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Vendo um sites ai, encontrei umas informações interessantes sobre DODS que colocaram no forum do Steam: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=244273

algumas informações são interessantes como que DODS vão vender separado ou so pra quem comprou o Silver pack e quem tiver o bronze não vai poder baixar do steam, tb o jogo sera mais pesado que HL2 mais não se sabe qto mais pesado e nem quando vai sair mais explicam que vai ser cedo


º Part I - How to acquire Day of Defeat: Source (preorder).

º Part II - What we currently know about Day of Defeat: Source.

Part I

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--> Question #1

I purchased Half-Life 2 from the store, will I be able to play Day of Defeat: Source when it is released? Is there a difference between the retail version of Half-Life 2 and the version avaliable over Steam?

--> Answer #1

If you purchased Half-Life 2 at a store (whether or not it was the Collector's Edition or standard), or purchased the Half-Life 2 Bronze Package over Steam, you own the Half-Life 2 Bronze Package. You won't be able to play Day of Defeat: Source unless you purchase the Half-Life 2 Silver or Gold Package.

This doesn't imply you'll need to buying Half-Life 2 all over again; rather, you're paying the difference in cost between the Bronze package and the new package you want to acquire.

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

--> Question #2

How do I purchase the Half-Life 2 Silver/Gold Package over Steam? How much does it cost? Can I get it from the store?

--> Answer #2

To purchase a Silver or Gold Package:

1) Open Steam
2) Play Games
3) Browse Games
4) Click the "Package Offers" tab
5) Refer to the package listings for information on pricing. Understand precisely what you are purchasing BEFORE you choose to purchase a package.

Select your package of choice and follow the steps to complete the transaction.

You will need a credit card to purchase a package over Steam.

At this point in time, you cannot acquire a Half-Life 2 Silver or Gold Package from a store.

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--> Question #3

I don't have access to a credit card and therefore cannot acquire the Half-Life 2 packages over Steam. When it goes gold, will Day of Defeat Source be released in stores?

--> Answer #3

Most likely, yes. There have been some hints from Valve's official sources that it will be available for purchase in stores upon its release. The cost of it is unknown.

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

--> Question #4

I own a retail copy of regular Day of Defeat. Will this allow me to own and play Day of Defeat: Source upon its release?

--> Answer #4


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Part II

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--> Question #1

Will Day of Defeat: Source be a straight port? How far along in development is it?

--> Answer #1

Originally posted by Waldo "Most of us put in time on HL2, CS:Source and Half-Life:Source before shifting back to DoD:Source, so that did slow things down a bit. But we're working full speed ahead on it now (and have been for a while).

Patience DoD fans. Patience. It's gonna be nice IMO. Quite nice. And no, it's not just a straight port."

Originally posted by FuzzDad

"No it isn't [merely a port]. The maps have been completely rebuilt from scratch...all the textures have been redone to take advantage of the engine...all the models, the weapons, sounds...you name it...it's all new and shiny. Sure...some of the maps will look familiar because they are reproductions of the originals but think about this...take out any CS 1.6 map and compare it to the CS:Source counterpart...that's much more than just a "port" my friend. Here's one way to look at it...I've been "porting" my falaise map over to Source using the CS engine (I do not have the dod sdk yet nor do I have dod textures/models/etc) and I've been working on it, 2 hours a night, for two months now...and it's about 70% done. That's not a port...that's hell.

As to screens, the dev team has already stated they will not release many screens (if any)...screens do not give the game justice and only lead to arguments about this or that. I'm sure, as beta testing commences they will release a screen here or there but I'd rather they spend the time working on making the release as polished as possible than giving out screens.

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

--> Question #2

Where can I find information on the progress of Day of Defeat Source? No one seems to be talking about it, should I post a thread?

--> Answer #2

As previously stated, please do not start threads asking for info. You can find information about Day of Defeat: Source by browsing these forums:

1) dayofdefeat.net

2) steampowered.com


3) The weekly updates via Steam. Information will be available when Valve chooses to release it.

--> Question #3

Have any official Day of Defeat: Source screenshots been released?

--> Answer #3

Yes, one. Released by Waldo in October 2004. It was a screenshot of the inside of Anzio's church. If that wasn't what you saw, then it wasn't an official shot released by the Dod dev. team, or it was simply fake.

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--> Question #4

Will my PC be able to run DoD: Source?

--> Answer #4

No one knows for certain what the system requirements will be. Valve's official sources have hinted that it shouldn't require more than what Half-Life 2 requires.

--> Question #5

When will Day of Defeat: Source be released?

--> Answer #5

No one knows. Soon (of course).
Mais pesado do que HL²!!!??? :eek:
Mapas todos refeitos na nova engine, se é que eu entendi bem?
Será que vai dar para melhorar ou pelo menos manter a jogabilidade atual?
De todos o mod´s paoa hl DOD é com certeza o que mais pode se beneficiar da engine surce.
Mas vai precisar de uma boa maquina para jogar, ainda mais a comunidade DOD que adora um 100 FPS.
muita sacanagem se nao der pra comprar o dod separadamente pra quem comprou o bronze,,,,,mas pelo que eu entendi dara sim ,sera um upgrade de pacotes

traduçao meia boca by radeonman @@

IThis doesn't imply you'll need to buying Half-Life 2 all over again; rather, you're paying the difference in cost between the Bronze package and the new package you want to acquire.

isto nao implica que vc tera que comprar o hl2 inteiro novamente,, pelo contrario,vc pagará a diferença de custo entre o pacote bronze e o novo pacote que vc pretende adquirir...
E esse negócio de mais pesado que HL².. pelo menos nessas frase que postou diz o CONTRÁRIO... "...Valve's official sources have hinted that it shouldn't require more than what Half-Life 2 requires..."

Se foi daí que tirou a info de que será mais pesado... está entendo errado as frase :p
É mesmo, falha minha =P realmente o cara falou que vai ser mais leve, e sim eles estão fazendo uma remodelagem total do jogo, não igual a css que so mudou os graficos e pequenas modificações nas fases, igual ao que eu li na EGM pc2, o cara fala "mudou para ficar a mesma coisa" dods pelo que eu entendi vai ser refeito os som as texturas bastante coisa pra ficar bem rlz mesmo e pra variar né, esse ai sim promete :lol:
Show de bola ... to cheio de curiosidade para ver o dod :D ... mas ai ... oq eu quero mesmo ver eh o TFC ... deve ser do caraio ... sabe se eles nao vao fazer naum ? EU QUERUUUUUUU :cry:
EU tenho DOD:S(espero realmente ter, nunca testei), só falta lançar, juro que posto as screens.

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