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    Administração do Fórum Adrenaline

RMA Antec


know-it-all Member
Conforme postei em outro topico, meu Antec Kuhler 1250 h2o deu problema em um dos coolers.
enviei email para a Antec e a mesma se disponibilizou para a troca!

Agora se alguem puder me ajudar relação a embalagem, envio fico muito grato!
Irei atualizando o topico conforme o andamento da Antec!

Segue abaixo email que me enviaram!

***We do not provide shipping labels or shipping packaging for returning items.***
***You are responsible for the initial freight charges when sending item(s) back to our service center.***

Please make sure your shipping address is correct and updated. If you wish to change your address or noticed
any errors based on your ticket id#, you must inform our RMA dept by email ANTEC TECH SUPPORT reply to your ticket in a timely manner.
In the event you do not let us know of incorrect address, there will be a $15 surcharge to change the address if the replacement item is already in transit.
You may also call our tech support line and have the address change. (1-800-222-6832 Tech Support)

We recommend that you use any freight carrier that can provide tracking or delivery confirmation.
Insurance of the item is solely at your discretion. Most freight companies will provide automatic
insurance of the item for free up to a certain amount, please check with your carrier about that.
Any coverage above the default amount will require a fee. Any expedited shipping on your end does not
ensure faster turn-around time on Antec’s RMA dept end. It only means that your RMA item will get to our service
center faster. We will process each RMA in the order it was received. Antec is not responsible for lost item during transit
or damage of the item. So, please make sure to package your item securely to avoid damages during

For status, please respond on this ticket
Please be sure to include your RMA number in the e-mail. We will normally process your RMA within 24 to 72 hrs
of receiving your item(s). A status update will be provided when the item replacement is shipped and usually noted in your ticket and
updated the next business day with tracking#.

Warranty Disclaimer: All Antec product(s) warranty is provided to original owner only. Warranty does not cover physical damages, removal of warranty seal or any
modification to the Power Supply and/or case. Such as custom painting, cable sleeving and any other alteration or modification. If this is disregarded
and item is received by our RMA dept you may be rejected of warranty rights or privileges and your item(s)will be return at your expense.
Você pode usar qualquer caixa para embalar, eu recomendo por bastante tiras cortadas de jornal para que o conteudo interno não balance. Geralmente em RMa's se cola um papel com RMA XXXX escrito do lado ou próximo ao destinatario.
Eu sugiro vc enrolar o pacote com papel pardo, pode comprar em qualquer loja de material escolar.

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