Diablo III: Reaper of Souls - [ PREVIEW ]

Não esta aberto para novas mensagens.
Falta pouco pra expansão sair. Acalma ae pessoal :haha:
Tanto faz a blizz mandar as keys ou não, março logo ali já.

Cheguei meio bêbado e vi um email diferente da Blizzard...

Pensei Oxê "uma key logo agora?". Não, não! Convite pro beta de HS. Hic.

Cheguei meio bêbado e vi um email diferente da Blizzard...

Pensei Oxê "uma key logo agora?". Não, não! Convite pro beta de HS. Hic.

to chegando em casa bebo agora... kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk :sono:
rapaz, tem uma galera aqui que é viciada demais, sempre estão online no tópico... :bwahaha::bwahaha:

Há 5 usuários navegando neste tópico. (5 registrados e 0 visitantes)
RedenTor, dapkiller, Eddie_Alucard, T-R3X, wolverinewe

o dapkiller eu nunca vejo offline... :bwahaha::bwahaha::bwahaha:

Falta $3 pra conseguir comprar a expansão. :megusta:
Vou converter pra real, to com uma graninha lá. :awesome:

Alguém sabe se essa asa que estão falando que vai vim na CE, vai vir pro povo que compro a deluxe também?
Se vier, junto mais e pego logo a deluxe.
Peqeuno update no trampo

to chegando em casa bebo agora... kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk :sono:
rapaz, tem uma galera aqui que é viciada demais, sempre estão online no tópico... :bwahaha::bwahaha:

Há 5 usuários navegando neste tópico. (5 registrados e 0 visitantes)
RedenTor, dapkiller, Eddie_Alucard, T-R3X, wolverinewe

o dapkiller eu nunca vejo offline... :bwahaha::bwahaha::bwahaha:


Eu raramente desligo o computador, e muitas vezes não fecho o navegador quando saio do PC :haha:
Eu raramente desligo o computador, e muitas vezes não fecho o navegador quando saio do PC :haha:

sei... hahahhaa


Comentário dos Devs falando sobre o APoC, nem li:awesome:, mas deve ser útil para os Wiz de plantão....

fonte: http://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/1xyrwd/ptrbeta_hotfix_nerf_of_aponcrit_for_all_20_items/

Devs Experimenting with APoC
Some tweaking has been done on the PTR/Beta that developers haven't yet mentioned. Arcane Power on Crit has been receiving changes and the devs still aren't quite sure where the sweetspot is. Check out what Wyatt Cheng had to say about it on Reddit.
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Source)
We are indeed experimenting with a reduction of AP-on-Crit.
At the moment the default AP regen is 10/s. A standard AP-On-Crit loadout increases this easily to 22 or more and it was definitely heading into the territory of spamming expensive spenders non-stop right out of the gate. Reaching that point should be a state you aspire to and work towards (usually with some legendary items or a sweet set bonus) - not something that's handed out virtually for free.
It completely negates the use of Signature spells, and we do strive for a rhythm of alternating between your left and right mouse buttons, as well as all 6 skills on your bar. It's okay if the most dedicated players reach a point where they no longer need a signature spell, but this should not be the case for people who just put on 2 easily-acquired items and a particular skill loadout.
Yes - we are pushing for people to do more than spam one skill. Running out of resource should be a very real concern - that's the point of having a resource system at all. You decide when to spend your resource. Sometimes you save it up, sometimes you spend it liberally. If you never run out of resource, what is the difference between a cheap spell on an expensive spell? In theory, a high resource cost spell should do more damage but you can't use it as much. A low resource cost spell you can use more often but does less damage. What we were seeing on both the Witch Doctor and the Wizard is that people simply spam their most expensive spell possible and hope the monsters are dead before you run out of resource.
The Barbarian had reduction to resource regeneration from passives as well. We'll continue to monitor the Witch Doctor, the Wizard and the Barbarian. We're concerned both with making sure all 6 classes have good power levels relative to one another, and we're also concerned that all 6 classes have a variety of fun playstyles available to them.
Quick follow-up for clarity. We intentionally did not modify any legacy items. We have a core value on the team to take great lengths not to modify items on the live game that people own. The reduction of AP-on-Crit applies to items dropped in Loot 2.0 only.
I'm worried that legacy AP-on-crit Sources/Hats might still be preferable to Loot 2.0 items.
For Sources you generally have 4 stats you care about:
Damage: ~250 on live L60 and ~350 on beta L70
Crit Chance: 10% on both live L60 and beta L70
AP on Crit: 10 on live L60 vs 4 on beta L70
Intelligence: 250 on live L60 vs 600+ (?) on beta L70
For Hats you generally have 4 stats you care about:
Crit Chance: 6% on both live L60 and beta L70
AP on Crit: 10 on live L60 vs 4 on beta L70
Intelligence: 250 on live L60 vs 600+ (?) on beta L70
Socket: 1 on both live L60 and beta L70
So the choice comes down to:
20 AP on crit
Loot 2.0
8 AP on crit
100 damage
600-1300 more Intelligence
Skill % bonus on Hat
Potential for new Legendary effects
I admit that a lot of the new Legendary effects are tantalizing, but gaining 2.5x more AP on crit and the ability to use your most damaging skills non-stop is hard to pass up. I'd honestly prefer a lifesteal-like reduction at level 70 just so I don't feel compelled to use legacy items (although I'm sure this isn't going to be too popular an opinion with some people).
It's okay if the most dedicated players reach a point where they no longer need a signature spell, but this should not be the case for people who just put on 2 easily-acquired items and a particular skill loadout.
In that case, have you considered making the rarer legendaries roll higher AP-on-crit values, approaching the legacy values? Or adding AP-on-crit to non-Source/Hat legendaries? Is there a Wizard set (torment-only?) that has AP-on-crit as its powerful set bonus?
EDIT: Also thanks a lot for addressing this thread directly!
Yes, you bring up a great point.

We discussed this internally and to be honest, we're "worried" that legacy AP-on-crit sources/hats might still be preferable. I put "worried" in quotes because we ran some analysis and looked at the new legendaries are we're fairly confident people will find Loot 2.0 items to be better but we've been wrong before and I'm willing to be wrong again.

As you mention - the new Legendary effects is one of the things we're banking on. We're hoping they are tantalizing enough to pull people forward.

We considered a lot of things. We considered a Lifesteal-like reduction going into 70. We considered nerfing the live items directly (but as previously mentioned, we're very loathe to do that). We considered significantly increasing AP costs on the most egregious spells. We considered removing AP-on-crit completely from orbs but significantly adding +flat damage so the likelihood people "graduated" out of them was extremely high (but this would cause a significant ripple effect of balance across all items in the game and all classes). We considered massive nerfs to proc scalars on the Wizard but that seemed unfairly across-the-board punishing just to fix the AP problem.

It's really hard to say for sure how things will play out, but it's an issue we'll be monitoring closely.

Regarding AP-on-crit for rarer legendaries. I think part of this nerf definitely leaves room for Wizard-set bonuses in the future. Maybe it will be AP-on-crit as a set bonus - though more likely we'll use some of the space we've freed up to do something more interesting like getting a freecast of Arcane Orb when you meet certain criteria or letting one of the cheaper spells become a generator in a manner similar to the Demon Hunter's Kridershot.
Wyatt - Should have bit the bullet a year ago in RoS development when you toyed with stat caps and converted to a Ratings System a-la WoW. APonCrit isn't quite %-age based, but could have been done. Just raise the rating required for 10 AP @ 70 higher. Problems across all legacy itemization obsoletetion solved! (No need to block legacy rerolling either)
ie - 10 AP on Crit converted exactly to 100 AP-on-Crit Rating.
@ 60 need 10 rating per 1 AP on Crit.
@ 70 need 25 rating per 1 AP on Crit.

So your legacy item with 100 AP-on-Crit-Rating still returns 10 @ level 60.... but only 4 @ 70. Item stays the same, new ilvl 70 items also have the same 100 rating cap, but with shiny new legendary affixes.
Was there a reason the Dev team did not want to convert to that type of system? It worked for Blizzard across many many expansions, and I know D3 folks really hate hearing about WoW... but c'mon.. Thunderfury? XD
We're trying to avoid ratings for the forseeable future on Diablo III. Believe me - it's tempting. Ratings have the advantage that you can continually scale up the stats by making them worth less per point when you move to higher levels. We could have done crit rating, crit damage rating, move speed rating, ApocRating, etc.

The downside of ratings is that it becomes extremely difficult to gauge your gear. Gear is already hard enough to evaluate - but we always have it in the back of our minds to try and make things better over time, not worse. Going with ratings is basically saying "No human being could hope to evaluate this gear, just go to d3up" (not that I have anything against d3up, but I think the game should be playable by savvy players without needing it). This is why the new properties we've added are things like cooldown reduction, resource cost reduction, and area damage. We're trying to provide stats that people can evaluate without needing a spreadsheet.

Internally we had people suggest things like "super-crit" or "crit-from-strength" as new stats to introduce in RoS. I'll let you imagine what these do. The problem is - these stats added complexity without making choices more interesting -and worse - they further made evaluating gear into a giant math problem.

TL;DR: Ratings let us scale gear but make gear harder to evaluate at a glance. The design team has decided to accept a lot of pain in order to keep the gear legible to humans.


olhaí [CITAR]karmarrara[/CITAR], os vídeos do WD de um dos Devs, tem a foto da gear dele na página anterior...


Por isso que no PTR eu sempre ando com uma signature spell (electrocute/surge of power) e a passiva Arcane Dynamo. Asism além de não ter que depender sempre do APoC (20 no meu caso), eu tenho outra boa razão pra usar a signature spell entre os ataques, pra ganhar o bonus de 60%. Como minhas principais skills de dano são chanelled (Arcane Torrent e Desintegrate), o apoc ajuda a não ter que ficar mudando de skill toda hora. Em elites eu geralmente tenho que trocar de ataque 3 vezes, 1 vez Desintegrate/Intensifi (debuff), outra Electrocute (proc do Arcane Dynamo e pra recarregar recursos) e depois spamo Arcane Torrent. O Familiar também recebe o buff do Arcana Dynamo.

Mesmo assim eu ainda tenho que usar Storm Armor/Power of the Storm e a passiva Astral Presence pra manter o pool de AP sempre cheio.

Se reduzirem APoC em itens normais e deixarem em itens chave do Wizard, acho que não tem problema. Agora se acabarem completamente com qualquer chance de manter regeneração de recursos alta, vão ter que aumentar muito o dano das skills spenders pra continuar valendo a pena. Caso contrário skills com custo muito alto cairão no limbo.
Última edição:
eu acho uma sacanagem uma pu**ria da blizz acabar com os itens antigos. Nao digo nem acabar com os itens antigos mas acabar com todo o dinheiro q eu investi em meus chars, ao menos ja que eu paguei pra ter alguns itens, e nos esforçamos tantos em trades de AH e farms, porra deveriam pelo menos nos dar novos itens tops de cara. Agora pega nosso hora das bruxas com no maximo 200 de int e enfia no *?
fala serio.

eles não tão nerfando o jogo tão nerfando nossas horas de jogo e nossos dólares vão toma no meio do **.

tb acho q devem melhorar os servidores. E eu nunca vi uma burrice tão grande vc nao poder passar os itens de um char para outro char.
tinha q ficar leiloando item equipado cancelar o leilao e depois enviar pro baú. Ou então ficar trocando de char metendo item no baú e colocando o item no char de novo. É muito chato isso. Outra coisa eh o jogo lagar todinho pq um cobaia entro dentro do jogo pra jogar.

quer dizer que o cara mais fodão que conseguiu achar uma manticora com 1600 dps top vai pegar e tacar ela no lixo??? eh bom ouvir isso nossa nem te conto. Simplesmente pq a manticora piorzinha na versão nova tem 4k de dps, mas vão tomar banho.
Última edição:
sei... hahahhaa


Comentário dos Devs falando sobre o APoC, nem li:awesome:, mas deve ser útil para os Wiz de plantão....

fonte: http://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/1xyrwd/ptrbeta_hotfix_nerf_of_aponcrit_for_all_20_items/

Devs Experimenting with APoC
Some tweaking has been done on the PTR/Beta that developers haven't yet mentioned. Arcane Power on Crit has been receiving changes and the devs still aren't quite sure where the sweetspot is. Check out what Wyatt Cheng had to say about it on Reddit.
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Source)
We are indeed experimenting with a reduction of AP-on-Crit.
At the moment the default AP regen is 10/s. A standard AP-On-Crit loadout increases this easily to 22 or more and it was definitely heading into the territory of spamming expensive spenders non-stop right out of the gate. Reaching that point should be a state you aspire to and work towards (usually with some legendary items or a sweet set bonus) - not something that's handed out virtually for free.
It completely negates the use of Signature spells, and we do strive for a rhythm of alternating between your left and right mouse buttons, as well as all 6 skills on your bar. It's okay if the most dedicated players reach a point where they no longer need a signature spell, but this should not be the case for people who just put on 2 easily-acquired items and a particular skill loadout.
Yes - we are pushing for people to do more than spam one skill. Running out of resource should be a very real concern - that's the point of having a resource system at all. You decide when to spend your resource. Sometimes you save it up, sometimes you spend it liberally. If you never run out of resource, what is the difference between a cheap spell on an expensive spell? In theory, a high resource cost spell should do more damage but you can't use it as much. A low resource cost spell you can use more often but does less damage. What we were seeing on both the Witch Doctor and the Wizard is that people simply spam their most expensive spell possible and hope the monsters are dead before you run out of resource.
The Barbarian had reduction to resource regeneration from passives as well. We'll continue to monitor the Witch Doctor, the Wizard and the Barbarian. We're concerned both with making sure all 6 classes have good power levels relative to one another, and we're also concerned that all 6 classes have a variety of fun playstyles available to them.
Quick follow-up for clarity. We intentionally did not modify any legacy items. We have a core value on the team to take great lengths not to modify items on the live game that people own. The reduction of AP-on-Crit applies to items dropped in Loot 2.0 only.
I'm worried that legacy AP-on-crit Sources/Hats might still be preferable to Loot 2.0 items.
For Sources you generally have 4 stats you care about:
Damage: ~250 on live L60 and ~350 on beta L70
Crit Chance: 10% on both live L60 and beta L70
AP on Crit: 10 on live L60 vs 4 on beta L70
Intelligence: 250 on live L60 vs 600+ (?) on beta L70
For Hats you generally have 4 stats you care about:
Crit Chance: 6% on both live L60 and beta L70
AP on Crit: 10 on live L60 vs 4 on beta L70
Intelligence: 250 on live L60 vs 600+ (?) on beta L70
Socket: 1 on both live L60 and beta L70
So the choice comes down to:
20 AP on crit
Loot 2.0
8 AP on crit
100 damage
600-1300 more Intelligence
Skill % bonus on Hat
Potential for new Legendary effects
I admit that a lot of the new Legendary effects are tantalizing, but gaining 2.5x more AP on crit and the ability to use your most damaging skills non-stop is hard to pass up. I'd honestly prefer a lifesteal-like reduction at level 70 just so I don't feel compelled to use legacy items (although I'm sure this isn't going to be too popular an opinion with some people).
It's okay if the most dedicated players reach a point where they no longer need a signature spell, but this should not be the case for people who just put on 2 easily-acquired items and a particular skill loadout.
In that case, have you considered making the rarer legendaries roll higher AP-on-crit values, approaching the legacy values? Or adding AP-on-crit to non-Source/Hat legendaries? Is there a Wizard set (torment-only?) that has AP-on-crit as its powerful set bonus?
EDIT: Also thanks a lot for addressing this thread directly!
Yes, you bring up a great point.

We discussed this internally and to be honest, we're "worried" that legacy AP-on-crit sources/hats might still be preferable. I put "worried" in quotes because we ran some analysis and looked at the new legendaries are we're fairly confident people will find Loot 2.0 items to be better but we've been wrong before and I'm willing to be wrong again.

As you mention - the new Legendary effects is one of the things we're banking on. We're hoping they are tantalizing enough to pull people forward.

We considered a lot of things. We considered a Lifesteal-like reduction going into 70. We considered nerfing the live items directly (but as previously mentioned, we're very loathe to do that). We considered significantly increasing AP costs on the most egregious spells. We considered removing AP-on-crit completely from orbs but significantly adding +flat damage so the likelihood people "graduated" out of them was extremely high (but this would cause a significant ripple effect of balance across all items in the game and all classes). We considered massive nerfs to proc scalars on the Wizard but that seemed unfairly across-the-board punishing just to fix the AP problem.

It's really hard to say for sure how things will play out, but it's an issue we'll be monitoring closely.

Regarding AP-on-crit for rarer legendaries. I think part of this nerf definitely leaves room for Wizard-set bonuses in the future. Maybe it will be AP-on-crit as a set bonus - though more likely we'll use some of the space we've freed up to do something more interesting like getting a freecast of Arcane Orb when you meet certain criteria or letting one of the cheaper spells become a generator in a manner similar to the Demon Hunter's Kridershot.
Wyatt - Should have bit the bullet a year ago in RoS development when you toyed with stat caps and converted to a Ratings System a-la WoW. APonCrit isn't quite %-age based, but could have been done. Just raise the rating required for 10 AP @ 70 higher. Problems across all legacy itemization obsoletetion solved! (No need to block legacy rerolling either)
ie - 10 AP on Crit converted exactly to 100 AP-on-Crit Rating.
@ 60 need 10 rating per 1 AP on Crit.
@ 70 need 25 rating per 1 AP on Crit.

So your legacy item with 100 AP-on-Crit-Rating still returns 10 @ level 60.... but only 4 @ 70. Item stays the same, new ilvl 70 items also have the same 100 rating cap, but with shiny new legendary affixes.
Was there a reason the Dev team did not want to convert to that type of system? It worked for Blizzard across many many expansions, and I know D3 folks really hate hearing about WoW... but c'mon.. Thunderfury? XD
We're trying to avoid ratings for the forseeable future on Diablo III. Believe me - it's tempting. Ratings have the advantage that you can continually scale up the stats by making them worth less per point when you move to higher levels. We could have done crit rating, crit damage rating, move speed rating, ApocRating, etc.

The downside of ratings is that it becomes extremely difficult to gauge your gear. Gear is already hard enough to evaluate - but we always have it in the back of our minds to try and make things better over time, not worse. Going with ratings is basically saying "No human being could hope to evaluate this gear, just go to d3up" (not that I have anything against d3up, but I think the game should be playable by savvy players without needing it). This is why the new properties we've added are things like cooldown reduction, resource cost reduction, and area damage. We're trying to provide stats that people can evaluate without needing a spreadsheet.

Internally we had people suggest things like "super-crit" or "crit-from-strength" as new stats to introduce in RoS. I'll let you imagine what these do. The problem is - these stats added complexity without making choices more interesting -and worse - they further made evaluating gear into a giant math problem.

TL;DR: Ratings let us scale gear but make gear harder to evaluate at a glance. The design team has decided to accept a lot of pain in order to keep the gear legible to humans.


olhaí karmarrara, os vídeos do WD de um dos Devs, tem a foto da gear dele na página anterior...



vou dar uma olha e ver qual é de encher hp (valeu RedenTor)
Pessoal como ta o ping de vocês?

Não sei se é só eu, mas aqui ta na faixa dos 240~260 oscilando um pouco. Vocês também?
meu ping sempre é isso aí...
eu acho uma sacanagem uma pu**ria da blizz acabar com os itens antigos. Nao digo nem acabar com os itens antigos mas acabar com todo o dinheiro q eu investi em meus chars, ao menos ja que eu paguei pra ter alguns itens, e nos esforçamos tantos em trades de AH e farms, porra deveriam pelo menos nos dar novos itens tops de cara. Agora pega nosso hora das bruxas com no maximo 200 de int e enfia no *?
fala serio.

eles não tão nerfando o jogo tão nerfando nossas horas de jogo e nossos dólares vão toma no meio do **.

tb acho q devem melhorar os servidores. E eu nunca vi uma burrice tão grande vc nao poder passar os itens de um char para outro char.
tinha q ficar leiloando item equipado cancelar o leilao e depois enviar pro baú. Ou então ficar trocando de char metendo item no baú e colocando o item no char de novo. É muito chato isso. Outra coisa eh o jogo lagar todinho pq um cobaia entro dentro do jogo pra jogar.

quer dizer que o cara mais fodão que conseguiu achar uma manticora com 1600 dps top vai pegar e tacar ela no lixo??? eh bom ouvir isso nossa nem te conto. Simplesmente pq a manticora piorzinha na versão nova tem 4k de dps, mas vão tomar banho.

Era bem obvio que eles os itens antigos iam ser deixados de lado, a única coisa que mudou foi o tempo que demoraria para trocar os itens, o certo seria se eles limitassem os atributos dos itens antigos na mística.
Não concordo deles terem destruido nossos itens, mas também não concordo em ter item lv60 bem melhor que os itens tops level 70, não tem lógica né? :)


Enquanto não surge nada novo, vou postar algumas ibagens...

Os monstros dos Ato 4, continuam sendo os mais difíceis... :mesa:
Esses debuffs malditos....

Efeito do bonus do set novo do DH, É aquele set só dropa no Torment... (lembrando que cada classe vai ter o seu, e a aparência do item, só não vai para a mística, ou seja, só dá para ter ela usando o item)
Esse faz a pessoa chamar todos os pets do DH...

Críticozinho maroto :awesome:

E agora, esse é o efeito da runa Inner fire do novo skill do monge, Epiphany (bem semelhante ao Seven sided strike)
São esses 'bonecos' de foto aí, atacando todo mundo automaticamente...

Não consigo decidir qual o skill é mais legal de se usar, se é o epiphany, ou o 'novo' dashing strike (que se teleporta)

Consegui deixar o Epiphany com apenas 9seg de cooldown hoje :magico:
ainda não me decidi em qual build vou investir de cara, mas com certeza, Dashing strike e epiphany estão nela.. hahaha

Dropei essa coisa linda hoje, é até melhor que a que tinha antes do Wipe

até pouco tempo eu era paragon 141, estou em 169 e joguei Muito pouco.
No torment 3, você vê a barra de xp subindo, literalmente, só em matar mob branco.
Última edição:
Era bem obvio que eles os itens antigos iam ser deixados de lado, a única coisa que mudou foi o tempo que demoraria para trocar os itens, o certo seria se eles limitassem os atributos dos itens antigos na mística.
Não concordo deles terem destruido nossos itens, mas também não concordo em ter item lv60 bem melhor que os itens tops level 70, não tem lógica né? :)


Enquanto não surge nada novo, vou postar algumas ibagens...

Os monstros dos Ato 4, continuam sendo os mais difíceis... :mesa:
Esses debuffs malditos....

Efeito do bonus do set novo do DH, É aquele set só dropa no Torment... (lembrando que cada classe vai ter o seu, e a aparência do item, só não vai para a mística, ou seja, só dá para ter ela usando o item)
Esse faz a pessoa chamar todos os pets do DH...

Críticozinho maroto :awesome:

E agora, esse é o efeito da runa Inner fire do novo skill do monge, Epiphany (bem semelhante ao Seven sided strike)
São esses 'bonecos' de foto aí, atacando todo mundo automaticamente...

Não consigo decidir qual o skill é mais legal de se usar, se é o epiphany, ou o 'novo' dashing strike (que se teleporta)

Consegui deixar o Epiphany com apenas 9seg de cooldown hoje :magico:
ainda não me decidi em qual build vou investir de cara, mas com certeza, Dashing strike e epiphany estão nela.. hahaha

Dropei essa coisa linda hoje, é até melhor que a que tinha antes do Wipe

até pouco tempo eu era paragon 141, estou em 169 e joguei Muito pouco.
No torment 3, você vê a barra de xp subindo, literalmente, só em matar mob branco.

Poh, olhando com carinho, tá até bonitinho esse monk ae. :haha:

Primeira coisa que vou querer dropar vão ser essas novas poções lendárias, os atributos que vem nelas devem ajudar muito. :damn: E ainda são infinitas. :full:
Poh, olhando com carinho, tá até bonitinho esse monk ae. :haha:

Primeira coisa que vou querer dropar vão ser essas novas poções lendárias, os atributos que vem nelas devem ajudar muito. :damn: E ainda são infinitas. :full:

Aí sim!
só de não precisar mais catar poção, já ajuda bastante! kkk


Achei isso aqui na net, post de um MVP do fórum gringo.
Deve ser útil a todos

Localização dos materiais de crafting!

What we somewhat know about the crafting materials:
Some can drop from lore books, book cases, etc.
Monster types are a factor. Higher chance from elites/champs, named, and bosses.


Cultist's Blood (Used for : Dagger)
A1 - Halls of Agony - From the Grand Inquisitor Unique Cultist.
A2 - cultists

Griswold's Scribblings
A1 - Cathedral - From bookshelves on all levels.
A1 - Festering Woods - From Enmerkar, at the end of Last Stand of the Ancients event.
A1- Cave of the Moon Clan - From the satchels on the ground. The same ones the "Notes of Urik the Seer" drop from.
A2 - Khasim Outpost - From Cain's Lost Satchel before the outpost.
A3 - Keep Depths - From a lore satchel.

Quaking Vial (Used for Sunder 2h Mace)
A4 - 2nd Hell Rift - From Sledge, the Unique Mallet Lord.
common/elite/champion Mallet Lord

Living Flame (Used for Cinder Switch? 2h Axe)
A4 - summoner/meteor casters

Maghda's Tormented Soul (Used for Cain's Set)
A2 - Maghda

Angelic Shard (Used for Hallowed set)
A4 - Izual
Corrupted Angels

Mystical Source (Used for Sage's Set)
A1 - Pony Level

Captured Nightmares (Used for 1H Mighty)
A4 - stealth demons

Demon Skin (Used for Demon's Set)
A4 - Balrogs
A3 - Haxxor in Tower of the Damned level 1

Shattered Core (Used for : 1H Mace)
A2 - Vault's golem
Unknown Depths - unique golem

Eyes of the Dead (Used for : 2H Mighty)
A1 - Zombie?

Element of Celerity
A1 - Burrowing Leaper

Syduru Bone
A1 - Rockworm
Hellscream in the Unknown Depths

Cartographer's Toolkit (Used for Board Walkers boots)
A3 - Lavarinth - bridge event

Shard of Entsteig Plate (Used for Aughild set)
A1 – Feklar’s Ghost – Festering Woods

Symbol of the Guardian Brotherhood
A3 – Busaw in Rakkis Crossing from event
A3 - Dragus in Stonefort

Frozen Blood
A3 - Ice Cave?

Iron Wolves Doctrine
A2 - Purple serpent magi (ssthrass?), at the northern end of Dahlgur Oasis.

Symbol of the Guardian Brotherhood (Used for Guardian's Jeopardy set)

Essence of the Twin Seas

Borns Key (Used for Born's set)

fonte: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/10949064899


Cadê o [CITAR]Mumm-Ra[/CITAR] ??

Só pra aumentar um pouco a concorrência de maior EHP do fórum.... :problemo:
Última edição:
será que essa ultima wave de keys foi também a última antes do lançamento oficial? :nooo:
to chegando em casa bebo agora... kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk :sono:
rapaz, tem uma galera aqui que é viciada demais, sempre estão online no tópico... :bwahaha::bwahaha:

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RedenTor, dapkiller, Eddie_Alucard, T-R3X, wolverinewe

o dapkiller eu nunca vejo offline... :bwahaha::bwahaha::bwahaha:

Falando do dito cujo oi noix aqui outra vez hahaha Sim Red, barb só funciona como esse arkantos ae... 350k dps unbuff ou mais e isso são os top dos tops de barb o resto é resto! Wd com 270k dps unbuff com bats mata mais rápido pequenos packs de mobs e principalmente elites isolados q meu wiz. Digo pq tenho meu wd com 247k dps unbuff topado em cc e cd e bate muito em curto alcance... o problema é o tempo de espera para os mobs entrarem no raio de ação dos Bats. A diferença básica é que minha build libera os meteoros em um raio de ação muito maior e qdo vejo o primeiro mob de um pack mesmo quase fora da tela já começo a atacar com os meteoros e qdo chega perto com o EB. Geralmente não dá tempo nem os zumbi encostarem no meu wiz, é difícil explicar só jogando mesmo... os que tentaram usar minha build gostaram do que viram e copiaram (não totalmente pq depende de gear muito específica para funcionar bem ), mas mesmo assim o dano deles em lugares com boa densidade ficou muito melhor que a build clássica CM :awesome:. Para ubbers uso a clássica lógico (principalmente em Kell que ali sim o bicho pega) hahahah
Ontem demos uma passeada de DH, [CITAR]BetinhoDJ[/CITAR] e eu, pelo Ato III. Voltou a ser uma motherfucking classe :megusta:

Maomenos equipado, com uma Calamidade boazinha e um Legado do Morto razoável (o resto eram equips da monk) foi um passeio em tormento II.

Acabei dropando um peitoral que sumona três lobos em vez de um e foi divertidíssimo de usar, mesmo perdendo 30% de thoughness.
Ontem demos uma passeada de DH, BetinhoDJ e eu, pelo Ato III. Voltou a ser uma motherfucking classe :megusta:

Maomenos equipado, com uma Calamidade boazinha e um Legado do Morto razoável (o resto eram equips da monk) foi um passeio em tormento II.

Acabei dropando um peitoral que sumona três lobos em vez de um e foi divertidíssimo de usar, mesmo perdendo 30% de thoughness.
Cara eu equipei meu DH no PTR, ta um absurdo mesmo. O bixo ta fazendo T3 facil facil, hoje a noite quem quiser bora fazer um grupo no ptr pra farmar e testar novas build, tem muita coisa interressante mesmo, torretas agora atacam mostrando os criticos. Ainda não me decidi qual ataque primario esta melhor, to usando disparo enrredante com a passiva abater os fracos(20% mais dano em inimigos que estiverem lentos). Dropei um Quiver melhor que meu legado do morto, depois posto o print.:dog:
sei... hahahhaa


Comentário dos Devs falando sobre o APoC, nem li:awesome:, mas deve ser útil para os Wiz de plantão....

fonte: http://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/1xyrwd/ptrbeta_hotfix_nerf_of_aponcrit_for_all_20_items/

Devs Experimenting with APoC
Some tweaking has been done on the PTR/Beta that developers haven't yet mentioned. Arcane Power on Crit has been receiving changes and the devs still aren't quite sure where the sweetspot is. Check out what Wyatt Cheng had to say about it on Reddit.
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Source)
We are indeed experimenting with a reduction of AP-on-Crit.
At the moment the default AP regen is 10/s. A standard AP-On-Crit loadout increases this easily to 22 or more and it was definitely heading into the territory of spamming expensive spenders non-stop right out of the gate. Reaching that point should be a state you aspire to and work towards (usually with some legendary items or a sweet set bonus) - not something that's handed out virtually for free.
It completely negates the use of Signature spells, and we do strive for a rhythm of alternating between your left and right mouse buttons, as well as all 6 skills on your bar. It's okay if the most dedicated players reach a point where they no longer need a signature spell, but this should not be the case for people who just put on 2 easily-acquired items and a particular skill loadout.
Yes - we are pushing for people to do more than spam one skill. Running out of resource should be a very real concern - that's the point of having a resource system at all. You decide when to spend your resource. Sometimes you save it up, sometimes you spend it liberally. If you never run out of resource, what is the difference between a cheap spell on an expensive spell? In theory, a high resource cost spell should do more damage but you can't use it as much. A low resource cost spell you can use more often but does less damage. What we were seeing on both the Witch Doctor and the Wizard is that people simply spam their most expensive spell possible and hope the monsters are dead before you run out of resource.
The Barbarian had reduction to resource regeneration from passives as well. We'll continue to monitor the Witch Doctor, the Wizard and the Barbarian. We're concerned both with making sure all 6 classes have good power levels relative to one another, and we're also concerned that all 6 classes have a variety of fun playstyles available to them.
Quick follow-up for clarity. We intentionally did not modify any legacy items. We have a core value on the team to take great lengths not to modify items on the live game that people own. The reduction of AP-on-Crit applies to items dropped in Loot 2.0 only.
I'm worried that legacy AP-on-crit Sources/Hats might still be preferable to Loot 2.0 items.
For Sources you generally have 4 stats you care about:
Damage: ~250 on live L60 and ~350 on beta L70
Crit Chance: 10% on both live L60 and beta L70
AP on Crit: 10 on live L60 vs 4 on beta L70
Intelligence: 250 on live L60 vs 600+ (?) on beta L70
For Hats you generally have 4 stats you care about:
Crit Chance: 6% on both live L60 and beta L70
AP on Crit: 10 on live L60 vs 4 on beta L70
Intelligence: 250 on live L60 vs 600+ (?) on beta L70
Socket: 1 on both live L60 and beta L70
So the choice comes down to:
20 AP on crit
Loot 2.0
8 AP on crit
100 damage
600-1300 more Intelligence
Skill % bonus on Hat
Potential for new Legendary effects
I admit that a lot of the new Legendary effects are tantalizing, but gaining 2.5x more AP on crit and the ability to use your most damaging skills non-stop is hard to pass up. I'd honestly prefer a lifesteal-like reduction at level 70 just so I don't feel compelled to use legacy items (although I'm sure this isn't going to be too popular an opinion with some people).
It's okay if the most dedicated players reach a point where they no longer need a signature spell, but this should not be the case for people who just put on 2 easily-acquired items and a particular skill loadout.
In that case, have you considered making the rarer legendaries roll higher AP-on-crit values, approaching the legacy values? Or adding AP-on-crit to non-Source/Hat legendaries? Is there a Wizard set (torment-only?) that has AP-on-crit as its powerful set bonus?
EDIT: Also thanks a lot for addressing this thread directly!
Yes, you bring up a great point.

We discussed this internally and to be honest, we're "worried" that legacy AP-on-crit sources/hats might still be preferable. I put "worried" in quotes because we ran some analysis and looked at the new legendaries are we're fairly confident people will find Loot 2.0 items to be better but we've been wrong before and I'm willing to be wrong again.

As you mention - the new Legendary effects is one of the things we're banking on. We're hoping they are tantalizing enough to pull people forward.

We considered a lot of things. We considered a Lifesteal-like reduction going into 70. We considered nerfing the live items directly (but as previously mentioned, we're very loathe to do that). We considered significantly increasing AP costs on the most egregious spells. We considered removing AP-on-crit completely from orbs but significantly adding +flat damage so the likelihood people "graduated" out of them was extremely high (but this would cause a significant ripple effect of balance across all items in the game and all classes). We considered massive nerfs to proc scalars on the Wizard but that seemed unfairly across-the-board punishing just to fix the AP problem.

It's really hard to say for sure how things will play out, but it's an issue we'll be monitoring closely.

Regarding AP-on-crit for rarer legendaries. I think part of this nerf definitely leaves room for Wizard-set bonuses in the future. Maybe it will be AP-on-crit as a set bonus - though more likely we'll use some of the space we've freed up to do something more interesting like getting a freecast of Arcane Orb when you meet certain criteria or letting one of the cheaper spells become a generator in a manner similar to the Demon Hunter's Kridershot.
Wyatt - Should have bit the bullet a year ago in RoS development when you toyed with stat caps and converted to a Ratings System a-la WoW. APonCrit isn't quite %-age based, but could have been done. Just raise the rating required for 10 AP @ 70 higher. Problems across all legacy itemization obsoletetion solved! (No need to block legacy rerolling either)
ie - 10 AP on Crit converted exactly to 100 AP-on-Crit Rating.
@ 60 need 10 rating per 1 AP on Crit.
@ 70 need 25 rating per 1 AP on Crit.

So your legacy item with 100 AP-on-Crit-Rating still returns 10 @ level 60.... but only 4 @ 70. Item stays the same, new ilvl 70 items also have the same 100 rating cap, but with shiny new legendary affixes.
Was there a reason the Dev team did not want to convert to that type of system? It worked for Blizzard across many many expansions, and I know D3 folks really hate hearing about WoW... but c'mon.. Thunderfury? XD
We're trying to avoid ratings for the forseeable future on Diablo III. Believe me - it's tempting. Ratings have the advantage that you can continually scale up the stats by making them worth less per point when you move to higher levels. We could have done crit rating, crit damage rating, move speed rating, ApocRating, etc.

The downside of ratings is that it becomes extremely difficult to gauge your gear. Gear is already hard enough to evaluate - but we always have it in the back of our minds to try and make things better over time, not worse. Going with ratings is basically saying "No human being could hope to evaluate this gear, just go to d3up" (not that I have anything against d3up, but I think the game should be playable by savvy players without needing it). This is why the new properties we've added are things like cooldown reduction, resource cost reduction, and area damage. We're trying to provide stats that people can evaluate without needing a spreadsheet.

Internally we had people suggest things like "super-crit" or "crit-from-strength" as new stats to introduce in RoS. I'll let you imagine what these do. The problem is - these stats added complexity without making choices more interesting -and worse - they further made evaluating gear into a giant math problem.

TL;DR: Ratings let us scale gear but make gear harder to evaluate at a glance. The design team has decided to accept a lot of pain in order to keep the gear legible to humans.


olhaí karmarrara, os vídeos do WD de um dos Devs, tem a foto da gear dele na página anterior...


Tiraram o CM e agora tiram o regen de recursos ( como eu já havia citado aqui que iam nerfar e já vão laskar mesmo com qualquer build que usa os meteoros ou orbes ) RIP Wiz hahahahahaha Se cada item vai ter no máximo 4 de apoc, se deixarem como tá hoje com 3 itens com apoc vamos ter 12 de apoc e o meteoro vai custar 40 - 5 (source) - 5 ( jordan ) - 12 (cintercout) - 4 (10% de redução no paragon ) = 14. Se tivermos densidade boa e não nerfarem o proc ainda dá pra ter build de meteoro ( meia boka, mas dá kkkk ). Agora que vai ser foda vai... pq não deixaram o custo dos meteoros que a skill top do Wiz com 50? Wiz njá ão pode mais usar o shards e eb e ainda tentam tirar orbes e meteoros o que vai sobrar para dar dano Blizz hahaha
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