[TÓPICO OFICIAL] Noticia PC Gamers

DEV BRIEF 02 - New Map & Gamemode
In todays Dev Brief we will give an outline of the new gamemode we are introducing in Resolve.

Last weeks brief left a lof of questions, so I hope this will give you some of the answers as we continue building Resolve. Therefore this brief is longer than usual and provides a lot of information on the new mode and our thoughts behind implementing the new mechanics. So take your time and ask questions if you have any and we can give you the information you want.

First I will go into our thought-process behind making the mode, and then there will be much more details, and at the end is a scenario of how it could all play out.

As always Resolve is a work in progress, everything is subject to change and we want to build the game with your inputs.


There is a lot of new stuff to show, and one of them is a new map we will be using for the upcoming tests. The details of the map is too much to fit in this brief, so we will get into all that another day.


We are keeping everything we have built up to the tests back in March, and now we are adding a new layer on top to create more interesting fights and matches. As always it is still subject to change, but here we present our intended direction.

In the mode you will be fighting for control over freshwater, which becomes the center for your tactical and strategic decision-making.

Group up

You will start out without a team or a squad, and have to interact with other people to group up and secure a water source on the map.

Secure Water
Having water enables you to establish a team, so you can coordinate your attack and defense, and secure additional sources.

Fight for dominance
The goal of the game is to fight for dominance of the map, secure your supplylines against raiding teams and fill your water supply.

This game mode has been created to address the shortcomings that were identified during the playtests. Most noticeably the lack of reason to communicate, endless meatgrind and repetitive matches. The main goal is to create a very engaging experience that the other mode could not:
  • Create more unpredictability.
  • Each game becomes a story of camaraderie with your group.
  • Create a sense of progression throughout a match, more than just capturing points.
  • Every game should play out differently.
  • Clear and tangible objectives.
  • Simple gameplay ruleset that is easy to expand.
To do this we have left the Conquest-style point capture game mode, and haved moved to a ressource-based system, where the most important ressource for your team to control is Water.


Water was decided as the main resource in this game mode, since it is immediately recognisable as something that requires collecting, transport and storage. It could have been fuel, but we may implement that with a different system in the future. We want to explore more game modes that are not necessarily based on water as well.
  • Water is the main objective in the game mode.
  • First team to fill their water storage wins.
  • Controlling water allows you to establish teams and spawn points.
  • Water is required to spawn.
  • You can steal water from other teams.
  • If you run out of water, your team is disbanded.

  • Water can be secured at Wind Pumps that are scattered around the map.
  • You enter the map without a squad or team, and have to group up with other people to find water.
  • When you have found water, you will be able to establish a team.


When you have secured water to establish a team, the game becomes all about building and maintaining an army, while asserting control and fending off attackers.
There is limited base building mechanics in the game currently, and this can be expanded based on your feedback. We also intend you or your clan to be able to customise the appearance of the faction to your preference.


  • When you establish a team, you pick a faction.
  • The faction determines the classes and loadouts you have available.
  • A team can have multiple squads.
  • We intend clans to be able to use their insignias.
In the game mode there will be a clear progression as the fighting and battle develops. Teams will be established and demolished, rivalries will form, and we hope the fights will be tense and brutal.


The game starts with a randomised setup that dictates favourable areas of the map that you can decide to take control of early or avoid.
  • The amount of water available on the map scales with player count.
  • And the location of the water pumps is random each game.
Early Game

In the early game, people will be grouping up and taking control of water sources on the map to establish teams. They will fight or avoid each other as each team gathers information and figure out their strategy.

Mid Game

In the mid game you will have to fight for control of the map, and defend your watersupply against the enemy. All while building momentum, locking down the map and making sure you can sustain the pressure till the end. Or you can be an annoying pest and harass on your own.

End Game

In the endgame grievances have formed and smaller teams may focus their attention on disrupting the dominating power on the map. A large team needs to control more water to sustain itself, and is easily overextended.

We hope these mechanics create an interesting dynamic of risk and reward. At this stage we can only guess how it will play out with a large playercount, and can’t wait to see it in action!

Until next time
This is just the outline what we intend with the mode, we have many ideas on how to expand it, and are keen to hear your thoughts and ideas.

As always we are available in the discord to answer any question you may have. We will be testing this new map and mode with you as soon as we are done internal testing, in order to get your feedback, so we can create the best experience possible.

Thank you for reading!
Agent 64 to feature Split-screen Multiplayer
Welcome Agents,

Long time no see. It's me again, Replicant D6, talking to you directly from my current safe-house.

I'm still deep undercover trying to finish this game, and as you can see from the latest batch of videos and screenshot, my mission is getting close to an end.

Still not 100% there yet, not to the point where I can know for sure a precise release date, but be sure that things are in good shape and most of my objectives are almost completed.

I've extracted some new information to share with you tonight:

Split-screen Multiplayer


Multiplayer modes have been the number one request from agents. And even under tense questioning, I've always tried not to spill the beans on a project that I wasn't quite sure could be done.

But today I finally get to announce it! Couch Coop and DM will be featured on release. Up to 4 players both in PvE and PvP modes!

And off course all of this will also work with custom player-made maps once the modkit gets released afterward. Look forward to duke it out on your own custom battlefields!


The Mission must go on
My mission is still ongoing, I can't stay for long without compromising my cover. Expect some more news very soon!

Again thanks a lot for your overwhelming support and encouragement. It means a lot and that's what keeps me going on such a grueling solo project.
I look forward to have more news and concrete dates to share with you as soon as possible!

See you soon agents,

Devlog - Week #27 (01.10-06.10.2023) Online Features, Custom Characters
Hello everyone!

First and foremost, welcome to my DevLog series! My name is Sebastian and I am the programmer and game director of the game :) Until now, I've been posting these updates exclusively on our Discord server. Moving forward, I'll be sharing them here to make sure everyone stays informed, even if you haven't joined our Discord yet.
If you're interested in catching up, all the previous 24 DevLogs are available at http://discord.gg/TheKarters.

At the moment, my main focus is on preparing the game for the upcoming online beta, while the rest of the team diligently works on key elements for the forthcoming full release. Let's dive into the progress from the past week and in case you missed it, take a look at City Biome Race Track that we recently presented on our social channels!

New Friend System
In the prologue via Duels, currently, you have the option to discover and add a friend using a code. This makes it convenient to connect with someone not on your Steam friend list. The same system is integrated online to bridge connections across platforms (e.g., connecting a Steam user to a PlayStation friend).

The previous implementation had its challenges: codes were frequently incorrect, leading to connecting with the wrong player, or they changed inexplicably. I'm pleased to announce that I've introduced a revamped code system. More notably, I've developed an entirely new Friend system. Players no longer need to mutually add each other. Now, when you locate a friend using a code, you'll send them a friend request. The recipient then receives a notification, allowing them to accept or decline. I'm excited about this new implementation, as seamless friend interactions are essential for the game.

Custom Characters & Vehicles Tools :
The custom character system is progressing, but a little bit slower than I anticipated. I'm optimistic about finishing it out by next week's end. I've created a custom project that contains a tool to very easily export your custom character files into the game. In the upcoming week, I will focus on implementing features and logic to load these custom character packages into the game. Once finalized, you can anticipate a brief demo showcasing its functionality.

Online Beta
While the new friend system is a significant leap, there are a lot of fixes and improvements pending before the beta's launch. I can confidently say that it'll debut this month but I'll share the precise launch date as soon as I can. It's very important to ensure a great and polished online experience and I am sure it will be worth the wait. You can register via our discord[discord.gg]

Team's Work
@Mariusz has been focusing on polishing and improving the Battle Arenas. He's completed the first round of improvements on 5 arenas, which is really impressive progress!

@Mortus has finished the Blender export tools. Moving forward, our focus will be on improving these tools and thinking about new characters to introduce to the game ;)

@edward has finished the final music track for the City biome. He's also put together a teaser, which you can find below! It's fantastic, and I'm sure you'll be eagerly awaiting its full debut in the game!

The upcoming online beta is going to be fire!

Thank you all for your unwavering support.
Developer Blog: 0.5.0 Class Progression
Welcome to our first Developer Diary for Starship Troopers: Extermination!

Today we are unveiling some exciting new content, features, and changes coming to our game in Update 0.5.0 - Hives of Valaka next week! We will also be diving into some of our design thoughts and intentions behind the upcoming additions to our existing Class Progression system.

New Utilities, Perks, and Weapons

Class progression is a cornerstone of our game. When we introduced the Bastion, Hunter, and Operator to the Starship Troopers Universe we wanted to make sure they each had a meaningful impact in the game. One of the things we want to accomplish with our Class design is to ensure each base shooter archetype was represented; we feel we have hit that mark so far with having a support, dps, and tank focused Class.

As we continue to evolve and design what our final progression system will entail, we felt it was still very important to continue to add in new Utilities, Perks, and Weapons to each Class.

  • Deployable Shield Wall - Wartime Adversary Limiter. A deployable mini-structure that can wall-off confined areas. Enemies will attack the walls first.
  • Portable Sentry Turret - A Sentry turret that can be deployed, shoots at nearby enemies and explodes when destroyed.
  • Overcharge module - Attach to offensive structures to give a boost (Increase damage output of Turrets, or add passive shock damage to attacking Bugs. Lasts 30 seconds, slightly damaging the structure during the duration)
  • Long-Range Repairs - Increases Build Tool’s maximum repair range up to 15 meters
  • Reinforced Repairs - Repair walls, gates and bunkers past 100% (Up to a maximum of +30%)
  • TW-2 S.P.L.I.T Shotgun (Auto) - The SPecial Light Infantry Tactical Shotgun (Auto) is a powerful close range auto shotgun, with improved fire rate.

  • Shock Field Device - Creates a circular shock field that stuns Bugs.
  • Mobile Training - Increases clamber speed for hunters, no longer slowed by bug attacks.
  • Running Start - Get some extra height when you run and jump at the same time.
  • Spotter Training - Spotting a bug scans it (on 15-second cooldown)
  • Watkins Trigger - All explosives on the trooper detonate on death
  • TW-2 S.P.L.I.T Shotgun (Slug) - The SPecial Light Infantry Tactical Shotgun (Slug) is a powerful pump-action shotgun, with single shot slugs - better at range and single target fire.


  • Morita XXX Sniper Rifle - A heavy hitting, long range bolt action rifle. Precision pest control.

  • Rally Beacon - Allow troopers to respawn on the beacon.
  • Stim Dispenser - Place a dispenser that allows any trooper to pick up a Stim utility.
  • Guardian Drone - A deployable drone follows the operator and shoots at nearby enemies.
  • Refined - While continuously using the repair tool on a refinery harvest time will be sped up by 30%
  • Running Start - Get some extra height when you sprint and jump at the same time.
  • On your Feet! - Gives the ability to revive troopers at a distance by shouting at them; the longer the distance the slower the revive.
  • TW-2 S.P.L.I.T Shotgun - The standard SPecial Light Infantry Tactical Shotgun is a powerful close range pump-action shotgun that fires a spray of shots and has high stun damage

Class and Career XP Split Changes

New Rank Cap
Each Class will now progress to Class Rank 30, and Class XP gain will also be capped at Rank 30. Moving forward, players cannot earn bonus Class XP after they hit this Rank cap per Class. Please note that we will be looking to increase the Rank cap again in the future (and of course that means more new Weapons, Perks, and Utilities as well!).

Players will still get rewarded Career Rank Progression XP, as we have now split those XP pools out, and are rewarded post match. Career Rank Progression has also been increased to Rank 30 for this update!

Progression Tracking
Update 0.5.0 - Hives of Valaka is also bringing some changes to our progression tracking. While these changes are mostly invisible to you, we wanted to shed more light on what happens behind the scenes when changes like this are made.

For Class progression, we track XP individually for each Class. As for your Career Rank, we would previously determine your rank from the sum of the three classes’ XP. If your Bastion had 7,000 XP, your Hunter 22,000 XP, and your Operator 10,000 XP, your Career XP would be the sum of those (39,000 XP).

In the Hives of Valaka update, we are separating these two ‘tracks’ of progression. Your Career XP is now tracked separately from the Class XP. What does this mean for existing players and their XP? In short, you aren’t losing progress anywhere.

When you launch the Hives of Valaka update for the first time, we still use the sum of your Class XP as the starting point of your Career XP. From this point on, any XP gained during a match is accumulated separately for the Class you play, and your Career.

Let’s walk through an example. Let’s say you previously had:
  • 16,500 XP for Bastion (Rank 10)
  • 14,000 XP for Hunter (Rank 9)
  • 3,000 XP for Operator (Rank 4)
Your starting Career XP would be 33,500, which would take you to Career Rank 16.

Starting in this update, Class XP gain is also capped at the current maximum rank (Rank 30 in Hives of Valaka). But, since the XP gain is now properly separated you can still gain Career Rank XP even if your current Class is maxed out.

Now to answer a question we’re sure some of our top Troopers have been wondering:

Q: “What if I have already exceeded the XP cap for any of the three classes?”

A: Don't worry, your previously gained experience points aren’t disappearing anywhere! You will simply stop gaining XP for a Class, until we raise the Class Rank cap again in the future.


Now that’s all for today, but we’ll have more information on next week’s update very soon!

Stay tuned, and thank you for supporting our game!
- Starship Troopers: Extermination Development Team

Update 0.88
Greetings, brave Wielders!

Another sprint is done and we’re thrilled to announce a new update. This one is all about making your adventures smoother and a bit more random, in the very best of ways.
We are bringing you sought-after bug fixes, reduced loading times, new events for Barya, and more besides! Let’s dive a bit deeper into it and take a look at some of the highlights!

This puts the total amount of random events to over 400!

Wielders are now masters of maneuverability! They can effortlessly move through other friendly Wielders, creating more tactical opportunities. Teamwork at its finest! This means a lot, especially for the AI as this helps plan paths much faster and smoother, making it easier for the AI Wielders to go where they really want to.


It’s a Wielder shuffle! Friends shouldn’t stop friends from going places!

Let’s talk about online games! Everything is working smoother than ever and we have slashed online loading times across the board. We’ve also taken down another bug that was a major villain when it came to online disconnects.

And speaking of loading times, we have managed to make our save files smaller than they were before. Ensuring that every load, whether you are booting up an old multiplayer game or a skirmish map goes a lot faster.


Not even the Roadrunner can catch our loading speeds now! Meep meep!

We've tweaked the way skills are selected during level-up to ensure a more evenly distributed set of abilities. Say goodbye to always seemingly getting the same set of new skills when you level up.

The same fix worked solving an issue with random Artifacts on maps. They are now much more random or should we say evenly varied than before!


Don’t you want to collect them all?

And is that all? Of course not! Our AI just keeps improving as it gets closer to that end-game goal of being a varied and challenging opponent. This update introduces enhancements and fixes to both Adventure and Battle.

A great example is that the AI is now better at saving its essence for when it really matters and choosing its targets! Why waste that Justice spell on a common frog when killing an expensive and noble dragon is an option?


Poor Dragon, whatever did he do to deserve that Justice?

Besides all of that, there is still loads more to tell, both small and big additions coming together to form a great update. If you want to dive deeper you should read the full Changelog and really dig deep into all those details, we know you want to.

As always we want to say a special thank you to our community for helping us find bugs, give awesome feedback and just in general be fantastic. Your creativity and your helpfulness really gives the entire team all the reasons we need to give you the best game we can!

Peredine is really all of us devs, just so that we are clear here

Was there anything in this update that really stood out to you or is there something special that you just can’t wait until it comes out? Perhaps that last final campaign where we sort of wrap our story up?
Write us a comment or join in on our awesome discussions on steam or over on our Discord.

We hope you enjoy playing our game as much as we enjoy making it. Keep up the Adventures, we love hearing about them!

/Everyone at Lavapotion




It's finally here, our biggest and grandest update yet. We go deeper still into the underworld on the heels of a recent disturbance to discover its source. Explore a huge new area to discover its secrets and face formidable foes therein. Unlock new powers as you traverse redesigned locations and seek out hidden places and new and updated items. New gameplay and storytelling mechanics and a slew of improvements provide the best Exanima experience yet.



The Force thaumaturgy domain is here adding a variety of new powers that change how you approach the game. Force is all about physics which is Exanima's forte and we've worked hard to make this something special not just in terms of physics, but also effects, AI interactions and all those things that give Exanima that extra depth and unique gameplay.

With Force introduced there are now very meaningful build choices. Both domains are accessible, you can specialise in either one or be a hybrid, more skills are implemented and come into play both in terms of requirements and making the most of Force, with the balance of combat and mental skills also being more important than ever.

The thaumaturgy UI has been updated to support all this and other new mechanics. An important mechanic we're introducing is Potential for the scaling of powers, which while still not complete, already provides new story elements and objectives, and will support more build variety and strategic elements. There is also a new Mind power unlocked through the Revelation skill technique.



A huge new area is included in this update, the largest one yet, packed with new and unique features and taking advantage of how our engine has evolved to support more complex environments. This is an important area in terms of lore, progressing the story and featuring some special new encounters.

The first 3 levels of the game have received a big overhaul, with lots of unique features, details and many new secrets to find. New items have been introduced as early as the first levels, and many items throughout the game have been completely overhauled and adapted to our procedural system. The procedural systems itself has also been updated and improved, important new materials have been added giving new variety to all items.



We've developed an all new pathfinding system to improve movement, AI, support more complex level design with more verticality and layers and more interactions with the environment. This new system is dynamic and 3D, based on the actual shape of objects, this means for example a table is a completely different obstacle when flipped on its side, or could even be used as ramp. You can walk on any surface and create new paths that even the AI can understand, you can walk over and under things and AI can navigate complex environments with multiple layers.

Player movement in general is also improved, it is more fluid as there are no more artificial obstacles and everything is accurate to the shape of the environment and objects. You will no longer get snagged on corners or stopped in places that you should be able to cross.


There have been some important additions and improvements to how you're able to interact with objects. We know this could feel fiddly and unintuitive, and we've made many improvements to solve these issues.

Objects will no longer snap back to their original position when you try to place them in an invalid position, but rather will move to the last valid position you defined. You can still cancel the movement to snap objects back to their original position by pressing the right mouse button. Placing objects over voids is also much easier, it now always works intuitively without having to target something with the cursor.

There is a new way to move objects triggered by holding Interact when picking them up. This will physically drag the object with the cursor rather than select a new target position. This is useful for making smaller adjustments to an object's position, but importantly can also be used to drag objects with you as you walk using the movement keys. Dragging of bodies and now objects has also been made much more intuitive, accepting position inputs even if they're outside of your interaction range.


In a game with as much physics as Exanima, and especially with the introduction of Force, it was important that general impacts could deal damage, not just ones tied to combat actions. This was something we attempted before, but had to abandon because it behaved too unpredictably. This time around we've developed a stable and detailed damage system for general collisions and various core improvements to our physics engine support it well.


A new, but long planned, feature we call the "narrator" is an important new tool in story and gameplay. This is of course text based, it provides information, feedback and special interactions to the player. It comes with various new important scripted events and lore exposition, but we still have many more uses for it in future.


Exanima features a unique AI system where characters aren't scripted to do specific things but are driven organically by emotions and other mental states. They can become distracted, curious, agitated, concerned, angry, scared, surprised etc. by varying degrees and can form specific relationships with every other character they encounter. So far this has all been limited to responding to other characters, but now we have rebuilt it on a new framework that allows AI to perceive, understand and engage with anything in their environment, with lots of new tools to guide their decisions and behaviour.

This was important for intelligent interactions with things like Force powers, and we made some core improvements along the way, but it is the foundation for many new AI behaviours that also extend far beyond combat situations. This is a particularly important step for Exanima's 0.95 update, which will focus on more NPCs with more complex behaviours.

There have been various other specific improvements to AI, high level tactics and importantly the ability to use special abilities and powers, which will feature more and more in the game. In general though AI is important to us as we think it's fundamental to a compelling and immersive experience. We will always continue to improve and expand on it.


We've hit some major development milestones with this update and as always we've added that extra depth and attention to detail with everything, which is what makes Exanima special. Exanima is built on our own custom engine and we have done much work on physics, AI, graphics and much more to support these new features and to provide an ever improving, more immersive gameplay experience.

We have polished a great many aspects of the game and we have worked hard to build and update systems that may not always add much immediate value, but support the constant evolution of the game and the many features we still want to add. The pieces are coming together and we are focusing more and more on content and features as this platform we've built becomes solid and complete.

Note that due to the very extensive changes, current story saves will be wiped. Arena saves will be converted and should result essentially unchanged.

Changelog for version 0.9:
  • Force thaumaturgy, with 11 new powers and more to come

  • Huge new area to explore, new lore, encounters and items

  • Big overhaul of first 3 levels

  • Over 50 new and remastered procedural items

  • Multiple thaumaturgy domain mechanics

  • New Mind power through revelation mechanic

  • New 3D pathfinding system with dynamic paths
    • Allows for multiple overlapping layers of depth

    • Walk on any surface without artificial obstacles

    • Create dynamic paths that even AI can understand

    • More fluid and accurate movement
  • General impact and fall damage system

  • New "Narrator" gives information, feedback and special interactions

  • AI can now use powers and special abilities

  • Important AI general tactics improvements

  • Many AI behavioural improvements

  • Improved object interaction

  • New drag object interaction mode

  • New procedural materials and item features

  • Improved item description systems

  • Item captions are now coloured to indicate quality

  • You can now play dead after recovering from unconsciousness

  • Big performance improvements

  • Core graphics engine and material improvements

  • New "ultra" shading setting with specular GI

  • Improved dynamic "death animations"

  • Various improvements to footwork and character motion

  • Important fundamental physics engine improvements

  • Greatly improved loading times

  • Greatly improved latency with vsync enabled

  • Improved selection and interaction with small objects

  • Brushes can now also clean weapons

  • Core physics engine improvements

  • Huge number of fixes


Bare Mettle

Devlog - Week #28 | Online Beta Date Announcement
Hello everyone, and welcome to the new dev log!

Over the past few weeks, my main focus has been on online features and I'm excited to announce that the online beta tests will start on 27 October 2023!


For registration details, please join our Discord [discord.gg]where you'll find a beta sign-up form. Given that online features form a significant part of the game, you can expect the beta to continue until everything runs flawlessly. In addition to refining online functionality, we will also be concentrating on weapon balancing and final game touches to ensure it's prepared for its full release.

Today, I'd like to give you a brief glimpse of what you can expect during the beta. However, please remember this is not the final - I'll be actively seeking feedback during the beta tests to refine and improve everything.

Game Items Store - Offline & Online Separation


I've spent considerable time thinking about how to make both offline and online play equally enjoyable. I recognize the importance of allowing players to unlock all items without needing to participate in online races. Simultaneously, the progression and competition tied to unlocking items through online races are vital. I've decided that items will be unlocked separately in offline and online modes.
In offline mode, this will be achieved through Single-Player Challenges, while online, players will collect coins from races to purchase items.

The game will support multiple customization presets (including characters, vehicles, and wheels). These presets will be accessible both online and offline, but certain items might be locked based on their availability in either mode (depending on if is it unlocked via challenges in offline mode or is it purchased in online mode via coins).

One important question is about the microtransactions. The game is paid and we're a dedicated small indie studio, therefore, we have no plans to introduce microtransactions in the game at this point.

ELO Rank-Based Rooms


ELO ranking will be integral to the game. For those unfamiliar with the ELO system, it originates from chess and is esteemed for creating balanced competitive matchups based on players' skills and performances.

Within ELO-ranked rooms, race outcomes will dictate whether you earn or lose ELO points. Additionally, a fixed number of coins will be awarded. The higher your ELO rank, the better the competition and coin rewards.

Entry Fee-Based Rooms


I'm looking forward to seeing how this addition plays out during Beta. In essence, these rooms have an entry fee, and the winner gets the largest share of the pot. For instance, if you enter a room with a fee of 20 coins and there are eight participants, the total pot is 160 coins. The pot distribution of coins based on race standings will be finalized during the online beta phase (for example 80-40-20-10-5-5). This feature promises thrilling high-stakes competition and it may work really well :)

Online Tournaments

Online Tournaments feature will allow a limitless number of players to compete simultaneously to determine the best among them! Every day, there'll be three tournaments aligned with the major time zones. During the registration window, players can sign up, and as the tournament starts, they'll be grouped into rooms of eight. From each room, only the top three will advance to the next round, culminating in a final room consisting of just 8 players, where they'll compete to determine the tournament champion!

Additionally, there's a larger tournament weekly and an even grander monthly event having the most substantial rewards and prestige. Tournament winners will be presented on the special leaderboard, where they'll remain highlighted for 3 days, 3 weeks, or 3 months, respective to the tournament they won. I truly hope you're as excited about this feature as I am!

Private Rooms and Cross-Play Friend System

Naturally, the game will support private rooms for friends. But that's not all - you can connect with friends across all platforms without any issues as well ;)

Team & What's Ahead

@Mortus is currently refining the Blender tool for character and vehicle exports.
@Mariusz is enhancing and improving game battle arenas.
@edward is working on music tracks for Battle Arenas

Next week you can expect an update about custom character and vehicle modding, as well as preparations for the online beta phase. Can't wait to see you in the game!


Preview 1.47: New maps, bodycam...
Dear Operators,

We are thrilled to introduce the features coming in the upcoming 1.47 update. This update has been designed to enhance your gaming experience by providing fresh elements that we hope will captivate you.

Map Additions

The world of "Black One Blood Brothers" will expand with the introduction of two distinct maps, designed to challenge your strategy and adaptability.

Secret Bunker: This vast-sized map will transport you to a large-scale military facility. You will face a plethora of defense systems and well-armed patrols. Navigating this environment will require meticulous planning and excellent team coordination to outmaneuver enemy defenses.


The Sanctuary: Picture a hidden sanctuary deep within a dense forest, where every tree can serve as cover, and any sound might betray an enemy's presence. The lush vegetation of this medium-sized map offers unique opportunities for ambushes and stealth maneuvers. Your knowledge of the terrain will be your greatest asset for success.



We are excited to announce the introduction of the onboard camera for the operator. With a simple click, this feature will transport you directly into the view of any other operator, offering an immediate perspective on their movements and real-time confrontations. This immersive view will not only allow you to appreciate actions performed by your operators but also to better assess the current situation.



New Head Accessories

A bush hat and an armored helmet will soon be available, providing even more customization possibilities for your operators!



Gameplay improvements

But that's not all! We want to assure you that each update isn't just about adding content but also about the overall enhancement of the game. Thus, this update will also bring numerous improvements to optimize your gameplay experience. We've also taken the time to identify and fix several bugs, thanks to the invaluable feedback from our community. These fixes will contribute to a smoother and more stable game.

Be ready!


Sonic Superstars is Available Now!

Caracaaa esse tópico ainda vive :gaming:

Lembro quando começou lá em 2016, tinha uma galera muito legal postando notícias, vi que uns que eram muitos ativos e ajudavam a galera em outro tópicos foram banidos =(

Outra época, outras pessoas....

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