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[Multiplataforma] Destiny 2 [ TÓPICO OFICIAL ]

Ele está gratuito, por ser gratuito pode se jogar sem o Gold? Tipo o Apex Legends.
O jogo saiu do Gamepass pq a versão gratuita é praticamente igual?

A versão gratuita e bem limitada, falta muita coisa do jogo em si.
E recentemente eles ainda removeram os desafios de Osíris do pacote gratuito por causa dos xiters do PC.




  • Corrigimos um problema nas listas de jogos da Bandeira de Ferro e do Controle de Impulso no qual a captura de uma zona em certos mapas não concedia energia de super nem resultava na exibição da mensagem "zona capturada".
  • O nodo autônomo da Bandeira de Ferro agora exibe corretamente a configuração de maior tempo de reaparecimento.


  • Reduzimos o nível de Poder recomendado para 1.100.
  • Corrigimos um erro que fazia os jogadores iniciarem os Desafios da Eternidade antes de adquirirem uma arma pesada.
  • Mais objetos físicos entre as rodadas foram corrigidos para impedir falhas durante longas sessões dos Desafios.
  • Corrigimos um problema no qual o nível de recompensas (platina, etc.) era exibido ao final da atividade na dificuldade normal.


  • Corrigimos um erro que impedia o jogador de interagir com tablets na missão exótica Presságio. Tablets e baús/compartimentos associados devem ser acessados na ordem certa enquanto o jogador explora a Glykon.
    • Além disso, anulamos a restrição semanal de aquisição de páginas de livros de narrativas nas conclusões de Presságio. Agora, os jogadores obterão uma página de livro de narrativa a cada conclusão da atividade, sem nenhuma restrição semanal. Isso deve ajudá-los a completar o livro de narrativa a tempo do lançamento de A Bruxa-Rainha.


  • Corrigimos uma área do Covil Submerso onde os jogadores podiam sair do ambiente.
  • Acrescentamos elementos geométricos para impedir que os jogadores tirem vantagem de um combate ao concluí-lo sem experimentar as mecânicas.


  • Corrigimos um problema no qual alguns Campeões no setor perdido Câmara da Luz Estelar não entravam na contagem total necessária para o ganho de recompensas, permitindo que o jogador os ignorasse e ainda obtivesse o nível platina.


  • Corrigimos um problema no qual as bandeiras de mobilização dos eventos públicos não restauravam completamente a energia de super no caso de supers com um tempo de espera maior.


  • Atualizamos as cores padronizadas dos modos de exibição para daltônicos (deuteranopia, protanopia e tritanopia) a fim de facilitar a distinção entre barras de vida de combatentes.
  • Corrigimos um erro que impedia a exibição correta de alguns emblemas.
  • Corrigimos um erro no qual alguns emblemas não exibiam a imagem correta.



  • Corrigimos um erro que permitia a ativação imediata de Manto de Nevasca após o término do efeito de Guarda Glacial dos Titãs.


  • Adicionamos concessões garantidas de armas da Cidade Onírica após a conclusão do evento Poço Cego.
  • Corrigimos um problema no qual o catalisador da Precursora não exibia um texto descritivo quando visualizado no menu de catalisadores exóticos.
  • Corrigimos um erro que fazia a Precursora surgir com 11 projéteis no PvP quando o mod Reservas de Pistola estava ativo.
    • O mod Reservas de Pistola já foi reativado.
  • Corrigimos um problema no qual o ornamento Envergadura Peçonhenta para o Le Monarque tinha uma seta permanentemente encaixada quando o arco estava guardado.
  • Corrigimos um problema com o ornamento BrayTech M6 para a Precursora, que fazia o retículo da arma encolher na visão de mira.


  • Corrigimos um erro que impedia o funcionamento do cano esquerdo do Pardal Vespa Cinza.


  • Corrigimos um erro de categorização de tempo de espera passivo das supers "Flecha Sombria" e "Silêncio e Rajada".
  • Corrigimos um problema no qual Mergulho Estilhaçante custava uma carga de corpo a corpo após a destruição de um cristal de estase com o impacto da aterrissagem.
  • Corrigimos um problema com Ataque Frontal, que se ativava quando o jogador atacava objetos inanimados com um golpe corpo a corpo carregado.


  • Corrigimos um problema no qual contratos semanais do Corcel Estelar só podiam ser concluídos com um único personagem.
  • Corrigimos um erro que podia impedir o jogador de obter com Xur a jornada "Magnum Opus II", mesmo depois de cumprir todos os requisitos.


  • Corrigimos um erro que impedia a exibição dos efeitos visuais do motor de alguns Pardais.
  • Corrigimos um erro que impedia o emblema "O Fluxo, O Metal" de ser retirado das Coleções, caso fosse descartado.
  • Corrigimos um problema no qual era impossível descartar o item que representa a camiseta dos Momentos de Triunfo.
  • Agora, jogadores que já concluíram o contrato de assinaturas de presente da Twitch e não receberam o tonalizador Matiz do Espectador podem resgatá-lo com Amanda Holliday, na Torre.
  • O emblema Dreissigste, obtido pela conclusão de contratos de assinatura de presente da Twitch, agora é exibido nas Coleções de jogadores que o desbloquearam.
  • Corrigimos um erro que causava a redefinição das vantagens das armas lendárias de Banshee-44 nas quartas-feiras após o reinício semanal.
  • O tonalizador Proliferação Perversa agora é exibido corretamente nas Coleções após a aquisição.
  • Corrigimos um problema com o Elenco que podia causar o encerramento de Destiny 2 caso muitos amigos ou companheiros de clã se alternassem entre online e offline num curto intervalo.
    • A correção desse problema pode provocar uma ligeira queda de desempenho para jogadores com muitos amigos ou companheiros de clã. A equipe já está empenhada em solucionar essa questão da queda de desempenho.




Desafios da Eternidade
  • Corrigimos um travamento raro que ocorria durante o confronto com o chefão Crota.

Masmorra – Domínio da Avareza
  • Melhoramos a resposta de Phryzhia (chefe Ogro) ao ficar vulnerável quando o potenciador de ídolo amaldiçoado é ativado.

  • Corrigimos o travamento que ocorria ao derrotar inimigos com uma finalização.
  • Observação: A equipe continua investigando outros travamentos na Artimanha. Por favor, continuem relatando problemas no fórum de ajuda na Bungie.net.

  • Corrigimos um problema em que geometria invisível bloqueava balas ou movimentos em algumas superfícies curvas.


  • Corrigimos um problema que impedia a possibilidade de equipar ornamentos exóticos no arco Destruidor de Desejos.

  • Corrigimos um problema em que os tempos de espera da habilidade de classe de Caçadores aumentavam se o atributo mobilidade do jogador fosse superior a 100.
    • Os jogadores agora podem aumentar a mobilidade para qualquer valor desejado acima de 100 sem prejudicar seus tempos de espera, mesmo que isso não traga benefícios.
    • Sério, pode confiar.
    • Coloque esse atributo no máximo.
    • Eu desafio você.
    • Mostre até onde chega sua mobilidade.

  • Revertemos uma mudança nas cores padrão dos modos daltônicos Deuteranopia, Protanopia e Tritanopia para abordar o que foi apontado pela comunidade.
  • Melhoramos os algoritmos de agrupamento e organização da lista de participantes para melhorar o desempenho geral da lista.

Última edição:



  • Corrigimos um problema que fazia com que a quantidade de Reputação concedida nos Desafios da Eternidade fosse menor do que deveria.



  • Corrigimos um problema que fazia com que o carregador dos canhões de mão estivesse vazio ao iniciar uma atividade.


  • Corrigimos um problema que fazia com que o bônus Ataque Frontal não fosse sempre concedido ao jogador se o corpo a corpo carregado dele eliminasse o alvo.




We believe games have limitless potential, and that to do anything worthwhile in entertainment, we must bet big on our vision, on our studio, and on our incredible team of trusted creators who build unforgettable worlds that truly matter to people.

In SIE, we have found a partner who unconditionally supports us in all we are and who wants to accelerate our vision to create generation-spanning entertainment, all while preserving the creative independence that beats in Bungie’s heart. Like us, SIE believes that game worlds are only the beginning of what our IPs can become. Together, we share a dream of creating and fostering iconic franchises that unite friends around the world, families across generations, and fans across multiple platforms and entertainment mediums.

Today, Bungie begins our journey to become a global multi-media entertainment company.


Since taking flight in 1991, Bungie has always charted the future with our own star map – a path that is driven by our people and for our community. We are continuing that journey with new worlds in development, and we can’t wait to share them with you.

With SIE, the potential for our universes is unlimited. Our future games will take bold steps into unexplored spaces for Bungie, continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, and will always be built on a foundation of creating meaningful, lifelong friendships and memories.

We remain in charge of our destiny. We will continue to independently publish and creatively develop our games. We will continue to drive one, unified Bungie community. Our games will continue to be where our community is, wherever they choose to play.

With SIE's support, the most immediate change you will see is an acceleration in hiring talent across the entire studio to support our ambitious vision. If this speaks to you, and you want to help us put a dent in the universe, we are hiring across all disciplines for Destiny 2 and for all new worlds beyond.


What makes our worlds come to life is our community and our people in the studio. Our people are the soul of Bungie. Empowered by our people, we have pushed the boundaries of what we thought was possible and transformed who we are as a company.

Over the past 30 years, the inviting worlds we've built have turned into thriving communities, and that community is the true magic. These communities have taken Bungie beyond games. They have forged life-long bonds, and humbled us with the real, meaningful good they drive within us and the world.

More than anything, SIE understands that our people and our community are both the priority, and the heart of our success, and are willing to stand alongside us as we continue to use our platform to drive action towards a more welcoming and equitable world. Our goal is to build a place where the world’s most creative and talented people can come and do their best work, no matter who they are, where they are from, or how they identify.

That’s the real dent in the universe we want to make -- the one we want to last beyond us.

Be a part of this future with us. See you Starside.





We believe games have limitless potential, and that to do anything worthwhile in entertainment, we must bet big on our vision, on our studio, and on our incredible team of trusted creators who build unforgettable worlds that truly matter to people.

In SIE, we have found a partner who unconditionally supports us in all we are and who wants to accelerate our vision to create generation-spanning entertainment, all while preserving the creative independence that beats in Bungie’s heart. Like us, SIE believes that game worlds are only the beginning of what our IPs can become. Together, we share a dream of creating and fostering iconic franchises that unite friends around the world, families across generations, and fans across multiple platforms and entertainment mediums.

Today, Bungie begins our journey to become a global multi-media entertainment company.


Since taking flight in 1991, Bungie has always charted the future with our own star map – a path that is driven by our people and for our community. We are continuing that journey with new worlds in development, and we can’t wait to share them with you.

With SIE, the potential for our universes is unlimited. Our future games will take bold steps into unexplored spaces for Bungie, continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, and will always be built on a foundation of creating meaningful, lifelong friendships and memories.

We remain in charge of our destiny. We will continue to independently publish and creatively develop our games. We will continue to drive one, unified Bungie community. Our games will continue to be where our community is, wherever they choose to play.

With SIE's support, the most immediate change you will see is an acceleration in hiring talent across the entire studio to support our ambitious vision. If this speaks to you, and you want to help us put a dent in the universe, we are hiring across all disciplines for Destiny 2 and for all new worlds beyond.


What makes our worlds come to life is our community and our people in the studio. Our people are the soul of Bungie. Empowered by our people, we have pushed the boundaries of what we thought was possible and transformed who we are as a company.

Over the past 30 years, the inviting worlds we've built have turned into thriving communities, and that community is the true magic. These communities have taken Bungie beyond games. They have forged life-long bonds, and humbled us with the real, meaningful good they drive within us and the world.

More than anything, SIE understands that our people and our community are both the priority, and the heart of our success, and are willing to stand alongside us as we continue to use our platform to drive action towards a more welcoming and equitable world. Our goal is to build a place where the world’s most creative and talented people can come and do their best work, no matter who they are, where they are from, or how they identify.

That’s the real dent in the universe we want to make -- the one we want to last beyond us.

Be a part of this future with us. See you Starside.


Show, eu jurava que um dia a MS iria comprar

--- Post duplo é unido automaticamente: ---

Última edição:
Essa arma vai ser completamente nerfada em poucos meses, e vai passar a ser mais uma arma largada no inventario do jogador! :bem:

é amanhã 22-2-2022 :yeah:

edit: faltou um dois alí, mi discurpem
Última edição:
Porém e bem provável que só de pra jogar quarta ou quinta! :bem:
Poxa aí é sacanagem, aí eu vou jogar quinta (se conseguir) e já parar porque sexta tem Elden Ring lindão.
Jogo Destiny desde o primeiro, somando os dois devo ter mais de 3 mil horas (acho inimaginavel pra qualquer jogo que eu tenha, o que mais chegou perto foi R6 Siege com 1500), sempre fico animado com lançamento de nova temporada, mas a qualidade das temporadas caiu ABSURDAMENTE fora a ação ridicula de remover conteudo pago do jogo sem reembolsar o jogador de nenhuma forma. Agora vi que a nova RAID e as duas masmorras não estão inclusas na DLC principal da Bruxa Rainha, sinceramente, espero que a Sony injete dinheiro na Bungie, mas depois de muito tempo essa vai ser a primeira vez que não vou comprar uma DLC no lançamento, vou esperar promoção da versão Deluxe (pra poder ter acesso a Raid e masmorras).

E sim, o lançamento das novas DLCs a muito tempo é TERRIVEL, filas gigantes, disconexão e por ai vai, não digo que só vão conseguir jogar na quinta, mas pra conseguir jogar amanhã vai ter que ficar numa baita fila mesmo entrando só a noite.
Poxa aí é sacanagem, aí eu vou jogar quinta (se conseguir) e já parar porque sexta tem Elden Ring lindão.

Muita coisa mesmo nesses 10 dias.

Destiny 2
Elden Ring

Haja tempo e dinheiro, como o trabalho está sugando pra caramba, so vou conseguir jogar o Destiny na sexta.
Ontem entrei no game e fiz algumas coisas que era possivel sem ter comprado a DLC, 2 missões de campanha, fiz campo de batalha, montei o Gladio etc...

Sobre a campanha
eu gostei de agora ter bau a cada checkpoint, isso ajuda a upar e também aumenta o sentimento de recompensa de estar jogando, mas o "impacto" da campanha em si achei bem fraco, eu esperava algo épico no nivel de Renegados, as coisas começam tmbm MUITO confusas, do nada Marte volta, Eris aparece, Savathun que tinha fugido como uma "fumaça" da Mara Sov aparece poderosa em uma nova gigante
... Muito mal conectada as coisas...

O campo de batalha vai ser igual os anteriores, então é aquilo, no inicio é divertido mas rapidamente vai enjoar pq não é algo dinamico, vai ser sempre a mesma coisa, esse conteudo faz parte da temporada e não está incluso da DLC 😒

Sobre as armas, só criei a Gladio que alias é bem roubadinha, peguei outro fuzil automatico que da pra upar e conseguir uns materiais de forja que eu ainda não sei para que servem exatamente... O mundo trono da Savathun tem um tamanho razoavel, talvez seja do tamanho da Orla Emaranhada, tem um novo evento publico tmbm. Em resumo o conteudo parece bom, mas eu acho que a DLC deveria custar entre 80 a no maximo 99 reais e a deluxe custar 180, essas temporadas não valem mais que 20 reais.


6h - Destiny Dev Team


  • Dares of Eternity
    • Fixed an issue where the activity progress could fail when starting the Lightning Round.
    • Fixed an issue where scoring UI would not appear in regular Dares of Eternity.
  • Lost Sectors
    • Fixed an issue where Legend and Master Lost Sector activities were missing from Bungie.net Game History APIs.


  • Fixed an issue that was blocking players from completing this mission.


  • Temporarily disabled Deepsight tier 3 chest that were being opened far more quickly than intended for Throne World vendor reputation gains.
  • Fixed various holes in the world that were allowing players to get out of the environment.
  • The Wellspring: Attack
    • Fixed several issues that caused the back-middle Wizard during the boss fight to sometimes get trapped inside the pedestal below, blocking activity progression.
  • Public Events
    • Fixed Arc shield on Heroic Ether Harvest boss to properly react to Arc damage.


  • The Lightblade
    • The Hive boat now starts up properly even if players try to skip past it to the first hallway section below.


  • Fixed an issue where joining late into the quest would not grant progress, blocking the player from acquiring the Parasite Exotic Grenade Launcher.


  • Fixed issue where the Resonant Rune was using a placeholder icon.



  • Fixed an issue where Titans could generate large amounts of Orbs of Power by rapidly entering and exiting Sparrows while triggering Ward of Dawn bubble.
  • Fixed the Cataclysm icon size to fit properly in the player HUD.


  • Fixed an issue where the crafted weapon Triumph counts were not being displayed properly for certain weapon types.
  • Fixed an issue where Mementos could drop from activities before players had unlocked Weapon Crafting.
  • Fixed an issue where the Gambit Memento was not dropping for players who have not purchased The Witch Queen.
  • Updated a crafting material name to now read correctly as Drowned Alloy instead of Drowned Element.
  • Fixed Enigma crafting perks to use the correct currencies.


  • Grave Robber has been re-enabled for Glaives, after being temporarily disabled due to an ammo generation bug.
  • Hunter dodge can now cancel out of Glaive melee animations.
  • Fixed a bug where Funnelweb was displaying incorrect magazine values when comparing perks in the inspection screen.
  • Fixed an issue where some foundry weapons only have their source origin trait.
  • Fixed The Ragnhild-D shotgun to display the correct zoom.
  • Fixed an issue where the Häkke Palmyra-B Rocket Launcher has missing/incorrect stats.
  • Fixed an issue where the Fortissimo-11 had a higher magazine capacity than intended.
  • Fixed an issue with the Alacrity perk to prevent it from persisting when the weapon is unequipped.
  • Fixed issue where Grand the Overture catalyst quest description was swapped with the vendor text.
  • Fixed an issue where the Fortissimo-11 Shotgun had an incorrect magazine stat (this would only have been visible with magazine-increasing perks or mods).
  • Adjusted weights on Legendary weapons available on Banshee-44 so that the new world pool weapons have an increased chance of dropping.
  • Fixed an issue where Glaive melee kills did not count towards Glaive kills in a player’s match history.
  • Fixed an issue where the Outlaw perk appeared twice in the first column for the Crisis Inverted Hand Cannon (second instance has been replaced with Under Pressure).


  • Sealed Ahamkara Grasps no longer reload Glaive magazines on dealing projectile damage.
  • High-stat armor rolls have been added as rewards for Player Elected Difficulty campaign missions.
  • Fixed description of Voltaic Mirror Exotic perk.
  • Loreley Splendor Helm will now create a Sunspot when casting a barricade.
    • It will still grant a Sunspot when critically wounded, but now requires and will consume a charged class ability cool down.
  • Fixed an issue where the Overload Rounds mod was not disrupting the health regeneration of Overload Champions when recovering from a stun.
  • Fixed an issue where the reduced damage debuff from the Renewal Grasps Exotic was only briefly applied.
    • Should now affect enemies for duration they remain in Duskfield Grenade's AoE.
    • Updated Renewal Grasp’s description and Icon.
  • Fixed an issue where the Virtuous Cloak looked rigid and not free flowing.


  • Made some new Vanguard Void bounties not available during Void burn weeks.
  • Fixed an issue where Void volatile explosion kills were not counting for objective progress.
  • Reduced the completion values for some War Table repeatable bounties.


  • Fixed issue where the quest Meditate on the Light can remain stuck in the player’s quest log if they received it from the postmaster and meditated before retrieving the quest.
    • Players in this state will now have the stuck quest automatically removed.
    • Meditate on the Light can now be abandoned and will no longer go to the postmaster if the player’s quest inventory is full.
  • Fixed an issue where the Riding the Storm subclass quest for Titans and Stoking the Flame subclass quest for Hunters were no longer available at Ikora.


  • Fixed an issue where the Phoenix Cradle ornament required ownership of Season 8 to purchase.


  • Fixed an issue where the Seasonal Exotic ship did not have a source to drop from.
  • Fixed an issue where relative drop chances were not showing properly for Ascendant Alloys in reward previews.



  • Fixed an issue where black levels could turn grey or invert due to deprecated calibration settings not being reset for some players.
    • We are still working on a similar issue affecting HDR on Xbox One X that should be fixed in our next update.


  • Ghost was confused and upside down during the meeting with Caiatl.
    • Ghost may or may not still be confused, but at least is no longer upside down during the cinematic.
  • Fixed an issue where players were not able to exchange Synthcord for Synthweave at the Loom.
  • Increased the cost of pulling weapons and armor from collections to prevent farming Gunsmith reputation.
    • Rare - 777 Glimmer
    • Legendary - 1000 Glimmer and 10 Legendary Shards
    • Exotic - 2500 Glimmer and 20 Legendary Shards
  • Fixed an issue where the Night's Chill shader was not displaying correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where some names were not appearing correctly in the Partners section of the game credits.
  • Various stability and crash fixes.


  • Spanish Castilian Drifter and Ghost are fully re-recorded to replace sound-alike actors.
  • Fixed an incorrect translation for the Quick Access Sling weapon mod in German.
  • The German description on Sunbracers says melee hits activate the perk instead of melee kills.



The Wellspring: Attack:
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to remain safely outside of the boss fight arena during the fight instead of being pulled into the room.
The Wellspring:
  • Fixed an issue where players were not receiving Wellspring rewards if they haven’t picked up any armor from Fynch in the Throne World.
  • Bad Luck Protection added for weapon drops and Deepsight mods in Wellspring.
    • Does not apply to regular everyday life, sorry.
  • Fixed an issue with Wellspring completion rewards that will make it less likely for players to obtain a powerful or pinnacle drop in the same slot multiple times in a row.
  • Fixed an issue where level advantages were enabled in PvP Gambit.
  • Gambit repeatable bounty tweaks include:
    • Weapon kills reduced from 25 to 15.
    • Grenade and melee kills reduced from 15 to 5.
    • Super kills reduced from 15 to 10.
  • Reduced the amount an invader kill heals the Primeval from 27% to 20%.
Altars of Reflection:
  • Fixed an issue with Altars of Reflection not showing up properly for all characters.
Throne World:
  • Fixed an issue where players would sometimes get stuck at the entrance of the palace in Florescent Canal when backtracking from the bridge.
  • AI spawn points have been adjusted after spawn points were skewed, resulting in enemies spawning in the same spot more rapidly than intended.
  • Fixed an issue with Ikora's Hive Ritual introduction dialogue that played a glitched audio file.
  • Fixed an issue where Deepsight chests would not appear when intended.
  • Fixed an issue where targets would not spawn for players to destroy in the Canal Deepsight puzzle.
  • Players will now be able to respawn properly after being respawned from a "Turn Back" message at the first Savathûn fight during the Ritual mission.
    • Rally flag and spawn points have been adjusted, now located at the top of the stairs.
PsiOps Battlegrounds:
  • PsiOps Battleground EDZ intel and reward chests will now stay spawned at their intended rate, no longer disintegrating at the 10-second mark.
  • The second Lucent portal Wizard will now spawn with all proper shields, fixing an issue where players could soft-lock the activity by taking down the Wizard when it spawns unprotected.
Vox Obscura:
  • Fixed an issue where reward progress wasn't tracking for the Exotic Sparrow in the Vox Obscura mission.
  • Updated the Triumph description for Old Foes Rise Again to indicate that four weekly messages need to be acquired, one message per week following player confusion over how to complete.


  • Fixed an issue with player waypoints where gild-able titles earned in previous Seasons, causing them to appear as a number or not at all.
  • Fixed an issue where various Season 16 and 30th Anniversary items were appearing with incorrect watermarks.
  • Fixed an issue where the in-game carousel and Seasonal tab Icon for the Hunter Seasonal ornament would display the incorrect cloak.
    • Players would still receive the intended cloak when purchased.
  • Fixed an issue where finisher and emote previews were being delayed.
  • Fixed an issue where the player is unable to interact with sockets for two to four seconds while the screen fully loads.
  • The addition of new blue banners in-game to help new players learn the game can now be removed from popping up for those that are already familiar with Destiny 2.


Glaive Mods:
  • Armor mods for Glaives now drop from world engrams and can now be sold by Ada-1.
  • Fixed an issue where Glaive armor mods would not appear in Collections.
  • Fixed an issue where Aeon Safe Titan Exotic arms were not showing its familiar gold stripe.
  • Tracking rockets have been adjusted after being found too dominant against other Guardians when invading in Gambit.
    • This includes Grand Overture’s missiles.
    • Tracking against AI enemies remains unchanged.
  • Fixed an issue where the Ikelos SMG received an unintentional 40% damage buff.
  • Fixed an issue where the Imperial Needle bow was getting an unintended 40% damage buff and could detonate enemies debuffed by Ticuu's Divination.
  • Wardcliff Coil Rocket Launcher's damage has been restored to its original parameters following an unintentional buff to its damage.
  • Fixed an issue regarding Grand Overture’s ability to generate more-than-intended ammo when switching Heavy weapons.
    • Players would gain more ammo than intended when volley was readied and would overflow its magazine when combined with Actium War Rig (for Titans).
  • Increased Grand Overture’s reserve ammunition from 20 to 40, resulting in a max ammo of 60.
  • Fixed an issue where the Iron Banner weapon special effects would shut off if the Iron Banner origin trait was active.
  • Fixed an issue where the Enhanced Golden Tricorn perk would not activate on ranged melee kills.
Weapon Crafting:
  • Fixed an issue where the "Reshaping Enigma" quest objective could be bypassed.
  • Fixed an issue where the Enigma Glaive reshaping costs could be overridden.
  • Reduced end-of-campaign weapon crafting progression for campaign missions on Normal difficulty.
  • Overflow has been removed from Enhanced Pulse Monitor following unintentionally overflowing the weapon's magazine with seemingly no limit.
  • Enhanced One-Two Punch now only requires 10-12 pellets to hit a target to proc the melee buff.
    • Base trait and the Enhanced trait duration have been changed to 1.22s.
  • Fixed an issue where reforges for the Osteao Striga's catalyst would ask for the full catalyst cost.
  • Enhanced Ambitious Assassin changed to add a Reload stat.
  • Fixed an issue where Tier-3 Deepsight chests would only appear once per account.
  • Fixed an issue where the Refined Qualichor quest wouldn't reappear for Fynch at weekly reset.
  • Fixed an issue where the standardized Void Weaken debuff was overriding Divinity’s custom weakening debuff.
  • Fixed an issue where Ward of Dawn was granting an unintentional melee damage boost that stacked with Offensive Bulwark.
  • Reduced melee recharge while invisible and wearing Graviton Forfeit when in PvP activities, including Crucible and Gambit.
  • Fixed an issue where hitting Deadfall’s trap with a throwable grenade or smoke bomb would cause it to disappear.
Seasonal Challenges:
  • Fixed an issue where the Apex Armorer Seasonal Challenge that requires players to Masterwork any piece of armor would complete when a player changed the element of one of their already-Masterworked armor pieces.


  • Fixed an issue affecting Xbox One X HDR that caused black levels to turn white.


  • Fixed an issue where certain quests were replaced with a placeholder icon.
  • Fixed an issue where Google Stadia users who own The Witch Queen were shown the Digital Deluxe Edition upgrade option.
  • Stadia Store does not offer automatic product discounts for expansions like other consoles, players should now see the correct messaging for the Deluxe Edition.
  • Fixed an issue where players would purchase a weapon from Beyond Light from the Exotic Archive and see a pop-up message for the Deluxe Edition of the previous expansion, which is no longer available.
  • Fixed an issue causing Gambit weapon and armor focusing to cost more than expected.
  • Focusing now costs 10,000 Glimmer and 50 Legendary Shards each.
  • Fixed an issue where the weekly limit for Ascendant Alloy purchases was not resetting at Master Rahool.
  • Added a one-time purchase of two Ascendant Alloys for the cost of one.
  • Rahool’s destination materials are now sold for stacks of 5 and 1 Legendary Shard, matching Spider’s previous exchange rates.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed Weapon Telemetries to still drop.
  • Go ahead and delete those from your inventory, no need to hoard what you can’t use any more.
  • Fixed a localization issue where text overlapped in the Seasonal Rank Tool for some languages.
  • Fixed an issue where the Exotic quest name for the Grand Overture catalyst quest would show up blank after the first step was completed.
  • Various crash and stability fixes implemented across all platforms.


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