[TÓPICO OFICIAL] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Não tenha pressa. O jogo é lindo demais pra sair fazendo as quests principais e pular todo o conteúdo fora da main quest, que nesse caso acho que é bem maior que o conteúdo principal.
Pontos de interrogação são pontos de interesse, onde vc pode encontrar uma dentre várias diferentes tipos de situação tais como um mercador pra ser libertado ou
acampamento de bandidos ou ainda locais de poder pra ganhar um ponto de habilidade.
Exclamações são side quests que você pode pegar incluindo contratos nos signposts
Covil de monstro são apenas pra dar XP e pegar itens, não são quests. EMbora algumas quests envolvam ninhos de monstro.
Não tem ordem, mas se vc quer uma dica, vá explorando todos pontos de interrogação ANTES de avançar nas main quests.
Depois que conhecer o mapa da região, ao mesmo tempo em que ganha um xp explorando os pontos de interrogação, vocÊ vai explorar a cidade/vilas e falar com a galera, pegar contratos etc.
Nisso vc avança de lvl, conhece o mapa e explora muito bem ANTES de avançar na main quest, e isso te proporcionará uma experiência mais fácil na main quest, por saber mais sobre como lidar com as situações, estratégias contra certos monstros etc.
Outro lançe é focar em fazer as side quests e quests sempre do lvl mais baixo possível, assim vc evita de fazer quests muito difíceis ou muito fáceis, tornando a experiência de jogo equilibrada durante todo o jogo.
Opa obrigado isso ja me ajudou bastante.
Outra duvida se eu ir no mapa e fazer um pondo de exclamação posso atrapalhar algum contrato que não peguei ainda ?
Bateu uma saudade e voltei a jogar The Witcher ontem, não jogava desde do path 1.04 para minha surpresa o jogo estava mais leve ainda.
Antes eu estava jogando a 30fps com tudo no máximo menos o nvidia hairworks que se caso eu ligasse ia para uns 20fps para minha surpresa ontem fui mexer nas configurações e habilitei o nvidia hairworks e o jogo rodou bem com os mesmos 30fps sem quedas inclusive lutando contra urso e grifo onde os pelos são mais visíveis. Se eu desabliltar o nvidia hairworks o fps vai para uns 47fps.
Será que foi uma melhora graças aos paths que sairiam e eu não acompanhei ou o Windows 10 teria alguma influencia nisso?
Bateu uma saudade e voltei a jogar The Witcher ontem, não jogava desde do path 1.04 para minha surpresa o jogo estava mais leve ainda.
Antes eu estava jogando a 30fps com tudo no máximo menos o nvidia hairworks que se caso eu ligasse ia para uns 20fps para minha surpresa ontem fui mexer nas configurações e habilitei o nvidia hairworks e o jogo rodou bem com os mesmos 30fps sem quedas inclusive lutando contra urso e grifo onde os pelos são mais visíveis. Se eu desabliltar o nvidia hairworks o fps vai para uns 47fps.
Será que foi uma melhora graças aos paths que sairiam e eu não acompanhei ou o Windows 10 teria alguma influencia nisso?

Acredito que tenha sido os patchs pq aqui com o windows 10 não percebi nenhum ganho significativo no desempenho...

A taxa de frames ficou mais sustentável com as atualizações...

Em contra partida muitos bugs apareceram ou não foram corrigidos ainda... ex: a quest da dlc "Mais procurado de Skellige" ainda aguardo a correção pra finalizar essa bendita.
Agora que lançou o Windows 10, alguém tem alguma informação relacionado ao jogo e o DirectX 12 ? Imagina essa budega rodando com directx 12...:mondie:

Mas o jogo precisa ter sido desenvolvido para aproveitar os recursos do Directx 12.

Talvez em uma Enhanced Edition, se a CD Projekt Red manter a tradição.
Mas não sei se realmente terá Enhanced Edition de TW3.

Os outros jogos tiveram porque inicialmente tinham um gráfico meio tosco (como eu joguei logo de primeira a Enhanced Edition do TW2, quando pesquisei na internet imagens de como o jogo era originalmente, chegou a ser cômico, de tão mais feios que eram os personagens).
O grande problema nas versões anteriores era a quantidade excessiva de problemas que ele tinha, acho que nunca agradeci tanto o botão f5 na minha vida...eu tinha que salvar a cada passo do geraldao ou corria o risco do jogo crashar e fechar sozinho, era muito tenso...

mesmo hj no w3 eu faço isso pra garantir a ficha :haha:
O grande problema nas versões anteriores era a quantidade excessiva de problemas que ele tinha, acho que nunca agradeci tanto o botão f5 na minha vida...eu tinha que salvar a cada passo do geraldao ou corria o risco do jogo crashar e fechar sozinho, era muito tenso...

mesmo hj no w3 eu faço isso pra garantir a ficha :haha:

Eu não sei se você se refere as versões originais ou enhanced, mas eu joguei o 1 e 2 enhanced e não tive problema nenhum.

Até no 3, que o pessoal reclamou bastante de crash, só tive problemas 1 ou 2 vezes, pois segui as dicas de configuração que o pessoal comentou na internet.
Eu não sei se você se refere as versões originais ou enhanced, mas eu joguei o 1 e 2 enhanced e não tive problema nenhum.

Até no 3, que o pessoal reclamou bastante de crash, só tive problemas 1 ou 2 vezes, pois segui as dicas de configuração que o pessoal comentou na internet.

Versões originais, a enhanced roda lisinho mesmo...

o 3 nunca crashou comigo... mas o seguro morreu de velho :coolface:
Eu dei azar no 3, crash pra todo lado, é a mão no mouse e dedos no F5
Hoje no patch 1.07 não mais, mas nos anteriores tomava crash toda hora.... era um passo e um F5 para não ter surpresa =/
Patch 1.08 notes


• Overall improvements to performance, including some issues that may have been caused by 1.07.

• [Japanese Only][PS4 Only] Fixes an issue where the background text of certain books would flicker.
• Fixes an issue where part of the Kaer Morhen map would not display properly.

• Fixes a rare issue where items would disappear from the stash.
• Fixes a very rare issue which would cause Geralt to get stuck when trying to run.
• The interaction pop-up will no longer appear on lootable objects that are empty.
• Fixes an occasional glitch in one of the dwarf combat animations.
• Heads chopped off during finishers will no longer disappear.
• "Players can perform a roll just before landing to significantly reduce the damage caused by falling.
• We've added a tutorial pop-up window explaining this to make it clearer."
• In patch 1.07, the level requirements for certain items were scaled up, leaving some players stuck with only unusable gear. With patch 1.08, we are introducing the Wolven Hour potion. This potion will be available in everyone's inventory once they install the patch. It will reduce level requirements on all gear for a period of one hour. This will give players time to level up or find alternative equipment using the gear that was available to them in patch 1.05 but became unusable after patch 1.07. After one hour, the potion's effects will cease and the requirements for all gear will revert to their original, pre-potion values.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to compare their items with ones sold by merchants.

• Players will now be able to complete the Card Collector achievement.
• Achievements are now working properly again and will be unlocked if players meet their requirements after installing this patch (PC version).

• Fixes an issue where interiors would sometimes not display properly on the minimap.
• Fixes an issue where certain world elements would sometimes be missing and noticeable visual glitches would be present while in Novigrad.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to finish the "It Takes Three to Tango" quest, even though they had obtained wine at the Kingfisher.
• Fixes an issue where Geralt would sometimes die after traveling to Velen in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins."
• The entrance to the area where the Sunstone is obtained will no longer be blocked off if the player exits it prematurely during "The Sunstone" quest.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to complete the "Get Junior" quest on certain occasions.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to finish the "Scavenger Hunt: Viper School Gear" quest due to a closed gate.
• Fixes an issue where some players were unable to investigate rooms during the "Family Matters" quest, effectively blocking their progression.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to finish the "Hey, You Wanna Look at my Stuff?" quest.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to talk to Roche during the "An Eye for an Eye" quest.
• Fixes an issue where Roche would stay at his camp instead of going to the Oxenfurt Bridge in the "Get Junior" quest.
• Fixes an issue where, under certain circumstances, Yennefer would not appear in Oxenfurt during the "The Great Escape" quest.
• Drowners will have a harder time killing Nidas during the "Black Pearl" quest.
• Fixes an issue which led to an infinite loading screen during the "To Bait a Forktail..." quest under certain circumstances.
• Fixes a rare issue where the basement was locked during the "King's Gambit" quest.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to free the merchant during the Person in Distress event in the Claywich area.
• The trolls at the Circle of Elements will no longer attack Geralt if he opts for a peaceful resolution.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to talk to Roche during the "Brothers in Arms" quest.
• Fixes an issue where Zoltan's card was unobtainable.

• Preparatory features paving the way for the introduction of New Game + in the future.
Patch 1.08 notes


• Overall improvements to performance, including some issues that may have been caused by 1.07.

• [Japanese Only][PS4 Only] Fixes an issue where the background text of certain books would flicker.
• Fixes an issue where part of the Kaer Morhen map would not display properly.

• Fixes a rare issue where items would disappear from the stash.
• Fixes a very rare issue which would cause Geralt to get stuck when trying to run.
• The interaction pop-up will no longer appear on lootable objects that are empty.
• Fixes an occasional glitch in one of the dwarf combat animations.
• Heads chopped off during finishers will no longer disappear.
• "Players can perform a roll just before landing to significantly reduce the damage caused by falling.
• We've added a tutorial pop-up window explaining this to make it clearer."
• In patch 1.07, the level requirements for certain items were scaled up, leaving some players stuck with only unusable gear. With patch 1.08, we are introducing the Wolven Hour potion. This potion will be available in everyone's inventory once they install the patch. It will reduce level requirements on all gear for a period of one hour. This will give players time to level up or find alternative equipment using the gear that was available to them in patch 1.05 but became unusable after patch 1.07. After one hour, the potion's effects will cease and the requirements for all gear will revert to their original, pre-potion values.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to compare their items with ones sold by merchants.

• Players will now be able to complete the Card Collector achievement.
• Achievements are now working properly again and will be unlocked if players meet their requirements after installing this patch (PC version).

• Fixes an issue where interiors would sometimes not display properly on the minimap.
• Fixes an issue where certain world elements would sometimes be missing and noticeable visual glitches would be present while in Novigrad.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to finish the "It Takes Three to Tango" quest, even though they had obtained wine at the Kingfisher.
• Fixes an issue where Geralt would sometimes die after traveling to Velen in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins."
• The entrance to the area where the Sunstone is obtained will no longer be blocked off if the player exits it prematurely during "The Sunstone" quest.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to complete the "Get Junior" quest on certain occasions.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to finish the "Scavenger Hunt: Viper School Gear" quest due to a closed gate.
• Fixes an issue where some players were unable to investigate rooms during the "Family Matters" quest, effectively blocking their progression.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to finish the "Hey, You Wanna Look at my Stuff?" quest.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to talk to Roche during the "An Eye for an Eye" quest.
• Fixes an issue where Roche would stay at his camp instead of going to the Oxenfurt Bridge in the "Get Junior" quest.
• Fixes an issue where, under certain circumstances, Yennefer would not appear in Oxenfurt during the "The Great Escape" quest.
• Drowners will have a harder time killing Nidas during the "Black Pearl" quest.
• Fixes an issue which led to an infinite loading screen during the "To Bait a Forktail..." quest under certain circumstances.
• Fixes a rare issue where the basement was locked during the "King's Gambit" quest.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to free the merchant during the Person in Distress event in the Claywich area.
• The trolls at the Circle of Elements will no longer attack Geralt if he opts for a peaceful resolution.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to talk to Roche during the "Brothers in Arms" quest.
• Fixes an issue where Zoltan's card was unobtainable.

• Preparatory features paving the way for the introduction of New Game + in the future.

Ué...não vão corrigir a dlc most wanted... buuuuuuuu:lol2:
Patch 1.08 notes


• Overall improvements to performance, including some issues that may have been caused by 1.07.

• [Japanese Only][PS4 Only] Fixes an issue where the background text of certain books would flicker.
• Fixes an issue where part of the Kaer Morhen map would not display properly.

• Fixes a rare issue where items would disappear from the stash.
• Fixes a very rare issue which would cause Geralt to get stuck when trying to run.
• The interaction pop-up will no longer appear on lootable objects that are empty.
• Fixes an occasional glitch in one of the dwarf combat animations.
• Heads chopped off during finishers will no longer disappear.
• "Players can perform a roll just before landing to significantly reduce the damage caused by falling.
• We've added a tutorial pop-up window explaining this to make it clearer."
• In patch 1.07, the level requirements for certain items were scaled up, leaving some players stuck with only unusable gear. With patch 1.08, we are introducing the Wolven Hour potion. This potion will be available in everyone's inventory once they install the patch. It will reduce level requirements on all gear for a period of one hour. This will give players time to level up or find alternative equipment using the gear that was available to them in patch 1.05 but became unusable after patch 1.07. After one hour, the potion's effects will cease and the requirements for all gear will revert to their original, pre-potion values.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to compare their items with ones sold by merchants.

• Players will now be able to complete the Card Collector achievement.
• Achievements are now working properly again and will be unlocked if players meet their requirements after installing this patch (PC version).

• Fixes an issue where interiors would sometimes not display properly on the minimap.
• Fixes an issue where certain world elements would sometimes be missing and noticeable visual glitches would be present while in Novigrad.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to finish the "It Takes Three to Tango" quest, even though they had obtained wine at the Kingfisher.
• Fixes an issue where Geralt would sometimes die after traveling to Velen in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins."
• The entrance to the area where the Sunstone is obtained will no longer be blocked off if the player exits it prematurely during "The Sunstone" quest.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to complete the "Get Junior" quest on certain occasions.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to finish the "Scavenger Hunt: Viper School Gear" quest due to a closed gate.
• Fixes an issue where some players were unable to investigate rooms during the "Family Matters" quest, effectively blocking their progression.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to finish the "Hey, You Wanna Look at my Stuff?" quest.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to talk to Roche during the "An Eye for an Eye" quest.
• Fixes an issue where Roche would stay at his camp instead of going to the Oxenfurt Bridge in the "Get Junior" quest.
• Fixes an issue where, under certain circumstances, Yennefer would not appear in Oxenfurt during the "The Great Escape" quest.
• Drowners will have a harder time killing Nidas during the "Black Pearl" quest.
• Fixes an issue which led to an infinite loading screen during the "To Bait a Forktail..." quest under certain circumstances.
• Fixes a rare issue where the basement was locked during the "King's Gambit" quest.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to free the merchant during the Person in Distress event in the Claywich area.
• The trolls at the Circle of Elements will no longer attack Geralt if he opts for a peaceful resolution.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to talk to Roche during the "Brothers in Arms" quest.
• Fixes an issue where Zoltan's card was unobtainable.

• Preparatory features paving the way for the introduction of New Game + in the future.

E nada de arrumarem a quest "mais procurado de Skellige".... ate no forum ja estao reclamando :feelbad:
Patch 1.08 notes


• Overall improvements to performance, including some issues that may have been caused by 1.07.

• [Japanese Only][PS4 Only] Fixes an issue where the background text of certain books would flicker.
• Fixes an issue where part of the Kaer Morhen map would not display properly.

• Fixes a rare issue where items would disappear from the stash.
• Fixes a very rare issue which would cause Geralt to get stuck when trying to run.
• The interaction pop-up will no longer appear on lootable objects that are empty.
• Fixes an occasional glitch in one of the dwarf combat animations.
• Heads chopped off during finishers will no longer disappear.
• "Players can perform a roll just before landing to significantly reduce the damage caused by falling.
• We've added a tutorial pop-up window explaining this to make it clearer."
• In patch 1.07, the level requirements for certain items were scaled up, leaving some players stuck with only unusable gear. With patch 1.08, we are introducing the Wolven Hour potion. This potion will be available in everyone's inventory once they install the patch. It will reduce level requirements on all gear for a period of one hour. This will give players time to level up or find alternative equipment using the gear that was available to them in patch 1.05 but became unusable after patch 1.07. After one hour, the potion's effects will cease and the requirements for all gear will revert to their original, pre-potion values.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to compare their items with ones sold by merchants.

• Players will now be able to complete the Card Collector achievement.
• Achievements are now working properly again and will be unlocked if players meet their requirements after installing this patch (PC version).

• Fixes an issue where interiors would sometimes not display properly on the minimap.
• Fixes an issue where certain world elements would sometimes be missing and noticeable visual glitches would be present while in Novigrad.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to finish the "It Takes Three to Tango" quest, even though they had obtained wine at the Kingfisher.
• Fixes an issue where Geralt would sometimes die after traveling to Velen in the quest "Something Ends, Something Begins."
• The entrance to the area where the Sunstone is obtained will no longer be blocked off if the player exits it prematurely during "The Sunstone" quest.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to complete the "Get Junior" quest on certain occasions.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to finish the "Scavenger Hunt: Viper School Gear" quest due to a closed gate.
• Fixes an issue where some players were unable to investigate rooms during the "Family Matters" quest, effectively blocking their progression.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to finish the "Hey, You Wanna Look at my Stuff?" quest.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to talk to Roche during the "An Eye for an Eye" quest.
• Fixes an issue where Roche would stay at his camp instead of going to the Oxenfurt Bridge in the "Get Junior" quest.
• Fixes an issue where, under certain circumstances, Yennefer would not appear in Oxenfurt during the "The Great Escape" quest.
• Drowners will have a harder time killing Nidas during the "Black Pearl" quest.
• Fixes an issue which led to an infinite loading screen during the "To Bait a Forktail..." quest under certain circumstances.
• Fixes a rare issue where the basement was locked during the "King's Gambit" quest.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to free the merchant during the Person in Distress event in the Claywich area.
• The trolls at the Circle of Elements will no longer attack Geralt if he opts for a peaceful resolution.
• Fixes an issue where players were unable to talk to Roche during the "Brothers in Arms" quest.
• Fixes an issue where Zoltan's card was unobtainable.

• Preparatory features paving the way for the introduction of New Game + in the future.

Muito bom !!!! estava esperando corrigirem o bug das conquista para fazer 100% das conquista.....vlw por informar
E nada de arrumarem a quest "mais procurado de Skellige".... ate no forum ja estao reclamando :feelbad:

kkkk pois é foi o que eu disse, eles não repararam que aquele lobisomi nao morre XD
Mas o jogo precisa ter sido desenvolvido para aproveitar os recursos do Directx 12.

Talvez em uma Enhanced Edition, se a CD Projekt Red manter a tradição.
Mas não sei se realmente terá Enhanced Edition de TW3.

Os outros jogos tiveram porque inicialmente tinham um gráfico meio tosco (como eu joguei logo de primeira a Enhanced Edition do TW2, quando pesquisei na internet imagens de como o jogo era originalmente, chegou a ser cômico, de tão mais feios que eram os personagens).

O Witcher 3 foi desenvolvido com suporte a DX12, a própria CDProject afirmou durante o desenvolvimento que o TW3 receberia suporte ao DX12 após o lançamento do Win10.

Com certeza ele trabalharam o jogo no DX12 e ele foi lançado com este suporte debilitado ou ausente para não criar problemas, agora deve sair um super patch talvez de uma versão Enchanced ou GOTY com o DX12.

DX12 já estava confirmado no TW3 a muito tempo.

Última edição:
The Witcher 3 Edição de colecionador!!!

Agora vai:freddy::freddy:

Recebi o e-mail com a nota fiscal eletrônica. Comprado na pré-venda na loja online Livrarias Curitiba.

O envio está agendo para próxima semana.

O atendimento dessa loja é excelente! Estão de parabéns.
Alguma data para o lançamento do 1.08?

Já estou a alguns dias sem jogar esperando corrigir os bugs do Roche.
O Witcher 3 foi desenvolvido com suporte a DX12, a própria CDProject afirmou durante o desenvolvimento que o TW3 receberia suporte ao DX12 após o lançamento do Win10.

Com certeza ele trabalharam o jogo no DX12 e ele foi lançado com este suporte debilitado ou ausente para não criar problemas, agora deve sair um super patch talvez de uma versão Enchanced ou GOTY com o DX12.

DX12 já estava confirmado no TW3 a muito tempo.


Cara, se isso acontecer :bwahaha::bwahaha:
Já saiu o update? E o New Game+?
The Witcher 3 Edição de colecionador!!!

Agora vai:freddy::freddy:

Recebi o e-mail com a nota fiscal eletrônica. Comprado na pré-venda na loja online Livrarias Curitiba.

O envio está agendo para próxima semana.

O atendimento dessa loja é excelente! Estão de parabéns.

Enviaram a minha CE ontem e estou na espera ansioso.
Não é SE, na verdade isso é fato confirmado.


Isso vai ser ótimo pra comparar desempenho do dx12 vs dx11 e também pra ver se vai ter algum efeito gráfico exclusivo do dx12 já assim no começo
kkkk pois é foi o que eu disse, eles não repararam que aquele lobisomi nao morre XD

Não verdade se for oq estou pensando, ele morre e volta sempre, sempre que vc mata ele da loot na carne dele, quando ele volta a vida vc luta com ele de novo e derruba ele, quando ele estiver no chão uma das opções vai ser alimentar ele, ai abre o seu inventario e vc alimenta ele com a carne dele mesmo ai ele morre e a maldição é quebrada.

O bicho morre sim kkkkkkk.
Galera, meus saves do jogo estão sumindo, será o Windows 10 ou o jogo?

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