Em qualquer Faction Representative

Argon Prime - Wharf
Holy Vision - Shipyard
Trinity Sactum ou seria Unholy Retribution - Shipyard
Ianamus Zura - Teladi Trade Station

Sim, mas eles ficam em qualquer um dos shipyards por exemplo? Lembro de encontrar alguns, mas depois esqueci em que lugar era.

E aquele SETA para acelera o tempo? Eu encontrei 2 dos 3 componentes necessários, o último componente da drop aleatório conforme eu vou matando as naves inimigas tb?
Só avisando, que depois do 1.50, alem das batalhas que retornaram, as missões tambem voltaram, inclusive Argon Vs Xenon que havia sumido pra mim.:)
Só avisando, que depois do 1.50, alem das batalhas que retornaram, as missões tambem voltaram, inclusive Argon Vs Xenon que havia sumido pra mim.:)

Agora tá de boa? tava so esperando isso pra jogar!!
Agora tá de boa? tava so esperando isso pra jogar!!

Opa...ta bom sim. Xenon e economia crescendo em todo o canto.



Sim, mas eles ficam em qualquer um dos shipyards por exemplo? Lembro de encontrar alguns, mas depois esqueci em que lugar era.

E aquele SETA para acelera o tempo? Eu encontrei 2 dos 3 componentes necessários, o último componente da drop aleatório conforme eu vou matando as naves inimigas tb?

Encontrei esse mapa galático, parece útil, vou testar qndo voltar de férias

A riqueza desse jogo, é na simulação da IA. Agora com o FPS nas naves e estações é muito legal pilotar sua nave e começar a cumprir as missões explorando o mapa. Mas a partir do momento que voce tem algumas estações e uma frota, acompanhar essa frota patrulhando o espaço é uma experiencia unica....O universo é muito vivo. Até mesmo ficar em uma estação assistindo a decolagem e pouso de naves é fantastico. E cada uma dessas naves esta cumprindo uma função dentro da economia do jogo.

Fiz uma frota pequena. Pus uma Carrier, duas fragatas e uma corveta em grupo. Coloquei elas patrulhando um setor que vira e mexe os Xenons e alguns Kha'ak atacam. Com o teleporte, ficar indo de uma nave para a outra, controlando a camera e só assistindo a IA é melhor que muito filme de ficção cientifica.

Fiz uns videos curtos, infelizmente não pegou a melhor parte das batalhas, mas mostra um pouco disso.

Aqui a Carrier em Batalha, com seus drones de ataque e os de reparo girando ao redor dela.

Aqui troce da Carrier para a corveta nemesis, aonde ao final a Carrier segue para outro setor.

Após a Carrier deixar o setor, a corveta chama seus drones de volta e segue para o mesmo setor atras da Carrier(formação ordenada...)
Essa nave das tamanho P é a melhor que achei no jogo até agora. Tem só duas armas, mas é bem agil.... e que velocidade.



Venho aqui recomendar estes mods





Hello everybody,

we have just posted an advert for a job offer at egosoft that might be interesting for one of you guys, so I paste the official text here. Contact me at bernd@egosoft.com if you are interested!

While located in Germany, EGOSOFT is an international team dedicated to making the best space simulation games in existence. Our office is near Aachen in the very western end of Germany directly next to the Dutch and Belgian borders (so living in these countries and travelling to work is easily possible too).

Founded in 1990, EGOSOFT first developed just for the German market. Our focus on Space games with a much more international target audience, started with 1999s X: Beyond the Frontier, the first part in the ongoing X space game series. We are looking to only slightly extend our 20 people team.

Mission development for X4:Foundations

This job offer is partially a designer partially a programmer. You will be designing missions set in the X universe, learn the background fiction of this very deep game universe, so you can write story and dialogue for the involved NPCs and also write the scripts for these missions and stories in and XML based script language.

Required skills:

While knowledge of our primary programming language C++ is certainly welcome and would allow you to branch out into other areas, this is not a requirement for this position. Documentation of the MD scripting language is publicly available for moders of our games on the egosoft WIKI.

Additional requirements:

Interest in science and science fiction
Ability to write and tell stories
Desire to design worlds
Ability to work in a team
Experience as a scripter and writer
Última edição:
  • Curtir
Reações: wmh
Venho aqui recomendar estes mods





Hello everybody,

we have just posted an advert for a job offer at egosoft that might be interesting for one of you guys, so I paste the official text here. Contact me at bernd@egosoft.com if you are interested!

While located in Germany, EGOSOFT is an international team dedicated to making the best space simulation games in existence. Our office is near Aachen in the very western end of Germany directly next to the Dutch and Belgian borders (so living in these countries and travelling to work is easily possible too).

Founded in 1990, EGOSOFT first developed just for the German market. Our focus on Space games with a much more international target audience, started with 1999s X: Beyond the Frontier, the first part in the ongoing X space game series. We are looking to only slightly extend our 20 people team.

Mission development for X4:Foundations

This job offer is partially a designer partially a programmer. You will be designing missions set in the X universe, learn the background fiction of this very deep game universe, so you can write story and dialogue for the involved NPCs and also write the scripts for these missions and stories in and XML based script language.

Required skills:

While knowledge of our primary programming language C++ is certainly welcome and would allow you to branch out into other areas, this is not a requirement for this position. Documentation of the MD scripting language is publicly available for moders of our games on the egosoft WIKI.

Additional requirements:

Interest in science and science fiction
Ability to write and tell stories
Desire to design worlds
Ability to work in a team
Experience as a scripter and writer

Ainda vou esperar mais para ver o que o jogo vai oferecer no futuro proximo pra depois começar a usar mods.

Agora o que eu gostei é o foco da nova vaga de emprego para inovar/melhorar as missões.
Vou começar outro gameplay. Aos mais experientes nesse X4, qual é uma boa maneira de fazer grana no inicio não precisando investir tanto dinheiro?
Vou começar outro gameplay. Aos mais experientes nesse X4, qual é uma boa maneira de fazer grana no inicio não precisando investir tanto dinheiro?

O mesmo que antes...missões. Depois é comprar uma mineradora e por pra minerar pra voce.

Eu acabei dando um tempo, porque o jogo esta muito facil e não quero agora usar mods, por conta de ver como evolui esse venture mode online, e vou preferir esperar os proximos updates da ego.
Novo update logo logo saindo. Por enquanto só no BETA

Version 1.51 Beta 1 (327919)
  • • Added music tracks from previous games.
    • Added map filter option to disable allied order queue visualisation.
    • Improved overall game performance.
    • Improved AI attacking of stations.
    • Improved reward calculation for Rescue Ship mission.
    • Improved reward calculation and area range for Repair mission.
    • Improved reward calculation and fleet variation in Fleet Delivery mission.
    • Improved location check for claiming plot in Station Building mission.
    • Removed ability to map right mouse button to avoid conflicts with context menu function.
    • Fixed player-owned stations not transferring money to the player after having earned a surplus.
    • Fixed player-owned ships mis-identifying some ships as being abandoned.
    • Fixed ships sometimes undocking and docking again when given an order that doesn't require a ship to change docks.
    • Fixed NPC-owned capital class mining ships not being able to mine due to lack of collector drones.
    • Fixed mining ships sometimes not going to their designated positions before starting to mine.
    • Fixed delay after player issuing AutoMiner order.
    • Fixed capital ships with forward-mounted weapons sometimes orienting broadside to big targets.
    • Fixed capital ships not acquiring some station modules when attacking them.
    • Fixed fighters manoeuvering against and firing upon the center of stations rather than acquiring station modules.
    • Fixed player-owned squadron subordinates pursuing targets to the ends of the universe.
    • Fixed combat ships assigned to a station not staying in the vicinity of the station.
    • Fixed captured visitor ships sometimes not accepting orders.
    • Fixed UI allowing player to order player-owned ships to "Dock to Trade" at player-owned stations that have no trade offers.
    • Fixed ships wanting to undock from a venture platform worrying that they might leave the player stranded at the station.
    • Fixed player-owned free traders preferring build-related trades.
    • Fixed free traders tending to prefer trades involving buying low amounts or high prices.
    • Fixed player-owned station-based traders ignoring sell offers at the station below a certain threshold.
    • Fixed rare case that would prevent AutoMine and AutoTrade orders from functioning.
    • Fixed lasertower orders being assignable to things that weren't lasertowers.
    • Fixed lasertowers erroneously attempting to move while in highways.
    • Fixed computer pilots of drones and lasertowers sometimes bailing.
    • Fixed player-owned ships formerly owned by pirates retaining their cover ownership.
    • Fixed docked ships on claimed ships retaining old ownership and crew on board.
    • Fixed theoretical ability to improve relations with Xenon and Kha'ak.
    • Fixed not being able to select items to deliver to Black Marketeer when playing multiple delivery missions simultaneously.
    • Fixed receiving pilot comm chatter while not in a cockpit.
    • Fixed Security Office not being available on all stations.
    • Fixed Boarding mission where ship was already captured earlier.
    • Fixed mission character disappearing during Delivery mission.
    • Fixed duplicate greeting of Black Marketeer during Delivery mission.
    • Fixed cases of missing dialog choices for Black Marketeers.
    • Fixed Tutorial and Help menu in ultra-wide resolutions.
    • Fixed large number of queued orders breaking the order queue menu.
    • Fixed map shortcuts not working after using minimize.
    • Fixed wrong production resources shown in LSO and encyclopedia.
    • Fixed hidden information (shown as "???") on player stations in certain cases.
    • Fixed loadout statistics showing changes in engine performance when applying a paint mod.
    • Fixed venture reward menu sometimes not displaying reward information.
    • Fixed custom player logo not being displayed on target monitor.
    • Fixed comms monitor not showing up on incoming reports from pilots.
    • Fixed excessive L and XL travel engine prices.
    • Fixed certain M-sized turret slots on some L-sized ships not allowing mining turrets to be fitted.
    • Fixed mirrored logos on some ships.
    • Fixed NPC position in bar.
    • Fixed various NPC animation issues.
    • Fixed some memory leaks.
    • Fixed causes of several freezes and performance issues in specific circumstances.
    • Fixed several other causes of crashes.

E ai galera, ta jogando ainda? Valeu a pena então?

E bom , esta imcopleto e tem problemas de perfomace
Sugiro esperar sair a 2.0 ate o fim do mes ou se pa mais pra frente num 3.0 ou quando sair a primeira DLC que provavelmente eu considaria release
do jogo e dos mods estarao mais maduros

E ai galera, ta jogando ainda? Valeu a pena então?

Valer a pena, vale. Eu joguei por mais de 150 horas(na verdade duzentas) mas deixei algumas noites rodando sozinho. Acho que a curto e medio prazo, vale a pena, a longo prazo vc acaba percebendo que falta conteudo e ele realmente esta incompleto. Eu mesmo estou esperando novos updates e conteudo novo para voltar a jogar. Eu diria que nesse X4 a ego quase que acertou a mão de primeira no jogo. Foi no lançamento o que mais gostei de jogar de toda a serie. O problema é que nitidamente eles tiveram que economizar recursos ai para lançar o jogo "correndo" e realmente falta conteudo....mas vc só vai perceber isso depois de muitas horas jogando.
Version 1.60 Beta 2 (329105)
  • • Added music tracks from previous games.
    • Added map filter option to disable allied order queue visualisation.
    • [Beta 2] Added option to edit or remove assignment in order queue.
    • [Beta 2] Added tooltips explaining why Request Dock At option is greyed-out.
    • Improved overall game performance.
    • Improved AI attacking of stations.
    • Improved reward calculation for Rescue Ship mission.
    • Improved reward calculation and area range for Repair mission.
    • Improved reward calculation and fleet variation in Fleet Delivery mission.
    • Improved location check for claiming plot in Station Building mission.
    • [Beta 2] Improved likelihood of NPCs providing information when asking for the way to a station.
    • [Beta 2] Improved AutoMiner behaviour to avoid mining in enemy-held territory depending on crew skill.
    • Removed ability to map right mouse button to avoid conflicts with context menu function.
    • Fixed player-owned stations not transferring money to the player after having earned a surplus.
    • Fixed player-owned ships mis-identifying some ships as being abandoned.
    • Fixed ships sometimes undocking and docking again when given an order that doesn't require a ship to change docks.
    • Fixed NPC-owned capital class mining ships not being able to mine due to lack of collector drones.
    • Fixed mining ships sometimes not going to their designated positions before starting to mine.
    • Fixed delay after player issuing AutoMiner order.
    • Fixed capital ships with forward-mounted weapons sometimes orienting broadside to big targets.
    • Fixed capital ships not acquiring some station modules when attacking them.
    • Fixed fighters manoeuvering against and firing upon the center of stations rather than acquiring station modules.
    • Fixed player-owned squadron subordinates pursuing targets to the ends of the universe.
    • Fixed combat ships assigned to a station not staying in the vicinity of the station.
    • Fixed captured visitor ships sometimes not accepting orders.
    • Fixed UI allowing player to order player-owned ships to "Dock to Trade" at player-owned stations that have no trade offers.
    • Fixed ships wanting to undock from a venture platform worrying that they might leave the player stranded at the station.
    • Fixed player-owned free traders preferring build-related trades.
    • Fixed free traders tending to prefer trades involving buying low amounts or high prices.
    • Fixed player-owned station-based traders ignoring sell offers at the station below a certain threshold.
    • Fixed rare case that would prevent AutoMine and AutoTrade orders from functioning.
    • Fixed lasertower orders being assignable to things that weren't lasertowers.
    • Fixed lasertowers erroneously attempting to move while in highways.
    • Fixed computer pilots of drones and lasertowers sometimes bailing.
    • Fixed player-owned ships formerly owned by pirates retaining their cover ownership.
    • Fixed docked ships on claimed ships retaining old ownership and crew on board.
    • Fixed theoretical ability to improve relations with Xenon and Kha'ak.
    • Fixed not being able to select items to deliver to Black Marketeer when playing multiple delivery missions simultaneously.
    • Fixed receiving pilot comm chatter while not in a cockpit.
    • Fixed Security Office not being available on all stations.
    • Fixed Boarding mission where ship was already captured earlier.
    • Fixed mission character disappearing during Delivery mission.
    • Fixed duplicate greeting of Black Marketeer during Delivery mission.
    • Fixed cases of missing dialog choices for Black Marketeers.
    • Fixed Tutorial and Help menu in ultra-wide resolutions.
    • Fixed large number of queued orders breaking the order queue menu.
    • Fixed map shortcuts not working after using minimize.
    • Fixed wrong production resources shown in LSO and encyclopedia.
    • Fixed hidden information (shown as "???") on player stations in certain cases.
    • Fixed loadout statistics showing changes in engine performance when applying a paint mod.
    • Fixed venture reward menu sometimes not displaying reward information.
    • Fixed custom player logo not being displayed on target monitor.
    • Fixed comms monitor not showing up on incoming reports from pilots.
    • Fixed excessive L and XL travel engine prices.
    • Fixed certain M-sized turret slots on some L-sized ships not allowing mining turrets to be fitted.
    • Fixed mirrored logos on some ships.
    • Fixed NPC position in bar.
    • Fixed various NPC animation issues.
    • [Beta 2] Fixed player ship standing still when opening the map after undocking from a station.
    • [Beta 2] Fixed HQ mission destroying wrong ship on certain occasions.
    • [Beta 2] Fixed problems docking certain M-sized ships (especially Drill) without docking software.
    • [Beta 2] Fixed ships protecting stations with the Protect Station order chasing targets out of the designated area.
    • [Beta 2] Fixed new NPC stations potentially having their build storages owned by incorrect factions.
    • [Beta 2] Fixed squadron subordinates sometimes not keeping up with their commanders.
    • [Beta 2] Fixed broken formations after loading a savegame (problem introduced in 1.51 Beta 1).
    • [Beta 2] Fixed dock showing stop sign while ship docked after loading savegame.
    • [Beta 2] Fixed occasional loss of control input while in flight.
    • [Beta 2] Fixed incorrect graphics settings displayed after changing Graphics Quality.
    • [Beta 2] Fixed Account Management and Logical Station Overview menus not setting manager budget when setting station account.
    • [Beta 2] Fixed menu crash in supply node of Logical Station Overview.
    • [Beta 2] Fixed menu crash when opening Info menu for certain stations.
    • [Beta 2] Fixed menu freeze in Account Management menu.
    • [Beta 2] Fixed map freeze if a commander was docked at one of their subordinates.
    • [Beta 2] Fixed UI showing possibility to edit default behaviours of subordinates.
    • [Beta 2] Fixed strange items being added to inventory after venture completes.
    • [Beta 2] Fixed unclaimed venture rewards getting lost on subsequent save/load cycle.
    • Fixed some memory leaks.
    • Fixed causes of several freezes and performance issues in specific circumstances.
    • [Beta 2] Fixed several other causes of crashes.
Fiz um tutorial basico(COM SPOILERS!!!!) para ajudar quem comprou o jogo e tem dificuldade em inicia-lo, entende-lo. A intençao foi boa, mas o video ficou muito longo e algumas coisas não deram completamente certas(como cumprir as missões). Tinha feito um outro que ficou bem melhor, mas deu problema no som e perdi.

Mas acredito ainda que cumpra o papel de ajudar quem esteja começando e tenha paciencia de assisti-lo....

28 January 2019 Build 1.60 (329105)

• Added music tracks from previous games.
• Added map filter option to disable allied order queue visualisation.
• Added option to edit or remove assignment in order queue.
• Added tooltips explaining why Request Dock At option is greyed-out.
• Improved overall game performance.
• Improved AI attacking of stations.
• Improved reward calculation for Rescue Ship mission.
• Improved reward calculation and area range for Repair mission.
• Improved reward calculation and fleet variation in Fleet Delivery mission.
• Improved location check for claiming plot in Station Building mission.
• Improved likelihood of NPCs providing information when asking for the way to a station.
• Improved AutoMiner behaviour to avoid mining in enemy-held territory depending on crew skill.
• Removed ability to map right mouse button to avoid conflicts with context menu function.
• Fixed player-owned stations not transferring money to the player after having earned a surplus.
• Fixed player-owned ships mis-identifying some ships as being abandoned.
• Fixed ships sometimes undocking and docking again when given an order that doesn't require a ship to change docks.
• Fixed NPC-owned capital class mining ships not being able to mine due to lack of collector drones.
• Fixed mining ships sometimes not going to their designated positions before starting to mine.
• Fixed delay after player issuing AutoMiner order.
• Fixed capital ships with forward-mounted weapons sometimes orienting broadside to big targets.
• Fixed capital ships not acquiring some station modules when attacking them.
• Fixed fighters manoeuvering against and firing upon the center of stations rather than acquiring station modules.
• Fixed player-owned squadron subordinates pursuing targets to the ends of the universe.
• Fixed combat ships assigned to a station not staying in the vicinity of the station.
• Fixed captured visitor ships sometimes not accepting orders.
• Fixed UI allowing player to order player-owned ships to "Dock to Trade" at player-owned stations that have no trade offers.
• Fixed ships wanting to undock from a venture platform worrying that they might leave the player stranded at the station.
• Fixed player-owned free traders preferring build-related trades.
• Fixed free traders tending to prefer trades involving buying low amounts or high prices.
• Fixed player-owned station-based traders ignoring sell offers at the station below a certain threshold.
• Fixed rare case that would prevent AutoMine and AutoTrade orders from functioning.
• Fixed lasertower orders being assignable to things that weren't lasertowers.
• Fixed lasertowers erroneously attempting to move while in highways.
• Fixed computer pilots of drones and lasertowers sometimes bailing.
• Fixed player-owned ships formerly owned by pirates retaining their cover ownership.
• Fixed docked ships on claimed ships retaining old ownership and crew on board.
• Fixed theoretical ability to improve relations with Xenon and Kha'ak.
• Fixed not being able to select items to deliver to Black Marketeer when playing multiple delivery missions simultaneously.
• Fixed receiving pilot comm chatter while not in a cockpit.
• Fixed Security Office not being available on all stations.
• Fixed Boarding mission where ship was already captured earlier.
• Fixed mission character disappearing during Delivery mission.
• Fixed duplicate greeting of Black Marketeer during Delivery mission.
• Fixed cases of missing dialog choices for Black Marketeers.
• Fixed Tutorial and Help menu in ultra-wide resolutions.
• Fixed large number of queued orders breaking the order queue menu.
• Fixed map shortcuts not working after using minimize.
• Fixed wrong production resources shown in LSO and encyclopedia.
• Fixed hidden information (shown as "???") on player stations in certain cases.
• Fixed loadout statistics showing changes in engine performance when applying a paint mod.
• Fixed venture reward menu sometimes not displaying reward information.
• Fixed custom player logo not being displayed on target monitor.
• Fixed comms monitor not showing up on incoming reports from pilots.
• Fixed excessive L and XL travel engine prices.
• Fixed certain M-sized turret slots on some L-sized ships not allowing mining turrets to be fitted.
• Fixed mirrored logos on some ships.
• Fixed NPC position in bar.
• Fixed various NPC animation issues.
• Fixed player ship standing still when opening the map after undocking from a station.
• Fixed problems docking certain M-sized ships (especially Drill) without docking software.
• Fixed ships protecting stations with the Protect Station order chasing targets out of the designated area.
• Fixed new NPC stations potentially having their build storages owned by incorrect factions.
• Fixed squadron subordinates sometimes not keeping up with their commanders.
• Fixed dock showing stop sign while ship docked after loading savegame.
• Fixed occasional loss of control input while in flight.
• Fixed incorrect graphics settings displayed after changing Graphics Quality.
• Fixed Account Management and Logical Station Overview menus not setting manager budget when setting station account.
• Fixed menu crash in supply node of Logical Station Overview.
• Fixed menu crash when opening Info menu for certain stations.
• Fixed menu freeze in Account Management menu.
• Fixed map freeze if a commander was docked at one of their subordinates.
• Fixed UI showing possibility to edit default behaviours of subordinates.
• Fixed strange items being added to inventory after venture completes.
• Fixed unclaimed venture rewards getting lost on subsequent save/load cycle.
• Fixed planned station builds being lost after saving and loading.
• Fixed some memory leaks.
• Fixed causes of several freezes and performance issues in specific circumstances.
• Fixed several other causes of crashes.


Update 1.60 and next steps in the evolution of X4: Foundations
28 JAN @ 1:44PM - EGOSOFT
Today, Egosoft is happy to announce the release of patch 1.60. You can find the full changelog for 1.60 at the end of this announcement. We would also like to take this opportunity to share our near-future plans for X4: Foundations with our community! You can find our "road map" regarding future patches below.

Recently we discovered a video about X4: Foundations by Bluedrake42. We have not influenced or sponsored his video, but we are definitely pleased he’s so excited about X4 and we wanted to share his review. It’s been a great joy for the entire team at Egosoft to hear all of his comments.

“There have definitely been a few problems with bugs, and the learning curve has always been a little bit high due to the massive giant economy… but I have to say X4 is the best version of all the X Games in my opinion - the UI is way better and easier to navigate, the controls are way more streamlined.” - Bluedrake42 on YouTube

Check out his full review:

X4: Foundations Milestones

Before 2.00, and between any of the coming major patches, there will also be minor steps. We try to release bug fixes as fast as we can once we feel they are safe (which is why there will also be lots of public betas).

Update 2.00

The next bigger update will bring, among other things, the ability to set up your own shipyards. Compete with the faction shipyards by selling ships to the war factions or build your own fleets.

Another focus for 2.00 is to make crew training a bit easier. Crew and pilots gain experience by doing their jobs; more so in some areas than others. However, while the first two stars are very easy to gain, the progress slows down after that. Getting from the 3rd to the 4th star takes a LOT more experience than from the 1st to the 2nd.

We aim to release 2.00 in February.

Update 2.50
  • With 2.50 we aim to bring a new ship type: Resupply ships. In short, they will work like a flying equipment dock and can form the backbone of a large fleet.
  • Linux version: We hope the Linux beta can start somewhere between 2.00 and 2.50 already but at the latest together with this update.
  • TrackIR/Tobii support: We know lots of people are asking us to support these tools and while testing may start before it again we aim that 2.50 should bring support at the latest.
  • Sector blacklists: This will allow you to set up sectors that your ships will avoid at all costs.
  • Another thing that we hope to pack into 2.50 is a series of improvements around managing inventory items. This includes the ability to create and drop crates in space and possibly also to store them on stations.
Update 3.00
  • As some of you may already have figured out, one cool feature of X4 is the ability to own entire sectors and even change their names. With 3.00 we aim to build upon this with a number of features to help you benefit from sector control. You can then basically become your own faction with your own set of rules.
  • For all updates, we are working on better missions. At the latest for 3.00 we plan to have a number of new and improved combat missions in particular. An area we want to combine this with is improved research (in the player HQ) and the ability to potentially even move the player HQ to a different location.
  • An early gameplay feature that 3.00 will improve is the ability to dock directly at station with a spacesuit and to get other NPC ships to transport you, by offering missions to them.
  • With 3.00 at the latest, we want to have at least one new gamestart. There is a chance that this will have some interesting new features.

Online ventures

In December we released our very first online mode in an X game: Ventures. With the Updates 2.00 to 3.00 we will also continue work on more and better online ventures. So stay tuned for more exciting online missions.

You can find more detailed explanations of Online Ventures here:
X4: Foundations Manual - The Venture Feature[www.egosoft.com]

First Expansion will introduce Split race
While all of the above (free) updates may also contain new assets, we will bundle a lot of new ships, station modules, missions and new sectors into the first big expansion. Our rough timeline is to have an expansion based on introducing the Split race, their ships, a new Split economy and of course a large new area of space shortly after releasing 3.00.
28 January 2019 Build 1.60 (329105)

• Added music tracks from previous games.
• Added map filter option to disable allied order queue visualisation.
• Added option to edit or remove assignment in order queue.
• Added tooltips explaining why Request Dock At option is greyed-out.
• Improved overall game performance.
• Improved AI attacking of stations.
• Improved reward calculation for Rescue Ship mission.
• Improved reward calculation and area range for Repair mission.
• Improved reward calculation and fleet variation in Fleet Delivery mission.
• Improved location check for claiming plot in Station Building mission.
• Improved likelihood of NPCs providing information when asking for the way to a station.
• Improved AutoMiner behaviour to avoid mining in enemy-held territory depending on crew skill.
• Removed ability to map right mouse button to avoid conflicts with context menu function.
• Fixed player-owned stations not transferring money to the player after having earned a surplus.
• Fixed player-owned ships mis-identifying some ships as being abandoned.
• Fixed ships sometimes undocking and docking again when given an order that doesn't require a ship to change docks.
• Fixed NPC-owned capital class mining ships not being able to mine due to lack of collector drones.
• Fixed mining ships sometimes not going to their designated positions before starting to mine.
• Fixed delay after player issuing AutoMiner order.
• Fixed capital ships with forward-mounted weapons sometimes orienting broadside to big targets.
• Fixed capital ships not acquiring some station modules when attacking them.
• Fixed fighters manoeuvering against and firing upon the center of stations rather than acquiring station modules.
• Fixed player-owned squadron subordinates pursuing targets to the ends of the universe.
• Fixed combat ships assigned to a station not staying in the vicinity of the station.
• Fixed captured visitor ships sometimes not accepting orders.
• Fixed UI allowing player to order player-owned ships to "Dock to Trade" at player-owned stations that have no trade offers.
• Fixed ships wanting to undock from a venture platform worrying that they might leave the player stranded at the station.
• Fixed player-owned free traders preferring build-related trades.
• Fixed free traders tending to prefer trades involving buying low amounts or high prices.
• Fixed player-owned station-based traders ignoring sell offers at the station below a certain threshold.
• Fixed rare case that would prevent AutoMine and AutoTrade orders from functioning.
• Fixed lasertower orders being assignable to things that weren't lasertowers.
• Fixed lasertowers erroneously attempting to move while in highways.
• Fixed computer pilots of drones and lasertowers sometimes bailing.
• Fixed player-owned ships formerly owned by pirates retaining their cover ownership.
• Fixed docked ships on claimed ships retaining old ownership and crew on board.
• Fixed theoretical ability to improve relations with Xenon and Kha'ak.
• Fixed not being able to select items to deliver to Black Marketeer when playing multiple delivery missions simultaneously.
• Fixed receiving pilot comm chatter while not in a cockpit.
• Fixed Security Office not being available on all stations.
• Fixed Boarding mission where ship was already captured earlier.
• Fixed mission character disappearing during Delivery mission.
• Fixed duplicate greeting of Black Marketeer during Delivery mission.
• Fixed cases of missing dialog choices for Black Marketeers.
• Fixed Tutorial and Help menu in ultra-wide resolutions.
• Fixed large number of queued orders breaking the order queue menu.
• Fixed map shortcuts not working after using minimize.
• Fixed wrong production resources shown in LSO and encyclopedia.
• Fixed hidden information (shown as "???") on player stations in certain cases.
• Fixed loadout statistics showing changes in engine performance when applying a paint mod.
• Fixed venture reward menu sometimes not displaying reward information.
• Fixed custom player logo not being displayed on target monitor.
• Fixed comms monitor not showing up on incoming reports from pilots.
• Fixed excessive L and XL travel engine prices.
• Fixed certain M-sized turret slots on some L-sized ships not allowing mining turrets to be fitted.
• Fixed mirrored logos on some ships.
• Fixed NPC position in bar.
• Fixed various NPC animation issues.
• Fixed player ship standing still when opening the map after undocking from a station.
• Fixed problems docking certain M-sized ships (especially Drill) without docking software.
• Fixed ships protecting stations with the Protect Station order chasing targets out of the designated area.
• Fixed new NPC stations potentially having their build storages owned by incorrect factions.
• Fixed squadron subordinates sometimes not keeping up with their commanders.
• Fixed dock showing stop sign while ship docked after loading savegame.
• Fixed occasional loss of control input while in flight.
• Fixed incorrect graphics settings displayed after changing Graphics Quality.
• Fixed Account Management and Logical Station Overview menus not setting manager budget when setting station account.
• Fixed menu crash in supply node of Logical Station Overview.
• Fixed menu crash when opening Info menu for certain stations.
• Fixed menu freeze in Account Management menu.
• Fixed map freeze if a commander was docked at one of their subordinates.
• Fixed UI showing possibility to edit default behaviours of subordinates.
• Fixed strange items being added to inventory after venture completes.
• Fixed unclaimed venture rewards getting lost on subsequent save/load cycle.
• Fixed planned station builds being lost after saving and loading.
• Fixed some memory leaks.
• Fixed causes of several freezes and performance issues in specific circumstances.
• Fixed several other causes of crashes.


Update 1.60 and next steps in the evolution of X4: Foundations
28 JAN @ 1:44PM - EGOSOFT
Today, Egosoft is happy to announce the release of patch 1.60. You can find the full changelog for 1.60 at the end of this announcement. We would also like to take this opportunity to share our near-future plans for X4: Foundations with our community! You can find our "road map" regarding future patches below.

Recently we discovered a video about X4: Foundations by Bluedrake42. We have not influenced or sponsored his video, but we are definitely pleased he’s so excited about X4 and we wanted to share his review. It’s been a great joy for the entire team at Egosoft to hear all of his comments.

“There have definitely been a few problems with bugs, and the learning curve has always been a little bit high due to the massive giant economy… but I have to say X4 is the best version of all the X Games in my opinion - the UI is way better and easier to navigate, the controls are way more streamlined.” - Bluedrake42 on YouTube

Check out his full review:

X4: Foundations Milestones

Before 2.00, and between any of the coming major patches, there will also be minor steps. We try to release bug fixes as fast as we can once we feel they are safe (which is why there will also be lots of public betas).

Update 2.00

The next bigger update will bring, among other things, the ability to set up your own shipyards. Compete with the faction shipyards by selling ships to the war factions or build your own fleets.

Another focus for 2.00 is to make crew training a bit easier. Crew and pilots gain experience by doing their jobs; more so in some areas than others. However, while the first two stars are very easy to gain, the progress slows down after that. Getting from the 3rd to the 4th star takes a LOT more experience than from the 1st to the 2nd.

We aim to release 2.00 in February.

Update 2.50
  • With 2.50 we aim to bring a new ship type: Resupply ships. In short, they will work like a flying equipment dock and can form the backbone of a large fleet.
  • Linux version: We hope the Linux beta can start somewhere between 2.00 and 2.50 already but at the latest together with this update.
  • TrackIR/Tobii support: We know lots of people are asking us to support these tools and while testing may start before it again we aim that 2.50 should bring support at the latest.
  • Sector blacklists: This will allow you to set up sectors that your ships will avoid at all costs.
  • Another thing that we hope to pack into 2.50 is a series of improvements around managing inventory items. This includes the ability to create and drop crates in space and possibly also to store them on stations.
Update 3.00
  • As some of you may already have figured out, one cool feature of X4 is the ability to own entire sectors and even change their names. With 3.00 we aim to build upon this with a number of features to help you benefit from sector control. You can then basically become your own faction with your own set of rules.
  • For all updates, we are working on better missions. At the latest for 3.00 we plan to have a number of new and improved combat missions in particular. An area we want to combine this with is improved research (in the player HQ) and the ability to potentially even move the player HQ to a different location.
  • An early gameplay feature that 3.00 will improve is the ability to dock directly at station with a spacesuit and to get other NPC ships to transport you, by offering missions to them.
  • With 3.00 at the latest, we want to have at least one new gamestart. There is a chance that this will have some interesting new features.

Online ventures

In December we released our very first online mode in an X game: Ventures. With the Updates 2.00 to 3.00 we will also continue work on more and better online ventures. So stay tuned for more exciting online missions.

You can find more detailed explanations of Online Ventures here:
X4: Foundations Manual - The Venture Feature[www.egosoft.com]

First Expansion will introduce Split race
While all of the above (free) updates may also contain new assets, we will bundle a lot of new ships, station modules, missions and new sectors into the first big expansion. Our rough timeline is to have an expansion based on introducing the Split race, their ships, a new Split economy and of course a large new area of space shortly after releasing 3.00.

lendo sobre os proximos updates eu fico feliz e triste ao mesmo tempo....
Desenvolva o tema.:mj:

Feliz porque como sempre a egosoft continua com o suporte e desenvolviment do jogo. Triste porque depois de 200 horas de jogo...é esperar os proximos updates e DLC pra continuar. COm eu ja disse, a curto e médio prazo o jogo é incrivel...mas a longo prazo ele mostra que falta "algumas coisas".
Patch 2.0 Beta 1 has been released!

Version 2.00 Beta 1 (331507)

  • • New Feature: Player-owned stations with Shipyard, Wharf and Equipment Dock facilities.
    • Added options to set custom name savegames and to delete savegames.
    • Added ware exchange between ships docked at the same station.
    • Added possibility to start/stop travel mode and SETA while map is open.
    • Added warnings about non-working venture modules due to station layout.
    • Added fighter wings directly subordinate to carriers.
    • Added display of partial skill stars to one third of a star accuracy.
    • Added preview of ship storage capacity after all planned trades to info menu.
    • Added trade menu warning that ware is not available after all planned trades.
    • Added separate Remove all Orders and Wait option, replacing parameter to Remove all Orders.
    • Added failure sound when invalid hotkey is used while map is displayed.
    • Added confirmation before closing station build menu if there are unsaved changes.
    • Added tooltip for greyed-out claim option to show reason.
    • Added full Japanese localisation (text only).
    • Improved Xenon threat.
    • Improved turret aiming and target movement prediction.
    • Improved combat movement of frigates.
    • Improved combat movement of capital ships with good captains and crews that do not have forward-mounted weapons against other capital ships or stations.
    • Improved capital ship combat movement against small and medium targets.
    • Improved balancing of capital ship defensive and offensive capabilities.
    • Improved balancing of capital ship use of boost during combat.
    • Improved balancing of capital ship crews bailing when ship is attacked.
    • Improved balancing of missiles.
    • Improved balancing of ware prices and production profitability to emphasize smart business decisions.
    • Improved target acquisition for ships, particularly when attacking stations or capital ships.
    • Improved command information shown by attacking ships when attacking a subcomponent of a bigger target.
    • Improved range over which ships that run out of ammo can look for a known equipment dock from which to re-stock.
    • Improved kinds of stations requested from station building missions.
    • Improved encyclopedia information for production and factions.
    • Improved Logical Station Overview to show station's recommended budget instead of the currently needed money in account settings.
    • Improved quickload hotkey (F9 by default) so it loads the latest saved game, not necessarily a quicksave.
    • Improved playback logic for music tracks from previous games.
    • Improved performance when working with very large stations.
    • Improved menu performance.
    • Fixed issues with target elements in the HUD in certain cases (e.g. when using "external view" through the map while standing on a ship/station).
    • Fixed keyboard and gamepad selection not working in scrolling dropdown elements.
    • Fixed previous/next target hotkeys and enemy targets sometimes not working when flying captured venture ships.
    • Fixed previous/next surface element hotkey sometimes not working after loading a savegame.
    • Fixed behaviour of autopilot shortcut in the map (now correctly toggles autopilot on guidance target).
    • Fixed production modules sometimes not updating their animation when production starts/stops.
    • Fixed research wares being listed in economy statistics of the HQ.
    • Fixed storage types in encyclopedia not being localised.
    • Fixed turret modifications breaking ship info menu.
    • Fixed broken Logical Station Overview menu for stations missing a storage type and having no planned modules.
    • Fixed broken menu when firing crew and then hiring new people in the ship buy/upgrade menu.
    • Fixed missing title text in ship construction context menu in map.
    • Fixed ship assignment not being queued correctly (possibly upsetting existing trade deals).
    • Fixed deliver inventory mission not correctly placing the character in some situations.
    • Fixed Bring Item mission offers not being removed properly if destination station or NPC was killed.
    • Fixed several issues with Fleet Delivery mission.
    • Fixed Scan mission not checking for destruction of target station module.
    • Fixed Scan mission to require only normal scan rather than deep scan for station modules.
    • Fixed missing guidance to station module in Scan mission.
    • Fixed Passenger Transport missions to filter out incorrect stations.
    • Fixed Find Lockbox mission to ensure containers remain in mission area.
    • Fixed station ownership not being transferred in Build Station mission
    • Fixed trade and pirate guild mission offers not changing over time.
    • Fixed incorrect faction and other text for several dialog options and briefings in war missions.
    • Fixed introductory mission of war subscriptions getting stuck.
    • Fixed Holy Order outliers sometimes prematurely precipitating conflict with the Godrealm of the Paranid.
    • Fixed attacking ships repeatedly approaching and retreating from target before getting close to it.
    • Fixed ships moving out of pursuit distance to attack targets in their initial approach.
    • Fixed ships attacking stations flying at and firing upon station target box instead of station modules.
    • Fixed patrolling ships attacking build storage.
    • Fixed ships showing excessive DPS when weapons are in more than one active weapon group.
    • Fixed builder ships wandering into hostile territory.
    • Fixed capital ship subordinates of carriers sometimes attempting to dock at their commander's ship.
    • Fixed station-based trading ships setting their current sector as their home sector rather than their station's sector.
    • Fixed ship/station operations being hampered by docked ships working for that ship/station not undocking while player is present.
    • Fixed boarding ships that are missing ammo trying to disable boarding target anyway.
    • Fixed formation skill checks not respecting the player being the pilot.
    • Fixed another case of patrolling player-owned ships chasing hostiles beyond their engagement range.
    • Fixed squadron subordinates apparently trying to attack ships from their own faction.
    • Fixed player-owned ships sometimes inadvertently firing missiles depending on their weapon group setup.
    • Fixed turrets set to Attack my Current Enemy not firing when they should.
    • Fixed turrets set to Attack my Current Enemy firing when they shouldn't.
    • Fixed ships attacking stations stopping their attack after destroying a station module or surface element.
    • Fixed turrets on the player ship that are set to mining mode not firing on asteroids.
    • Fixed boarding ships not launching boarding pods in certain situations.
    • Fixed fleeing ships acquiring a target and attacking in certain situations.
    • Fixed ships attempting to disable a target deliberately destroying it instead.
    • Fixed ships with a Follow order not responding to certain situations.
    • Fixed player-owned ships attacking friendly ships while patrolling player-owned space.
    • Fixed non-police ships (including player-owned ships) sometimes responding to calls for police assistance.
    • Fixed non-Xenon races not constructing defence stations.
    • Fixed build storage of destroyed stations not being cleaned up.
    • Fixed NPCs rubber-banding for a long time after loading a savegame in certain situations.
    • Fixed NPCs getting stuck in elevator if player uses it while NPC is walking in it.
    • Fixed NPC marshalling animations during player docking/undocking.
    • Fixed multiple NPCs standing in the same position on some Argon bridges.
    • Fixed cases of duplicate interior rooms on stations.
    • Fixed frozen movement in bridges of docked capital ships.
    • Fixed cargo trades with Black Marketeer sometimes failing.
    • Fixed module hacking requirements not being respected.
    • Fixed area damage not being correctly applied in certain situations.
    • Fixed ships flying huge curves when going long distances.
    • Fixed multiple shipyards attempting to fulfil the same NPC ship build requests.
    • Fixed NPC ships sometimes requesting more subordinates to be built than they desired.
    • Fixed stations not claiming sector ownership if claiming module is built later.
    • Fixed turrets and shields not being added to station module when not part of a new module.
    • Fixed station module stats and achievements not triggering with the first module of a station.
    • Fixed station module recycling sometimes interrupting an ongoing build.
    • Fixed recycle times of station modules.
    • Fixed exploit where wares could be gained when recycling modules.
    • Fixed inability to remove last remaining module when planning a station.
    • Fixed not being able to cancel ship orders in some cases.
    • Fixed total build time being off by up to one minute for some objects.
    • Fixed onboard units not being factored into object value.
    • Fixed inconsistencies with station hull values.
    • Fixed stations not remembering their Drone/Unit supply settings.
    • Fixed small ships failing to exchange wares with ships they can dock at.
    • Fixed ships needlessly undocking to trade.
    • Fixed faction discounts and commissions not being removed when relations worsen.
    • Fixed transfer of crew from one role to another not being possible at shipyard/wharf/equipment dock if no other changes are made.
    • Fixed EMP-induced signal leaks on unowned small and medium ships claiming them for the player when scanned.
    • Fixed lasertowers spawning in wrong location when deployed from Elite.
    • Fixed lasertowers potentially ending up in the exact same position in space.
    • Fixed objects attracted with the container magnet sometimes getting an unreasonable speed.
    • Fixed ships sometimes oscillating around target positions if SETA is active.
    • Fixed ships docked at other ships sometimes appearing twice in the elevator menu.
    • Fixed issue resulting in data leaks sometimes appearing inside station modules.
    • Fixed roll input in highways steering in the wrong direction.
    • Fixed inability to remap camera input control.
    • Fixed not being able to load certain user-provided files (e.g. custom logos) with non-ASCII file names.
    • Fixed floating geometry on the M-sized Beam Emitter Mk2.
    • Fixed rare freeze related to player ship control.
    • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Known Issues

The following issues in this version are known and may be fixed in a forthcoming update.
Patch 2.0 Beta 1 has been released!

Version 2.00 Beta 1 (331507)

  • • New Feature: Player-owned stations with Shipyard, Wharf and Equipment Dock facilities.
    • Added options to set custom name savegames and to delete savegames.
    • Added ware exchange between ships docked at the same station.
    • Added possibility to start/stop travel mode and SETA while map is open.
    • Added warnings about non-working venture modules due to station layout.
    • Added fighter wings directly subordinate to carriers.
    • Added display of partial skill stars to one third of a star accuracy.
    • Added preview of ship storage capacity after all planned trades to info menu.
    • Added trade menu warning that ware is not available after all planned trades.
    • Added separate Remove all Orders and Wait option, replacing parameter to Remove all Orders.
    • Added failure sound when invalid hotkey is used while map is displayed.
    • Added confirmation before closing station build menu if there are unsaved changes.
    • Added tooltip for greyed-out claim option to show reason.
    • Added full Japanese localisation (text only).
    • Improved Xenon threat.
    • Improved turret aiming and target movement prediction.
    • Improved combat movement of frigates.
    • Improved combat movement of capital ships with good captains and crews that do not have forward-mounted weapons against other capital ships or stations.
    • Improved capital ship combat movement against small and medium targets.
    • Improved balancing of capital ship defensive and offensive capabilities.
    • Improved balancing of capital ship use of boost during combat.
    • Improved balancing of capital ship crews bailing when ship is attacked.
    • Improved balancing of missiles.
    • Improved balancing of ware prices and production profitability to emphasize smart business decisions.
    • Improved target acquisition for ships, particularly when attacking stations or capital ships.
    • Improved command information shown by attacking ships when attacking a subcomponent of a bigger target.
    • Improved range over which ships that run out of ammo can look for a known equipment dock from which to re-stock.
    • Improved kinds of stations requested from station building missions.
    • Improved encyclopedia information for production and factions.
    • Improved Logical Station Overview to show station's recommended budget instead of the currently needed money in account settings.
    • Improved quickload hotkey (F9 by default) so it loads the latest saved game, not necessarily a quicksave.
    • Improved playback logic for music tracks from previous games.
    • Improved performance when working with very large stations.
    • Improved menu performance.
    • Fixed issues with target elements in the HUD in certain cases (e.g. when using "external view" through the map while standing on a ship/station).
    • Fixed keyboard and gamepad selection not working in scrolling dropdown elements.
    • Fixed previous/next target hotkeys and enemy targets sometimes not working when flying captured venture ships.
    • Fixed previous/next surface element hotkey sometimes not working after loading a savegame.
    • Fixed behaviour of autopilot shortcut in the map (now correctly toggles autopilot on guidance target).
    • Fixed production modules sometimes not updating their animation when production starts/stops.
    • Fixed research wares being listed in economy statistics of the HQ.
    • Fixed storage types in encyclopedia not being localised.
    • Fixed turret modifications breaking ship info menu.
    • Fixed broken Logical Station Overview menu for stations missing a storage type and having no planned modules.
    • Fixed broken menu when firing crew and then hiring new people in the ship buy/upgrade menu.
    • Fixed missing title text in ship construction context menu in map.
    • Fixed ship assignment not being queued correctly (possibly upsetting existing trade deals).
    • Fixed deliver inventory mission not correctly placing the character in some situations.
    • Fixed Bring Item mission offers not being removed properly if destination station or NPC was killed.
    • Fixed several issues with Fleet Delivery mission.
    • Fixed Scan mission not checking for destruction of target station module.
    • Fixed Scan mission to require only normal scan rather than deep scan for station modules.
    • Fixed missing guidance to station module in Scan mission.
    • Fixed Passenger Transport missions to filter out incorrect stations.
    • Fixed Find Lockbox mission to ensure containers remain in mission area.
    • Fixed station ownership not being transferred in Build Station mission
    • Fixed trade and pirate guild mission offers not changing over time.
    • Fixed incorrect faction and other text for several dialog options and briefings in war missions.
    • Fixed introductory mission of war subscriptions getting stuck.
    • Fixed Holy Order outliers sometimes prematurely precipitating conflict with the Godrealm of the Paranid.
    • Fixed attacking ships repeatedly approaching and retreating from target before getting close to it.
    • Fixed ships moving out of pursuit distance to attack targets in their initial approach.
    • Fixed ships attacking stations flying at and firing upon station target box instead of station modules.
    • Fixed patrolling ships attacking build storage.
    • Fixed ships showing excessive DPS when weapons are in more than one active weapon group.
    • Fixed builder ships wandering into hostile territory.
    • Fixed capital ship subordinates of carriers sometimes attempting to dock at their commander's ship.
    • Fixed station-based trading ships setting their current sector as their home sector rather than their station's sector.
    • Fixed ship/station operations being hampered by docked ships working for that ship/station not undocking while player is present.
    • Fixed boarding ships that are missing ammo trying to disable boarding target anyway.
    • Fixed formation skill checks not respecting the player being the pilot.
    • Fixed another case of patrolling player-owned ships chasing hostiles beyond their engagement range.
    • Fixed squadron subordinates apparently trying to attack ships from their own faction.
    • Fixed player-owned ships sometimes inadvertently firing missiles depending on their weapon group setup.
    • Fixed turrets set to Attack my Current Enemy not firing when they should.
    • Fixed turrets set to Attack my Current Enemy firing when they shouldn't.
    • Fixed ships attacking stations stopping their attack after destroying a station module or surface element.
    • Fixed turrets on the player ship that are set to mining mode not firing on asteroids.
    • Fixed boarding ships not launching boarding pods in certain situations.
    • Fixed fleeing ships acquiring a target and attacking in certain situations.
    • Fixed ships attempting to disable a target deliberately destroying it instead.
    • Fixed ships with a Follow order not responding to certain situations.
    • Fixed player-owned ships attacking friendly ships while patrolling player-owned space.
    • Fixed non-police ships (including player-owned ships) sometimes responding to calls for police assistance.
    • Fixed non-Xenon races not constructing defence stations.
    • Fixed build storage of destroyed stations not being cleaned up.
    • Fixed NPCs rubber-banding for a long time after loading a savegame in certain situations.
    • Fixed NPCs getting stuck in elevator if player uses it while NPC is walking in it.
    • Fixed NPC marshalling animations during player docking/undocking.
    • Fixed multiple NPCs standing in the same position on some Argon bridges.
    • Fixed cases of duplicate interior rooms on stations.
    • Fixed frozen movement in bridges of docked capital ships.
    • Fixed cargo trades with Black Marketeer sometimes failing.
    • Fixed module hacking requirements not being respected.
    • Fixed area damage not being correctly applied in certain situations.
    • Fixed ships flying huge curves when going long distances.
    • Fixed multiple shipyards attempting to fulfil the same NPC ship build requests.
    • Fixed NPC ships sometimes requesting more subordinates to be built than they desired.
    • Fixed stations not claiming sector ownership if claiming module is built later.
    • Fixed turrets and shields not being added to station module when not part of a new module.
    • Fixed station module stats and achievements not triggering with the first module of a station.
    • Fixed station module recycling sometimes interrupting an ongoing build.
    • Fixed recycle times of station modules.
    • Fixed exploit where wares could be gained when recycling modules.
    • Fixed inability to remove last remaining module when planning a station.
    • Fixed not being able to cancel ship orders in some cases.
    • Fixed total build time being off by up to one minute for some objects.
    • Fixed onboard units not being factored into object value.
    • Fixed inconsistencies with station hull values.
    • Fixed stations not remembering their Drone/Unit supply settings.
    • Fixed small ships failing to exchange wares with ships they can dock at.
    • Fixed ships needlessly undocking to trade.
    • Fixed faction discounts and commissions not being removed when relations worsen.
    • Fixed transfer of crew from one role to another not being possible at shipyard/wharf/equipment dock if no other changes are made.
    • Fixed EMP-induced signal leaks on unowned small and medium ships claiming them for the player when scanned.
    • Fixed lasertowers spawning in wrong location when deployed from Elite.
    • Fixed lasertowers potentially ending up in the exact same position in space.
    • Fixed objects attracted with the container magnet sometimes getting an unreasonable speed.
    • Fixed ships sometimes oscillating around target positions if SETA is active.
    • Fixed ships docked at other ships sometimes appearing twice in the elevator menu.
    • Fixed issue resulting in data leaks sometimes appearing inside station modules.
    • Fixed roll input in highways steering in the wrong direction.
    • Fixed inability to remap camera input control.
    • Fixed not being able to load certain user-provided files (e.g. custom logos) with non-ASCII file names.
    • Fixed floating geometry on the M-sized Beam Emitter Mk2.
    • Fixed rare freeze related to player ship control.
    • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Known Issues

The following issues in this version are known and may be fixed in a forthcoming update.

esperando ansiosamente o 2.0 sair do Beta.

E o jogo agora ja esta com 10% de desconto na steam
Version 2.00 Beta 2 (332358)

New stuff

•[Beta 2] Added more details about damage types to weapon and turret entries in Encyclopedia.

•[Beta 2] Added skill-based variants for AutoMine behaviour.


•[Beta 2] Improved trade evaluation for free traders.

•[Beta 2] Improved firing logic of missile-armed fighters.

•[Beta 2] Improved guided missile effectiveness.

•[Beta 2] Improved loadout distribution on NPC ships.

•[Beta 2] Improved combat movement of capital ships, particularly those with forward-mounted weapons.

•[Beta 2] Improved balancing of resource requirements for L and XL travel engines.

•[Beta 2] Improved auto-aim on primary weapons (problem introduced in 2.0 Beta 1).


•[Beta 2] Fixed NPC ships sometimes not leaving shipyards after being built.

•[Beta 2] Fixed Discoverer doors not opening when newly built.

•[Beta 2] Fixed incorrect shield configuration on Behemoth.

•[Beta 2] Fixed engine positions on Xenon K so that they can now be destroyed.

•[Beta 2] Fixed ship build menu showing wrong sustained DPS values when planning multiple weapons on new ship.

•[Beta 2] Fixed shopping list items in the ship build menu not being editable.

•[Beta 2] Fixed exchanging missiles and drones between ships and stations using Ware Exchange.

•[Beta 2] Fixed police ships attempting to scan surface elements for illegal goods.

•[Beta 2] Fixed police sometimes inspecting ships that are already being inspected by another police ship.

•[Beta 2] Fixed squadron subordinates sometimes failing to call in support from their squadron.

•[Beta 2] Fixed patrolling ships sometimes accidentally crossing jump gates.

•[Beta 2] Fixed factions sometimes not using their intelligence data in preparation for invading.

•[Beta 2] Fixed laser towers being dragged along by the launching ship in certain situations.

•[Beta 2] Fixed laser towers continuing to track targets that are no longer valid.

•[Beta 2] Fixed rare case causing ships to rotate erratically.

•[Beta 2] Fixed a cause of ships trying to fly into the centre of stations without avoiding collisions.

•[Beta 2] Fixed Black Marketeers sometimes being placed aboard Kha'ak stations.

•[Beta 2] Fixed newly constructed NPC stations being given resources immediately.

•[Beta 2] Fixed production showing wrong resources (again).

•[Beta 2] Fixed stations provided by the player via the Build Station mission not having functioning managing NPCs.

•[Beta 2] Fixed missions to board or destroy targets with certain criteria (problem introduced in 2.0 Beta 1).

•[Beta 2] Fixed access to faction restriction and price factor of NPC shipyards (problem introduced in 2.00 Beta 1).

•[Beta 2] Fixed failure to save if save folder path contains non-ASCII characters (problem introduced in 2.00 Beta 1).

•[Beta 2] Fixed ship traders at player-owned shipyards (problem introduced in 2.00 Beta 1).

•[Beta 2] Fixed player not getting paid by NPCs ordering ships at their shipyard (problem introduced in 2.0 Beta 1).

•[Beta 2] Fixed several causes of crashes.

2.00 Beta 1 Hotfix 2 introduced:

Fixed crash that could occur when upgrading capital ships (problem introduced in 2.00 beta 1)
Definitivamente com esse Beta 2.0 (agora ja na versão 3) o jogo deve alcançar o nivel que ele deveria ter no release. Essas mudanças nas naves capitais e a agressividade dos inimigos, entre outras coisas, vai dar nova vida as batalhas entre as frotas, que é um dos aspectos que mais gosto no jogo.

O abaixo é o que se acresceu ao citado acima nessa versão. Agora é zerar o exodus e voltar para o X4, quando o 2.0 ja deve ter ido pra live.

2.0 Beta 3 is up for testing!


  • [Beta 3] Improved default countermeasure storage capacities.
    (Comment from post creator: Ships now have between 4 to 40 countermeasures typically depending on ship size)
  • [Beta 3] Improved balancing of Xenon threat (problem introduced in 2.0 Beta 1).
    (Comment from post creator: Xenon capital ships still hurt a lot more than 1.6, but a bit less than 2.0 Beta 1)
  • [Beta 3] Fixed weapons with slow bullets or missiles not firing.
  • [Beta 3] Fixed ships assigned to join player squad not getting new orders.
  • [Beta 3] Fixed mission chains being cancelled if target was destroyed before the mission started.
  • [Beta 3] Fixed Boarding mission not being cancelled if target was destroyed before the mission started.
  • [Beta 3] Fixed player not being paid by NPCs building ships at player shipyard (problem introduced in 2.0 Beta 1).
  • [Beta 3] Fixed NPC ships buying ammo and units from player shipyards not paying for them (problem introduced in 2.0 Beta 1).
  • [Beta 3] Fixed factions building more defence stations than they should (problem introduced in 2.0 Beta 1).
  • [Beta 3] Fixed some variants of the Bring Item mission not correctly spawning the delivery character (problem introduced in 2.0 Beta 1).
  • [Beta 3] Fixed station build menu not opening after opening the map from within the menu (problem introduced in 2.0 Beta 1).
  • [Beta 3] Fixed opening the encyclopedia from the station and ship build menus (problem introduced in 2.0 Beta 2).
  • [Beta 3] Fixed several causes of crashes.
  • [Beta 3] Removed duplicated equipment blueprints from trader menu.

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