[PREVIEW] Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown

Vim seco achando que tinha saído algum gameplay 😔

Dear TDU fans,

This is the first article in a long series where we will be sharing information on the game's development and some of the exciting things you will experience in Test Drive Unlimited: Solar Crown.

In this blogpost, we'll be sharing more details about the clans in Solar Crown: the Streets and the Sharps. But first, the most important bit of news is that
the game will now be releasing in 2023
. With so much support from fans of the series, we know many of you will be disappointed, but our goal with Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown is to make it the most polished gaming experience in the franchise by spending more time on its development. We therefore want to thank the fan community for your support and daily involvement on the game's official Discord channel and within communities on the various social media platforms.

Striving for an authentic and exciting experience
Regarded by many players as the most comprehensive open-world racing game experience, the Test Drive Unlimited franchise has a rich and complex DNA: the environment reproduced at 1:1 scale, beautifully recreated cars, a realistic driving experience, social interactions with other players, a wide variety of races and game modes, and a major "lifestyle" component that goes beyond simple street battles on wheels. Test Drive Unlimited is more than just a racing game, but rather a game about the joy of driving your car, the car that reflects your style and the one you have chosen over all the others. Buying a car from a dealership, listening to the radio while driving, putting the top down when the rain stops, using the turn signals properly, and even simply opening the window are all details that millions of players have fallen in love with. Our goal is to meet those expectations and to stay true to the franchise's DNA by including all those details. But we also want to go further and offer new experiences. We want to make all of Hong Kong Island and its 550km of roads to be a no-limits playground where the fun never ends.

The clan war has already started
Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown offers a new vision of racing competitions where style and reputation matters as much as race victories. In our game, the Solar Crown competition on Hong Kong Island is contested by wealthy enthusiasts of luxury cars, for whom their vehicle is an extension of their personality. As you have seen on our website, two visions of luxury have emerged in the city and two clans have formed: the Streets and the Sharps.

Each clan wants to impose its style on the city. Players can therefore choose to align themselves with a clan and help to champion its lifestyle. While respect for the rival clan remains, there is always a determination to show off their superiority behind the wheel. Each clan also has its own HQ for gathering, celebrating victories together and finding new missions. Whether your vision of luxury is refined and elegant or provocative and rebellious, you always have the chance to showcase it. The Streets – whose culture has a more underground, nightclub vibe – gather in an old building they have taken over for the Solar Crown competition. It is located in the industrial district of Wan Chai on the northern-central part of the island. As for the Sharps, they have privatised the top floor and balcony of a luxury building in the Western District to the west of the city. A more subdued and sophisticated atmosphere reigns in this HQ. Each of the HQs has a "public" area that can be accessed by all players, whether they are a Street or Sharp, but the more interesting part is the VIP area, which is only open to clan members who have proved their allegiance. In this area, out of sight of non-members, meetings are held and missions are assigned with the aim of destabilising the rival camp.

Beta testing phase planned
We also want to take advantage of the extra development time to optimize the game and get you more involved. We are currently working on a schedule for closed betas. The more impatient among you will get the chance to test the game long before it releases. This phase will allow us to gather your valuable feedback so we can keep improving the game's quality until it releases, while also staying in more regular contact with you. Finally, with the aim of making the most of the technology in the latest consoles and maximising the overall quality of the game, NACON has decided to no longer develop Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown for PlayStation®4 and Xbox One.

Until our next communication, we would love to see you join the amazing driving community we've built across our socials. Come and join in the dicussion!
Opa, que bom que cancelaram as versões da gen passada. Espero que venha com gráficos top. To bem ansioso pelo jogo.








só vem papai!!
É... vou ter que comprar um PS5 kkkkk
Solar Club Letter #1 - Car Dealers & Workshops


Dear Solar Club members,

We have been quiet for a long time, but we fully understand how eager you are to learn more about this game, a project that means as much to us as it does to you. The team has been working very hard, and the game is progressing well. We're now in a position to share more about TDUSC with you. We have taken our time, but as you can imagine, we didn't want to disappoint you and we want every part of Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown to meet your expectations.

That's why, starting today until the game releases, we will send out a Solar Club Newsletter
every month
. These newsletters will reveal more details about the game, its development, and how we are respecting the DNA of the Test Drive Unlimited franchise. They will also be a chance for us to keep you up to date on everything happening with TDUSC this year. Here are a few examples of what we intend to share in the coming months:

• Screenshots and exclusive concept art
• Gameplay details
• Live game sessions with the developers
• Information on the testing phases

We hope you like this initiative and that it promotes discussion between us, whether it's on the game's Steam page or on the various official game channels.
And to make sure you don't miss any news, don't forget to join us on our social media channels:

You can also support us by adding TDUSC to your wishlist :

Dear members, we heard what you asked for: asphalt, nostalgia, the ultimate driving experience… One thing's for sure, 2023 will be full of revelations, answers and unique experiences.

For the first edition of our newsletter, we decided to share some details on choosing a car, buying it and customizing it, which are all core elements of the TDUSC gameplay and help make it a truly unique game.



Buying a car in TDU isn't a trivial matter; it rewards the efforts you've made to earn enough money, and the decision shouldn't be taken lightly. With TDUSC, you don't just buy lots of cars without interest or emotions. We want each car you own to be something you love, an extension of yourself and your personality. What will be your next car? It should be the car you've dreamed about for several hours playing the game, one that shows off your style, one that reflects who you are, and one that will help you win the next races!

What could be more exciting than going from dealership to dealership, money burning a hole in your pocket, choosing and customizing your next car? And then there's checking out all the models, test driving them, browsing their specs, and finally making the big decision. After that, you just need to give your new toy the personal touch, including the paint job, interior, rims… your dream car. To conclude, you're finally handed the keys and can now proudly say it's yours!



Are you more into American, Italian, or German ones? Do you want a daily driver or a Supercar? Off-road or GT? You'll find 14 specialist dealerships, each offering different brands, all over Hong Kong Island. Which one will have the car of your dreams? Two iconic marques from the TDU universe also have their own dealerships, entirely dedicated to their brands: Lamborghini and Ferrari. You'll find a wide selection of their models in those dealerships.


Notes from Alain Jarniou, Creative Director:

“Buying a car in TDU is always a special moment. It's a core part of the game for fans of beautiful cars.
In TDUSC we have created special places that showcase our cars. You'll discover them in real locations throughout Hong Kong Island as you progress and level up in the game.

Before buying a new car, we make sure you can take time to make the right choice. You can move around freely within the dealership, interact with the cars to choose the model you want, admire the exterior in detail, and get inside after opening the door to appreciate the comfort, try out the horn, and even start the engine, which is not always possible in real life!

All this interaction happens with other players around in what we are calling "social hubs". Like all areas where you can move your avatar around, it's a meeting place for chatting with other players and other car enthusiasts like yourself. We think it's essential that players can meet and communicate with each other. You can then decide to play together and greatly increase the fun of driving around in amazing cars (and earning bonuses at the same time).

Before making your final choice, you can obviously test drive the car to make sure the handling and drive meet your expectations.
When you've made your decision, you can then choose the exact model you want. The game offers the official options from manufacturers: paint, interior colours and rims, so you can purchase your dream car.

If you want to take the customization further, we have created special places for that: Workshops.
Finally, to make the experience as authentic as possible, the transaction concludes by you receiving the keys. That's all in the spirit of Test Drive Unlimited".



Want to give your cars a personal touch? That's what the Solar Crown Workshops are for. Need to prepare for the next races? Need more power, traction or a more playful car for pulling off the longest drifts? Stop by the Workshops! Looking to flaunt your Street or Sharp style with a full or partial paint job? You'll want the Workshops for that too!


If you're looking for a performance boost, you have a wide range of modifications available: from suspensions to the gearbox to complete configuration of the engine. What if you're not much of a mechanic? The technical characteristics have been simplified to help you focus on what's important: power, traction, acceleration, braking… In total, there are 13 customizable performance parts across 6 categories for combustion-powered cars, and 12 customizable performance parts across 6 categories for electric cars.

Customizing the look of your cars is essential for any driver aiming for victory in the Solar Crown. Winning is great, but winning in style is even better!

Are you more of a purist and not really into liveries? You can choose one of the manufacturer's colours when you buy the car and just keep that. Or do you prefer to get creative and obsess over every detail? Express yourself in the Livery Editor and show off your style: metallic, matte, pearlescent and chrome paint jobs, and of course hundreds of stickers and decals to create unique designs.


As you can see, there are lots of ways you can customize your car. However, you can't just claim to be an artist to become one. The Solar Crown organization has rules: access to the modifications available for your cars depends on your Reputation level. Your ties to the Sharps and Streets also unlocks unique customization options that are specific to each clan.

Notes by Alain Jarniou, Creative Director

“The ability to customize your car is an essential part of an MMO like TDU. Whether it's to express your creativity to show off your style to other players or to tune your car to match the race conditions or explore off the beaten track, the Workshops are there to give you as many options as possible.

Like our other social hubs, Workshops are large community spaces. You can customize your cars and see what other players have done to their own vehicles. It's a chance to look at the most beautiful liveries and discuss the best configurations with other players.
Based on your level, you gain access to increasingly precise tuning options, which means you can create configurations for use in races later on.

TDUSC offers a driving simulation that is accessible for those who want an experience you can just pick up and play, yet challenging for those who enjoy spending time tweaking configurations and adapting their cars to match their driving style and for optimal performance in the various race conditions.”

We hope you have enjoyed reading all this new information. Please feel free to share your comments about our first Solar Club Newsletter. As mentioned previously, a new one will be sent out every month with new topics and more news. Finally, we saw your enthusiasm during the previous Nacon Connect conferences. We wanted to let you know that Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown won't be featured at the next conference on 9 March 2023, but we will be sharing more exclusive information about the game and gameplay every month!

TDU Team.
So vem.
As comparações com Forza serão inevitáveis. Vai ser duro colocar na cabeça de algumas pessoas que TDU tem uma proposta um bocado diferente.

E vai precisar de uma solução anti-cheat muito eficaz, pois o TDU 2 era empesteado de xiteiros.
Algumas coisas interessantes ai.

Parece que as concessionarias vão ser hubs que vc vai encontrar outros jogadores. Gostei.
Vai rolar uma animação depois que vc compra um carro que vc recebe as chaves. Gostei tbm.

Tomara que o suporte ao volante seja decente. Com um FFB bom, pq minha ideia é fazer como faço com Forza Horizon, jogar full volante.
Caramba! Nem sabia da existência desse próximo TDU.

Depois de Gran Turismo, TDU foi, sem dúvidas, o jogo de carro que mais joguei na vida!

Um dos mais aguardados por mim <3
As novidades são animadoras mas eu quero SS do jogo rodando mesmo, não SS de cenário ou gameplay real.

fora isso cedo pra muito hype
Solar Club Letter #2 - Map & Exploration
Dear Solar Club members,

Today, we're going to continue exploring the world of TDUSC. After the first newsletter, you now own your new luxury car with customized performance and style. It's now up to you and your driving skills to stand out from the crowd and beat your rivals. As you know, other than physical, mental and fine-motor skills, what separates an excellent driver from a good one is knowledge of the terrain. You need to master your speed, cornering, bumps in the road, weather conditions, visibility… Getting to know a course inside out takes time, dedication and practice.

The variety of roads that can be found on Hong Kong Island (also known as HKI) makes it great for
exploration. That's why, in this newsletter, we'll explore this unique island together and take a closer look at your playground for Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown.


Faithfully recreated and at true 1:1 scale, Hong Kong Island is actually a great place to enjoy a very varied and intense driving experience, despite what you might think. You may not be able to tackle all the challenges the island has to offer with your first car, but you will be able to explore and discover many of the surprises that HKI has in store.


Hong Kong Island is full of very different landscapes. From the traditional narrow streets of the old town, to the wide highways where you can really put the pedal to the metal, to the off-road mountain trails that require skill and technique, each type of terrain poses its own unique challenges. The driving experience offered by TDUSC is realistic and challenging, while remaining accessible for drivers of all skill levels. By honing your skills behind the wheel and choosing the right car for the road type, you will learn to dominate all the different types of terrain you encounter.


As well as the varied terrain types, there is a dynamic weather and time of the day system: you can go
from a sunny ride at dawn to a long night-time drive under stormy skies. Rain has a significant impact on the behaviour of your car: you will need to adapt your driving to avoid unexpected skids and maybe change your tyres and gear ratios. Don't forget to turn on your windscreen wipers while waiting for the sun to come back out so you can put the top down again! The day/night cycle is also realistic with distinct phases for dawn, day, evening and night.


Like previous editions, HKI has been optimized to encourage freely driving around in your car. In total,
you can explore over 600km / 370 miles of roads. Exploring roads in HKI is a core part of the TDUSC
gameplay: the more you explore, the more rewards you earn!

Note from Alain Jarniou, Creative Director

Escrito originalmente por author:
Recreating Hong Kong Island with all its variety and small details was a considerable

In an open-world game like TDU, we need to provide a seamless and interesting driving
experience as well as encourage exploration, which is an important part of the experience. To
increase immersion and transport players to a new country, we also wanted to make HKI very
realistic, which is why we recreated it at 1:1 scale. It was a challenge technically as well as in
terms of gameplay.

Thanks to the experience gained developing many rally games (WRC series) and motorcycling
games (TT series), we have considerable expertise in creating realistic environments on a large
scale. But TDU is a different kind of experience and more challenging.

Hong Kong Island is an amazing playground that offers incredible diversity, and each environment
received special attention to make them more fun for players.
To emphasize the fast and smooth driving, for example, the very dense urban network of HKI
needed some small adjustments because of certain little streets that were very (too?) narrow.

Conversely, some light redesign was done to the major thoroughfares to make them more fun
and adapted to very fast cars, while respecting the identity of Hong Kong Island.

To increase exploration options, we used our expertise from WRC games to transform certain
walking and hiking paths into small mountain roads that a car can use. It's up to you to discover
all the island's secret areas by driving down routes that aren't always shown on the map! It takes
time for HKI to give up all its secrets…
As you can see, everything has been done to provide a unique, fun and sometimes challenging game
experience, while remaining as authentic as possible.



While the competitive drivers among you will love all the different races organized by the Solar Crown,
players looking for exploration and relaxation will also be happy. You'll find 14 districts to explore, and
each one full of activities, events, and objects to find and collect. And fans of previous TDU games will be excited to hear that wrecks are returning to HKI with parts to be found across the island. Anyone who manages to find all the parts can acquire some iconic cars.

There are also many challenges to tackle: beat your speed records through the island's speed traps, and go head-to-head against other players or your friends in Instant Challenges. Your driving will probably not be perfect, and your cars won't always stay in immaculate condition, but don't worry: there are gas stations available to restore them to their shiniest best.



Note from Stéphane Cambier, Lead Artist

Escrito originalmente por author:
HKI has a wide variety of locations, and we wanted to reproduce as many of these
environments as possible: from small inlets on the coast to mountain peaks to dense urban
areas and swamps.

Obviously, you can't show Hong Kong without the major landmarks that make up its famous skyline and iconic places from movies like the Monster Building.

You can cruise through downtown Wan Chai, the financial district with huge buildings like the
Hopewell Centre and Convention Centre, then pass through the Central District under the Bank
of China Tower and the twin towers of the Lippo Centre, an iconic skyscraper on HKI.

The East docks area is the perfect playground for the Streets. Their HQ, an underground industrial
nightclub, can be found here. But if you prefer a calmer and more residential atmosphere, the
Repulse Bay district with its luxury dealerships is there on the south side of the island. The Peak,
the island's highest point, is perfect for an off-road experience and to admire the city as the sun
goes down.

Are you an inveterate explorer at heart? Set off to find small fishing villages at the foot of Tai Tam
Tuk Reservoir, which can only be reached by small paths; then take the Dragon's Back to reach
Shek O for unforgettable gaming moments that can only be found in TDUSC.

With this guided tour, you can see that HKI has incredible variety that we have faithfully recreated
so you can enjoy epic driving adventures with your friends.


Members, we hope that with this information you can envisage your future playground and that it has
made you even more excited to explore Hong Kong Island. Please don't hesitate to share your thoughts! Which district are you most excited to visit first in your car? Feel free to share on our social media channels:

O problema é que esse desenvolvimento ficou muito secreto por bastante tempo e essas newsletters mensais não são suficientes pra criar o hype. Nem ter uma data esperada e/ou a possibilidade de pré-compra também me deixam imaginando que esse jogo não deva sair esse ano.
O problema é que esse desenvolvimento ficou muito secreto por bastante tempo e essas newsletters mensais não são suficientes pra criar o hype. Nem ter uma data esperada e/ou a possibilidade de pré-compra também me deixam imaginando que esse jogo não deva sair esse ano.

O hype só vem msm qndo sair um gameplay
Solar Club Letter #2 - Map & Exploration
Dear Solar Club members,

Today, we're going to continue exploring the world of TDUSC. After the first newsletter, you now own your new luxury car with customized performance and style. It's now up to you and your driving skills to stand out from the crowd and beat your rivals. As you know, other than physical, mental and fine-motor skills, what separates an excellent driver from a good one is knowledge of the terrain. You need to master your speed, cornering, bumps in the road, weather conditions, visibility… Getting to know a course inside out takes time, dedication and practice.

The variety of roads that can be found on Hong Kong Island (also known as HKI) makes it great for
exploration. That's why, in this newsletter, we'll explore this unique island together and take a closer look at your playground for Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown.


Faithfully recreated and at true 1:1 scale, Hong Kong Island is actually a great place to enjoy a very varied and intense driving experience, despite what you might think. You may not be able to tackle all the challenges the island has to offer with your first car, but you will be able to explore and discover many of the surprises that HKI has in store.


Hong Kong Island is full of very different landscapes. From the traditional narrow streets of the old town, to the wide highways where you can really put the pedal to the metal, to the off-road mountain trails that require skill and technique, each type of terrain poses its own unique challenges. The driving experience offered by TDUSC is realistic and challenging, while remaining accessible for drivers of all skill levels. By honing your skills behind the wheel and choosing the right car for the road type, you will learn to dominate all the different types of terrain you encounter.


As well as the varied terrain types, there is a dynamic weather and time of the day system: you can go
from a sunny ride at dawn to a long night-time drive under stormy skies. Rain has a significant impact on the behaviour of your car: you will need to adapt your driving to avoid unexpected skids and maybe change your tyres and gear ratios. Don't forget to turn on your windscreen wipers while waiting for the sun to come back out so you can put the top down again! The day/night cycle is also realistic with distinct phases for dawn, day, evening and night.


Like previous editions, HKI has been optimized to encourage freely driving around in your car. In total,
you can explore over 600km / 370 miles of roads. Exploring roads in HKI is a core part of the TDUSC
gameplay: the more you explore, the more rewards you earn!

Note from Alain Jarniou, Creative Director

As you can see, everything has been done to provide a unique, fun and sometimes challenging game
experience, while remaining as authentic as possible.



While the competitive drivers among you will love all the different races organized by the Solar Crown,
players looking for exploration and relaxation will also be happy. You'll find 14 districts to explore, and
each one full of activities, events, and objects to find and collect. And fans of previous TDU games will be excited to hear that wrecks are returning to HKI with parts to be found across the island. Anyone who manages to find all the parts can acquire some iconic cars.

There are also many challenges to tackle: beat your speed records through the island's speed traps, and go head-to-head against other players or your friends in Instant Challenges. Your driving will probably not be perfect, and your cars won't always stay in immaculate condition, but don't worry: there are gas stations available to restore them to their shiniest best.



Note from Stéphane Cambier, Lead Artist


Members, we hope that with this information you can envisage your future playground and that it has
made you even more excited to explore Hong Kong Island. Please don't hesitate to share your thoughts! Which district are you most excited to visit first in your car? Feel free to share on our social media channels:

Pontos que me chamaram atenção:

A chuva tem um impacto significativo no comportamento do seu carro: você precisará adaptar sua direção para evitar derrapagens inesperadas e talvez trocar seus pneus e relações de transmissão.

Não se esqueça de ligar os limpadores de para-brisa enquanto espera que o sol volte para poder abaixar a capota novamente! O ciclo dia/noite também é realista com fases distintas para amanhecer, dia, entardecer e noite.

E os fãs dos jogos TDU anteriores ficarão entusiasmados ao saber que os destroços estão voltando para HKI com peças que podem ser encontradas em toda a ilha. Quem conseguir encontrar todas as peças pode adquirir alguns carros icônicos.

Sua direção provavelmente não será perfeita e seus carros nem sempre ficarão em perfeitas condições, mas não se preocupe: existem postos de gasolina disponíveis para restaurá-los ao seu melhor estado.
O problema é que esse desenvolvimento ficou muito secreto por bastante tempo e essas newsletters mensais não são suficientes pra criar o hype. Nem ter uma data esperada e/ou a possibilidade de pré-compra também me deixam imaginando que esse jogo não deva sair esse ano.
Na melhor das hipóteses tão segurando pra mostrar no summer game fest.

O único medo é se eles inventarem de tentar copiar a jogabilidade ensaboada do forza horizon. A jogabilidade do TDU2 era decente, só precisa de alguns ajustes, então só se os caras forem muito trolls pra ser pior que aquilo. Se quiserem partir pra alta velocidade, então algo no estilo The Crew 1 acho que seria o mais adequado.
Belas imagens!

Só espero que o mapa não seja tão focado no "mato", senão ficará muito parecido com FH ou The Crew.
Ainda tem uma coisa me incomodando extremamente nesse jogo

tá na cara que ainda estão reciclando conteúdo dos jogos antigos na cara dura

isso não é exatamente um demérito, mas ver esse Mustang paleózoico com a configuração mais odiada pelos Gearheads, motor 6 cilindros manco e câmbio de 3 marchas, e essa Mercedes SLK extremamente sem graça e problemática na vida real, não dá mais

pelamor de Deus né, essa SLK já deu, carro de 2004 taqueopariu, é o mesmo problema do Forza atual, cadê as Mercedes novas AMG? praticamente não tem quase nenhuma....

Se quer ter AMG clássica então põe as que mais inovaram desde a décade de 80/90 ou raras como as Black Series

nas imagens novas ainda tem um Audi Q7 da época do TDU2, esse ainda passa pq esse carro é um unicórnio, nunca existiu um carro ou outro SUV com um V12 6.0 turbodiesel mega poluidor e nunca mais terá!

anyway, mostrando essas velharias, esse Shelby Cobra absurdamente manjado que tem em todo jogo, não vai elevar o hype de ninguém!
kjkkkkkkk pelas screens mais um lixo meia boca de jogo generico de corrida e o jogo já nascerá obsoleto pq esses gráficos do passado estilo DX9c/DX10 é bem zoado pelo visto e não cola, só esperar o pior pra não se frustrar, sem falar a qtd de bugs que virá no pacote!
Última edição:

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