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Joguei ele aqui... Realmente uma proposta muito boa mas em pleno ano 2021 um game mal otimizado assim não dá... Mesmo no médio uns drop constante pra 30 fps...

A dinâmica dele parece ser bem realista, estranhei a vagareza do personagem andar... Outra coisa é que o personagem parecia "duro".. Sem interação com o ambiente. (pular muro, pedra, galho, quando pula parece artificial por aí vai...)
Joguei ele aqui... Realmente uma proposta muito boa mas em pleno ano 2021 um game mal otimizado assim não dá... Mesmo no médio uns drop constante pra 30 fps...

A dinâmica dele parece ser bem realista, estranhei a vagareza do personagem andar... Outra coisa é que o personagem parecia "duro".. Sem interação com o ambiente. (pular muro, pedra, galho, quando pula parece artificial por aí vai...)
Toda a jogabilidade desse jogo é simplesmente horrível
Joguei ele aqui... Realmente uma proposta muito boa mas em pleno ano 2021 um game mal otimizado assim não dá... Mesmo no médio uns drop constante pra 30 fps...

A dinâmica dele parece ser bem realista, estranhei a vagareza do personagem andar... Outra coisa é que o personagem parecia "duro".. Sem interação com o ambiente. (pular muro, pedra, galho, quando pula parece artificial por aí vai...)
Realmente a otimização do jogo é porca... Depois desse update deu uma piorada, tive que baixar as settings para o low e mesmo assim tenho drops pra 45 fps.
O jogo é bem mais realista que os demais e jogá-lo sem entender toda a mecânica e interação dos demais players danifica muito a qualidade da partida.
Cada personagem tem sua função muito bem definida dentro do jogo e quando alguém não sabe como jogar com esse personagem o time sofre bastante.
É verdade que precisam melhorar bastante o desenvolvimento do boneco, mas a razão de ser duro tem explicação por ele ter elementos de simulador um soldado carregando um mp40 ou uma stg que pesa 5kg não é fácil de se movimentar.
Toda a jogabilidade desse jogo é simplesmente horrível
Não entenda mal, não é uma crítica a você, mas se comparado com o corre corre BF e COD e jogo tem uma jogabilidade muito diferente.
Se você joga esses jogos e acha que vai pular e dar HS aqui, sinto dizer que não vai acontecer.
O jogo possui elementos de simulador e por isso, um boneco mais duro por que simula o peso de se carregar uma arma com mais de 5kg...
É impossível, para um jogo que tenta ser realista trazer o corre corre do BF e COD, por que simplesmente não acontece daquele jeito... além de você morrer com 1 tiro de m1 garand ou k98, a metrancas gastam menos bala para matar, coisa que é muito diferente do BF e COD.
Se você já jogou ao menos uma partida de airsoft sabe bem do que eu estou falando... Já joguei com armas que eram mais leves da que o jogo tenta reproduzir, cerca de 3kg, e é cansativo, difícil de se movimentar e se posicionar no campo de batalha, imagina uma de mais de 5kg que o jogo tenta reproduzir...
Com certeza vai ser lento e mais demorado pela questão da pegada de simulação que o jogo tenta trazer.
Prefiro a jogabilidade do HELL do que a do BF e COD que simplesmente não fazem nenhum sentido... Nesses dois até dando mortal você consegue um HS, aqui não
GRAÇAS A DEUS jogadores de COD, Free Fire e afins vão sair hj do jogo (alguns vão permanecer, mas vão ser minoria)

Não tive uma partida no free weekend que eu pudesse elogiar.
Mas mesmo assim tentei ajudar e explicar.
Nem perde teu tempo @CoMaNDoS
Resta espesrar algum hotfix para fazer algumas correções

No mais
Última edição:
O game me fez animar em voltar a jogar Sandstorm, que tinha dropado pelos problemas, e que está muito bom agora, apesar de ser diferente, tem a pegada realista tbm. O game está praticamente livre dos problemas que tinha. Hell let loose fica pra uma próxima.
Pra quem ta com baixa performance, tentem colocar -dx12 na linha de comando da Steam.
Aqui subiu uns 30 fps.

Obviamente, só pra quem tem VGA com suporte a DX12 ...
Pra quem ta com baixa performance, tentem colocar -dx12 na linha de comando da Steam.
Aqui subiu uns 30 fps.

Obviamente, só pra quem tem VGA com suporte a DX12 ...
Eu usava desde antes do U9, mas agora parece não adiantar mais, pelo menos no meu caso
Faz um tempo que não que não jogava...nerfaram a Thompson, heim? Agora tem que meter bala mesmo pra deitar um chucrute. Outra coisa que não achei legal é terem tirado a "habilidade" do AT reparar veículo, ficou exclusivo do engenheiro.
Faz um tempo que não que não jogava...nerfaram a Thompson, heim? Agora tem que meter bala mesmo pra deitar um chucrute. Outra coisa que não achei legal é terem tirado a "habilidade" do AT reparar veículo, ficou exclusivo do engenheiro.
Na verdade é o novo sistema de danos
SMG só mata com 1 tiro de curta distancia ou HS nesse caso de qualquer distancia
Quem repara veículos agora são engenheiro e crewman (em um dos loadouts, não sei se todos pois não jogo com essa classe)
mas esse novo att esta dividindo um pouco opiniões (desde desempenho até novas mecânicas)
Developer Briefing #120 - Introducing Heroes!
Hey everyone,

We thought we'd take the opportunity today to share with you a new feature coming to Hell Let Loose that aims to further deepen the meta and highlight the importance of leadership on the frontline...

An Introduction to Heroes
Heroes will be coming to the frontline in Hell Let Loose!


We’ve often thought about how we can deepen the meta around the leadership roles in the game. We know that many are keen for a push for authenticity, and to not dilute the core premise of the experience. As a result of this, we felt that Heroes would be a perfect fit - enabling you to take to the field as one of the iconic and powerful leaders who shaped the course of the war.

Obviously, we feel that it’s a very careful balance to make sure we respect the historical authenticity of the battles themselves, but also integrate this powerful new feature. We’ll talk through their functionality below.

How do they work?

At the 45 minute mark, the Commander is given the choice of a selection of powerful heroes who they can deploy to the battlefield - effectively taking control of them. While many of these leaders never actually deployed to the front line, we felt that dropping them into the action would provide an immersive experience. A humble GI taking up arms beside Tommy-wielding Winston Churchill, or an Engineer laying mines with Friedrich Paulus. Hell Let Loose has always been about mixing different leadership styles and tiers in the chaos of frontline combat.

Heroes perform much like Commanders - each with their own benefits and drawbacks. Will your tank column be led into Foy by Teddy Roosevelt and his iconic dual-wielded Colts, or will Stalin use his “Iron Will” to remove suppression from the Soviet Forces for the next 30 minutes?

We’re looking forward to showing off the unique skill set and weaponry for each hero, and the way in which you’ll be able to use them to shape the battlefield and the course of World War Two itself!

1 de Abril
  • Haha
Reações: utR
Developer Briefing #120 - Introducing Heroes!
Hey everyone,

We thought we'd take the opportunity today to share with you a new feature coming to Hell Let Loose that aims to further deepen the meta and highlight the importance of leadership on the frontline...

An Introduction to Heroes
Heroes will be coming to the frontline in Hell Let Loose!


We’ve often thought about how we can deepen the meta around the leadership roles in the game. We know that many are keen for a push for authenticity, and to not dilute the core premise of the experience. As a result of this, we felt that Heroes would be a perfect fit - enabling you to take to the field as one of the iconic and powerful leaders who shaped the course of the war.

Obviously, we feel that it’s a very careful balance to make sure we respect the historical authenticity of the battles themselves, but also integrate this powerful new feature. We’ll talk through their functionality below.

How do they work?

At the 45 minute mark, the Commander is given the choice of a selection of powerful heroes who they can deploy to the battlefield - effectively taking control of them. While many of these leaders never actually deployed to the front line, we felt that dropping them into the action would provide an immersive experience. A humble GI taking up arms beside Tommy-wielding Winston Churchill, or an Engineer laying mines with Friedrich Paulus. Hell Let Loose has always been about mixing different leadership styles and tiers in the chaos of frontline combat.

Heroes perform much like Commanders - each with their own benefits and drawbacks. Will your tank column be led into Foy by Teddy Roosevelt and his iconic dual-wielded Colts, or will Stalin use his “Iron Will” to remove suppression from the Soviet Forces for the next 30 minutes?

We’re looking forward to showing off the unique skill set and weaponry for each hero, and the way in which you’ll be able to use them to shape the battlefield and the course of World War Two itself!

1 de Abril

Eita... Sera... Esperar pa ver isso pa comentar a respeito...

Eita... Sera... Esperar pa ver isso pa comentar a respeito...
piadinha 1 de abril


Developer Briefing #121 - Free Weekend Thanks & U10 Armor Overhaul!
Hey everyone,

Welcome to Dev Brief #121!

This one is for real and not an April Fools joke, so stand easy!

This week we're looking back at out most recent free weekend and looking forward to U10 with some initial information on our plans for the 'Armour Overhaul'.

To take you through this I'll be handing over to Lead Developer Max!

A Message From Max - Free Weekend & Armor Overhaul
Before we begin we'd like to give a big thank you to everyone who tried Hell Let Loose over the weekend. Thanks to you, we've managed to set our new record, hitting a peak player-count of over 13,000! Seeing so many of you trying out our game for the first time was very gratifying for us as a team.

Of course, we also have to thank our veteran officers, commanders, and grunts for showing the new recruits the ropes. Hell Let Loose wouldn't be what it is without you, and we appreciate your ongoing support.

Last week we saw the release of Update 9, which focused on delivering a number of long-requested features, adding new options for players and additional functionality for admins.

Update 9 Changelog

Update rollouts are not always as smooth as we'd like them to be, but with your feedback and input we were able to identify a number of issues and push out two hotfixes to deal with the most pressing concerns.

Hotfix 1

Hotfix 2

As we continue into the weeks following U9, we’re closely monitoring your responses as we work towards a patch later this month that will look to address any outstanding nuisances. Below is a brief preview on some of the things we plan to include to give you an idea of what to expect. As usual, this isn't an exhaustive list of what we are currently working on and will look to provide a full changelog on the day of release.
  • Removing Outposts not belonging to your Unit from the Spawn List
  • Restoring the green icon for Outposts that belong to your unit on the deploy screen and tactical map
  • Bullet penetration pass on various assets across maps
  • Performance optimizations
  • Fixing a Client and Server crash
  • Duplicate servers showing on the Enlist screen
  • Many more various bug fixes

Moving Forward, U10 Armor Overhaul
As we look towards our next major update, we'd like to take the time to outline some of what we're working on in regards to armor. We acknowledge that Armor gameplay has been an unsatisfactory position, and we'd like to dedicate a significant portion of U10 to taking the Armor experience to the next level.

Here are just a few of the improvements and fixes we have planned:
  • Fixing point of impact shifts depending on tank angle
  • Vehicle and environment collision improvements
  • Vehicle Physx improvements
  • Hitbox adjustments
  • Adjusting Anti-tank effectiveness
  • Vehicle availability adjustments
  • FX - including muzzle and hit
This isn't to say that tanks are the only thing we're working on! Take a look at the roadmap for what else is on the docket for 2021.


That wraps up this week's Dev Brief!
Última edição:
Developer Briefing #122 - The PPSh-41 & Soldiers of the Soviet Union!

Hey everyone,

Welcome to Dev Brief #122!

This week we're going to preview the PPSh-41 and show off some of the faces that will represent the Soviet Union in-game!

The PPSh-41
The PPSh-41 was one of the Soviet Union's primary submachine guns of the Second World War. A simplified design made to be built rapidly with limited machining operations, the PPSh-41 used a heavy gauge steel stamping for most of its construction. It was originally issued with 71 round drum magazines copied from a Finnish design, but these were phased out in favor of more traditional stick type magazines.


Reliability was generally high even with the drum magazines, though these were complex and difficult to load. In addition, issues with manufacturing tolerances meant drum magazines were not readily interchangeable between guns. Drums needed to be properly "fitted" to their assigned submachine guns to feed reliably, though this was resolved somewhat by the introduction of the smaller 35 round stick types.

In combat, the PPSh-41 performed admirably. Soldiers appreciated the high fire rate and reliability in close-quarters combat, though the Soviet Union would eventually supplement the PPSh-41 in production with the even simpler PPS-43. The submachine gun as a class would form a major component of Soviet unit composition. Entire platoons would be equipped with PPSh-41s to spearhead an offensive action.


In Hell Let Loose, the PPSh-41 comes in two variants - one with a 35 round stick magazine and the other with the iconic 71 round drum magazine. While the stick magazine benefits from a faster reload and faster transition to ADS, it suffers from slightly increased recoil over time due to its lighter stick magazine. The drum magazine variant benefits from the increased magazine size and slightly lower sustained recoil due to its weight, but has a slower ADS transition and reload time.

Soldiers of the Soviet Union

In designing the faces of our Soviet faction, we endeavoured to take into account the historically broad array of different people groups that were brought together to fight a common enemy. Because of the need to muster every able man for the war effort, soldiers were conscripted from all over the USSR, from the Baltic sea to the Baikal.




Regardless of their origins, each and every Soviet soldier was equal in the face of combat.

That wraps up this week's Dev Brief!

What other weapons would you like to see in-game? Who's your favourite Soviet soldier so far? Let us know in the comments!

We'll see you on the frontline!
Developer Briefing #123 - Introducing Kursk!

Hey everyone,

Welcome to Dev Brief #123!

This week we are showing off one of the two new Eastern Front maps added with Update 10, Kursk!

An Overview of Kursk

The Battle of Kursk was one of the largest battles of World War 2. Some of the most intense armoured combat occurred at Kursk, with Germany fielding its newly introduced Panther tanks in an attempt to encircle and destroy the Soviet salient. Fighting was fierce, with heavy casualties on both sides.
Fighting on the Steppe



The terrain encountered by the advancing German forces were the familiar rolling hills and grasslands of the East European steppe. They were resisted by layers of soviet defences heavily fortified with all types of anti-tank emplacements and manned by prepared and well-equipped Soviet units. The relatively flat terrain aided in the fielding of armour and air power, and both played a major role in the engagement.

The Battle of Kursk saw the first combat action for the new German Panther tanks, and in fact the offensive itself was delayed to ensure that the Panther would be available for the battle. Nevertheless, the rushed implementation resulted in a worrying number of mechanical breakdowns. Discounting reliability issues, the type performed well in its intended role against enemy armour.

Soviet forces would primarily field sizable numbers of T-34 medium tanks, an effective and well-rounded design which was capable of engaging all but the heaviest of German armour at its introduction. The gun would show its age in the intense combat, however, having difficulties defeating many of the up-armoured German tanks at the longer engagement distances seen at Kursk. The T-34 would eventually be upgraded with a larger 85mm gun in subsequent variants, though the initial 76 millimetre version would serve through to the end of the war.

A summer offensive intended to retake the initiative for the Germans on the Eastern Front, stiff resistance and a rapid Soviet counterattack slowed German momentum to a halt. Ultimately, developments elsewhere would force the withdrawal of German units from the area. After Kursk, the Soviets would dictate the pace of the fighting.

In Hell Let Loose, Kursk is an open map of dominating ridge lines and trench networks that house the “defence in depth” positions that the Soviet forces made famous in their attempts to halt the German armoured advance. You’ll fight from the concealment of the forest out into the small Russian hamlets that scatter the treeline before pushing into the majority of the map - the famous yellow fields of the steppe.







While the open map places heavy emphasis on armoured tactics and success, infantry will be able to manoeuvre via the trench networks that link ridges, hamlets and old windmills that dominate the centre of the map.

U9 Patch PTE
We have a pending U9 patch, and will likely be having a play test tomorrow. This will essentially be a smoke test for fixes we have implemented. We will be grateful for those who have the playtest downloaded if they can jump in and help us test for a couple of hours to check the stability of the patch. If you wish to join in and have not downloaded the PTE, search and install the Hell Let Loose (public testing) app in your steam library. We will let you know when the PTE servers are live via Discord.

We will follow up with the patch notes, which include a bunch of bug and crash fixes.

That wraps up this week's Dev Brief!

We'll see you on the front line!



Data: 17 de abril, sábado
Horário: Reunião 20:40, instrução 21:00, início 21:10
Local: Discord da Comunidade Brasileira (https://discord.com/invite/hF3zAWQ) e servidor do evento será o FEB
Público: Aberto para a comunidade
Meta de jogadores: 64
Organizador: Fives - OTAS
Link para Inscrição:

5 de junho de 1944, 03:00 am
Os céu dos arredores de St.Marie du mont ficaram cobertos por centenas de paraquedistas da 82nd Airborne que saltaram para cumprir sua missão. capturar a cidade chave que faz o ligamento das principais rotas de acesso a praia de Utah.
Com a cidade de St.Marie Du Mont capturada antes do amanhecer pelos paraquedistas, as tropas da 4th divisão de infantaria e a 70º Batalhão de blindados após o desembarque nas praias devem ocupa-la sem resistência e defende-la do contra ataque alemão.
Developer Briefing #124 - HLL Video Content Competition

Hell Let Loose Video Content Competition

Hi everyone,

We want to let you know that the U9 patch is just around the corner, and will have several significant bug & server crash fixes coming. We will provide a full changelog and update the community early next week on the planned patch release date. We are currently very hard at work on U10 and eastern front content, as well as lots of QOL improvements that we feel will move the game forward in a big way. We will follow up in the coming weeks on more U10 goodness, but for now something a little different:

We are happy to announce the first HLL video content competition, and are extremely excited to see what the community will create and share with us. We’ve seen huge amounts of incredible content created since our launch into Early Access, and we want to officially showcase some of the best!

We’ve outlined the two video-specific categories this time around - but don’t worry, we'll have future competitions with different categories - especially if screenshots, photoshop and fan art is more your thing. Lastly, please keep bad language to a minimum, we are keen to share this content and large amounts of bad language will make that harder!

Here are the following categories for this competition:


FILMING PRIVATE RYAN - Community/Clan Cinematic

Create a Hell Let Loose cinematic incorporating your community & multiple community/clan members. Be as creative as you want.

- One submission per community/clan
- Duration: 1 to 10 minutes (please don't exceed 10 minutes!)
- If using voice lines, english speaking is preferred (so we as judges can understand) but all
languages are welcome.


Representation of your Community/Clan in the game. This could be a street sign, poster or other asset in game, that subtly references your clan/community in a new or existing map. Your community will also get 12 HLL STEAM game keys.

Runner Up Prize:
6 Hell Let Loose STEAM game keys.

WE WANT YOU! - First person perspective Individual Highlight / Proudest moments reel

A video showing your proudest moments. It must be all original content, recorded by you.

- One submission per person
- Duration: 20 seconds to 2 minutes

WE WANT YOU! Winners Prize:

An in game portrait painting done by our very own DannyArt. And 5 HLL STEAM game keys.

Runner Up Prize:
3 HLL game keys.


Please upload your video to youtube and complete the form below including your full name, email address and Discord name & ID.

Submission Form - http://bit.ly/HLLcontentComp

We will be doing further content competitions in the coming months. If you have any issues or questions about your submission, feel free to DM Spono in the official HLL Discord.

All submissions must be uploaded to Youtube, and submissions must be made using this form by 2pm GMT, May 17th.

*Please note:

We may ask for your original file if you are a winner or runner-up so we can ensure good quality when we share it across our channels, so please don't delete them! Prize/Reward will be discussed with the submitter and contacted by email, original content only will be considered and proof will be required. All submissions may be considered for highlighting on our social channels.

Dev Brief 123 - Introducing Kursk! http://bit.ly/DevBrief123

That’s all from us this week.

See you on the frontline!
Hey @everyone

Just a quick Telegram to let you all know that all going well, Patch 15 will be dropping tomorrow morning BST.

This patch focuses on:

Crash fixes
Bug fixes
Quality of life tweaks
Terrain collision fixes

Full notes will be posted when Patch 15 is live.

As always, thank you everyone for your bug reports and feedback, it really is invaluable when it comes to working on fixes.


Patch 15

Hey everyone,

We're pleased to announce that Patch 15 is live now and deployed to all servers!

This patch came together thanks to all of your feedback and bug reports following the launch of Update 9, so thank you!

The main focus of Patch 15 is on the following areas -
  • Quality of life
  • Bug fixes
  • Crash fixes
  • Terrain collision

The full notes are below for your reading pleasure!

Please note: If you have any missing servers after you've downloaded today's patch, please verify the integrity of your Hell Let Loose game files!

Patch 15 Changelog

Quality of Life
  • Outposts belonging to your Unit and Garrisons now appear green on the deploy menu and tactical map.
  • Anti-Aliasing Method no longer ignores the user’s settings and defaults to Standard AA when launching the title.
  • Building and Tree LoD improvements across various maps.
  • Updated a large number of assets and materials to correctly work with bullet penetration.
  • Updated textures for the Garand and Carbine.
  • Updated Game Credits.
  • Restored the ability to continue an input while opening the scoreboard or map.
  • Padre's M1 is no longer locked behind Rifleman lvl 3.
  • The M40 Side Cap now unlocks for Assault, Automatic Rifleman and Medic correctly.
  • A large number of community reported map bugs have been fixed.

Bug Fixes

[Fixed] On the Enlist screen, clicking a server scrolls the server list
[Fixed] Players can join a team which should be locked by the Auto-Balance threshold
[Fixed] The 'Favourites' list in the Enlist screen updates causing servers to appear as duplicates of other servers
[Fixed] The map will close and chat will be dismissed after having the Map opened and tapping the Map Keybind (M) in chat
[Fixed] Commander can establish an airhead in the water outside of playable zone in Utah
[Fixed] Weapons sometimes showing pixelated edges
[Fixed] Hedgerows have no collision with rockets and tank shells
[Fixed] Collision issues on several assets
[Fixed] Blood VFX color appears black and has rendering issues
[Fixed] On Offensive maps, all barbed wires that are located in the Attackers HQs turn back area are observed to be missing VFX, SFX and do not affect the player in any way.
[Fixed] On Offensive maps, water does not slow or prevent prone when the player is in the Attackers HQ turn back area.
[Fixed] Empty enlist screen after putting in an incorrect password under certain conditions
[Fixed] The "No bandages" message is displayed for a split second when switching between their equipment when the player is damaged
[Fixed] Holding the breath before aiming will cause the player to be unable to shoot
[Fixed] Reviving a player that is on a terrain seam may cause them to fall through the map
[Fixed] In some cases the deploy screen remains up after deploying
[Fixed] Updated minor incorrect main menu text
[Fixed] Being killed during a melee animation locks the camera on the attacker
[Fixed] After confirming the "wrong password" message when joining a server, the password prompt's buttons lose functionality
[Fixed] US "Sherman Jumbo 75MM" and "Sherman Jumbo 76MM" treads have no bullet collision nad are not affected by the blowtorch
[Fixed] A server launched with an "Offensive" map variant will display as the "Warfare" game mode on the Enlist menu until someone joins
[Fixed] Replaced the “Cancel” button with “Back” on the change role screen
[Fixed] The "Spawn Location" list will display 3 HQs even if only 1 HQ is currently available

[Fixed] 3 types of client crashes
[Fixed] 2 types of server crashes

[Fixed] The "Set Vote Kick Enabled" and "Set Vote Kick Threshold" setting is reset after a Map change.
[Fixed] Transitioning from any map resets the Team Switch Cooldown to 0 if changed during the round.

[Fixed] Shooting through a specific window caused stone PFX and SFX

Hill 400
[Fixed] Barbed wire placed under the ground
[Fixed] A barbed wire asset has no functionality

[Fixed] Barbed wire placed under the ground
[Fixed] Rock with no collision
[Fixed] A preplaced Belgian Gate can be destroyed with firearms

Purple Heart Lane
[Fixed] Multiple tree models produce concrete PFX when shot
[Fixed] Water has no functionality in a part of the map

[Fixed] Certain small bushes have Player collision
[Fixed] Players can travel through the water outside of the playable zone
[Fixed] On German Bottom HQ there are two repair stations
[Fixed] Text can be seen on the landscape
[Fixed] Players can drop an airhead outside of the playable area
[Fixed] Players can fall from a specific boat when deploying on the Top HQ on the US team
[Fixed] Players are pushed through the spawn boat if they remain on it when it leaves the map boundary
[Fixed] The spotlights found throughout the map have no collision

Sainte Mere Eglise
[Fixed] A house has no player or bullet collision

That wraps up today's patch notes!

Once again thank you all for your patience, feedback and bug reports - they really go a long way.

We'll be back again later this week with Developer Briefing #125!

See you on the frontline!
Já configurei os gráficos de tudo que é jeito e o fps nao sobe. O uso da GPU fica em 70% no máximo. Alguém tem alguma dica pra melhorar?

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