[TÓPICO OFICIAL] Forza Horizon 5

  • Iniciador de Tópicos Iniciador de Tópicos Dr. H@st
  • Data de Início Data de Início
Curiosidade aqui, alguém mais tem o costume de usar um único carro no jogo? Desde o Horizon 4 eu jogo a grande maioria das corridas com um Escort RS Turbo classe A800.


Deixa uma galera passando fome no online, mesmo que nem sempre seja o melhor.
Eu uso vários carros mas sempre tem aquele preferido né? O meu por enquanto é o divo Bugatti.
Curiosidade aqui, alguém mais tem o costume de usar um único carro no jogo? Desde o Horizon 4 eu jogo a grande maioria das corridas com um Escort RS Turbo classe A800.

Deixa uma galera passando fome no online, mesmo que nem sempre seja o melhor.
Eu curto muito carros na vida real, então gosto de comprar alguns, ir upando aos poucos, etc...
O que mais gosto são os "roncos" de alguns, por ex: Lexus LFA, Carrera GT, F355, etc...

Acho que to com 95% do jogo completo, mas to tendo uma dificuldade imensa de terminar aquelas corridas de histórinha ... os "personagens" de dublagem desse jogo são intragáveis, a perfeita definição da expressão "cringe", e não tem como skipar os filminhos ... torturante. :clo:
kkkk, dublagem é fogo... minha esposa vive me zoando, imitando os: "Olá Rafael", "você chegou ao seu destino"....
Acho que to com 95% do jogo completo, mas to tendo uma dificuldade imensa de terminar aquelas corridas de histórinha ... os "personagens" de dublagem desse jogo são intragáveis, a perfeita definição da expressão "cringe", e não tem como skipar os filminhos ... torturante. :clo:
Até mesmo em inglês esses diálogos são extremamente bostas. Acabo deixando as histórias pra lá por isso também.
Brincando um pouco de editar umas fotos do jogo no Photoshop e no Lightroom :notbad:
Dá pra fazer uns wallpapers legais com esse joguinho hahahah






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Até mesmo em inglês esses diálogos são extremamente bostas. Acabo deixando as histórias pra lá por isso também.

Exato, o meu está em inglês também e já é doloroso.

Vejo umas streams do pessoal em PT-BR e, meu amigo, que coisa horrível.

O dia que a Playground resolver parar de gastar dinheiro e tempo com essas "cringices", o jogo fica 11/10.
Última edição:
Eu penso... logo desisto.
Pessoal, como faço pra jogar online com alguem aqui do forum por exemplo?

Tipo escolher uma pista, ou fazer umas arrancadas, ou dar uns roles por exemplo.
Pessoal, como faço pra jogar online com alguem aqui do forum por exemplo?

Tipo escolher uma pista, ou fazer umas arrancadas, ou dar uns roles por exemplo.
Nao manjo muito mas eu acho que o caminho mais fácil pelo Xbox pelo menos é vc ir lá no resumo de grupo ir em jogadores, adicionar a pessoa que tá online como amiga.

Pq aí é só criar um comboio com ela e vcs saem por aí.
Nao manjo muito mas eu acho que o caminho mais fácil pelo Xbox pelo menos é vc ir lá no resumo de grupo ir em jogadores, adicionar a pessoa que tá online como amiga.

Pq aí é só criar um comboio com ela e vcs saem por aí.
Vou tentar fazer isso! Valew

Passando só pra dizer que estou bem e não tive ferimentos graves. Rs
  • Curtir
Reações: Mil
Pessoal, como faço pra jogar online com alguem aqui do forum por exemplo?

Tipo escolher uma pista, ou fazer umas arrancadas, ou dar uns roles por exemplo.

WIn + G ou o botão xbox do controle, la dá para você adicionar outros jodares e colocar para seguin ou enviar convte

Para quem joga no PC pela nuvem via Game Pass, sabem como acesso as fotos que tiro durante o jogo?

So site oficial do jogo, procura a parte de galeria

FH5 Known Issues​


Forza Support Team
  • 3 hours ago
  • Updated



  • Accessibility - Player is not informed that it is not possible to join the Horizon Life session when the Game Speed is lowered
  • Accessibility - Colorblind option doesn't change the mini map route color. (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Accessibility - Colorblind option Tritanopia issue when viewing Tire size
  • Accolades - Series 2 Collector - Does not complete when player owns all the cars. (Date Updated:01.06.22)
  • Accolades - One Last Ride - Does not unlock if this is done with the Welcome Pack 1988 Toyota Supra RZ. (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Accolades - Blood, Sweat, and Gears - Some players are not able to complete the accolade (Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Accolades - Five a Day, Marathon, Double Time reset if player fast travels or changes their car. (Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Accolades - The Hyper Clean Accolade does not unlock (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Accolades - Horizon Arcade - Some accolades do not complete after the third round of the event. (Angle Grinder, Traction Control, Blazing Squads) (Date Added:11.19.21)
  • Accolades - Stay Frosty - Accolade may not complete correctly for some players. (Date Added:11.29.21)
  • Accolades - Showpiece - Description text says 25 likes when the counter is 225 (Date Updated:01.10.22)
  • Accolades - Level up - Accolade does not complete after 200 bonus boards and may appear stuck at 199/200 boards. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Accolades - In quick succession - Accolade does not display as complete in menu. (Date Added:11.29.21)
  • Accolades - El Camino - Proof Positive and Statues Beneath Blue Water do not complete (Date Added:12.8.21)
  • Accolades - Stats for certain Rivals accolades only increment on circuit race lap times.
  • Achievement - "I have the high ground" achievement only increment on circuit race lap times
  • Achievements - You could say I'm a fan - Achievement may not unlock after completing some car collections. (Such as BMW where the Bonus is as 24 cars) (Date Added:11.29.21)
  • Achievements - Fit to Print - Text reads "Take photos of 200 different cars for Horizon Promo" when the requirement is to take photos of 50 different Legendary cars. (Date Added:12.9.21)
  • Accolades - TwilightSaga - Taking the photo at night does not complete this.(Date Added:12.02.21)
  • Accolades - Odin's Pride - Says to use 2021 AM Valhalla instead of the 2019 Aston Martin Valhalla (Date Added:12.8.21)
  • Accolades - Horizon Open - Survivor & Catch Me If You Can - Accolade may unlock for the player when on the wrong team. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Accolades - Horizon Open - Survivor - Player is awarded the Accolade before the required amount of time passes (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Accolades - The Canyon Statue - Does not complete correctly to discover and Photograph the Statue in the Canyon (Date Added:12.8.21)
  • Accolades - Mazda of All Trades - Accolade can partially reset when it is pinned. Players may not be able to complete. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Accolades - Now We're Talkin' - Does not complete after player gets a level 8 car. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Accolades - Prophet of Regret - Does not unlock after completing. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Accolades - Cover Cars - Lists 2015 Lamborghini Huracan instead of 2014 (Date Added:12.16.21)
  • Accolades - Most Iconic Trio - Does not complete after owning all 3 required cars. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Accolades - Solar Eclipse - Accolade may complete when using the wrong car (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Accolades - Ice Breaker - Does not complete correctly and shows wrong information when pinned. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Accolades - It's Go time - Does not complete after player gets a level 9 car. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Accolades - Power Trip - Accolade cannot currently be completed. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Achievements - Min, Meet Max - With some language settings the description reads "complete all seasonal championships in a festival playlist series" Instead of "complete all events in a festival playlist". (Date Updated:12.20.21)
  • Auction House - Bid may fail and remove credits. Player may receive a "Bid Failed" or a "Not enough credits" message
  • Auction House - Retrieving credits from bids adds to the total winnings stat. (Date Updated:12.21.21)
  • Audio - Voice chat has been disabled(Date Updated:12/21/21)
  • Audio - Rebooting the console with headphones plugged into the controller and then booting the game results in only the radio audio being heard
  • Audio - When changing output format from stereo to 7.1 (or any other combination) the game sometimes goes silent.
  • Audio - ANNA and Voice Over are not affected by Speech Volume setting (Date Added 12/14/21)
  • Audio - Horizon Open - When Player completes Horizon Open series for first time, there are subtitles for Ramiro voice, but no audio plays(Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Blueprint- Ramp assets placed during creation may not appear in race
  • Audio - Audio no longer works after turning on Dolby Atmos or Windows Sonic on PC
  • Barn Finds - Unable to collect the Mk1 Ford Escort. This may show up after a reboot
  • Cars - Barn Find cars from FH4 are labeled as Barn Finds in FH5 when auctioned
  • Cars - Lotus Elise GT1 1997 tagged as Barn Find in Auction House
  • Cars Porsche Spyder 918 main body of the aero wing remains inactive when the car is speeding up or braking
  • Cars - 1998 Toyota Supra RZ has window trim issues on each side
  • Cars -1998 Toyota Supra RZ is missing a gear shift animation
  • Cars - 2013 Ferrari Laferrari - Front and rear diffuser appear grey instead of a darker color.
  • Cars - BMW M5 2018 - Drivers side front brake caliper is blue in the stock version of the car, all other calipers are yellow.
  • Cars - Livery - Liveried Gift Car thumbnails show as stock car paint until the player gets into the car and drives it or applies an upgrade. (Date Added:11.19.21)
  • Cars - 2002 Enzo Ferrari - Stock rims are chrome in free roam after painting them black. (Date Added:11.23.21)
  • Cars - Mastery - Unlocking the car reward through the skill mastery does not add the car to the player garage. (Date Added:11.23.21)
  • Cars - DLC - 2011 BMW X5 M Forza Edition appears in wheelspins when it is DLC (Date Added:11.30.21)
  • Cars - Graphics - Black headlights and car windows on multiple cars in thumbnails. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Cars - Bodykits are in the conversion section for multiple cars. (Date Added:01.10.22)
  • Cars - Hoonigan Porsche 911 Turbo Rear Brakes and not aligned. (Date Added:11.30.21)
  • Cars - BMW 1 Series M Coupe 2011 - When the engine is running, the speedometer changes colors (Date Added:12.01.21)
  • Cars - Ford 1968 Mustang GT 2+2 Fastback - Reported tuning issues inconsistent with previous title expectations. (Date Added:12.01.21)
  • Cars - 1993 Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec rim color texture issues (Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Cars - 2013 Ferrari 458 Speciale - Issues changing the color of the calipers.(Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Cars - UI - Can-AM Maverick X RS Turbo R 2018 - Feature Unavailable error message when selecting the car from the Car Collection and Autoshow.(Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Cars - Can-Am Maverick X RS Turbo R 2018 - The back panels for the Can-Am come up as Jet Black no matter the color on the car. (Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Cars - Can-AM Maverick X RS Turbo R 2018 - License plate is not illuminated at night (Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Cars - Mercedes-Benz X-Class 2018 - Forzavista - Car has low quality texture with its hood open. (Date Updated:01.10.22)
  • Cars - Car Mastery - Street race skill perk only appears to work on road racing events. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Cars - Ferrari F12tdf 2015 - The carbon fiber parts on the car are gray and not black (Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Cars - Ferrari F12tdf 2015 - Front passenger brake caliper will not change when the calipers are painted. (Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Cars - Ford Racing Puma Forza Edition 1999 - Hood corruption on opening in Forzavista. (Date Added:12.8.21)
  • Cars - 2004 Nissan Pickup #23 Rally Raid - Wheel in car does not rotate with turns. (Date Updated:01.03.22)
  • Cars - 2004 Nissan Pickup #23 Rally Raid - Front and back axle along with the suspension disappear in free roam and drone mode. (Date Updated:01.03.22)
  • Cars - 1969 Volkswagen Class 5/1600 Baja Bug - Tires are visibly clipping with the ground (Date Updated:01.04.22)
  • Clubs - Players may be removed from club after restarting the game
  • Clubs - Players may receive network error messages when trying to create clubs.
  • Clubs - Club tag is not displaying for some players. (Date Added:11.23.21)
  • Controller - Custom Controller mapping cannot be saved with unassigned actions
  • Controller - Advanced controller option to Switch Anna / Telemetry / TTS is not available for custom controller profiles.
  • Controller - Players may not be able to change their radio station
  • Controller - After creating a Custom Layout player is unable to use any ANNA/LINK options
  • Controller - Player can't proceed past ANNA/ Forza Link introduction if they are using a custom control layout (Players will need to update their controller layout to a default to get get past this)
  • Controller - Controller vibration suddenly stopped working after being disconnected from an online session
  • Controller - The Clutch is activated when pushing the E-Brake while accelerating (Date updated:1.11.22)
  • Controller - Some races may set transmission to automatic
  • Controller - Controller Rumble & haptics lost after quitting Horizon Open on next event signup screen.
  • Convoy - Players in a convoy may disappear and reappear repeatedly.
  • Convoy - A prompt saying that the convoy leader is already in a convoy sometimes appears when attempting to invite other players
  • Convoy - Players are not able to join another Player after they create a significant number of new convoys back-to-back
  • Convoy - There is no ability to place a waypoint while in a convoy to show where everyone should go to. (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Convoy - Convoy members get kicked when Xbox Console leader starts an Event Blueprint. (Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Convoy - UI - When players join a race with a convoy with Speech To Text enabled, the UI remains permanently on screen. (Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Convoy - UI - Spinner icon shows for some any convoy members.(Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Convoy - Sometimes players are unable to join the convoy via Pause Menu if convoy type has been recently changed.(Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Convoy - Only the convoy leader can see other players. (Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Crash - Crashes during free roam, tuning cars, applying upgrades due to memory issue causing loss of tunes, cars, or upgrades
  • Crash - Game may crash when receiving an auction house car, resulting in losing that car. (Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Cutscenes - La Casa Solariega - Player car wheels continue to spin on enter house cinematic
  • DLC- VIP house (La Casa Solariega) may not give 5 wheels spins when purchased.
  • DLC - UI - Game is incorrectly showing some DLC packs as free. (Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Environment - Terrain may disappear temporarily during Co-op Expeditions
  • Environment - Corrupted textures are visible on the road and terrain in certain areas of the map after completing a Horizon Arcade event
  • Environment - Graphics - Placeholder "A" block on ground near Uxmal (Date Added:12.16.21)
  • Environment - Cars may get stuck under a ramp near Ek' Balam. (Date Added:12.20.21)
  • Environment - Fast Travel may place players in wall near Cathedral Circuit.(Date Updated:01.04.22)
  • Environment - Using the reset car option near the stadium can put the player in a bad location. (Date Updated:01.05.22)
  • Environment - Traffic - Traffic continuously spawns cars in some map locations. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Eliminator - The Player may become unable to pause or open the map during an Eliminator session
  • Eliminator - Player can access Barn Finds and use it to send gifts
  • Eliminator - Players can't see other player positions
  • Eliminator - Unable to use head to head (Date Updated:12.16.21)
  • Environment - Horizon Open - Rarely, Player's car is seen falling out of the sky at the beginning of the championship (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Environment - Horizon Open - Players may see out of season content while waiting for an event to start (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Environment - Traffic cars may not spawn in the world after doing a horizon open event. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Eliminator - Performance and game freeze issues when challenging other players. (Date Updated:12.16.21)
  • Eliminator - Players can reset their car position and spawn on top of the plane at the Festival site (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Eliminator - Player can sometimes access festival site and change cars during eliminator. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Event Lab - Route Creator - If you create a route blueprint at a Street Race location the default checkpoints are loaded in and you can't place your own checkpoints.
  • Event Lab - Event uses Daytime weather when the route is set to Tropical Storm
  • Event Lab - Custom point to point events created from Circuit and vice versa show wrong progress type when driven for the first time by the creator after publishing (Date updated:1.11.22)
  • Expeditions - Horizon Adventure locations do not unlock properly if the player does them in coop. Players will need to go to the expedition location and do it again alone.
  • Expeditions - Guanajuato - Traffic Cars are not present in Solo version of the event (Date Updated:01.04.22)
  • Festival Playlist - Horizon Tour - Sometimes Horizon tour is appearing as already complete and will award playlist points erroneously. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Festival Playlist - Weekly Challenge progress resets after restarting the title and other actions. (Date Updated:12.28.21)
  • Festival Playlist - PR Stunt Playlist objective may be marked as complete on the map if the wrong car is used to get 3 stars. These will not be marked as complete in the Festival Playlist menu.
  • Festival Playlist - Cannot complete season PR stunts in a lower class car. Players may get an 'Incorrect Car for Seasonal Objective' notification in this case. (Date Added:11.23.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Crowd-pleaser Daily challenge does not unlock unless the player completes a showcase event they have never done before
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - The Explorer Daily challenge does not unlock unless the player completes a showcase event they have never done before (Date Added:11.23.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - The 'Wash for 20 Seconds' challenge only unlocks when performing a Dirty Lap rather than a Clean Lap
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - The "Zoomies" challenge to drive 250mph for 5 seconds does not complete.
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Summer- A True Super GT - Weekly Challenge chapter 4 does not complete when players get 2/2.
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Weekly Challenge "A True Super GT" resets after restarting the game.
  • Festival Playlist - Playlist tile shows '1' notification even though all rewards already been claimed
  • Festival Playlist - 'Welcome Week' is not available in the series history screen.
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - 'It's Raining Sideways' seasonal championship weather jarringly and abruptly changes during all 3 events.
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Seasonal Championship - Letting Off Steam, New kid on the Block, It's Rainin' Sideways may not complete after finishing the races
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Seasonal Championship - Four on the Floor, Pick up the Pace, When it rains, it Pours may not complete after finishing the races
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Seasonal Championship - No Expense Spared, The Real Deal, Midnight Battle may not complete after finishing the races (Date Added:11.29.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Collectibles - "Gotta Smash em All" 100 cacti challenge may not complete.
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Daily Challenge Riveting - does not unlock after completing a Horizon Story chapter the player completed before (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Daily Challenge - Bargain Hunt - Does not complete.(Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Completing a Horizon Arcade event does not mark the playlist complete (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Winter - Weekly Challenge - Neunelfer - Player cannot complete Chapter 3 having already taken a photo of the car for Horizon Promo before (Date Added:11.29.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Trial - Some players are experiencing spawn issues when starting the trial (Date Added:12.01.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 Winter - The Trial - Trial allows Players to select car from any PI class which creates a very difficult challenge (Date Added:12.01.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Spring - Horizon Open - Getting Sideways - does not complete for some players (Date Added:12.10.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2- Summer - Treasure Hunt: Blazing Thunder – players who have previously completed trailblazer with 3 stars are not able to unlock the treasure chest (Date Added:12.10.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Seasonal Championship - Seasonal Championship events do not mark as complete after finishing all races. (Date Added:12.06.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Summer - Seasonal Championship - Toys Under the Tree, Yule The Boss, Good Tidings we Bring may not complete after finishing the races (Date Added:12.10.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Autumn- Seasonal Championship - Carol of the bel airs, Drivin' home for xmas, Getting Hyped may not complete after finishing the races (Date Added:12.10.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Winter- Seasonal Championship - Feliz Navidad, Oh, Deer, '20 Supra GR Championship may not complete after finishing the races (Date Added:12.10.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Summer - Seasonal Championship - Auld Land Syne, Down For the Countdown, New Beginnings may not complete after finishing the races (Date Added:12.10.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Summer - Daily - Triple Drop - Challenge is not completing for some players (Date Added:12.10.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Spring - Treasure Hunt - Too Cool to Air - Does not show treasure chest hint or location on map. (Date Updated:01.03.22)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Daily Challenge - Lucky - Challenge does not consistently complete after meeting stated requirements (Date Updated:12.27.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Winter - Weekly Challenge - Game Changing - Challenge may reset and some players cannot complete this. (Date Updated:12.27.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Summer - Daily Challenge - Triple Drop - Mission is completed from claiming 3 drops of the same car (Date Updated:12.22.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Autumn - Frosty Friends - Smashing Snowmen do not correctly increment this challenge. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Autumn - Weekly Challenge - I wanna be a rockstar - Does not complete and sometimes resets. (Date Updated:12.20.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Summer - Daily Challenge - Go Wild - Photo challenge may ot complete (Date Updated:12.22.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Spring - Daily - Bunny Hopping - The 'Bunny Hopping' Daily Challenge has the wrong description on EN-GB Language Settings and should say "Earn 10 Air Skills within 30 seconds" (Date Updated:01.04.22)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Winter - Horizon Open Challenge - Despite completing tile is not marked as completed and the player does not get all the rewards until the restart of the game (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 3 - Summer - Seasonal Championship - Come Rain or Shine, A Mini Adventure, Grand Gesture may not complete after finishing the races (Date Updated:01.07.22)
    Festival Playlist - Series 3 - Autumn- Seasonal Championship - Welcome to the Jungle, 'Underground, Overground', Calm Before the Storm may not complete after finishing the races(Date Updated:01.07.22)
    Festival Playlist - Series 3 - Winter- Seasonal Championship - Cross-Country Skiing, Athletes, Speed Skating may not complete after finishing the races (Date Updated:01.07.22)
    Festival Playlist - Series 3 - Summer - Seasonal Championship - Hear Me Roar, Battle of the Big Cats, Earn You Stripes may not complete after finishing the races(Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Gameplay - The Rewind feature causes the drivatars to start driving backwards once the progress is resumed on several races. (Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Gameplay - No reset car position is available when a Player is stuck in Playground games (Date Updated:01.05.22)
  • Gift Drop - Receiving a Gift Drop at a barn location sometimes doesn't work(Date Added:11.22.21)
  • Gifts - Some gifted cars are not appearing in the receivers garage. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Graphics - Water droplet effects may remain on screen.
  • Graphics - Vegetation shows low detail on higher spec devices.(Date Added:11.23.21)
  • Graphics - Invisible wall near house near los jardines (Date Updated:12.21.21)
  • Head-to-Head - Losing the race during rewind forces the player out of the rewind and causes the car to be stuck in place with high speed
  • Head to Head - Opponents may be listed as a D-class car
  • Horizon Arcade - Event may start without a full group of players or with too small of a group of players.
  • Horizon Arcade - Players may disappear when the event starts (Date added:11.19.21)
  • Horizon Arcade - Players are not awarded points if they are disconnected. (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Horizon Open - Environment - Daytime races that follow street races may remain dark with no headlights on (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Horizon Promo - Some cars in Horizon Promo are not able to be accepted as being shot. (Examples: Traffic cars, Flat Bed truck, Monster truck) (Date Added:12.9.21)
  • Horizon Promo - Unobtainable cars are present on list (Including story vehicles such as Alejandra's Flatbed Truck & Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Bone Shaker) (Date Updated:12.29.21)
  • Houses - Hotel Castillo - Players may not get daily wheelspins from the house.
  • Houses - Lugar Tranquilo - Game does not respond to any controller input after setting Lugar Tranquilo as Player Home and leaving the house (Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Link - No option to mute specific other player LINKs (Date Updated:12.29.21)
  • Liveries - Some player liveries are disappearing from being shared but are still in the creative HUB
  • Liveries - Player liveries may not load in free roam.
  • Liveries - Not all Forza Horizon 4 Liveries are syncing to Forza Horizon 5. (Date Added:12.8.21)
  • Localization - Tuning Menu is Called 'Melodiás' in Spanish
  • Localization - "William" used instead of "Willian" in Brazilian Portuguese
  • Loyalty Rewards - Some players are not receiving loyalty rewards from various titles. (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Map - Players' dots on the map may appear to be driving a D-class car
  • Playground Games - Playground games sometimes spawns the player outside the play area.
  • Rivals - Several events have ghosts with impossibly fast lap times.
  • Photos - Wheels do not stay turned left or right in photo mode. (Date Added:11.22.21)
  • Photos - Photos taken with HDR enabled appear black when viewed in the gallery. (Date Updated:01.04.22)
  • Photos - Time of day keeps advancing when in photo mode (Date Updated:01.10.22)
  • Saves - Some players are experiencing save rollbacks when reloading into the game.
  • Saves - Players may receive a E:104f-0 save error (Date Added:11.19.21)
  • Saves - Players may receive a E:106f-0 save error (Date Added:11.19.21)
  • Saves - Players may receive a E:107f-0 save error (Date Added:11.19.21)
  • Saves - Players may receive a E:1043-0 save error (Date Added:11.19.21)
  • Saves - Players may receive a E:136f-0 save error (Date Added:11.19.21)
  • Saves - Players may get an e:306f-0 Invalid Save error message (Date Added:11.29.21)
  • Saves - Players may get an e:1047-0 Invalid Save error message
  • Saves - Players may get an e:1045-0 Invalid Save error message
  • Saves - Players may get an E:10cf-f Invalid Save error message (Date Added:12.16.21)
  • Stability - Horizon Open - Player may softlock when returning to freeroam if they do not select a car between events and let the timer expire. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Stories - Cars may not spawn in "Coast to Coast" Test Driver Story
  • Stories - "Off the Beaten Trail" Test Driver Story and certain optional Expedition objectives cannot be completed with maximum assists enabled
  • Stories - Born Fast - Some chapters do not unlock after player get 3 stars on previous chapters.
  • Stories - V10 - Some chapters do not unlock after player get 3 stars on previous chapters.
  • Stories - EL Camino - Some chapters do not unlock after player get 3 stars on previous chapters. (Date Added:11.30.21)
  • Stories - V10 - Some jumps do not register distance or complete.
  • Super 7 - The "No Music" option is not working when creating a Challenge Card in Super7
  • Super 7 - Dust Storm and Tropical Storm aren't selectable options in Challenge Card Weather Settings
  • UI - Credits prompt does not appear after some races
  • UI - Telemetry overlay may not turn off preventing usage of other menu items
  • UI - Daily Payouts (design and paints) sometimes do not add to the player's total and the player does not receive an error message.
  • UI - Daily Payouts are capped at 50k credits for some players.
  • UI - Daily Payouts showing 0 credits for some players.
  • UI - Online friends are occasionally not shown in the Online Players List
  • UI - Navigation lines may be missing when using ANNA to complete more Horizon Stories for Accolades
  • UI - Text displays "Please change back to Timeless FM" when a skill song plays.
  • UI - Players are not getting the reward for completing car collections
  • UI - Message Center - Kudos sometimes do not add to the player's total
  • UI - Horizon Arcade "Stay With Group" Notification stays on screen until game restart. (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • UI - Painter and Tuner rank are not increasing in the Creative Hub for some players. (Date Updated:01.10.22)
  • UI - Festival Playlist - Placeholder string for horizon arcade panel "No Valid Stuntparty, Description yeah" (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • UI - Game uses "Tom" Instead of "Tobias" (Date Added:12.01.21)
  • UI - Game uses "Iker" Instead of "Javier" (Date Added:12/27/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Bilal" Instead of "Cecil" (Date Added:12/27/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Jordy" Instead of "Juan" (Date Added:12/27/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Fidel" Instead of "Fernando" (Date Added:12/27/21)
  • UI - Game uses "LIsandro" Instead of "Luis" (Date Added:12/27/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Ramon" Instead of "Roger" (Date Added:12/27/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Sunday" Instead of "Danny" (Date Added:12/27/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Alexandro" Instead of "Luis" (Date Added:12/27/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Leo" Instead of "Lucas" (Date Added:12/29/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Bruno" Instead of "Charlene" (Date Added:1/04/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Elmo" Instead of "Diego" (Date Added:1/04/21)
  • UI - HUD elements are not displayed for players in freeroam on Xbox (Date Added:12.03.21)
  • UI - Festival Playlist - Prompt option to view a challenge is unusable, if the Player does not have access to the Festival Playlist (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Wheel - User is asked to save changes in Wheel Controls Settings regardless if changes were made
  • Wheel - Thrustmaster/Fanatec handbrake does not work consistently for some users(1.7.2022)
  • Wheelspins - Player may not get both cars when two are shown in wheelspins.
  • Wheelspins - Wheelspin may not be granted on level up in free roam.
  • Wheelspins - Player will lose car if they attempt to gift the wheelspin car then back out of the gift menu.
  • xCloud - Players may experience mouse control issues on the Replay screen
  • Publishing an arena in EventLab navigates to the custom events screen which shows the newly-created event
  • Cut-scenes lock to 30 FPS while user setting is set to "Unlocked Frame-Rate (Variable)"
  • Challenge Cards can be created in offline mode even though they cannot be published
  • Player is unable to set group/convoy run from map screen
  • Player may become blocked after switching input devices in some areas.
  • User has to terminate and relaunch the title to apply an installed language pack
  • Black bars persist on top of the screen when creating a new route in playground games
  • There is no on-screen message while matchmaking for Horizon Open
  • Not completing Co-op "Buggy and the Beast" can cause persistent cinematic black bars
  • Idle players are sometimes not properly kicked for inactivity
  • Checkpoints cannot be placed if creating a route blueprint at a Street Race location in EventLab
  • Props will occasionally fail to load in Challenges
  • Air Event volcano - GPS route did not update for Round 3 Danger Sign
  • Players may experience infinite "Waiting for Players" screens after finishing first stage of the Co-op Baja Expedition
  • Multiplayer - Long wait times can be experienced during matchmaking
  • Gift Drop - The livery or tune on a Gift Drop can be removed if an error is encountered while uploading it (Date Updated:01.10.22)
  • Gameplay - Player fails Skill Chain progress when disconnected from the network or when car randomly stops.
  • Environment - Races - Red smoke in street scene races appears pixelated (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Players who have a lot of photos may receive a "Too Many Saves" error message


  • No in game audio after resume
  • Quick Resume - Quick Resume is not working on various scenarios
  • Graphics - Some players may see graphical corruption on Xbox Series X|S devices (Date Added:11.22.21)


  • Title may crash during Barn find cutscenes

PC Windows 10/11 & Steam

  • There are flickering water reflections on low spec PC with AMD graphics card
  • Car dials have a "white-ish" texture and are blurred when car is moving on AMD card with integrated Radeon graphics
  • Upon changing hardware the game doesn't ask you if you want to re-run the graphics setup.
  • Capturing the video using Xbox Game Bar with Scaled display in Windows result in partially black recording
  • Game window is partially obscured when launching in full screen mode
  • Turning off screen effects in the menu does not turn off chromatic aberration
  • PC - Chromatic aberration get very extreme with ultra wide resolutions
  • PC - User is not messaged to download media pack on Windows N version (windows 10 and 11)
  • Tabbing out during launch will cause window to open cut off in bottom right of screen
  • Some car elements have missing transparency on PC with AMD GPU
  • Cars - Black on License Plate letters and symbols while in freeroam on Radeon graphics cards
  • Horizontal stripes on road when SSAO is enabled (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Settings - Some graphics settings are not saved after closing the game.
  • Performance - Texture rendering issues on PC for terrain and vegetation when using Resolution Scaling On (Date Added:12.03.21)


  • (both AMD and NVidia) system memory usage is very high causing performance degradation
  • If the player has selected maximum driving assists, they are unable to explore expeditions at full speed (or complete certain optional objectives)
  • Windows Store - Mouse Cursor is stuck on screen at all times
  • Players are experiencing graphical issues, Green/Pink screen and then crashing (Date Added:12.28.21)
  • Players are experiencing a pinkish hue on screen when driving (Date Added:12.28.21)


  • Players may be experiencing performance degradation after extended time playing due to memory issues
  • Steam - Mouse Cursor is stuck on screen at all times


  • Fanatec Clubsport Shifter SQ V1.5 - Input from the shifter is not registered
  • Logitech G920 - Driving wheel no longer produces force feedback after suspending the title
  • Logitech G920 - LINC - Quick Chat Phrases are not being displayed when selecting them on Wheels's D-pad in events and in Freeroam
  • Players using wheels are unable to navigate the Controls Mapping screen using the D-pad after creating a new Custom Layout
  • There is no "Rev Engine" binding in the Upgrade Shop when using a wheel
  • When using the Logitech G920 steering wheel on Xbox, button icons for prompts are not visible
  • Players may experience recurring disconnects when using the Logitech G923 and Thrustmaster wheels
  • Using Fanatec Wheels may cause the game to crash for some players.
  • Xbox currently does not have a " sensitivity/wheel rotation angle" option

FH5 Known Issues​


Forza Support Team
  • 3 hours ago
  • Updated



  • Accessibility - Player is not informed that it is not possible to join the Horizon Life session when the Game Speed is lowered
  • Accessibility - Colorblind option doesn't change the mini map route color. (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Accessibility - Colorblind option Tritanopia issue when viewing Tire size
  • Accolades - Series 2 Collector - Does not complete when player owns all the cars. (Date Updated:01.06.22)
  • Accolades - One Last Ride - Does not unlock if this is done with the Welcome Pack 1988 Toyota Supra RZ. (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Accolades - Blood, Sweat, and Gears - Some players are not able to complete the accolade (Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Accolades - Five a Day, Marathon, Double Time reset if player fast travels or changes their car. (Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Accolades - The Hyper Clean Accolade does not unlock (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Accolades - Horizon Arcade - Some accolades do not complete after the third round of the event. (Angle Grinder, Traction Control, Blazing Squads) (Date Added:11.19.21)
  • Accolades - Stay Frosty - Accolade may not complete correctly for some players. (Date Added:11.29.21)
  • Accolades - Showpiece - Description text says 25 likes when the counter is 225 (Date Updated:01.10.22)
  • Accolades - Level up - Accolade does not complete after 200 bonus boards and may appear stuck at 199/200 boards. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Accolades - In quick succession - Accolade does not display as complete in menu. (Date Added:11.29.21)
  • Accolades - El Camino - Proof Positive and Statues Beneath Blue Water do not complete (Date Added:12.8.21)
  • Accolades - Stats for certain Rivals accolades only increment on circuit race lap times.
  • Achievement - "I have the high ground" achievement only increment on circuit race lap times
  • Achievements - You could say I'm a fan - Achievement may not unlock after completing some car collections. (Such as BMW where the Bonus is as 24 cars) (Date Added:11.29.21)
  • Achievements - Fit to Print - Text reads "Take photos of 200 different cars for Horizon Promo" when the requirement is to take photos of 50 different Legendary cars. (Date Added:12.9.21)
  • Accolades - TwilightSaga - Taking the photo at night does not complete this.(Date Added:12.02.21)
  • Accolades - Odin's Pride - Says to use 2021 AM Valhalla instead of the 2019 Aston Martin Valhalla (Date Added:12.8.21)
  • Accolades - Horizon Open - Survivor & Catch Me If You Can - Accolade may unlock for the player when on the wrong team. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Accolades - Horizon Open - Survivor - Player is awarded the Accolade before the required amount of time passes (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Accolades - The Canyon Statue - Does not complete correctly to discover and Photograph the Statue in the Canyon (Date Added:12.8.21)
  • Accolades - Mazda of All Trades - Accolade can partially reset when it is pinned. Players may not be able to complete. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Accolades - Now We're Talkin' - Does not complete after player gets a level 8 car. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Accolades - Prophet of Regret - Does not unlock after completing. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Accolades - Cover Cars - Lists 2015 Lamborghini Huracan instead of 2014 (Date Added:12.16.21)
  • Accolades - Most Iconic Trio - Does not complete after owning all 3 required cars. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Accolades - Solar Eclipse - Accolade may complete when using the wrong car (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Accolades - Ice Breaker - Does not complete correctly and shows wrong information when pinned. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Accolades - It's Go time - Does not complete after player gets a level 9 car. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Accolades - Power Trip - Accolade cannot currently be completed. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Achievements - Min, Meet Max - With some language settings the description reads "complete all seasonal championships in a festival playlist series" Instead of "complete all events in a festival playlist". (Date Updated:12.20.21)
  • Auction House - Bid may fail and remove credits. Player may receive a "Bid Failed" or a "Not enough credits" message
  • Auction House - Retrieving credits from bids adds to the total winnings stat. (Date Updated:12.21.21)
  • Audio - Voice chat has been disabled(Date Updated:12/21/21)
  • Audio - Rebooting the console with headphones plugged into the controller and then booting the game results in only the radio audio being heard
  • Audio - When changing output format from stereo to 7.1 (or any other combination) the game sometimes goes silent.
  • Audio - ANNA and Voice Over are not affected by Speech Volume setting (Date Added 12/14/21)
  • Audio - Horizon Open - When Player completes Horizon Open series for first time, there are subtitles for Ramiro voice, but no audio plays(Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Blueprint- Ramp assets placed during creation may not appear in race
  • Audio - Audio no longer works after turning on Dolby Atmos or Windows Sonic on PC
  • Barn Finds - Unable to collect the Mk1 Ford Escort. This may show up after a reboot
  • Cars - Barn Find cars from FH4 are labeled as Barn Finds in FH5 when auctioned
  • Cars - Lotus Elise GT1 1997 tagged as Barn Find in Auction House
  • Cars Porsche Spyder 918 main body of the aero wing remains inactive when the car is speeding up or braking
  • Cars - 1998 Toyota Supra RZ has window trim issues on each side
  • Cars -1998 Toyota Supra RZ is missing a gear shift animation
  • Cars - 2013 Ferrari Laferrari - Front and rear diffuser appear grey instead of a darker color.
  • Cars - BMW M5 2018 - Drivers side front brake caliper is blue in the stock version of the car, all other calipers are yellow.
  • Cars - Livery - Liveried Gift Car thumbnails show as stock car paint until the player gets into the car and drives it or applies an upgrade. (Date Added:11.19.21)
  • Cars - 2002 Enzo Ferrari - Stock rims are chrome in free roam after painting them black. (Date Added:11.23.21)
  • Cars - Mastery - Unlocking the car reward through the skill mastery does not add the car to the player garage. (Date Added:11.23.21)
  • Cars - DLC - 2011 BMW X5 M Forza Edition appears in wheelspins when it is DLC (Date Added:11.30.21)
  • Cars - Graphics - Black headlights and car windows on multiple cars in thumbnails. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Cars - Bodykits are in the conversion section for multiple cars. (Date Added:01.10.22)
  • Cars - Hoonigan Porsche 911 Turbo Rear Brakes and not aligned. (Date Added:11.30.21)
  • Cars - BMW 1 Series M Coupe 2011 - When the engine is running, the speedometer changes colors (Date Added:12.01.21)
  • Cars - Ford 1968 Mustang GT 2+2 Fastback - Reported tuning issues inconsistent with previous title expectations. (Date Added:12.01.21)
  • Cars - 1993 Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec rim color texture issues (Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Cars - 2013 Ferrari 458 Speciale - Issues changing the color of the calipers.(Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Cars - UI - Can-AM Maverick X RS Turbo R 2018 - Feature Unavailable error message when selecting the car from the Car Collection and Autoshow.(Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Cars - Can-Am Maverick X RS Turbo R 2018 - The back panels for the Can-Am come up as Jet Black no matter the color on the car. (Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Cars - Can-AM Maverick X RS Turbo R 2018 - License plate is not illuminated at night (Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Cars - Mercedes-Benz X-Class 2018 - Forzavista - Car has low quality texture with its hood open. (Date Updated:01.10.22)
  • Cars - Car Mastery - Street race skill perk only appears to work on road racing events. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Cars - Ferrari F12tdf 2015 - The carbon fiber parts on the car are gray and not black (Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Cars - Ferrari F12tdf 2015 - Front passenger brake caliper will not change when the calipers are painted. (Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Cars - Ford Racing Puma Forza Edition 1999 - Hood corruption on opening in Forzavista. (Date Added:12.8.21)
  • Cars - 2004 Nissan Pickup #23 Rally Raid - Wheel in car does not rotate with turns. (Date Updated:01.03.22)
  • Cars - 2004 Nissan Pickup #23 Rally Raid - Front and back axle along with the suspension disappear in free roam and drone mode. (Date Updated:01.03.22)
  • Cars - 1969 Volkswagen Class 5/1600 Baja Bug - Tires are visibly clipping with the ground (Date Updated:01.04.22)
  • Clubs - Players may be removed from club after restarting the game
  • Clubs - Players may receive network error messages when trying to create clubs.
  • Clubs - Club tag is not displaying for some players. (Date Added:11.23.21)
  • Controller - Custom Controller mapping cannot be saved with unassigned actions
  • Controller - Advanced controller option to Switch Anna / Telemetry / TTS is not available for custom controller profiles.
  • Controller - Players may not be able to change their radio station
  • Controller - After creating a Custom Layout player is unable to use any ANNA/LINK options
  • Controller - Player can't proceed past ANNA/ Forza Link introduction if they are using a custom control layout (Players will need to update their controller layout to a default to get get past this)
  • Controller - Controller vibration suddenly stopped working after being disconnected from an online session
  • Controller - The Clutch is activated when pushing the E-Brake while accelerating (Date updated:1.11.22)
  • Controller - Some races may set transmission to automatic
  • Controller - Controller Rumble & haptics lost after quitting Horizon Open on next event signup screen.
  • Convoy - Players in a convoy may disappear and reappear repeatedly.
  • Convoy - A prompt saying that the convoy leader is already in a convoy sometimes appears when attempting to invite other players
  • Convoy - Players are not able to join another Player after they create a significant number of new convoys back-to-back
  • Convoy - There is no ability to place a waypoint while in a convoy to show where everyone should go to. (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Convoy - Convoy members get kicked when Xbox Console leader starts an Event Blueprint. (Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Convoy - UI - When players join a race with a convoy with Speech To Text enabled, the UI remains permanently on screen. (Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Convoy - UI - Spinner icon shows for some any convoy members.(Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Convoy - Sometimes players are unable to join the convoy via Pause Menu if convoy type has been recently changed.(Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Convoy - Only the convoy leader can see other players. (Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Crash - Crashes during free roam, tuning cars, applying upgrades due to memory issue causing loss of tunes, cars, or upgrades
  • Crash - Game may crash when receiving an auction house car, resulting in losing that car. (Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Cutscenes - La Casa Solariega - Player car wheels continue to spin on enter house cinematic
  • DLC- VIP house (La Casa Solariega) may not give 5 wheels spins when purchased.
  • DLC - UI - Game is incorrectly showing some DLC packs as free. (Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Environment - Terrain may disappear temporarily during Co-op Expeditions
  • Environment - Corrupted textures are visible on the road and terrain in certain areas of the map after completing a Horizon Arcade event
  • Environment - Graphics - Placeholder "A" block on ground near Uxmal (Date Added:12.16.21)
  • Environment - Cars may get stuck under a ramp near Ek' Balam. (Date Added:12.20.21)
  • Environment - Fast Travel may place players in wall near Cathedral Circuit.(Date Updated:01.04.22)
  • Environment - Using the reset car option near the stadium can put the player in a bad location. (Date Updated:01.05.22)
  • Environment - Traffic - Traffic continuously spawns cars in some map locations. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Eliminator - The Player may become unable to pause or open the map during an Eliminator session
  • Eliminator - Player can access Barn Finds and use it to send gifts
  • Eliminator - Players can't see other player positions
  • Eliminator - Unable to use head to head (Date Updated:12.16.21)
  • Environment - Horizon Open - Rarely, Player's car is seen falling out of the sky at the beginning of the championship (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Environment - Horizon Open - Players may see out of season content while waiting for an event to start (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Environment - Traffic cars may not spawn in the world after doing a horizon open event. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Eliminator - Performance and game freeze issues when challenging other players. (Date Updated:12.16.21)
  • Eliminator - Players can reset their car position and spawn on top of the plane at the Festival site (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Eliminator - Player can sometimes access festival site and change cars during eliminator. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Event Lab - Route Creator - If you create a route blueprint at a Street Race location the default checkpoints are loaded in and you can't place your own checkpoints.
  • Event Lab - Event uses Daytime weather when the route is set to Tropical Storm
  • Event Lab - Custom point to point events created from Circuit and vice versa show wrong progress type when driven for the first time by the creator after publishing (Date updated:1.11.22)
  • Expeditions - Horizon Adventure locations do not unlock properly if the player does them in coop. Players will need to go to the expedition location and do it again alone.
  • Expeditions - Guanajuato - Traffic Cars are not present in Solo version of the event (Date Updated:01.04.22)
  • Festival Playlist - Horizon Tour - Sometimes Horizon tour is appearing as already complete and will award playlist points erroneously. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Festival Playlist - Weekly Challenge progress resets after restarting the title and other actions. (Date Updated:12.28.21)
  • Festival Playlist - PR Stunt Playlist objective may be marked as complete on the map if the wrong car is used to get 3 stars. These will not be marked as complete in the Festival Playlist menu.
  • Festival Playlist - Cannot complete season PR stunts in a lower class car. Players may get an 'Incorrect Car for Seasonal Objective' notification in this case. (Date Added:11.23.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Crowd-pleaser Daily challenge does not unlock unless the player completes a showcase event they have never done before
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - The Explorer Daily challenge does not unlock unless the player completes a showcase event they have never done before (Date Added:11.23.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - The 'Wash for 20 Seconds' challenge only unlocks when performing a Dirty Lap rather than a Clean Lap
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - The "Zoomies" challenge to drive 250mph for 5 seconds does not complete.
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Summer- A True Super GT - Weekly Challenge chapter 4 does not complete when players get 2/2.
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Weekly Challenge "A True Super GT" resets after restarting the game.
  • Festival Playlist - Playlist tile shows '1' notification even though all rewards already been claimed
  • Festival Playlist - 'Welcome Week' is not available in the series history screen.
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - 'It's Raining Sideways' seasonal championship weather jarringly and abruptly changes during all 3 events.
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Seasonal Championship - Letting Off Steam, New kid on the Block, It's Rainin' Sideways may not complete after finishing the races
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Seasonal Championship - Four on the Floor, Pick up the Pace, When it rains, it Pours may not complete after finishing the races
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Seasonal Championship - No Expense Spared, The Real Deal, Midnight Battle may not complete after finishing the races (Date Added:11.29.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Collectibles - "Gotta Smash em All" 100 cacti challenge may not complete.
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Daily Challenge Riveting - does not unlock after completing a Horizon Story chapter the player completed before (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Daily Challenge - Bargain Hunt - Does not complete.(Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Completing a Horizon Arcade event does not mark the playlist complete (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Winter - Weekly Challenge - Neunelfer - Player cannot complete Chapter 3 having already taken a photo of the car for Horizon Promo before (Date Added:11.29.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Trial - Some players are experiencing spawn issues when starting the trial (Date Added:12.01.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 Winter - The Trial - Trial allows Players to select car from any PI class which creates a very difficult challenge (Date Added:12.01.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Spring - Horizon Open - Getting Sideways - does not complete for some players (Date Added:12.10.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2- Summer - Treasure Hunt: Blazing Thunder – players who have previously completed trailblazer with 3 stars are not able to unlock the treasure chest (Date Added:12.10.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Seasonal Championship - Seasonal Championship events do not mark as complete after finishing all races. (Date Added:12.06.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Summer - Seasonal Championship - Toys Under the Tree, Yule The Boss, Good Tidings we Bring may not complete after finishing the races (Date Added:12.10.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Autumn- Seasonal Championship - Carol of the bel airs, Drivin' home for xmas, Getting Hyped may not complete after finishing the races (Date Added:12.10.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Winter- Seasonal Championship - Feliz Navidad, Oh, Deer, '20 Supra GR Championship may not complete after finishing the races (Date Added:12.10.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Summer - Seasonal Championship - Auld Land Syne, Down For the Countdown, New Beginnings may not complete after finishing the races (Date Added:12.10.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Summer - Daily - Triple Drop - Challenge is not completing for some players (Date Added:12.10.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Spring - Treasure Hunt - Too Cool to Air - Does not show treasure chest hint or location on map. (Date Updated:01.03.22)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Daily Challenge - Lucky - Challenge does not consistently complete after meeting stated requirements (Date Updated:12.27.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Winter - Weekly Challenge - Game Changing - Challenge may reset and some players cannot complete this. (Date Updated:12.27.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Summer - Daily Challenge - Triple Drop - Mission is completed from claiming 3 drops of the same car (Date Updated:12.22.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Autumn - Frosty Friends - Smashing Snowmen do not correctly increment this challenge. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Autumn - Weekly Challenge - I wanna be a rockstar - Does not complete and sometimes resets. (Date Updated:12.20.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Summer - Daily Challenge - Go Wild - Photo challenge may ot complete (Date Updated:12.22.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Spring - Daily - Bunny Hopping - The 'Bunny Hopping' Daily Challenge has the wrong description on EN-GB Language Settings and should say "Earn 10 Air Skills within 30 seconds" (Date Updated:01.04.22)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Winter - Horizon Open Challenge - Despite completing tile is not marked as completed and the player does not get all the rewards until the restart of the game (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 3 - Summer - Seasonal Championship - Come Rain or Shine, A Mini Adventure, Grand Gesture may not complete after finishing the races (Date Updated:01.07.22)
    Festival Playlist - Series 3 - Autumn- Seasonal Championship - Welcome to the Jungle, 'Underground, Overground', Calm Before the Storm may not complete after finishing the races(Date Updated:01.07.22)
    Festival Playlist - Series 3 - Winter- Seasonal Championship - Cross-Country Skiing, Athletes, Speed Skating may not complete after finishing the races (Date Updated:01.07.22)
    Festival Playlist - Series 3 - Summer - Seasonal Championship - Hear Me Roar, Battle of the Big Cats, Earn You Stripes may not complete after finishing the races(Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Gameplay - The Rewind feature causes the drivatars to start driving backwards once the progress is resumed on several races. (Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Gameplay - No reset car position is available when a Player is stuck in Playground games (Date Updated:01.05.22)
  • Gift Drop - Receiving a Gift Drop at a barn location sometimes doesn't work(Date Added:11.22.21)
  • Gifts - Some gifted cars are not appearing in the receivers garage. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Graphics - Water droplet effects may remain on screen.
  • Graphics - Vegetation shows low detail on higher spec devices.(Date Added:11.23.21)
  • Graphics - Invisible wall near house near los jardines (Date Updated:12.21.21)
  • Head-to-Head - Losing the race during rewind forces the player out of the rewind and causes the car to be stuck in place with high speed
  • Head to Head - Opponents may be listed as a D-class car
  • Horizon Arcade - Event may start without a full group of players or with too small of a group of players.
  • Horizon Arcade - Players may disappear when the event starts (Date added:11.19.21)
  • Horizon Arcade - Players are not awarded points if they are disconnected. (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Horizon Open - Environment - Daytime races that follow street races may remain dark with no headlights on (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Horizon Promo - Some cars in Horizon Promo are not able to be accepted as being shot. (Examples: Traffic cars, Flat Bed truck, Monster truck) (Date Added:12.9.21)
  • Horizon Promo - Unobtainable cars are present on list (Including story vehicles such as Alejandra's Flatbed Truck & Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Bone Shaker) (Date Updated:12.29.21)
  • Houses - Hotel Castillo - Players may not get daily wheelspins from the house.
  • Houses - Lugar Tranquilo - Game does not respond to any controller input after setting Lugar Tranquilo as Player Home and leaving the house (Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Link - No option to mute specific other player LINKs (Date Updated:12.29.21)
  • Liveries - Some player liveries are disappearing from being shared but are still in the creative HUB
  • Liveries - Player liveries may not load in free roam.
  • Liveries - Not all Forza Horizon 4 Liveries are syncing to Forza Horizon 5. (Date Added:12.8.21)
  • Localization - Tuning Menu is Called 'Melodiás' in Spanish
  • Localization - "William" used instead of "Willian" in Brazilian Portuguese
  • Loyalty Rewards - Some players are not receiving loyalty rewards from various titles. (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Map - Players' dots on the map may appear to be driving a D-class car
  • Playground Games - Playground games sometimes spawns the player outside the play area.
  • Rivals - Several events have ghosts with impossibly fast lap times.
  • Photos - Wheels do not stay turned left or right in photo mode. (Date Added:11.22.21)
  • Photos - Photos taken with HDR enabled appear black when viewed in the gallery. (Date Updated:01.04.22)
  • Photos - Time of day keeps advancing when in photo mode (Date Updated:01.10.22)
  • Saves - Some players are experiencing save rollbacks when reloading into the game.
  • Saves - Players may receive a E:104f-0 save error (Date Added:11.19.21)
  • Saves - Players may receive a E:106f-0 save error (Date Added:11.19.21)
  • Saves - Players may receive a E:107f-0 save error (Date Added:11.19.21)
  • Saves - Players may receive a E:1043-0 save error (Date Added:11.19.21)
  • Saves - Players may receive a E:136f-0 save error (Date Added:11.19.21)
  • Saves - Players may get an e:306f-0 Invalid Save error message (Date Added:11.29.21)
  • Saves - Players may get an e:1047-0 Invalid Save error message
  • Saves - Players may get an e:1045-0 Invalid Save error message
  • Saves - Players may get an E:10cf-f Invalid Save error message (Date Added:12.16.21)
  • Stability - Horizon Open - Player may softlock when returning to freeroam if they do not select a car between events and let the timer expire. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Stories - Cars may not spawn in "Coast to Coast" Test Driver Story
  • Stories - "Off the Beaten Trail" Test Driver Story and certain optional Expedition objectives cannot be completed with maximum assists enabled
  • Stories - Born Fast - Some chapters do not unlock after player get 3 stars on previous chapters.
  • Stories - V10 - Some chapters do not unlock after player get 3 stars on previous chapters.
  • Stories - EL Camino - Some chapters do not unlock after player get 3 stars on previous chapters. (Date Added:11.30.21)
  • Stories - V10 - Some jumps do not register distance or complete.
  • Super 7 - The "No Music" option is not working when creating a Challenge Card in Super7
  • Super 7 - Dust Storm and Tropical Storm aren't selectable options in Challenge Card Weather Settings
  • UI - Credits prompt does not appear after some races
  • UI - Telemetry overlay may not turn off preventing usage of other menu items
  • UI - Daily Payouts (design and paints) sometimes do not add to the player's total and the player does not receive an error message.
  • UI - Daily Payouts are capped at 50k credits for some players.
  • UI - Daily Payouts showing 0 credits for some players.
  • UI - Online friends are occasionally not shown in the Online Players List
  • UI - Navigation lines may be missing when using ANNA to complete more Horizon Stories for Accolades
  • UI - Text displays "Please change back to Timeless FM" when a skill song plays.
  • UI - Players are not getting the reward for completing car collections
  • UI - Message Center - Kudos sometimes do not add to the player's total
  • UI - Horizon Arcade "Stay With Group" Notification stays on screen until game restart. (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • UI - Painter and Tuner rank are not increasing in the Creative Hub for some players. (Date Updated:01.10.22)
  • UI - Festival Playlist - Placeholder string for horizon arcade panel "No Valid Stuntparty, Description yeah" (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • UI - Game uses "Tom" Instead of "Tobias" (Date Added:12.01.21)
  • UI - Game uses "Iker" Instead of "Javier" (Date Added:12/27/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Bilal" Instead of "Cecil" (Date Added:12/27/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Jordy" Instead of "Juan" (Date Added:12/27/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Fidel" Instead of "Fernando" (Date Added:12/27/21)
  • UI - Game uses "LIsandro" Instead of "Luis" (Date Added:12/27/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Ramon" Instead of "Roger" (Date Added:12/27/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Sunday" Instead of "Danny" (Date Added:12/27/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Alexandro" Instead of "Luis" (Date Added:12/27/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Leo" Instead of "Lucas" (Date Added:12/29/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Bruno" Instead of "Charlene" (Date Added:1/04/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Elmo" Instead of "Diego" (Date Added:1/04/21)
  • UI - HUD elements are not displayed for players in freeroam on Xbox (Date Added:12.03.21)
  • UI - Festival Playlist - Prompt option to view a challenge is unusable, if the Player does not have access to the Festival Playlist (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Wheel - User is asked to save changes in Wheel Controls Settings regardless if changes were made
  • Wheel - Thrustmaster/Fanatec handbrake does not work consistently for some users(1.7.2022)
  • Wheelspins - Player may not get both cars when two are shown in wheelspins.
  • Wheelspins - Wheelspin may not be granted on level up in free roam.
  • Wheelspins - Player will lose car if they attempt to gift the wheelspin car then back out of the gift menu.
  • xCloud - Players may experience mouse control issues on the Replay screen
  • Publishing an arena in EventLab navigates to the custom events screen which shows the newly-created event
  • Cut-scenes lock to 30 FPS while user setting is set to "Unlocked Frame-Rate (Variable)"
  • Challenge Cards can be created in offline mode even though they cannot be published
  • Player is unable to set group/convoy run from map screen
  • Player may become blocked after switching input devices in some areas.
  • User has to terminate and relaunch the title to apply an installed language pack
  • Black bars persist on top of the screen when creating a new route in playground games
  • There is no on-screen message while matchmaking for Horizon Open
  • Not completing Co-op "Buggy and the Beast" can cause persistent cinematic black bars
  • Idle players are sometimes not properly kicked for inactivity
  • Checkpoints cannot be placed if creating a route blueprint at a Street Race location in EventLab
  • Props will occasionally fail to load in Challenges
  • Air Event volcano - GPS route did not update for Round 3 Danger Sign
  • Players may experience infinite "Waiting for Players" screens after finishing first stage of the Co-op Baja Expedition
  • Multiplayer - Long wait times can be experienced during matchmaking
  • Gift Drop - The livery or tune on a Gift Drop can be removed if an error is encountered while uploading it (Date Updated:01.10.22)
  • Gameplay - Player fails Skill Chain progress when disconnected from the network or when car randomly stops.
  • Environment - Races - Red smoke in street scene races appears pixelated (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Players who have a lot of photos may receive a "Too Many Saves" error message


  • No in game audio after resume
  • Quick Resume - Quick Resume is not working on various scenarios
  • Graphics - Some players may see graphical corruption on Xbox Series X|S devices (Date Added:11.22.21)


  • Title may crash during Barn find cutscenes

PC Windows 10/11 & Steam

  • There are flickering water reflections on low spec PC with AMD graphics card
  • Car dials have a "white-ish" texture and are blurred when car is moving on AMD card with integrated Radeon graphics
  • Upon changing hardware the game doesn't ask you if you want to re-run the graphics setup.
  • Capturing the video using Xbox Game Bar with Scaled display in Windows result in partially black recording
  • Game window is partially obscured when launching in full screen mode
  • Turning off screen effects in the menu does not turn off chromatic aberration
  • PC - Chromatic aberration get very extreme with ultra wide resolutions
  • PC - User is not messaged to download media pack on Windows N version (windows 10 and 11)
  • Tabbing out during launch will cause window to open cut off in bottom right of screen
  • Some car elements have missing transparency on PC with AMD GPU
  • Cars - Black on License Plate letters and symbols while in freeroam on Radeon graphics cards
  • Horizontal stripes on road when SSAO is enabled (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Settings - Some graphics settings are not saved after closing the game.
  • Performance - Texture rendering issues on PC for terrain and vegetation when using Resolution Scaling On (Date Added:12.03.21)


  • (both AMD and NVidia) system memory usage is very high causing performance degradation
  • If the player has selected maximum driving assists, they are unable to explore expeditions at full speed (or complete certain optional objectives)
  • Windows Store - Mouse Cursor is stuck on screen at all times
  • Players are experiencing graphical issues, Green/Pink screen and then crashing (Date Added:12.28.21)
  • Players are experiencing a pinkish hue on screen when driving (Date Added:12.28.21)


  • Players may be experiencing performance degradation after extended time playing due to memory issues
  • Steam - Mouse Cursor is stuck on screen at all times


  • Fanatec Clubsport Shifter SQ V1.5 - Input from the shifter is not registered
  • Logitech G920 - Driving wheel no longer produces force feedback after suspending the title
  • Logitech G920 - LINC - Quick Chat Phrases are not being displayed when selecting them on Wheels's D-pad in events and in Freeroam
  • Players using wheels are unable to navigate the Controls Mapping screen using the D-pad after creating a new Custom Layout
  • There is no "Rev Engine" binding in the Upgrade Shop when using a wheel
  • When using the Logitech G920 steering wheel on Xbox, button icons for prompts are not visible
  • Players may experience recurring disconnects when using the Logitech G923 and Thrustmaster wheels
  • Using Fanatec Wheels may cause the game to crash for some players.
  • Xbox currently does not have a " sensitivity/wheel rotation angle" option
Cara, desculpe falar. Mas a unica alteração realmente necessária de tudo isso ai é apenas uma.

  • UI - Game uses "Bilal" Instead of "Cecil" (Date Added:12/27/21)
Peguei firme no game nas últimas semanas (esperando GoW), e tem coisa pra caramba pra fazer! Meu Deus! Tô gostando bastante. Gosto de coletar as plaquinhas de XP e Fast Travel, e tem umas que pelamor! Tem de fazer uns saltos cabulosos. Tem umas duas na região de Mulegé que estou quase procurando vídeo na net para saber como saltar até lá! Kkkkkk
Alguém tem alguma dica?
Peguei firme no game nas últimas semanas (esperando GoW), e tem coisa pra caramba pra fazer! Meu Deus! Tô gostando bastante. Gosto de coletar as plaquinhas de XP e Fast Travel, e tem umas que pelamor! Tem de fazer uns saltos cabulosos. Tem umas duas na região de Mulegé que estou quase procurando vídeo na net para saber como saltar até lá! Kkkkkk
Alguém tem alguma dica?
Eu tenho. Muita paciência e não esqueça de se divertir ao invés de se tornar obrigação.
Eu tenho. Muita paciência e não esqueça de se divertir ao invés de se tornar obrigação.
Boa colega! Realmente, tem hora que parece que sinto que vira uma obrigação coletar itens e realizar objetivos... meio que um perfeccionismo! O que vale é a diversão! Falou tudo...

FH5 Known Issues​


Forza Support Team
  • 3 hours ago
  • Updated



  • Accessibility - Player is not informed that it is not possible to join the Horizon Life session when the Game Speed is lowered
  • Accessibility - Colorblind option doesn't change the mini map route color. (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Accessibility - Colorblind option Tritanopia issue when viewing Tire size
  • Accolades - Series 2 Collector - Does not complete when player owns all the cars. (Date Updated:01.06.22)
  • Accolades - One Last Ride - Does not unlock if this is done with the Welcome Pack 1988 Toyota Supra RZ. (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Accolades - Blood, Sweat, and Gears - Some players are not able to complete the accolade (Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Accolades - Five a Day, Marathon, Double Time reset if player fast travels or changes their car. (Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Accolades - The Hyper Clean Accolade does not unlock (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Accolades - Horizon Arcade - Some accolades do not complete after the third round of the event. (Angle Grinder, Traction Control, Blazing Squads) (Date Added:11.19.21)
  • Accolades - Stay Frosty - Accolade may not complete correctly for some players. (Date Added:11.29.21)
  • Accolades - Showpiece - Description text says 25 likes when the counter is 225 (Date Updated:01.10.22)
  • Accolades - Level up - Accolade does not complete after 200 bonus boards and may appear stuck at 199/200 boards. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Accolades - In quick succession - Accolade does not display as complete in menu. (Date Added:11.29.21)
  • Accolades - El Camino - Proof Positive and Statues Beneath Blue Water do not complete (Date Added:12.8.21)
  • Accolades - Stats for certain Rivals accolades only increment on circuit race lap times.
  • Achievement - "I have the high ground" achievement only increment on circuit race lap times
  • Achievements - You could say I'm a fan - Achievement may not unlock after completing some car collections. (Such as BMW where the Bonus is as 24 cars) (Date Added:11.29.21)
  • Achievements - Fit to Print - Text reads "Take photos of 200 different cars for Horizon Promo" when the requirement is to take photos of 50 different Legendary cars. (Date Added:12.9.21)
  • Accolades - TwilightSaga - Taking the photo at night does not complete this.(Date Added:12.02.21)
  • Accolades - Odin's Pride - Says to use 2021 AM Valhalla instead of the 2019 Aston Martin Valhalla (Date Added:12.8.21)
  • Accolades - Horizon Open - Survivor & Catch Me If You Can - Accolade may unlock for the player when on the wrong team. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Accolades - Horizon Open - Survivor - Player is awarded the Accolade before the required amount of time passes (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Accolades - The Canyon Statue - Does not complete correctly to discover and Photograph the Statue in the Canyon (Date Added:12.8.21)
  • Accolades - Mazda of All Trades - Accolade can partially reset when it is pinned. Players may not be able to complete. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Accolades - Now We're Talkin' - Does not complete after player gets a level 8 car. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Accolades - Prophet of Regret - Does not unlock after completing. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Accolades - Cover Cars - Lists 2015 Lamborghini Huracan instead of 2014 (Date Added:12.16.21)
  • Accolades - Most Iconic Trio - Does not complete after owning all 3 required cars. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Accolades - Solar Eclipse - Accolade may complete when using the wrong car (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Accolades - Ice Breaker - Does not complete correctly and shows wrong information when pinned. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Accolades - It's Go time - Does not complete after player gets a level 9 car. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Accolades - Power Trip - Accolade cannot currently be completed. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Achievements - Min, Meet Max - With some language settings the description reads "complete all seasonal championships in a festival playlist series" Instead of "complete all events in a festival playlist". (Date Updated:12.20.21)
  • Auction House - Bid may fail and remove credits. Player may receive a "Bid Failed" or a "Not enough credits" message
  • Auction House - Retrieving credits from bids adds to the total winnings stat. (Date Updated:12.21.21)
  • Audio - Voice chat has been disabled(Date Updated:12/21/21)
  • Audio - Rebooting the console with headphones plugged into the controller and then booting the game results in only the radio audio being heard
  • Audio - When changing output format from stereo to 7.1 (or any other combination) the game sometimes goes silent.
  • Audio - ANNA and Voice Over are not affected by Speech Volume setting (Date Added 12/14/21)
  • Audio - Horizon Open - When Player completes Horizon Open series for first time, there are subtitles for Ramiro voice, but no audio plays(Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Blueprint- Ramp assets placed during creation may not appear in race
  • Audio - Audio no longer works after turning on Dolby Atmos or Windows Sonic on PC
  • Barn Finds - Unable to collect the Mk1 Ford Escort. This may show up after a reboot
  • Cars - Barn Find cars from FH4 are labeled as Barn Finds in FH5 when auctioned
  • Cars - Lotus Elise GT1 1997 tagged as Barn Find in Auction House
  • Cars Porsche Spyder 918 main body of the aero wing remains inactive when the car is speeding up or braking
  • Cars - 1998 Toyota Supra RZ has window trim issues on each side
  • Cars -1998 Toyota Supra RZ is missing a gear shift animation
  • Cars - 2013 Ferrari Laferrari - Front and rear diffuser appear grey instead of a darker color.
  • Cars - BMW M5 2018 - Drivers side front brake caliper is blue in the stock version of the car, all other calipers are yellow.
  • Cars - Livery - Liveried Gift Car thumbnails show as stock car paint until the player gets into the car and drives it or applies an upgrade. (Date Added:11.19.21)
  • Cars - 2002 Enzo Ferrari - Stock rims are chrome in free roam after painting them black. (Date Added:11.23.21)
  • Cars - Mastery - Unlocking the car reward through the skill mastery does not add the car to the player garage. (Date Added:11.23.21)
  • Cars - DLC - 2011 BMW X5 M Forza Edition appears in wheelspins when it is DLC (Date Added:11.30.21)
  • Cars - Graphics - Black headlights and car windows on multiple cars in thumbnails. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Cars - Bodykits are in the conversion section for multiple cars. (Date Added:01.10.22)
  • Cars - Hoonigan Porsche 911 Turbo Rear Brakes and not aligned. (Date Added:11.30.21)
  • Cars - BMW 1 Series M Coupe 2011 - When the engine is running, the speedometer changes colors (Date Added:12.01.21)
  • Cars - Ford 1968 Mustang GT 2+2 Fastback - Reported tuning issues inconsistent with previous title expectations. (Date Added:12.01.21)
  • Cars - 1993 Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec rim color texture issues (Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Cars - 2013 Ferrari 458 Speciale - Issues changing the color of the calipers.(Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Cars - UI - Can-AM Maverick X RS Turbo R 2018 - Feature Unavailable error message when selecting the car from the Car Collection and Autoshow.(Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Cars - Can-Am Maverick X RS Turbo R 2018 - The back panels for the Can-Am come up as Jet Black no matter the color on the car. (Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Cars - Can-AM Maverick X RS Turbo R 2018 - License plate is not illuminated at night (Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Cars - Mercedes-Benz X-Class 2018 - Forzavista - Car has low quality texture with its hood open. (Date Updated:01.10.22)
  • Cars - Car Mastery - Street race skill perk only appears to work on road racing events. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Cars - Ferrari F12tdf 2015 - The carbon fiber parts on the car are gray and not black (Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Cars - Ferrari F12tdf 2015 - Front passenger brake caliper will not change when the calipers are painted. (Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Cars - Ford Racing Puma Forza Edition 1999 - Hood corruption on opening in Forzavista. (Date Added:12.8.21)
  • Cars - 2004 Nissan Pickup #23 Rally Raid - Wheel in car does not rotate with turns. (Date Updated:01.03.22)
  • Cars - 2004 Nissan Pickup #23 Rally Raid - Front and back axle along with the suspension disappear in free roam and drone mode. (Date Updated:01.03.22)
  • Cars - 1969 Volkswagen Class 5/1600 Baja Bug - Tires are visibly clipping with the ground (Date Updated:01.04.22)
  • Clubs - Players may be removed from club after restarting the game
  • Clubs - Players may receive network error messages when trying to create clubs.
  • Clubs - Club tag is not displaying for some players. (Date Added:11.23.21)
  • Controller - Custom Controller mapping cannot be saved with unassigned actions
  • Controller - Advanced controller option to Switch Anna / Telemetry / TTS is not available for custom controller profiles.
  • Controller - Players may not be able to change their radio station
  • Controller - After creating a Custom Layout player is unable to use any ANNA/LINK options
  • Controller - Player can't proceed past ANNA/ Forza Link introduction if they are using a custom control layout (Players will need to update their controller layout to a default to get get past this)
  • Controller - Controller vibration suddenly stopped working after being disconnected from an online session
  • Controller - The Clutch is activated when pushing the E-Brake while accelerating (Date updated:1.11.22)
  • Controller - Some races may set transmission to automatic
  • Controller - Controller Rumble & haptics lost after quitting Horizon Open on next event signup screen.
  • Convoy - Players in a convoy may disappear and reappear repeatedly.
  • Convoy - A prompt saying that the convoy leader is already in a convoy sometimes appears when attempting to invite other players
  • Convoy - Players are not able to join another Player after they create a significant number of new convoys back-to-back
  • Convoy - There is no ability to place a waypoint while in a convoy to show where everyone should go to. (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Convoy - Convoy members get kicked when Xbox Console leader starts an Event Blueprint. (Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Convoy - UI - When players join a race with a convoy with Speech To Text enabled, the UI remains permanently on screen. (Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Convoy - UI - Spinner icon shows for some any convoy members.(Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Convoy - Sometimes players are unable to join the convoy via Pause Menu if convoy type has been recently changed.(Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Convoy - Only the convoy leader can see other players. (Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Crash - Crashes during free roam, tuning cars, applying upgrades due to memory issue causing loss of tunes, cars, or upgrades
  • Crash - Game may crash when receiving an auction house car, resulting in losing that car. (Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Cutscenes - La Casa Solariega - Player car wheels continue to spin on enter house cinematic
  • DLC- VIP house (La Casa Solariega) may not give 5 wheels spins when purchased.
  • DLC - UI - Game is incorrectly showing some DLC packs as free. (Date Added:12.7.21)
  • Environment - Terrain may disappear temporarily during Co-op Expeditions
  • Environment - Corrupted textures are visible on the road and terrain in certain areas of the map after completing a Horizon Arcade event
  • Environment - Graphics - Placeholder "A" block on ground near Uxmal (Date Added:12.16.21)
  • Environment - Cars may get stuck under a ramp near Ek' Balam. (Date Added:12.20.21)
  • Environment - Fast Travel may place players in wall near Cathedral Circuit.(Date Updated:01.04.22)
  • Environment - Using the reset car option near the stadium can put the player in a bad location. (Date Updated:01.05.22)
  • Environment - Traffic - Traffic continuously spawns cars in some map locations. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Eliminator - The Player may become unable to pause or open the map during an Eliminator session
  • Eliminator - Player can access Barn Finds and use it to send gifts
  • Eliminator - Players can't see other player positions
  • Eliminator - Unable to use head to head (Date Updated:12.16.21)
  • Environment - Horizon Open - Rarely, Player's car is seen falling out of the sky at the beginning of the championship (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Environment - Horizon Open - Players may see out of season content while waiting for an event to start (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Environment - Traffic cars may not spawn in the world after doing a horizon open event. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Eliminator - Performance and game freeze issues when challenging other players. (Date Updated:12.16.21)
  • Eliminator - Players can reset their car position and spawn on top of the plane at the Festival site (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Eliminator - Player can sometimes access festival site and change cars during eliminator. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Event Lab - Route Creator - If you create a route blueprint at a Street Race location the default checkpoints are loaded in and you can't place your own checkpoints.
  • Event Lab - Event uses Daytime weather when the route is set to Tropical Storm
  • Event Lab - Custom point to point events created from Circuit and vice versa show wrong progress type when driven for the first time by the creator after publishing (Date updated:1.11.22)
  • Expeditions - Horizon Adventure locations do not unlock properly if the player does them in coop. Players will need to go to the expedition location and do it again alone.
  • Expeditions - Guanajuato - Traffic Cars are not present in Solo version of the event (Date Updated:01.04.22)
  • Festival Playlist - Horizon Tour - Sometimes Horizon tour is appearing as already complete and will award playlist points erroneously. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Festival Playlist - Weekly Challenge progress resets after restarting the title and other actions. (Date Updated:12.28.21)
  • Festival Playlist - PR Stunt Playlist objective may be marked as complete on the map if the wrong car is used to get 3 stars. These will not be marked as complete in the Festival Playlist menu.
  • Festival Playlist - Cannot complete season PR stunts in a lower class car. Players may get an 'Incorrect Car for Seasonal Objective' notification in this case. (Date Added:11.23.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Crowd-pleaser Daily challenge does not unlock unless the player completes a showcase event they have never done before
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - The Explorer Daily challenge does not unlock unless the player completes a showcase event they have never done before (Date Added:11.23.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - The 'Wash for 20 Seconds' challenge only unlocks when performing a Dirty Lap rather than a Clean Lap
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - The "Zoomies" challenge to drive 250mph for 5 seconds does not complete.
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Summer- A True Super GT - Weekly Challenge chapter 4 does not complete when players get 2/2.
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Weekly Challenge "A True Super GT" resets after restarting the game.
  • Festival Playlist - Playlist tile shows '1' notification even though all rewards already been claimed
  • Festival Playlist - 'Welcome Week' is not available in the series history screen.
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - 'It's Raining Sideways' seasonal championship weather jarringly and abruptly changes during all 3 events.
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Seasonal Championship - Letting Off Steam, New kid on the Block, It's Rainin' Sideways may not complete after finishing the races
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Seasonal Championship - Four on the Floor, Pick up the Pace, When it rains, it Pours may not complete after finishing the races
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Seasonal Championship - No Expense Spared, The Real Deal, Midnight Battle may not complete after finishing the races (Date Added:11.29.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Collectibles - "Gotta Smash em All" 100 cacti challenge may not complete.
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Daily Challenge Riveting - does not unlock after completing a Horizon Story chapter the player completed before (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Daily Challenge - Bargain Hunt - Does not complete.(Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Completing a Horizon Arcade event does not mark the playlist complete (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Winter - Weekly Challenge - Neunelfer - Player cannot complete Chapter 3 having already taken a photo of the car for Horizon Promo before (Date Added:11.29.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Trial - Some players are experiencing spawn issues when starting the trial (Date Added:12.01.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 Winter - The Trial - Trial allows Players to select car from any PI class which creates a very difficult challenge (Date Added:12.01.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 1 - Spring - Horizon Open - Getting Sideways - does not complete for some players (Date Added:12.10.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2- Summer - Treasure Hunt: Blazing Thunder – players who have previously completed trailblazer with 3 stars are not able to unlock the treasure chest (Date Added:12.10.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Seasonal Championship - Seasonal Championship events do not mark as complete after finishing all races. (Date Added:12.06.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Summer - Seasonal Championship - Toys Under the Tree, Yule The Boss, Good Tidings we Bring may not complete after finishing the races (Date Added:12.10.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Autumn- Seasonal Championship - Carol of the bel airs, Drivin' home for xmas, Getting Hyped may not complete after finishing the races (Date Added:12.10.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Winter- Seasonal Championship - Feliz Navidad, Oh, Deer, '20 Supra GR Championship may not complete after finishing the races (Date Added:12.10.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Summer - Seasonal Championship - Auld Land Syne, Down For the Countdown, New Beginnings may not complete after finishing the races (Date Added:12.10.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Summer - Daily - Triple Drop - Challenge is not completing for some players (Date Added:12.10.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Spring - Treasure Hunt - Too Cool to Air - Does not show treasure chest hint or location on map. (Date Updated:01.03.22)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Daily Challenge - Lucky - Challenge does not consistently complete after meeting stated requirements (Date Updated:12.27.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Winter - Weekly Challenge - Game Changing - Challenge may reset and some players cannot complete this. (Date Updated:12.27.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Summer - Daily Challenge - Triple Drop - Mission is completed from claiming 3 drops of the same car (Date Updated:12.22.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Autumn - Frosty Friends - Smashing Snowmen do not correctly increment this challenge. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Autumn - Weekly Challenge - I wanna be a rockstar - Does not complete and sometimes resets. (Date Updated:12.20.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Summer - Daily Challenge - Go Wild - Photo challenge may ot complete (Date Updated:12.22.21)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Spring - Daily - Bunny Hopping - The 'Bunny Hopping' Daily Challenge has the wrong description on EN-GB Language Settings and should say "Earn 10 Air Skills within 30 seconds" (Date Updated:01.04.22)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Winter - Horizon Open Challenge - Despite completing tile is not marked as completed and the player does not get all the rewards until the restart of the game (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Festival Playlist - Series 3 - Summer - Seasonal Championship - Come Rain or Shine, A Mini Adventure, Grand Gesture may not complete after finishing the races (Date Updated:01.07.22)
    Festival Playlist - Series 3 - Autumn- Seasonal Championship - Welcome to the Jungle, 'Underground, Overground', Calm Before the Storm may not complete after finishing the races(Date Updated:01.07.22)
    Festival Playlist - Series 3 - Winter- Seasonal Championship - Cross-Country Skiing, Athletes, Speed Skating may not complete after finishing the races (Date Updated:01.07.22)
    Festival Playlist - Series 3 - Summer - Seasonal Championship - Hear Me Roar, Battle of the Big Cats, Earn You Stripes may not complete after finishing the races(Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Gameplay - The Rewind feature causes the drivatars to start driving backwards once the progress is resumed on several races. (Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Gameplay - No reset car position is available when a Player is stuck in Playground games (Date Updated:01.05.22)
  • Gift Drop - Receiving a Gift Drop at a barn location sometimes doesn't work(Date Added:11.22.21)
  • Gifts - Some gifted cars are not appearing in the receivers garage. (Date Updated:12.17.21)
  • Graphics - Water droplet effects may remain on screen.
  • Graphics - Vegetation shows low detail on higher spec devices.(Date Added:11.23.21)
  • Graphics - Invisible wall near house near los jardines (Date Updated:12.21.21)
  • Head-to-Head - Losing the race during rewind forces the player out of the rewind and causes the car to be stuck in place with high speed
  • Head to Head - Opponents may be listed as a D-class car
  • Horizon Arcade - Event may start without a full group of players or with too small of a group of players.
  • Horizon Arcade - Players may disappear when the event starts (Date added:11.19.21)
  • Horizon Arcade - Players are not awarded points if they are disconnected. (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Horizon Open - Environment - Daytime races that follow street races may remain dark with no headlights on (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Horizon Promo - Some cars in Horizon Promo are not able to be accepted as being shot. (Examples: Traffic cars, Flat Bed truck, Monster truck) (Date Added:12.9.21)
  • Horizon Promo - Unobtainable cars are present on list (Including story vehicles such as Alejandra's Flatbed Truck & Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Bone Shaker) (Date Updated:12.29.21)
  • Houses - Hotel Castillo - Players may not get daily wheelspins from the house.
  • Houses - Lugar Tranquilo - Game does not respond to any controller input after setting Lugar Tranquilo as Player Home and leaving the house (Date Added:12.03.21)
  • Link - No option to mute specific other player LINKs (Date Updated:12.29.21)
  • Liveries - Some player liveries are disappearing from being shared but are still in the creative HUB
  • Liveries - Player liveries may not load in free roam.
  • Liveries - Not all Forza Horizon 4 Liveries are syncing to Forza Horizon 5. (Date Added:12.8.21)
  • Localization - Tuning Menu is Called 'Melodiás' in Spanish
  • Localization - "William" used instead of "Willian" in Brazilian Portuguese
  • Loyalty Rewards - Some players are not receiving loyalty rewards from various titles. (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Map - Players' dots on the map may appear to be driving a D-class car
  • Playground Games - Playground games sometimes spawns the player outside the play area.
  • Rivals - Several events have ghosts with impossibly fast lap times.
  • Photos - Wheels do not stay turned left or right in photo mode. (Date Added:11.22.21)
  • Photos - Photos taken with HDR enabled appear black when viewed in the gallery. (Date Updated:01.04.22)
  • Photos - Time of day keeps advancing when in photo mode (Date Updated:01.10.22)
  • Saves - Some players are experiencing save rollbacks when reloading into the game.
  • Saves - Players may receive a E:104f-0 save error (Date Added:11.19.21)
  • Saves - Players may receive a E:106f-0 save error (Date Added:11.19.21)
  • Saves - Players may receive a E:107f-0 save error (Date Added:11.19.21)
  • Saves - Players may receive a E:1043-0 save error (Date Added:11.19.21)
  • Saves - Players may receive a E:136f-0 save error (Date Added:11.19.21)
  • Saves - Players may get an e:306f-0 Invalid Save error message (Date Added:11.29.21)
  • Saves - Players may get an e:1047-0 Invalid Save error message
  • Saves - Players may get an e:1045-0 Invalid Save error message
  • Saves - Players may get an E:10cf-f Invalid Save error message (Date Added:12.16.21)
  • Stability - Horizon Open - Player may softlock when returning to freeroam if they do not select a car between events and let the timer expire. (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Stories - Cars may not spawn in "Coast to Coast" Test Driver Story
  • Stories - "Off the Beaten Trail" Test Driver Story and certain optional Expedition objectives cannot be completed with maximum assists enabled
  • Stories - Born Fast - Some chapters do not unlock after player get 3 stars on previous chapters.
  • Stories - V10 - Some chapters do not unlock after player get 3 stars on previous chapters.
  • Stories - EL Camino - Some chapters do not unlock after player get 3 stars on previous chapters. (Date Added:11.30.21)
  • Stories - V10 - Some jumps do not register distance or complete.
  • Super 7 - The "No Music" option is not working when creating a Challenge Card in Super7
  • Super 7 - Dust Storm and Tropical Storm aren't selectable options in Challenge Card Weather Settings
  • UI - Credits prompt does not appear after some races
  • UI - Telemetry overlay may not turn off preventing usage of other menu items
  • UI - Daily Payouts (design and paints) sometimes do not add to the player's total and the player does not receive an error message.
  • UI - Daily Payouts are capped at 50k credits for some players.
  • UI - Daily Payouts showing 0 credits for some players.
  • UI - Online friends are occasionally not shown in the Online Players List
  • UI - Navigation lines may be missing when using ANNA to complete more Horizon Stories for Accolades
  • UI - Text displays "Please change back to Timeless FM" when a skill song plays.
  • UI - Players are not getting the reward for completing car collections
  • UI - Message Center - Kudos sometimes do not add to the player's total
  • UI - Horizon Arcade "Stay With Group" Notification stays on screen until game restart. (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • UI - Painter and Tuner rank are not increasing in the Creative Hub for some players. (Date Updated:01.10.22)
  • UI - Festival Playlist - Placeholder string for horizon arcade panel "No Valid Stuntparty, Description yeah" (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • UI - Game uses "Tom" Instead of "Tobias" (Date Added:12.01.21)
  • UI - Game uses "Iker" Instead of "Javier" (Date Added:12/27/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Bilal" Instead of "Cecil" (Date Added:12/27/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Jordy" Instead of "Juan" (Date Added:12/27/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Fidel" Instead of "Fernando" (Date Added:12/27/21)
  • UI - Game uses "LIsandro" Instead of "Luis" (Date Added:12/27/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Ramon" Instead of "Roger" (Date Added:12/27/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Sunday" Instead of "Danny" (Date Added:12/27/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Alexandro" Instead of "Luis" (Date Added:12/27/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Leo" Instead of "Lucas" (Date Added:12/29/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Bruno" Instead of "Charlene" (Date Added:1/04/21)
  • UI - Game uses "Elmo" Instead of "Diego" (Date Added:1/04/21)
  • UI - HUD elements are not displayed for players in freeroam on Xbox (Date Added:12.03.21)
  • UI - Festival Playlist - Prompt option to view a challenge is unusable, if the Player does not have access to the Festival Playlist (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Wheel - User is asked to save changes in Wheel Controls Settings regardless if changes were made
  • Wheel - Thrustmaster/Fanatec handbrake does not work consistently for some users(1.7.2022)
  • Wheelspins - Player may not get both cars when two are shown in wheelspins.
  • Wheelspins - Wheelspin may not be granted on level up in free roam.
  • Wheelspins - Player will lose car if they attempt to gift the wheelspin car then back out of the gift menu.
  • xCloud - Players may experience mouse control issues on the Replay screen
  • Publishing an arena in EventLab navigates to the custom events screen which shows the newly-created event
  • Cut-scenes lock to 30 FPS while user setting is set to "Unlocked Frame-Rate (Variable)"
  • Challenge Cards can be created in offline mode even though they cannot be published
  • Player is unable to set group/convoy run from map screen
  • Player may become blocked after switching input devices in some areas.
  • User has to terminate and relaunch the title to apply an installed language pack
  • Black bars persist on top of the screen when creating a new route in playground games
  • There is no on-screen message while matchmaking for Horizon Open
  • Not completing Co-op "Buggy and the Beast" can cause persistent cinematic black bars
  • Idle players are sometimes not properly kicked for inactivity
  • Checkpoints cannot be placed if creating a route blueprint at a Street Race location in EventLab
  • Props will occasionally fail to load in Challenges
  • Air Event volcano - GPS route did not update for Round 3 Danger Sign
  • Players may experience infinite "Waiting for Players" screens after finishing first stage of the Co-op Baja Expedition
  • Multiplayer - Long wait times can be experienced during matchmaking
  • Gift Drop - The livery or tune on a Gift Drop can be removed if an error is encountered while uploading it (Date Updated:01.10.22)
  • Gameplay - Player fails Skill Chain progress when disconnected from the network or when car randomly stops.
  • Environment - Races - Red smoke in street scene races appears pixelated (Date Updated:01.07.22)
  • Players who have a lot of photos may receive a "Too Many Saves" error message


  • No in game audio after resume
  • Quick Resume - Quick Resume is not working on various scenarios
  • Graphics - Some players may see graphical corruption on Xbox Series X|S devices (Date Added:11.22.21)


  • Title may crash during Barn find cutscenes

PC Windows 10/11 & Steam

  • There are flickering water reflections on low spec PC with AMD graphics card
  • Car dials have a "white-ish" texture and are blurred when car is moving on AMD card with integrated Radeon graphics
  • Upon changing hardware the game doesn't ask you if you want to re-run the graphics setup.
  • Capturing the video using Xbox Game Bar with Scaled display in Windows result in partially black recording
  • Game window is partially obscured when launching in full screen mode
  • Turning off screen effects in the menu does not turn off chromatic aberration
  • PC - Chromatic aberration get very extreme with ultra wide resolutions
  • PC - User is not messaged to download media pack on Windows N version (windows 10 and 11)
  • Tabbing out during launch will cause window to open cut off in bottom right of screen
  • Some car elements have missing transparency on PC with AMD GPU
  • Cars - Black on License Plate letters and symbols while in freeroam on Radeon graphics cards
  • Horizontal stripes on road when SSAO is enabled (Date Added:11.24.21)
  • Settings - Some graphics settings are not saved after closing the game.
  • Performance - Texture rendering issues on PC for terrain and vegetation when using Resolution Scaling On (Date Added:12.03.21)


  • (both AMD and NVidia) system memory usage is very high causing performance degradation
  • If the player has selected maximum driving assists, they are unable to explore expeditions at full speed (or complete certain optional objectives)
  • Windows Store - Mouse Cursor is stuck on screen at all times
  • Players are experiencing graphical issues, Green/Pink screen and then crashing (Date Added:12.28.21)
  • Players are experiencing a pinkish hue on screen when driving (Date Added:12.28.21)


  • Players may be experiencing performance degradation after extended time playing due to memory issues
  • Steam - Mouse Cursor is stuck on screen at all times


  • Fanatec Clubsport Shifter SQ V1.5 - Input from the shifter is not registered
  • Logitech G920 - Driving wheel no longer produces force feedback after suspending the title
  • Logitech G920 - LINC - Quick Chat Phrases are not being displayed when selecting them on Wheels's D-pad in events and in Freeroam
  • Players using wheels are unable to navigate the Controls Mapping screen using the D-pad after creating a new Custom Layout
  • There is no "Rev Engine" binding in the Upgrade Shop when using a wheel
  • When using the Logitech G920 steering wheel on Xbox, button icons for prompts are not visible
  • Players may experience recurring disconnects when using the Logitech G923 and Thrustmaster wheels
  • Using Fanatec Wheels may cause the game to crash for some players.
  • Xbox currently does not have a " sensitivity/wheel rotation angle" option

Ah, coisinha pouca! :scare:
Alguém passando ou passou por isso? Falaram em NAT e Teredo, porém está normal aqui, não consigo fazer nada online desde ontem cedo.
Ninguém? Já fiz logout do app Xbox Companion igual orientaram no Reddit e Forza Support mas não resolveu, já mudei o fuso horário também e nada. Só o multiplayer não funciona, demais funções online estão normais.

Edit: jogo desatualizado :fire:
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