[TÓPICO OFICIAL] No Man's Sky: Endurance

Estou com uma missão bugada, é a missão principal padrões no tempo, na missão eu tenho que cumprir dois contratos com um gek, sendo que já fiz isso 4 vezes e continua dizendo para fazer 2 contratos, existe alguma solução?
Eu apanhei um pouco nessa aí mas consegui assim:

Lá no npc das missões, vc vai escolher dentre as que tem disponíveis ali, as missões que tem o símbolo gek, aquele bico. Pq lá tem missão pros vykeens, pros geks, pra guilda dos mercenários, etc, mas pra esta missão sua em específico, só completa com missões dos geks.
Pessoal antes da atualização no caso na versão Next eu estava pegando os glifos e ja tenho 14 glifos que era so falar com o viajante pagar os 100 nanitos e ele me dava o endereço do tumulo, mas agora depois da atualização eu tento fazer a mesma coisa e no final ele fala que me da o glifo mas não aparece nada, eu to achando que é por causa que agora ele pode estar repetindo mas de qualquer forma não aparece nem a imagem que eu recebi alguma coisa.
Alguem pode me ajudar, pois peguei alguns sistemas onde tem armas e naves exoticas e classe S e queria ir buscar mas precisa desses ultimos glifos que eu não tenho .
Ouvi falar bem dessa expansão nova, fui olhar o preço do jogo na steam é de 129 Mourões :nps:
Finalmente uma atualização pra minha Caixa X. Demorou! :vish:

Hello everyone,

Thank you again to everyone playing Beyond, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting.

We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of stability issues. Fixes for these were released on Steam experimental, and this patch, 2.11, is now live on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

Bug fixes

  • Increased the speed at which text in alien interactions prints out after clicking to move the interaction on.
  • Cut down the amount of text in Cartographer interactions.
  • Allowed players to exchanged multiple pieces of navigation data at a time at the Cartographer.
  • Fixed an issue that caused sulpherine to be extracted at a significantly lower rate than other gases.
  • Fixed an issue that caused mineral extractors to fail to work when placed on rare mineral hotspots such as gold.
  • Fixed an issue that caused all technologies installed on the freighter to be filled with incorrect products.
  • Fixed a number of issues in driver warning boxes that could occur when all available drivers were out of date.
  • Fixed a rare memory corruption issue.
  • Fixed an issue where the Mod Warning and Low Disk Space Warning could cause a softlock in VR.

This patch also brings all previous fixes to consoles:

  • Fixed a number of issues where technology was not being correctly detected in exosuits and starships after being moved around or between inventories. This includes being unable to recharge hazard protection.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing starships to vanish when landing on space stations in systems with a high number of ambient freighters.
  • Fixed a number of input issues that were causing the free scaling and rotating of base parts to be unavailable.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing players in non-Euclid galaxies to lose or fail to add teleport destinations.
  • Fixed a number of issues with the refiner UI, including the increase and decrease amount buttons not working.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent Portal Glyphs being learned from Traveller interactions.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a long delay when handing in missions at the Mission Board.
  • Added a number of missing base parts to the Construction Research Unit on the Space Anomaly.
  • Fixed a number of snapping issues with Landing Pads.
  • Fixed a number of snapping/placement issues with Medium Refiners.
  • Fixed a number of base part snapping issues that occurred only in multiplayer.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the planetary north and south pole compass markers to be invisible.
  • Improved the messaging when completing a mission at the Nexus, to make it more clear where you will be when you exit the Space Anomaly.
  • Made a number of cosmetic improvements to automated creature milking.
  • Fixed an issue that caused freighter upgrades to cost far too many Salvaged Frigate Modules.
  • Made the HUD markers for players in your group consistent colours.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the teleporter on the Space Anomaly not to show screenshots of available bases.
  • Fixed a number of visuals issues with the Space Anomaly teleporter UI, including tidying the presentation of mission icons.
  • Fixed a number of issues around entering and exiting the Space Anomaly while on a Nexus mission.
  • Fixed an issue where the Base Overseer would not start automatically in creative mode after placing a terminal.
  • Fixed a number of cases of incorrect text when viewing faction rewards from the Mission Board.
  • Fixed an issue where depots in Gek systems had an incorrect number of hitpoints.
  • Added a specific HUD marker for biological horrors.
  • Removed an incorrect warning about transferring cargo that could occur when purchasing a frigate.
  • Increased the power of the Blaze Javelin.
  • Increased the power of the Infra-Knife Accelerator.
  • Removed debug information from photo mode screenshots.
  • Attempted to restore lost freighters to savegames that were affected by the freighter deletion bug.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when deleting legacy base parts.
  • Improved VR-specific anti-aliasing.
  • Reduced graphics memory usage to improve stability.
  • Fixed an issue where transferring valuable treasures (such as ancient bones) to other players would result in an invalid product.
  • Fixed an issue where Shutter Doors had incorrect icons in the build menu.
  • Fixed an issue where Gek players would float when sitting on the ground.
  • Added a resource message when dismantling base parts.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause an infinite number of creature pellets to spawn in Creative Mode.
  • Fixed a memory leak related to starships and Exocraft.
  • When in VR, removed a number of settings that have no effect in VR.
  • Adjusted base part data to improve performance in large bases.
  • Made player-buildable sofas sittable.
  • Fixed an issue that caused dismissing notification boxes to also perform in-game actions like firing grenades.
  • Fixed a number of issues that prevented hydroponic trays from working with base power.
  • Fixed an issue where pressure switches were not available in Creative Mode.
  • Fixed Health, Power and Shield stations not receiving power aboard freighters.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Batteries and Solar Panels not to attach correctly to building roofs.
  • Fixed an issue that caused animals not to drop mordite when killed.
  • Fixed an issue that prevent mordite being placed in the Nutrient Processor.
  • Improved handling of the camera in tight spaces.
  • Fixed a number of very specific mission and dialog flow problems in multiplayer.
  • Adjusted the VR UI for the Fleet Terminal.
  • Updated the icon for the Noise Box.
  • Tweaked the UI for the Agricultural Robot.
  • Fixed an issue causing text clipping in notification boxes.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented rewards from being seen when handing in Mission Board missions, and instead held the game on a screen with no UI.
  • Adjusted the speed of the scrolling text to make it more readable.
  • Fixed an issue that caused tips about the Crystal Fragments to appear for players who had no Crystal Fragments.
  • Fixed a number of LODding issues on specific plants.
  • Fixed a number of collision issues on the Space Anomaly.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause exotic ships to hide their wings when retracting landing gear.
  • Fixed an issue that caused ship cameras to intersect with the freighter hanger.
  • Fixed an issue that caused trade terminals on freighters to intersect the floor (fix will apply to new terminals, old terminals will need to be repositioned manually).
  • Fixed a number of graphical issues aboard the freighter.
  • Made a series of small geometry optimisations to the interior of the Space Anomaly.
  • Fixed a softlock in a specific interaction in planetary factories.
  • Fixed a crash that affected large bases.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when the game is shutting down.
  • Fixed a crash in Sentinel Quad navigation.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause black squares to appear when damage numbers were turned off.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if an NPC tried to walk to an invalid location.
  • Fixed a rare crash in memory allocation.
  • Internal improvements to crash reporting.
Pessoal por favor poderiam me tirar uma duvida? comecei um novo jogo, mas o que lembro é que após consertar a nave e ir para o espaço já começava as missões e já estava a estação espacial pronta para acessar, acontece que pra mim sai para o espaço e não tem a estação espacial, o jogo só me opção de construção da base como missão, ta bugado ou libera depois as missões e estação espacial como antes? Estou em uma galaxia que tem raça dominante, não entendo...
Pessoal por favor poderiam me tirar uma duvida? comecei um novo jogo, mas o que lembro é que após consertar a nave e ir para o espaço já começava as missões e já estava a estação espacial pronta para acessar, acontece que pra mim sai para o espaço e não tem a estação espacial, o jogo só me opção de construção da base como missão, ta bugado ou libera depois as missões e estação espacial como antes? Estou em uma galaxia que tem raça dominante, não entendo...

Voce ja tentou saltar para outro sistema? concentre seu esforço nisso. E acredito que voce consiga chamar o "Nexus" através do tecla "X" no pc.
Sumiram todas as minhas naves no meu cargueiro, e cada nave tinham um krlhada de coisas, so sobrou 1 pq estava na minha base.
Alguem mais com este problema ?
Foda que tava com monte de exotica e S.

Abri agora pelo desk e voltaram as naves, ufa !
Última edição:
Boa noite

Como eu faço para aumentar a capacidade do hiperpropulsor da nave capital?

Onde eu encontro tecnologia para ela?

Sumiram todas as minhas naves no meu cargueiro, e cada nave tinham um krlhada de coisas, so sobrou 1 pq estava na minha base.
Alguem mais com este problema ?
Foda que tava com monte de exotica e S.

Abri agora pelo desk e voltaram as naves, ufa !

Sempre que isso acontecer é só mover o cargueiro de lugar que as naves voltam.

Boa noite

Como eu faço para aumentar a capacidade do hiperpropulsor da nave capital?

Onde eu encontro tecnologia para ela?


Vai dentro do cargueiro, lá na sala principal. Um dos painéis lá dentro dá pra interagir e ver a progressão pra comprar as tecnologias.
Pra ganhar as "moedas" pra debloquear tem que ir mandando as fragatas nas missões que vai coletando.
Sim, dá pra achar bem tranquilo esses Drops voando baixo e apertando C, além de encontrar as Fábricas pra aprender a construir novos itens.

* Fábricas sempre escolham aprender novo item, se errar o puzzle dá reload save
* Estruturas invadidas por aliens dão nanites, importante pra comprar upgrade

Esqueçam torres de transmissão, hologramas e cargueiros caídos, não vale o tempo.

Recomendo um bom estoque antes de fazer isso.

500 Cobalto Ionizado(Cobalto acha fácil em cavernas)
500 Metal Cromático(Cobre - Qualquer sistema solar amarelo tem cobre em abundancia
500 Carbono Condensado(Arvores/Plantas)
500 Nitrato de Sódio(Grupos de flores amarela)
500 Ferrita Pura(Convertam Pó de Ferrita pra Pura, é muito fácil)
500 Oxigênio(Construa o coletor pra fazer Carbono>Oxigênio)
10 AntiMateria

Usem o refinador, o material refinado pode ser revertido para o mais simples de precisarem.
Muito bom. Vlw pela info.

Com 20 milhoes eu compro um cargueiro? Só pode ter 1? Cargueiro é como minha base movel espacial?
Muito bom. Vlw pela info.

Com 20 milhoes eu compro um cargueiro? Só pode ter 1? Cargueiro é como minha base movel espacial?

Sim, o cargueiro pode funcionar como uma base movel. Para isso você terá que investir dentro dele, aumentando salas e colocando os equipamentos. Há algumas limitações em relação a uma base planetária, alguns equipamentos não ficam disponiveis. Para aumentar o espaço na cargueira você vai gastar bastante prata.

Acho que já dá pra comprar com essa grana, porém, algumas cargueiras são muito caras, principalmente as que tem mais slot para você guardar itens. Eu lembro que acharam uma do Tipo S, full slot, e se você não tinha cargueira pra trocar custava 500 milhões.

Ah, você só pode ter 1 mesmo.
Sim, o cargueiro pode funcionar como uma base movel. Para isso você terá que investir dentro dele, aumentando salas e colocando os equipamentos. Há algumas limitações em relação a uma base planetária, alguns equipamentos não ficam disponiveis. Para aumentar o espaço na cargueira você vai gastar bastante prata.

Acho que já dá pra comprar com essa grana, porém, algumas cargueiras são muito caras, principalmente as que tem mais slot para você guardar itens. Eu lembro que acharam uma do Tipo S, full slot, e se você não tinha cargueira pra trocar custava 500 milhões.

Ah, você só pode ter 1 mesmo.
Nice! Vlw man.

Eu to com um puta problema aqui... Fora os Drop de FPS e as congelada, quando o jogo inicia ele fica tipo slide, tipo 0,2 fps.. ai eu tenho que mudar a config de em janela sem bordas pra janela com bordas ou vice versa, e ai volta ao normal e consigo jogar. Alguém ja teve esse problema e sabe o que pode ser?
430 horas depois..... É.... acho que vou dar umas férias para a galera da frota. :vish:


Última edição:
Galera, tenho jogado NMS no meu canal (hoje sai o episódio 13), se alguém tiver interesse, quiser dar uma olhada e talz, todos são bem-vindos. Inclusive com comentários, etc. para melhorias dos vídeos.


Alguém tem conseguido fazer stream com o nms? Tentei obs e obs streamlab e ele não pega o jogo, vi que é por causa do Vulcan. Alguém tem uma solução?
Alguém tem conseguido fazer stream com o nms? Tentei obs e obs streamlab e ele não pega o jogo, vi que é por causa do Vulcan. Alguém tem uma solução?

Com a ferramenta da microsoft/windows 10 aqui funcionou (aquele windows+G), mas só fiz um teste mesmo e a plataforma não é tão conhecida.
Com a ferramenta da microsoft/windows 10 aqui funcionou (aquele windows+G), mas só fiz um teste mesmo e a plataforma não é tão conhecida.
Pelo mixer né, fiquei só de cara que eu fiz a conta faz um tempo e ta um nome bem nada vê e para trocar você precisa pagar, absurdo
Bora pegar mercúrio.

September 18, 2019.
Hello Everyone!

It has been a few weeks since our last blog post, and we wanted to share a little more news from the studio.

The team here are still working intensely to address high-priority issues, as well as to improve the overall polish and quality of life of the game. Update 2.12 has been released to all platforms today, with the long list of fixes and improvements available at the end of this post. However, we also have a larger feature to announce…

Community Research

Very soon, we will be launching a community event, with new content available to earn from the Space Anomaly. Each mission completed at the Nexus will contribute to a cross-reality target for all Travellers. Universal progress will unlock a series of exotic items synthesised by Polo’s robotic companion, available to purchase with Quicksilver.

As with every update, all this new content is completely free for all existing players – there are no microtransactions in No Man’s Sky.

The event commences today, and has no set deadline for completion. Progress may be tracked from the Galactic Atlas website, or from the Quicksilver Robot itself.

Nexus Mission Rewards

Quicksilver Reward Missions

Once each day, a mission rewarding Quicksilver will become available at the Nexus. These Quicksilver missions can queue up, to a maximum stack of 3 (so you won’t miss out even if you don’t have the opportunity to play every day).

Encrypted Missions

These rare, high-priority missions offer especially interesting and lucrative rewards. Mysterious in nature, their requirements are secret until the moment the mission commences.

From the Quicksilver Synthesis Bot

Specialist Polo’s robotic companion is busy developing a set of 5 new customisation items, which together form a complete armoured suit. This practical fashion choice is favoured by the Vy’keen, but is wearable by explorers of any race.

Each customisation item will become available for synthesis as all Traveller iterations complete missions at the Nexus.

Tier 1 – Armoured Boots

Reinforced foot protection system with integrated tread-balancing gyroscopes. Hundreds of years of high-tech research, as applied to footwear.

Tier 2 – Armoured ExoGloves

Armoured gloves, perfect for wielding weapons, impressing martial cultures, and picking really spiky plants.

Tier 3 – Armoured Leggings

Carefully woven nano-fibres make these leggings both flexible and resistant to small-arms fire. Washing requires specialist equipment.

Tier 4 – Armoured Chestpiece

Reinforced yet stylish, this Exosuit chest armour provides excellent abdominal protection without compromising on looks.

Tier 5 – Armoured Shoulderpads

Powerful shoulder armour, this Exosuit augmentation comes with high-voltage connections into the user’s skeletal system. This current jolts the user’s body as required, manipulating the muscles into their optimal defensive posture.

New Reviews

While the team has quietly continued to develop and release these improvements for the game, No Man’s Sky Beyond is reaching more and more players, as well as reviewers. It is difficult to express how meaningful it is to read these kind words about our game.

Justin Clark from Gamespot (9/10) said:

“No Man’s Sky’s most consistently powerful experience of seamless space travel nearly reduced me to tears as the upper atmosphere melted away into the silence and deep wonder of the galaxy.”
Keith Stuart from The Guardian (5/5) described Beyond as:

“Soulful, technically proficient and at times almost tearfully beautiful.”

Development Update

Patch 2.12 is live on all platforms today, with the notes available below. There is much more coming very soon. Thank you, so much, for playing.


2.12 Patch Notes

Added new events to the Nexus:

  • Occasionally, ‘Encrypted Missions’ will appear on the Nexus mission list. The objectives for these missions are hidden until the mission is in progress, but the rewards are far higher.
  • Each day, every player also has the chance to complete a Nexus mission to earn Quicksilver.
  • Added new customisation items to the Quicksilver shop: a full suit of Vy’keen-style armour.
  • Progress towards unlocking these items is achieved by community-wide completion of Nexus missions.
  • Fixed a number of mission flow issues in standard Nexus missions.
  • Increased the reward from standard Nexus missions.
  • Improved the visuals of the mission start UI in Nexus missions.
  • Introduced a number of PC VR and PSVR rendering optimisations.
  • Significantly improved image quality in PSVR: reduced blurriness caused by TAA jitter and fixed low-quality terrain/atmosphere jaggies.
  • Introduced a number of general PC optimisations.
  • Introduced an optimisation to region decoration.
  • Increased the stack multiplier on a significant number of products.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Larval Cores and Hypnotic Eyes from being used as cooking ingredients.
  • Fixed bad data in the Nutrient Refiner recipes for various cheeses and cheese-based products.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented ships/Multi-Tools/etc being rotated in the inventory.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Blaze Javelin not to work in VR.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players with Rocket Boots to jump when selecting things in the Quick Menu.
  • Rebalanced NPC language encounters so that attempts at using alien words are viewed more positively.
  • Fixed an issue that caused creature bait stored in the cargo inventory to be unavailable.
  • Fixed an issue that caused double inputs on some UI screens.
  • Fixed an issue that caused incorrect unit costs to be used when purchasing Exosuit slot upgrades.
  • Improved the audio balance in a number of places, as well as fixing some missing sounds and some incorrectly looping sounds.
  • Fixed an issue that caused NPCs to sometimes face the wrong way on the Nexus.
  • Fixed a number of incorrect and missing control icons.
  • Fixed a number of control conflict issues when plugging multiple gamepads into one PC.
  • Added validation to prevent invalid actions being bound.
  • Fixed a number of stuttering issues when using mouselook on the Steam controller.
  • Fixed an issue where the input for uploading a base screenshot did not work correctly on consoles.
  • Fixed repeated triggering of a warning noise when registering specific actions with Steam.
  • Fixed a number of issues where weapons would interfere with Quick Menu use on PC.
  • Fixed a PC controller issue that caused Discovery Page subsections to be incorrectly closed.
  • Fixed a number of colour and texture issues in a specific exotic biome variant.
  • Fixed a number of collision issues on the Space Anomaly.
  • Added audio to Cronos’ barbeque on the Space Anomaly.
  • Made landing bay seats sittable on the Space Anomaly.
  • Fixed some specific LODing issues on the Space Anomaly.
  • Fixed a number of LODing issues with specific fighter-style starship variants.
  • Fixed a number of collision and visual issues with freighter hangers.
  • Fixed an issue that caused faecium deposits to have an incorrect icon when viewed through the Analysis Visor.
  • Fixed a number of issues with the graphics settings descriptions in the PC options pages.
  • Improved the visuals of a number of mission icons.
  • Removed some erroneous automatic chat messages.
  • Added automatic chat messages when transferring items to players not in your current group.
  • Added automatic chat messages when starting missions.
  • Added automatic chat messages when short of ingredients to build a pinned item.
  • Fixed a soft lock that could occur when answering the Communicator after swapping ships or summoning ships.
  • Fixed a camera issue that could occur when answering the Communicator when playing in third person.
  • Added a workaround to prevent a permanent black screen when using older AMD drivers.
  • Added a workaround to prevent a crash bug in older AMD drivers.
  • Added a workaround for driver issues with AMD laptops.
  • Fixed a number of rare crashes when testing collision.
  • Fixed a number of inventory-related crashes.
  • Fixed a rare threading crash.
  • Fixed a softlock that could occur when opening the Nexus mission list with the chat window open.
  • Fixed a GPU crash that could occur on PS4 in the Galaxy Map and loading starfield.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when loading very large bases.
  • Fixed a rare networking crash.
  • Fixed a rare memory corruption.
  • Fixed a Linux driver issue.
  • Various localised text improvements.
Base de extração de minério e montaria.



Pessoal como está esse jogo atualmente com as atualizações? Nunca joguei. Estou pensando em comprar.
Pessoal como está esse jogo atualmente com as atualizações? Nunca joguei. Estou pensando em comprar.
Tá maravilhoso.

Agora mesmo estou numa jornada de saltos em 93 buracos negros até chegar no planeta da colônia brasileira.

Pessoal como está esse jogo atualmente com as atualizações? Nunca joguei. Estou pensando em comprar.

Se você gosta de exploração, crafing (muito!) e sobrevivência sem uma história muito profunda (apesar de que já melhoraram) vale a pena. É um sandbox espacial. Tem que ver se você curti isso.

O jogo realmente melhorou muito. O que me incomoda ainda (jogo no xbox) é que ele ainda tem problemas com construção de base. Eles permitem que você faça uma base gigante mas o jogo depois não da conta e da crash.

Tirando isso, um dos fatores que mais reclamavam era encontrar outros jogadores e o Nexus resolveu isso.

Não posso falar muito alem disso porque sou suspeito. 430 horas de jogo.
Atualmente tenho PS4, Soube do NMS a alguns dias através do meu filho de 11 anos, isto que o jogo é de 2016, mas nunca tinha me chamado a atenção. Meu filho me falou sobre o jogo, me mostrou vídeos e fez alguns comentários sobre o lançamento horrivel e as últimas atualizações que tiveram grandes elogios ..., depois pesquisei sobre o jogo e já comprei a mídia física... só esperando chegar. Na verdade estou ansioso para começar a jornada no NMS.

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