[PREVIEW] World War 3

  • Iniciador de Tópicos Chackall
  • Data de Início
Gostei de mais deste jogo mas optei pelo BFV e me arrependi ate hj uma pena.
Gostei de mais deste jogo mas optei pelo BFV e me arrependi ate hj uma pena.
Mas esse ainda não lançou, agora que vai chegar a build 0.7

The BOMB has be planted



Report #30 - Breakthrough

Hello, Soldiers!

Last Week in WW3

We’re still hard at work getting 0.7 ready for prime time Live servers. Last week we’ve fixed a lot of underlying issues with replication and we’re on track to get all major bugs squashed. We’re currently optimizing server performance and testing a lot of settings with Replication Graph (read more about it here), making sure we’re utilizing it’s functionality as best as we can.

At the same time, we’re working on optimizations and fixing map bugs, making sure we’re finding and fixing places you can get stuck in and, most importantly, gain an unfair advantage.

Another issue is some long lasting exploits our players have found over the months, we’re starting to make sure those are being eliminated one by one.

Work on the new UI is also going strong, on both HUD and Customization fronts. You can already see some of the new HUDs in vehicles on the PTE, but we’re overhauling all of it for 1.0 release to make sure it’s much clearer for new players what is happening.


As we’ve talked about previously, we’ve always thought that one of the great moments in World War 3 are when two armies collide and create a front line, trying to push one another back, flank and outsmart the enemy. Breakthrough is making those moments more frequent and makes for a really fun and intense game mode with just enough tactics that even a single soldier can change the outcome of the fight, but against a well coordinated team it will still be a tough task.

Since we last talked about Breakthrough, we’ve played with the numbers a bit and we’ve come to a version of the game mode that is working well for us and we think it will work for you as well.

The Rules

At this time, Breakthrough game mode supports 10v10 players in every match. Might seem like a low number, but even this can get pretty chaotic and crowded when all 20 people are fighting over single point.

At the start, the teams are split into two groups: attacking and defending. Attacking team starts with only one respawn point: their main base. Defenders have all points captured and can spawn on any of them, setting up defenses or just trying to get to the frontlines as soon as possible.

Each point represents an objective (a Radio Station) that the attackers have to destroy. They can do it by planting an explosive charge [default: F] and defending it for 30 seconds or by just destroying the Radio Station with normal explosives - RPGs, tank shells, airstrikes, C4 and even grenades. Not all Stations are in the open, so ranged explosive attacks won’t work on some of them.

Map is divided into 4 areas (A -> D) with 2 Radio Stations in each of them, called 1 and 2. As an example, here’s a look at Moscow at the start of the game as the defender:


The attackers start on the bottom of the map and go through A to D, having to destroy both points before advancing. This means that if the attackers coordinate, they can easily pin down the defenders and let the other squad take one of the points.

Every Breakthrough match starts with 15 minutes left on the timer. When the timer reaches 0, defending team wins.

Each time the attackers destroy a Station, if the timer was below 5 minutes, it will set the timer to 5 minutes left. This means that in the case of dominance of the defending team, the game will end after 15 minutes, but if the attackers break through, they will still have time to use that momentum to push further. In theory, the game can go up to 30 minutes if the fight is really fierce, but we’ve mostly seen it ending in 15 or 20 minutes.

Every time a pair of points is captured, the area becomes locked for the defenders, giving them 60 seconds to retreat to the next defensive position. Attackers can only attack the closest pair of points to them, they can’t go further into the enemy territory.

Attackers win when all Radio Stations are destroyed and the timer has not run out.

Breakthrough works on all current and future Warzone maps, using the Large variants on some of them.

All strikes are available in Breakthrough, but scoring Battlepoints is not as quick as in Warzone. This means working with your squad is more important than ever to gain an advantage in the form of strikes, vehicles and other support.

Breakthrough is fast, dynamic and very intense compared to Warzone, which is exactly what we’ve been looking for for the third game mode. It sits somewhere between Team Deathmatch and Warzone in moment-to-moment intensity but it’s not as simple as TDM - you still need to flank well and think about your approach, because each respawn is costing you valuable time.

Breakthrough will hit the Public Test Environment shortly after 0.7 is ready for Live servers. We know that 0.7 is taking a long time to be ready, but we want to make sure we’ve tested the patch well before pushing it to Live servers.

During the PTE testing we’re looking for player feedback on timings, Station locations, respawn locations, potential exploits and overall balance to make sure it’s fun on both sides of the map.

Ready when?
Some of the features we need for Breakthrough (like new HUD elements) are connected to the HUD redesign and we have to reach certain milestones before we can release it into the wild. That said, the current plan is to release Breakthrough to the PTE later this month or in the first half of October and test it with our players to make sure it will be a good fit for the game.

Once again, we’d like to thank the community members that came up with the idea and helped organize and test the game mode. We couldn’t do it without you and that’s exactly why Early Access was the way to go for us.

See you in the next one!

- World War 3 Team
Última edição:

Hello soldiers!

Last week we’ve talked a bit about the upcoming game mode, Breakthrough, developed based off of our community idea. You, our players, seem to like the idea of this type of game mode in World War 3 and we are beyond excited to let you play it on Live servers. Just in case you’ve missed last week’s Weekly Report, here’s where you can [read more] about it, but if you don’t want to read the entire post, here’s a quick recap of things to come with Breakthrough:

  • Match lasts between 15 and 30 mins
  • 10v10 players, split evenly into attackers and defenders
  • Attackers try to destroy Radio Stations, while defenders try to stop them
  • After successful neutralisation of Radio Stations in both adjacent points (A1 and A2, B1 and B2, etc.), the frontline is pushed back
  • If attackers destroy all Radio Stations, they win
  • If at any point defenders stop attackers from destroying Radio Stations and the timer reaches zero, they win
  • Players can use all available strikes

From what we’ve tried, everything seems to be working and seems to be balanced, but testing internally (apart from the times that the “fathers” of Breakthrough organized the tests with our community) never delivers the full scope of what we can expect. We are looking forward to finally delivering the game mode into your PTE hands, hoping for a great amount of feedback from you on it, varying from overall fun to balance, timings and station locations.

But before we can do that - before we can drop Breakthrough on PTE servers for you to test - there’s some things we have to take care first apart from changes to the HUD elements that we have to make.

0.7 on PTE

Since we started testing the 0.7 update on PTE servers, we’ve fixed the majority of issues and problems that we encountered. The work is progressing as we anticipated, and the biggest problems were already neutralized. New features should no longer interfere with systems we already have in place, and we’re almost there.

Just last week we pushed two patches in order to bring the 0.7 closer to the LIVE release. Patch 0.7.7, released on Wednesday fixed a lot: some of the bugs were minor and not really gamebreaking, like US Army Chest not being skinned properly (thanks, Animators!) or no information about enemy’s armor showing up on Kill Screen. Of course, those may seem “not important” to some of you in the grand scheme of things, but even minor bugs are still bugs and have to be exterminated. As we said after the release of Warzone Giga Patch 0.6 - the most important thing for us is to not rush things; we want to deliver the best experience possible, and if that means that an update takes a bit longer to release than it was initially anticipated, so be it. It’s better to take a few days or weeks to fix things up than to let players play on a bad build. We hope you understand that as much as we do. The aforementioned patch 0.7.7 also included first possible fix for map rotation, which means that in theory, staying in lobby and playing on a different map than before might soon be possible again. We still have to check things up and will update you on that when we have more information about it.

The second patch, 0.7.8, was released late Friday, and included fixes for a couple of challenges, general audio fixes and one funny bug that made our Us Army Pants invisible. If you would like to know more about things that went into our PTE patches in the last few days, please visit our Steam community or our Discord server - that’s where most of the “general updates” go. For your convenience, patch 0.7.7 and 0.7.8 contents can be found HERE and HERE.

As we said previously, we cannot really share any exact date as to when exactly Update 0.7 will arrive on the LIVE servers and ask you for your patience - it will be well worth it! And to sweeten the wait, here’s an upcoming vehicle which should find its way into World War 3 in the future!

Light Heli Drone


So… the time has come. The most controversial and arguably most hated vehicle finally won’t be alone. But before you start to freak out, delete your comment on the discord or forum and hear me out! Light Heli Drone is our current UFV little brother based on the MQ-8B platform. This version is considerably smaller and has a lot less payload potential. This being said this drone will be equipped with a 7.52mm machine gun as default with only 12.7mm machine gun as an option. Also, it will be much more vulnerable to any source of damage. The whole package, with all its limitations, will come with a considerably lower price but we will monitor the situation and act accordingly. On this occasion, I should also mention the fact that regular Heli Drone has been nerfed… a lot… probably too much, but we will let you decide on that. We hope that all this will bring the joy of flying (or destroying) back.

That’s it for this week, see you in our next weekly report!

- World War 3 Team
é bom o jogo? compensa comprar?
é bom o jogo? compensa comprar?
joguei bastante e ainda jogo
Jogo ainda esta em versão 0.6, sim tem BUGs (alguns mapas mais que outros), poucos players... p
Aguardando a versão 0.7 que promete corrigir muitos erros, um deles o map rotation dos servidores que não existia.

Recomendo buscar uns gameplays no youtube com datas recentes

Here's another patch for the PTE 0.7, in this one we have focused on fixing the issue with the markers - please let us know if you spot anything wrong with markers. We've implemented some fixes to the challenge system, it still needs some testing with counting the mission objectives. Good news is that we are closer to the release of the 0.7. Thank you for your engagement in testing!

PTE 0.7.9 Patch Notes

  • Fixed invisible markers issue
  • Suppress fire challenges fix
  • Use challenges fix
  • Fixed displaying challenges in menu
  • Fixed differences in rate of fire of machine guns in turrets
  • Fixed vehicle strike drops
  • Other replication fixes
  • Some crash fixes

  • Reduced mark radius
  • Tweaks for Commando driving capabilities

Have a great week,

- World War 3 Team
Sem tempo agora, mas espero a voltar a jogar o game em breve, gostei muito dele, mas precisa de melhoras graficas para se atulizar com os games atuais.
Sem tempo agora, mas espero a voltar a jogar o game em breve, gostei muito dele, mas precisa de melhoras graficas para se atulizar com os games atuais.
Versão 0.7 esta sendo elogiada
Espera ela sair, pq por enquanto essa versão está apenas no PTE

Hello, Soldiers!

It’s been a long ride, but we’re finally ready to launch the 0.7 update on the LIVE servers. It took longer than we anticipated, but after the dreaded 0.3 update we have to make sure each new update we bring to the “main” branch of the game is stable, works without major problems and doesn’t have any game breaking bugs that might affect the enjoyment and experience of players. After as thorough testing as possible with the limited resources we have and also with the help of our testers on the PTE servers that started in late August, we’re happy with the progress we’ve made on the update, and - bar any major last-minute problems - it should be available later this week!

Since it’s been a long time since we’ve first announced the update, let’s focus on what the new update brings to the table in terms of performance, stability, and new weaponry as well.

0.7 contents

As some of you may know by now, the most important thing to come with the 0.7 update is the engine switch from our previous version to the new one. Live version of the game have been using Unreal Engine 4.19 so far and that means we couldn’t utilize a lot of functionalities that came later on. Keep in mind that the 4.19 version has been released in March 2018 and had a lot of support for what we’ve been doing, but we had to move forward to 4.21 in order to get the tools we required for optimization work.

The one of the biggest changes and reasons for the engine switch is the Replication Graph, which came with the 4.20 update. In simple words, replication is a term that describes how server and game talks to one another, talking about how player moves, where he is, what’s the player’s state - not to mention different variables every player has. The Replication Graph decides, what information are important depending on where a player is. So, for example if you have 10 players fighting on the other side of Moscow, there’s no point in knowing how each individual bullet flies in a building half kilometer from you, so Replication Graph helps dealing with that, freeing up CPU from calculations. That helps with performance, but in order to utilize that freed up space, we had to adjust our netcode as well, and that took a lot of work from our programmers.

On the other side, we had to do work on optimization of World War 3. We knew that the performance wasn’t great, but being an Early Access title we have more possibilities to adjust our work plan than maybe some studios do. Work has been going great and from our PTE tests we can be happy with what we’ve achieved in the last month and a bit in terms of performance. Those who haven’t had a chance of playing 0.7 update on the PTE should see an improvement in how the game plays for them!

In terms of new content, we have a lot of changes coming your way: There’s a whole new Challenge System, that consists of daily challenges, resetting every 24 hours, so you and your fellow soldiers have something to do in addition to… killing other players. It’s not a final version, it’s the start of a much bigger system that encompassess progression as well.

We’re introducing a new squad manager, which isn’t a “sexy” change, but it had to be done. We weren’t happy with how squad manager worked this far in World War 3, so we had it reworked so it works properly, without any problems and helps players enjoy the game together with friends. We couldn’t fix things with how the manager was set up previously - now it shouldn’t cause any issues.

We’ve also brought a new VOIP system to life - the one we had previously wasn’t what we envisioned and it also didn’t work well with our game. Now it has a lot more options and sounds more like you’d actually be in a battle, so it helps with immersion, too. But remember: our VOIP is squad-only, for both performance and gameplay reasons.

From a visual perspective, there’s new lighting on our maps, with also helps with immersion, new vehicle HUDs (but those are still a WIP version, you could see how the new HUD looks in our Weekly Reports couple of weeks ago).

New content

As you may conclude on your own by now, the 0.7 update is much more techy than anything else, but in case you are more interested in assets, we have something new for you as well! With 0.7 update, we’re introducing VAB Mobile Spawn Variant, which is a replacement for BCV for one of the teams - just so you can quickly determine if you’re dealing with friends, or foes. It always appears on the opposite side of the match, so if you’re encountering something different than BCV - run or prepare for a fight.


In terms of strikes, we’re bringing Napalm and Smoke Artillery for players to use. Those two are designed to help with hiding your forces from the enemy’s rifles and to cut enemies off from getting to a capture point. They are helpful for tactical approach and utilized properly may change the course of the game.

Breakthrough game mode

One more thing: Because of the workforce we had to move in order to finish up the 0.7 update, Breakthrough game mode, the community game mode designed by you, but polished by us at the studio, will be releasing with the introduction of the 0.8 update. The update itself will be more content-oriented in comparison to the 0.7, so stay tuned! As we have told you last week, we are still aiming for the Breakthrough’s PTE release early October and if nothing dramatic happens, we’re still on course and nothing has changed in that regard.

Thank you for being patient with us and we are confident that the wait will be well worth it! Have a productive week and see you in 0.7, Soldiers!

- World War 3 Team
Estava esperando por esse modo "RUSH", mas parece que vai ficar para a próxima atualização após a 0.7.

Já essa do veículo não entendi bem não.
Será que eles vão remover esses veículo já existente em cada time e irá deixar somente UM, da qual quem pegar primeiro e estiver com ele vai continuar a ser o respawn da equipe?
Estava esperando por esse modo "RUSH", mas parece que vai ficar para a próxima atualização após a 0.7.

Já essa do veículo não entendi bem não.
Será que eles vão remover esses veículo já existente em cada time e irá deixar somente UM, da qual quem pegar primeiro e estiver com ele vai continuar a ser o respawn da equipe?
o modo rush, sinceramente tb estava esperando
Mas quando foram soltando as informações, não sei se vou curtir tanto, queria esse modo em novos mapas ou novas áreas dos mapas (não nas mesma áreas dos mapas já existentes) e tb espero que esse novo modo tenha limite de respawn
Última edição:
PTE 0.7.11 Patch Notes

The last patch one before 0.7 is here. We'll be pushing the 0.7 to Live tomorrow or at the latest Friday if we find any game breaking bugs, but this is it! We've got a few more minor fixes going into the 0.7 Live version, especially for audio, but this is very close to what you can expect on the Live servers later this week.

PTE 0.7.11 Patch Notes


  • Changed IFV Viewfinder size,
  • Removed RCWS icon from vehicle preview widget in case there is no RCWS,
  • Changed GPU Buffering to disabled by default on Best Performance so slower CPUs can catch up with level streaming,
  • Fixed missing markers and players missing from the scoreboard,
  • Fixed strike spawn when player lies down -> before player could fall through the world on local game,
  • Fixed incorrect RCWS health value,
  • Fixed wrong player pose when player uses a remote controlled drone,
  • Fixed camera rotation after drone use.

- World War 3 Team
Com o último patch que saiu esses dias o game melhorou muito!
Os gráficos estão melhores, a performance está bem melhor com todas as otimizações de performance ligadas (tipo vga buffer etc), houve algumas pequenas modificações nos mapas que deixaram eles melhores etc.

Ja está compensando pegar esse game para quem está interessado. Os jogadores vão começar a voltar agora. Estou certo que no lançamento ele vai estar bem polido!

Com o último patch que saiu esses dias o game melhorou muito!
Os gráficos estão melhores, a performance está bem melhor com todas as otimizações de performance ligadas (tipo vga buffer etc), houve algumas pequenas modificações nos mapas que deixaram eles melhores etc.

Ja está compensando pegar esse game para quem está interessado. Os jogadores vão começar a voltar agora. Estou certo que no lançamento ele vai estar bem polido!

Ainda não tive tempo de testar a versão 0.7
Só não entendo pq eles separam os servidores (europa, asia, américa...) no server browser, pq servidores europeus sempre tem player mas o ping é pior que no server americanos
se não me engano li em algum lugar que quando o jogo sair, não vai estar separado

Agora estou sem net (mudei de endereço), antes de mudar estava reformando o apto, era uma correria absurda

Update 0.7.1

Just a small update while we're working on the bigger issues, to make the game just a bit better. It also includes a lot of debug additions that will help us hone in on the problems better.

Update 0.7.1 Patch Notes

  • Fixed mesh for US ARMY uniform,
  • Fixed camos for US ARMY uniform,
  • Unlocked skins for US ARMY chest,
  • Fixed a crash related to Steam Platform Manager,
  • Probable crash fix for Movie Streamer,
  • Fixed crash on player logout,
  • Fixed community emblems not working properly,
  • Fixed potential crash with challenges initialization,
  • Fixed some serialization issues (for network transfer),
  • More fixes for map rotation sending people to the main menu,
  • Fixed some vehicles not having sounds,
  • Brought the Smoke Artillery back as it should be.

- World War 3 Team
únicos servidores em atividade com frequência são os europeus com 300 de ping, mesmo assim dá para ter uma experiencia divertida no jogo, só acho que o jogo é muito mal otimizado ainda, em questão de players... antes era só 60 players diários, agora com essa update são 250 diários.
O problema dos players é que eles entram num EARLY ACCESS e esperam que o game esteja como um produto final!
O WW3 está bom pra jogar nos mapas menores, em Team deathmatch. Nos mapas grandes a qualidade varia, alguns estão com boa performance, mas o map que é mais florestal está ruim.

O que acontece mais com os early access é atrasar mesmo. Geralmente não são empresas grandes. Eu peguei em EA tanto o Insurgency Sandstorm quanto o WW3. Insurgency está cada vez melhor e a NWI mantém o desenvolvimento, mesmo ele tendo sido lançado já. O WW3 parece que vai ser parecido.
o problema dos early acess eh q eles nao cumprem o q prometem e ficam em um eterno beta game.
Mas fica a pergunta qual empresa entrega o que realmente foi prometido?
Sinceramente conto poucas
Sem querer fazer uma comparação direta principalmente por orçamentos, BF5 tá aí como exemplo, jogos da Ubisoft tb e por aí vai....

Sobre Early Access tb existem jogos que saíram bem
Wreckfest é um jogo que ficou 4 anos em Early Access e é um excelente jogo com um bom conteúdo. Acho que só a otimização do jogo que poderia ser um pouco melhor.
Mas Early Access de fato é um risco mas é um risco que prefiro correr do que investir em um AAA como BF

Sobre WW3
O que realmente precisa melhorar é a movimentação dos personagens (fluidez), quando personagem colide com objetos (ele parece travar), som que parece abafado e servidores SA (servidores americanos consigo jogar tranquilo mas europeu, não)
O próximo free wekend só deve ocorrer quando o jogo estiver em um estagio mais avançado.
Última edição:
Eu vi gente falando que não dava mais pra escolher servidor ou das Américas ou Europeus mas dá sim. É só clicar com o botão direito no nome do jogo no Steam.

Hello, Soldiers!

Last week we’ve told you a bit about how to repair vehicles in World War 3 and how our Hunter/Killer system works. We want to continue the streak and tell you a little more about some of the systems we have implemented in our game, so let’s dive into another set of gameplay secrets. As we said previously: there’s a lot you might not know about our game, but we’re here to help you out!

Vehicles in World War 3

We wanted to strike a balance between complexity and ease of use with our vehicles. They’re easy to control and operate on a base level, but also have a lot of quirks and features - and we think some of them will interest even people that think they know everything about vehicular combat in the game.

We’ve decided to bring those to the spotlight and let everyone know about what and how to use in WW3.

Weight and centre of mass

First, the most obvious part is the customization. Our vehicles, just like characters and weapons, are created by combining lots of attachments. Each attachment has not only its cost in Battlepoints, but also weight and other properties. Attachments can, and some do, change the weight and centre of gravity of the whole vehicle. For example, a heavy turret can make a vehicle unstable by raising it’s centre of mass and make it drive slower due to the added weight.


Second important part of customization is armor. It’s heavy, yes, but also can really help with those pesky RPGs. Since 0.7 you can check how good your armor is against RPGs in the customization menu:


Those values (Front, side and rear armor) are representing the number of normal RPGs you need to destroy an armored vehicle by shooting it in any particular armor section. As you can see, the difference is huge - shooting tanks in the front armor is going to take a long time.

Conversely, a well placed Tandem (which deals around twice the normal RPG damage) can take down even a well armored vehicle in a couple of shots.

As a tank driver, you have to be conscious of this weakness and position your vehicle in a way that prevents enemies from surrounding you. Your vehicle is well armored and can take a lot of punishment before being destroyed, but if you’re outsmarted - that’s it. The slow and unwieldy beasts are no match against a swarm of little guys with well placed grenades to the back of your machine.

This is why the best squads will protect their vehicles and take down any RPG carrying enemy soldiers before they can take the vehicle down and won’t let anyone get behind. It’s called “combined arms” for a reason - even the most armored tank is weak when operating alone.

Below you can see a rough approximation of damage zones you can expect on vehicles in World War 3.



Some vehicles can carry more than one weapon. With MBTs and some other vehicles having the main cannon, the auxiliary machine gun and RCWS possibly having 3 different ways of defending and attacking. You can change between weapons by pressing [1], [2] or [3] depending on your customization. A small tip for everyone not familiar with this: if the main cannon is reloading: you can switch to the other gun while the main is reloading and switch back to continue firing.


Vehicle Locking

Another rarely used feature is vehicle locking. You can toggle between the states by using [L] key. This is useful when you’re trying to give your vehicle to your team or lock your team out of using your vehicle, because you want to fit all your squad members in.

The values this can be set to are:

  • Locked (Only the owner can get in),
  • Squad (Only squad can get in),
  • Team (anyone from your team can get in).

Additional subsystems

We’ve also got a few additional attachments you can equip your vehicle with. Depending on the platform, there’s smoke grenades (default [G]) to potentially cover your escape or smoke up a street to help your team cross it under fire.

There’s APS - automatic protection that triggers when a missile, grenade or tank shell is coming your direction, shooting it down and going into cooldown.

CEEGA 2019

As we said in the last Weekly Report, we’ve been nominated in Visual Art category for CEEGA 2019. We didn’t win that one, but we got different award - China’s Choice! Thank you for the recognition!

That’s it for this week, we really hope this helps you out during fights against the enemy. See you in the next report, soldier!

- World War 3 Team

Here we go again! After the 0.7 technical update, we can now start sharing content we've been working on during the technical work on the engine. Easily the biggest one is the new Breakthrough game mode, about which you can read more here. It's a very dynamic, quick-paced mode, with no time to stand around. Your split second decisions matter and one soldier can win the game with a good plant or last second defuse. It's available on all Warzone maps, some of them in the Large variant - so you'll be fighting in places that are normally not available in Warzone - like the school and train station on Warsaw or shopping mall on Moscow.

Important: Breakthrough is going to have the Retreat mechanic expanded in the coming weeks to make it something unique and cool.

Supporting this game mode is the new infantry HUD. It's not finished yet, the Strike Bar, Chat, Kill Feed and Score Feed are going to be refreshed as well, but it works a lot better and has a couple new features, like markers on the compass and animated icons with progress bars for gadgets.

The respawns are also a lot better finally, but bear in mind that there's a few things coming to the respawning system during the time in PTE that will make this a lot better (like marking people that you can't spawn on and possibly people under fire being marked as dangerous spawns).

Let's all test the new game mode, especially when it comes to spawn placement, station placement, possible exploits and overall balance for attackers and defenders.

Be sure to post the feedback in the comments or on our forum : https://forum.worldwar3.com/index.php?/topic/10797-feedback-on-update-08/

PTE 0.8 Patch Notes

There's no warmup on PTE (so testing is easier) - this means that Breakthrough match balance will be skewed,

If clicking Deploy on another player doesn't do anything, keep trying - this means that the game didn't find a suitable spawn for around them. If this happens on a point, report!


  • New game mode: Breakthrough,
  • New Infantry HUD (WIP),
  • Napalm Strike is in,


  • Fixed spawning in a wrong place when there's no space to spawn around selected player,
  • Fixed being able to look inside a building with Mini Done gadget,
  • Fixed lasers staying while throwing grenades,
  • Other bugfixes.

- World War 3 Team

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