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Two Worlds 2 - [ PREVIEW ]

Retirado do forum oficial de Two Worlds II:

User Killalots:
"PCGH Benchmarks Two Worlds 2, Runs Smooth on Almost Any Rig
PCGamesHardware.de have once again been able to test Two Worlds 2 and this time they have actual benchmarking data to share. There's a lot of interesting confirmations there - for example, the fact that GRACE engine indeed operates on all the CPU cores (up to 6 were tested, and every new core made a difference), and that there's a great and noticeable increase in framerate the more advanced GPU is used. Apart from those findings, there're great news for mid-level rig owners - even the lowest GPU and CPU tests ran at an average FPS well above the 24 FPS range!

And, apparently, TW2 doesn't simply rely on cutting off the distant landscape view in order to increase performance: visibility settings tested by PCGH prove that even at the lowest distance setting the game still looks gorgeous. However, there's a lot of scalability right there in the settings."

Sei não, tenho muita vontade de jogar esse jogo, mas acho que Fallout New Vegas vai satisfazer minhas "necessidades gamísticas" ate o fim do ano :)
O primeiro estava bem bugado agora estou com muitas expectativas sobre o 2 vamos ver...
Novos videos reirados do forum oficial feitos pela pcgames.de

"A quest:

Combat (or I think so, my german is almost zero):

and an extendend version of the combat from the beginning:

(I love how the hero's pony tail moves, Witcher guys should have to see this one XD )

And crafting:"

Só masi 8 dias.... nem sei da onde improtar o jogo :(
Última edição:
Usa os códigos do youtube guto (o que vier depois do sinal de igual e antes do &):

A quest...

Combat (or I think so, my german is almost zero):

and an extendend version of the combat from the beginning:

And crafting:"

Minha placa de vídeo vai se peidar toda pra rodar o jogo.
opa vlw wmh nao sabia dessa hehehe

O jogo parece estar bem feito. Não sei a dificuldade utilizada nos videos. mas notei que no video 1 os 2 inimigos ficaram olhando o player matar e no video 2 o combate foi bem mais intenso e difícil.... enquanto que no 3 (se não me engano), o rinoceronte ficou semi-parado esperando ser morto....

Estou esperando muit esse.
Algumas infos.


* The difficulty setting (three available) can only be set once and cannot be changed during the gameplay.

* After the final cutscene, you're back in Antaloor and can continue exploration where you left off at the end of the main quest.

* Quest markers are always clearly shown (no wandering around looking for the solution) and you can activate any quest to be tracked at will.

* Map shows: visited teleports, altars, dungeons and some of the NPCs (the ones important enough to talk to, usually side questgivers)

* Another confirmation: there's 40 different characteristics to be changed during character creation. You can also choose the level of difficulty, but not gender or race (those are reserved for multiplayer). There's also no classes, which has been highglihgted many times before. However, there's also no levelling cap, so if you want to, you'll be able to max out all the skills (and skills are largely what makes a "class"-like specialization in TW2).

* According to Gryonline.pl there's no skill trainers in the game (even though we've seen at least few of the orcs teaching our hero basic skills like block breaker, death strike and multi arrow). Apparently, (most of) the skills are learnt via skill books found or traded in the game. Further investment is done with skill points obtained at level-up, as previously.

* One of the four main islands is mainly used in multiplayer mode. This suggests that either Eikronas, Erimos or Eollas are transplanted verbatim into the co-op mode, which is very cool! Since the editors say that it takes 20 minutes by horse to circumvent just half of the isle, we're assuming its the "savannah" isle (Erimos) that is used for the multiplayer - it's the only one with horses available, after all.

World and Exploration

* Apart from the regular teleports the hero gains access to the handheld (?) teleport and a portable version of the "big" teleport (?). Apparently, the former cannot be used within dungeons.

* Sailing is not very hard, you just need to set sail perpendicularly to the wind current. Riding horses is also quite easy - but, as we've seen in the yesterday's live gameplay, if you speed too often (or too rarely) the horse will mutiny and kick you off the saddle!

* Sailboats cannot be upgraded, you cannot have any crew. Only one-seat small boats are available.

* There's no dynamic weather changes, but there's different weather patterns depending on the region you're in (e.g. permanent clear skies, or permanent storm etc..). There's a day/night cycle, of course.

* While TW2 is an open-world experience, after getting onto each of the islands you'll first have to do the initial stage of the main quest that takes part on the isle. Otherwise, the island will be locked to you. But don't worry: there's no invisible walls anywhere, if you can't get somewhere, it's because there's a wall or closed off space that can only be unlocked with the help of an NPC or during the quest. You can then freely explore that island and eventually move on to the next. Some of the dungeons might be locked out too, depending on the quests as well -- unlocking them is only possible when embarking on certain tasks.

* Dungeons do not contain traps. However, in two or three of them you might need to look closely for the levers to pull in order to open some sections. Dungeons are mostly about monsters and treasure chests.

* Not all of the buildings can be entered. Some of them are just facades, and some are locked permanently until a quest comes a long. In other cases, you can simply break in and enter.

Plot and Quests

* There's around 200 quests in TW2. 50 are part of the main questline. Around a hundred comprises sidequests in different locations. There's also about 50 tasks to be fulfilled for guilds.

* Guild quests are so far the dullest: there's little aside from "get to the point A or B" type there. Sidequests vary greatly: some are very short, while others long and inspired. Expect to be a courier and a hitman a lot as well. Some of the quests can be done in more than one way. Some of them might have far-reaching consequences, and even become mutually exclusive with others.

* Guild tasks are not actually handed out, you pick them up at the bulletin boards scattered around Antaloor. You also can't really join any of the guilds/factions, but you gain fame or infamy with them.


* According to Gryonline, there's little in terms of romance in Antaloor - they were able to only find one love affair in a tiny side quest. They did find a stripper joint though, or what passes for it in this age rating.

* There's no companions after all. However, there's some escorting quests.

* While physics magics will interact with some of the objects, there's no interaction insofar as felling trees or burning shrubbery is concerned. Don't expect your fiery hell to be actually changing the world around you.


* Apparently, despite what we've heard earlier, repeated successful attacks don't give out damage bonus. However, you can sequence your regular attacks (i.e. "left clicks" or "button mashes") so that they go into a combo.

* Another confirmation for spell system. There's 27 spell cards total. Amulet works like a castable spell slot (the more amulets you get, the more spells you can cast). There's 15 effect cards (which define the effect and school of the spell). 6 carrier cards (AOE, ray, missile etc.) and 6 modifiers (e.g. homing, multiplicating, ricocheting etc..). While this system allows for around 500 unique spells, you can also increse them in power (by placing up to 10 cards total into the amulet), and a single amulet can hold up to THREE different unique spells at once (to be cast as one, or have an up to three-stage effect) - which is the reason for millions of possible combinations.

* Despite their best efforts, Gryonline weren't able to discern heavy/chainmail/light armor differences (While there are differences there - TWVault).

* Alchemy isn't very complex. You need at least 2 ingredients to be able to brew something. Some combinations are not possible however, and may result in ordinary water.


* All of the modes are confirmed yet again. Adventure mode has 7 maps (10-15 hours total). Crystal Hunt (up to 4 players) has 4 selectable regions available - you have to collect crystals and avoid skulls (?). Duel mode - up to 4 maps, with up to 1v1 players. Deathmatch (2-8 players, even though Gryonline claims its 1 to 4 players) allows 4 arenas to choose from as well. Village mode is, as expected, one region only and one per player only.

* Lobby confirmed for PC. For consoles, you need to sign up to the queue or find players that are open for a match. There's no possibility to play over LAN.

* According to Gryonline, there's not going to be an SDK/Editor released for the game (?)

Fonte: http://twoworldsvault.ign.com/
Até eu fiquei com vontade de jogar :b
isso que nao sou mto fã de oblivion, n sei pq o.o
Alguns Reviews:

* GamersPlus - 90% (German)
« Man hat immer das Gefühl, dass selbst die winzigste Mission irgendwann noch bedeutsam sein könnte. Dadurch bleibt euer Interesse an Antaloor und seinen Bewohnern immer geweckt.»
* RPGItalia - 91% (English)
« Two Worlds 2 is the real surprise of this fall. Reality Pump worked hard and created a fantasy world alive and capable of involving the player. In short, this is a must for every fan of the action RPGs genre.»
* RPGItalia - 91% (Italian)
« Two Worlds 2 ? la vera sorpresa dell?autunno videoludico. Reality Pump si sono rimboccati le maniche e hanno creato un mondo fantasy quanto mai vivo e capace di coinvolgere notevolmente il giocatore.»
* Gamers.at - 90% (German)
« Abwechslungsreiche Quests, eine tolle Performance [...] lassen keine Zweifel aufkommen, dass Two Worlds II für die nächste Zeit von uns eindeutig die Rollenspielkrone aufgesetzt bekommt und definitiv ein Spiel zum Verlieben ist! »
* Iamgamer.de - 92% (German)
« So muss ein Rollenspiel sein! Technisch ist ?Two Worlds 2? über jeden Zweifel erhaben. Die Grafik-Engine zaubert sowohl auf der Xbox 360 als auch auf dem PC eine unfassbare Grafikpracht auf den Bildschirm. Gratulation zum Genrethron!»
* Eurogamer.de - 9/10 (German)
« Two Worlds II hat mich tief beeindruckt. Ein solch komplexes Abenteuer, das von derart liebevoll gestalteten Sprachaufnahmen zusammen gehalten wird, habe ich schon lange nicht mehr erlebt. Ach was: Ich habe es noch nie erlebt!»
* GamingXP - 90% (German)
« Mit einem Mega-Umfang ausgestattet und einer Liebe zum Detail, die Ihresgleichen sucht, kann das Spiel jeden Abenteurer mühelos fesseln. Das coole Kampfsystem erlaubt es, die Kämpfe nach Lust und Laune zu gestalten.»
* buffed - 92% (German)
« Großartig, was Rollenspieler hier geboten bekommen - so viel Spaß hatte ich lange nicht mehr! Das Besondere an Two Worlds 2 ist, dass man mit jeder Spielminute neue, liebevoll gestaltete Details entdeckt."»
* XBG 360 - 92% (German)
« Riesig, fesselnd und an den richtigen Stellen verbessert. Top-RPG! Ich versinke regelrecht in dieser Welt, entwickele Suchtpotential und erlebe dieses typische "nur noch diesen Quest, diese Truhe und diesen Gegner"-Gefühl.»
pra xbox ja lançou

queria jogar no pc, mas se for demorar muito, vo jogar no xbox mesmo
Alguns Reviews:

* GamersPlus - 90% (German)
« Man hat immer das Gefühl, dass selbst die winzigste Mission irgendwann noch bedeutsam sein könnte. Dadurch bleibt euer Interesse an Antaloor und seinen Bewohnern immer geweckt.»
* RPGItalia - 91% (English)
« Two Worlds 2 is the real surprise of this fall. Reality Pump worked hard and created a fantasy world alive and capable of involving the player. In short, this is a must for every fan of the action RPGs genre.»
* RPGItalia - 91% (Italian)
« Two Worlds 2 ? la vera sorpresa dell?autunno videoludico. Reality Pump si sono rimboccati le maniche e hanno creato un mondo fantasy quanto mai vivo e capace di coinvolgere notevolmente il giocatore.»
* Gamers.at - 90% (German)
« Abwechslungsreiche Quests, eine tolle Performance [...] lassen keine Zweifel aufkommen, dass Two Worlds II für die nächste Zeit von uns eindeutig die Rollenspielkrone aufgesetzt bekommt und definitiv ein Spiel zum Verlieben ist! »
* Iamgamer.de - 92% (German)
« So muss ein Rollenspiel sein! Technisch ist ?Two Worlds 2? über jeden Zweifel erhaben. Die Grafik-Engine zaubert sowohl auf der Xbox 360 als auch auf dem PC eine unfassbare Grafikpracht auf den Bildschirm. Gratulation zum Genrethron!»
* Eurogamer.de - 9/10 (German)
« Two Worlds II hat mich tief beeindruckt. Ein solch komplexes Abenteuer, das von derart liebevoll gestalteten Sprachaufnahmen zusammen gehalten wird, habe ich schon lange nicht mehr erlebt. Ach was: Ich habe es noch nie erlebt!»
* GamingXP - 90% (German)
« Mit einem Mega-Umfang ausgestattet und einer Liebe zum Detail, die Ihresgleichen sucht, kann das Spiel jeden Abenteurer mühelos fesseln. Das coole Kampfsystem erlaubt es, die Kämpfe nach Lust und Laune zu gestalten.»
* buffed - 92% (German)
« Großartig, was Rollenspieler hier geboten bekommen - so viel Spaß hatte ich lange nicht mehr! Das Besondere an Two Worlds 2 ist, dass man mit jeder Spielminute neue, liebevoll gestaltete Details entdeckt."»
* XBG 360 - 92% (German)
« Riesig, fesselnd und an den richtigen Stellen verbessert. Top-RPG! Ich versinke regelrecht in dieser Welt, entwickele Suchtpotential und erlebe dieses typische "nur noch diesen Quest, diese Truhe und diesen Gegner"-Gefühl.»

Entao o jogo ja foi praticamente aclamado na Europa. É bom saber disso:thumbs_up
Bom, o lançamento é amanha. Para todas as plataformas.

"Two Worlds 2 hits the shelves in November (Europe) & January 2011 For UK/US/AUS/NZ"

No forum oficial, estão havendo algumas divergencias quanto a data de lançamento, alguns falam que irá atrasar mais uma semana, outros falam que isso irá apenas ocorrer na Itália e França. Nenhuma nota ofical sobre isso. Oficialmente é pra ser lançado no dia 09/11/2010

EDIT: Mapa do jogo, com algumas marcações e screens das regiões: http://www.twoworlds2.com/en/map.html TWII Tá me cheirando "'épico"!
Última edição:
Já tem na Gamersgate pra comprar, quem arrisca? Lithos?

Manual em inglês: http://www.multiupload.com/WHX8T8WCFT

Caramba todo mundo falando bem desse jogo, o hype tá dobrando a cada minuto.
que linguas tem nessa versao europeia?
Já tem na Gamersgate pra comprar, quem arrisca? Lithos?

Manual em inglês: http://www.multiupload.com/WHX8T8WCFT

Caramba todo mundo falando bem desse jogo, o hype tá dobrando a cada minuto.

É tranquilo comprar ai?? Se for eu compro o jogo agora!!!!

Queria pegar a Box, mas nao encotnrei nenhuma loja ainda que envie para o Brasil e tenha o jogo.... só achei a shopto, mas ela é de UK, então só ano que vem...

Quanto mais eu leio, mais eu quero jogar....


EDIT: No forum oficial, teve uma galera que comprou o na GamersGate.com, a versão que não tem linguagem entre parenteses, um membro disse que termino uo download e que está em ingles:

"IM DONE !!!

THIS VERSION IS.............ENGLISH....tadaaaaa

all sound files maked as "voiceEng...SoundEng..and in a folder called (English sound)"

Vou esperar mais alguns confirmarem antes de pegar....
Última edição:
Parece bom mesmo :O

Será que vale a pena mesmo, Arcania 4 achei muito enjoado, não me prendeu nada no game
Parece bom mesmo :O

Será que vale a pena mesmo, Arcania 4 achei muito enjoado, não me prendeu nada no game

Comentário do pessoal que está jogando:

"Same here, thank you so much to the op, its really bad that the game is having this problems with the distribution because its really an amazing game!! So far the story the world, the chars are really really good, comparing this game with arcania for example its ridiculos, two worlds 2 its a much much superior product!!"

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