Left 4 Dead - [ TÓPICO OFICIAL ]

Provavelmente a historia do jogo vá se explicando de acordo com a campanha do mesmo.

Coloca meu nome ae na lista de jogadores.

Steamid: lepletier

Só preciso esperar chegar meu jogo, já que comprei o box invés de comprar pela steam.

Foi sobre isso que quis duzer! Não se sabe bada sobre a história do jogo! Coisas como onde começou a infecção se tem gente por tras e etc... Só to sentindo falta de uma ideia melhor sobre isso mesmo hehe

EDIT: Quero ver se essa semana ja compro o jogo! =D
ae me adiciona ae, to pensando em comprar o original tbm, mas vai ser na caxinha tbm

ttt steam: Williantt
queria sber, se eu comprar o box, eu vou poder ter esse jogo no meu steam pra baixar aonde eu quiser tambem?

*******, esse jogo ta demais!

me steam é pcabreira
adicionem ai!

ps: altas jogatina hoje heim carrasco?! mal pelos vacilos, haha
Ja to com o jogo tbm, só na espera pra liberar, me add na lista ai

nick: chick steam id: chick747
queria sber, se eu comprar o box, eu vou poder ter esse jogo no meu steam pra baixar aonde eu quiser tambem?

Adiciona ao primeiro post
SteamID: elmatador2007
To no aguardo do lançamento....

Nick no Steam: Rafael H Capati
ID: rafaelcapati_br


E as dicas são interessantes:

* When playing as a Boomer or a Smoker, make sure you've got your target before you unleash your primary attack. The aphrodesic vomit and gross tongue are potent, but they take a long time to recharge.
* Coordinate with your fellow zombies. A successful Boomer attack, followed by the resulting horde, with a Hunter and a Smoker attack mixed in there is exponentially more effective than anyone on their own.
* When playing as the survivors, DO NOT GO INTO THE CORNFIELD. You will die. Stick to the open path. We cannot stress this enough. If you go into the corn, you will not come out.
* Survivors need to stick together. If you get too far ahead of or behind the group, you're an easy target, particularly for Smokers. If Daikatana taught us anything, it's that you can't leave without your buddy Superfly!
* Don't stop for nothing. The slower you move as a survivor, the more time you give the zombies to respawn, which is a surefire way to drain your health before you make it to the safe house.
* This damn game is hard. Out of eight total maps (each team plays both infected and survivors on each map), only one team of survivors actually made it to the safe house. Fighting off the constant barrage of a well-coordinated zombie team is no mean feat. So don't expect to finish the map every time you play.
* Don't get cocky as the survivors. You can go from full health to dead in an instant. Our team got separated in that cornfield and then obliterated in about two minutes. Later while playing the zombies, we shut down the other team with a well-executed Tank-and-Smoker combo as they made their last stand in a house.
* The zombie screeches sound honest-to-God horrific. They're like a mix of the infected from 28 Days Later and the vampires in 30 Days of Night. Real nails-on-chalkboard stuff here. Chilling.
* Stick your nose in every corner. There are items hidden in some obscure places, and even if they're just pain pills or an extra pistol, you need them. Seriously, you have no idea how scarce items and health are in this game. Every match played as the humans feels like an actual struggle to survive. It's grueling.
* AVOID THE WITCH. I had never heard of the witch before our match, but I learned to avoid her real quick. The Tank seems like the bruiser of the infected side, but I'm pretty sure the witch is the heaviest hitter. Here's the trick: She sits on the ground wailing, so keep your ears open for her whimpers. If your team gives her a wide enough berth, she won't wake up. Also, turn off your damn flashlight. That'll rouse her just as quickly.
* Always play as Louis. This has no effect on the gameplay, but we just really love the way he says “Bill!” whenever you aim at that grizzled old war vet and click in the left stick. If you're anywhere near as stupid as us, you'll be running around, emphatically shouting “Bill!” at your friends for weeks.
esse jogo, vai precisar de servidores ou alguem cria e conecta o resto?
Me poe na lista ae...

>%K&v!n B@con%<
steamID: baconbrasil
Tinha visto lançamento dia 17/11, depois vi no Steam 18/11, que merd@. Que horas será que libera?

Nick: Obelix
Acc: Edgang
Pryds, arruma lá onde tá escrito: "* languagens com suporte a áudio."
O correto seria linguagens ou idiomas, languagens não existe.

Parabéns pelo tópico, está muito bem feito.
Pryds me add ai na lista de steam

Nick - Steamid
utR - utR

e sobre a história... eles são imunes ao virus ? Mais se eles forem atacados, eles morrem ue. :p
Alguem sabe que horas será no BRASIL quando for 12:00 EST?
Nao sou um nerd desesperado, entao vo esperar chegar na Fnac Brasília :p

Belo tópico, ja adicionei nos sites relacionados da comu :yes:

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