Heroes of Newerth (dota 2.0) Preview ...

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500 Keys Arenammo BR = 500 Noobs Quiters x +3 convites = 500 + 1500 Noobs Quiters = 2000 Noobs quiters em 1 semana.

Só digo uma coisa, vai ser tenso jogar.

Pra isso tem os stats.

E outra, como já foi dito, a opção shuffle é muito interessante pra quem joga

sozinho, desmancha panela.
To cansado de ser kicado dos jogos por causa dos meus stats :(
Só pq tenho 75% de vitórias e 4:1 de Kill death ratio...Tem tido muita panela nesse jogo
To cansado de ser kicado dos jogos por causa dos meus stats :(
Só pq tenho 75% de vitórias e 4:1 de Kill death ratio...Tem tido muita panela nesse jogo

considere-se sortudo. eu sou kikado por não ter 75% de vitórias...
Alguem po gentileza arruma um convite?
os 3 primeiros que me mandaram pm com o email eu vo invita
Bom.. patch deve sair hoje ainda com grandes melhorias!
Ainda nao tem um patch log mas algumas das coisas previstas são:
• Otimização e establidade nos servers!
• Novos Heróis - Valkyrie (potm port) & Maliken (hopefully makes it in)!
• Funcionalidade basica de Clan - criação, tags, gerenciamento, canal reservado, buddy list do clan, etc...
• Pub Skill Rating (PSR) - uma skill rating baseada em ELO similar ao de Xadrez !
• Auto Team Balance - Quem hostear pode agora ativar o auto balance no lobby do jogo baseado no novo sistema de rating PSR assim como tambem travar pessoas em um time para jogarem com amigos.
• Nova Interface do Shop - Menor, reposicionada com dicas aparecendo quando o cursor esta em cima

Espero que o novo sistema de rating melhore bastante as coisas!
Pra quem não conhece esses sistema :
Então provavelmente vão dar roll back nos stats denovo :(
Quase que certo isso, já que esse sistema é bem diferente!!
E acho que é o mais certo mesmo, além de mais justo!
Assim evita aquela coisa de cara fodão entrar em sala de noob pra ficar ownando pra ganhar stats! Com esse sistema ele não vai ganhar quase nada, praticamente perdendo o tempo dele ( se o intuito era só melhorar mesmo os stats) !!
Bom.. patch deve sair hoje ainda com grandes melhorias!
Ainda nao tem um patch log mas algumas das coisas previstas são:
• Otimização e establidade nos servers!
• Novos Heróis - Valkyrie (potm port) & Maliken (hopefully makes it in)!
• Funcionalidade basica de Clan - criação, tags, gerenciamento, canal reservado, buddy list do clan, etc...
• Pub Skill Rating (PSR) - uma skill rating baseada em ELO similar ao de Xadrez !
• Auto Team Balance - Quem hostear pode agora ativar o auto balance no lobby do jogo baseado no novo sistema de rating PSR assim como tambem travar pessoas em um time para jogarem com amigos.
• Nova Interface do Shop - Menor, reposicionada com dicas aparecendo quando o cursor esta em cima

Espero que o novo sistema de rating melhore bastante as coisas!
Pra quem não conhece esses sistema :

Olha só que maravilha !

Esses novos métodos devem ser show, claro, nem sempre saem 100% mas o que importa é que estão correndo atrás e se necessário com alguns ajustes
tem tudo para dar certo, go go go HoN.
É, esses stats realmente eram uma desgraça pro pessoal novo, o cara que não sabe jogar entrava, fodia o jogo, perdia, até o cara pegar o jeito era umas 6 ~10 loss pros stats HEIUheuiehUIEHui
Não que eu goste de ownar noob, mas geralmente as salas x3 a maioria é noob, aí já viu, só saio com 7/0,8/1...E ainda pra piorar sempre tem um nighthound, um scout, aí eu pego pestilence e tá feita a desgraça.

O patch saiu.......download nowwwwww
saiu update, 232mb, praticamente o tamanho do jogo quando se baixa a primeira vez.

ps. nao to conseguindo baixar... fica em 0%
Tem milhões de nerds baixando (olha lá no fórum o povo chorando :lol:), aqui também não sai de 0%. Tem que esperar acalmar porque do jeito que tá...


Version 0.1.30
NOTE: Your custom bindings will be reset with this patch. If you want to preserve them, backup your startup.cfg file before patching. This issue has been fixed for all future patches.
- Several optimizations to how servers load resources. Should decrease hitching for players when a new game starts on the same server they are using
- Servers now reset network resources between matches
* This prevents clients from having to load all heroes ever loaded on that server instance when connecting
- Players may now disable unit voice responses in the options menu
- The Game List filters can now be set to: Allowed, Not Allowed, or No Preference. This allows players to more explicitly define the exact type of game they wish to play in.
- The Game List now has mouse-over tool tips for each of the game modes and icons
- Increased the size of all ability icons by ~20%
- Decreased the visual size of trees (note that they still take up the same amount of space, this should not affect pathing)
- Announcer voice over for Hero selection
- Added Portuguese translation

= New Features =
Pub Skill Rating
- Pub Skill Rating is a rough estimation of player skill level from public (non-ranked) games. It is an ELO based value that accounts for who you are winning and losing to. Note that it will take 20 games for your PSR to become valid, and before then it won't be displayed.
- Included with the PSR system is a team balance feature for game hosts to use, which will attempt to balance the game based on the players' PSR.
- Hosts also have the ability to lock (reserve) player slots to prevent players joining that slot. Locked slots will be unaffected by the team balance feature.
Basic Clan Integration
- Ability to create clans and modify the roster (invite and kick players)
- Added in-game clan tags in several places
- Reserved clan channels
- Fully functional clan buddy list
New Shop Interface
- Much smaller, and can be moved/drag via holding left click. Also contains an Outpost section.
- Upon closing and re-opening the shop, the shop will now remember where you were and re-open to the same spot
- New, compact, tool tips that follow the cursor when mousing over items
- Improved feedback as to if an item will go to your stash or inventory when purchased
- Improved feedback as to if clicking on an item will open recipe panel or buy that item
Additional Scores Information
- New button that allows a preview of the score pane to be displayed, showing hero icon and level
- Added team deaths to the gameplay interface, beneath the clock
New Map: Darkwood Vale 3v3
- This is a fast paced map designed for 3v3 play
- We may eventually allow up to 4v4 on this map, but for now we are limiting it to limit feedback to the appropriate game size
* It should be noted that this map has received limited internal testing and tweaking. With that in mind, please report any and all issues you find on the forum
New Hero: Valkyrie, based off DOTA hero Priestess of the Moon
- The ancient sagas of the heathen north have long told to the tale of the battle-women known as Valkyries. For centuries, their ranks have thinned as the old ways have died out and civilization stretched its smothering hand over the frozen wilds. But some Valkyries still remain, cold and swift as the north wind, wielding their lances with expertise to rival the most veteran Legion warriors.
- Ability 1: Call of the Valkyrie
* Valkyrie calls forth several Battle Maidens to damage nearby enemies.
- Ability 2: Javelin of Light
* Valkyrie hurls a Javelin of Light toward a target location. The first enemy hit will be damaged and stunned. Stun duration depends on the distance the Javelin has traveled.
- Ability 3: Courageous Leap
* Valkyrie leaps forward, charging to battle. Her courage inspires nearby allies when she lands, granting increased movement and attack speed.
- Ability 4: Valkyrie's Prism
* Valkyrie bends light itself, shrouding all allied heroes on the map in stealth.

= Gameplay =
- Non-aura based states now have a shrinking border around them that indicate total duration
- Fixed tower damage to creeps to deal 100% damage, down from 125%
- New channeling code to allow things like toggle abilities to not break channeling
* This is a rather large change to our channeling code, please make special note of any issues or bugs you run into and report them.
- Some tweaks to AI and behavior
* Towers will now prefer to attack targets attacking the tower rather than targets by proximity. Towers still prioritize targets attacking allied heroes
* Siege units prioritize creeps over heroes when both are in range
* Neutrals will switch to the nearest target when chasing
* Gadgets now have a low aggro priority
- The targeting portion of using a skill will be cancelled if the user is silenced before they can use the skill
* Attempted spell casts while silenced are no longer queued. Note that spell casts while stunned still queue

- Fixed cool down on Brutalizer, it will now fail to stun targets while in cool down
- Sacrificial Stone will no longer lose a charge if wielder dies with a Token of Life
- Sacrificial Stone now gains charges from indirect kills (kills by owned gadgets, pets, or illusions)
- Runed Axe's splash damage no longer triggers when attacking structures
- Runed Axe's splash damage radius set to 225, from 300
- Insanitarius will now begin its cool down when first toggled on, rather than when toggled off
- Fireshield now has a cast effect type of Magic, preventing it from being cast on Magic Immune targets such as wards
- Lowered Cauterize cool down to 6 seconds, from 7
- Sear now buffs Accursed on the first attack
- Base agility gain from 2.5 to 3.2
- Tweaked the Spider Sting's spiderling
* The Spiderling has a movement speed of 522
* It will now last for 6 total attacks, up from 4
* Each attack deals 75/150/225 Physical damage, increased from 62,138,225
* Fixed tool tip, the debuff applied by the Spiderling on attack will now be displayed
* Removed Clear vision and True Sight from Spiderling. Instead, its target will be permanently revealed while the Spiderling lives
- Spine Burst's cast action time set to 0 seconds
- Increased intelligence gain per level from 2.2 to 2.8
- Damage cap for Armordillo to release a spine burst decreased to 250 from 300
- Improved side angles on Armordillo to 110 degrees
- Reworked how Chaotic Flames interacts with Fireball
* Lv.1: 25% chance for a 2x cast
* Lv.2: 40% chance for at least a 2x cast, with a 20% chance to become a 3x cast
* Lv.3: 50% chance for at least a 2x cast, with a 25% chance to become at least a 3x cast or 12.5% chance to become a 4x cast
* Chaotic Flames increases the mana cost of Fireball by 30/80/110
- Chaotic Flames is no longer boosted by Staff of the Master
Blood Hunter:
- Feast will no longer heal Blood Hunter as the result of killing gadgets
Dark Lady:
- Cover of Darkness cool down increased to 150 seconds (from 120), duration changed to 6/9/12 seconds (from 7/10.5/14)
- Fixed several issues causing the spirits of Unholy Expulsion to trigger attack events, such as Legionnaire's Whirling Blade and Helm of the Black Legion
- Fixed several issues in regards to the behavior of the spirits in Unholy Expulsion
- Reworked voice clips, nerfing the "annoying factor" by 95%
- Decay may now be used without breaking Devour
- Tundra Blast cast impact time reduced to 0.3 seconds, from 0.4. Total cast time reduced to 0.54 seconds, from 1 second
- Ice Imprisonment cast impact time reduced to 0.3 seconds, from 0.4. Total cast time reduced to 0.54 seconds, from 1 second
- Cast action time of Glacial Downpour set to 0 seconds, from 0.5 seconds
* This fixes an issue causing Glacial DOwnpour to only last 3.5 seconds instead of the full 4 seconds
- Fixed an issue causing units in the 625 AOE of Glacial Downpour not to have movement and attack speed debuff applies to them
- Mighty Swing's splash damage no longer triggers when attacking structures
- Mighty Swing's splash damage radius set to 175, from 350
- Tweaked attack animation speed to match the impact point
- Lowered Base Armor by 1 point (2.8->1.8)
- Stalk grants a 50% movement speed increase, down from 500%
* This still gives him maximum movement speed with boots when unhindered, however if he is slowed by other means he will no longer travel at max speed
- Barrel Roll reworked
* Barrel Roll now uses a boomerang-like mechanic, returns Madman to his original position after reaching the target destination
* Units hit by Barrel Roll will be stunned for 1/1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds. Damage remains the same.
- Reduced passive crit chance from 10/18/26/36% to 10/16/22/28%
Mage Bane
- Mana Rift now deals its damage in a 250 AOE around the primary target
- Decreased base strength from 21 to 16
- Second ability is no longer channeled. Teleporting allies simply has a 6/5/4/3 second delay
- Targeted allies may move as far as they wish, it will no longer cancel the teleportation
- Stalagmites cast action time set to 0
- Chuck cast action time set to 0
Puppet Master:
- Voodoo Puppet can no longer be dispelled
* Fixes a bug where dispelling an affected target would kill the dummy prematurely
- Increased leash range between the Puppet and its target to 1500 (from 1000)
* Also increased size of the puppet
- Base strength increased to 20 (from 17) and strength gain per level increased to 2.1 (from 1.9)
- Base agility raised to 20 (from 17)
- Venomous Leap's movement speed debuff now slows by 40% at all levels (from 10/20/30/40%)
* The debuff now lasts 2/3/4/5 seconds from 2.25/3/3.75/4.5 seconds
- Primal Instincts reworked and renamed to Terror:
* Applies Terror to enemy heroes for 20 seconds in a 450 radius around self
Terror Effects
* -4/8/12 armor
* When attacked, applies Enraged to attacker
Enraged Effects
* +30/50/70% attack speed
* +15% movement speed
- Healing Wave's damage is now marked as both Splash and Physical
* This fixes a bug causing it to deal damage to gadgets, such as Pollywog's Voodoo Wards
- Impalement will no longer target gadgets (such as wards)
- Impalement can now target structures
- Impalement will now continue after his death
- Agonizing Bonds can no longer hit invisible units or units in the fog of war
- Torment will now properly toggle off when Torturer is silenced
- WildSoul's bear is now immune to Transfigurement, prevent it from being transfigured via Tempest's Elemental ability
- Tweaked attack animation speed to match the impact point

Bug fixes:
- Fixed spectators and referees from being kicked by the AFK rules
- Fixed an issue causing binds to be reset upon patching. Note that that they will still get reset on this update, this will fix the issue for future updates
eita.....tava com uma media de 8kills 3deaths 60% de vitoria.....190 kills em 30 partidas.....

e voces?
nao consegui atualizar mas consegui entrar no jogo normalmente, vo jogar uma partida aqui, depois tento atualizar
Aqui eu abri o jogo e a atualização nem apareceu, depois fechei e abri denovo ai sim apareceu a atualização...

Otima noticia esse adicional de lingua portugues, nem tanto pela tradução, mas pelo reconhecimento da quantidade de brasileiros que tem no jogo. ;)
ai galera qnd alguem conseguir atualizar posta aki pra matar a afliçao....blz?
baixei 9% e depois paro de baixar sozinho -.-
parcero tem q esperar sair no site o jogo inteiro......eh q la ainda ta pra baixar o

baixando de la eh mais rapd e nao tem interrupçao......esse up de 230mb vai cair toda ora....

:/ tenso!
Ta foda mesmo.
S2 games nao tem metodos auternativos de update nao? deveriam disponibilizar links auternativos e ate mesmo torrent.

to baixando aqui mas ta vindo em uma velocidade extremamente ridicula, 12kbps
ai rapha se liga eu axei um site de montar signature do seu stats mas nao to consiguindo botar aki no forum ve ai se tu consegue!!!!

consegui depois de muito custo....

daqui apouco posto mais imagens

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