo ter uma pegada tao balanceada igual rs2.

FUNDED!! Leaning into our vision!​

We're thrilled to say that "Burning Lands Vietnam" has been successfully funded in just 41 hours!

We want to give a big shoutout to all of our backers who've really stepped up and supported our project. Your contributions mean the world to us and have injected new life into the tactical FPS genre.

But the journey doesn't end here. We still have more goals to reach, and every time we hit one, it means we can bring you more cool stuff even faster!


Exclusive Backer Revolvers​

Our higher-tier backers will enjoy a unique opportunity: exclusive access to two exceptional secondary weapons, namely the M1917 Revolver and the M1895 Nagant Revolver.

These remarkable firearms can seamlessly replace the standard-issue pistol, offering a distinctive edge to your gameplay when available. Your support at this elevated tier not only showcases your commitment to our project but also grants you the privilege of wielding these extraordinary revolvers, enhancing your experience.


M1895 Nagant Revolver


M1917 Revolver

We've got some exciting plans on the horizon! 🔥
While flamethrowers aren't functional in the game just yet, we're thrilled to announce that they're in the pipeline and will be in a later update. Your support is what's making this fiery addition possible.
Stay tuned for more updates, and thanks for being part of our journey!
Warm regards,

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