Não esta aberto para novas mensagens.
O progresso do early access beta vai ser mantido para o open beta. Quem parou no level 15 poderá continuar jogando com o mesmo char.
Se der para continuar de onde parou será show, ainda bem que salvei um monte coisa no baú 🤣

Para aqueles que se queixaram do alto custo em ouro dos itens, há uma forma de obter recursos nas masmorras que possuem muitos inimigos elite. Elimine todos eles, retorne à cidade e venda tudo com o mercador, reinicie a masmorra e repita o processo. É possível acumular cerca de 20 mil moedas de ouro por tentativa. Faça isso no nível 25, evidentemente.

Para adquirir os equipamentos lendários específicos também há uma manha.
Acumule moedas roxas(não lembro o nome da moeda) nos eventos para comprar itens aleatórios com o vendedor que funciona como a Kadala. Como os afixos lendários podem vir de qualquer item, você tentará obter todos os necessários para a sua build através da luva, que é o item mais barato da lista. Obtendo todos os afixos, você deverá extraí-los com o outro NPC e aplicá-los nos itens raros.
Atente-se apenas para o fato de que os valores dos afixos podem variar conforme o item. Por exemplo: algo que concede um bônus de 100% para alguma habilidade em armas de duas mãos é reduzido para 50% se for de uma mão só. Afixos repetidos também não funcionam. O mais fraco fica desativado.

Não sei se deu pra entender, mas acho que com essas dicas vai ajudar bastante o pessoal no openbeta agr no findi
Última edição:
Se der para continuar de onde parou será show, ainda bem que salvei um monte coisa no baú 🤣

Para aqueles que se queixaram do alto custo em ouro dos itens, há uma forma de obter recursos nas masmorras que possuem muitos inimigos elite. Elimine todos eles, retorne à cidade e venda tudo com o mercador, reinicie a masmorra e repita o processo. É possível acumular cerca de 20 mil moedas de ouro por tentativa. Faça isso no nível 25, evidentemente.

Para adquirir os equipamentos lendários específicos também há uma manha.
Acumule moedas roxas(não lembro o nome da moeda) nos eventos para comprar itens aleatórios com o vendedor que funciona como a Kadala. Como os afixos lendários podem vir de qualquer item, você tentará obter todos os necessários para a sua build através da luva, que é o item mais barato da lista. Obtendo todos os afixos, você deverá extraí-los com o outro NPC e aplicá-los nos itens raros.
Atente-se apenas para o fato de que os valores dos atributos podem variar conforme o item. Por exemplo: algo que concede um bônus de 100% para alguma habilidade em armas de duas mãos é reduzido para 50% se for de uma mão só. Atributos repetidos também não funcionam. O mais fraco fica desativado.

Não sei se deu pra entender, mas acho que com essas dicas vai ajudar bastante o pessoal no openbeta agr no findi
Não sabia que dava pra fazer isso, valeu.
Já foi dito que não terá nada p2w, só cosmeticos.
Se derem para trás, eles vão conhecer o verdadeiro significado de inferno.
O problema é eles adicionarem coisas que não são consideradas p2w na temporada e acabar dando alguma vantagem, um simples buff de xp já causaria um estrago
mas vamos torcer para que seja só skins mesmo
O problema é eles adicionarem coisas que não são consideradas p2w na temporada e acabar dando alguma vantagem, um simples buff de xp já causaria um estrago
mas vamos torcer para que seja só skins mesmo
O pessoal pode chorar com o conceito , mas buff xp é p2w... So dizem que não é por conveniência.

Mas a Blizzard sabe que é.
O pessoal pode chorar com o conceito , mas buff xp é p2w... So dizem que não é por conveniência.

Mas a Blizzard sabe que é.

Quando rolou isso lá no falecido Avengers, o galera reclamou pra cacete, e com razão. Também acho que seja P2W.
Acho que mais cedo ou mais tarde vão tentar dar uma "forçada sutil" na compra do b.pass usando justamente esses buffs ou até algum outro tipo de "time saver". Espero estar errado, porque gosto de ARPGs mesmo não sendo ~hardcore.
Essa é a Actvision Blizzard que adicionou mtx no jogo de corrida do Crash alguns meses após o lançamento e as reviews positivas e transformou OW em free to play com um sistema de progressão horrível. Novamente, espero estar errado, mas deles sempre espero o pior.
Quando rolou isso lá no falecido Avengers, o galera reclamou pra cacete, e com razão. Também acho que seja P2W.
Acho que mais cedo ou mais tarde vão tentar dar uma "forçada sutil" na compra do b.pass usando justamente esses buffs ou até algum outro tipo de "time saver". Espero estar errado, porque gosto de ARPGs mesmo não sendo ~hardcore.
Essa é a Actvision Blizzard que adicionou mtx no jogo de corrida do Crash alguns meses após o lançamento e as reviews positivas e transformou OW em free to play com um sistema de progressão horrível. Novamente, espero estar errado, mas deles sempre espero o pior.
Mas vale considerar que enquanto Overwatch era uma versão paga, nunca colocaram nada P2W nele.

O futuro ninguém sabe, mas até então a Blizzard não faz isso em games pagos.
Consegui zerar o beta aberto nesse final de semana, e na minha opinião o jogo esta muito bom, tem algumas coisas para melhorar por exemplo as dungeons, mais comentando sobre os aspectos positivos, gráficos bons, ambientação muito dark e gore ate mais que o diablo 2 ressurrect em minha opinião, com cabeças tripas e membros e muito sangue espalhados pelos mapas, trilha sonora de tirar o chapeu, e as cinemáticas com o seu boneco interagindo ficou bom demais, agora e testar as novas classes no beta aberto no próximo final de semana.
pelo oq eu entendi na entrevista eles não pretendem mudar as dg tão cedo
parece que após pegar as chaves é para os mobs spawnarem novamente pra não deixar o caminho de volta vazio e isso não está acontecendo, provavelmente vão arrumar isso só e ficará assim até o end-game.
Mas vale considerar que enquanto Overwatch era uma versão paga, nunca colocaram nada P2W nele.

O futuro ninguém sabe, mas até então a Blizzard não faz isso em games pagos.
WoW tem p2w com os tokens que se compra com dinheiro real e pode vender por gold in game para outros players.
WoW tem p2w com os tokens que se compra com dinheiro real e pode vender por gold in game para outros players.
Maioria dos meus amigo compraram d4 com ouro graças atrocando ouro por esse token
inclusive pra quem não quer gastar e tem tempo é uma boa alternativa
Maioria dos meus amigo compraram d4 com ouro graças atrocando ouro por esse token
inclusive pra quem não quer gastar e tem tempo é uma boa alternativa
Por acaso vc sabe como tá a "facilidade" de farmar gold no wow nos dias atuais?

Copiei pra quando deletarem

1) Whisper of the Dead
(Comparable to Diablo 3 bounties)


Completing various objectives (could be dungeons, open world events, world bosses, pvp bosses, pvp altar conversion, etc) will fill up your Grim Favors gauge (displayed at the bottom of the map screen).

The more rewarding objectives are displayed in a deeper red, the lesser in a pale pink. There is a daily/gated component to it, meaning you will run out of deep red objectives if you do them all day.

Once your Grim Favors gauge is full, you have to speak to the Tree in a small town (forgot the name) of Hawezar swamp region (south east of the map, there is a "skull with red branches" icon).

The Tree will reward you with experience and give you a bounty cache (you can choose amongst a few), the cache will have a high chance to drop legendary items and nightmare sigils, among other things.


Easy and chill. Can pick the objectives you want to complete since they are so varied.


  • Nightmare Sigils (actually a good source of them).
  • Experience.
  • Legendary items.
2) Helltide events
(Comparable to Diablo 2 terror zones)


A big area randomly and periodically becomes corrupted (appears red on the map). New and more dangerous monsters, bosses and events will spawn there, including a very strong roaming boss named "Kixxarth The Forerunner" that usually requires a group to be defeated (or a very strong build, to be soloed).

Killing stuff there awards Aberrant Cinders, which will allow you to open chests (Tortured Gifts) scattered in the region, those chests give a specific legendary (the type of which is indicated on the chest) and a unique crafting material called "Fiend Rose", which is not found anywhere else, allowing you upgrade your gear to the highest rank.


  • Excluding the roaming boss "Kixxarth The Forerunner", the event is largely soloable and overall pretty easy if you have a half decent build, but it's more efficient to do in group. It may be moderately challenging early on at lower level or if your build isn't well optimized.

  • Fiend Rose (crafting material which allows you to upgrade your gear to the latest rank, can't be obtained anywhere else).
  • Targetted Legendary items (can target farm the type of item you need, since the chests tell you what type of item is offered).
3) World Bosses
(Comparable to Loot Piñatas)


In endgame CBT, World Bosses spawned every hour or so. When they are 30 minutes away from spawning, an icon will show up on the map with a countdown. (I don't know if they will change the frequency for release).

World Bosses always spawn on a timer, in one of their dedicated arena, an empty area on the map which stands out (there are a few scattered across the map), they never spawn randomly/suddenly just anywhere in the open world (unlike what some early official clips show).

If I remember correctly, the icon/timer will only show up on your map if you have explored nearby. It's a good idea to explore various corners of the map early on so you have a portal ready to quick travel to them.


Slightly challenging early on, very easy at high level with a half decent build.


  • Scattered Prism (used to socket your gear, can't be obtained anywhere else).
  • Legendary items.
4) PVP area farming

Now wether you like PVP or not, the PVP area offers one of the most viable way to farm legendary equip (at least this was the case in endgame cbt).

There are a lot of monsters there, which you can farm for Seed of Hatred (or even regular gear, since density is pretty good). Seed of Hatred is a currency which, once converted via the PVP altars, allows you to gamble for gear (also offers a few cosmetics). In endgame CBT it was the most viable way to farm gear, and so most players didn't Bloodmark (pvp flag) themselves so they could cooperate and simply PVE farm.

Bloodmarking oneself allows you to attack anyone (including non-Bloodmarked players), it's basically "hostile mode", and doing so increases your Seed of Hatred rate, but you can choose not to Bloodmark yourself and cooperate with other non-Bloodmarked players to simply farm PVE monsters. This will not prevent you from being attacked by hostile "Bloodmarked" players though.


  • Extremely variable depending on the hostile Bloodmarked players present. PVE monsters themselves are moderately challenging (easy with a half decent build). The roaming boss Khazra Abomination can be challenging and depending on your class/build, may not be soloed. Playing in group is more efficient and will give you a significant advantage.

  • Seeds of Hatred (allows you to gamble gear and buy a few cosmetics, can't be gotten anywhere else).
  • Monsters also drop regular gear, including legendary. Density is pretty good.
5) Nightmare Dungeons
(Comparable to Path of Exile maps)


Now I saved the most challenging content for last, and what some will call the "true endgame". Nightmare Sigil is a consumable (which can be found or crafted by the occultist) which allows you to corrupt a dungeon with certain affixes.

Once the dungeon is corrupted, you have to make your way to it by foot or horse on the open-world (but you can be summoned by players already there). You have a limited amount of revives inside the dungeon.

Edit: It appears you're now able to teleport directly to a nightmare dungeon:

Small update to note with nightmare dungeons you should note. In the alpha test late last year when you got a sigil you could use it to teleport to the dungeon so you don’t have to ride or walk there. Otherwise this is a good guide. -/u/Thatdude446
The level of the monsters will depend on the tier of the Nightmare Sigil, for example a Tier 66 Nightmare Sigil will give you level 120 monsters.

The implicit dungeon objectives don't change (yep, you still gotta find the key, activate the switch or bring the stone to open the door, etc), monster density is increased, and some affixes may affect the way you play, for example there is an affix which makes a lightning bolt periodically hit you (it can one shot you), while there is an artefact following you around and periodically casting a dome, you have to go under the dome to not get hit by the lightning bolt. There are probably a handful affixes such as the Lightning dome, which stand out.


  • Most challenging pve content by far. Difficulty goes up to Tier 100 (while open world content is limited to Torment, aka Tier 4) and reaching this high will require a very good, if not meta build. The Nightmare dungeons are soloable, but playing in group is more efficient, especially since it effectively gives you more revive (you can be revived by players, it doesn't decrease your revive count, so always wait before self-reviving).

  • Glyphs (I don't remember if it's the only source of glyphs).
  • Leveling up Glyphs (the only way to do so, at the end of a nightmare dungeon there is an altar to level up your glyphs).
Glyph is an item which gives a huge passive bonus, similar to Diablo 3 legendary gems, which is socketed into the Paragon board (each board has 1 slot, and we're looking at 3~5 Glyphs per build).
Copiei pra quando deletarem

1) Whisper of the Dead
(Comparable to Diablo 3 bounties)


Completing various objectives (could be dungeons, open world events, world bosses, pvp bosses, pvp altar conversion, etc) will fill up your Grim Favors gauge (displayed at the bottom of the map screen).

The more rewarding objectives are displayed in a deeper red, the lesser in a pale pink. There is a daily/gated component to it, meaning you will run out of deep red objectives if you do them all day.

Once your Grim Favors gauge is full, you have to speak to the Tree in a small town (forgot the name) of Hawezar swamp region (south east of the map, there is a "skull with red branches" icon).

The Tree will reward you with experience and give you a bounty cache (you can choose amongst a few), the cache will have a high chance to drop legendary items and nightmare sigils, among other things.


Easy and chill. Can pick the objectives you want to complete since they are so varied.


  • Nightmare Sigils (actually a good source of them).
  • Experience.
  • Legendary items.
2) Helltide events
(Comparable to Diablo 2 terror zones)


A big area randomly and periodically becomes corrupted (appears red on the map). New and more dangerous monsters, bosses and events will spawn there, including a very strong roaming boss named "Kixxarth The Forerunner" that usually requires a group to be defeated (or a very strong build, to be soloed).

Killing stuff there awards Aberrant Cinders, which will allow you to open chests (Tortured Gifts) scattered in the region, those chests give a specific legendary (the type of which is indicated on the chest) and a unique crafting material called "Fiend Rose", which is not found anywhere else, allowing you upgrade your gear to the highest rank.


  • Excluding the roaming boss "Kixxarth The Forerunner", the event is largely soloable and overall pretty easy if you have a half decent build, but it's more efficient to do in group. It may be moderately challenging early on at lower level or if your build isn't well optimized.

  • Fiend Rose (crafting material which allows you to upgrade your gear to the latest rank, can't be obtained anywhere else).
  • Targetted Legendary items (can target farm the type of item you need, since the chests tell you what type of item is offered).
3) World Bosses
(Comparable to Loot Piñatas)


In endgame CBT, World Bosses spawned every hour or so. When they are 30 minutes away from spawning, an icon will show up on the map with a countdown. (I don't know if they will change the frequency for release).

World Bosses always spawn on a timer, in one of their dedicated arena, an empty area on the map which stands out (there are a few scattered across the map), they never spawn randomly/suddenly just anywhere in the open world (unlike what some early official clips show).

If I remember correctly, the icon/timer will only show up on your map if you have explored nearby. It's a good idea to explore various corners of the map early on so you have a portal ready to quick travel to them.


Slightly challenging early on, very easy at high level with a half decent build.


  • Scattered Prism (used to socket your gear, can't be obtained anywhere else).
  • Legendary items.
4) PVP area farming

Now wether you like PVP or not, the PVP area offers one of the most viable way to farm legendary equip (at least this was the case in endgame cbt).

There are a lot of monsters there, which you can farm for Seed of Hatred (or even regular gear, since density is pretty good). Seed of Hatred is a currency which, once converted via the PVP altars, allows you to gamble for gear (also offers a few cosmetics). In endgame CBT it was the most viable way to farm gear, and so most players didn't Bloodmark (pvp flag) themselves so they could cooperate and simply PVE farm.

Bloodmarking oneself allows you to attack anyone (including non-Bloodmarked players), it's basically "hostile mode", and doing so increases your Seed of Hatred rate, but you can choose not to Bloodmark yourself and cooperate with other non-Bloodmarked players to simply farm PVE monsters. This will not prevent you from being attacked by hostile "Bloodmarked" players though.


  • Extremely variable depending on the hostile Bloodmarked players present. PVE monsters themselves are moderately challenging (easy with a half decent build). The roaming boss Khazra Abomination can be challenging and depending on your class/build, may not be soloed. Playing in group is more efficient and will give you a significant advantage.

  • Seeds of Hatred (allows you to gamble gear and buy a few cosmetics, can't be gotten anywhere else).
  • Monsters also drop regular gear, including legendary. Density is pretty good.
5) Nightmare Dungeons
(Comparable to Path of Exile maps)


Now I saved the most challenging content for last, and what some will call the "true endgame". Nightmare Sigil is a consumable (which can be found or crafted by the occultist) which allows you to corrupt a dungeon with certain affixes.

Once the dungeon is corrupted, you have to make your way to it by foot or horse on the open-world (but you can be summoned by players already there). You have a limited amount of revives inside the dungeon.

Edit: It appears you're now able to teleport directly to a nightmare dungeon:

The level of the monsters will depend on the tier of the Nightmare Sigil, for example a Tier 66 Nightmare Sigil will give you level 120 monsters.

The implicit dungeon objectives don't change (yep, you still gotta find the key, activate the switch or bring the stone to open the door, etc), monster density is increased, and some affixes may affect the way you play, for example there is an affix which makes a lightning bolt periodically hit you (it can one shot you), while there is an artefact following you around and periodically casting a dome, you have to go under the dome to not get hit by the lightning bolt. There are probably a handful affixes such as the Lightning dome, which stand out.


  • Most challenging pve content by far. Difficulty goes up to Tier 100 (while open world content is limited to Torment, aka Tier 4) and reaching this high will require a very good, if not meta build. The Nightmare dungeons are soloable, but playing in group is more efficient, especially since it effectively gives you more revive (you can be revived by players, it doesn't decrease your revive count, so always wait before self-reviving).

  • Glyphs (I don't remember if it's the only source of glyphs).
  • Leveling up Glyphs (the only way to do so, at the end of a nightmare dungeon there is an altar to level up your glyphs).
Glyph is an item which gives a huge passive bonus, similar to Diablo 3 legendary gems, which is socketed into the Paragon board (each board has 1 slot, and we're looking at 3~5 Glyphs per build).

Põe em SPOILER hahahaha

Última edição:
Por acaso vc sabe como tá a "facilidade" de farmar gold no wow nos dias atuais?

só com wow você paga a mensalidade, as exp, e todos os outros lançamentos que quiser tudo jogando
unico gasto é a primeira mensalidade que precisa pra conseguir jogar e a ultima exp
eu parei de jogar, mas depois que o d4 der uma esfriada eu pretendo voltar

só com wow você paga a mensalidade, as exp, e todos os outros lançamentos que quiser tudo jogando
unico gasto é a primeira mensalidade que precisa pra conseguir jogar e a ultima exp
eu parei de jogar, mas depois que o d4 der uma esfriada eu pretendo voltar

Imensamente agradecido, vou conferir quando chegar do trampo.
Liberou o download pra jogar a beta aberta.
Maioria dos meus amigo compraram d4 com ouro graças atrocando ouro por esse token
inclusive pra quem não quer gastar e tem tempo é uma boa alternativa
Como que tá a conversão do token pra saldo battle net em reais hoje em dia? Continua sendo 24 reais por token?
Boost de XP
Copiei pra quando deletarem

1) Whisper of the Dead
(Comparable to Diablo 3 bounties)


Completing various objectives (could be dungeons, open world events, world bosses, pvp bosses, pvp altar conversion, etc) will fill up your Grim Favors gauge (displayed at the bottom of the map screen).

The more rewarding objectives are displayed in a deeper red, the lesser in a pale pink. There is a daily/gated component to it, meaning you will run out of deep red objectives if you do them all day.

Once your Grim Favors gauge is full, you have to speak to the Tree in a small town (forgot the name) of Hawezar swamp region (south east of the map, there is a "skull with red branches" icon).

The Tree will reward you with experience and give you a bounty cache (you can choose amongst a few), the cache will have a high chance to drop legendary items and nightmare sigils, among other things.


Easy and chill. Can pick the objectives you want to complete since they are so varied.


  • Nightmare Sigils (actually a good source of them).
  • Experience.
  • Legendary items.
2) Helltide events
(Comparable to Diablo 2 terror zones)


A big area randomly and periodically becomes corrupted (appears red on the map). New and more dangerous monsters, bosses and events will spawn there, including a very strong roaming boss named "Kixxarth The Forerunner" that usually requires a group to be defeated (or a very strong build, to be soloed).

Killing stuff there awards Aberrant Cinders, which will allow you to open chests (Tortured Gifts) scattered in the region, those chests give a specific legendary (the type of which is indicated on the chest) and a unique crafting material called "Fiend Rose", which is not found anywhere else, allowing you upgrade your gear to the highest rank.


  • Excluding the roaming boss "Kixxarth The Forerunner", the event is largely soloable and overall pretty easy if you have a half decent build, but it's more efficient to do in group. It may be moderately challenging early on at lower level or if your build isn't well optimized.

  • Fiend Rose (crafting material which allows you to upgrade your gear to the latest rank, can't be obtained anywhere else).
  • Targetted Legendary items (can target farm the type of item you need, since the chests tell you what type of item is offered).
3) World Bosses
(Comparable to Loot Piñatas)


In endgame CBT, World Bosses spawned every hour or so. When they are 30 minutes away from spawning, an icon will show up on the map with a countdown. (I don't know if they will change the frequency for release).

World Bosses always spawn on a timer, in one of their dedicated arena, an empty area on the map which stands out (there are a few scattered across the map), they never spawn randomly/suddenly just anywhere in the open world (unlike what some early official clips show).

If I remember correctly, the icon/timer will only show up on your map if you have explored nearby. It's a good idea to explore various corners of the map early on so you have a portal ready to quick travel to them.


Slightly challenging early on, very easy at high level with a half decent build.


  • Scattered Prism (used to socket your gear, can't be obtained anywhere else).
  • Legendary items.
4) PVP area farming

Now wether you like PVP or not, the PVP area offers one of the most viable way to farm legendary equip (at least this was the case in endgame cbt).

There are a lot of monsters there, which you can farm for Seed of Hatred (or even regular gear, since density is pretty good). Seed of Hatred is a currency which, once converted via the PVP altars, allows you to gamble for gear (also offers a few cosmetics). In endgame CBT it was the most viable way to farm gear, and so most players didn't Bloodmark (pvp flag) themselves so they could cooperate and simply PVE farm.

Bloodmarking oneself allows you to attack anyone (including non-Bloodmarked players), it's basically "hostile mode", and doing so increases your Seed of Hatred rate, but you can choose not to Bloodmark yourself and cooperate with other non-Bloodmarked players to simply farm PVE monsters. This will not prevent you from being attacked by hostile "Bloodmarked" players though.


  • Extremely variable depending on the hostile Bloodmarked players present. PVE monsters themselves are moderately challenging (easy with a half decent build). The roaming boss Khazra Abomination can be challenging and depending on your class/build, may not be soloed. Playing in group is more efficient and will give you a significant advantage.

  • Seeds of Hatred (allows you to gamble gear and buy a few cosmetics, can't be gotten anywhere else).
  • Monsters also drop regular gear, including legendary. Density is pretty good.
5) Nightmare Dungeons
(Comparable to Path of Exile maps)


Now I saved the most challenging content for last, and what some will call the "true endgame". Nightmare Sigil is a consumable (which can be found or crafted by the occultist) which allows you to corrupt a dungeon with certain affixes.

Once the dungeon is corrupted, you have to make your way to it by foot or horse on the open-world (but you can be summoned by players already there). You have a limited amount of revives inside the dungeon.

Edit: It appears you're now able to teleport directly to a nightmare dungeon:

The level of the monsters will depend on the tier of the Nightmare Sigil, for example a Tier 66 Nightmare Sigil will give you level 120 monsters.

The implicit dungeon objectives don't change (yep, you still gotta find the key, activate the switch or bring the stone to open the door, etc), monster density is increased, and some affixes may affect the way you play, for example there is an affix which makes a lightning bolt periodically hit you (it can one shot you), while there is an artefact following you around and periodically casting a dome, you have to go under the dome to not get hit by the lightning bolt. There are probably a handful affixes such as the Lightning dome, which stand out.


  • Most challenging pve content by far. Difficulty goes up to Tier 100 (while open world content is limited to Torment, aka Tier 4) and reaching this high will require a very good, if not meta build. The Nightmare dungeons are soloable, but playing in group is more efficient, especially since it effectively gives you more revive (you can be revived by players, it doesn't decrease your revive count, so always wait before self-reviving).

  • Glyphs (I don't remember if it's the only source of glyphs).
  • Leveling up Glyphs (the only way to do so, at the end of a nightmare dungeon there is an altar to level up your glyphs).
Glyph is an item which gives a huge passive bonus, similar to Diablo 3 legendary gems, which is socketed into the Paragon board (each board has 1 slot, and we're looking at 3~5 Glyphs per build).

Me lembrou muito The Division várias coisas......
A coisa mais interessante desse vídeo do Kripp é ele comentar que espera que o jogo fique melhor depois de um ano
Se pensar que mmo vive de hype e quem vai continuar jogando isso aqui é mais a turma do arpg faz sentido

Uma parada que não faz muito sentido pra mim por falta de conhecimento mesmo dessa área. Há mmo de sucesso assim, com reset de quatro em quatro meses? Ou isso é mais coisa de arpg?
A coisa mais interessante desse vídeo do Kripp é ele comentar que espera que o jogo fique melhor depois de um ano
Se pensar que mmo vive de hype e quem vai continuar jogando isso aqui é mais a turma do arpg faz sentido

Uma parada que não faz muito sentido pra mim por falta de conhecimento mesmo dessa área. Há mmo de sucesso assim, com reset de quatro em quatro meses? Ou isso é mais coisa de arpg?
Acho que é mais coisa de ARPG.
Como que tá a conversão do token pra saldo battle net em reais hoje em dia? Continua sendo 24 reais por token?
Mensalidade ta 42 e o token ta por ai também
quem paga mensalidade com gold junta e pega 6 meses, que dai a mensalidade sai 33 parece

O que me fez parar de jogar wow foi a obrigação de pagar 2 meses (R$84) pra voltar a jogar, fora a exp
--- Post duplo é unido automaticamente: ---

A coisa mais interessante desse vídeo do Kripp é ele comentar que espera que o jogo fique melhor depois de um ano
Se pensar que mmo vive de hype e quem vai continuar jogando isso aqui é mais a turma do arpg faz sentido

Uma parada que não faz muito sentido pra mim por falta de conhecimento mesmo dessa área. Há mmo de sucesso assim, com reset de quatro em quatro meses? Ou isso é mais coisa de arpg?
Não sei se da pra chamar d4 de mmo, vai ser mundo aberto e tal, multi-player...
Mas o "massivo" acho que é forçar a barra hahha
tem um limite de players no lobby que pelo q vi nesse finde parece ter girado em torno de uns 10~15 players por área
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