[PREVIEW] World War 3

  • Iniciador de Tópicos Chackall
  • Data de Início
Oia, parece q eles deram uns ajustes nos veículos num dos últimos patch ai, mirar e mover canhão ficou melhor, e a propria fisica deles. Mas ainda realmente não parece encaixar muito, falta algo por assim dizer.

Oq me irrita muito (fora o som e claro) e a interação com algumas areas, bixo tem hora q pa tu entrar em um corredor, porta e um deus nos acuda. Passar alguns obstaculos q deveriam ser automáticos tbm e uma merda.

Mas estou me divertindo mais nele q no BF (o outro fps q to instalado) ate pq BF2042, mesmo jogando em grupo com amigos, agora esta praticamente so contra AI, terrivel.
Sim, física de colisões é um pouco ruim
Hj mesmo o jogo sendo mais frenético q antes, no geral gosto do jogo, mas querendo ou não ainda possui problemas (pontuados) não corrigidos

A demora BIZARRA com algumas coisas é inexplicável, cadê o mapa Smolensk? Mapa praticamente pronto e fora do jogo, espero q com o lançamento e com o aumento da base de players, as coisas comecem a andar
Sobre veículos, gostaria de ver um sistema de danos melhor e um maior realismo em relação a eles.
Sim, física de colisões é um pouco ruim
Hj mesmo o jogo sendo mais frenético q antes, no geral gosto do jogo, mas querendo ou não ainda possui problemas (pontuados) não corrigidos

A demora BIZARRA com algumas coisas é inexplicável, cadê o mapa Smolensk? Mapa praticamente pronto e fora do jogo, espero q com o lançamento e com o aumento da base de players, as coisas comecem a andar
Sobre veículos, gostaria de ver um sistema de danos melhor e um maior realismo em relação a eles.
Sim fisica de colisao e interação tem q evoluir.

Ja o dano, eu ate vejo q e meio "correto" por assim dizer, acertar um tanque de frente o dano e menor q atras, tem as areas protegidas e nao sabe, o canhao e limitado pelo corpo do veiculo e tals.

Mas veremos, por hora e o FPS q vai tendo ne... Nao e como se tivessimos outros tao foda no mercado por ai esses ultimos tempos.
Sim fisica de colisao e interação tem q evoluir.

Ja o dano, eu ate vejo q e meio "correto" por assim dizer, acertar um tanque de frente o dano e menor q atras, tem as areas protegidas e nao sabe, o canhao e limitado pelo corpo do veiculo e tals.

Mas veremos, por hora e o FPS q vai tendo ne... Nao e como se tivessimos outros tao foda no mercado por ai esses ultimos tempos.
Quando falo em sistema de danos melhor
Era algo nesse nível q gostaria de ver

Sistema de danos totalmente independente entre esteira e torre, o tiro não penetrar por conta da blindagem e da angulação, quando o tiro penetrar ficar claro para quem está fora do tanque (ex: pegar fogo na area do tiro ou destruir a blindagem)

Pq honestamente, não dá pra aceitar hj um sistema de tiro onde, dependendo da area que vc acertar, vc deu "x porcento de dano" no veiculo

Em WW3 existe a possibilidade de algo nesse nível acontecer? NUNCA, mas gostaria de ver algo mais trabalhado
Quando falo em sistema de danos melhor
Era algo nesse nível q gostaria de ver

Sistema de danos totalmente independente entre esteira e torre, o tiro não penetrar por conta da blindagem e da angulação, quando o tiro penetrar ficar claro para quem está fora do tanque (ex: pegar fogo na area do tiro ou destruir a blindagem)

Pq honestamente, não dá pra aceitar hj um sistema de tiro onde, dependendo da area que vc acertar, vc deu "x porcento de dano" no veiculo

Em WW3 existe a possibilidade de algo nesse nível acontecer? NUNCA, mas gostaria de ver algo mais trabalhado

Ai e top mesmo, vo falar q de ricochete eu so conheço o HLL com isso. O resto e tudo, dano nas costas maior, na frente menor e etc.

Seria top um jogo com um sistema bem avançado assim, so não sei o quão pratico seria, pq bixo, os tankes q são OP num jogo como WW3, dificilmente 1 cara consegue destruir um tanque, com chance de um tiro seu ainda ricochetear... PQP, tanque ia ser deus no jogo.
Ai e top mesmo, vo falar q de ricochete eu so conheço o HLL com isso. O resto e tudo, dano nas costas maior, na frente menor e etc.

Seria top um jogo com um sistema bem avançado assim, so não sei o quão pratico seria, pq bixo, os tankes q são OP num jogo como WW3, dificilmente 1 cara consegue destruir um tanque, com chance de um tiro seu ainda ricochetear... PQP, tanque ia ser deus no jogo.
ricochete, acho que cheguei a ver na versão antiga do WW3, nessa nova ainda não vi

Sim tb pensei nisso em relação aos tanques serem OP, mas se for trabalhar o sistema de danos, precisa trabalhar o tanque de forma geral, desde velocidade de locomoção, velocidade da torre, até a entrada do soldado no tanque.
Mas em WW3 como VC escolhe seu loadout, geral joga com RPG (o que de certa forma até quebra o jogo)
Sniper + RPG
Closed Beta Test (CBT) Patch Notes - 04/03/2022
  • Completed polishing of all weapons in first- and third-person perspectives, including bullet impacts.
  • Improved all weapons sounds, including new shots, mechanics, and melee sounds.
  • Fixed issue with duplicate steps behind the player's back.
  • Fixed sound of footsteps and their volume during shooting.
  • Fixed volume issues for most vehicles.
  • Improved all suppressor sounds in first- and third-person perspectives.
  • Improved the optimization of audio environmental sounds, including global ambients and room tones.
  • Added velcro sound effects for some weapon reloads.
  • Improved air vehicle engine rotation sounds.
  • Added ‘No Ammo’ sounds for all weapons, including separate sounds for launchers.
  • Fixed issues with missing sounds when equipping and unequipping weapons.
  • Improved hearing distances for all weapon sounds.
  • Improved hearing distances for strike sounds and fixed volume issues.
  • Improved shell sounds - every calibre now has its own specific sound.
  • Improved shell sounds mechanics for G29, M200, and Tochnost.
  • Improved grenade sounds in first-person perspective and hearing distances in third-person perspective.
  • Added low ammo feedback to assault rifles, battle rifles, SMGs, sidearms, and the shotgun Vepr 12.
  • Fixed reload timing in first- and third-person perspectives, and the volume of reloads.
  • Fixed problem with a lack of sound on incoming bombers and the sound of other aircraft cutting off.
  • Fixed problem where Mephisto is silent in first-person perspective.
  • Problem with interior soundproofing after the destruction of a quadcopter or drone has been eliminated.
  • Fixed problem with a lack of armament soundproofing in vehicles.
  • Lowered the frequency of emitted voiceovers on maps (for example from radios, TVs, megaphones).
  • Improved RCWS volume and attenuation.
  • Fixed ‘no shot’ sound when using Mini Cannon 25mm.
  • Fixed problem with the volume of shots fired by vehicles underground being too high.
  • Fixed problem with some reloads in first-person perspective.
  • Problems with silent vehicles in first-person perspective have been eliminated.
  • Improved attenuation performance for vehicle parts and strikes.
  • Fixed problem with disappearing sounds of shots and explosions.
  • Fixed issues with high CPU consumption caused by the reverb system.
  • Improved sounds of rockets and jets, added new sounds, and fixed some audio issues.
  • Fixed issues with shooting and explosion sounds cutting out, especially from long distances.
  • Fixed party issues.
  • Tweaks to rejoin system.
  • Tweaked issues with statistics.
  • Fixed causes of multiple crashes on Summary Screen.
  • Reworked material on player gear.
  • Multiple bug fixes in matchmaking.
  • Corrected wording on strike customization.
  • Fixed issue where party members were not being connected to the server.
  • Added animated loading screens.
  • Updated thumbnails in the hub.
  • Improved loading times on the initialization screen.
  • Added newcomer screen (for new players).
  • Added Backpack unlocks to Summary Screen.
  • Other players’ levels will now update on the scoreboard.
  • Improved muting and unmuting players on voice chat.
  • Team Deathmatch respawn timer reduced to 3 seconds.
  • Updates and fixes to localizations.
  • Helmet hitbox adjusted to improve the distinction between headshots and helmet shots.
  • Lights added to all infantry players to aid in target recognition.
  • Neutral combat vehicles now count towards the team vehicle limit, including vehicles that spawn on the base and vehicles stolen from the enemy.
  • Combat Vehicle limit reduced to 2.
  • Drone limit separated into Ground Drones and Air Drones.
  • Ground Drone limit reduced to 3.
  • Air Drone limit reduced to 3.
  • Fixed issue where destroying a friendly vehicle via Self-Destruct awarded players with negative BP. The fix also applies to the intended use of the Loitering Munitions Drone.
  • Fixed issue where empty enemy vehicles could be repaired with a Repair Tool.
  • Fixed issue where the kill cam would follow players after they died.
  • Fixed issue where players couldn’t fire while holding down the Interact key (Default: F). Interacting with objects (packs, mines, etc.) still blocks firing.
  • Mobile Spawners no longer have a mounted machine gun.
  • Throw force of all grenades readjusted to make them feel more natural.
  • Gas Grenade: Significantly increased damage per second, increased friction to make it less bouncy.
  • Thermite Grenade: Decreased damage per second, increased area of effect and duration.
  • Semtex C4: Disabled explosion delay, reduced splash damage range lethal to infantry.
  • Smoke Grenades now explode on impact.
  • AQPTF flashlight and AN/PEQ laser sight no longer switch on when aiming down the sights.
  • Rebalanced benefits and drawbacks of most magazines.
  • Underbarrel Grenade Launcher now deals damage to armoured vehicles.
  • The majority of Assault Rifles had hip-fire accuracy increased to make them more consistent in close-quarters firefights.
  • Recoil adjustments to AK-based Assault Rifles (Beryl 762, AK-15, Alpha).
  • RPG: Increased starting ammo by 1, reduced mechanical and visual recoil.
  • Tochnost now properly damages drones and vehicle parts; also implemented fixes to ADS timings.
  • Fixed Shotgun spread issue
  • M200: Increased minimum damage to ensure one-hit kills at extreme ranges.
  • Piorun: Increased reload time to match the animation.
  • Warsaw (Tactical Ops): Increased out-of-bounds area in Eastern Base to prevent spawn killing.
  • Warsaw (Tactical Ops): Moved BCV spawn location on the Eastern Base.
  • All maps (Tactical Ops): Adjusted air vehicle spawn locations to prevent spawning in line of sight.
  • Multiple movement tweaks.
  • Multiple collision tweaks.
  • Texture tweaks.
Tem server SA esse jogo ou só EUA/EU?
To interessado
Tem server SA esse jogo ou só EUA/EU?
To interessado

Durante o BETA eu so vi server gringo.

Mas digo, totalmente possível jogar BEM mesmo nso server gringos, todas as partidas eu to la so com 1 barra (sao 3) e consigo jogar muito bem, tanto em reação de trocação de tiro, quando o uso de veiculo ou habilidades.

O jogo esta muito bom, ansioso para testar o novo patch. Ver se uns detalhes bem irritantes melhoraram e como esta o audio. Com certeza o audio do jogo e o pior de tudo, e quando digo pior, e o pior audio q eu ja vi em um jogo de fps possivel mesmo.
Vale a pena pagar os 29 atuais? Consigo encontrar salas cheias? Ao menos na noite.
R$ 29 eu n sei, nessa altura do campeonato, já que o jogo vai ser free (quando? Um dia)
Salas cheias - sim consegue basicamente qualquer hora, mas em server gringo, atualmente não tem server Br (e não possui server Browser)
Bom, testei o jogo novamente hj
Evolução significativa, bem melhor mesmo, mas o palco sonoro ainda tem que evoluir e a imersão do som tb, porra tô no meio da guerra, traçante passado no céu e essa imersão fica só visual.
Parte sonora do tanque não posso falar pq não joguei de tanque.

Agora continuo achando um saco essa gameplay de tanque vs infantaria
Sistema de danos dos tanques, continuo achando patético

Movimentação do personagem deu uma evoluída :notbad:
Se o jogo receber mais updates como esse, cogito seriamente a joga-lo por mais tempo.
Bom, testei o jogo novamente hj
Evolução significativa, bem melhor mesmo, mas o palco sonoro ainda tem que evoluir e a imersão do som tb, porra tô no meio da guerra, traçante passado no céu e essa imersão fica só visual.
Parte sonora do tanque não posso falar pq não joguei de tanque.

Agora continuo achando um saco essa gameplay de tanque vs infantaria
Sistema de danos dos tanques, continuo achando patético

Movimentação do personagem deu uma evoluída :notbad:
Se o jogo receber mais updates como esse, cogito seriamente a joga-lo por mais tempo.

Eu gostei muito das melhoras do jogo. Gameplayer ficou muito mais suave, melhorou a movimentação, melhorou a interação com o cenário, encontrei uma ou outra situação ainda q e meio "travado" pro assim dizer, mas nao como antes, mas pode ficar mais fluido com certeza.
Implementou alguns sistemas q deram um bom up no gamplay, como pode fazer maios de uma "função" ao usar algum tipo de resuplay das bag mp chão (apesar q eu acho q o ideal seria q resuplay aliado tinha q ser automático em area, e so precisa-se usar o "click" para usar se a bag fosse inimiga).

Não sei afirmar se houve novidades nos gráficos, mas parece que algumas areas estão um pouco mais bonitas, talvez algum ajuste nas texturas e geometrias que eram muito abaixo do restante do mapa. MAs com certeza, nada de novo nem em texturas nem em efeitos de modo significativo, se melhorou foram coisas simples. Um mudança foi na texturas dos veiculos de transporte/respaw que mudou dos dois lados.

O SOM o bendito do SOM, sim melhorou, o som das armas melhorou, mas.... Ainda sim o audio 3D em si, do ambiente continua muito ruim, vc nao houve passos, um tanque de guerra chega do seu lado assim como chega um passarinho no mapa. Realmente se visualmente ha a imersão de ambiente de guerra... Na parte sonora ta mais pa um club de tiro ha 3 quarteiroes de distancia. Tanques mesma bosta.

Falou tudo RODRIGO, se outros updates tiveram melhoras significativas como a deste up date o jogo vai ficar muito atrativo.

Ready for another round? World War 3 will be playable for free on March 12 from 19:00 CET/18:00 GMT/10:00 PT/13:00 ET until 23:00 CET/22:00 GMT/14:00 PT/17:00 ET as part of a new Public Stress Test!

The goal for round two is to once again put the servers through their paces by inviting as many players as possible to play World War 3 in a single evening. This time, we’ll also be testing improvements and fixes made possible thanks to your feedback from the previous Public Stress Test, as well as our own findings.

To celebrate the occasion, everyone who logs in and plays World War 3 Public Stress Test on March 12 will receive the exclusive Spartan Vest (Dark)! If you’re eligible to receive it, the Vest will be added to your Inventory after the end of the Public Stress Test.

It’s easy to take part in the Public Stress Test:

  • Download World War 3 for free from MY.GAMES now or from Steam on March 11 at 19:00 CET/18:00 GMT/10:00 PT/13:00 ET (if you’re playing on Steam, you need to request access to the Public Stress Test — scroll down for more on that in the FAQ).
  • Create a MY.GAMES account and sign in.
  • Hit the battlefield for four hours of thrilling online battles! No purchase is necessary, there are no barriers to entry, and you don’t need a Closed Beta Pack to play with friends who own one.

If you haven’t bought a Closed Beta Pack yet, it’s a golden opportunity to see what everyone’s raving about first-hand. If you have been playing the Closed Beta, why not invite your friends to join the fight? Squad up for a few rounds of Tactical Ops and Team Deathmatch and show them the ropes – after all, there’s strength in numbers!

Got questions about the Public Stress Test? Cast your eyes further down the page to read our detailed FAQ! In the meantime, prepare for battle by joining the World War 3 community over on Discord, Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit, signing up to the official newsletter for the latest news and special offers, and checking out a raft of awesome gameplay videos on YouTube.


What is the Public Stress Test and how does it differ from the Closed Beta Test?

The Public Stress Test is a limited-time event taking place within the Closed Beta Test on March 12 from 19:00 CET/18:00 GMT/10:00 PT/13:00 ET until 23:00 CET/22:00 GMT/14:00 PT/17:00 ET. While World War 3 is currently only playable by players who purchase a Closed Beta Pack, when the Public Stress Test is active, anyone can play the World War 3 Closed Beta Test. No purchase is necessary, and you don’t need a Closed Beta Pack to play with friends who own one. Just make sure your PC’s specs are up to scratch!

What content will be playable during the Public Stress Test?

The Public Stress Test gives all players the chance to progress through the full World War 3 Closed Beta Test. As long as it’s already in the game, nothing is off-limits!

How do I get started?

Simply download World War 3 for free from MY.GAMES from March 11, create a MY.GAMES account, sign in, and play! If you want to play on Steam, read the next question and answer.

Once you’re ready, hit the battlefield for four hours of thrilling online battles! There are no barriers to entry, and you don’t need a Closed Beta Pack to play with friends who own one.

How do I sign up to play on Steam?

Head to the World War 3 page on Steam, scroll down to just underneath the trailers and screenshots, and click ‘Request Access’. Confirm your request, and you’re clear to play World War 3 on March 12!

Can I provide feedback on the Public Stress Test?

Yes, we’re counting on it! While we hope the Public Stress Test goes off without a hitch, you may encounter some technical or gameplay-related issues. Be sure to report any bugs and other issues on our dedicated cbt-feedback channels on Discord. You will also receive a prompt in MY.GAMES GameCenter to complete a survey after playing the game for approximately two hours.

If you just want to share your experience with other players, you can also join the World War 3 community over on Discord, Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit.

Can I carry on playing World War 3 after the Public Stress Test ends?

Yes! To continue playing World War 3 after the Public Stress Test ends, just purchase a Closed Beta Pack from either MY.GAMES or Steam.

Will my progress from the Public Stress Test be saved?

Any progress made during the Public Stress Test will carry over throughout the rest of the Closed Beta Test. Certain progress, such as XP earned, will be reset before the Open Beta launch to ensure all players start the fight on a level playing field.

Closed Beta Pack contents, Twitch Drops, and special rewards received via subscriptions and referrals during the Closed Beta period will be saved permanently and available to use when the free-to-play Open Beta launches.

Ready for another round? World War 3 will be playable for free on March 12 from 19:00 CET/18:00 GMT/10:00 PT/13:00 ET until 23:00 CET/22:00 GMT/14:00 PT/17:00 ET as part of a new Public Stress Test!

The goal for round two is to once again put the servers through their paces by inviting as many players as possible to play World War 3 in a single evening. This time, we’ll also be testing improvements and fixes made possible thanks to your feedback from the previous Public Stress Test, as well as our own findings.

To celebrate the occasion, everyone who logs in and plays World War 3 Public Stress Test on March 12 will receive the exclusive Spartan Vest (Dark)! If you’re eligible to receive it, the Vest will be added to your Inventory after the end of the Public Stress Test.

It’s easy to take part in the Public Stress Test:

  • Download World War 3 for free from MY.GAMES now or from Steam on March 11 at 19:00 CET/18:00 GMT/10:00 PT/13:00 ET (if you’re playing on Steam, you need to request access to the Public Stress Test — scroll down for more on that in the FAQ).
  • Create a MY.GAMES account and sign in.
  • Hit the battlefield for four hours of thrilling online battles! No purchase is necessary, there are no barriers to entry, and you don’t need a Closed Beta Pack to play with friends who own one.

If you haven’t bought a Closed Beta Pack yet, it’s a golden opportunity to see what everyone’s raving about first-hand. If you have been playing the Closed Beta, why not invite your friends to join the fight? Squad up for a few rounds of Tactical Ops and Team Deathmatch and show them the ropes – after all, there’s strength in numbers!

Got questions about the Public Stress Test? Cast your eyes further down the page to read our detailed FAQ! In the meantime, prepare for battle by joining the World War 3 community over on Discord, Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit, signing up to the official newsletter for the latest news and special offers, and checking out a raft of awesome gameplay videos on YouTube.


What is the Public Stress Test and how does it differ from the Closed Beta Test?

The Public Stress Test is a limited-time event taking place within the Closed Beta Test on March 12 from 19:00 CET/18:00 GMT/10:00 PT/13:00 ET until 23:00 CET/22:00 GMT/14:00 PT/17:00 ET. While World War 3 is currently only playable by players who purchase a Closed Beta Pack, when the Public Stress Test is active, anyone can play the World War 3 Closed Beta Test. No purchase is necessary, and you don’t need a Closed Beta Pack to play with friends who own one. Just make sure your PC’s specs are up to scratch!

What content will be playable during the Public Stress Test?

The Public Stress Test gives all players the chance to progress through the full World War 3 Closed Beta Test. As long as it’s already in the game, nothing is off-limits!

How do I get started?

Simply download World War 3 for free from MY.GAMES from March 11, create a MY.GAMES account, sign in, and play! If you want to play on Steam, read the next question and answer.

Once you’re ready, hit the battlefield for four hours of thrilling online battles! There are no barriers to entry, and you don’t need a Closed Beta Pack to play with friends who own one.

How do I sign up to play on Steam?

Head to the World War 3 page on Steam, scroll down to just underneath the trailers and screenshots, and click ‘Request Access’. Confirm your request, and you’re clear to play World War 3 on March 12!

Can I provide feedback on the Public Stress Test?

Yes, we’re counting on it! While we hope the Public Stress Test goes off without a hitch, you may encounter some technical or gameplay-related issues. Be sure to report any bugs and other issues on our dedicated cbt-feedback channels on Discord. You will also receive a prompt in MY.GAMES GameCenter to complete a survey after playing the game for approximately two hours.

If you just want to share your experience with other players, you can also join the World War 3 community over on Discord, Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit.

Can I carry on playing World War 3 after the Public Stress Test ends?

Yes! To continue playing World War 3 after the Public Stress Test ends, just purchase a Closed Beta Pack from either MY.GAMES or Steam.

Will my progress from the Public Stress Test be saved?

Any progress made during the Public Stress Test will carry over throughout the rest of the Closed Beta Test. Certain progress, such as XP earned, will be reset before the Open Beta launch to ensure all players start the fight on a level playing field.

Closed Beta Pack contents, Twitch Drops, and special rewards received via subscriptions and referrals during the Closed Beta period will be saved permanently and available to use when the free-to-play Open Beta launches.
Entendi errado ou o teste será por apenas 4 horas no dia 12?

Vou ver se crio coragem para baixar esse fim de semana.

We have made the decision to postpone the free-to-play Open Beta launch of World War 3. A new release date will be announced in the near future.

World War 3 has improved and changed for the better as a direct result of your cumulative playtime and feedback throughout the Closed Beta. That said, it’s clear from recent open tests that we still have a bit of work to do before the game is technically ready to welcome a larger audience.

We will use this extra time to polish the game, resolve network errors, improve server stability, and ensure World War 3 delivers on our vision of a thrilling online FPS experience that’s free and accessible to all players.

Thank you for all your continued support, patience, and understanding—we can’t wait for everyone to join the fray in Open Beta. In the meantime, World War 3 remains active and playable to anyone who purchases a Closed Beta Pack. If you have any feedback during this phase, be sure to drop it over on the official World War 3 Discord channel.

Stay tuned for more news about the exciting future of World War 3!


The game servers will be unavailable today for maintenance at 15:00 CET. This will address "player being stuck in the lobby" issue (player will be sent to another lobby after 70 seconds). Expected Downtime: 2 Hours Thank you for your patience!

We have made the decision to postpone the free-to-play Open Beta launch of World War 3. A new release date will be announced in the near future.

World War 3 has improved and changed for the better as a direct result of your cumulative playtime and feedback throughout the Closed Beta. That said, it’s clear from recent open tests that we still have a bit of work to do before the game is technically ready to welcome a larger audience.

We will use this extra time to polish the game, resolve network errors, improve server stability, and ensure World War 3 delivers on our vision of a thrilling online FPS experience that’s free and accessible to all players.

Thank you for all your continued support, patience, and understanding—we can’t wait for everyone to join the fray in Open Beta. In the meantime, World War 3 remains active and playable to anyone who purchases a Closed Beta Pack. If you have any feedback during this phase, be sure to drop it over on the official World War 3 Discord channel.

Stay tuned for more news about the exciting future of World War 3!


The game servers will be unavailable today for maintenance at 15:00 CET. This will address "player being stuck in the lobby" issue (player will be sent to another lobby after 70 seconds). Expected Downtime: 2 Hours Thank you for your patience!
Cara acho muito melhor eles adiarem mesmo, que lançar o jogo bugado e perder o publico em poucas semanas.

O jogo e bom, tem grande potencial, o ultimo update trouxe otimas melhorias, outros updates como esses poderiam colocar o jogo no radar de muito mais players com certeza.
Cara acho muito melhor eles adiarem mesmo, que lançar o jogo bugado e perder o publico em poucas semanas.

O jogo e bom, tem grande potencial, o ultimo update trouxe otimas melhorias, outros updates como esses poderiam colocar o jogo no radar de muito mais players com certeza.
Já falei aqui por 2 vezes e a primeira vez falei em Setembro ou Agosto
WW3 a cada dia que passa continua me dando um misto de emoções.

O ultimo patch melhorou? Sim, muita coisa e mostra que está quando indo no caminho certo
O ultimo patch inclusive melhorou o áudio das armas (apenas das arma)
MAS outras coisas são inexplicáveis
Pq diabos o resto do áudio do jogo não foi melhorado? Por exemplo áudio dos veículos
Outra coisa, pq em Março ainda estamos sem Smolensk? Inclusive esse mapa aparece várias vezes no novo trailer do jogo e estava na versão antiga do jogo (precisando de correções, mas estava lá, dava para jogar).
O jogo desde Setembro que tem apenas 4 mapas (Polyarny, Moscow, Berlin e Warsaw) sem contar suas versões reduzidas.

Contagem de players hj é bem decente comparada a alguns meses atrás
Ao menos consigo achar partida a qualquer hora do dia, mesmo que em server gringo.

Servidores desse jogo entram em manutenção todo santo dia , algumas vezes, 2 vezes por dia :hmm:


Última edição:
Eu já penso que ficar soltando com muita frequência beta aberto pode afastar os players, dessa maneira o efeito surpresa/hype do jogo morre muito rápido , ainda mais quando não arrumam coisas bestas como som dos veiculos. Sou a favor sim de ter beta porém fechado.
Eu já penso que ficar soltando com muita frequência beta aberto pode afastar os players, dessa maneira o efeito surpresa/hype do jogo morre muito rápido , ainda mais quando não arrumam coisas bestas como som dos veiculos. Sou a favor sim de ter beta porém fechado.
Isso não faz o menor sentido:naza:
Esse jogo vai ficar free ou não, que enrrolação só joguei no primeiro teste depois não consegui mais testar me parece que esta bom agora.
Esse jogo vai ficar free ou não, que enrrolação só joguei no primeiro teste depois não consegui mais testar me parece que esta bom agora.
O jogo "SERA" F2P.
Atualmente para jogar somente COMPRANDO os pacotes de acesso ao BETA FECHADO.
Não a data definida para o lançamento do jogo como f2p.

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