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como melhorar seu ping em jogos online


Não entendi depois de Parameters dae em Interfaces,não consigo mais,não entendi!
alguem testou e teve resultado?

mas é claro q a pessoa vai ter que testar em algum jogo que tem mostrador de ping, pra ver o antes e o depois
Eu já testei a parte do TcpAckFrequency e realmente melhorou meu ping no wow, caiu de cerca de 600ms pra 200ms. Nota que no wow até 600ms é perfeitamente jogável, então pra quem tem ping já baixo e for fazer isso não vai sentir diferença. Em outros jogos chegou a diminuir em alguns servidores, mas nada muito significativo.. tipo de 160 pra 110 [velox rlz]
Depois eu adiciono a outra parte lá do hex = 1 e vejo se melhora mais, inclusive nos outros jogos.
Eu já testei a parte do TcpAckFrequency e realmente melhorou meu ping no wow, caiu de cerca de 600ms pra 200ms. Nota que no wow até 600ms é perfeitamente jogável, então pra quem tem ping já baixo e for fazer isso não vai sentir diferença. Em outros jogos chegou a diminuir em alguns servidores, mas nada muito significativo.. tipo de 160 pra 110 [velox rlz]
Depois eu adiciono a outra parte lá do hex = 1 e vejo se melhora mais, inclusive nos outros jogos.

Eu achei só até o último ficheiro do Regedit. Depois quando ele começou a mandar alterar o TcpAckFrequency pra frente, não achei nada disso aqui.
Aonde fica?
Ja fiz isso e realmente no meu caso o ping caiu muito no wow, vo postar o que ele fez :

International lag fix
WoW lags, it's not something new if you're playing on servers a bit far away from your country, but don't worry people are fixing it ! Out of all the methods offered to fix the lag on your machine, one of them posted on Elitistjerks forums seems to work very well.

<> <> <> Read this first <> <> <>
1 - It might have side effects, like slowing down your download speed or affecting your performance on other softwares. (In my case, it didn't change anything)
2 - If you're not sure about what you're doing, just don't do it. I don't want to be responsible because you crashed your computer in some way because you wasted your registry.
2.1 - Seriously, if you don't know what you're doing, don't do it. It will be fixed in one or two weeks anyway. (and the official fix won't have any impact on other softwares)
3 - If you don't have the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSMQ\ directory, you can download and apply this file to your registry.
4 - Windows Vista users might want to check this post too.

Source - Elitistjerks.com

"1 - TcpAckFrequency - NOTE if you are running Windows Vista this setting may not have any effect - a hotfix is needed which i'm tracking down. This works fine under Windows XP

Type "regedit" in windows "run.." dialog to bring up registry menu

Then find:

There will be multiple NIC interfaces listed in there, find the one you use to connect to the internet, there will be several interfaces listed (they have long names like {7DBA6DCA-FFE8-4002-A28F-4D2B57AE8383}. Click each one, the right one will have lots of settings in it and you will see your machines IP address listed there somewhere. Right-click in the right hand pane and add a new DWORD value, name it TcpAckFrequency, then right click the entry and click Modify and assign a value of 1.

You can change it back to 2 (default) at a later stage if it affects your other TCP application performance. it tells windows how many TCP packets to wait before sending ACK. if the value is 1, windows will send ACK every time it receives a TCP package.

2 - TCPNoDelay
This one is pretty simple (Discussed here)

Type "regedit" in windows "run.." dialog to bring up registry menu

Then find:

Right-click in the right hand pane and add a new DWORD value, name it TCPNoDelay, then right click the entry and click Modify and assign a value of 1.

Click Ok and close the registry editor, then reboot your PC."

Basically, this fix is deactivating the Nagle algorithm to improve your ping. If you don't want to do it you can just wait for the 2.3.2 patch as it's supposed to deactivate it too, but I don't think you can test it on PTRs right now because the updated patch notes from the latest PTR Build (7705) are actually for the upcoming build (7710).
so serve pro wow??
so serve pro wow??

O "macete" funciona pra tua internet em geral, mas por alguma razão técnica dá pra perceber uma mudança mais brusca no wow especificamente.

Um tuto mais simples [o que eu fiz]
This only applies if you are running Windows.
It also assumes that you have some knowledge of registry editing, basic networking knowledge, and know your way around there. If you don't, please exit this topic straight away because we will *not* be providing support for people who break their pc's through registry hacks.

Open Registry Editor (start->run->regedit)
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces
There may be multiple adapters in this list. Find the one that is being used to connect to your internet gateway by going through the list and finding the one that either has a static IP or is set to use DHCP.
Right-click in the right pane, and select "New DWORD Value"
Name it "TcpAckFrequency" (without the quotes) and set it to 1. (The default is 2, which means windows will wait for 2 packets always before sending an ACK back, we don't want this)
Close out of the registry editor, and reboot your computer.

That should help decrease some of the lag problems people appear to be experiencing. It helped on my connection and I'm only 200ms away.
If you experience any sort of performance degradation or transfer speed slowdowns as a result of changing this setting, simply go back into regedit and either delete the value or set it to 2.
No cs1.6 e source mostra ping, vou fazer só pra ver se realmente acontece algo.
provavalmente nao!
Só funfa no XP?
pra qm usa roteador pode fazer tb?
bom, agora que descobriram como arruma o Ping... tentar achar como melhora o Loss e o Choke no CS.

nossa nao sabia que Wow ERA TAO doido assim... to pensando em pagar a mensalidade de WoW, e nao comprar mais jogos por um bom tempo....
o brabo eh comecar no lvl 1.
Alguem testou em CS:S ou TF2?
Mas o cara tá usando o vista, ou eu to maluco?

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