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Tokyo Game Show -= Tópico Oficial =-

o que mais me chamou atenção foi a tosqueira dos gráficos do videogame da nintendo

farcry fica mais bonito numa fx5200 do que no wii

ainda bem (para a nintendo, não pra mim) que a frase "o que vale no wii é a diversão" já virou patente...
Panfleto da SNK confirma lançamento de Metal Slug no Xbox Live Arcade X360
De acordo com um panfleto distribuído na TGS pela SNK, o clássico Metal Slug estará disponível em breve no Xbox Live Arcade. Ao que tudo indica, trata-se do primeiro game da série, intitulado no panfleto como "O Original".
Nenhuma data no entanto foi confirmada, nos restando esperar por mais detalhes em breve

Imagens do recém-anunciado White Knight Story, RPG para PS3

Revelado recentemente nas páginas da revista Famitsu, White Knight Story, o mais novo projeto da Level 5 para o PlayStation 3, é um dos destaques da feira. O game conta com direção de Akihiro Hino, o mesmo de Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King, e apenas por esse detalhe já podemos esperar por algo, no mínimo, fenomenal.
Abaixo fotos do ArtWork


Days of the Blade em imagens cheias de ação e caranguejos PS3
A produtora Game Republic mostrou mais algumas imagens de seu título para o Playstation 3, Genji: Days of the Blade, nesta TGS. O título seguirá o exemplo do jogo original oferecendo pancadaria desenfreada em um Japão Feudal que mistura passagens históricas e verídicas com elementos de ficção. Durante a jornada, o protagonista será ajudado por três outros personagens.



Blade Storm são ilustradas em três screenshots PS3



essa politica online da Sony ta desanimando heim

agora da para entender pq jogar online será gratuito, afinal o resto vc precisa comprar uhauhauhauhauhauahauh
Devil May Cry 4 (PS3)
Belas imagens, apesar de quem jogou achou um remake do DM3





Gran Turismo HD Lindo e Ordinário




Tenchu Senran (Xbox 360)



nussa..as imagens dos jogo do PS3 tão d+
Genji 2 parece ser um jogão...

e FFXIII,...minha nossa, to afim de pegar o PS3 so por causa desse game..

Empolgante esse shadowrun, alem de ser ambientado aqui no brasil, empolgou muito na feira, falam que os controles são perfeitos. Quem tiver Xbox vai poder jogar com os usuários de PC. Abaixo tem vários elogios ao controle do 360.

Already, the controls feel near perfectly tuned -- smooth, responsive, and intuitive. Keyboard and mouse setups can be configured however you please, but (despite protestations by the designers) the 360 controller definitely feels like the weapon of choice. That's because in addition to a primary fire button, you need quick access to three quick slots that are available for techs and/or magic spells. These handily map to the left trigger and two shoulder buttons. Early on you figure out that survival requires quick combos of these tools. For instance, one of the first tricks learned is using the glider tech to get off the ground and then teleporting to quickly blip around the map. Take this technique inside and a quick bump of the glider to get moving upwards, followed by a teleport takes you right through a ceiling to the next floor
. Or imagine another scenario where you leap off the top of a building, teleport through the roof of a shed below, and then turn to smoke before smacking the ground to run out the door unscathed. Miss a beat in that progression fumbling with controls, though, and you're toast.

While some old-schoolers will stick to their mice, built-in support for the 360 controller in Vista makes it a pretty attractive option. Figure in the Live Anywhere support and it starts to become clear the role Microsoft hopes Shadowrun can play in making PC gaming as user-friendly as consoles. That also clears up why the release date for the game is "when Vista ships." After playing it, online shooter fans have a new reason to be anxiously waiting for that day to come around. The odd part for a game with such a loyal following is that the same cannot necessarily be said for the core Shadowrun fan base. But those who like action games, and are willing to give it a chance, should keep an eye on it. There's a good chance the final refined form will capture in combat at least some of what gives the RPG its unique appeal.

There are a bunch of different strategies we didn't try out, like letting the minigun whir up to firing speed, then teleporting through a wall and immediately unloading on an enemy face. Players can also summon minions to fight for them, as well as gust enemies around maps (kind of like a Star Wars force push). We can't detail them all here, as we've already blabbered on for probably too long. We can't end the article without mentioning how the game plays on Xbox 360 and PC. We played on both, using an X360 controller and mouse and keyboard setups, and both worked well. Of course most players know a keyboard and mouse work, so the fact that the X360 controller felt so intuitive is definitely a good sign. John Howard, Lead Game Designer for Shadowrun and design lead on Halo for Xbox, is implementing basically the same control assists for thumbstick aiming that were present in Master Chief's outings.

We played a couple of matches, and Shadowrun is certainly a compelling experience, thanks to the wild action and the team nature of the game. We were constantly yelling out to one another during the gameplay session, an experience that will be akin to that of playing online on Xbox Live, as teammates will be able to talk to one another constantly through headsets. And you may be talking to more than Xbox 360 players, as well. Shadowrun will be one of the first games to incorporate Live Anywhere, Microsoft's new initiative that makes it possible for PC and Xbox 360 players to play against one another in multiplayer. We were able to experience it ourselves, as we played with some players on a PC and others on the Xbox 360, and it was virtually impossible to tell who was using a PC and who was using an Xbox 360. Some of the designers told us that PC players have a slight advantage when using a sniper rifle, thanks to the quickness and accuracy of a mouse compared to a gamepad thumbstick, but for the most part, the game has been balanced from the beginning to make for a roughly level playing field between the two platforms. Put it all together, and Shadowrun's impressive gameplay is certainly something that both Xbox 360 and PC fans can look forward to. The game is scheduled to ship early next year.

While the hardcore Shadowrun fans out there will probably continue to take issue with the changes that FASA's made to the franchise, it's tough to deny the fact that the game is a lot of fun. The magic powers and technology bring a number of cool new gameplay elements to the FPS genre, and it'll be interesting to see how gamers combine them to get the upper hand on their foes. Best of all, Xbox 360 and PC owners will finally have a chance to test their skills against each other. We were told that the game's testing team is made up of elite Counter-Strike and Halo players, and the fact that it's nearly impossible to tell which players are on which platform is a good sign that it'll be a level playing field.

This article is already quite lengthy and quite honestly, I could go on and on for a few more pages about what Shadowrun has to offer, but in the sake of saving a few cyber-pages I’ll attempt to wrap things up. Besides, we need to save some things for the review right? FASA Studio has set out to change the face of the FPS genre by taking a property that nobody ever would have expected to see ending up as the debut shooter of Xbox Live Anywhere and making it a success. Based upon the time we spent playing the game and speaking with its creators, Shadowrun has done more than impress us since the time we last saw it only a few short months ago. With plenty of time to continue building upon what they already have, FASA is gearing up to deliver what should prove to change the way we not only think of first-person shooters, but the ways in which we play them as well. I’ll admit that my first impression of Shadowrun after seeing it at E3 was of an even more twitchy FPS like Unreal with the gameplay mechanics of Counter-Strike, but having spent a day playing it I can easily see that there is much more rhyme to the reason and that the game goes far beyond any random chaos I may have anticipated. Shadowrun will bridge the gap between PC and console players as well as provide Microsoft with a strong advantage over the competition, so you can bet that there is a lot riding on this one. With Shadowrun, you can forget everything you already know about the FPS genre, because it’s time to back to school and further your gaming education.
All in all I am pretty excited to see how Shadowrun turns out. The core gameplay is something unique and a totally different take on your standard team based first person shooter. If there’s one downside to the game it may be the difficulty understand just how much depth the game can offer. This may turn off players to the game initially. The game will feature an in depth single player tutorial with training a mini-missions to help better understand the game, and hopefully this will alleviate the learning curve. Overall Shadowrun is a fast, frantic and fun team based game set in the Shadowrun universe.
Firing Squad
While the game is still a ways away from release (sometime in 2007) the team at Shadowrun sold us on their vision on a new and different look at the multiplayer shooter during our brief visit this week. Indeed the team refers to it sometimes as a fast paced RPG. Our gameplay sessions were a lot of fun as we learned more and more on how to combine the game’s unique mix of weapons, tech and magic (sometime to the detriment of our character’s lives) and if the team can keep the balance of all of these features just right we think they could have a lot of converts from players from other games. We hope to get more info about Shadowrun and perhaps some more playtime in a more complete version of the game before it’s release sometime next year.
It's a simple setup. Games are multi-rounded capture the flag battles where you get to upgrade your character each round. You start by choosing your race (human, elf, troll, or dwarf) and spend money to buy tech, spells or weapons. Every race can buy anything - there are no restrictions. However, the more tech you buy, the less overall magic you will have (it's an essence system like the RPG) and obviously some races are better suited for some abilities. For instance, you can give a troll magical abilities, but he won't have the recharge rate of an elf. You can give an elf a rocket launcher, but he will fire it with much lower accuracy than a troll. And each race has inherent abilities.

I don't want to run through every specific detail of the game, but I'll mention a few features I really enjoyed that prevent the game from being just another FPS.
Now, if I could pick a song that would summarize my experience it would be – Rod Stewarts “oh la la”. You know that song that goes, “I wish that, I knew what I know now. When I was younger”. Yea that one. When I entered the room of developers battling each other, I had to step back and take a look at what I was seeing because this wasn’t the game I saw. This wasn’t the ass-sucking trailer that was at E3. The FASA boys don’t suck at games either and I mean it. They are Counter-Strike league and Halo players that play on a Pro-level. They know what competitive fun is, they know what works and what doesn’t. Speaking of Halo, the lead designer for Halo, John Howard is now the lead designer on Shadowrun. Another little fun fact is that, the Shadowrun team went 9 months without an art director. Only now are they starting to really dig into the graphics department with Art Director Evan Hirsch at the helm. Evan is one badass art director and I’ll leave it at that since I’m sure we’ll be hearing from him in the future.
The centerpiece of Shadowrun, and what largely sets it apart from objective-based team games such as Counter-Strike, is the game's surprisingly deep magic and tech system...Shadowrun's tech and magic are where the game distinguishes itself.

One of the best parts about Shadowrun's tech and magic system is that it is full of interesting such combinations and results that come with one ability's interaction with another.

All of the completed character models look very good from a technical perspective, and the environmental design and lighting is very well executed. Some of the actual environment textures are lower resolution than one might expect, but the team was quick to note that it is still constantly polishing up all aspects of the game.

Let me be clear: my brief hands on time with the game was extremely enjoyable. This is a very fun, very creative game... So, the game seems to be shaping up quite well...I went into the play session with fairly neutral, perhaps even negative, expectations, but the game looks to be a blast.
IGN jogou Lost Odyssey


Promessa de belos gráficos, controle de 5 personagens.

The most impressive aspect of the demo right now is definitely the graphics. The game looks absolutely awesome, with a style that caught our attention and made us want to see more. Sound seemed excellent as well, from the sweeping score to the crisp battle effects. Gameplay was a little more underwhelming, only because it was so simple. We'd love to see how the two unrevealed gameplay elements Sakaguchi mentioned fit into the gameplay, and check out how immortal characters interact with each other in battle.

Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007
Pois é o jogo está mais do mesmo =/ nenhuma grande diferença em relação aos antigos, acredito que será a mesma coisa no 360, tirando os novos gráficos.
As a result, there's nothing that feels revolutionary about the Japanese version of Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007 for the PlayStation 2, but a decent number of those little frustrations you may have gotten used to after months of Master League action have been amended.




Lá vai mais uma notícia da feira:

TGS 2006: Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007 é gol no PSP

A famosa série de futebol ganha uma nova versão para o PlayStation Portable, Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007. Confiram as imagens:





Fonte: Finalboss
Complete uma lacuna da história em Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops:

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops tem uma trama original que é ambientada alguns anos depois dos eventos mostrados em Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, mostrando Naked Snake e a criação da FOXHOUND para tentar traçar quem é o traidor que iniciou uma revolução na América do Sul. Personagens como Para-medic, Major Zero e Sigint marcam presença novamente.

À medida que Snake avança na aventura, é possível recrutar companheiros para criar sua própria tropa de combate. Além disso, o game tem um modo online similar ao de Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence onde jogadores poderão usar seus aliados da campanha single-player. Uma novidade é o sistema ''White Flag'' (Bandeira Branca), que permite ao jogador sobreviver e lutar novamente no round seguinte.






Fonte: Finalboss
Shadowrun tá na TGS?
Concordo 110% com o Shin, a única coisa que me chamou a atenção no PS3 positivamente foi o HS e o F1.....

Lair, DMC4, MGS4 e a rede online foram umas decepções fodidas....

VEJAM O VÍDEO DO LOST ODISSEY DO X360, primeiro CG jogável da geração!!!
Nova demo direto da tgs 06 fuzion frenzy 2

Jogo recomendando para o modo multijogador, parece ser bem divertido.

Eu não gosto do tipo de jogo, porém vou baixar. Já está no live americano.


Saiu um video do WE para o 360

Sinceramente as texturas das paredes do MGS4 estão com cara de jogos antigos =/, só está valendo a modelagem

Vou tentar, o problema é que fica bem trabalhoso, eu pego as screens já upadas em algum site.
Eu teria que salvar no meu pc as screens e upar uma por uma.

ele atira nas pontes ai cai nos insetos, mesma coisa os prédios, todos são destrutiveis :p

tipo assim, como ele vai derrubar pontes e predios com um simples rifle?? e mais absurdo que mata uma formiga gigante... hehehe...

sobre o mgs4, as texturas tao tristes, e os modelos eu nao achei nada demais.... so aquele veio de cabelo branco ta "aceitavel"...
Nossa...formiga gigantes...nem falo nada...MGS4 não esta tão animador, so carinha só estão fazendo pose

E pelas fotos parece que MGS4 vai ser só poeira porque pqp, toda foto tem uma parede de poeira na frente dos cara xD
Video do lost planet que está simplesmente animal!


Downloading 'TGS06 trailer' (406.66 MB)
Game : Lost Planet - Extreme Condition
Format : 1280 x 720 59.94 fps
Length : 3 minutes 41 seconds






tipo assim, como ele vai derrubar pontes e predios com um simples rifle?? e mais absurdo que mata uma formiga gigante... hehehe...

sobre o mgs4, as texturas tao tristes, e os modelos eu nao achei nada demais.... so aquele veio de cabelo branco ta "aceitavel"...


veja o video :p
Da um look na bazuca que derruba



Video do Project Sylpheed X360

Downloading 'TGS06: Showfloor gameplay' (163.49 MB)
Game : Project Sylpheed
Format : 960 x 540 25 fps



TGS06: Video Trusty Bell gameplay X360

Downloading 'TGS06: Showfloor gameplay' (282.49 MB)
Game : Trusty Bell
Format : 960 x 540 25 fps
Codec : XVID





Samurai Warriors Wave (WII)





Tenchu 4 para Xbox 360

FromSoftware announced today the next Tenchu will be released for XBOX360. Here is the quote from 1Up.com

"You can't have a good hardware platform without ninjas, though, which is why FromSoftware's also decided Tenchu should join the Microsoft party, too. Peculiarly, there hasn't been any announcement of a PlayStation 3 version, only Xbox 360 right now. We already knew FromSoftware were Xbox fans, but who know they loved 360 so much."

This is not Tenchu: Senran, just so you know, this is the next Tenchu being made, its more serious than Senran. I can not be more happy to see another new Tenchu game slashes its way to the 360, and hopefully to PS3 as well. I hope Tenchu 4 gets its graphics that Senran was meant to have and show off the good graphics in ninja assassination game. It would be like the next Splinter Cell Double Agent. Though I fear that because Tenchu has never been about graphics but gameplay I doubt that. Maybe it will be like Senran but just better, but I will be happy with it nontheless.

My favorite feature in Tenchu from Senran is most definitely the character creation of making your own ninja and go online, I hope it stays in the new Tenchu.

I got that information about the new Tenchu 4 from Tenchu Checkpoint site. Theyare hardcore Tenchu fans, and the Administrator on that site posted this.

Here is the tricky part that I do not get. The only Tenchu game that is coming for 360 is Tenchu: Senran, and it is released this year in Japan (other countries has not been confirmed, atleast in my knowledge). But the other Tenchu game is known to be a 2007 summer title so I have no idea, if 1UP is saying if this "new" Tenchu IS Tenchu Senran or it is truly the next Tenchu 4, being (Tenchu 2007).
Tenchu Senran was announce way before than Armored Core 4 got announced, so if this new announcement is truly new then it means Tenchu Senran is not the new-new Tenchu as for Tenchu 4.

I think Tenchu Senran is a 360 exclusive, like a special edition of the Tenchu series, while the real Tenchu arrives in Tenchu 4 for both PS3 and 360. I do not know though all this stuff makes me confused, its a shame that 1UP did not mention any numbers or title names.

Hoping for the best!

O X ta deixando uma OTIMA impressão...

O PS3 tambem, ta fazendo o dever de casa.

E o Wii, ate agora, não da pra avaliar, porque se for por SS....
Mais uma notícia, ae galera:

Pelo menos 100 títulos estão em desenvolvimento para o Playstation 3

Em uma recente entrevista cedida à revista japonesa Famitsu, Phil Harrison, responsável pela Sony Worldwide Studios, confirmou que existem pelo menos 190 títulos em desenvolvimento para PS3, PS2 e PSP. Destes 190 títulos, 100 estão destinados ao Playstation 3, mostrando o foco da empresa na próxima geração de consoles.

Fonte: Finalboss
Imagens do evento

Ninja Gaiden Sigma - PS3




po, nem sabia q agora vai rolar jogar com a loirona peituda :wub:
vai né?
Cooking Mama - Wii







olha, isso vai vender como doce no Japão uhauhauhauah
mais GTHD

Gran Turismo HD - PS3






Crackdown - 360






fotos: Tothegame

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