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Incompatibilidade com Radeon 9600 Pro ! MERDA !

No Remorse

MSX always ROX !
Solução apara alguns casos:

ATI 9600 pro problems hang freeze

I found a solution to this problem. At least, for people who ONLY experience problems with upgrading to the latest Catalyst drivers (3.7 at this point). If your system hangs/reboots, its because the Radeon software tries to reinstall the old drivers automatically after you uninstall them and reboot (WTF??? get this taken care of, ATI!). Upon XP starting up, it starts installing some files, and perhaps asks for an install CD. I found a trick to stop this. Give me credit for it too, I didn't find it on some web site. (windows xp pro SP1 with most updates)


First, REMOVE the current ati drivers and DON'T RESTART!!!!!!

click START>RUN type REGEDIT and type enter.

Navigate to:

Find three folders and delete them. ATI Smart, ATI hotkey poller, and ATI2MTAG (not sure if that one matters, just do the first two if you want to be careful). close registry editor, restart computer. It will try again to reinstall itself, but just click cancel on any windows that pop up.
Make sure fast write and write combining are off, and install latest catalyst drivers. enjoy.

I believe I also went into the WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory and deleted related driver files from there manually, but I'm not sure its necessary.

If this works for you, post a reply sayin thanks to my superior intellect. (truth is, i stumbled upon this solution on accident)

- Brian Holliday, Catalyst driver fixer guy.
Outra solução gringa:

Guys, i tried everthing, and nothing have worked, when i remembered that my Soyo Dragon p4x400 have option to adjust AGP voltage, so i chnged my AGP Voltage from 1.5v(Default) to 1.8v and all the problems just Gone!

Now i can play C&C Generals, Warcraft 3 etc... with no freeze / reboot issues.

My system is very stable now.

I hope this trick work for all the people that have posted before!
Mais uma solução !! Heheeh cada uma !!


Here are the steps (it works with VIA KT333 based mainboard and ATI Catalyst 3.7) ...

1.) Disable "AGP FastWrite" in the BIOS
2.) Browse to your folder, where you installed the ATI Control Panel
3.) Execute file: SmartGard (this is a link)
4.) Do following settings (no matter what the auto-detection says!):
PCI Write: ON
PCI Read: ON
AGP Read: ON
5.) Apply
6.) automatic restart and after that WAIT some seconds because during windows logon, the driver tests your system
7.) SmartGard starts automatically and you have to confirm the new settings with "OK"
8.) Have Fun!

Now, my C&C Generals and Neverwinter Nights work excellent without the reduction of hardware acceleration.
The problem was, that the ATI driver can't detect the AGP settings corectly. Therefore these settings have to be done manually.

I hope this can help some people! Nice to work with you ...
meu micro é o da assinatura e agora ta rodando o C&C Generals, o AOM tranquilamente.

O q eu fiz foi:

* Abilitar o FASTWRITE na BIOS
* Coloquei a voltagem a 1.7v(vou desativar e ver se há necessidade).
* Desativei AGP Write na BIOS e no SmartGart como mostrei acima.

Agora ta rodando normal com 8x(como se tivesse diferença com 4x).

Só o NWN q trava mesm, mas ele já travava com a r8500le, pois parece q o problema é com o catalixo 3.7, pois com o 3.6 rodava.

Espero ter ajudado a negadinha, pois é um problema MUITO chato e provavelmente iria encher o saco de muito vendedor nos pedidos de troca.
o ke enfrento eh ke na minha a7v8x nem seker dah boot....

na a7v333 roda sem problemas..... todos os jogos... se mexer em nada.....

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