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Play Station 3.....eh...!!!


Nyaahh... =^ ^"
Ae galera..eu postei isso no geral...soh q achei + apropriado aki...!!

Ae galera eu recebi um mail do game spy...e nele tava falando q a sony vai lança o PS3....!!!
Kra....Q DU MAU ISSO....!!

vai c muito fudido esse console....vai fude qualqueh um...!!

E quem quize....eu posto aki oque ta flando lah no site....soh q ta em ingleis...!!!

Teh +
PlayStation 3: Supercomputer-On-A-Chip
Sony's next iteration of the venerable PlayStation may be "Cell-bound."
By Chuck Miller | Jan. 11, 2003

Having concluded a record-breaking sales season during November and December 2002 on its PlayStation 2 video game system (selling over four million PS2 hardware units and more than 400,000 PlayStation 2 Network Adaptors), Sony is in the news again with regard to the next iteration of its PlayStation console, the PlayStation 3.

Destined by all indicators for a 2005 release, stories surround the PS3 pointing toward the incorporation of a complex microprocessor, a supercomputer-on-a-chip bearing the moniker "Cell." Being championed by the hardware triumvirate of IBM, Sony, and Toshiba, these companies have pledged $400 million to the project.

Cell, scheduled to hit the market in late 2004 or early 2005, differs notably from current processors. This finely crafted chunk of silicon will contain multiple chips within a single unit, and will be able to perform in excess of one trillion mathematical calculations a second. Put into perspective, that makes it approximately 100 times more powerful than a 2.5 GHz Pentium 4 CPU
Parte 2:
At present, the processor's design is still being held tightly under wraps, but sources indicate that in addition to its ability to deliver one trillion calculations per second or more of floating-point calculations, Cell will likely employ somewhere between four and 16 processor cores, or cells, per chip (hence the technology's label). Accordingly, while a game console might utilize a chip with 16 cores (some cores performing computational functions, others controlling audio and graphics), a less complicated "appliance" like a set-top box would require fewer. At least, that's a précis offered by Peter Glaskowsky, editor in chief of the influential industry newsletter "Microprocessor Report."

Cell computing will also facilitate a distributed style of networking that performs computing tasks in much the same way a cell phone network routes calls. Thus, for example, the PlayStation 3 will be able to use its broadband Internet connection to draw additional computing power from idle processors across the Internet. If still more horsepower is required, the PlayStation 3 can even tap into a home network to enlist support from other available machines. Put simply, Cell allows pieces of a computing task to be distributed among all available processors to harness their combined power.

This all dovetails with comments made by Shin'ichi Okamoto, chief technical officer for Sony Computer Entertainment, during a speech made at the 2002 Game Developers Conference. He spoke then of a technology he referred to as parallel computing, where multiple processors dramatically increase performance by splitting tasks. Okamoto also showed a diagram of an early project referred to by Sony as "GScube" comprised on 16 PS2s paired with a video merger and integrated into a single box. And, he went on to hint at a project that Sony was working on with IBM and Toshiba regarding a "cell processor," a technology that Okamoto confirmed would be at the core of the third-generation PlayStation.

RDRAM This supercomputer-on-a-chip, however, is in need of external technology that will enable the high-speed interfacing between chips that it requires to perform its magic. That's where Rambus comes in. Best known for the RDRAM employed in PCs and game consoles (Nintendo and Sony), Rambus specializes in chip interfaces, electronic ports that facilitate the communication between chips. This past year, it licensed its memory technology to Sony and Toshiba, companies which plan to use it in "unspecified" new products due to reach market in approximately three years. Understandably, shares of both companies jumped based on speculation that Rambus' technology will be employed in combination with Cell in Sony's PlayStation 3.

Sendo q esse RDRAM eh um chip....!!
Era pra te a voto dele...soh q ñ sei como coloca....!!
Ae.....quem quize mais info....em ingleis...eh soh ihAKI

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