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    Administração do Fórum Adrenaline

ATI Catalyst 6.12 Oficial


Rush Of Panic - Mchl :)
A ATI liberou a última versão do ano do pacote de drivers Catalyst, precisamente a versão 6.12. Abaixo detalhes dessa última versão e link para download.

Issues Resolved in Catalyst® Software Suite 6.12
The following section provides a summary of the issues that are resolved in the latest release of Catalyst®. These include:

- Black&White 2: Slow frame rate is no longer noticed when playing the game under Windows XP when setting the graphics to the lowest possible settings. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23714
- Neverwinter Nights: Enabling super AA and CrossFire within the Catalyst Control Center no longer results in display corruption being noticed within the game's main menu. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23718
- Catalyst® Control Center->CrossFire™: Attempting to resume from a standby state no longer results in the Windows XP operating system failing to respond when using a Radeon® X19x0 CrossFire™ Edition series of product. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23713
- Catalyst Control Center: Setting the language option to French for the Catalyst Control Center no longer results in the text found in Catalyst Control Center being cropped. This issue was known to occur under all supported operating system. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23716
- Using PowerDVD to playback a DVD no longer results in the playback appearing choppy. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23719
- Catalyst Control Center: The translation for Centered Timings is now translated properly for Simplified Chinese. Further details can be found in topic number 737-24337
- The index in the Catalyst Control Center help no longer contains double entries for various aspects. Further details can be found in topic number 737-24338
- Catalyst Control Center->Help: Clicking on the CrossFire help no longer results in a page not found error message being displayed. Further details can be found in topic number 737-24339
- Using the Avivo Video Converter to convert a video file no longer exceeds the 300MB for a VCD encoded file. Further details can be found in topic number 737-24340
- Catalyst Control Center->Help: Clicking on certain help file links no longer results in the incorrect help file being displayed. Further details can be found in topic number 737-24341
- Catalyst Control Center: The Profile Manager is now translated properly for Italian. Further details can be found in topic number 737-24342
- Catalyst Control Center: Various options such as Select a Language and Deinterlacing for the Thai language are now translated properly. Further details can be found in topic number 737-24343
- Changing the language to Korean in the Catalyst Control Center no longer results in the degree symbol appearing corrupted within the rotation page. Further details can be found in topic number 737-24344
- Catalyst Control Center->Basic View: Selecting Japanese as the language no longer results in various aspects of the Easy Setting Wizard and Setup Display Settings not being translated properly. Further details can be found in topic number 737-24345
- Using hotkeys to switch between LCD mode and CRT+LCD mode no longer results in the hotkey function failing when attempting to switch back to LCD mode only. Further details can be found in topic number 737-24288
- Using PowerDVD to playback a DVD no longer results in the playback appearing jittery. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23719
- CrossFire: Playing Windows XP games such as Labyrinth or HyperBowl no longer results in display corruption being noticed in the game's menu page. Further details can be found in topic number 737-24335
- Hardware acceleration no longer becomes disabled when running the HQV benchmark DVD with CrossFire enabled. Further details can be found in topic number 737-24336

DOWNLOAD ATI Catalyst 6.12 / AMD-ATI.com

Fonte: Adrena!

ps: se alguem instalar por favor poste resultados!
isso ae! postem resultados eauihuiae :p
au ja baixei e instalei o 6.12
infelismente não posso opinar pq meu pc tah cum PROBREMA
mas me parece ser igual ao 6.11
vixi na 9600pro do meu irmao fico uma merdaaaaaaaaaa... ne consegue ativar opengl pra mudar as config dakele carinho no control center... na 9600 ta trash =s
A ATI liberou a última versão do ano do pacote de drivers Catalyst, precisamente a versão 6.12...

OPS, não tinha visto que você postou antes de mim , vou tirar meu tópico do destaque e colocar o seu
la ok ! :thumbs_up
aqui tah normal galera...nada contra.....nao mudou muito do 6.11
Ta mto ruim aki com o novo, nao sei pq tiraram o primeiro topico do oficial... aff
Diola, vc usa essa versão com CP? Porque ela deixou de ser disponibilizada pela ATI, não é isso?
a versao oficial vem com EATM ?? se ñ eu fico com o beta uhaeouheauiea
a versao oficial vem com EATM ?? se ñ eu fico com o beta uhaeouheauiea

To usando a versão oficial 6.12, com ATI Tray Tools v1.2.6.964 e EATM ativo.

Estou utilizando a versão alternativa NGO baseado no Catalyst 6.12, excelente driver alternativo, tudo rodando lisinho.

NGO R0X :thumbs_up

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