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Dawn of War 2,confirmado...

Não esta aberto para novas mensagens.


know-it-all Member
Isso mesmo,ja to ancioso,pena que ainda ta longe...:)

Yesterday a Belgian gaming magazine leaked a front page with the words Dawn of War 2, and although that was quickly covered up, it came out today and the information it holds is certainly very enticing. Staff member Togra, who lives in Belgium, had picked up a copy of it and posted a summary of what the preview contained and what new content can be expected in Dawn of War 2!

And here is the summary:

* Uses the Essence 2.0 engine with Havok physics, all optimized for DX10 and multi-core support.
* It looks great, think of the DoW intro but with a bit less polygons here and there (in terms of lighting and all that it looks almost exactly the same).
* Units also use CoH-like unit AI for awareness and pathfinding to find cover and such.
* While DoW 2 shares the same (upgraded probably) engine as CoH it won't be "CoH in space," in that soldiers in CoH will ask themselves if flanking the enemy is the right option, in DoW2 it will be more like Space Marines asking themselves if they should use their jetpacks to jump over an Ork squad to attack them from behind. Different settings, different kind of warfare.
* Preview only showed a destroyed city landscape, akin to DoW (but more detailed), other tilesets will offer deserts, jungles, mountains and other cities.
* Only the Orkz and Space Marines were revealed, more races on the way obviously and to be to revealed later this year (though how many isn't known).
* Co-op campaign for both the Orkz and Space Marines, apparently not for the other to-be-revealed races.
* More focus on making units and squads unique; every unit has got a name (at least in the campaign it seems), more details and more animations.
* Relic wants to give players rewards at the end of a mission like war gear (armor, weapons, rare objects); "Let's pimp out squads with cool stuff!", you will see these items in-game as well of course.
* You'll fight you way through the campaign with the same squads.
* You can't control more than six squads! I am not sure if this is campaign-only but the preview made it sound like it wasn't.
* There is a lot more interesting commentary from the units as well; if your SM commander is holding a Thunder Hammer f.e. then the opponent will specifically comment on that, Ork Warchief saying something like "Ooh, nice hammer, but mine is bigger!". The warchief will say something else if the commander doesn't have the hammer.
* The campaign lets Space Marines operate from a spaceship; you'll get a view of an underlying planet and you'll be able to choose from different missions (which are tagged with difficulty colors green, blue and red).
* Certain reward items won't be usable at once in the campaign, so they'll be taken back to the SM spaceship for research.
* Dreadnought can now also trample Orkz.
* No sea or air units (though jetpacks are still in of course).
* Development team of 55 people has been working on it since September 2005.
* Release in early 2009 or later.

E para os desavisados,Essence Engine é a engine do belíssimo Company of Heroes,imaginem so a versao 2.0

Dawn of War 2 Confirmed - GameReplays.org - Global Portal



YouTube - Dawn of War II Teaser Orks

YouTube - Dawn of War II Teaser
n gostei desses orc futurista ae, se o massa eh os orc bombado de machado e ropa de coro dakelas medieval, estilo WOW e Warcraft, akilo sim são orcs :D
estilo senhor dos aneis :D
achei ele meio fraquinho em comparacao ao humano bombado de cima ^^
n gostei desses orc futurista ae, se o massa eh os orc bombado de machado e ropa de coro dakelas medieval, estilo WOW e Warcraft, akilo sim são orcs :D
estilo senhor dos aneis :D

vc viu o video do ork ali ou ja jogou algum warhammer? o ork é muito doido, nao fica devendo nada aos orcs medievais.
n gostei desses orc futurista ae, se o massa eh os orc bombado de machado e ropa de coro dakelas medieval, estilo WOW e Warcraft, akilo sim são orcs :D
estilo senhor dos aneis :D

Mas vc ja viu a historia do Warhammer 40k ?

Ele passa em uma mundo 40.000 anos depois das guerras medievais, então tudo é futurista.
Dando um grande revive para o tópico, sairam uns vídeos na E3 que achei muito legais e como ninguem comentoue eu adoro o jogo:



Nao conhecia esse game ...
Poderia me contar um pouco sobre ele ? OU passar algum link (de preferencia BR) falando sobre o game ?
Nao conhecia esse game ...
Poderia me contar um pouco sobre ele ? OU passar algum link (de preferencia BR) falando sobre o game ?

O 2 ainda não foi lançado, o que temos disponível é o Warhammer: 40k e suas 3 expansões (Winter Assault, Dark Crusade e SoulStorm), totalizando 9 times jogáveis e bem variados.

Já jogou o Company of Heroes? Se sim, CoH copiou o sistema de jogo do DoW, só que EU acho DoW MUITO mais jogo do que CoH, só perdendo na parte gráfica.

Tem esses tópicos aqui na Adrena, mas são antigos e meio fraquinhos.




Também tem a vertente do jogo para o lado medieval, só que achei o jogo fraco demais, Warhammer: Mark of Chaos:

Putz, Dawn of War é o que há em matéria de estratégia, história, cut scenes e balanceamento, quem não jogou, devia experimentar, é show de bola.
Não esta aberto para novas mensagens.

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