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[PREVIEW] Halo - Master Chief Collection


Tópico temporário, para organizar informações


MCC Development Update








Master Chief Collection details from SXSW

Inscrição para o Beta Test

Última edição:
Errei no título por pura memória mecânica :haha3:
Se o preço for camarada já compro no lançamento, sempre quis jogar a série.
até estranho ver isso no steam

pensava que algo assim seria exclusivo da Store do 10, but money talks
O bom: vai sair na steam, e os títulos serão vendidos separadamente.

O mal: ter a coletânea vai render uns 120 GB de HD....
Chegou m um ótimo momento, montei um PC para jogar com minha filha, e halo tem um dos melhores coops...
Nao tera sequer legendas br nao ?
Nao tera sequer legendas br nao ?

Todos tem legenda, o 3, 4 e o Reach (que ainda vai entrar na coleção) são dublados.

Vou colocar aqui as mesmas sugestões que coloquei na notícia...

..Pra quem gosta de ficção cientifica e halo sugiro ler antes de jogar:

Halo - Cryptum

Halo - Primordium

Halo - Silentium

de preferência escutando:


The Truth e Reconciliation Suite é sensacional..., Li os livros com essa música na cabeça (a partir de 1:50min).
Novidads, novidades

Caraca lembro q o motivo de ter pego meu xbox360 foi Halo/Gears/Forza, 360 tá aqui atw hoje firme e forte, pegarei esse combo pra desfrutar no PC com certeza.
Dessa turma que vai sair eu tenho Halo Reach, jogo muito bacana mas eu era péssimo no MP por causa do controle que nunca me acostumei! ^^
Problema é venderem os jogos separadamente até que o bundle esteja completo, praticamente devem cobrar preço de lançamento em cima. E pra que botar então na steam a versão Masterchief?
Problema é venderem os jogos separadamente até que o bundle esteja completo, praticamente devem cobrar preço de lançamento em cima. E pra que botar então na steam a versão Masterchief?
Você vai poder comprar logo de cara os MCC, ou pode comprar de um em um.

Atualmente o preço do MCC no Xbox é R$ 129,00. Se for esse o preço pra versão de PC é uma bagatela.

R$ 25,00 cada jogo...
Você vai poder comprar logo de cara os MCC, ou pode comprar de um em um.

Atualmente o preço do MCC no Xbox é R$ 129,00. Se for esse o preço pra versão de PC é uma bagatela.

R$ 25,00 cada jogo...

E esse "bundle" que falam é o que?

"bundled option available after the release of all games, until then player will buy each game individually"


Acabei de ver no REDDIT essa pergunta respondida de melhor forma:

Q: Will the pack be purchasable as a whole or our only option will be to buy the games separately? Also, just to make sure, will Windows 7 and 8 be supported on the Steam version?

A: Both - It's the players choice if they'd like to purchase each of the games within MCC one-by-one as they release or wait and pick them all up at the end.
Currently our focus is on Win10 and Win7. Win8 is still being investigated.
Última edição:
Nem lembrava, mas ainda tenho meu disco do Xbox :wub:

Espero que esse puxe o 5 tbm, é muito bom :gaming:
Halo é o o único sci-fi que rivaliza com Star Wars em qualidade da estória! Show ter ele no pc.
Nunca parei pra prestar atenção nessa franquia. Agora que foi anunciado pra PC, entrou no meu radar.
Todos os Halos serão lançados ainda esse ano

Atraso no beta que seria esse mês


Howdy Insiders!
It's been about two weeks since the last update and as I'm settling back in after some time away for Spring Break, I wanted to share a quick update. I know folks are more eager than ever to see and hear more about both Reach and MCC for PC. And I you're even more excited at the prospects of getting hands-on with the game when flighting kicks off. The team is still hard at work on many facets of this massive project and we're getting closer, but at the same time there have been a few minor bumps along the way.

Previously I've said that "if things go according to plan, flighting should begin this month." As we're now in the back half of April, I'm still optimistic this will be the case but it's also possible those plans may not fully land as we initially hoped. Folks that have been around and follow me know that I'm all about trying to be as up front and honest as possible - both with good news and less favorable news. This means that sometimes we may share information about the current state of affairs and targets and plans that could end up changing slightly or dramatically. As long as folks want an open dialog, I'm happy to keep the information flowing, but we just need to all be mindful that talking about stuff early means there's always risks of changes - but I'm committed to keeping you abreast of the full story and when things change, sharing that info as soon as possible so we're always all on the same page. Cool? Cool.

So, over the past weeks the 343 publishing team and our partners at Splash Damage and Ruffian have been working nonstop to bring Reach to MCC and get things up and running well on PC. We've had a few small private external flights of Reach on Xbox One thus far which continue to help the team validate work and identify any show stoppers or big issues that need to be addressed before we roll anything out to a broader flighting group. Not to tease, but I have Reach MCC running on the Scorpio dev kit at my desk right now - that's where we got the screenshot of the campaign UI that Uny shared in the last community update. On Xbox it's looking and playing great already.

PC is considerably more complicated and requires a lot more work. We have internal builds floating around and have had lots of internal playtests that have been helping to generate bugs and gather valuable feedback. One of the team's main priorities to support PC flighting is getting the mouse/keyboard controls feeling as good as possible and there's been good progress on that front. Some key things are still coming together though - for example, in yesterday's playtest build, the full UI and functionality to remap keys isn't in yet so if you want to change defaults, it requires launching a separate application. That works for now, but isn't a viable experience for any kind of external flighting. I will say that it felt pretty good though and it looked fantastic. The "Pro Team" at 343 - a group of former pro players assembled to help focus on the competitive design/balance/experience for Halo Infinite - has been chipping in and spending a lot of time playing MCC on PC. We're looking to these experts as our first line of defense to help us keep moving in the right direction for the "feel" of the game. Yesterday Postums and I had to play against Mikwen and Heinz in a bloodbath of a Slayer game but it was all good in the name of testing and feedback. (I killed at least one of them once)

The other big factor and dependency for flighting is getting telemetry implemented into the game build to ensure our team can get the critical data and insights they need to validate all the hard work they're doing and the specific goals for a flight. This is complex and all new work that has to be done for each flight. I'm also learning that just the process of carving out a 'safe' build that can be flighted to external people is a learning process. While we've done this with MCC on Xbox all last year, doing this on Steam is a brand new process and is something we're still learning as we go.

To help tide folks over, Postums is working on an April development update blog which we're targeting for release sometime next week. Our partners at Splash Damage have passed along some insights and updates into the work they're doing and we're also poking our colleagues here to maybe throw us a screenshot or two. When we do get closer to the first public flight, we're also going to do a proper stream and showcase Reach and where it currently stands. Since the flights won't be under NDA and participants will stream that content, we want to get out in front of that and play it ourselves to provide proper context and insight for players on what will be a work-in-progress build.

We're still seeing a steady flow of Halo Insider sign-ups and we're incredibly thankful for the outpouring of support across the community. Hang in there - we're eager to share and show more as soon as we can!
Longa atualização do desenvolvimento:

When building games, there are different frameworks people use to communicate the vision for that game to the team and to our community. One way to communicate the vision is through a series of pillars that clearly articulate priorities of the game along with attributes that support each pillar. When we began planning the PC version of MCC, we set out to define our pillars. The three defining principles we are focusing on are three key pillars; PC Native, Legacy, and Engaging & Evolving.


Being PC native means that we deliver a best-in-class PC shooter as measured by PC gamers that require the following specifics.


  • Robust action mapping options
  • Great mouse/keyboard input across the entire game
  • Low input latency by leveraging raw input and latency validation via slow motion cameras
  • Support for a broad set of mouse and gameplay options
PC Native UI

  • Updated UI controls familiar to PC users
  • Robust video and game options that allow users to tailor the experience to their hardware
  • Support for FOV sliders (to the extent each game can realistically support)
  • Text chat
Runs on a variety of hardware and takes advantage of what is there in both UI and gameplay

  • Range of resolution and aspect ratio support for monitors
    • 4K+ resolution, native aspect ratio support from 4:3 up to 21:9 Ultrawide
    • GSync/FreeSync support
    • High refresh rate support
  • Mice both high or low DPI
  • Multiple styles of Keyboards
  • Video cards, both dedicated and integrated
  • XInput supported controllers
  • Loading optimizations
High quality window handling

  • Borderless full screen
  • Flexible window resizing
  • Gracefully handles keyboard shortcuts such as ALT-TAB/ALT-ENTER, etc.
Using a combination of competitive analysis, internal team playtesting, pro team testing, usability testing, and flighting we are iterating on great controls and building a PC native experience.

Our goal is that we can deliver on the gameplay experience that makes Halo unique while meeting the expectations of modern PC shooter players in terms of usability and game feel. For control and options settings, we are experimenting with a variety of mouse and keyboard values.

We have built a custom settings app while we update the options settings menus in the main UI. Here is a peek at our work-in-progress control settings app:


As we make greater progress on the PC native UI, we will build these settings into the game. Here is a sneak peek at the updated settings menu in the UI (work in progress):


There are 2 additional pillars that are closely related and impact the way we think about being PC native – “Legacy” and “Engaging & Evolving.”

Being true to legacy means that we do not change the core gameplay of Halo unless we are fixing bugs or making small, modern quality of life adjustments that can benefit both mouse and keyboard players as well as controller players. One such example is the discussion around how to handle movement and crouch interactions. We have heard feedback from internal playtests that for a modern shooter, there is an expectation of better support when transitioning between standing/moving and crouch. This issue demonstrates the tension between our legacy and PC native pillars and is only one of many issues that is likely to put pillars in conflict with each other. As we discover more and more of these issues, we will make decisions based on a combination of data, community feedback, and prioritized design goals to deliver the best experience across input methods, play styles, and player expectations. Once we begin flighting the game to a larger audience, we will continue listening for thoughts on this issue and see if there are additional reasons to move forward or to discard this idea to see if it fits with our legacy pillar.

We also need to be mindful of the fact that we will have players who prefer a mouse and keyboard for Halo and other players who will prefer controllers. We want both of these player types to be able to play together in the same match and for them to feel as if they are on relatively equal footing. There will naturally be some differences in feel and expectations for different input methods, such as the strength of aim magnetism. Whenever we have tested a Halo PC title with any audience using a mouse and keyboard, the expectation is that aim magnetism is disabled. On controller, the opposite is true, and some degree of aim magnetism is needed for controller players to compete effectively and for Halo to play the way it does on console. We want to minimize differences in gameplay between input methods, which supports our engagement pillar.

For us, the engaging & evolving pillar encompasses several things, and for the purposes of this blog we are referring to the need to build for growth and ways for people to play together across input methods.

Our engagement pillar also encompasses the beginning of our journey to evolve MCC over time. Because we are updating older games, adding an FOV slider will naturally have some limitations to the range that is possible in the short term. In the longer term, we may be able to include a wider range of values. Some of the other PC native additions such as higher frame rate may take additional time as we learn about the side effects of rolling these features out, and they may need more time to cook in the flighting rings before going out to the full retail audience. Making the UI for MCC more flexible for the variety of monitors and aspect ratios on PC will also take some time, and we will prioritize the areas that impact the core user experience core flows before moving into less frequently visited areas. We will make a better game together, and we hope you will come along with us on this journey and share your experiences and feedback.Our engagement pillar also encompasses our all new progression system. Our goal is to deliver a system that captures the spirit of progression in Halo: Reach but delivers it in a more modern way. Think levelling, seasons, and unlocks. More details will be coming in a future blog. Please look forward to it.


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