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[PREVIEW] Battlefield V

Não esta aberto para novas mensagens.
Torcendo para que os jogadores hardcore dos BFs não gostem desse novo :coolface:

Fui ver no origin, e não vale a pena pegar a versão deluxe.

:mdr2: Vai pegar a versão com a mulher na capa colorida?!!
Isso não é coisa de veterano no BF.
Dia 9 quero um video nesse estilo mostrando as mudanças e melhorias:

Esse foi o maior hype que presenciei na história da série..passou até no Jornal da Globo com o William Waack. Na internet foi o dia em que "a internet parou"...

O primeiro teaser do BF3 veio a público quase 1 anos antes da data de lançamento, foi um negócio de loko. Época que o BC2 bombava e as tretas e provocações dos users daqui se estendiam para outros fóruns, estava sendo uma época bem divertida eu diria...

Depois, devido ao peso da franquia foi gerado muito hype tbm nas edições posteriores, mas não foi nada parecido com o que ocorreu com o BF3.
No trailer, bem no final quando aparece a mulher, e aparece vários paraquedas, sera que é uma pequena pista ou referencia ao Battle Royale ?

Na verdade o que a DICE fez foi criar uma derivação do modo Battle Royale. Dentro do modo Grand Operations, existiam por padrão 4 rounds, mas agora eles criaram um round extra chamado "Last Stand", onde o vencedor é o último player vivo da partida.

Pelo visto esse round só existira se restar algum "negócio inacabado" (expressão usada pelos desenvolvedores) em um dos 4 rounds anteriores. Ele funcionará como uma Morte Súbita, que definirá o vencedor da partida.

Agora, o que significa "negócio inacabado"... eu não faço a mínima ideia...
Bring Your Company on an Ever-Changing Journey Across the Tides of War

An evolving Battlefield for all players, as explained by our Engagement and Core Gameplay Producer, Ryan McArthur .


With Battlefield™ V, we want to take you on a true journey through World War 2. But what do we mean by that? Instead of just showcasing new locations, we want to immerse you in this epic conflict and evolve the gameplay, just as tactics and weaponry evolved throughout the war.

This entire journey is called Tides of War – and it starts with your Company.

Customize Your Company – And See it Evolve over Time

The Company reflects you. It is your collection of customized soldiers, weapons, and vehicles developed and modified as you progress through the Battlefield V journey – and you can bring it to all multiplayer modes and the cooperative Combined Arms .

You can create one personalized Company per faction , each containing a set number of soldiers, vehicles, and aircraft. In multiplayer, you'll be able to play as the British and German armies - the initial two factions of the game. More armies will be introduced through the Tides of War after the launch of Battlefield V.


The soldier classes – which consist of the four staples of Medic, Scout, Support, and Assault – can be customized to accommodate your playstyle. You can alter their appearance by changing aspects like outfits, gender, helmets, skin color, and war paint.

You can of course also change loadouts to best suit your upcoming fight. The more you use your weapon in battle, the more you open additional customization options such as skins, receivers, stocks, barrels, muzzles, and more. This goes for vehicles too: customize your tanks with paint jobs, sand bags, leaf camos, and more to really stand out. This personalization will also build a name for yourself – both squad mates and enemies will remember you based on what they see on the battlefield.

Playing the game is the best way to progress your Company and unlock more customization options and abilities. Whether you take on multiplayer or cooperative Combined Arms, all your efforts grant XP that goes to leveling up your Company.

As you gain XP, you unlock new Archetypes for your soldier classes. An Archetype is a class specialization developed to fit a particular playstyle. For example, as a Support, you may be able to choose from the Engineer or the Machine Gunner – among other Archetypes. These specializations create clearer team roles and greater gameplay depth. The available weapons, gadgets, and attributes vary between Archetypes. You can switch between Archetypes during matches, so you always have the right tools – and skills – for the job.

Through Tides of War, we’ll be introducing new Archetypes that support new playstyles. You can even choose exotic Archetypes like the Paratrooper Recon, a Scout that uses stealth and silenced weaponry to take out enemies.

Bring your Company on a Journey through the Tides of War

Our players have been very vocal about paying for premium content that separates the community. Our answer to this is Tides of War. Gone are the days of Premium Pass and paying for expansion packs. As time goes on, we are going to grow the world and gameplay of Battlefield V.

Tides of War will be an evolving journey featuring a new narrative every few months. Each chapter of Tides of War will focus on a particular aspect of the era, with unique gameplay experiences to drive players forward. We will use content, soldiers, visuals, and narrative to immerse our players deeper into the gameplay.


Tides of War brings you and your personalized Company into themed experiences of the war, starting with the Fall of Europe, that span several months and are filled with timed events. These can include a multi-week Grand Operation, Special Assignments, and new Missions. The timed events will push further into the unexpected and influential battles of WW2 over the course of Battlefield V.

The Battlefield V you play at launch will evolve over time. Our goal is to continue to surprise the community by adding new content and making you want to revisit existing battlefields. We can’t wait to share more details on this.

Along with the various experiences available in Battlefield V, Tides of War will give you the best opportunity to further shape your Company by collecting custom location- and event-specific gear. You’ll enter as a band of fighters – and return as kin. Your Company will never be the same.

No Unfair Gameplay Advantage

We are committed to making sure that you’ll always be rewarded by playing the game. Players cannot pay to get any unfair gameplay advantages. Delivering a path through WW2 where your Company grows and learns is our mission.

Battlefield has always been about a balanced rock-paper-scissors gameplay, and it still is.

There will be no Premium Pass. Your Company will evolve side-by-side with Battlefield V. We want to keep the entire community together through this journey.


As a producer, this has been the most exciting time for me, creating an experience that is built to grow. We will get to go on this journey with you, looking for opportunities to continually surprise the community with the unexpected. This is truly a living Battlefield.

Experience the Tides of War with your Company on Xbox One, PlayStation® 4, and PC – starting on October 11 for the EA Access and Origin Access Play First Trial*, October 16 for Battlefield™ V Deluxe Edition early enlister access, and October 19 for the Battlefield™ V Standard Edition. Pre-order here to secure your copy of Battlefield V.

*CONDITIONS, LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS APPLY. SEE ea.com/ea-access/terms AND origin.com/store/origin-access/terms FOR DETAILS.

For discussion, head here.

Cara, como eu me divertia nesse jogo, PQP!!! Até os bug's eram engraçados.

Simples, porém fiel ao conflito histórico, sem frescuras e cosméticos.
Bring Your Company on an Ever-Changing Journey Across the Tides of War

An evolving Battlefield for all players, as explained by our Engagement and Core Gameplay Producer, Ryan McArthur .


With Battlefield™ V, we want to take you on a true journey through World War 2. But what do we mean by that? Instead of just showcasing new locations, we want to immerse you in this epic conflict and evolve the gameplay, just as tactics and weaponry evolved throughout the war.

This entire journey is called Tides of War – and it starts with your Company.

Customize Your Company – And See it Evolve over Time

The Company reflects you. It is your collection of customized soldiers, weapons, and vehicles developed and modified as you progress through the Battlefield V journey – and you can bring it to all multiplayer modes and the cooperative Combined Arms .

You can create one personalized Company per faction , each containing a set number of soldiers, vehicles, and aircraft. In multiplayer, you'll be able to play as the British and German armies - the initial two factions of the game. More armies will be introduced through the Tides of War after the launch of Battlefield V.


The soldier classes – which consist of the four staples of Medic, Scout, Support, and Assault – can be customized to accommodate your playstyle. You can alter their appearance by changing aspects like outfits, gender, helmets, skin color, and war paint.

You can of course also change loadouts to best suit your upcoming fight. The more you use your weapon in battle, the more you open additional customization options such as skins, receivers, stocks, barrels, muzzles, and more. This goes for vehicles too: customize your tanks with paint jobs, sand bags, leaf camos, and more to really stand out. This personalization will also build a name for yourself – both squad mates and enemies will remember you based on what they see on the battlefield.

Playing the game is the best way to progress your Company and unlock more customization options and abilities. Whether you take on multiplayer or cooperative Combined Arms, all your efforts grant XP that goes to leveling up your Company.

As you gain XP, you unlock new Archetypes for your soldier classes. An Archetype is a class specialization developed to fit a particular playstyle. For example, as a Support, you may be able to choose from the Engineer or the Machine Gunner – among other Archetypes. These specializations create clearer team roles and greater gameplay depth. The available weapons, gadgets, and attributes vary between Archetypes. You can switch between Archetypes during matches, so you always have the right tools – and skills – for the job.

Through Tides of War, we’ll be introducing new Archetypes that support new playstyles. You can even choose exotic Archetypes like the Paratrooper Recon, a Scout that uses stealth and silenced weaponry to take out enemies.

Bring your Company on a Journey through the Tides of War

Our players have been very vocal about paying for premium content that separates the community. Our answer to this is Tides of War. Gone are the days of Premium Pass and paying for expansion packs. As time goes on, we are going to grow the world and gameplay of Battlefield V.

Tides of War will be an evolving journey featuring a new narrative every few months. Each chapter of Tides of War will focus on a particular aspect of the era, with unique gameplay experiences to drive players forward. We will use content, soldiers, visuals, and narrative to immerse our players deeper into the gameplay.


Tides of War brings you and your personalized Company into themed experiences of the war, starting with the Fall of Europe, that span several months and are filled with timed events. These can include a multi-week Grand Operation, Special Assignments, and new Missions. The timed events will push further into the unexpected and influential battles of WW2 over the course of Battlefield V.

The Battlefield V you play at launch will evolve over time. Our goal is to continue to surprise the community by adding new content and making you want to revisit existing battlefields. We can’t wait to share more details on this.

Along with the various experiences available in Battlefield V, Tides of War will give you the best opportunity to further shape your Company by collecting custom location- and event-specific gear. You’ll enter as a band of fighters – and return as kin. Your Company will never be the same.

No Unfair Gameplay Advantage

We are committed to making sure that you’ll always be rewarded by playing the game. Players cannot pay to get any unfair gameplay advantages. Delivering a path through WW2 where your Company grows and learns is our mission.

Battlefield has always been about a balanced rock-paper-scissors gameplay, and it still is.

There will be no Premium Pass. Your Company will evolve side-by-side with Battlefield V. We want to keep the entire community together through this journey.


As a producer, this has been the most exciting time for me, creating an experience that is built to grow. We will get to go on this journey with you, looking for opportunities to continually surprise the community with the unexpected. This is truly a living Battlefield.

Experience the Tides of War with your Company on Xbox One, PlayStation® 4, and PC – starting on October 11 for the EA Access and Origin Access Play First Trial*, October 16 for Battlefield™ V Deluxe Edition early enlister access, and October 19 for the Battlefield™ V Standard Edition. Pre-order here to secure your copy of Battlefield V.

*CONDITIONS, LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS APPLY. SEE ea.com/ea-access/terms AND origin.com/store/origin-access/terms FOR DETAILS.

For discussion, head here.

será q começará a discussão sobre o game ou ainda vamos falar da mulher e suas skins???

acho essa progressão legal em jogos. espero q seja bem feita e q crie realmente uma diferença entre as classes.

estou curioso pra ver isso.

outubro q nao chega.
Dia 9 quero um video nesse estilo mostrando as mudanças e melhorias:

Esse foi o maior hype que presenciei na história da série..passou até no Jornal da Globo com o William Waack. Na internet foi o dia em que "a internet parou"...

O primeiro teaser do BF3 veio a público quase 1 anos antes da data de lançamento, foi um negócio de loko. Época que o BC2 bombava e as tretas e provocações dos users daqui se estendiam para outros fóruns, estava sendo uma época bem divertida eu diria...

Depois, devido ao peso da franquia foi gerado muito hype tbm nas edições posteriores, mas não foi nada parecido com o que ocorreu com o BF3.
Torcendo muito para que esse novo BF, pelo menos, seja uma experiência com grau de imersão, diversão e satisfação com nível parecido do que foi o BF3. O 4 e o I ficaram longe, pelo menos pra mim. Era completamente viciado, só jogava ele. Nunca mais tive uma experiência assim.
Esse foi o maior hype que presenciei na história da série..passou até no Jornal da Globo com o William Waack. Na internet foi o dia em que "a internet parou"...

O primeiro teaser do BF3 veio a público quase 1 anos antes da data de lançamento, foi um negócio de loko. Época que o BC2 bombava e as tretas e provocações dos users daqui se estendiam para outros fóruns, estava sendo uma época bem divertida eu diria...

Depois, devido ao peso da franquia foi gerado muito hype tbm nas edições posteriores, mas não foi nada parecido com o que ocorreu com o BF3.

Aquele trailer de gameplay no grand bazaar foi o negócio mais absurdo que já vi, passou como vc falo em TV, matérias em sites 'normais', lembro que até meu pai veio falar dele, bons tempos
Não entendi essa, o jogo vai ser Hitscan?

In terms of game design, it readily ties cause (the player presses a 'fire' button, executing a hitscan function) to effect (the hitscan returns a result, the player sees the weapon's effect at that location). While a simplified model of real world ballistics, it makes games more accessible in that there is no need to aim slightly ahead of a moving target in order to compensate for the time it takes for the projectile to reach it. Although less realistic this model requires no understanding of real weapon handling in order to play the game, and reinforces the intuitive understanding that whatever the reticle is placed over will be hit. (Wikipedia)

Tecnicamente isso torna o jogo "mais fácil", principalmente pra quem domina Hitscan (mirou e apertou o gatilho "instantaneamente" o projetil acerta o alvo). Para alvos de media/longa distancia então só vai precisar calcular o bullet drop, o projetil não tem variação vertical.
Me corrijam se estiver errado, mas creio que esse elemento é comum no Call of Duty.
Pelo que entendi, não vai ter variação horizontal randomica, ou seja, cada arma vai ter um recuo definido, e nem bullet time, aqueles projéteis que parecem um balão voando até o inimigo. Coisa que ja é bem pequeno no BF1, mas que ao meu ver deixa mais real, até porque você só consegue reparar isso atirando a mais de 500 ~700 metros
Dia 9 quero um video nesse estilo mostrando as mudanças e melhorias:

Da hora que mostraram a destruição dos prédios, mas isso nunca chegou no jogo final ahaha
Grand bazaar.... pq.p que mapa era aquele..... aquilo eu chamo de mapa.... Ele... noshar.....

Dice... cancela o bfv e manda um remaster do bf3..... saudade..
será q começará a discussão sobre o game ou ainda vamos falar da mulher e suas skins???

acho essa progressão legal em jogos. espero q seja bem feita e q crie realmente uma diferença entre as classes.

estou curioso pra ver isso.

outubro q nao chega.

Cara, você já notou que você é quem mais toca nesse assunto? Todo post seu tem um "mulher" escrito.

Tu fala em discutir sobre o game e manda um "Espero que"... hahaha... Ahhhh CadumSins!

Vamos discutir sobre 'achismos' então. Eu começo:

"Espero que"... o netcode desse jogo não seja uma bost* igual dos outros BFs! Pois eu "Espero que"... esse novo sistema que "Ninguém sabe"... se vai ser hitscan ou não, funcione melhor. Assim eu "Espero que"... eu dê menos Rage no TO. E "Espero que"... eu não me arrependa de comprar a versão de 500 conto. E eu também "Espero que"... dia 09 chegue logo e termine com a onda de haters e fanboys no tópico.

"Espero que"... não se ofenda.
Cara, você já notou que você é quem mais toca nesse assunto? Todo post seu tem um "mulher" escrito.

Tu fala em discutir sobre o game e manda um "Espero que"... hahaha... Ahhhh CadumSins!

Vamos discutir sobre 'achismos' então. Eu começo:

"Espero que"... o netcode desse jogo não seja uma bost* igual dos outros BFs! Pois eu "Espero que"... esse novo sistema que "Ninguém sabe"... se vai ser hitscan ou não, funcione melhor. Assim eu "Espero que"... eu dê menos Rage no TO. E "Espero que"... eu não me arrependa de comprar a versão de 500 conto. E eu também "Espero que"... dia 09 chegue logo e termine com a onda de haters e fanboys no tópico.

"Espero que"... não se ofenda.

Eu não me ofendo. Olha seu textao. Vc q se ofende.

Parece até mulher em tpm.
Esse toni acabou de se juntar ao vektorios na lista de ignorados. Recomendo fazerem o mesmo.

Aliás, acabei de ver que o vectorius foi banido para sempre. :isquero::isquero::isquero::isquero:

Esperar o quê de carinha que quando geral tava reclamando de performance e bugs no PUBG...ele tava feliz pq a empresa tava liberando skins kkkkk mediocridade 10/10
Esse toni acabou de se juntar ao vektorios na lista de ignorados. Recomendo fazerem o mesmo.

Aliás, acabei de ver que o vectorius foi banido para sempre. :isquero::isquero::isquero::isquero:

Lembro desse vectorius, o que ele fazia pra causar a discórdia? To por fora.
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