[TÓPICO OFICIAL] Forza Horizon 5

  • Iniciador de Tópicos Iniciador de Tópicos Dr. H@st
  • Data de Início Data de Início
Dae moçada, acabei pegando o premium edition mesmo.
Valeu ai pra quem me ajudou dando informações sobre as versões.
Agora notei que as vezes ao entrar no modo foto, o jogo simplesmente fecha do nada, mas jogando e vendo replays não acontece isso, somente as vezes no modo foto.

Como faço pra procurar os carros abandonados?
Conforme for progredindo no jogo vai aparecendo a localização.

Parabéns pela compra, Forza Horizon é o meu jogo preferido.
Dae moçada, acabei pegando o premium edition mesmo.
Valeu ai pra quem me ajudou dando informações sobre as versões.
Agora notei que as vezes ao entrar no modo foto, o jogo simplesmente fecha do nada, mas jogando e vendo replays não acontece isso, somente as vezes no modo foto.

Como faço pra procurar os carros abandonados?
Executa o jogo como administrador. Geralmente resolve esses crashs.
Já consegui uns off roads brabos! :awesome:

Última edição:
Deixei de jogar o Horizon 5 uns meses atrás, esses dias baixei o Horizon 4 pra relembrar e curiosamente fiquei com a impressão que graficamente o Horizon 4 é melhor que o Horizon 5.
Em 3440x1440 + HDR + Ultra + MSAA x8 eu achei impressionante mas não consigo entender o que é exatamente que causa essa diferença, talvez o HDR, até baixei de novo o Horizon 5 para comparar e realmente não consigo deixar de perceber que o Horizon 4 é mais bonito, ai comentei com um amigo e até ele concordou, sendo que ele tem um setup similar ao meu.
Pra quem ai jogou o Horizon 4 recentemente percebeu algo?
Deixei de jogar o Horizon 5 uns meses atrás, esses dias baixei o Horizon 4 pra relembrar e curiosamente fiquei com a impressão que graficamente o Horizon 4 é melhor que o Horizon 5.
Em 3440x1440 + HDR + Ultra + MSAA x8 eu achei impressionante mas não consigo entender o que é exatamente que causa essa diferença, talvez o HDR, até baixei de novo o Horizon 5 para comparar e realmente não consigo deixar de perceber que o Horizon 4 é mais bonito, ai comentei com um amigo e até ele concordou, sendo que ele tem um setup similar ao meu.
Pra quem ai jogou o Horizon 4 recentemente percebeu algo?

Eu não acho que seja não. A iluminação do FH5 eu acho bem melhor que do FH4
Pena que o FH4 o online nao tem quase ninguem agora, achava muito legal aquele desafio de chegar num ponto do mapa antes dos outros
Esse 5 tá lindo demais, sobre o 4 não posso falar pois não tenho ele, mas certamente vai ser bem bonito também.
Até o 3 que tenho no xbox one eu já achava bonitão rsrs.

Deixei de jogar o Horizon 5 uns meses atrás, esses dias baixei o Horizon 4 pra relembrar e curiosamente fiquei com a impressão que graficamente o Horizon 4 é melhor que o Horizon 5.
Em 3440x1440 + HDR + Ultra + MSAA x8 eu achei impressionante mas não consigo entender o que é exatamente que causa essa diferença, talvez o HDR, até baixei de novo o Horizon 5 para comparar e realmente não consigo deixar de perceber que o Horizon 4 é mais bonito, ai comentei com um amigo e até ele concordou, sendo que ele tem um setup similar ao meu.
Pra quem ai jogou o Horizon 4 recentemente percebeu algo?
De forma alguma. E não é uma questão subjetiva. O 4 é lindaço, mas , com os dois no máximo, o 5 é ainda mais bonito. Mas é mais pesado... talvez vc esteja desabilitando alguma coisa crucial, ou setando algum efeito no médio...sei lá.
De forma alguma. E não é uma questão subjetiva. O 4 é lindaço, mas , com os dois no máximo, o 5 é ainda mais bonito. Mas é mais pesado... talvez vc esteja desabilitando alguma coisa crucial, ou setando algum efeito no médio...sei lá.
Pior que não, esta tudo no Ultra nos dois jogos, alem de RT no Horizon 5.
Fui comparar mais a fundo e parece que a iluminação no Horizon 5 está quebrada, na verdade acho que foi capada propositalmente.

Em tuneis, no Horizon 4 eu vejo que o ambiente e o carro em sí reage melhor a iluminação do tunel, reflete as luzes brancas do topo e as luzes laranjas de emergencia nas laterais.
No Horizon 5 no tunel amarelado parece que o carro está em um ambiente opaco e o reflexo não reage corretamente a intencidade das luzes no ambiente.


O exemplo mais claro é nas corridas de rua, os flares que guiam as corridas noturnas não tem efeito algum no Horizon 5, parece mais um decalque do que um objeto luminoso de fato.





Tem outras coisas tambem que notei, farois de carros e iluminação das cidades parecem bem mais funcionais no Horizon 4. Tem outros problemas tambem, por exemplo no Horizon 5 me incomoda desde quando lançou a renderização da vegetação na cara dura, coisa que não acontece no Horizon 4.
O avanço grafico que vejo no Horizon 5 é a modelagem dos objetos que parece mais polida, ou com mais poligonos, de resto pelo que comparei o Horizon 4 é de fato, melhor que o 5 em graficos.
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Isso resumiu tudo.
Pior que não, esta tudo no Ultra nos dois jogos, alem de RT no Horizon 5.
Fui comparar mais a fundo e parece que a iluminação no Horizon 5 está quebrada, na verdade acho que foi capada propositalmente.

Em tuneis, no Horizon 4 eu vejo que o ambiente e o carro em sí reage melhor a iluminação do tunel, reflete as luzes brancas do topo e as luzes laranjas de emergencia nas laterais.
No Horizon 5 no tunel amarelado parece que o carro está em um ambiente opaco e o reflexo não reage corretamente a intencidade das luzes no ambiente.


O exemplo mais claro é nas corridas de rua, os flares que guiam as corridas noturnas não tem efeito algum no Horizon 5, parece mais um decalque do que um objeto luminoso de fato.





Tem outras coisas tambem que notei, farois de carros e iluminação das cidades parecem bem mais funcionais no Horizon 4. Tem outros problemas tambem, por exemplo no Horizon 5 me incomoda desde quando lançou a renderização da vegetação na cara dura, coisa que não acontece no Horizon 4.
O avanço grafico que vejo no Horizon 5 é a modelagem dos objetos que parece mais polida, ou com mais poligonos, de resto pelo que comparei o Horizon 4 é de fato, melhor que o 5 em graficos.
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Isso resumiu tudo.

Deve ser a palheta de cores do jogo No forza horizon 4 (que se passa no Reino Unido, onde está quase sempre nublado) parece ser mais neutro, dando um efeito mais limpo. O forza Horizon 5 se passa no México, lembra? e como quase toda produção feita no México...

Tirando essa questão de cores (que coloquei mais por zueira, mas pode mesmo existir), o jogo tem alguns downgrades gráficos sim em relação ao FH4.

- Um deles é o sistema de Antialiasing. O FH5 tem um monte de opções de AA, e todas elas não funcionam direito: MSAA mesmo no máximo não remove os serrilhados, principalmente dos carros; FXAA deixa tudo borrado e esbranquiçado; TAA é um dos menos piores, mas também tira o brilho das texturas e deixa um pouco borrado; As opções de AA por upscaling proprietárias (DLSS~DLAA, FSR, XeSS) também tem seus problemas. Em resumo, deixar o jogo liso e afiado, sem deixar nenhum borrado ou artefato é muito difícil!

- As fumaças dos checkpoints estão com baixa resolução, chegando a ficarem pixelizadas (muito nítido isso). Existem outros lugares onde você nota baixa resolução nas texturas, gerando um efeito de pixelação, mas nem vou falar pra não deixar você paranoico.

Por outro lado, o FH5 é mais detalhado. Me parece que tem mais objetos e mais detalhes pelo mapa e nas texturas, dando um pouco mais de vida ao jogo. O FH4 já é mais otimizado e roda mais leve, talvez por esse menor detalhamento em certas partes do jogo (eu achava ele até mais leve que o FH3 por exemplo, que tinhas gráficos inferiores, apesar de também já ser bonito na época).

No geral prefiro graficamente o FH5, mas ele tem seus problemas e que infelizmente existem desde o lançamento, logo, já é quase certo que eles não serão corrigidos.


8 September 2023
Create bigger and better events for the Forza Horizon 5 community to play with EventLab 2.0 and customize your cars with new body kits and rims.
Forza Horizon 5 doubles down on EventLab with the newest update: Horizon Creatives. We want your creations to be the star of the Horizon Festival, so we’re introducing new EventLab upgrades to get your creativity racing and inspire you to create the events you’ve always imagined.
This update also introduces fresh additions to car customization including 20 rims from a new-to-Horizon aftermarket brand, Vorsteiner, as well as new body parts from AC Schnitzer and the returning Forza widebody kit for the 1995 BMW 850CSi.
Horizon Creatives will be available to download from Tuesday, September 12. The series content is playable from September 14 through October 12. Get your creative juices going and start creating!


Here’s a look at some of the fixes and improvements you can look forward to in this update:
  • [PC] Fixed an issue where, upon loading up the game, a black screen would be displayed for an unintended amount of time after the Xbox Game Studio logo.
  • Fixed an issue with the 2017 Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio Verde where the headlights were not functioning properly during night-time.
  • Fixed an issue with the 2020 Lamborghini Huracan Evo where the reverse lights on the rear were not lighting up correctly.
  • Fixed an issue with the 2021 Ferrari Roma where the cockpit dashboard was incorrectly displayed in low-resolution. Here is where you can find the issues we are currently investigating. You can post about new issues you have encountered on the Troubleshooting Hub.
##New features to discover and experiment with in EventLab 2.0

See how the new EventLab update works.
While EventLab regularly receives new props for players to include in their creations, we are now adding exciting new features that will let you bring your wildest ideas to reality with an update we are calling EventLab 2.0.
This new update includes a brand-new set of tools, quality of life improvements, and features that will enable you to create bigger events faster and better.

Selection Mode​


As in everything racing related: faster is better. So, to make your creating process much more agile, we have created the new Selection Mode.
This new multi-selection mode will let you grab a number of individual props and then rotate them, move them around, and duplicate them. Not only will this make your creating process more efficient, but you will also be able to reuse groups of props you previously put together without having to start from scratch each time you need them.
Multi-selection will also let you clone, move, and delete props in mass selection, reducing the time you will spend creating courses for events.



Prefabs are an assortment of props saved together to make a new mega prop. You can save any prop you have created as a Prefab and share it with other players worldwide.
You can also search among the creations of other players to find the most ideal custom props to fit your event. Perhaps you’ll even stumble upon an interesting idea that sparks the creation of a new race or game mode! Prefabs will be added to the existing Creative Hub menu with features like share codes, number of downloads and in-game credits payouts. You will even be able to browse Prefabs in the Blueprint Builder which will save you a lot of time!
With Prefabs you can share your custom prop creations to inspire other creators in our community. In addition to this, we have added a feature that will let you bookmark your favorite or most used props so you can find them even quicker.

Custom Flyers​


Previously when creating a new event on EventLab, the promotional flyer would automatically generate based on the car restrictions you set among other details. This meant that other players would not see how your event looked until they decided to download and play it.
This all changes with EventLab 2.0. You can now replace the predetermined flyer with a photo taken of your event. This allows creators to better represent their EventLab Blueprint, while for you and your friends, it’ll now be easier and faster to discover fun new events to play.
This is made even better by the ability to browse more than 15 events in the event browser, as players can now scroll through multiple pages of community-created blueprints.

EventLab Island​


New features deserve an amazing new place to be experimented at. EventLab Island is a brand-new location specifically for creating EventLab content. It comprises of a 2km x 2km flat concrete platform surrounded by ocean.
Since EventLab Island is its own separate location, you will be able to add more props to each event you create within it thanks to an increased prop budget.
EventLab Island can be accessed through its own icon on the in-game map. Click on it, and you will be transported to the island. Look for the activation point and start creating!

New Props​


The EventLab 2.0 update wouldn’t be complete without new props, and we have introduced new prop packs for you to implement into your custom maps. These include a petrol station with signs, a coffee cup, pumps, and roofs, a variety of primitive shapes like a cone, cube, cylinder, pyramid, sphere, torus, and wedge, and different surface types like snow, ice, grass, tarmac, and dirt.
Some of our existing props have received attachment nodes so they are now easier to move around and, more importantly, snap together. There are three different node sizes: small, medium, and large. The original nodes included in the Hot Wheels content were “large” and designed for Hot Wheels track pieces, while these new smaller-sized nodes will work much better with smaller props.
You can also style up your checkpoint markers with different styles including various colors of street race flares.
What’s more, EventLab 2.0 lets you set the exact time-of-day and weather conditions while your map is being created. This means you will see your creation in the exact conditions that you intend for players to experience it. For example, if you want to design a night-time race, you will see how it looks as you build it.


Forza Horizon 5 brings you a unique collaboration with Rivian, the American electric car manufacturer that creates tools for adventurers. Their catalogue is designed to tackle any terrain from sand, to rock, and even water. During Horizon Creatives, you will be able to add two different vehicles of their brand into your collection.

2022 Rivian R1T​

In Autumn, a pick-up truck designed to master any terrain and take you on any adventure you choose becomes available to unlock. Get the 2022 Rivian R1T by completing “Mudslinger's Scramble” EventLab on the Festival Playlist.

2022 Rivian R1S​

Explore and adventure anywhere you want by unlocking the 2022 Rivian R1S, an SUV created for those who want to traverse the roughest environments without jeopardizing their comfort and mobility. Set your route and get the R1S during the Spring season of the Festival Playlist by completing the “Stadium Supercross” EventLab.



With the upcoming release of Forza Motorsport on October 10, the Horizon Festival will celebrate by rewarding anyone who plays Forza Motorsport with the fastest Corvette ever created: the 2024 Chevrolet Corvette E-Ray.
The E-Ray is a true freak of speed, its petrol-powered engine in combination with its electric drive unit, gives it a rampaging total 655 horsepower. Its potency matches any test you put it through, it can reach 100 km/h in just 2.5 seconds and it's capable of completing a quarter mile in a measly 10.5 seconds.
The E-Ray will be available to every Forza Horizon 5 player who downloads and plays Forza Motorsport. Those with Early Access to Forza Motorsport, included with the Premium Edition and Premium Add-Ons Bundle, will be able to redeem this reward starting from October 5. All Forza Motorsport players can drive it in Forza Horizon 5 starting October 10.


Horizon Creatives is all about showing off your personalized touch, and the local Horizon Festival mechanic has new rims, aero parts and a body kit to install on your cars.
AC Schnitzer makes an appearance and brings body parts compatible with two BMW models:
  • 2015 BMW i8
  • 2018 BMW M5
A Forza-branded widebody kit is also returning for the 1995 BMW 850CSi.
Vorsteiner joins the fun and brings a complete set of 20 new rims to give your car collection a new pair (or two) of shoes:
  • VCS 001
  • VCS 002
  • VCS 003
  • V-FF 101
  • V-FF 102
  • V-FF 103
  • V-FF 104
  • V-FF 111
  • V-FF 112
  • VFN 310
  • VFN 501
  • VFN 502
  • VFN 503
  • VFN 504
  • VFN 505
  • VFN 506
  • VFN 507
  • VFN 508
  • VFN 509
  • VFN 512



Horizon Creatives introduces new Treasure Hunt obstacle courses on the Summer, Autumn and Winter Festival Playlist. Expect some new challenges in your adventures to find and smash the Treasure Chest! And be sure to keep your cool in Winter as you’re challenged to smash 20 EventLab Flask Props located on top of Le Gran Caldera and around Gran Telescopio. This prop will also be available in the Blueprint Builder for EventLab creators.
Once you are done building, it’s time to start racing! Horizon Creative’s Festival Playlist brings you an unmissable selection of BMWs. Unlock and drive these German meteors by completing the different Festival Playlist seasons available each week.

1996 BMW 850CSi​


_Earn 80 PTS during the Horizon Creatives Festival Playlist series. Available from September 12 until October 12. _ The top of the line of the 8 series BMW models, the 1996 BMW 850 CSi has everything it takes to set it apart from other cars of the series. Starting with the biggest improvement: its engine. Known as the S70B56, this wonderful piece of German engineering is a 5.5-liter V12 that propelled the 850CSi to a top speed of 250 km/h. With improved aerodynamics, handling, brakes, and suspension, this car is ready to teach you what performance means.

2021 BMW M3 Competition Sedan​


Earn 20 PTS during Week 1 “Summer” Season on the Horizon Creatives Festival Playlist. Available from September 14 until September 21.
Each time a new BMW M3 comes out, we know the world of sports sedans is going to be rocked, and the 2021 BMW M3 Competition is no exception to this rule. This installment of the German tradition puts the "sports" in sports sedan as its most prominent characteristic.
The 2021 M3 has all the power you want for a ride like this with its 3.0-liter, straight 6-cylinder paired with a new sportive suspension that lowers the body to the ground and guarantees more grip. Not shy from innovation, the entire suspension is controlled electronically to ensure comfort and precision.
All its 510 bhp is controlled through an 8-gear automatic Steptronic transmission that makes it capable of reaching 0-100 km/h in 3.9 seconds.
Can we take a moment to talk about those looks? The exterior design of the M3 really shows what's underneath it: innovation, power, and a ton of madness that you can try to tame.

2022 BMW iX xDrive50​


Earn 20 PTS during Week 2 “Autumn” Season on the Horizon Creatives Festival Playlist. Available from September 21 until September 28.
High-luxury, high-tech, and all-electric, the 2022 BMW iX xDrive50 is the German manufacturer’s next step in its electrical movement.
This battery-powered SUV does everything in its power to make sure you are enjoying the ride twice as much as you will enjoy the destination.
However, as you would expect from BMW, it is still engineered to make you feel alive when you step on the throttle. With 523 bhp, it launches this car from 0 – 100 km/h in just 4.6 seconds and maxes the top speed at 200 km/h.
With sci-fi screens in the interior and a 76.6 kWh battery that feels like a rocket booster, driving the xDrive50 can be considered an otherworldly experience.

2023 BMW M2​


Alfa Romeos available in the Autoshow on August 15!
Earn 20 PTS during the Week 3 “Winter” Season on the Horizon Creatives Festival Playlist. Available from September 28 until October 5.
An all-time classic coupé is back with a bigger and bulkier look. The 2023 BMW M2 is a complete technological powerhouse putting together the brains and the brawn.
From the exterior, you can tell it has been designed with power in mind. Every corner of the car says “aerodynamics” and is made to resist as much air as it can without losing its aggressive demeanor. To compliment the look, it has been fitted with a straight 6-cylinder biturbo engine makes sure it lives up to the tales.
The M2 was designed by Mexican designer José Casas and will be built in the BMW plant in San Luis Potosí, making this the very first BMW completely made in Mexico: an ideal choice to take on a tour of the Horizon Festival.

2022 BMW i4 eDrive40​


Earn 20 PTS during the Week 4 “Spring” Season on the Horizon Creatives Festival Playlist. Available from October 5 until October 12.
BMW’s first all-electric hatchback has to be a car to be remembered for ages. Of course, the 2022 BMW i4 eDrive40 lives up to that test. Not only does it come with the familiar BMW look we all love seeing, the car drives like a true heir of the BMW racing legacy.
Keeping what is considered tradition in the line, the i4 is a rear-wheel drive car propelled by an electric engine capable of putting in 335 bhp and sparking a 0 – 100 km/h time of 4.07 seconds.
Even though this is considered BMW’s entry level EV, it does not shy away from the speed and precision we are used to seeing from the Bavarian manufacturer.

##What’s Next
The Horizon Festival turns orange as Dia de Muertos arrives next month. Enjoy the traditional spooky season as you cruise through Mexico during one of its most iconic holidays behind the wheel of Forza Horizon 5’s most requested car. Stay tuned for more details in October!
Última edição:
Mais um update insano de bom, Forza engrenou a sexta marcha com força
Gostei mto das BMW
Só faltou a M3 Touring... mas ficou bom esse update.

Espero uns event lab de centro de cidade hehe
Pior que não, esta tudo no Ultra nos dois jogos, alem de RT no Horizon 5.
Fui comparar mais a fundo e parece que a iluminação no Horizon 5 está quebrada, na verdade acho que foi capada propositalmente.

Em tuneis, no Horizon 4 eu vejo que o ambiente e o carro em sí reage melhor a iluminação do tunel, reflete as luzes brancas do topo e as luzes laranjas de emergencia nas laterais.
No Horizon 5 no tunel amarelado parece que o carro está em um ambiente opaco e o reflexo não reage corretamente a intencidade das luzes no ambiente.


O exemplo mais claro é nas corridas de rua, os flares que guiam as corridas noturnas não tem efeito algum no Horizon 5, parece mais um decalque do que um objeto luminoso de fato.





Tem outras coisas tambem que notei, farois de carros e iluminação das cidades parecem bem mais funcionais no Horizon 4. Tem outros problemas tambem, por exemplo no Horizon 5 me incomoda desde quando lançou a renderização da vegetação na cara dura, coisa que não acontece no Horizon 4.
O avanço grafico que vejo no Horizon 5 é a modelagem dos objetos que parece mais polida, ou com mais poligonos, de resto pelo que comparei o Horizon 4 é de fato, melhor que o 5 em graficos.
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Isso resumiu tudo.

Bom... vamos ser pragmáticos.
Desconsidere as músicas... os dois jogos estão no máximo do máximo.



Pra mim, a diferença em volumetria de iluminação, qualidade do terreno, shaders, malhas e oclusão na vegetação é gritante. Repito: o 4 é lindaço, mas o 5 é mais. De qualquer forma, a comparação renderizada no máximo e em tempo real está aí...o ideal é cada um assistir aos vídeos e tirar suas próprias conclusões.
Bom... vamos ser pragmáticos.
Desconsidere as músicas... os dois jogos estão no máximo do máximo.



Pra mim, a diferença em volumetria de iluminação, qualidade do terreno, shaders, malhas e oclusão na vegetação é gritante. Repito: o 4 é lindaço, mas o 5 é mais. De qualquer forma, a comparação renderizada no máximo e em tempo real está aí...o ideal é cada um assistir aos vídeos e tirar suas próprias conclusões.

Sinceramente não consegui concluir nada nestes videos, além de o 5 ter cores mais vibrantes, está ensolarado e a pista molhada, o 4 está nublado e tem cores mais naturais.
No geral eu recomendo quem ter os jogos, jogar mesmo pra ver, video é um problema pois o bitrate do youtube é fraquissimo e tira muitos detalhes do jogos, além de que nunca refletir totalmente a realidade, Gran Turismo 7 por exemplo é facilmente o melhor gráfico em jogos de corrida que eu já vi, mas parece que nenhum video no Youtube reflete a mesma coisa que eu vejo jogando, é tudo tosco e opaco.
Sinceramente não consegui concluir nada nestes videos, além de o 5 ter cores mais vibrantes, está ensolarado e a pista molhada, o 4 está nublado e tem cores mais naturais.
No geral eu recomendo quem ter os jogos, jogar mesmo pra ver, video é um problema pois o bitrate do youtube é fraquissimo e tira muitos detalhes do jogos, além de que nunca refletir totalmente a realidade, Gran Turismo 7 por exemplo é facilmente o melhor gráfico em jogos de corrida que eu já vi, mas parece que nenhum video no Youtube reflete a mesma coisa que eu vejo jogando, é tudo tosco e opaco.
Concordo sobre GT7. Tenho o jogo aqui e não há nada no mesmo patamar. Principalmente em termos de iluminação volumétrica e modelagem dos veículos.

FH5 Release Notes: September 11th, 2023​


Forza Support Team
  • 5 minutes ago
  • Updated
We're constantly working to improve the experience in Forza Horizon 5. Below you will find a summary of items fixed or improved upon in this update.

New Features (Available from September 12th)
  • EventLab 2.0 featuring Customizable Flyers, Selection Mode, Prefabs
  • New User-Generated Content category: Prefabs (featuring share codes, number of downloads and payouts)
  • EventLab Island (Sandbox island of 2km x 2km size featuring more prop budget memory)
  • EventLab Quality Of Life Improvements (Blueprint builder Favourites Tab, Unlimited EventLab events displayed through searching, more Attachment Nodes, Checkpoint Options)
  • EventLab Prop Packs (Petrol Station, Giant Plots, Primitive Shapes)
  • Car Customization Body kits and Widebody kit: AC Schnitzer body parts for 2015 BMW i8 and 2018 BMW M5, Forza Widebody Kit for 1995 BMW 850CSi
  • Car Customization: 20 Vorsteiner rims
  • Horizon Creative Collector Accolade
"Horizon Creatives" Limited Timed Series Features (Available from September 14th until October 12th)
  • Evolving World: Treasure Hunt obstacle courses
  • Evolving World: Flask collectible (also available in EventLab as standalone prop)
Unlockable cars
  • 7 Festival Playlist Reward Cars (Available from September 14th onwards)
    • 1996 BMW 850CSi
    • 2021 BMW M3
    • 2022 BMW i4
    • 2022 BMW iX
    • 2022 Rivian R1S
    • 2022 Rivian R1T
    • 2023 BMW M2
  • 1 Loyalty Reward Car (Available from October 5th for all players accessing and playing 2023 Forza Motorsport)
    • 2024 Chevrolette E-Ray
      • Developer’s Notes: Please be aware the system might take up to 24 hours to complete all the verifications. Once done, a pop-up will be displayed in-game and the car will be available in your car collection

Bug fixes

  • General performance and stability fixes
  • Fixed an issue where, upon loading up the game, a black screen would be displayed for an unintended amount of time after the Xbox Game Studio logo (Bug ID 3906546)
  • Fixed an issue with the 2020 Lamborghini Huracan Evo where the reverse lights on the rear were not lighting up correctly (Bug ID 3907562)
  • Fixed an issue with the 2017 Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio Verde where the headlights were not functioning properly during night time (Bug ID 3907112)
  • Fixed an issue with the 2021 Ferrari Roma where the cockpit dashboard was incorrectly displayed in low-resolution (Bug ID 3901597)


6 October 2023- Playground Games
Cempasúchil and calaveritas take over the Horizon Festival as Dia de Muertos arrives to Forza Horizon 5.
The unique smell of Autumm has a particular scent in Mexico, its one that indicates the return of our loved ones on the night of Día de Muertos. This iconic Mexican tradition has hit the Horizon Festival bringing huge surprises to celebrate the season.
Along with dressing Mulegé with the traditional colors and decorations of the holiday, you will be able to celebrate with the Día de Muertos Dress & Suit that we will be giving away on November 2.
Since we are celebrating one of Mexico’s most emblematic traditions, this new update also brings one of the biggest and most versatile automotive icons of the country, the 2010 Nissan Tsuru, into the Horizon Festival. The Tsuru is the community’s most requested car to date on our Suggestions Hub with over 4,000 votes and introducing it to Forza Horizon 5 has been an unforgettable journey for us. It all started thanks to you, our players! From sourcing a pristine-quality model to preparing it for you to drive around Mexico, we’re so excited to introduce this eagerly awaited and iconic car for our community to enjoy and we can’t wait to see what you do with it.

Get ready for track day as the Super Speed Car Pack becomes available for purchase on October 10. This new Car Pack features speedsters from the modern era including the 2022 Volkswagen Golf R, 2022 Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 RS, 2020 KTM X-Bow GT2, and the 2019 Elemental RP1.
Get your ofrendas and Pan de Muerto ready to celebrate the mythic Day of the Dead from October 10 until November 10 with this new, free update for Forza Horizon 5.


  • The following list details some of the fixes and changes we are implementing with this new update.
  • Fixed props in EventLab moving randomly when in placement mode.
  • EventLab Prefab thumbnail won’t change to prop image when trying to move or copy that Prefab.
  • EventLab Island Event map pin image will always show on the map and mini map.
  • Snap nodes will no longer disappear when moving pieces.
  • Fixed EventLab Island displaying black textures when playing through Cloud Gaming.
  • Players will be sent to EventLab Island when choosing an event that takes place there.
  • Fixed an issue where Attachment Nodes stopped working for other props.
  • 2021 BMW M3 exterior windows can now be tinted.
  • 2021 BMW M4 has the correct driver position.
  • Fixed issues with the 2018 BMW M5 AC Schitzner and 2015 BMW i8 AC Schnitzer widebody kits.
  • 1996 BMW 850CSi vinyl mapping issues when using bodykits.
You can find a list of issues we are currently investigating here. Report any issues you encounter with this update and others in the Troubleshooting Hub.


Forza Horizon 5 is thrilled to host a massive celebration of one of the most important Mexican traditions and holidays: Día de Muertos.

On this magical day, spirits of our loved ones come back to say hello for one night and to enjoy a feast specially created for them, and while they are busy eating the snacks on their ofrenda, you will be too enjoying our unique celebration.

Flowers and Decorations over Mulegé​

Mulegé knows how to get down for Día de Muertos. For the entire duration of the four weeks of the Festival Playlist, you will be able to spot Día de Muertos-themed decorations such as Alebrijes, inflatable skulls (calaveritas), and other details to get in for the festivities.
Admire the unique colors and shapes that will be created by the Día de Muertos Drone Show that will make an appearance on Día de Muertos Nights over the Mulegé night sky.

EventLab Props & Collectibles​

During the second week of the Festival Playlist, you will be able to snatch an icon of Mexican folklore and tradition. Sing away and collect the Mariachi Tank Piñata! Along with this fabulous new prop, 15 new colorful objects will be available in the EventLab Blueprint Builder to create thematic events.

Under the “Decorations” tab, you will see:
  • Marigold Stall
  • Orange/Blue Inflatable Skulls
  • Dog Alebrije
  • Yellow & Blue Armadillo Alebrijes
  • Red & Yellow Armadillo Alebrijes
  • Red & Blue Armadillo Alebrijes
  • Ram Alebrije
  • Chicken Alebrije
  • Dragon Alebrije
  • Bipedal Alebrije
Click on the “Horizon Story” tab to find:
  • Yellow Día de Muertos Barrier
  • Purple Día de Muertos Barrier
And finally, the Mariachi Tank Piñata will be available to use under the “Gameplay” tab.

Suit up for the Season​

Not only will the Horizon Festival change its appearance to celebrate Día de Muertos, but you can also follow suit with the new cosmetics we are giving away in this series.

Starting November 2, you will receive the Día de Muertos Suit & Dress in your in-game Message Center: two different outfits with very traditional looks that will let your character wear the colors of the festivities and match the surroundings of the Horizon Festival.
And to celebrate the newest milestone for the Forza franchise, we will be giving away the Forza Motorsport Outfit when the new Forza Motorsport launches for everyone on October 10.

You will be able to redeem these three presents from your “Gifts” tab on the Message Center. Stay tuned and unlock them as soon as you receive the notification.


Día de Muertos brings 12 new achievements for you to obtain in this new update. Compete, collect, and complete different challenges to obtain them all. Here is the Iist of the new achievements coming with on Día de Muertos:

Unlock 12 new achievements coming to Forza Horizon 5 on October 10!

Get My Good SideTake a photo of your character outside a car10
Juuuuust RightTake a photo using any guidelines 3 times10
TimelessTake a photo at every time setting15
On the Road AgainComplete the first chapter of the Donut Media HiLow Story10
Hi FiveComplete all chapters of the Donut Media Hi Story20
Low FiveComplete all chapters of the Donut Media Low Story20
Give it the Beans!Earn 3 Stars on all chapters of both Hi and Low stories30
Back To SchoolComplete the first chapter in the Icons of Speed Story20
A New EraComplete all chapters in the Icons of Speed Story20
A True IconEarn 3 Stars in all chapters of the Icons of Speed Story30
Give Me Five!Apply and purchase an upgrade to 5 cars at the Horizon Test Track20
Leaving TracksDrive 50 miles (80.5km) at the Horizon Test Track20
Maxing OutMaintain a speed of 200mph (321.8km/h) for 10 seconds at the Horizon Test Track10


The 2010 Nissan Tsuru is coming to Forza Horizon 5 not only as an unlockable reward in the Festival Playlist, it is now also a new starter option for The Eliminator. Next time you enter this battle royale game mode, you will be able to start the competition behind the wheel of the Tsuru. Good luck becoming the last car standing!


The newest feature to improve your Horizon Festival experience is here: experience the brand-new Drift Camera feature available for the Chase View. Access this feature through “HUD and Gameplay” in the Settings Menu. You will be able to tweak and customize your experience by changing different settings.

Adjusting the sensitivity of the camera will modify the ratio of car angle to camera angle. Reducing the Look Speed setting will smooth out the camera’s movement due to changes in direction. Finally, the Drift Camera Range changes how the camera moves when the car is at peak angle.


A brand-new Car Pack is hitting Forza Horizon 5! These four super-powered cars are here to do what they do best: lift some dust.

Plan your ideal track day and race away with the vehicles available in the Super Speed Car Pack.

2022 Volkswagen Golf R​


What you are looking at right now is not only an amazingly fun hatchback ready to deliver a supercar experience on a budget ride, but the 2022 Volkswagen Golf R also the most powerful Golf ever produced and its 2.0-liter engine with 315 hp are here to prove It.
As the race car that it is, the Golf R is built with an AWD system and a magnificent braking system that makes it swift and nimble entering and exiting the tightest of corners.
Make this car feel right at home by driving it along the twistiest, bendiest, craziest tracks you can find at the Horizon Festival.

2022 Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 RS​


The most exciting part of the 2022 Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 RS is the “GT” in its name. This means this car was designed with the intention of performing as best as it could on the track and outside of it. And the Porsche engineers really delivered on that purpose.
The GT4 RS was fitted with the same engine that you can find on the 911 GT3 with the slight distinction that it is now fitted in the middle. So you will now be delighted by the delicious noise that comes out of its naturally aspirated, 4-liter flat six that produces a monstrous 493 bhp.
And to add up to the improvements made on this machine, the stiffer suspension and heavily improved aerodynamics will make this one of the strongest candidates for your favorite track toy.

2020 KTM X-Bow GT2​


Lean, precise, and lethal on the tarmac, the 2020 KTM X-Bow is the ideal weapon of choice for drivers having a go on the track.
Its Audi 5-cylinder turbocharged engine puts you in charge of 600 bhp, combine those stats with its incredibly light weight and you get an explosively fast vehicle that will cut through raceways like butter.
The X-Bow is locked and loaded to pierce through the competition at the Horizon Festival on the Super Speed Car Pack.

2019 Elemental RP1​


When you get behind the driver’s seat of a 2019 Elemental RP1 you are trading a windshield for massive amounts of speed. And we believe that is a good trade.
Every bit of this car, including the driving position, was thought of and designed to make the car lighter, more aerodynamic, and, of course, much faster than any other you could meet on the track. The RP1 is said to generate as much downforce as an F1 car.
And all of the weight goes into the most important part: the engine. This car produces a whopping 370bhp through its 2.3L Ford Ecoboost turbocharged engine. Paired up with its 1,000 kg total weight and this car can blast from 0 – 100 km/h in just 2.7 seconds
A unique ride that can finish a lap in the blink of an eye, the RP1 is a statement on racing and versatility.


More exciting cars are coming to Forza Horizon 5 as rewards for the Festival Playlist during Día de Muertos including two of Mexico’s most versatile stars, the 2010 Nissan Tsuru and the 1964 Volkswagen Sedan, as well as the completely Mexican lightweight speedster, the 2017 Vuhl 05RR.

Additional unique challenges are also coming, such as finding and collecting 10 of the newest collectibles, the Mariachi Gas Tank, hidden all over the Horizon Festival in the Autumn Week 2 season.
Take a closer look at the reward cars you will be able to unlock using your hard-earned PTS.

1962 Ferrari 250 GT Berlinetta Lusso​

Earn 80 PTS during the Día de Muertos Festival Playlist series. Available from October 12 until November 12.
A super model on wheels, the 1962 Ferrari 250 GT Berlinetta Lusso is a slick, cool dream of a car every boy wants to see parked in its driveway. With a body designed by Pininfarina, it is not a surprise the 250 was owned by the likes of Eric Clapton and Steve McQueen.
With all the talk about its looks, you would almost forget it is a GT car as well. Even though it was not made for running, the Lusso sported a 3.0-liter V12 engine that could produce 240 bhp and it put them to work, earning the title of the fastest passenger car of the period.
This jet set icon spearheaded a new era of Ferrari production cars that were built for racing and traffic.

2010 Nissan Tsuru​

Earn 20 PTS during Week 1 “Summer” Season on the Día de Muertos Festival Playlist. Available from October 12 until October 19.
Few cars are loved on a foreign land so much as the 2010 Nissan Tsuru is on Mexico; you can find one at almost every red light you stop at.
They can be famously seen as taxis all over the country (specially in Mexico City) and as highly customized street racers, versatility is what makes this car great.
Whether you are looking forward to putting neon lights underneath it and fit it with a massive wing (a classic Mexican take on this car) or just want to unlock it for its undeniable charm, an icon like the Nissan Tsuru might be the perfect way to celebrate Día de Muertos on its new home, Mexico.

2023 Meyers Manx 2.0​


Earn 20 PTS during Week 2 “Autumn” Season on the Día de Muertos Festival Playlist. Available from October 19 until October 26.
Nothing screams “car nostalgia” more than a sand buggy running wild on its favorite terrain. And no one knew how to do that better than Meyers Manx. Lucky for us, they are back after more than 50 years with an all-new electric sand buggy that puts new EV tech on a retro body.
While this vehicle is designed to have some fun in the sand, it does not shy away from power. The Manx 2.0 is equipped with 202 bhp which will be able to produce 240 pound-feet of torque to enjoy on any sandy landscape.
This icon of the past is ready to get groovy at the Horizon Festival in the Autumn season.

2022 Ford Bronco Raptor​


Earn 20 PTS during Week 3 “Winter” Season on the Día de Muertos Festival Playlist. Available from October 26 until November 21
The name may say “raptor”, but the 2022 Ford Bronco Raptor resembles a T-rex better. Massive muscle built on top of even more muscle, this all-terrain vehicle has the soul of a muscle car and the body of a mountain.
Under the bonnet of this dino you’ll find a turbocharged 3.0-liter V6 that powers an indomitable special long travel suspension built to be put to the test any surface may bring or even jump in the air.
Hear the mighty roar of the Bronco Raptor with 20 PTS on the Festival Playlist.

1951 Porsche 356 SL​


Earn 20 PTS during Week 4 “Spring” Season on the Día de Muertos Festival Playlist. Available from November 2 until November 9.
Racing history in car form is the best way to describe the 1951 Porsche 356 SL. This vehicle has done it all. Run and win Lemans, do the Liege-Rome-Liege rally, and set an alarming number of records.
This car was fitted with different engines and could be set to different configurations according to the race it was about to run. Notably, three different chassis of this car were fitted with a 1.2-liter engine and the only one that remained won the 1,100-cc class on Le Mans.
One of the very first cars to run under the Porsche name, this coupe is a historical wonder worthy of any museum and even more so of your very own garage.



The Horizon Festival welcomes the biggest and most muscular cars from American Automotive history as well as 4 new Road Racing routes that will also be available in Rivals and Horizon Open. More details to come in November!
Se não me engano os carros ai vem por DLC paga né? Toma no meu C*. GT4 RS eu PRECISO, mas se não tiver com o ronco fuderoso dele, taco uma bomba na Playground

FH5 Release Notes: October 10th, 2023​

We're constantly working to improve the experience in Forza Horizon 5. Below you will find a summary of items fixed or improved upon in this update.

New Features (Available from October 10th)

  • Drift Camera (Chase View)
  • Additional Eliminator Starter Car - 2010 Nissan Tsuru
  • 15 Día de Muertos EventLab props
  • 13 Achievements
  • 2 Día De Muertos Player Badges
  • 1 Día De Muertos Accolade
  • 3 Cosmetics Items: 1 Forza Motorsport Race Suit, 2 Día De Muertos Outfits
    • Forza Motorsport Race Suit: delivered to all players through an in-game message on October 10th
    • Día De Muertos Outfits: delivered to all players through in-game message on November 2nd
"Día De Muertos" Limited Timed Series Features (Available from October 12th until November 9th)

  • Evolving World: Día De Muertos Decorations
  • Evolving World: Día De Muertos Drone Show
  • Evolving World: Tank Mariachi collectible (also available in EventLab as a standalone prop)
Unlockable cars

  • 4 Festival Playlist Reward Cars (Available from October 12th onwards)
    • 2010 Nissan Tsuru
    • 2023 Meyers Manx 2.0
    • 2022 Ford Bronco Raptor
    • 1951 Porsche 356 SL
“Super Speed Car Pack” cars (Available from October 10th - Not included with the Forza Horizon 5 Car Pass, Standard, Deluxe or Premium Editions)

  • 2019 Elemental RP1
  • 2020 KTM X-Bow GT2
  • 2022 Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 RS
  • 2022 Volkswagen Golf R
Bug fixes and changes


  • Fixed an issue where ASL/BSL videos were missing from some Horizon Stories (Anniversary, Made in Mexico, Drift Club, Horizon Wilds)
  • Fixed an issue where on some occasions, photos were saved with visible guidelines (Bug ID 3909725)
  • Players can now play EventLab events on other tracks via the Pause Menu and will be travelled to that track before playing the event.
  • General performance and stability fixes

  • Prefab Menu now includes a manually curated Featured tab
  • Added ability to filter via track when searching for EventLab events
    • Developer’s Notes: As this feature has been added with this update, it will work with Blueprints created from this Series Update onwards.
  • Improvements made to Snap node cull distance when working with large props
  • Improvements made to Attachment Nodes which could disappear or be unable to attach to other nodes
  • Fixed an issue where props could randomly move when in placement mode (Bug ID 3904521)
  • Fixed an issue where the Prefab’s thumbnail unintendedly changed when moving or copying that Prefab (Bug ID 3909177)
  • Fixed an issue where the number of likes and downloads of a Prefab was not correctly updated in My Prefabs menu (Bug ID 3907615)
  • Fixed an issue in EventLab Island where the Event map pin image was missing on the Map and Mini Map (Bug ID 3906978)
  • Fixed an issue where editing a route with Red or Blue checkpoint flares could make them immovable and, upon any other edit, could change their flag type (Bug ID 3906986)
  • Fixed an issue where the prefab thumbnail camera would be placed in a poor position (Bug ID 3907060)
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes players could experience graphic corruption on EventLab Island when accessing playing through XCloud (Bug ID 3910733)

  • Fixed an issue with the 2021 BMW M3 where exterior windows couldn’t be tinted (Bug ID 3910439)
  • Fixed an issue with the 2021 BMW M4 where the driver was incorrectly placed inside the car (Bug ID 3910518)
  • Fixed an issue with the 2015 BMW i8 where the AC Schnitzer widebody kit removed mirrors in cockpit view (Bug ID 3910518)
  • Fixed an issue with the 2018 BMW M5 where the AC Schnitzer spoiler was clipping through the rear boot while in ForzaVista (Bug ID 3910433)
  • Fixed an issue with the 1996 BMW 850CSi where vinyl was incorrectly mapped when using the widebody kit (Bug ID 3910522)
Offtopic. Meteram uma M2 2023 no NFS Unbound com um
Bodykit foda. Acho que vou baixar de novo pra brincar

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