Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - [ TÓPICO OFICIAL ]

da pra alguem postar aqui a splah screen com a mulher de lingerie que tava na versao jack sparrow ?


Primeira vez que estou jogando um game dessa série, mas travei logo de início, terceira ou quarta missão onde tem que escoltar os MCVs na água, tem umas torres que dão choques e os 4 golfinhos não dão conta!!!

O que faço???? :confused:

Use o tiro secundário/especial (apertando F após clicar em cada unidade) dos barcos para atirar nas torres. O tiro secundário do barco não dá dano mas impede uma unidade inimiga de atirar/atacar, aí enquanto seus barcos atiram nas torres eles vão deixar elas travadas, sem poder atacar, e aí vc destrói as torres com os golfinhos.
Valeu garoto!!!!!!!!

Estão rodando con gráficos no HIGH lisinho?? Será que com o meu PC da assinatra consigo rodar tudo no high??
No HIGH acredito que você não vai conseguir por culpa da placa de vídeo, mas consegue rodar tudo no MEDIUM com gráficos muito bons!
É, high não consegue não, mas no Medium já dá pro gasto!!
O jogo está sensacional
A campanha do soviéticos estão mto boa.
O perrengue ta brabo. Só levando na lata para depois começar o jogo de novo e ver o que tem q fazer certinho.

Co-op com o PDA e realmente faz uma bela diferença.
Valeu a pena ter comprado a Premiere. Escutar a trilha sonora no carro não tem preço :D. Pena que ainda não instalei o jogo :no:
Valeu a pena ter comprado a Premiere. Escutar a trilha sonora no carro não tem preço :D. Pena que ainda não instalei o jogo :no:

Peguei a premier por conta da trilha sonora, de quebra ainda ganhamos uma box linda.

Agora uma coisa, aquela EVA dos Aliados é de uma atuação que só chorando. Mto ruim. Quando os Aliados estão numa situação ruim ela faz cara de choro como se tivessem tirado doce de criança.

Só é gostosa mesmo...

Já a Darsha atua bem, além de uma belo decote.
putz os aliados nao tem nada pra construir estruturas adicionais tipo crusher crane dos soviets ? sacanagem...
tipo eu instalei normal o game so que na 3 fase se nao me engano quando termino ela fecha o game ... ai atualizei pelo game deu erro pedindo o serial ... ai atualizei pelo patch do forum 1.04 e tb da o mesmo erro de entrada no game, gostaria de saber se estou fazendo algo errado ou tem algo pra arrumar isso ????
tipo eu instalei normal o game so que na 3 fase se nao me engano quando termino ela fecha o game ... ai atualizei pelo game deu erro pedindo o serial ... ai atualizei pelo patch do forum 1.04 e tb da o mesmo erro de entrada no game, gostaria de saber se estou fazendo algo errado ou tem algo pra arrumar isso ????

CAso seu jogo não seja original, o problema continuará acontecendo.
Piada é eu ter comprado também na saraiva, no dia 26/10/2008 e não ter recebido o jogo ainda...

De qualquer forma, a EA Brasil sempre nos prestigiando... enquanto em portugal eles têm a versão em português, as línguas que podemos escolher é a da europa central... nem mesmo espanhol...

Brincadeira não viu! a EA só pode ta de sacanagem com nós Brasileiros, "agora os Brasileiros que não manja inglês, tem a opção de jogar em Polonês, Theco, árabe, chinês, japonês e por aí vai...

É rir pra não chorar!
Uma coisa que não achei foram os nomes das faixas do cd de trilha sonora.

Todos os cds dos antigos C&C tinham faixas nomeadas, nesse nem vestígio, não é possível q eles não tenham dado nome para cada faixa.

Alguem tem idéia?

Estou quase abrindo um tópico no fórum oficial perguntando.

E uma última notícia:
WATCH EPISODE 3 NOW! This episode includes news on the new Red Alert 3 patch 1.05, as well as details on the new DRM de-authorization tool that is included in the patch.

Also, the KW Ladder Season is winding down. Check out the BCPT Minute for details on who made it to the finals!

Patch 1.05 lançado.

E não menos importante: Adrenaline Review
Here are the major highlights:

1) DRM De-authroization - if you've maxed out at 5 machines, you can easily de-authorize any installation in-game with a few simple clicks. You won't have to worry about going through any special websites or requests, we're giving you the power in-game.

2) Balance exploit fix – Added capture delay on Engineers

3) Balancing Allies vs. Empire of the Rising Sun --- Specifically tuning Allied aircraft rush against Rising Sun

4) Added the ability to see player’s stats in the online lobby

5) Added Co-op lobbies - so you can easily find your next best-friend-co-Commander

6) Official Release of Red Alert 3 Worldbuilder - will be available for direct download on our website, you must be updated to 1.05

7) A critical list of balance and technical changes - see the entire Readme below!

AUTOMATCH UPDATE - We had planned to include our big AutoMatch update with Patch 1.05, as you know, and we know, the current AutoMatch system that launched with Red Alert 3 was not up to par with the ranked multiplayer experience we wanted you to have. Since the launch of the game we have rebuilt a brand new AutoMatch back-end system and under our current QA testing, it has been extremely faster, with little to no lag. Suffice to say, it will really ignite the ranked play experience in to what it should be, with quick matching, ranks shifting, we're excited to finally bring this Automatch improvement to you...

However, in order to give our new AutoMatch system the proper server load to ensure stability and a fluid experience, we opted to go for a safer route in an effort to enlist YOU, our community of multiplayer gamers to help us test the new AutoMatch system with a Beta Patch 1.06 which we are planning to release very soon after 1.05 launches Thursday. This was a difficult but important decision as the last thing we want to do is put a brand new AutoMatch back-end system out there with 1.05 that may have issues which force us to roll-back. We are currently putting the 1.06 Beta Patch together and setting up a Beta Server, and are planning to make this available as a direct download only on our website, very, very soon. We're as anxious as you are, so don't worry. Our goal is to test the new AutoMatch with a critical mass of our community (YOU) to ensure a stable environment, in which we will then release it officially after a short beta test period. And yes, anyone will be able to take part, there will be no limit or entry requirement. We hope you understand our concerted testing efforts here, and our efforts to involve you in ensuring this AutoMatch system is awesome.

Now, here is the full 1.05 ReadMe!

Command & Conquer(tm) Red Alert(tm) 3
Version 1.05 Patch Notes - December, 2008
This patch for Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 fixes several exploits and bugs, improves balance, provides assorted user interface enhancements, and more.

<Balance Changes>

· During Skirmish and Multiplayer games, Engineers will now take several seconds to successfully capture a structure. During this time
the Engineer will be vulnerable to attack.

· Reduced the power requirement for the Empire of the Rising Sun Refinery from 55 to 50.

· Reduced the cost of the Allied Harvester from 1400 to 1000.

· The Allied Refinery's sell price has been increased from 300 to 500.

· The Vindicator should now do 50% less damage versus Empire of the Rising Sun Cores.

· The Mecha Tengu's anti-air weapon damage has been increased from 15 to 23.

· The Vindicator and Century Bomber will now properly receive the additional ammo if grounded when Advanced Aeronautics is purchased.

· Units in aggressive stance will now auto-acquire enemy Tank Busters in their spider holes.

· Fixed an exploit where players could get two infantry units out of a Power Plant when selling it.

· Construction Yards will now spawn an Engineer when destroyed.

· Construction Yards will now spawn an Engineer when sold on the water.

· Akula Subs will now be much easier to target as they surface to fire.

· The Soviet Ore Collector now has a proper cooldown time on its secondary ability.

· The Soviet Super Reactor will now damage aircraft when destroyed

· Fixed a bug where the Hammer Tank was not receiving a damage increase on its Leech Beam after attaining veterancy.

· The King Oni will now perform a melee attack when attacking enemies nearby, which will also cause meta-damage to infantry.

· Fixed a bug where Hospitals were not healing infantry units garrisoned inside vehicles.

· The Shogun will now properly fire all of its laser cannons when automatically attacking structures in aggressive stance.

· The Hammer Tank will now receive health when using its Leech Beam against an enemy that has Point Defense Drones.

· Fixed an exploit where players could get the Sky-wing to land on dry land.

· The map reveal from Observation Posts is no longer obstructed by various terrain heights.

· Engineers targeted with Cash Bounty will no longer provide funds when the engineer captures a structure.

· The Apocalypse Tank can now properly change targets when using its Magnetic Harpoon ability.

· Fixed an exploit where the Javelin Soldier could remain fully locked onto their target even after moving.

· Fixed a bug where the Terror Drone would maintain its Stasis Ray even though it switched to Dismantler Claws.

· Fixed an exploit where players could create more than 4 docking aircraft per airfield or airbase.

· Fixed an exploit where players could change faction right before the game countdown finished.

· Fixed an exploit where players could disconnect from games and still gain benefits to their record.

· In 2v2 team games, teammates will always start next to each other.

· Fixed exploits where the starting game countdown wouldn't stop if a player changed game parameters in the final second.

<User Interface Enhancements>

· Added several Co-op lobbies to the lobby list.

· Added the ability to see a player's stats in the online lobbies. By hovering over a player's name, this will display a summary of that player's wins, losses, and rank.

· Vertical sliders in the menus can now be scrolled using the mouse wheel.

· Added the Broadcast option under the Rules Tab for Custom online matches.

· When players change map size in the game setup screen, the appropriate number of slots will be opened.

· The custom match lobby list will now display icons for Clan, VOIP, Custom Map, and Passworded games in the Status column.

· Added the proper Observer panel when observing online matches.

· Added the ability to Whisper to players in different lobbies.

· Players can now see Whispers while in the Game Setup screen of an online match.

· The host of a Co-op campaign match will now receive a notification when they send an invite to other players.

· When editing hotkeys or VOIP settings, they will now only be changed for the current active profile.

· The player will no longer be kicked back to the main menu after entering an incorrect password for an online game.

· At least two extra mouse buttons can now be assigned to commands in the Custom Hotkeys screen.

· Added a visual indicator in-game to display whether a player is using Team or Global VOIP chat.

· Players will now receive a message that the lobby is full when attempting to join a full lobby.

· Added a refresh button onto the custom match lobby screen.

· Added more details into the invite request a player has received.

<Bug Fixes>

· Fixed a bug where Burst Drones were not inflicting damage when activating their secondary ability before attaching to a vehicle.

· Fixed a bug where the progress bar for structures was not displaying when their production was paused.

· Fixed a bug where the Terror Drones were receiving a garrison cursor when hovering over civilian buildings in the shroud.

· If the Stingray uses its secondary ability on water and then moves onto land, the ability button will now properly display the cooldown time.

· Fixed a bug where corrupted graphics would display when issuing Planning Mode commands extremely close to the selected unit.

· Fixed a bug where Spies would retain the Tesla effect after using Bribe while disguised as a Tesla Trooper.

· The Mission Menu map will now properly display bridges.

· The Riptide ACV will now properly fire its torpedoes when force firing in the water.

· A Terror Drone will now properly grey out the unpack command of an enemy unit affected by the Stasis Ray.

· Fixed a bug where units would potentially warp when being disengaged from an enemy Apocalypse Tank's magnetic harpoon.

· A Reverse Move command will no longer be cancelled when a non-movement secondary ability is toggled midway through the move command.

· Fixed a bug where the King Oni wouldn't do any damage with its Bull Rush if used before reaching its build waypoint.

· Empire of the Rising Sun vehicles can no longer transform through bridges.

· Fixed a bug where Empire of the Rising Sun cores were not unpacking if the player saved a game while the core was moving to its destination.

· Fixed a bug where hosting or joining a multiplayer match was causing your VOIP settings to default to Voice-Activated.

· Fixed a bug where VOIP settings were being set back to default after finishing a game.

· Torpedoes will no longer follow amphibious units onto land.

· Fixed a bug where the Twinblade would sometimes go underground when attempting to pick up passengers.

· Fixed a bug where the Terror Drone would sometimes have difficulty garrisoning inside a Twinblade.

· Fixed stability issues with joining, leaving, and re-joining network games.

· The research of Heightened and Max Clearance can now be continued after being paused.

· Twinblades will no longer be damaged when picking up a vehicle infected with a Terror Drone.

· Fixed an issue where aircraft would go underground when landing at their airfield or airbase.

· The Apocalypse Tank will now display its grinder effects on Medium and lower LOD

· Fixed a bug where your Co-commander's MCV would sometimes fail to unpack after destroying the Tesla Coils in mission Allied 03.

· Fixed a desync for when an observer toggled between players in an online match.

<Other Changes>

· Added DRM Deauthorization into both the launcher and Options menu in-game. Clicking the "Deauthorize" button will deauthorize the computer from playing Red Alert 3, allowing players to run the game on a different computer. Restarting the game on the original computer will reauthorize Red Alert 3 on that machine.

· Added status pips for units being healed by Hospitals.

· The Bullfrog can now target an area for passengers to be ejected even if that area is currently out of range.

· After the Free Trade power is purchased, additional numbers will now display from refineries indicating the power's benefit.

· Infantry will now play a meta-impact animation when hit with V4 rockets.

· Tanya will now receive a C4 cursor when hovering over enemyvehicles and ships.

· The Chrono Rift/Chasm/Fissure powers have had their portraits updated to better reflect the functionality of the powers.

· Commando units will no longer receive a garrison cursor when hovering over Ore Nodes and tech structures under the fog-of-war.

· Chrono Rifted units can now be selected by control group number after warping back in.

· Valid structures will now receive a rally point mouse cursor when hovering over bridges.

· Conscripts, Peacekeepers, and Imperial Warriors will now receive a counter-garrison cursor when hovering over valid civilian structure targets.

· The Yari Mini-Sub will now reliably hit Yuriko with its secondary kamikaze ability.

· Added Ammo Pips for respective units into their portrait.

· Units with the disguise ability will now display a unique disguise cursor when hovering over valid disguise targets.

· Burst Drones that are attached to units will now show up on the mini-map.

· Vehicles that have been pilot sniped can now be crushed appropriately.

· Added a sound effect for placing camera bookmarks.

· Added a sound effect for the game countdown timer

· Added Victory/Defeat music to the end of a multiplayer match.

· Improvements to how stats are tabulated in the post-game summary.

· Improved the overall AI management of Harvesters.

· Improved the push-to-talk functionality of VOIP while playing a Co-op campaign mission.

· Power Plants will now turn dark when infiltrated by an enemy unit.

· The Athena Cannon will now receive unique firing FX when it achieves Heroic veterancy.

· The Dolphin will now receive unique firing FX when it achieves Heroic veterancy.

· The Striker VX will now receive unique firing FX when it achieves Heroic Veterancy.

· The Sky-wing will receive unique firing effects when it achieves Heroic Veterancy.

· The wrench repair icon will now display on structures that are being repaired by your co-commander.

· Infantry units will now correctly evacuate from a transport vehicle that has been pilot sniped by Natasha.

· Replays will now provide users with a Telestrator.

· Added descriptive text for the "Destroy the Generators" bonus objective in campaign mission Allied 05.

· Added an extra health bar to the Athena Cannon to indicate the strength of its shield and/or point defense drones.

· The first unit selected for Chrono Swap will now have an icon denoting its selection.

· Infantry units will now fall to the ground when killed while parachuting.

· Expanded the variety of animations for Yuriko Omega.

· Added several people to the game's credits.

· Fixed various typos and made certain dialog messages more clear.

· Various other bug fixes.
Até que enfim cederam à pressão dos usuários e nos deram liberdade para instalar o jogo à vontade sem termos que nos preocupar com a **** do limite de ativações.

Parece que melhoraram também o sistema de multiplayer, vou testar pra ver (o jogo já se atualizou mas falta eu testar...).

Enfim, o patch veio em boa hora e parece ser um bom patch.

Ah, belo review chico. :p
Tive que ir no fórum oficial pedir para postarem a tracklist do cd trilha (extremamente recomendado) e me ajudaram, segue a lista:
1. RA3 Theme - Soviet March
2. Hell March 3
3. Grinder 2
4. Hell March 1 - From First To Last Remix
5. Russian Celebration
6. The Might of the Empire
7. The Motherland
8. The Red Scare
9. The Calm Before...
10. The European Storm
11. For Mother Russia
12. Russian Retreat
13. Red Rock
14. The Big Apple
15. Fortifying Brighton
16. The Red Storm Draws Near
17. Shock and Awe
18. Desertion
19. How the West was Won
20. Mykonos
21. The Battle for Mykonos
22. Lying in Wait
23. Enter the Shogun Executioner
24. East Moves West
25. The Rising Sun is Setting
26. For the Emperor!
27. The Empire Has Risen
28. Eastern Mysteries
29. Sayonara
30. In the Belly of the Dragon
31. The Sleeping Beast
32. The Red Menace
33. American Cowboys
34. All Your Base Are Belong to Us
35. The War Machine Heads West
36. Crisis in Cuba
37. Floating Monstrosity
38. The Chill of War
39. Soviet Winter
40. Take `Em Out, Tanya!
41. The Download
42. Red Alert 3 Credits
43. The Red March (Reprise)
44. Hell March 2 - From First To Last Remix

E aqui separado pelos compositores:
Frank Klepacki
2. Hell March
33. Grinder 2
32. The Red Menace (aka Soviet up yours, aka Nuclear Death)

Timothy Michael Wynn
5. Russian Celebration
7. The Motherland
8. The Red Scare
9. The Calm Before...
10. The European Storm
11. For Mother Russia
12. Russian Retreat
13. Red Rock
14. The Big Apple
15. Fortifying Brighton
16. The Red Storm Draws Near
17. Shock and Awe
18. Desertion
19. How the West was Won
20. Mykonos
21. The Battle for Mykonos
22. Lying in Wait
33. American Cowboys
35. The War Machine Heads West
36. Crisis in Cuba
38. The Chill of War
39. Soviet Winter
40. Take `Em Out, Tanya!
41. The Download

James Hannigan
1. RA3 Theme - Soviet March
6. The Might of the Empire
23. Enter the Shogun Executioner
24. East Moves West
25. The Rising Sun is Setting
26. For the Emperor!
27. The Empire Has Risen
28. Eastern Mysteries
29. Sayonara
30. In the Belly of the Dragon
31. The Sleeping Beast
34. All Your Base Are Belong to Us
37. Floating Monstrosity
43. The Red March (Reprise)

Mikael Sandgren
42. Red Alert 3 Credits

(Rock Band) First to Last
4. Hell March 1 - From First To Last Remix
44. Hell March 2 - From First To Last Remix

Obrigado, Bart!
Tive que ir no fórum oficial pedir para postarem a tracklist do cd trilha (extremamente recomendado) e me ajudaram, segue a lista:

E aqui separado pelos compositores:

Obrigado, Bart!

Cara, o Itunes aqui pegou o nome de todas as faixas do CD de cara, nem precisei alterar nada.

Se você usa o Media Player, acho que tem uma opção de buscar a faixa do cd na internet, acredito que faça o mesmo que o iTunes fez automaticamente.

Pois é, maluco, o problema é justamente esse, meu WMP não pegou os nomes (pega de outros cds normalmente), o Winamp pegou só alguns (faltaram umas 8), o Foobar2000 pega, mas não mostra na tracklist.

De repente algum bug do Vista.

Criei outro tópico lá na EA perguntando sobre o status do ping, que não tem em RA3, não até o Patch 1.05:

Estava pensando em criar outro ou mandar e-mail para EA Brasil, pedindo para eles criarem uma Room para Brasil, ou menos ambicioso, para South America.
Muito bom o review Chico. Já postei lá.

O nero também pegou todos os nomes das músicas de cara.
Puxa, não estava gostando muito do jogo, mas agora que estou na campanha Americana mudei de idéia. Sei lá, acho que não me acostumei com as unidades soviéticas.

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