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[TÓPICO OFICIAL] Forza Horizon 5

Cara, parece q essa dica funcionou. Criei uma segunda conta e entrei no jogo (interessante q o jogo reconheceu o meu usuário anterior, mas no app do xbox tá com usuário novo); daí fui alterando a pintura de vários carros e não travou mais. Vlw pela dica.
Fico feliz em saber que está funcionando.
De nada 👍
alguém pode me ajudar com setups profissionais pq eu to muito fracassado no modo online...
Depende do carro e depende do tipo de corrida.
Tem uma lista na qual passei sobre carros e tunagens em uma das minhas mensagens anteriores.
Dá uma olhada lá.
vcs estão conseguindo entrar em comboio ai ? aqui eu to jogando online normal, mas é eu tentar entrar num comboio que sou desconectado
Entrei em comboio várias vezes com um determinado jogador.
Ele é ruinzinho.
Não entrei mais.
Só jogo solo (depois da atualização, eu não entrei mais em comboio).
A noite eu vou entrar em comboio.
Jogar algumas partidas online e ver se sou desconectado.
Depois te falo 😉
Joguei em comboio e não fui descontado nenhuma vez.
Joguei nos dois modos.
É impressão minha ou o F5 tá fake?
Se estiver, precisa corrigir (e muito) na expansão.
Acredito que comprem os carros por 20 milhões no leilão só pra completar as façanhas. Fora isso, não tem razão.
Eu até tentei, faltavam 2 carros para completar a coleção toda e tinha dinheiro contado para os 2 (30 e poucos milhões). Mas era quase impossível de encontrar eles para venda no leilão. Um ainda consegui, mas perdi o premio da primeira Season, que era aquela vanzinha sem graça, que quando apareceu no leilão estava por 20 milhões (kkkkkkk).

Então desisti de completar todos carros, agora deve faltar uns 8. Se cada um que deixei de ganhar nas seasons custar isso também, nunca mais consigo fechar todos carros.
De qualquer forma, acabei enjoando e deixei de lado depois disso.

No começo ganhei muito dinheiro com os sorteios, agora é pelo menos 10x mais difícil de ganhar algo bom. Antes era fácil conseguir 500 mil e bons carros.
Eu até tentei, faltavam 2 carros para completar a coleção toda e tinha dinheiro contado para os 2 (30 e poucos milhões). Mas era quase impossível de encontrar eles para venda no leilão. Um ainda consegui, mas perdi o premio da primeira Season, que era aquela vanzinha sem graça, que quando apareceu no leilão estava por 20 milhões (kkkkkkk).

Então desisti de completar todos carros, agora deve faltar uns 8. Se cada um que deixei de ganhar nas seasons custar isso também, nunca mais consigo fechar todos carros.
De qualquer forma, acabei enjoando e deixei de lado depois disso.

No começo ganhei muito dinheiro com os sorteios, agora é pelo menos 10x mais difícil de ganhar algo bom. Antes era fácil conseguir 500 mil e bons carros.
FDS tava jogando, a cada 5 sorteios pelo menos 6 vinham com prêmio de 2000 cr 🥲
Vi postagens sobre a demora pro carregamento do jogo no SSD, no meu caso, antigamente demorava uma eternidade já que era via HD (óbvio), então acabei pegando um Zadak na promoção do Terabyte de 512GB e o meu antigo SSD de 256GB deixei só pra jogos, resumindo: aqui tá carregando super rápido!
Fiz a configuração que mandaram aqui e o jogo tá rodando liso, sem engasgos ou zonas carregando, o jogo ainda é bem bugado, mas é o que dá pra fazer.

O link caso alguém queira: https://exputer.com/guides/settings/forza-horizon-5-best-settings/
Vi postagens sobre a demora pro carregamento do jogo no SSD, no meu caso, antigamente demorava uma eternidade já que era via HD (óbvio), então acabei pegando um Zadak na promoção do Terabyte de 512GB e o meu antigo SSD de 256GB deixei só pra jogos, resumindo: aqui tá carregando super rápido!
Fiz a configuração que mandaram aqui e o jogo tá rodando liso, sem engasgos ou zonas carregando, o jogo ainda é bem bugado, mas é o que dá pra fazer.

O link caso alguém queira: https://exputer.com/guides/settings/forza-horizon-5-best-settings/

Abri esse link aí, achei interessante eles colocarem uma recomendação Ideal de Setup da máquina, q vai bem acima da q é recomendada pelos produtores de games.
Eu achava q essa configuração "recomendada" já seria a top dos top pra jogar os games.

Forza Horizon 5 Minimum Requirements

  • OS: 64 bit Windows 10 version 1909 or higher
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-4460 or AMD Ryzen 3 1200
  • Memory: 8 GB
  • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 970 or AMD Radeon RX 470
  • Storage: 110 GB available space
Forza Horizon 5 Recommended Requirements

  • OS: 64 bit Windows 10 version 1909 or higher
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-8400 or AMD Ryzen 5 1500X
  • Memory: 16 GB
  • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1070 (10GB) or AMD Radeon RX 590
  • Storage: 110 GB available space
Forza Horizon 5 Ideal Requirements

  • OS: 64 bit Windows 10 version 1909 or higher
  • Processor: Intel Core i7-10700K or AMD Ryzen 7 3800XT
  • Memory: 16 GB
  • Graphics: Nvidia RTX 3080 or AMD Radeon RX 6800XT
  • Storage: 110 GB available space
Vi postagens sobre a demora pro carregamento do jogo no SSD, no meu caso, antigamente demorava uma eternidade já que era via HD (óbvio), então acabei pegando um Zadak na promoção do Terabyte de 512GB e o meu antigo SSD de 256GB deixei só pra jogos, resumindo: aqui tá carregando super rápido!
Fiz a configuração que mandaram aqui e o jogo tá rodando liso, sem engasgos ou zonas carregando, o jogo ainda é bem bugado, mas é o que dá pra fazer.

O link caso alguém queira: https://exputer.com/guides/settings/forza-horizon-5-best-settings/
Aqui tá no SSD da assinatura desde o lançamento e o último update aumentou muito o tempo de carregamento e de vez em quando dá "largura de banda de transmissão baixa", coisa que nunca aconteceu.
Última edição:

Aqui tá no SSD da assinatura desde o lançamento e o último update aumentou muito o tempo de carregamento e de vez em quando dá "largura de banda de transmissão baixa", coisa que nunca aconteceu.
No meu era mto frequente dar "largura de banda de transmissão baixa", daí eu fiquei uns meses sem jogar .. instalei esses dias e nao deu essa msg, porém começou a dar uns engasgos vez ou outra.
Maldição de atualização automática.
2 dias sem jogar por causa de um arquivo corrompido (gamelaunchhelper.exe).
Eu podia desinstalar e instalar de novo.
Preferí resolver o problema (se tratando da microsoft, vai que aconteça de novo 😑).
Se algum dia alguém se deparar com esse erro, manda mensagem que eu passo a solução.
Por causa da minha ausência, ganhei carro de retorno: 👇

Pra finalizar 100% a semana, só faltava um desafio na qual eu não tinha o carro.
Hoonigan ford rs200 evo.
E novamente vou pra concessionária pesquisar valor, e depois ver "se" no leilão, está mais barato.
Já não é mais surpresa:


Na imagem acima vocês podem ver que a barra de rolagem está pequena.
O preço mais barato que achei foi 700,000.
Nunca que vou jogar 200 mil no lixo (enriquecer a toa o vendedor 😒).
vocês tão achando o jogo mais difícil que o 4? eu não gosto de usar o retroceder, ta complicado ganhar as corridas da temporada do forzathon. Achei os drivatars no geral mais difícil, mesmo diminuindo a dificuldade.
vocês tão achando o jogo mais difícil que o 4? eu não gosto de usar o retroceder, ta complicado ganhar as corridas da temporada do forzathon. Achei os drivatars no geral mais difícil, mesmo diminuindo a dificuldade.

Sim. Desde o começo tem se falado isso. Pra mim algumas corridas ainda beiram o surreal. Tem corrida que se vc da uma tunada no carro (bota só um pneu diferente) os drivatars já somem.
vocês tão achando o jogo mais difícil que o 4? eu não gosto de usar o retroceder, ta complicado ganhar as corridas da temporada do forzathon. Achei os drivatars no geral mais difícil, mesmo diminuindo a dificuldade.
Sim, não tive uma experiência muito longa nos títulos anteriores, mas achei a dirigibilidade dos carros mais "arcade" que o 3 e o 4, mas em compensação, achei os npcs mais roubados. E é bem desbalanceado as corridas. Tem corrida que coloco no experiente e ganho até que tranquilo, enquanto corridas no muito habilidoso preciso fazer varias vezes ou ficar usando o retroceder o tempo todo. No reddit tem videos mostrando os npcs ignorando regras, etc. bem roubado.
Só na espera pra chegar em casa e pegar o GTR-R35 Nismo, tá com umas customizações legais.
vocês tão achando o jogo mais difícil que o 4? eu não gosto de usar o retroceder, ta complicado ganhar as corridas da temporada do forzathon. Achei os drivatars no geral mais difícil, mesmo diminuindo a dificuldade.
Se vc chega perto do drivatar, quase encostando nele pra tentar ultrapassar, o bixo dá uma jogada de lado no melhor estilo Dick Vigarista.
Sim, não tive uma experiência muito longa nos títulos anteriores, mas achei a dirigibilidade dos carros mais "arcade" que o 3 e o 4, mas em compensação, achei os npcs mais roubados. E é bem desbalanceado as corridas. Tem corrida que coloco no experiente e ganho até que tranquilo, enquanto corridas no muito habilidoso preciso fazer varias vezes ou ficar usando o retroceder o tempo todo. No reddit tem videos mostrando os npcs ignorando regras, etc. bem roubado.
Olha o que eu disse na mensagem dessa mesma página 👇
É impressão minha ou o F5 tá fake?
Se estiver, precisa corrigir (e muito) na expansão.
Só na espera pra chegar em casa e pegar o GTR-R35 Nismo, tá com umas customizações legais.
2 😁

FH5 Release Notes: March 29th, 2022​


Forza Support Team
  • 1 hour ago
  • Updated
We're constantly working to improve the experience in Forza Horizon 5. Below you will find a summary of items fixed or improved upon in this update.
Version Number:

  • Xbox One: 2.443.870.0
  • Xbox Series: 3.443.870.0
  • PC: 3.443.870.0
  • Steam: 1.443.870.0
  • Stability and Performance improvements
  • Improved save flow for Weekly Forzathon to reduce chances of any progression loss
  • Updated string for Car Voucher to be more specific about what its function is
  • Updated Seasonal Event map pins to match the Seasonal PR Stunt pin
  • Fixed issue where brake calipers were getting left behind from the car when changing Tunes in Freeroam
  • Added HUD for cars with Race Mode type functionality to support the new Drivetrain swap mode on the Ford Mustang Mach-E
  • Added low-res mesh under the world to improve the visuals when world chunks dropped out at high altitudes such as when using the new Gravity Action in EventLab (Series X/S and PC only)
  • Horizon Open has been updated with a new progression system including Badges which can be unlocked through gameplay
  • Added Custom Racing to Horizon Open, which will allow players to find races for their chosen race discipline and PI class
  • Fixed some scenarios where the player could be left waiting longer than necessary in the post-race flow
  • Fixed an issue where distant trees could look black or very dark on Very Low Preset
  • Fixed Crash that occurred in Livery Editor when Ray Tracing was on
  • Fixed dent in Jaguar XJS220s
  • Fixed brake callipers being incorrectly offset on the 2014 VW Golf R
  • Roll cage was incorrectly being added to the Sports Chassis reinforcement instead of the Race Chassis reinforcement on the 2016 Porsche Cayman GT4
  • Fixed issue where one of the rear brake callipers on the 2020 Lamborghini Hurácan Evo wasn't paintable
  • Fixed issue where passenger side rear brake calliper wasn't paintable on the 2010 Lexus LFA
  • Fixed livery mapping issue with the 2018 KTM X-Bow in low LOD
  • Fixed quiet superchargers on some muscle cars, in particular Dodge
  • Fixed the 2012 Gallardo LP570-4 Spyder Performante hood not matching the selected colour
  • Fixed broken mesh on the Work Emotion 11R Rims
  • Fixed the Work Emotion M8R Rims not looking correct with certain paint options
  • Fixed the shift animation on the 1968 Renault 4L
  • Added Gravity Action to Rules of Play which allows players to manipulate Gravity in EventLab creations
  • Added option to preview sounds
  • When using manual gears, moved Blueprint Builder off the View button to the Route Options menu as it was conflicting with Place Checkpoint
  • Fixed issue where players could get soft locked after an event and loading back to Freeroam
  • Fixed an issue where playing your own EventLab creation after publishing, could sometimes cause it to load without props
  • Fixed issue with "The Completionist" Accolade not unlocking under the right conditions
  • Fixed description of "Showpiece" Accolade
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Alan Walsh
Thursday, March 24, 2022
Welcome to the Series 6 Update, officially named Horizon Customs as Forza Horizon 5 celebrates both the creative and racing talents of our amazing players with important upgrades to Horizon Open and EventLab which you can read more about below. Also, we are happy to welcome back our good friend, esteemed drift aficionado Robert Glenn who has arrived in Mexico to setup Drift Club Mexico as you’re invited to push the limits of the 2021 Ford Mustang Mach-E 1400 in our first post-release Horizon Story.
As always, the Festival Playlist is serving up new clothing items, cars, and horns to unlock. All of this and more awaits when Series 6 becomes available to download on Xbox, Windows and Steam from Tuesday, March 29 with seasonal content rolling out in the weeks that follow. Let’s break it down.

Horizon Open Custom Racing​

Custom Racing arrives to Horizon Open allowing you to matchmake with likeminded players based on your desired racing parameters, such as PI class and type of race.
We’re also introducing a new stand-alone progression system into Horizon Open. This will apply to Open Racing, Drifting, Playground Games and Custom Racing. It doesn’t count for The Eliminator, and we’ll be moving this game mode from Horizon Open to the Online tab in the pause menu.

Starting in Series 6, any XP earned in Horizon Open contributes towards both the traditional player level and the new Horizon Open level. Each level has a specified XP target, which you can view alongside upcoming rewards in the Horizon Open tile. You’ll also find a new additional XP bar for your Horizon Open level on the post-race screen.
Badges are a new reward type earned by completing special challenges or by levelling up in Horizon Open. These add a small colorful icon beside your Gamertag and are visible in Horizon Life Free Roam, race standings and Leaderboards. Complete challenges to unlock new Badges and redeem those already unlocked via the dedicated Badges menu under the Campaign tab.
Finally, we’re also introducing a new Horizon Open Leaderboard which displays your total Horizon Open XP – it's also a great place to show off your unlocked Badges and compare XP earned with your friends and the global Forza community.


New original props are coming to the Blueprint Builder in Series 6 to inspire your creative instincts. Look out for new concrete and plaster walls; concrete, dirt, and asphalt platforms; neon shipping containers and directional arrow decals; a tyre stack wall and concrete pillar, as well as festival-inspired towers and Lunar New Year lanterns.

Within the Rules of Play, a new «Scale Gravity» rule allows creators to either increase or decrease the gravity forces applied to a player car – from 10% impact to 200%.
On Xbox Series X|S and PC, we’ve made improvements to terrain visibility at high altitude to provide a better visual experience when playing elevated EventLab creations.

Drift Club Mexico​

Drift Club is expanding to Mexico! Welshman Robert Glenn, a kindred spirit of drifters who share a real love for controlled oversteer, has flown over from Horizon’s Britain, bringing with him a new set of challenges that celebrates the engineering and technical delight of going sideways.
Players who have built the Horizon Rush Outpost will be able to start playing Drift Club Mexico immediately, taking you behind the wheel of seven of the world’s coolest drift cars – each tuned and tweaked to celebrate the past, present and future of drifting.

There are also new Drift Club themed clothing items available to unlock and playing this Horizon Story will contribute to your Festival Playlist completion in Series 6.
Additionally, by completing all six chapters, the all-electric 2021 Ford Mustang Mach-E 1400 will be added to your garage, and you’ll learn some fun insights on just how revolutionary this car is courtesy of Formula Drift champion and RTR Vehicles founder Vaughn Gittin Jr. Players can also seamlessly swap between RWD and AWD at any time when driving it in Forza Horizon 5.

2021 Ford Mustang Mach-E 1400​


Complete all six chapters of the Drift Club Mexico Horizon Story.
The future of drifting is here. Packing 1400hp under the hood with seven electric motors and incredible downforce – more than 2,300 lb. at 160mph! – the 2021 Ford Mustang Mach-E 1400 unlocks the true potential of electric vehicles. Created in collaboration between Ford Performance and RTR Vehicles, this car is built for everything RTR founder Vaughn Gittin Jr. loves doing most – from drifting and gymkhana to road racing and time attack. The Mustang Mach-E 1400 is fitted with a unique chassis and powertrain for different layouts, including AWD, RWD and FWD, as well as extreme steering angles for drifting, split power delivery between the front and rear of the car, Brembo brakes akin to the Mustang GT4 and a hydraulic handbrake system. Utilizing a 56.8-kilowatt-hour battery that is cooled while charging, the Mustang Mach-E 1400 reinvigorates the thrill of driving and ensures no moment is wasted on the track.

Festival Playlist​

A new Series Update means a new Festival Playlist! Over the next month, look out for new collectible Paint Barrels and miniature T-Rex dinosaurs and in celebration of the Horizon Customs theme, two EventLab events will be featured every week. We’re also giving one Seasonal Championship every week in Series 6 a custom tile featuring community captured photos.

Furthermore, going forward, completing Seasonal PR Stunts will reward Super Wheelspins.
In total, 27 new clothing items are available to acquire from the Series 6 Festival Playlist, Drift Club Mexico and the Customize Character interface. Here’s what you can look forward to:
Drift Club
Horizon Customs
Short Sleeved Shirts
Prosthetic Legs
Tank Tops
Drift Club TeeBuilder’s OutfitNatural BirdFarid Rueda BearWhite Leopard
Drift Club Race HelmetBuilder’s HelmetWhite LeopardColourful Leaf PatternWhite Bird
Drift Club RacesuitBuilder’s GlovesWhite LeafTeal PatternColourful Bird
Creative TeeNatural LeafRed Doodle PatternGrey Leopard Pattern
Painter HoodieYellow PatternDoodle PatternGrey Leopard
Tuning HoodieTriangle Pattern
Photo HoodieDoodle Pattern

Five new car horns can also be acquired in Series 6:
  • Mechanical Whizz
  • Paint Spray
  • Pinball Machine
  • Wheelspin Win
  • Piñata Pop
As always, the Festival Playlist introduces four new cars to Forza Horizon 5 available to unlock throughout Series 6 – including the #NewToForza 2021 McLaren 765LT Coupe, the latest addition to the legendary Longtail family.
Here’s the full line-up:

2012 Ascari KZ1R​


Earn 20 PTS during the Summer “Wet” Season on the Series 6 Festival Playlist from March 31 – April 6.
A track-tuned version of the race-bred supercar of the road, the KZ1R is capable of a top speed of 200 mph and 0-60 acceleration of three seconds. Ascari cars are hand-built on a state-of-the-art, carbon-fiber, monocoque adding to their potential as track superstar. Powered by the naturally aspirated BMW M5, 5.0-liter V8 and feather light at less than 3,000 lbs., despite luxury appointments such as electric windows, the KZR1 delivers an intensely exciting ride. The interior is all business and stripped to the bare essentials while still providing comfort inside the built-in safety cage. Outside, the front splitter and rear-wing generate additional downforce while complimenting the aerodynamic smoothness of the elegant body. Ascari built only 50 KZ1R models so the best way to enjoy this magnificent track toy is in Forza Horizon 5.

2021 McLaren 765LT Coupe​


Earn 20 PTS during the Autumn “Storm” Season on the Series 6 Festival Playlist from April 7 – April 13.
A new legend to live up to the Longtail name. That’s what McLaren delivers with the 2021 McLaren 765LT Coupe – a car that is entirely focused on the driver. Iterated upon the iconic 720S, this new addition to the Longtail line innovates across every facet of the car. It’s a lighter supercar that weighs 80kg less than the already lean 720S and more powerful with 765PS and 800Nm of torque from a 4.0 litre twin-turbocharged V8. With optimized aerodynamics, a perfect mid-engine, rear wheel drive balance and track-focused dynamics, the most innovative McLaren LT ever made will have your pulse bouncing with 0-62mph speeds of 6.2 seconds and 0-124mph in only seven seconds. As indicated by the name, only 765 models will ever be produced, and for those lucky few, a sensational driving experience like no other awaits.

2018 ATS GT​


Earn 20 PTS during the Winter “Dry” Season on the Series 6 Festival Playlist from April 14 – April 20.
In 1961, eight technicians and engineers were fired by Enzo Ferrari. They went on to build their own race team and production cars under the name Automobili Turismo e Sport. While the Formula 1 team failed, they did develop one of the first mid-engine road cars. There were 12 and they were called the 2500 GT. The new ATS GT was designed to re-envision that original groundbreaking design. At the heart of the new ATS GT is a McLaren 650S, a very capable V8 engine that allows this beast to accelerate from 0-60 in 2.9 seconds. What sets it apart is the unique styling details such as the opaque engine cover and a token shape in the rear pillar that presents the aerodynamic profile of the original 2500 GT.

2014 McLaren 650S Spider​


Earn 20 PTS during the Spring “Hot” Season on the Series 6 Festival Playlist from April 21 – April 27.
Some might call the 650S a McLaren 12C with a facelift, but that would sell its performance far too short. With the 650S, McLaren delivers a car that is even more refined than the 12C. The 650S is lighter, faster, and nimbler than the 12C and draws cues from the now legendary P1. In the supercar horsepower battle the 650S stands its ground with horsepower worthy of its namesake (641 to be exact). True to McLaren form, acceleration is at the forefront, with 60 mph achieved in less than three seconds and more than 120 mph in a little over eight seconds. With features like brake-steering, an F1-influenced drag reduction system, and a body that increases downforce by 40 percent at speeds of 150 mph and above, the 650S is at the top of its game. It’s also a convertible, so put down the roof, take in the natural sights and enjoy a cool Mexican breeze on your next road-trip.

Car Pass Calendar​

Forza Horizon 5 Car Pass holders can look forward to four new cars in Series 6. Here are the rides you can look forward to adding to your garage over the next four weeks – and they’re all #NewToForza:

1966 Oldsmobile Toronado​


Available March 31 in the Forza Horizon 5 Car Pass.
The Oldsmobile Toronado is renowned by many automotive enthusiasts for being a step forward in car design. It began life as a design painting by Oldsmobile stylist David North in 1962 who created a “Flame Red Car” – a compact sports car that was never intended for production. After Oldsmobile was informed by parent company General Motors that it’d be building a competitor to the Buick Riviera and the Ford Thunderbird, the division opted to go forward with North’s design and the rest of the story is history. Oldsmobile had been developing front-wheel drive since 1958 and the Toronado incorporates this with a “Unitized Power Package” powertrain. It also has an Oldsmobile-produced, performance-boosted “Super Rocket V8” rated at 385hp and 475 lb-ft of torque, as well as automatic transmission fitted as standard – an expectation of U.S.-built luxury cars of the time.

2021 McLaren 620R​


Available April 7 in the Forza Horizon 5 Car Pass.
Two worlds collide as the racetrack finally meets the road. That’s the promise of McLaren’s latest supercar, the 620R, which is based on the 570S GT4 – considered the most successful GT race car in the world. Since its 2017 debut, it has won races in every championship across the world, racking up more wins and podiums than any other McLaren to-date. As a race car, the 570S GT4 must adhere to strict motorsport regulations to compete. However, freed from those restrictions, the 620R retains the DNA of the fully homologated track car and is unleashed onto the road. Not only does it look like a race car, but it handles, performs, and feels like one too. It also lives up to McLaren’s lightweight design ethos with adjustable aerodynamic elements – including a carbon fiber rear wing, race suspension components and a powertrain recalibration – all to increase power output to 620PS. Whether you’re on the road or track, the 620R achieves 0-62mph in just 2.9 seconds, which are speeds we’d consider to be lightning fast.

2021 MINI John Cooper Works GP​


Available April 14 in the Forza Horizon 5 Car Pass.
MINI vehicles adorned with the John Cooper Works moniker have always embodied the essence of motorsport. In fact, these cars are developed and tested on racetracks like the Nürburgring Nordschleife. The 2021 JCW GP is the fastest MINI ever and has been stripped for maximum acceleration and agility with a top speed of 165mph, 0-62mph in 5.2 seconds and an engine power output of 306 PS. Its dampers, stabilizers and springs have been specifically developed and fine-tuned to suit the vehicle’s handling characteristics. Combined with powerful design elements such as precise lines and edges all throughout the bodywork, the latest MINI makes a confident statement and is certain to impress.

2019 Porsche 911 Speedster​


Available April 21 in the Forza Horizon 5 Car Pass.
The last of the 991.2 series 911 GT cars to be produced by Porsche is here. Celebrating the seventieth anniversary of its history in building some of the world’s most iconic sports cars, the 2019 Porsche 911 Speedster is powered by a naturally aspirated, motorsport-based 4.0-liter flat-six engine delivering 502hp and 346 lb-ft of torque. It achieves 0-60mph in just 3.8 seconds, with a top track speed of 192 mph. With a low-cut front windshield and side windows, two carbon fiber streamliners atop the rear decklid as well as a manually operated lightweight fabric top, this Speedster is instantly recognizable and stands out from other 911 models. It’s also the first developed by Porsche Motorsport and characterized by its purist focus on the driving essentials.
To add the Car Pass rides released thus far to your Forza Horizon 5 garage, simply visit any Horizon Festival outpost or Player House and select “Car Pass” under the “Buy & Sell” menu.

The Forza Horizon 5 Car Pass can be purchased separately, and is included in the Deluxe Edition, Premium Edition and Premium Add-ons Bundle. With 34 cars delivered to your game weekly, one per week with an additional eight Formula Drift cars to get you started, there’s no better way to kickstart your Horizon adventure today.

Release Notes​

We continue to listen closely to your Forza Horizon 5 feedback as we introduce new fixes with each game update. Check out our release notes for the Series 6 changelog and as a reminder, here’s when you can stay up to date on the issues we’re currently investigating.
Thanks to everyone who continues to share their feedback and reports with us.

What’s Next​

That’s everything you can look forward to in Series 6 when the Horizon Customs Update drops on Tuesday, March 29. Looking ahead, festival organizers at Horizon Mexico are preparing to celebrate Cinco De Mayo in Series 7. Stay tuned for details in April!
Fixed Crash that occurred in Livery Editor when Ray Tracing was on


Querem apostar quanto que durante o ciclo do jogo não vão arrumar o problema de salvamento das configurações do volante? Desde o lançamento tem esse bug e nunca nem vi nada sobre. Toda vez que entro no jogo tenho que ir nos controles e mudar da configuração padrão do G27 pra minha personalizada.
Pessoal pensando em custom no sentido de customização de carros e eles vem com eventos custom, uma coisa nada a ver 🤦🏻‍♂️
E mais porcaria para um personagem que você mal vê.
Gostei dos carros menos o Mini Cooper, não acho graça nele.
A 765LT me gusta!

FH5 Release Notes: March 29th, 2022​


Forza Support Team
  • 1 hour ago
  • Updated
We're constantly working to improve the experience in Forza Horizon 5. Below you will find a summary of items fixed or improved upon in this update.
Version Number:

  • Xbox One: 2.443.870.0
  • Xbox Series: 3.443.870.0
  • PC: 3.443.870.0
  • Steam: 1.443.870.0
  • Stability and Performance improvements
  • Improved save flow for Weekly Forzathon to reduce chances of any progression loss
  • Updated string for Car Voucher to be more specific about what its function is
  • Updated Seasonal Event map pins to match the Seasonal PR Stunt pin
  • Fixed issue where brake calipers were getting left behind from the car when changing Tunes in Freeroam
  • Added HUD for cars with Race Mode type functionality to support the new Drivetrain swap mode on the Ford Mustang Mach-E
  • Added low-res mesh under the world to improve the visuals when world chunks dropped out at high altitudes such as when using the new Gravity Action in EventLab (Series X/S and PC only)
  • Horizon Open has been updated with a new progression system including Badges which can be unlocked through gameplay
  • Added Custom Racing to Horizon Open, which will allow players to find races for their chosen race discipline and PI class
  • Fixed some scenarios where the player could be left waiting longer than necessary in the post-race flow
  • Fixed an issue where distant trees could look black or very dark on Very Low Preset
  • Fixed Crash that occurred in Livery Editor when Ray Tracing was on
  • Fixed dent in Jaguar XJS220s
  • Fixed brake callipers being incorrectly offset on the 2014 VW Golf R
  • Roll cage was incorrectly being added to the Sports Chassis reinforcement instead of the Race Chassis reinforcement on the 2016 Porsche Cayman GT4
  • Fixed issue where one of the rear brake callipers on the 2020 Lamborghini Hurácan Evo wasn't paintable
  • Fixed issue where passenger side rear brake calliper wasn't paintable on the 2010 Lexus LFA
  • Fixed livery mapping issue with the 2018 KTM X-Bow in low LOD
  • Fixed quiet superchargers on some muscle cars, in particular Dodge
  • Fixed the 2012 Gallardo LP570-4 Spyder Performante hood not matching the selected colour
  • Fixed broken mesh on the Work Emotion 11R Rims
  • Fixed the Work Emotion M8R Rims not looking correct with certain paint options
  • Fixed the shift animation on the 1968 Renault 4L
  • Added Gravity Action to Rules of Play which allows players to manipulate Gravity in EventLab creations
  • Added option to preview sounds
  • When using manual gears, moved Blueprint Builder off the View button to the Route Options menu as it was conflicting with Place Checkpoint
  • Fixed issue where players could get soft locked after an event and loading back to Freeroam
  • Fixed an issue where playing your own EventLab creation after publishing, could sometimes cause it to load without props
  • Fixed issue with "The Completionist" Accolade not unlocking under the right conditions
  • Fixed description of "Showpiece" Accolade

Tenho o jogo pelo Game Pass do PC, mas não apareceu essa atualização. Até desinstalei e reinstalei, mas o jogo continuou na versão antiga (3.435.64.0).

Esses updates demoram pra chegar na versão do Game Pass ou é disponibilizado gradualmente ao longo dos dias?

Edit: Agora que vi que é uma atualização futura e não está disponível ainda. :facepalm:
Tenho o jogo pelo Game Pass do PC, mas não apareceu essa atualização. Até desinstalei e reinstalei, mas o jogo continuou na versão antiga (3.435.64.0).

Esses updates demoram pra chegar na versão do Game Pass ou é disponibilizado gradualmente ao longo dos dias?

Edit: Agora que vi que é uma atualização futura e não está disponível ainda. :facepalm:
Isso, sai terça feira dia 29.
  • Curtir
Reações: GRM
Já resolveram aquele problema dos preto nas placas e logotipo dos carros ou é só aqui comigo? tô no último driver da AMD e as placas continuam assim:

Já resolveram aquele problema dos preto nas placas e logotipo dos carros ou é só aqui comigo? tô no último driver da AMD e as placas continuam assim:

Já foi resolvido, provavelmente deve ser algum vestígio de driver antigo. Vc passou o DDU antes de instalar um driver novo???
Pessoal, o desafio semanal está bugado? Eu adquiro o Mosler MT900S, ando nele, mas não muda o progresso do capítulo.

Fechei e abri o jogo algumas vezes e agora foi.
Última edição:

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