Crysis - [ PREVIEW & DEMO ]

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If you´re in the American team, you start on a submarine (at least in the level we played), while the north Koreans have their basis on the mainland. On our desire we also went into the submarine . We meant that as a joke however we were disabused fast . Even with the areas inside the submarine you could beat the graphics of some adventures ; -). It also surprised me positively that moving in the "Spectator" mode went quite quickly and actually did not jerk on the large map. By changing into the water or the submarine I couldn´t recognize any lags.

A goal of the Americans is to take over the opponent´s base. Sounds simple, but it isn´t, because you have to conquer the mainland piece by piece. If you arrived on the land (by life boats), you first take over a bunker in order to spare your team comrades the passage with the life boat. That way the combat is focused on a smaller point. In this relation I want to mention that the map was really large!

If you fought your way through to the armoury and the car factory, you can buy weapons and vehicles there. You get the "Credits" you need for buying stuff by killing enemies and doing strategical important actions. This is really solved well according to my opinion. If you chose a mean of movement, including planes, it appears in a garage and/or on a landing strip close to you. With your new equipment you can start attacking your opponent. Since the opposing buildings are secured by automatic awake towers (these can be repaired by the opponent), you will have to destroy them first. This sounds easy, but it isn´t, believe me. If someone thinks he can just sneak to the enemy-base, he will recognize, that that standard-version of the camouflage suit (nanosuit) isn´t really helpful for that. The suit must be upgraded first, this can be done in the research laboratory. Of course you will have to take over that building before you can use it. Once the research laboratory belongs to you, it has to be charged with alien-energy. You receive the abovementioned alien-energy by alien-wreckage, which are spread out on the whole level.

If you upgraded your nanosuit, you can try to creep into the base of the opponent. If this is too boring for you, you can try another way (e.g. atomic warheads and other techniques that can help you to take over the base). When I imagine to attack my enemies by using atomic warheads shown in the video, I could burst that the game isn´t released yet ; -)!

Deathmatch Modus description

Unfortunately we were not allowed to play this mode. This wasn´t really bad , since we were allowed to explore the Deathmatch part of Crysis. They showed us a new level, we didn´t play before. I have to admit, I often stopped walking to have a look at the beautiful environment and the graphic effects. The level design was really impressing!

After a short start-up phase we knew how to play and everyone knew where the best weapons lay. Somewhat unfortunate I found that the weapons did not remain after they were picked up...a "weapons stay" option would be desirable. Here and there little bugs, e.g. problems with picking up weapons and not correctly usable leader/stairs weren´t that bad. The "fine-tuning" is made in the end ; -).

Besides we had much fun with the assignment of the nanosuit. The different modes of the suit provided some surprise. For one moment you´re in a 1:1 fight and seconds later your opponent switches to speed mode and just runs away. The strength mode with its high and far jumps also is always good for a surprise. In addition this mode improves your ability to shoot with heavy weapons, e.g. the Chaingun (you´re not as tipsy as before) : -). The camouflage mode would also be great, however, in my opinion the energy of the nanosuit is used too fast.

Besides we had much fun with the assignment of the nanosuit. The different modes of the suit provided some surprise. For one moment you´re in a 1:1 fight and seconds later your opponent switches to speed mode and just runs away. The strength mode with its high and far jumps also is always good for a surprise. In addition this mode improves your ability to shoot with heavy weapons, e.g. the Chaingun (you´re not as tipsy as before) : -). The camouflage mode would also be great, however, in my opinion the energy of the nanosuit is used too fast.

The extensions for the weapons, which you know from the videos, were spread out well in the level. Grenade launchers, silencers, but also grenades could be found. Unfortunately I recognized, after I had thrown a grenade, that the physics did not work. I don´t know whether it will remain like that...because I was told at the GDC2006 that the physics will be contained 100% in the multiplayer and I think I can remember, that the buildings were destroyed in the end of the "Powerstruggle" video by the atomic bomb. But okay, there can always be changes. And everything looks so amazing, that it wouldn't be that bad, if the physics would stay like that : -).

Anyways, I ask myself, how this should be synchronized with all clients who are playing (e.g. when a house is destroyed, the pieces have to fly around on the same point for all clients and maybe hurt players

........... tem um preview:

Como está em alemão, aqui vai um pequeno resumo do preview (em inglês):

Crysis designer speaks

Crysis senior game designer Bernd Diemer has said that co-operative multiplay and zero gravity modes will have to be added to the game by the modding community.

Crytek would loved to have added the content itself, he told in an interview, but it just didn't have time.

Instead, it seems as though its been improving the AI again. Apparently the game's so complex now that some enemy-brain fine-tuning was in order. Presumably so that you don't catch any of the nasties off-guard, randomly walking into a wall or talking to a tree.

And don't expect the aliens to be skinny little push-overs with the thinking power of a footballer, because they're as smart as the soldiers this time around (gosh), and will attack and manoeuvre in groups.

Diemer also wanted to say just how angry he was at the leaked footage from an old version of the game. It's not representative of where Crytek is with the game right now, apparently, so just you watch your step.

Those of you with German powers will want to scoot over to for the full interview, plus all the latest news and reviews from that neck of the woods.
Man... quero requerimento impossivel que essa porrra so vai rodar na g80

confiante e com esperanças...
Man... quero requerimento impossivel que essa porrra so vai rodar na g80

confiante e com esperanças...

Cara os requirimentos minimos e recomendados que tem no topico do Crysis no clube do hardware.

Requisitos mínimos (não oficialmente confirmados, podem sofrer alterações)
CPU: Athlon 64 3000+/Intel 2.8ghz
Vídeo: Nvidia 6600/X800GTO (SM 2.0)
RAM: 768Mb/1Gb no Windows Vista
HDD: 6GB livres
Internet: 256k+
Drive de DVD
DX9.0c no Windows XP

Requisitos recomendados
CPU: Dual-core CPU (Athlon X2/Pentium D)
Vídeo: Nvidia 7800GTX/ATI X1800XT (SM 3.0) ou equivalente DX10
RAM: 1.5Gb
Internet: 512k+ (128k+ de upstream)
Drive de DVD
DirectX 10 no Windows Vista

Se for verdade ele vai rodar ate em SM 2.0.

Man... quero requerimento impossivel que essa porrra so vai rodar na g80

confiante e com esperanças...

esta no primeiro post do topico amigo :said:
Blz...mas esses requerimento sa os oficiais???
Pq se for...vai rodar aki...!!!!!

PS:Evilzin...que tesao esse seu avatar eim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Crysis-France Community Q&A with Eric Lagel - May 1, 2007

A little while ago, Crysis-France had arranged a community Q&A with Crytek Employee, Eric Lagel over IRC. All those interested could join the IRC channel and participate in the Q&A. The Q&A is in French, so understanding it is difficult even with the help of google's translator. Below is a list of both new information, and information that although not new, many people would not be aware of. I suggest you all read through the Q&A as there's no doubt more new information, it's just hard to find.

There are currently 6 death match maps and 6 power struggle maps.
There are no classes in Crysis. Instead, players can make their own by mixing and matching different weapons and inventory.
The korean nano-suit is noticeably different from the US nano-suit making it easier to identify who's on your team.
There will be two anti-cheat systems working in parallel.
There will be more weapons in multiplayer than in singleplayer.
An in-game voice chat system has not been added as of yet.
There is currently no option to turn the nano-suit off in multiplayer. Eric Lagel says that once you use the nano-suit, you never want to play without it.
You won't be able to build anything in the multiplayer mode of Crysis.
Crytek have professional gamers testing Crysis and providing feedback to both improve the game, and have it tuned for E-sports.
Crysis will use GameSpy (for the player login possibly).
To play Crysis, you will need to have the DVD inserted in your PC.




A coisa que mais estou gostando no dx10 é as rodas redondas oO, ^^ , olha ao roda desse Hummer, olhem a arma na 1° SS D+ , ja to cansando dos detalhes quadrados.

roda numa fx5700? :(
Pooooooooooooooooooorra, adorei essas features do MP de Crysis.... sem dúvidas merece ser original. :D

Não sabia que os coreanos tinham nanosuit...... e que foda a gente customizar nosso próprio jogador no MP, sem precisar de classes.
mas cadê o jogo? chega de propaganda!

1 mês para o demo, agora no final do mes, mas apenas 5000 keys para todo mundo, fico pensando, se TDU ja foi tumultuado, imagina o CRYSIS :eek: :eek: :eek:
1 mês para o demo, agora no final do mes, mas apenas 5000 keys para todo mundo, fico pensando, se TDU ja foi tumultuado, imagina o CRYSIS :eek: :eek: :eek:

Se já tem data OFICIAL para o DEMO, porque não divulgar logo os requerimentos Mínimos e Recomendados do Game??

Se vai ser DX10 e terá versão DX 9.0...qual PV irá rodar o Game...FX5200 9200 SE...:wacko:

Divulguem logo...:boring:
Se já tem data OFICIAL para o DEMO, porque não divulgar logo os requerimentos Mínimos e Recomendados do Game??

Se vai ser DX10 e terá versão DX 9.0...qual PV irá rodar o Game...FX5200 9200 SE...:wacko:

Divulguem logo...:boring:


Eh dificil olhar no primeiro POST eim ? Olha la

MINIMUM(Box Minimum)
Intel P4 2.4-2.8GHz
128MB Geforce 6200/6600 level SM 2.0 card
Experience: 640x480/800x600 low-minimum detail, tolerable/playable performance

AMD 64 3200-3800 or Intel 3.4GHz-4.0GHz
1-1.5GB RAM(+)
256MB Geforce 7600GT/7800 level card
Experience: 1024x768 Medium or low to medium detail, playable/acceptable gameplay

AMD 64 4000 or Intel Dual Core(Dual Core Recommended, X2@2.4GHz or Core 2 Duo)
256MB-512MB Radeon X1900XT or Geforce 7900GTO
Experience: 1024x768/1280x1024 High(or nearly High or nearly Max) detail, playable or acceptable gameplay

AMD X2 @ 2.4GHz or Intel Core 2 Duo(Core 2 Duo @ 3.0GHz Preferred)
2GB(+) RAM
512MB(+) Geforce 8600Ultra or 8800GTS
Experience: 1280x1024-1920x1440(lower for the 8600GT) MAX, decent to great experience

Core 2 Duo @ 3.0GHz (Quad Core Preferred)
2GB RAM(+)
512MB(+) Geforce 8800GTS/GTX
Experience:1920x1440-2500x1600 MAX, decent to great experience
Na boa Evil.... acho muuuuuuuuuuuito dificil ser essas especificações.

Onde você pegou???

E só falta 1 mês mesmo??? Puuuuuuutz.
Alguem pode tirar uma duvida, tipo...

No video, amostra o jogador usando poderes, nada humanos... o jogador vai ser aqui mesmo da terra ou vai vim do espaço?

Ou sera quem em 2019 o uniforme vai ser tão feinho assim :p uhauhahua

Alguem pode tirar uma duvida, tipo...

No video, amostra o jogador usando poderes, nada humanos... o jogador vai ser aqui mesmo da terra ou vai vim do espaço?

Ou sera quem em 2019 o uniforme vai ser tão feinho assim :p uhauhahua


É um uniforme que aumenta a capacidade fisica humana, entendeu?
É um uniforme que aumenta a capacidade fisica humana, entendeu?

Hunnn, entendi sim, agora sem querer abusar do vosso conhecimento :p

Porque ele esta atacando os pobres coreanos desprovido de levitação??? :confused:
Hunnn, entendi sim, agora sem querer abusar do vosso conhecimento :p

Porque ele esta atacando os pobres coreanos desprovido de levitação??? :confused:
Porque eles são comunistas, ora bolas! :p

Falando sério: Parece que tem a ver com a estória, onde um artefato alienígena (me corrijam por favor) cai em uma ilha e é resgatado pelos chin... digo, coreanos. Daí isso vira um prato cheio para os americanos/ forças internacionais mandarem um super-soldado com armas e equipamentos de ponta para massacrar os pobres comunas. :p

Na boa Evil.... acho muuuuuuuuuuuito dificil ser essas especificações.

Onde você pegou???

E só falta 1 mês mesmo??? Puuuuuuutz.
Esses requerimentos são especulações do incrysis e o crysis online, nenhum deles é oficial.

O lançamento do jogo é previsto para o final do ano. Um beta deve ocorrer logo, lembra-se?:p

PS: não é demo, é beta, BETA!!! O demo é depois.

Cansei de falar e ninguém ouve, parece que não olham páginas atrás...
Uhuhu, assim que pegar a nova VGA rodo no BEST!!!!:evil:
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