[PREVIEW] Beyond The Wire

Hotfix: 0.12.2 released!

  • Increased global sway factor from 0.1 to 0.25


  • Fixed incorrect loadout image for FR Assault 02

Known issues

  • Assault objectives can appear alphabetically out of order in the HUD
  • Reloading field cannons will sometimes cause a light glare to show up briefly
  • Damage radius of field cannons will sometimes cause players to not be killed immediately
  • Some surfaces do not show impact effects. Damage should still apply
  • No. 20 Rifle Grenade equip animation not properly lined up
  • No. 20 Rifle Grenade uses placeholder sounds
  • VOIP widget role icon is not being displayed correctly
  • Switching Audio quality in the options menu will cause a crash. Please restart the game to prevent that from happening.

How to fix common crashes
If the game is crashing when launching the game or during gameplay and a error message shows up that reads

Easy Anti-Cheat
Unknown file version (WireGame\Content\Paks\pakchunk-windowsnoeditor.pak)

make sure to verify your game files through Steam

Note for AMD FX CPU users

AMD FX users will have degraded performance due to issues with the audio system. We’re still investigating possible solutions, but here’s a workaround:

1. Open following file:


If the file doesn't exist, create it.

2. Add following lines at the end:

[script/engine.audiosettings] bDisableMasterEQ=True" [Audio] bDisableMasterEQ=True
Preview: Progression & Customization
Welcome Soldiers!

Our brand new customization and progression system will be arriving this summer with Operation III so we thought it was time to preview this new feature! The development team have reworked player stats and how your contribution to a round is scored, building a brand new framework to introduce new actions and statistics that will be tracked and saved across sessions, feeding directly into your progression.


The first items to address are the new scoring system. Players will now gather points across three categories that are broken out further into specific actions. Scoring points for a variety of actions will contribute to the three tallied scores of Objective, Team and Combat.

A second addition to the scoreboard are the Awards given to the top players of the round. Medals are awarded for achieving “Best in Class” for various actions. From Most Melee Kills to Most Revives, our awards system will cover the main aspects of combat.

Combat Record

Once the round has ended you will see a new End of Round screen which breaks down the three categories of score. With our new system introduced players will be able to see new stats such as KDR, Grenade Kills, Construction Score and more! This expanded scoring system means different section types and roles get the recognition on the scoreboard they deserve, as well as opening up the varied routes of progression and unlock trees.

While this is the first introduction of our new system you can expect tweaks and additions as development progresses.



Leveling works by gaining experience at the end of a round, with rewards given for ranking up. The experience that contributes towards your leveling is weighted towards your teamwork-oriented actions, not your kills or your 'Combat' actions. Note that players leaving a round before it ends won’t receive rewards.

The top players of the round will also be displayed so if your efforts were vital to winning the round - you'll be able to boast about it!


Player customization will come in the form of cosmetics which will be historically authentic items. These items will be categorized by Faction, years of use, and the role it can be equipped on. This means when you load into a level the faction and year associated with the map will determine the uniform you will deploy with! (pickelhaube confirmed?!)

The unique cosmetics will be unlocked by completing progression tree tasks for particular roles, such as completing certain tasks as Assault or NCO. Others items will also be unlocked from ranking up.

With this system being built from scratch the initial release will be the first prototype that we will continue to improve and expand on the throughout development. We have plans to include rewards for events and specific incentives when the system is in, so expect some timed exclusives in the future!

Keep your eyes up Soldier, we have even more previews for Operation III on the way!
Development Update: Arsenal
Welcome Soldiers!

With some big content updates on the horizon our art and animation departments have been working hard to bring more weapons of the Great War to Beyond The Wire. As we introduce new factions in Operation III and IV their new weapons and loadouts are top of the priority list, with additional firearms being developed for existing factions as well. Check out some of these weapons that are on the way to the arsenal!

Webley Self Loading pistol
A new pistol for the factions that sit underneath the British Empire. Featuring a self-loading magazine, this pistol was one of the first of it’s kind which proved deadly in close quarters, with reloading times reduced along with rate of fire.

Mle 1916 smoke grenade
The french-made Grenade Incendiaire Et Fumigene Automatique Modele 1916 is modelled and will soon be seen Beyond The Wire. This grenade delivers a thick, white phosphorus smoke screen to cover repositioning infantry.

Gestreckte Ladung
The Central Powers answer to the “bangalore torpedo”. Utilising 4 Stielhandgranate strapped to wood, this improvised device will be used by German Engineer sections to clear paths through barbed wire for the infantry to advance.

The German produced semi-automatic pistol will also be arriving this year, giving the Central Powers an additional side arm to use. This gun featured an integrated box magazine and wooden stock, giving it the nickname “Broomstick”. The C96 will come in two varieties, one with and one without the attached stock.

Ross MK III w/ iron sights
The iconic standard-issue rifle for the CEF on their entry to the WW1. Developed and manufactured in Canada after the British refused licensing for the Lee Enfield, this rifle will be deployed as the main weapon for Canadian Forces as they deploy to the Western Front.

No.3 Impact Grenade
An impact-detonation grenade used by the British Empire, designed specifically for bunker and trench clearing. While such grenades gives the enemy no time to react, soldiers will need to be extra wary of accidentally killing friendlies!

T-Gewehr 1918
As tanks emerged on the western front armies were forced to develop new rifles capable of penetrating thick metal panels. The T-Gewehr was designed to give the German Empire a counter to the British Mark IV land ships.

Canadian Jack Knife
This small knife was a common tool used by the CEF that doubled up as personal protection, featuring multiple folding blades. While there won't be a long reach with this melee weapon the fast attack speed with quick stabs will look to compensate.

CLLE Mk.1*
Attempting to improve on the Lee-Enfield design, the British instituted a program to update them with charger guides allowing stripper clips to be used. In addition to removing the dust cover and fitting the charger guide, the front sight, rear sight, magazine, and volley sights were all updated.

BAR M1918 animations
Our development recap for June revealed the BAR M1918 is confirmed for the AEF forces and here you can see the completed animations. Stay posted for confirmation on when this new machine gun will be arriving, along with a full showcase.
BAR M1918 Animations[btwmedia.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com]

Stay tuned for upcoming previews and our development recap for July which will be landing at the end of the month! See you in the trenches!
Vimy Ridge Public Playtest: Friday July 30
Attention Soldiers!

We're organizing another advance on our next Field of Battle - Vimy Ridge. Be one of the first to fight over the muddy and crater-ridden no mans land and join us this Friday for a public playtest!
Up to 100 players will be able to join us for a total of two hours which will help us greatly in identifying bugs and issues, as well as collect your feedback.

The test server will be live at 10 AM PST / 6 PM BST / 7 PM CEST on Friday, July 30th.


In order to access the playtest on Friday we will ask you to download a test build through Steam's beta branch. Standby for an announcement in our official discord for the information on how to download.

Please join the official Beyond The Wire discord for instant communications on upcoming playtests and updates from the development team[discord.com]

Development Recap: July
Welcome Soldiers!

The months aren’t showing any signs of slowing and neither is the development for Beyond The Wire. There have been some inspired pieces of work done this month, with some changes coming that we’re looking forward to seeing in-game. Check out the latest detail from the dev team!

Cinematic Staging Sequence

Always seeking to improve the atmosphere in-game, the level design team have tried introducing cinematic events to immerse players as the battle begins. Seen here for Vimy Ridge a large barrage of artillery strikes the hillside while tanks engage around you. We’re looking to have sequences of this nature on all maps, so keep an eye out for more!
Vimy Ridge Staging Sequence Video[btwmedia.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com]

Rifle Bolting

Still aiming to improve the gunplay our animation department has opened up the ability to cycle the rifle bolt while running - currently players have their movement speed restricted when racking the bolt after a shot. Removing this restriction means you will soon be able to rack the bolt at full movement speed, adding a dynamic flow to the gunplay which we expect you’re going to enjoy!
New Bolting Mechanic Video[btwmedia.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com]

Vieil Armand

This snowy, mountain top map fortress is coming together, now filled with ambient sounds and new assets such as these stone barracks. Once deployed players will enter a unique biome that is unlike anything we've offered up to now.

With trenches carving their way through the rocky hills, players will have plenty of options to move through the mountain. However infantry units will need to overcome environmental obstacles and hazardous wooden bridges to advance.

An old railway line snakes through the mountain offering a different path through the rocks. Armies will have to battle over the railway and bridges in order to lockdown any potential routes for the enemy.

Vimy Ridge

This Field of Battle has undergone more work since our last recap and is getting near to completion. Scenes of the conflict can be seen all around Vimy as you advance, burning tree's and falling ash add character and story to the battle.


Another priority for this stage of development is the expansion on the level's atmosphere. Lighting, shadows and set dressing add the finishing touches. Vimy testing has been underway for a while now internally, but we recently opened the map to the public to do some large scale testing and collect feedback from the players in preparation for Operation III release. We'll be looking to host more public playtest in the future so be sure to stay posted on when they will be happening!


Confirmed - the pickelhaube is on the way and our model is close to completion. Staying true to our promise of historical accuracy, soldiers seen on the battlefield will be wearing the period-appropriate uniform, meaning our early war maps will see the German Empire deploying with this iconic helmet. In addition to the helmet itself the art team have worked to offer the Covered version as well. A "hook-on" cloth cover was used to stop the helmet reflecting, which would often reveal the movements of the German Army to the enemy.


M1884 Kepi

Recently modelled and ready for texturing, this kepi was standard-issue for the French Army as WW1 started. Eventually replaced by the adrian helmet, this iconic hat will be seen on our pre-1915 maps.

M1915 Gaede Helmet

Another option for players will be this obscure early war Stahlkappe when playing as the German Empire. This metal covering for head protection was used for a short time before the Stahlhelm was introduced. This helmet will be available on pre-1916 maps.

Eye Patch

The customization system arriving in Operation III will have plenty of choices for players to mix-up how their character looks in-game. Our art team is having some fun seeking different options for players to add their personal touch without breaking historical accuracy. One option seen here is the eye patch, covering the injured eye, presumably suffered during deployment. There will be both left and right eye patch options.

Commander Telephone

We’ve heard the feedback from our regular Commander players, and the design team have been looking into fixed telephone points for Commander’s to access their Command Menu. The devs have been searching through references of WW1 field telephones to come up with a model that suits and here is the initial idea. Brainstorming options that are historically accurate, the model needs to be easily identifiable in the heat of battle. This model is a first version so expect changes, but eventually they will be found within the HQ spawns of each sector. Stay posted for updates and when these new commander tools are expected to be introduced!


A couple of weapons we recently previewed have been run through the animation department and here you can see the smith & wesson hand ejector shooting and reloading animations. This Canadian pistol has a beautiful reload animation which the team are really proud of!
Smith & Wesson Hand Ejector Reload Video[playbtw.com]
Also the iron sight Ross MkIII has it’s reload animation completed. The straight pull of the bolt is really satisfying and we’re sure this rifle will be a favourite when it arrives!
Ross Mk.III Reload Video[btwmedia.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com]

Vote Kick System

Work has been done this month to implement the first version of a "Vote to Kick" system which will allow teams to remove problem players if the vote meets the threshold. Currently requiring 5 votes to kick, players will be prompted by a UI pop up asking to cast a vote. This new system has recently started development so expect some more information down the line when we can share more detail!

Stay tuned for our upcoming Operation III preview blogs where we will be drilling down into the detail of these new additions and changes. See you in the trenches Soldier!
Fields of Battle: Vimy Ridge
Welcome Soldiers!

During April of 1917 the four divisions of the Canadian Expeditionary Force fought together for the first time to claim their most celebrated military victory. In a combined assault from the Allied forces during the spring of 1917, the Battle for Arras saw the Canadian forces strike Vimy Ridge, a major strongpoint for the Germans, hoping to divert attention away from the French assault happening at the Aisne river to the south.

Despite several attempts by the French forces to claim the ridge line, the German Empire had remained in control since the start of the war, establishing strong defences of trench networks, underground chambers and machine gun bunkers ensuring their grip on the area remained strong.

The artillery barrages that preceded the assault have laid waste to the ground around Vimy Ridge with ruins and flooded shell holes making the advance harsh. No-man's-land is rife with barbed-wire and thick hedgerows that block paths ahead. Soldiers will need to ensure they analyse the ground before making the charge.

Tunnels have been dug throughout Vimy, often between large fortified positions, providing quick routes across the line. Seeking protection from the elevated position to the East, safety for the entente comes from deeply entrenched positions saving them from the enemy's sight.

Converting huge craters into fortified positions, engineers have helped establish staging areas across the front. Taking advantage of these shell holes not only allows armies to form up before the charge, but also find quick routes into immediate trenches leading onwards.


We’ve ensured our representation of Vimy recreates the sheer difficulty of attacking Pimple Hill, which has been reinforced with heavily defended positions. These areas have been well established by the German Empire, with intimidating bunker positions crowning the hill. Assaulting these positions will take coordination from all parts of the army, with the push undoubtedly requiring several attempts.


Breaking out of the other side of the ridge reveals the support system for the German frontline. The same effort has been applied here as the rest of the front - trench lines connect strategic positions that have been reinforced and prepared to repel infantry advances.

The artillery pit lies further back and provides a fortress-like defence. With bunkers overlooking the approach and a deep concrete basin, attacking forces will find it difficult trying to claim the area. A tunnel leads underneath the ridge and into the artillery pit, offering a shorter and safer route to attack if the open ground is too costly.

To the south is the Officer's Headquarters situated atop a hill, complete with bunker and lookout posts. Soldiers exploring the hilltop will find the entry points to the officer's living quarters with further supplies and equipment.

A path leads further back and down towards the field kitchen, erected to cater for the men positioned on the sector. Guarded by a watch tower the cooks prepare meals here for everyone, with soup trolleys ready to be taken to the men in the trenches.


Vimy village is the logistical base for the area, with improvised barricades and supply crates dotted around the buildings. A road and railway provided the routes of resupply, but an ambushed convoy and destroyed railway line be seen leading back to the frontline. Armies forced back to this position will have a desperate time trying to halt an advance and will need to find refuge anywhere they can.

Our level design team are extremely excited to see you join the battle for Vimy, with many on the team suggesting it could emerge as a new favourite within the community. Stay posted for upcoming news and announcements for Operation III: Canada's 100 days. See you in the trenches Soldier!
Vieil Armand - Public Playtest #1
Attention Soldier!

We're organizing another advance on the rocky trenches of Vieil Armand. Join us tomorrow as we fight over the sharp ridge lines and snow covered peaks on Vieil Armand for our next public playtest.

Up to 100 players will be able to join us for a total of two hours. This will help us greatly in identifying bugs and issues as well as collect your feedback.


Not all crashes have been resolved, but your attendance will help us isolate crashes and bugs that only appear in highly populated servers.

In order to access the playtest on Friday we will ask you to download a test build through Steam's beta branch. Standby for another announcement here for the information on how to download.

The test server will be live at 10 AM PST / 6 PM BST / 7 PM CEST on Friday, August 27th.

Vimy Ridge Public Playtest: September 3
Attention Soldiers!

Command have sent down another order directing the next assault on Vimy Ridge!

Join us tomorrow as we fight over the formidable ridge line to test the latest changes and fixes on the map

Up to 100 players will be able to join us for a few hours testing. This will help us greatly in identifying bugs and issues as well as collect your feedback.
Most of the crashes have been resolved, but your attendance will help us isolate any additional crashes and bugs that only appear in highly populated servers.

The test server will be live at 10 AM PST / 6 PM BST / 7 PM CEST on Friday, September 3rd.

In order to access the playtest on Friday we will ask you to download a test build through Steam's beta branch. Standby for an announcement in our official discord for the information on how to download.

Please join the official Beyond The Wire discord for instant communications on upcoming playtests and updates from the development team[discord.com]

Fields of Battle: Vieil Armand
Welcome Soldiers!

Our second preview for Operation III is here and we are excited to showcase Vieil Armand. Inspired by the conflict for Hartmannswillerkopf peak this map will introduce a brand new biome filled with snowy hills, rocky outcrops and stone structures. Throughout World War 1 the French and German armies clashed on the mountain attempting to gain control of the vantage point, with both sides winning battles and taking control for a time.

Deploying into a new field of battle unlike anything seen yet, Vieil Armand delivers new terrain with an emphasis on verticality, with varying elevations and engagement distances adding a fresh experience to Beyond The Wire.

As Vieil Armand had been contested frequently during the conflict a large effort has been made to secure the mountain peak. A fort-like establishment has been built, with tough defences and ideal firing positions.

Taking advantage of the natural environment the German forces have built bunkers in the rock, covering approaches to the top. Shell holes litter the ground around this position, forcing attackers to overcome the undulating terrain and the shallow trenches to advance.

Infantry units looking to reposition can follow old mountain paths that provide some safety when seeking to surprise the enemy. Defending teams will want to lockdown avenues of approach with help from fire support sections to block vulnerable flanks.

Supplies are ferried to the base through a cart-and-pulley system and single railway line, which both arrive on the North side of the ridge. Giving quick access both up and down the mountain, teams that control this point will have success in progressing through the field.

Short stretches have been bored out of the rock, opening up quicker ways across the peak. Soldiers will find many entrances in the area leading into the mountain, with one revealing an elevator shaft complete with loading platform, used to lift men, equipment and supplies.


Such an environment makes entrenchment difficult. Where possible, short, shallow trench routes lead up and down the hillside with stone-reinforced walls. Parts of the network have metal and netting covers in an attempt to obscure soldiers movements.

Ensuring use of the position is maximised, engineers have erected strong watchtowers which have allowed better sight lines down to the lands below. Further defences encircle the tower allowing defenders to repel infantry attacks.

Operation III: Canada's 100 days is on the horizon so stay posted for more previews of the new content and features coming with the update. See you in the trenches Soldier!
Development Recap: Released Levels
Welcome Soldiers!

Our latest instalment of Development Recaps showcases the newest versions of Frise and Ansoncourt, coming with Operation III. Taking some time and attention to our previously released maps, the Level Design and Environment Art departments have been updating old assets and raising the standard of original maps to match our newer, soon to be released levels. We've broken down some of these changes in this article, read all about it below!

Part of the on-going work in bringing the older maps up to standard is the upgrading of general level art. Aiming for a consistent and unique look for the maps in Beyond The Wire the teams have been ensuring that our older maps are aligned with our latest content. Identifying areas for improvement, level designers have introduced new shading techniques for landscapes, specifically areas of wetness such as puddles and soaked grounds. In addition to these shaders, new landscape tiling has been added to help smooth out patchy and repetitive ground textures.

Old assets have been removed or updated giving performance benefits as well as polishing visuals. Other small problems like collisions causing players to get stuck have been fixed, which have also helped the flow of the map which had previously been affected.

Further work has been done to clear up paths and revise areas of cover to improve movement for players. This work has been done as part of general design work to create more interesting gameplay spaces including where assets are placed in relation to each other.

A main priority for these reworks have been to increase performance through optimization work. Taking the intention to all aspects the level design team have made significant improvements via reductions in triangles and draw call count which gives consistent performance across the library of maps for Beyond The Wire.

Ansoncourt in particular has had extensive work done with areas being re-sculpted to create more variety in combat spaces along with new Points of Interest aimed at helping players navigate around the map. This field of battle from the Meuse-Argonne offensive now has more realistic ground textures, rock formations and wet textures presenting new ways for players to advance.

One focus has been a rework of the trench network layout on Ansoncourt, which should lead to more intense close quarter action in the trenches. No mans land has been updated, utilising the new wetness shader has added more realism to the scene, with a slow transition into the dense forest. Progression through the map is more evident as the change in biomes is striking as you advance deeper into the trees.

The new wetness shader we have implemented will hopefully give the players a much better feel of the mud that the soldiers had to endure during the war, and will give a new and more authentic look to our maps, especially in the heavy bombarded maps like Zonnebeke and Vimy Ridge. We will continue to implement this new shader on all our maps and aim to improve it more over time.

Given the slightly disorientating nature of the forest the team have added a trench rail line that stretches from east to west, and gives the player a visible guide after in the thick of the forest, while also adding more interesting POIs along its track. The train finished up in a small station to the north and inadvertently makes for some interesting combat spaces!

Taking this time to improve original maps means they meet the same level of polish and artistic standard as upcoming releases, ensuring our Fields of Battle deliver an authentic WW1 experience. As always - stay posted for further articles and updates as we move through development. See you in the trenches!
Operation III Arsenal
Welcome Soldiers!

With a new faction arriving and other weapons coming to completion, Operation III resupplies the arsenal with more iconic weaponry . This next update brings Canadian firearms and heavy weaponry for the French that have been waiting to be deployed and are now ready to be introduced. Check out the list of incoming weapons below!

Ross Rifle Mk III

Before the Canadian Army adopted the British SMLE MK III* they were largely armed with the Ross rifle. The straight-pull action of the bolt allowed Soldiers to lay down a greater volume of fire for less effort. However due to concerns regarding its reliability in the trenches, it was eventually phased out in favour of the mass produced SMLE, Late war maps will still see the Ross in use as reconnaissance sections utilise it’s great accuracy, while early war maps will see the CEF deployed with the Ross as the main battle rifle.

2nd Model "Hand Ejector" Revolver

A six-round, double-action revolver used by the CEF as a primary weapon for Officers. Similar in design to its American and British counterparts, the revolver was chambered in .455 Webley to simplify logistics for the forces of the British Empire. A sturdy weapon with a decent fire rate, it saw its fair share of action in the trenches of the Western Front.

Berthier 1907/15

The most common service rifle of the Harlem Hellfighters - the French-made Berthier M1907/15 is fed by a relatively small 3-round en-bloc clip. Still accurate and reliable but with a quicker reload than its older Lebel cousin, the berthier is more than capable enough to serve in the battlefields of France.

M1918 B.A.R

One of the most popular automatic rifle designs during the 20th century is heading out Beyond The Wire. The M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle came into service in the final months of the First World War but made a lasting impression. The BAR was well-received for its modest weight and reliability, though the lack of a bipod has a noticeable effect on its accuracy.

Canon de 75 modèle 1897

French Artillery crews will soon be deploying with their own field canons, replacing the placeholder QF-13. This 75mm field cannon was primarily used by the French Republic, but also supplied in large numbers to the AEF, who nicknamed it the French 75. Though the flat trajectory of field guns challenged their utility in the static conditions of trench warfare, the 75 was one of the best of its class, with great range and rate of fire, and earned a bit of fame for its actions during the 1st Battle of the Marne.

Hotchkiss M1914

The second heavy weapon arriving with Op III is the The main heavy machine gun of the French Republic, this is a heavy, air-cooled weapon that feeds from a 24-round metal strip. It was primarily used as an emplaced weapon in the trenches but also was adopted for use in vehicles. It entered service to replace the older and less-reliable St. Étienne and Puteaux machine guns, with production increasing as the war progressed.

M1895 “Potato Digger”

This air-cooled heavy machine gun got its nickname for reportedly digging up dirt during operation due to its firing mechanism. Relatively lightweight and reliable, the Canadian forces landing in France fought with these weapons until they could phase them out for the Vickers heavy machine guns, after which the majority of them were given to the Belgian army.

Keep one eye on the horizon Soldier as more news on Operation III arrives. See you in the trenches!
Operation III Release Date & 1 Year Celebration
Welcome Soldiers

After announcing that Operation III was needing additional time for development we are now able to offer our latest update. Scheduled to release to steam on November 3rd, Operation III introduces a brand new faction, 2 new maps and a host of new weapons as well as optimization work, gameplay improvements and game mode reworks. While we had originally planned to release the first iteration of the progression and customization with this update, the system has taken much longer than we had anticipated, and therefore we have made the decision to release completed content and hold the new system until the next game update - due in a couple of months.

This exclusion is certainly not ideal and we will be ensuring the progression system is working fully before releasing. We do not want to ship a broken or malfunctioning system that could potentially fail in correctly rewarding players. Given these changes to content we plan on releasing an updated Road Map which reflects these changes, with new updates planned and concrete information on what 1.0 release looks like.

Finally, it has been one year since we released to Steam Early Access and we’re going to be celebrating over the coming days. Join the official Beyond The Wire discord as we host a giveaway of game copies and where we will be hosting our first "Journeys from Beyond The Wire" Stage Night on October 28, where we go live with the development for a chat about Beyond The Wire’s journey and more importantly - have your questions answered!

Thanks as always to our amazing community from all of us at Redstone for the continued support and input towards improving the game. We'll see you in the trenches!
Faction First Look: Canadian Expeditionary Force
Welcome Soldiers!

Operation Three: Canada's 100 Days will be bringing the Canadian Expeditionary Force to reinforce the Entente in Europe. Canada was part of the war from the very beginning, having joined when Britain declared war on Germany, but would not arrive on the continent until December of 1914.

Their first major action would take place at the 2nd Battle of Ypres, which saw them defending Belgian ground against the first major gas attack on the Western Front. Initially made up of a cadre of professional soldiers armed with their own equipment, wartime service would lead to Canadian troops adopting British weapons and uniforms, with reliance upon volunteers shifting to conscription in late 1917. By the end of the conflict, some 424,000 Canadians had served overseas in various theaters of operations.

After the major battles of 1916, the Canadian forces undertook considerable reforms. Refining their use of counter-battery tactics, the creeping-barrage, and decentralizing command even down to infantry platoons, the corps would soon after earn a reputation as an elite 'shock troop' formation. Spending much of their time out of the trenches in training and rehearsing for the next offensive, they would utilize strong planning and coordination to achieve a series of successes in the final years of the conflict.

Armed and dressed quite similarly to their British counterparts, in Beyond the Wire the CEF serve as a standalone faction.. Bringing the unique Ross Mk III Sniper Rifle and M1895 "Potato Digger" Heavy Machine Gun to battle, players will have new elements to their arsenal to learn and with which to storm the bluffs of Vimy Ridge.

The Battle of Vimy Ridge was part of the larger Battle of Arras of 1917. The ridge itself was a critical area of high ground dominating the terrain around it for several kilometers, having been seized by the Germans in 1914, and contested by the French and British throughout 1915 and 1916. It would then fall to the Canadians to capture this vital position.

Players will find the CEF on the fields of battle at both Vimy Ridge and Zonnebeke, with early and late war gameplay layers giving interesting variety in loadouts and equipment. We are excited to see the Canadian forces in Beyond the Wire and hope you will enjoy our representation of them. See you in the trenches, Soldier!
Roadmap Update

Welcome Soldiers!

Over the past number of weeks the team at Redstone have been working on revealing an updated roadmap for the community to give a more definitive view of what Beyond The Wire will look like when we've completed Early Access. With a view towards 1.0 release we have detailed the path forwards, with concrete plans for each update between now and launch.

After reshuffling some of the upcoming content we can confirm that our new progression and customization system will be arriving as part of a new update scheduled for Winter 2021/2022 alongside a full release of the Jäger Regiment, a light infantry sub-faction for the German Empire. The following updates through 2022 will further add interesting and exciting content that will enhance player's experience of The Great War, with each expansion adding more factions and famous battlefields from the Western Front. Optimization of features, systems and levels will still be an on-going effort, with the most effort applied to this area in the closing stages of Early Access. Each update will continue to mould gameplay and user experience as we rework game modes, improve special effects and streamline player interactions.

We're excited to share the road ahead with you all and we're looking forward to hearing your feedback on all aspects! As always stay posted for upcoming news from Beyond The Wire. See you in the trenches!
Update: v0.13 Released!

Welcome Soldiers!

After many hours of development, investigation and testing our latest expansion is ready for release! Operation III: Canada’s 100 Days will introduce new factions and fields of battle for them to fight over. Building on the character equipment of the BEF, the CEF brings new additional, unique weaponry.

This content expansion will include 2 new maps with additional gameplay layers to existing maps.



  • Added new suppression system
  • Added music to the deployment screen
  • Added commander telephones to all spawn points
  • Added new scoring system (work in progress)
    • Individual Player Score
      • Objective Score
        • Objective Captures
        • Objective Defense
        • Objective Offense
      • Teamplay Score
        • Ability Score
        • Ammo supplied
        • Revives
        • Healing
        • Construction
        • Section Cohesion
      • Combat Score
        • Incapacitations
        • Kills
        • Deaths
        • Kill/Death Ratio
        • Longest Shot
        • Headshots
        • Longest Kill Streak
        • Melee Kills
        • Melee Blocks
        • Support Weapon Kills
        • Grenade Kills
    • Section Score
      • Section Cohesion
      • Objective Captures
      • Objective Defenses

  • Assault
    • Added auto scaling capture point sizes to assault capture points
    • Reduced the amount of main spawn groups on most assault layers from 2 to 1
    • Increased the distance between spawn groups and the active capture point on assault layers to roughly 200m
    • Adjusted assault game mode times for new capture points
    • Reduced capture points on most Assault layers to one
    • Reduced staging phase time on assault from 180 seconds to 120 seconds
    • Added automatic spawn point selection (should default to section leader or rally if available, main spawn group if not)
  • Adjusted commander’s off-map support ability costs:
    • Artillery 150 to 250
    • Chlorine Gas 125 to 120
    • Smoke 100 to 80
  • Added Karabiner 98 AZ to Rifleman 02 role for German Empire
  • Added RSC 1917 to Rifleman 02 role for French Republic (Late War)
  • Added spawn auto-selection system in Firefight
  • Adjusted assault game mode times for new capture points
  • Adjusted SL kit unlock order, first SL kit variant is a revolver, second SL kit variant (unlocked at 3 players in section) is a semi-auto pistol (or revolver with extra grenade depending on faction), third SL kit variant (unlocked at 6 players in section) is bolt-action rifle
  • Adjusted unlock requirements for assault & grenadier – melee assault available with 3 player in section, alternate assault kit available with 6 players in section – grenadier role available with 6 players in section (down from 8)
  • Disabled weapon overheating for heavy machine guns. It never triggered but was running in the background.
  • Enabled the option to bolt during a sprint
  • Increased exhausted penalty modifier from 0.75 to 0.85 (reduces the severity of being exhausted)
  • Increased global horizontal sway from .25 to .65
  • Increased global vertical sway from .25 to .45
  • Increased ground friction from 3 to 8
  • Increased hurt stamina regen rate from 8 to 10
  • Increased max walk speed crouch from 180 to 200
  • Increased max walk speed prone from 88 to 100
  • Increased stamina drain from focus aim from 16 to 27.5
  • Increased visibility of muzzle flashes
  • Reduced the amount of Command Points that are given for objective capture on Frontlines and Firefight
  • Reduced damage multiplier on upper arm and upper thigh body parts from 1.0 to 0.9 to mitigate the number of one-hit kills
  • Removed camera rotation while leaning
  • Reduced max walk speed from 323 to 300 for all roles except:
    • Light Machinegunner role max walk speed reduced to 280
    • Assault role max walk speed unchanged at 323
  • Reduced stamina penalty for sprinting in all stances from 16 to 14
  • Removed firearms from Assault 01 role
  • Removed Signaller role phone deployable, updated role text for Signaller and commander role
  • Replaced frag grenades with smoke grenades on Rifleman kits
  • Unified the naming convention of engineer detachment to be Engineer, Sapper, and Engineer Officer

  • Fixed HMG triggering suppression on friendly soldiers
  • Fixed being able to bolt a manual weapon while using a bayonet
  • Fixed melee from hitting unintended collision objects
  • Fixed iron sights not being lined up correctly for emplaced machine guns
  • Fixed section leader spawn not being created if the leader is alive when the section is created
  • Fix Commander Telephones from disappearing when a player creates/leaves a section



  • Added Early and Late War variants of Canadian Expeditionary Forces
  • Added Early War variant for German Empire, British Expeditionary Force, French Republic
  • Added the first iteration of Jäger Regiment (available on Vieil Armand)
  • Updated various character models to include new equipment pieces for added variation and authenticity

  • Added voice lines for section leader orders and call outs to all factions
  • Added situational voice lines, like throwing grenades or putting on a gas mask to all factions
  • Unified faction acronyms across gameplay layers AEF, BEF, CEF, HHF, GER, FR



  • 2nd Model Hand Ejector
  • BAR M1918
  • Berthier 1907/15
  • Hotchkiss 1914
  • Karabiner 98 AZ
  • M1895 “Potato Digger”
  • Modele 1897 75mm cannon
  • MP-18
  • Ross Rifle Mk. III
  • Ross Rifle Mk. III Sniper Variant

  • Added interpolated / smooth motion for emplaced weapons when not aiming down sights
  • Added slight deviation to ADS with LMGs
  • Adjusted bipod rotation to no longer allow players to hover over the ground
  • Adjusted bipod values so they are easier to deploy on uneven terrain
  • Improved Enfield 1917 animations
  • Improved Feldkanone 96 animations
  • Improved Lange Pistole 08 ADS fire animation
  • Improved line of sight offset for all rifles
  • Improved Madsen M1905 animations
  • Improved MG 08 animations
  • Improved QF-13 animations
  • Improved Vickers 1915 animations
  • Improved Vickers Mk I animations
  • Increased bolting animation speed for Lebel 1886 APX by 15% to bring it to the same standard as other weapons
  • Increased damage of M1916 Karabinergranate
  • Reduced hip fire deviation on Lange P08
  • Reduced recoil for Colt 1911
  • Reduced recoil for Lange Pistole 08
  • Reduced recoil for Pistole 08
  • Removed ADS zoom from light machine guns
  • Removed line of sight offset for equipable items, pistols and grenades

  • Fixed 1911 hammer position during reload dry animation
  • Fixed Barbed Wire being destroyed by anything other than wire cutter
  • Fixed exit point of Vickers 1915 HMG being on top of the roof
  • Fixed grenade launcher projectiles doing direct impact damage
  • Fixed issue with overly bright Lewis muzzle particle effects
  • Fixed Lebel VB not playing any reload sounds
  • Fixed MG08 collision blocking leaning
  • Fixed Pistole 08 normal not having equip / unequip sounds
  • Fixed QF13 collision not rotating with gun
  • Fixed SMLE Mk. III dry firing sound missing
  • Fixed SMLE Mk. III reload dry duration
  • Fixed swing animation not being visible when an equipping melee and attacking



  • Added Vimy Ridge, Arras
  • Added Vieil Armand, Vosges

  • Updated Gameplay layers
    • Ansoncourt Assault 1915 GER vs FR
    • Ansoncourt Assault 1918 AEF vs GER
    • Ansoncourt Firefight 1918 AEF vs GER
    • Ansoncourt Frontlines 1915 FR vs GER
    • Ansoncourt Frontlines 1918 AEF vs GER
    • Cantigny Assault 1918 AEF vs GER
    • Cantigny Assault 1918 GER vs FR
    • Cantigny Frontlines 1918 AEF vs GER
    • Cantigny Frontlines 1918 FR vs GER
    • Chateau-Thierry Assault 1918 AEF vs GER
    • Chateau-Thierry Assault 1918 GER vs FR
    • Chateau-Thierry Frontlines 1918 AEF vs GER
    • Chateau-Thierry Frontlines 1918 FR vs GER
    • Combles Assault 1914 FR vs GER
    • Combles Assault 1916 BEF vs GER
    • Combles Frontlines 1914 FR vs GER
    • Combles Frontlines 1916 BEF vs GER
    • Frise Assault 1916 FR vs GER
    • Frise Assault 1918 BEF vs GER
    • Frise Firefight 1916 FR vs GER
    • Frise Frontlines 1916 FR vs GER
    • Frise Frontlines 1918 BEF vs GER
    • Poelcappelle Assault 1914 FR vs GER
    • Poelcappelle Assault 1915 CEF vs GER
    • Poelcappelle Assault 1917 BEF vs GER
    • Poelcappelle Firefight 1917 BEF vs GER
    • Poelcappelle Frontlines 1914 FR vs GER
    • Poelcappelle Frontlines 1917 BEF vs GER
    • Sechault Assault 1915 GER vs FR
    • Sechault Assault 1918 HHF vs GER
    • Sechault Firefight 1918 HHF vs GER
    • Sechault Frontlines 1915 FR vs GER
    • Sechault Frontlines 1918 HHF vs GER
    • Vieil Armand Assault 1915 FR vs GER
    • Vieil Armand Assault 1915 GER vs FR
    • Vieil Armand Firefight 1915 FR vs GER
    • Vieil Armand Frontlines 1915 FR vs GER
    • Vimy Ridge Assault 1914 GER vs FR
    • Vimy Ridge Assault 1915 FR vs GER
    • Vimy Ridge Assault 1917 CEF vs GER
    • Vimy Ridge Firefight 1917 CEF vs GER
    • Vimy Ridge Frontlines 1914 FR vs GER
    • Vimy Ridge Frontlines 1917 CEF vs GER
    • Zonnebeke Assault 1914 FR vs GER
    • Zonnebeke Assault 1914 GER vs FR
    • Zonnebeke Assault 1915 BEF vs GER
    • Zonnebeke Assault 1915 CEF vs GER
    • Zonnebeke Assault 1915 GER vs CEF
    • Zonnebeke Frontlines 1914 FR vs GER
    • Zonnebeke Frontlines 1915 BEF vs GER
    • Zonnebeke Frontlines 1915 CEF vs GER
  • Ansoncourt
    • Reworked various gameplay spaces and points of interest across the map
    • Added new minimap for Ansoncourt
    • Added more lights to Ansoncourt night layer
    • Fixed flare not being synchronized across players
    • Fixed mesh sticking out of the ground at C3-8-3
    • Fixed a bunker poking through the terrain
    • Fixed fire not dealing damage in Ansoncourt
    • Update surrounding terrain for Ansoncourt
    • Updated lighting and reflection values
    • Updated Ansoncourt foliage draw distance
  • Cantigny
    • Various fixes
  • Chateau-Thierry
    • Decreased size of decals on Chateau-Thierry
  • Combles
    • Reworked various gameplay spaces and points of interest across the map
    • Recalibrated night lighting so exposure values are more consistent with other lighting scenarios
    • Removed a section of the cover that was under the terrain
    • Fixed floating trees at C2-2-8
  • Frise
    • Reworked various gameplay spaces and points of interest across the map
  • Poelcapelle
    • Fixing black and white flickering on distant smoke columns
    • Various fixes
  • Sechault
    • Fixed floaters and gaps
    • Fixed floating trenches
  • Shooting Range
    • Renamed Shooting Ranges to properly display the name of the map on the HUD
    • Fixed decal sizes on shooting range
  • Zonnebeke
    • Added a crate to the bell portion of the church to prevent players from entering
    • Fixed exposed edge of a water plane at C3-7-5
    • Fixed terrain clipping into a bunker
    • Fixed wooden blockade under the terrain at C3-1-1
    • Reworked various gameplay spaces and points of interest across the map


  • Fixed sounds not playing when hitting certain types of trenches
  • Color corrected face dirt texture
  • Improved character equipment shader
  • Updated farm cart models in some levels
  • Reduced left hand glitching when interrupting sprint during a reload


  • Added a reload progress bar
  • Added new in-game scoreboard
  • Added new main menu
  • Added new multiplayer screen
  • Added new server browser
  • Added new training selection UI
  • Added sound effect when reload is complete
  • Add notification for when the max deployable limit is reached
  • Fixed not being able to right click on capture points on deployment map
  • Fixed section headings on spawn screen being incorrect after changing teams
  • Increased visibility of WIP message on HUD
  • Updated faction emblems
  • Updated nearby medic UI indicator


  • Added double-sided collisions to trench pieces with corrugated metal
  • Fix Deployment Screen not showing the correct flag and not randomizing recruit soldier
  • Fixed a crash in spawn system related to players disconnecting while waiting to spawn
  • Fixed bridge material having no impact sound or particle effects
  • Fixed Commander Telephone receiving landscape decals
  • Fixed crash related to player ID not being registered correctly
  • Fixed crash related to ragdoll system
  • Fixed crash related to reloading misconfigured weapons
  • Fixed crash related to the VOIP system
  • Fix Deployment Screen from showing incorrect flag and kit when leaving section while spawned
  • Fixed desync for some weapon’s equip animations
  • Fixed desync of melee damage traces between different clients
  • Fixed heavy fortification and sandbags showing as being built after joining a match in progress
  • Fixed issue with Respawn from the console causing a crash
  • Fixed missing physmat assignment in landscape layers and trench material
  • Fixed mud puddles having no impact sound or particle effects
  • Fixed M_WeaponMaster material not having metal physmat
  • Fixed narrow collision of bunker stairs asset
  • Fixed oversized collision on some tree assets causing collision issues
  • Fixed PhysMat_DryMudWall not producing hit effects
  • Fixed Physmat_Fabric using wood VFX when shot with rifle grenades
  • Fixed PhysMat_Head_Flesh absorbing rifle grenades
  • Fixed PhysMat_MetalHelmet absorbing rifle grenades
  • Fixed PhysMat_WoodNoPenetration hiding rifle grenade explosions
  • Fixed players being teleported up when emplaced weapons take damage
  • Fixed players not seeing other players’ bipods being deployed
  • Fixed some deployables to use only one deployable state mesh instead of multiple single pieces
  • Fixed some emplacements not being damageable when in the unbuilt state
  • Fixed terrain texture issues on low-quality settings
  • Fixed weather system causing log error
  • Fixes to missing physmats on barrels and tree assets
  • Fix server default map is set to an invalid path causing a server crash
  • Improved collision on tunnel pieces
  • Improved collisions on bed props
  • Improved deployment screen performance
  • Improved LODs for rifle bayonets
  • Improved LODs for rifle SMLE MK III
  • Improved LODs for weapon animations
  • Improved shadow configurations for equipped items and weapons
  • Increased the height above the landscape at which the deployment menu spawns
  • Optimized birch tree LOD and impostors to counter overdraw in Ansoncourt
  • Optimized simplified collisions for windmill & damaged version
  • Potential fix for commander radio disappearing after using call-in
  • Reduced triangle count of some debris assets
  • Reduce puddle footstep volume to be more in line with the rest of the footstep sounds
  • Removed unnecessary character textures


  • AMD FX users will have degraded performance due to issues with the audio system. We’re still investigating possible solutions, but here’s a workaround
    • 1. Open following file:
      If the file doesn’t exist, create it.
      2. Add following lines at the end:
      [/script/engine.audiosettings] bDisableMasterEQ=True
      [Audio] bDisableMasterEQ=True
  • Combat Record / Personal statistics do currently not display the scores correctly
  • Personal awards are not granted correctly
  • Damage radius of field cannons will sometimes cause players to not be killed immediately
  • Some surfaces do not show impact effects. Damage should still apply
  • No. 20 Rifle Grenade uses placeholder sounds
  • Switching Audio quality in the options menu will cause a crash when connected to a server or when playing on the Shooting Range. Please restart the game to prevent that from happening.
  • VOIP widget role icon is not being displayed correctly
  • Infantry section members will see a SL ability icon in the bottom left screen
  • M1895 “Potato Digger” is called M1985 “Potato Digger”
  • Shooting Range for CEF vs GER loads HHF vs GER instead
  • Ansoncourt underground bunkers have lighting issues
  • Deploying LMG bipods on walls while prone can lead to players teleporting under the map
Hotfix: 0.13.11596 Released!
Welcome Soldiers!

Our latest hotfix is out and aims to resolve various stability, performance, gameplay and visual issues since the 0.13 release.



- Added alternate Rifleman role with Berthier 1907/15 to early war French team infantry sections
- Added alternate Rifleman role with Ross Mk. III to Canadian late war infantry sections
- Changed CEF recon role's side arm from Colt 1917 to Webley Mk VI
- Decreased suppression scores from 15 to 5
- Increased Section Leader teamwork , Section Leader spawn, and Rally Point scores from 1 to 5
- Reduced Madsen magazine from 30 rounds to 25 rounds, increased max mags from 6 to 7
- Reduced max time per objective on assault from 20 minutes to 16.5 minutes (15 minutes + 1.5 minute prep phase)
- Reduced recoil of the RSC 1917
- Removed ammo boxes from Signaller roles
- Increased ammunition from 30 to 40 for all pistols
- Removed reload UI audio feedback
- Removed smoke grenades from rifleman roles
- Unified naming of Berthier 1907/15 rifle across French and Harlem Hellfighter roles

Updated various loadouts

- Section Leader 01: Revolver, Frag Grenade, Smoke Grenade
- Section Leader 02: Semi-Automatic Pistol (or Revolver depending on faction), 2x Frag Grenade, Smoke Grenade
- Section Leader 02: Rifle, Sidearm, Frag Grenade, Smoke Grenade
- Light Machine Gunner: Primary weapon, Pistol, Melee Weapon (no longer has grenade)
- Signaller: Removed ammo bag
- Medic 01: Rifle, Smoke Grenade, Medic Bag
- Medic 02: Pistol, Smoke Grenade, Medic bag
- Commander 01: Revolver, Frag Grenade
- Commander 02: Semi-Automatic Pistol (or Revolver depending on faction), 2x Frag Grenade


- Fixed Harlem Hellfighter roles with Berthier rifles only rearming 3 magazines instead of 10 on Rally Point/Section Leader spawn



- Added Newfoundland Regiment detachment to BEF on Poelcappelle layers
- Added Stoßtruppen section to German Empire on Zonnebeke, Chateau-Thierry and Cantigny


- Added missing medic and Signaller armbands for early war BEF
- Added missing medic armbands for early war FR
- Adjusted the HHF belt to better contour the tunic
- Removed redundant medical decal from the medic roles
- Fixed naming issue for weapons on CEF Officer late war and Recon leader late war



- Adjusted playable area sizes on Ansoncourt, Chateau-Thierry, Combles, Frise, Poelcappelle and Vimy Ridge to be within blocking zones
- Added out-of-bounds volume to fix exploits on Vimy Ridge
- Fixed Frise river ending abruptly
- Fixed collision size in asset causing collision issues in Ansoncourt
- Fixed Sechault capture zone sizes
- Fixed various issues on Vimy Ridge
- Fixed Vimy Ridge firefight using full team template
- Fixing bad spawn points on Vimy Ridge Frontlines
- Fixed CEF Shooting Range loading HHF
- Fixed floating cliff faces on Vieil Armand
- Fixed missing ravine outside of the map on Vieil Armand


- Optimized forest trenches


- Fixed icon for password protected servers not updating
- Fixed misaligned scoreboard columns
- Fixed Chinese characters not being displayed correctly where new font is in use
- Fixed passworded servers not displaying the lock icon correctly
- Fixed not being able to favorite a server

Optimization / General Fixes

- Fixed various server and client crashes
- Optimized trench assets on Ansoncourt and Zonnebeke
- Added missing LODs for Late War FR character equipment

Known issues

- AMD FX users will have degraded performance due to issues with the audio system. We’re still investigating possible solutions, but here’s a workaround

1. Open following file:


If the file doesn't exist, create it.
2. Add following lines at the end:
[/script/engine.audiosettings] bDisableMasterEQ=True
[Audio] bDisableMasterEQ=True

- Ansoncourt Day: Looking through Binoculars can be overly bright
- Ansoncourt underground bunkers have lighting issues
- Assault capture points can sometimes not be captured, even if the objective shows up on the HUD. If you hear the ticking noise, capturing is successfully progressing
- Changing Sensitivity Settings will break when joining a server or switching map and having Sensitivity Multipliers toggled on
- Soldier Sensitivity Scaling settings will not apply to every weapon where it may be expected
- Combat Record / Personal statistics do currently not display the scores correctly
- Damage radius of field cannons will sometimes cause players to not be killed immediately
- Deploying LMG bipods on walls while prone can lead to players teleporting under the map
- Infantry section members will see a SL ability icon in the bottom left screen
- M1895 “Potato Digger” is called M1985 “Potato Digger”
- No. 20 Rifle Grenade uses placeholder sounds
- Personal awards are not granted correctly
- Players can get stuck within joining the process of joining a server
- Saving the microphone will be reset after two restarts
- Shooting Range for CEF vs GER loads HHF vs GER instead
- Some CPUs can have degraded performance when Hyperthreading/SMT is active
- Some surfaces do not show impact effects. Damage should still apply
- Switching Audio quality in the options menu will cause a crash when connected to a server or when playing on the Shooting Range. Please restart the game to prevent that from happening.
- VOIP widget role icon is not being displayed correctly
Hotfix: 0.13.11806 Released!
Welcome Soldiers!
Our latest hotfix is out and aims to resolve various stability, performance, gameplay and visual issues since the 0.13 release.

  • Rally Point Refactor: Rally Points are now called Spawn Points in-game.
    • Spawn Points visuals were updated to include a large flag and are now easier to locate
    • No longer destroyed by enemies who walk near. Previously they were destroyed once an enemy was within a certain proximity to them.
    • Added contextual interaction, enemy players can now destroy them by interacting with the rally point object itself (holding the “F” key by default)
    • Added damage check so that rally points can also be destroyed by explosives (cannot be destroyed by friendly fire)
  • Removed smoke grenades from recruit roles
  • Reduced movement speed in barbed wire from 95 to 35. It should now be quicker in most cases to cut barbed wire than move through it
  • Reduced MOA spread on MG-08 emplacement from 50 to 30
  • Reduced MOA spread on Vickers HMGs from 50 to 30
  • Removed ability to lock sections and prevent other players from joining them. Since the number of sections that can be created is finite, this was done to avoid trolling where a few players could create multiple locked sections to prevent large amounts of players on their team from being able to join and access better roles. Players can still kick players from their section if they’d like to make a private section with others.
  • Fix for Stosstrupp SL being unable to select their MP-18 loadout
  • Attempted fix for ADS sensitivity issues

  • Renamed Newfoundland Regiment display name to “Newfoundland Regiment” instead of “Newfoundland Regiment Detachment” to prevent text spilling on certain resolutions
  • Renamed Jaeger regiment display name to Jäger-Regiment

  • Updated Chateau Thierry Assault and Frontlines layers’ layout and capture points
  • Updated Combles Assault and Frontlines layers’ layout and capture points
  • Updated Poelcappelle Assault and Frontlines layers’ layout and capture points
  • Updated Poelcappelle Assault CEF vs GER to have Germans attacking (renamed to GER vs CEF)

  • Fix for Combat Record not displaying any statistics
  • Fix M1895 “Potato Digger” having the incorrect name on HUD
  • Fix section list referring to “Squads”
  • Updated wording on the radial menu
  • Renamed Rally Point to Spawn Point
  • Removed Commander Field Telephone score from the personal stats screen

Known issues
  • AMD FX users will have degraded performance due to issues with the audio system. We’re still investigating possible solutions, but here’s a workaround
    • 1. Open following file: C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\WireGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Engine.ini
      If the file doesn’t exist, create it.
      2. Add following lines at the end:
      <code>[/script/engine.audiosettings] bDisableMasterEQ=True</code>
  • Players will crash when disconnecting from or losing connection to a server
  • Assault capture points can sometimes not be captured, even if the objective shows up on the HUD. If you hear the ticking noise, capturing is successfully progressing
  • Ansoncourt Day: Underground Bunkers look overly bright in distant areas
  • Changing Sensitivity Settings will break when joining a server or switching map while having sensitivity multipliers enabled
  • Combat Record / Personal statistics do currently not display the scores correctly
  • Damage radius of field cannons will sometimes cause players to not be killed immediately
  • Deploying LMG bipods on walls while prone can lead to players teleporting under the map
  • Infantry section members will see a SL ability icon in the bottom left screen
  • No. 20 Rifle Grenade uses placeholder sounds
  • Personal awards are not granted correctly
  • Players can get stuck within joining the process of joining a server
  • Audio input settings will be reset after two restarts. Please ensure your microphone is set as Default Communications Device in Windows.
  • Some CPUs can have degraded performance when Hyperthreading/SMT is active
  • Some surfaces do not show impact effects. Damage should still apply
  • Switching Audio quality in the options menu will cause a crash when connected to a server or when playing on the Shooting Range. Please restart the game to prevent that from happening.
  • VOIP widget role icon is not being displayed correctly

Faction Uniforms Update
Welcome Soldiers!

Operation III released recently and with this update came our first implementation of year-based loadouts and faction uniforms. As the Great War saw advances in technologies, the armies of the time had to develop better protective equipment and more effective weapons that had a direct impact on the factions involved. From changing colours for camouflaging to redesigned weapons, the soldiers of WW1 saw one of the largest and wide spreading advancements of war.

With a priority to deliver experiences from multiple years from the war it was important we established foundations to deliver these differences and variety. From the early engagements in our 1914 gameplay layers to the massive late war advances on the Meuse-Argonne, players will be deploying with differing equipment loadouts and weapons.

For update 0.13 we have worked to have initial early uniforms for all factions which will be revised and improved upon with coming updates. Early war models for the French showcase the famous red and blue uniform with kepi hats with the Adrian helmets not being issued till the middle of the conflict. Improvements were also made to backpacks and webbing allowing the soldiers on the frontline to carry more and be better equipped for the long months on the front.

The German Empire deployed with the iconic gaede and picklehaube helmets in early war, with full helmet and cloth cover alternatives available. The famous M14 tunic with red piping is still to be crafted, but the distinguishing features of the uniform are taking shape.

Each faction has their own differences, with the divisions of the British Empire picking up the Brodie helmet over time as well. In addition to uniform changes factions saw updates to their weapons as well. With the lethality of modern combat demanding better firearms, and the environment demanding reliability rifles such as the Ross Mk III were eventually replaced by the SMLE during the conflict and our new year designations reflect these changes.

Development will continue work to accurately represent the evolution of armies over time with authentic character models present across the years of the Great War. With the new customization and progression system breaking down factions by year this work to introduce early and late war variants will stand the development team in good stead for the updates and expansions ahead.
Development Recap: November
Welcome Soldiers!

Our development recap is back for November and has some interesting items to reveal! The team have been busy establishing the foundations for upcoming updates as we cast our gaze towards the December update and Operation IV.

Team Restructure
The design team have been looking at the evolution of armies during WW1 and how their infantry battalions changed during the conflict. Exploring more distinctions between factions and year, players can expect to see different section options across the board. We have been exploring how over time the section size and responsibilities changed, with section roles differing depending on which faction and year you’re deployed to. These new team options are extensive and we’ll be breaking these down in a following developer blog but you can look forward to new section types such as the Hand bomber, Pioniertruppen, Specialist and Voltigeur Sections.

MG 08/15
This new German machine gun has been through the animation department and is now being put through the paces in testing. Taking the dangerous MG08 platform and turning it into a lighter, smaller unit which will give German Infantry sections an advantage of maneuverability with heavy firepower. First utilized during April of 1917 the MG08/15 would go on to be the most common machine gun used by the German Empire during WW1. Stay posted for the full reveal in following articles presenting updates to the Arsenal.

Gewehr 1888/05 & Karabiner 88
The main frontline rifle used by the German Empire up until 1915, the G88 was widely used by all units until it was eventually phased out in favour of the newer and much improved Gewehr 98. However the Gewehr 88 remained in service throughout the war for the allies of the German Empire as well as their own second line and reserve units. You can also expect to see the carbine version of the Gewehr 88 arriving Beyond The Wire soon. Utilised by Imperial Cavalry units as well as other second line troops the carbine had a shorter barrel and saw use during the early years of the war.

Skoparette Optic
Our latest roadmap revealed more planned factions and the Landwehr will arrive next year. The recon sections of the German nation forces will be using the Skoparette optic on sniper rifles when they deploy Beyond The Wire.

Suffocant Mle 1914, 1915 & 1916
Tear gas grenades are on the way with the French deployment of the Suffocant Mle that was utilised throughout the war in many forms. On impact these grenades will cause pacifying blurriness to enemies caught in the radius, forcing them to deploy gas masks and vacate the area.

This new field of battle is currently in the blocking stage as our environment and level design teams look at sources and imagery from the third battle of Ypres. With aerial photography giving an idea of area we’re looking to explore, the team have also sourced references from ground level so we can ensure the field is authentic to the time. Aiming to replicate the muddy conditions and sunken trenchlines reinforced with large concrete bunkers, the level design team are aiming to create the most brutal trench warfare seen in Beyond The Wire yet.


The overhaul of the UI is still in progress and there’s changes coming to the deployment screen. Aiming for a more polished menu for section and role selection will help bring the interface together. Along with the redesign of the UI there’s been a focus on improving accessibility with spawn selection and tooltips giving you a better experience.

Player customization
Still working on plethora of options for players to customize their soldier the art team have been working on various parts of uniform and equipment items that will give personal touches to your character in game. With spectacles, masks, pistol holsters and other tertiary items being options to customize we’re ensuring that we can offer fun choices that remain historically authentic.


The development team are continuing to work hard to deliver more content and further changes that mould your experience in-game. With an update on the horizon and our next expansion under way we'll be revealing more work before the end of the year.
Community Tutorials
Welcome Soldiers!

We wanted to send out a news post after recent efforts by members of the community to produce some new, up-to-date tutorials for Beyond The Wire that can go a long way in helping new players and veterans get a better understanding of the game. It’s been a bit of time since our first endeavour to have tutorials for the community with our sponsored series from Karmakut, and the game has progressed to a point where updated versions were needed.

In the recent weeks there have been new videos released by members of our community which look to help new players and ambitious leaders looking to improve their impact on the battlefield. While we are intending to have official guides and tutorials within the game at some point in the future we thought we could highlight these community videos and share them. Catch the tutorials below!

The first tutorial that was recently released was this helpful video for Section Leaders. Covering all the basics that Section Leaders need to succeed, Elevator has done a fantastic job of compressing down the important tips into a digestible video. If you're looking to get started as a Section Leader this video is a great starting point!

Another helpful video for Section Leaders has been produced as part of a series of tutorials by Viper. This Section Leader guide includes general gameplay tips and tricks for aspiring leader's looking to lead a section into battle. The chapters in this video cover all aspects from commands, communication, spawn points and commander support requests to give a complete guide to help both aspiring and experiences leaders.

If you're looking to take the step-up to Command and lead your team to victory then the second video from Viper will will give new commanders the information they need to get started. From breaking down the CP cost of call-ins to how to interact with the command menu, this tutorial will be a great starting point for players wanting to have a major impact on their teams success.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly is the 2022 New Player Guide. Breaking down the fundamentals of Beyond The Wire, this extensive guide will help new players get to grips with all of the mechanics and aspects of gameplay. Walking through deployment, game modes, inventory and communication and more, this tutorial covers every core part of the game that will give new players an important introduction to the main features of the game. Even if you're an old timer - we suggest checking out the video as there may be some tips and tricks you find useful. Great work Viper!

We're grateful that the community has shown initiative in helping new players by creating these tutorials and guides which help fill the gap until the in-game tutorial is ready so make sure to show support to these channeStay posted for upcoming news on development as we pick up steam after the winter holiday. See you in the trenches!
Development Recap: January
Welcome Soldiers!

Our first Development Recap of the year is here, and after a much needed winter break the team is picking up steam with major preparations happening for our next expansion - Operation IV. While development continues to work on the features of our next release we’re able to showcase some of the work going on behind the scenes. Catch up from some of the work done in January!

The next field of battle to arrive is Passchendaele and is well underway with the majority of whiteboxing being completed and the environment art team working on new buildings that will add a unique look to this map. As this battlefield will be debuting with tanks, much of the level design focus has been aimed at ensuring satisfying vehicle gameplay while sticking with our direction for brutal infantry combat. Featuring an open, daunting no-man's-land before tight combat spaces in the town and across bunker systems spread across the line. layers will see the first major gameplay diversity arriving with tanks in this latest map. While much of the map layout is complete the team are still world-building and look to create new assets to offer some unique visuals.




Our QA team has been busy taking on the mammoth task of testing the new tanks due in Operation IV. Running these machines through the mill to see exactly where potential issues are - there’s been some funny results with vehicle physics that have been causing issues when traversing complicated terrain. This has resulted in a rework of the physics so tanks won't be sent flying when trying to advance!
Tank Testing Video[btwmedia.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com]

The new setup allows tanks to move more smoothly across the terrain and able to overcome obstacles, such as wide trenches, as desired. There’s a long list of test points for these land ships and they’ll be getting many hours of internal testing before going onto large scale gameplay tests closer to spring time. Stay posted on more news on the horizon!
Tank Testing Video[btwmedia.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com]

Work continues to build a large base of options for players with the new customization system arriving in our next Operation. Shown below are example of the types of webbing and backwear options players will have to customize their character model when the system arrives. With over 200 switchable items being introduced when it launches, you won't be short of adding a unique touch to your character. Also, we can finally reveal the full list of cosmetic items will cover your character's face, headwear, facewear, upper body, lower body, webbing, backwear and hand slots! Again we will have more information on this system as we move closer to it's initial release.


C.L.L.E Mk 1
A new rifle is on the way and animations have been recently completed for the Charger Loading Lee Enfield. Utilising a charger bridge for quick, 5-round charger reloads this rifle saw service with many of the Territory Forces after being converted from M.L.E's. Expect this rifle to be textured and ready to ship with the Australian Imperial Force in Operation IV!
C.L.L.E Animations 1[btwmedia.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com]
C.L.L.E Animations 2[btwmedia.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com]

Stay posted as we prepare to showcase all of the content lined up for our next update. See you in the trenches!
esse jogo continua morto ou teve um aumento de players? ainda nao me animei pra pegar ele.
Base de players é bem pequena
E deve continuar assim
Duvido que aumente muito
eh por isso q n sai do PS/HLL pra ele, base do PS ja eh pequena e no BTW parece ainda pior... tenho aqui verdun/tannenberg parados por isso

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