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Qual tipo de leitura lhe agrada mais?


Senhores, sempre fui criativo. Confesso que preciso melhorar muito minha escrita mas isso é em outro tópico.

O que acontece é o seguinte:
Eu escrevo roteiros de filme (hobby)
Nesses roteiros, a ideia é ser mais breve possível.
Vou citar aqui uma página de Joker

Joker takes a deep breath, pauses to see if it's over.


--is it just me, or is it getting
crazier out there?

Despite the laughter, there's real pain in his eyes.
Something broken in him. Looks like he hasn't slept in days.

It's certainly tense. People are
upset, they're struggling. Looking
for work. The garbage strike seems
like it's been going on forever.
These are tough times.
How 'bout you. How's the job? Still
enjoying it?

Yeah, I mean, it's different each
day, so I really like that. I don't
think I could ever work in an
office. Behind a desk.


No offense.

She smiles. Writes something down. Looks at the clock, she's
running late for her next appointment.

Porém temos também o estilo muito mais detalhado como por exemplo Stephen King

I am inevitably asked if it is ever going to be a movie. The answer, by the way, is probably yes. Will it be a good one? I don't know. Bad or good, movies nearly always have a strange diminishing effect on works of fantasy (of course there are exceptions; The Wizard of Oz is an example which springs immediately to mind). In discussions, people are willing to cast various parts endlessly. I've always thought Robert Duvall would make a splendid Randall Flagg, but I've heard people suggest such people as Clint Eastwood, Bruce Dern, and Christopher Walken. They all sound good, just as Bruce Springsteen would seem to make an interesting Larry Underwood, if he ever chose to try acting (and, based on his videos, I think he would do very well ... although my personal choice would be Marshall Crenshaw). But in the end, I think it's perhaps best for Stu, Larry, Glen, Frannie, Ralph, Tom Cullen, Lloyd, and that dark fellow to belong to the reader, who will visualize them through the lens of imagination in a vivid and constantly changing way no camera can duplicate. Movies, after all, are only an illusion of motion comprised of thousands of still photographs. The imagination, however, moves with its own tidal flow. Films, even the best of them, freeze fiction--anyone who has ever seen One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and then reads Ken Kesey's novel will find it hard or impossible not to see Jack Nicholson's face on Randle Patrick McMurphy. That is not necessarily bad ... but it is limiting. The glory of a good tale is that it is limitless and fluid; a good tale belongs to each reader in its own particular way.
Peguei aleatório, pois foi mais difícil que aeu achava.

Enfim, o que eu eu queria dizer, ambos são estilos bem DIFERENTES.
Eu sinceramente gosto de ambos.
Um por ser direto, outro por detalhar bem. E gostaria de quando possível, mixar os dois.
Obviamente eu não quero deixar um absolutamente sem detalhe, porém eu queria um ritmo rápido, frenético, as vezes com poucas linhas pra poder avançar rápido.
Outras eu queria detalher bem a situação, um meio termo.
O que vocês acham?

Eu não usaria a linguágem técnica de roteiros.
Mas usaria a ideia do tipo

Os dias ruins iam ganhando mais corpo e mais consistência com o passar do tempo
e as imagens iam ficando cada vez mais reais
Meu medo só aumentava
cada vez eu via mais olhos no escuro
Mais risadas abafadas
toda vez que eu rezava, eu sentia uma ironia presente
Não tinha privacidade, mesmo sozinho

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