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Velha Guarda
Mais um FPS de WW2 com EARLY ACESS no Steam vindo ai, agora em 2019.

E diferentemente de outros FPS genéricos por ai, esse tem uma outra premissa. Além de construção de fortificações, a captura de setores dará diferentes tipos de suprimento ao time como por exemplo: manpower, fuel, munition e outros.

Hell Let Loose é um jogo de tiro em primeira pessoa realista durante a 2ª Guerra Mundial com batalhas abertas de 100 jogadores com infantaria, tanques, artilharia e uma linha de frente instável. Em sua essência, é um meta-jogo estratégico de recursos, que é fácil de aprender e difícil de dominar.

Você nunca jogou essa Guerra como ela devia ser jogada... com tanques pesados dominando o campo de batalha, cadeias de abastecimento cruciais suprindo as linhas de frente, ser uma engrenagem na máquina de guerra colossal das forças armadas combinadas. Hell Let Loose te coloca no caos da guerra, com veículos controlados pelo jogador, uma linha de frente que evolui dinamicamente e uma jogabilidade focada no trabalho em equipe que comandam os rumos da batalha.

Apresentando mapas vastos modelados baseados em imagens reais de reconhecimento e dados de satélite, todo o campo de batalha está dividido em grandes setores capturáveis, permitindo uma jogabilidade diferente e única que coloca duas equipes de cinquenta jogadores em uma luta até a morte através de campos, pontes, florestas e cidades em uma linha de frente em constante mudança. Quando um setor é capturado, ele vai gerar um dos três recursos para sua equipe, criando um meta-jogo complexo que influenciará o caminho para a vitória da sua equipe.

Um teatro épico da guerra
Participe em batalhas multijogador 50 x 50 em mapas imensos. Escolha uma das 12 funções jogáveis entre infantaria, reconhecimento e unidades blindadas, cada uma equipada com diferentes armas, veículos e equipamentos. Jogue como um oficial, batedor, metralhador, médico, engenheiro, comandante de tanques, entres outros, para vivenciar cada aspecto do combate na 2ª Guerra Mundial.

Realismo sem precedentes
Colocar você em campos de batalha icônicos em escala real está na essência da experiência de Hell Let Loose. Veículos históricos, armas e uniformes são muito bem detalhados e o combate é tão brutal e sangrento quanto era naquela época. O combate se passa em mapas enormes de escala real de localidades de batalha reais recriadas usando arquivos de fotografias aéreas e imagens de satélites com detalhes impressionantes usando a Unreal Engine 4.

Lute junto, vença junto
Hell Let Loose não é focado em taxas de abates/mortes e desbloqueio de conteúdo, o trabalho em equipe é a essência da jogabilidade. A comunicação é essencial. Os jogadores trabalham em conjunto sob a liderança de oficiais e comandantes para derrubar alvos estratégicos no campo de batalha e dominar a oposição. Hell Let Loose é um jogo que demanda trabalho em equipe e comunicação não apenas para vencer, mas também para sobreviver.

Meta-jogo único
Lute pela vitória ao atravessar as linhas inimigas em campos de batalha grandes que evoluem. O meta-jogo exclusivo em setores requer que as equipes tomem decisões táticas de larga escala, como onde atacar ou defender, constantemente. Gerencie recursos e suprimentos para pedir reforço, reforçar pontos estratégicos ou flanquear inimigos. A estratégia é a chave para o sucesso.



Completed Goals
  • USD $110,000 - Deployable Mortars
  • USD $120,000 - Foy Map
  • USD $130,000 - Flamethrowers
  • USD $140,000 - Hurtgen Forest Map
  • USD $150,000 - Light Tanks
  • USD $160,000 - Utah Beach Map
  • USD $170,000 - Mobile Artillery
  • USD $180,000 - Carentan Map
  • USD $190,000 - Strafing Run Call-in
  • USD $200,000 - Armored Recovery Vehicles
  • USD $210,000 - St Mere Eglise Map
  • USD $220,000 - Deployable Anti-Personnel Minefields
Remaining Goals
  • USD $230,000 - Marvie Map (AUD $299,400)
  • USD $240,000 - Scout Vehicles (AUD $312,400)
  • USD $250,000 - Dismemberment (AUD $325,400)
  • USD $260,000 - Deployable Flak Cannons (AUD $338,400)
  • USD $270,000 - Winter Uniforms for both German and American forces
  • USD $280,000 - Flamethrower tank variant
  • USD $290,000 - Drivable civilian vehicles
  • USD $300,000 - Early war Ostfront German forces
  • USD $400,000 - Russian forces - including 2 Eastern Front Maps
  • USD $500,000 - British forces - including 2 Operation Market Garden Maps
  • USD $600,000 - Canadian forces - including 2 Falaise Pocket Maps
  • USD $700,000 - Japanese forces - including 2 Pacific Theater Maps


Editado por um moderador:

What is Hell Let Loose?
You've never played World War 2 the way it was meant to be played... with lumbering tanks dominating the battlefield, crucial supply chains fueling the frontlines, being a cog in the machine of colossal combined arms warfare. Hell Let Loose puts you in the chaos of war, complete with deep player-controlled vehicles, a dynamically evolving frontline, and crucial platoon-focused gameplay that commands the tide of battle. This is a simulation of war... not an arcade arena shooter.

On paper, Hell Let Loose is a realistic multiplayer World War Two combined arms first person shooter of open battles of up to 100 players with infantry, tanks, artillery and a shifting front line. At it’s core is a unique resource-based strategic meta-game that is easy to learn, but hard to master.

Built on Unreal Engine 4 for Windows and distributed via Steam, read on to discover why our World War Two title stands apart from the competition:


Featuring sweeping 4km² maps, the entire battlefield is divided up into large cap sectors - allowing for emergent and constantly unique gameplay that pits two forces of fifty players in a fight to the death across fields, bridges, forests and towns on an ever-evolving front line. When a sector is captured, it will generate one of three resources for your team, creating a complex meta-game that will influence your team’s march to victory.

Do you push to capture the enemy fuel depot, depriving them of the ability to reinforce their vehicles faster? Or do you defend your munitions depot, allowing you to continue a brutal naval bombardment? Do you flank and take several sectors in an effort to starve them of infantry reinforcements? Each decision at every level will affect your team’s fighting power and ability in the field.


The in-game tactical map for St Marie Du Mont showing sectors, resources and occupation (grid overlay is disabled for this image). Click on the image to see the real location.


Our WIP deploy menu.



I’m tired of big promises that are never fulfilled. Will this game ever see release?
We feel the crowdfunding fatigue as much as you do. As backers of several enormous and ambitious projects that never lived up to the hype, we decided that we would only begin our Kickstarter campaign once we had a playable client from end to end. That means launching the application, connecting to a server and actually playing the game at an Alpha level of quality. We’re thrilled that we can do all those things, and that all funds from this Kickstarter will go towards fleshing out and widening the scope of what we feel is already a deep experience.

Isn’t this the same as every other World War Two FPS?
As a team of realism and World War Two fans, we’ve always found there to be a profound lack of innovation in the first person shooter genre. Each World War Two game is either a run-and-gun blockbuster that places self-progression first and teamwork last, or it’s a remake of a classic title.

We have always felt that the genre could be pushed so much further - incorporating vehicles, open world battlefields, deployable fortifications, teamwork and realism all wrapped up in the beautiful graphics of a modern engine. This is not a World War Two title of last decade.

Fight Alone, Die Alone. Fight Together, Win Together.
We’re removing all the modern gameplay incentives that we feel focus the entire experience back onto the individual. How many kills can you get? What perks did you unlock? Which gun did you unlock? How do you build a team-play based game on a foundation in which all players actively want to succeed alone? This seemed very counterintuitive to us, as successful warfare is waged only as a coordinated force.

When reading veterans accounts of battle throughout history, there is a profound selflessness and camaraderie in fight for the men at your side. To reframe this modern day game design, we’re placing all emphasis on a team victory. But how is victory achieved?

Using teamwork and communication, players work together in Platoons beneath the leadership of Officers and the force Commander. Using historically accurate weapons, logistics, armour and tactics, Hell Let Loose is a game that demands teamwork and communication not only to win, but to survive.


Surprisingly, the majority of infantry in World War Two were not sniper rifle wielding tank hunters. Each man was given a role, many of them in limited quantities with limited equipment and training.

In Hell Let Loose, players will be able to play as one of 13 roles - each resembling an historical counterpart with the same ammunition count, equipment and capabilities.


All roles except Rifleman are limited.


The 1944 Heer Rifleman



A small selection of the arsenal players will have access to in Hell Let Loose.


The Kar 98k - the backbone of the German forces.


The MG42 is the bread and butter of the German Machinegunner.


You'll need to change your barrel out after sustained fire!


Did you just capture an important fuel sector? Radio for a driver to bring up some supply crates. Your Engineer can begin mining the road before establishing a machine gun nest and several layers of sandbags encircling a Pak 40 anti-tank gun. Your Officer can place his Observation Post in a farmyard at the rear to reinforce the position. Suddenly, the sunken lane has been turned into a kill-zone.

The Engineer and Officer roles will have the ability to deploy and build a wide variety of fixed emplacement weapons, classic defences and mine fields that will last until they’re destroyed or disarmed.


Player-deployed & operated 57mm Anti-Tank Gun


Player-deployed & operated Pak 40 Anti-Tank Gun


Player-operated 155mm Howitzer M1


Player-operated Model 18 Heavy Field Howitzers


The first theatre of war is the sleepy Norman town of St Marie Du Mont on D-Day, 1944.

Located in northern France during Operation Overlord, it features a stunning and detailed 1:1 scale battlefield recreated from archival reference material and satellite photography.

Players will organise and muster behind the front lines before carefully pushing forward into the French countryside towards the town. They will need to establish supply lines using logistics vehicles - enabling them to build Garrisons and other spawn locations in the field.

Armor and infantry must work together to smash through the front line and capture territory - pushing the enemy back and earning greater resources to sustain their fighting power.

Engineers will lay minefields and barbed wire to create choke points. Sunken lanes become killing zones, while dense woodlands could mask the presence of a devastating Pak 40 - towed into position by a waiting unit of Wehrmacht infantry. Allied infantry call in strafing runs as hedgerows light up with the fire of a Panther tank and the scream of the Hitler's Buzz Saw - the MG42.


Our maps are a combination of satellite imagery, archival aerial photography and street level recreation.








Deliver supplies to the front in an Opel Blitz supply truck, roll across the fields in a Sherman Firefly, flee a fearsome Panther tank in a Jeep or bombard the enemy position in a Priest. We plan to introduce the full array of vehicles into the game to serve a wide variety of functions.

Our first priority will be the inclusion of Supply and Transport vehicles before we widen the scope to the most prolific vehicles (medium tanks and half tracks) and then introduce interesting variants such as the Sherman Calliope, Puma SdKfz 234 and Tiger II.


The Team
Our team is made up of 20 international artists and developers with our core partnership spanning Russia, the United States and Australia.

Will you censor Nazi imagery?

Only in territories where the law states that we must. It is our goal to make an historically accurate game. As such, we will strive to capture the camo schemes, equipment, uniforms and weapons of each of the Wehrmacht and SS formations. We will be releasing a DLC that contains uncensored imagery for all appropriate territories.


At present, Hell Let Loose will retail for USD $29.95 when released on Steam Early Access.

Dedicated Servers

Peer-to-peer servers, sluggish netcode and poor server region choice are more fatal than any rifle, grenade or tank round. We’re working with communities around the world to host region-based dedicated servers to ensure low ping and a smooth playing environment.


We aim to capture the horror of war with the expected damage of modern combat on the human body - including dismemberment, immolation and bullet hits.


In a realistic game with minimal HUD, it’s important that players are confident the fighting is fair. We are currently deciding on one of several anti-cheat platforms to integrate into the game before Early Access release.

Why Kickstarter?

Until now we’ve worked on the title as a hobby - fuelled only by passion. However, we know that to release Hell Let Loose as a polished final product and within reasonable time we need to ask you, our backers, to help us raise the necessary funds. Our minimum goal (USD $100,000) will allow us to finish the game to full feature-rich quality (as opposed to an Alpha or Beta).

Our Stretch Goals are designed to speed up the development time of planned features that we feel will make a real difference to the player experience. It will also allow us to drastically widen the player experience with some incredible additional features and maps.

We have outlined the approximate breakdown of budget allocation for the base funding goal:

  • 60% Development
  • 15% Administration and Testing Costs (Servers, License Costs, QA)
  • 12.5% Anti-Cheat Support
  • 10% Taxes
  • 2.5% Kickstarter Fee

Thanks to your amazing support, we've funded!

Our stretch goals are designed to increase the speed of implementation of features in our roadmap. We are very excited to offer as much content as possible before our early access launch. Most of our early stretch goals will mean that content already planned will be able to be introduced earlier if we are able to reach the goal.

  • USD $230,000 - Marvie Map
  • USD $240,000 - Scout Vehicles
  • USD $250,000 - Dismemberment
  • USD $260,000 - Deployable Flak Cannons
  • USD $270,000 - Winter Uniforms for both German and American forces
  • USD $280,000 - Flamethrower tank variant
  • USD $290,000 - Drivable civilian vehicles
  • USD $300,000 - Early war Ostfront German forces
  • USD $400,000 - Russian forces - including 2 Eastern Front Maps
  • USD $500,000 - British forces - including 2 Operation Market Garden Maps
  • USD $600,000 - Canadian forces - including 2 Falaise Pocket Maps
  • USD $700,000 - Japanese forces - including 2 Pacific Theater Maps
Última edição:
Olha, me interessei pelo game einh. Vou acompanhar o tópico.
Estou aguardando este game faz muito tempo já, desde quando começou o desenvolvimento, aguardadissimo, o bfv que dará certo
Muito pouco. Tivemos apenas Post Scriptum com o tema sendo FPS esse ano.
Como fã do tema WW2, compra mais que garantida!
Aguardando ansioso.
Lembra muito aquele jogo que saiu recentemente, Post Scriptum
Jogo de nicho. Faz sucesso lá fora e tem uma comunidade minúscula, quase inexistente no Brasil, o que é uma pena.

Pena também não ter veículos aéreos.
Primeiramente, parabéns pelo tópico!

To acompanhando esse jogo desde a época do financiamento e espero que ele consiga engrenar. FPS tático de segunda guerra nunca é demais, ainda mais se tiver morteiros e artilharia!

Edit: Adicionei o livro dos Hastings a minha lista de comprar da Amazon. Espero que seja no estilo dos livros do Antony Beevor.
Última edição:
Jogo de nicho. Faz sucesso lá fora e tem uma comunidade minúscula, quase inexistente no Brasil, o que é uma pena.

Pena também não ter veículos aéreos.
Cara a comunidade é pequena pois ele fico aberto pouco tempo para compra, arrecadou dinheiro muito rápido e fechou, agora vem pra steam.
Cara a comunidade é pequena pois ele fico aberto pouco tempo para compra, arrecadou dinheiro muito rápido e fechou, agora vem pra steam.
Acho que ele se refere ao gênero de FPS "realista" ou, como chamam também, "simulador".
Mas o que tem que ver que ele é diferente do Post scriptum, achei um jogo mais rápido por assim dizer, uma jogabilidade menos travada.

Aí tu pergunta pro @utR , ele que fez o comentário... Eu só li com atenção e "corrigi". :haha:

Posso inclusive dar a minha opinião sobre jogos realistas e etc, mas acho que geraria discussão desnecessária para o tópico, hehehehe.
Mesma pegada de SQUAD e Post Scriptum (que são dos desenvolvedores do squad).. Gosto mto de Squad mas do Post Scriptum não curti mto..

Apesar de não curtir tema de segunda guerra, se o jogo for muito bom, ter uma mecânica excelente jogo com certeza
Developer Briefing #2 - Deployables!
Hey everyone,

Welcome to the second instalment of the Hell Let Loose Developer Briefing series!

If you missed Developer Briefing #1, where we introduced fortifications such as barbed wire, sandbags and tank traps, you can get up to speed here.

At the end of last week’s briefing, we promised you that the next one would would be a blast, so today we’ll be giving you an introduction to anti-tank guns and anti-personnel mines!

Deployables – an introduction

Whether you’re looking to create an impenetrable front line, or bolster a weaker flank, deployables play a key part in achieving these objectives.

Using Hell Let Looses’ dynamic deployable placement mechanic, you’ll be able to tactically deploy a wide range of tools and weaponry almost anywhere on the map as you, or your commanding officer, sees fit.

This week, we’re going to give you a look at two deployables, the anti-tank gun and anti-personnel mines.

Anti-tank guns

In the footage below, we’re showing off the 57mm M1, which was one of the main anti-tank guns used by the allies in World War II.


In Hell Let Loose, the M1 will serve as the primary American anti-tank gun. Man-portable and capable of readily destroying anything short of the heaviest armour, the M1 is an asset to any defensive line.


If you’re looking to field your very own 57mm M1 anti-tank gun, you’ll want to take to the frontline with the Anti-tank role as this is the only class that can place this deployable in battle.

Anti-tank guns are ideally operated by a two-man crew, with one person focusing on shooting and the other on reloading. A one-person crew can operate the gun, but fire rate will be sub-optimal in comparison.


Anti-personnel mines

Hidden and very dangerous, anti-personnel mines are an effective way to control chokepoints, slow down enemy advances and create ambushes.

The M2 AP Mine (see below) is available to the American forces in Hell Let Loose and can be fielded by both the Engineer class and Recon unit. Players on the German side will get access to their own variant, the S-mine.


Easily concealed and extremely lethal, these devices will spell the end for soldiers who don’t pay close attention to their surroundings.


Hold the line!

If your preferred doctrine is “The best defence is offence”, then playing roles such as the Anti-tank gunner and Engineer who have access to these deployables will leave you satisfied!

When paired with a Support role, you’ll have the required supplies to adapt to almost any situation and put your unit’s plan into action.

There are even more deployables that will be available to further your strategic choices, such as the anti-tank mine, which we’ll explore in a future briefing!

That wraps things up for this week. How will you utilise these assets in battle? Let us know in the comments below!

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