Crysis - [ PREVIEW & DEMO ]

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na verdade

LP e SCDA sao DL, ou seja, dual layer.

Dvds com capacidade de ate 8gb e pouco de armazenagem.
falando no tamnho dos games o doom3 eh o q mais me impressiona tem menos de 1.5GB de tamanho e jogo eh ENORMEEE
a maioria dos jogos hj ja estão ocupando 2 dvd´s, aqui eu tenho uma porrada, dark messiah, rainbiw six vegas, flght simulator, command e conquer 3, dirt, lost planet e muitos dvd ja ficou pequeno a tempos.
falando no tamnho dos games o doom3 eh o q mais me impressiona tem menos de 1.5GB de tamanho e jogo eh ENORMEEE

Sim, aquilo sim é um belo exemplo de jogo grande e sem exageros nos GBs:)
vão ser 4 "dvd's9" , fora as atualizações diretas in game todo dia pro jogo nunca acabar :said:
É Isso aii so digo uma coisa, quantos a capacidade dos jogos sobem, as conexoes do brasil ficam que nem 56kb xD seja alegre more no brasil xD
A nova geracao de DVD9 esta chegando ou ja chegou! xD
daqui apouco vai ter jogo de 20gb. xD
Galera é o seguinte! Tive pesquisando na internet sobre crysis e axei em um site um demo de 1.44 gb pra baixar. O que vcs axam será que é fake.
Bom to baixando pra verificar
Não tenho idéia de quanto crysis terá. Mas dá para ter uma noção.... um Dvd dual layer é o minimo (7gb), instalado vai mais com certeza.

Lembrem-se também dos jogos em bluray por exemplo... mais de 20gb, chegando até 50gb.

É, 50gb não é fácil não :p
just received an EA press release containing release dates, platforms and ratings for some of EA's upcoming titles. According to that, Crysis is to be on DVD only and will be rated MA15+ with 'strong violence' next to the rating. I'm hooked up with the Australia EA PR, so this may be the Australian rating only, but my guess is this is for the US as well. The release date is TBA.

A capa do jogo era fake? pq mostrava 18+ ;x
Digamos que talvez um +18 seria pelo fato de mesmo o cara estar morto, vc pode dar um tiro na cabeça dele... e vc veria realmente um buraco oO
Tem um video meio que mostra ^^
Crysis pra Nintendo Wii!!!

"Por enquanto são apenas rumores, mas eu decidi postar porque minhas fontes (cujo não posso revelar, desculpem-me), me falaram que Crytec atualmente tem planos para converter Crysis um jogo momentaneamente exclusivo pra PC. Uma versão Wii supostamente será lançada um ano ou um pouco mais tarde, algo como final de 2008, prefencialmente no outono."

Uma entrevista da GI com o Yerli (executivo-mor da Crytec).

Crytek thinking about bringing Crysis to Wii?

GI: It’s assumed that if you do console development it’ll be on the most powerful systems – Xbox 360 and PS3. What do you think of Wii?

Yerli: I love the Wii (laughs). When I was at E3 and playtested it, I loved it. I thought about how we could do games for this platform and what kind of games they would be, and what kind of shooters we could do on it, and work it to our own needs here. Yes we’ve had some thoughts, but Crysis is not part of the plan at this stage, but that may change. We are a company that takes one step at a time, and once we achieve the goal that we want to achieve then we take the next step and see what the next platform we go with next. We did not decide if we’ll do PS3 at all. We have all of the development kits, and we have research going on. We have the Wii, Xbox 360, and PS3, we work as researchers and test them, essentially. We have parts of these systems running because there is going to be console development in our company, but if it’s going to be Crysis or not is a step ahead of us. Because if we go to fast we sacrifice quality on PC, and I want to make sure it’s the best PC shooter we can do. With our company our goal is to make it the best shooter of all time. Once we achieve that, our achievement is we do our best and that’s it. Whether we do it our not is to be determined. Once we are there, then we’ll take the next step.

GI: Crytek is known to have made stunningly beautiful games, and while you can sort of experience them on lesser hardware, if you have the quad-SLI setup, and three gigs of RAM and a super fast processor it’s going to look incredible. With looking at what the Wii has under the hood, does that discourage you as a developer?

Yerli: No, not at all, because I think we can make great visuals by different means. Look at the PS2. Some PS2 games still look fabulous. And there are games that are just stylized perfectly. You can achieve anything with every hardware. I think it’s a matter of artistic direction, how you use the limitations. That ultimately is the experience you want to give. The experiences in Crysis drives the art direction. The experience of the frozen environments, the experience of interactivity, then we decide how we want it to come across visually. What do we need to do, how far do we need to go? With the Nintendo Wii the approach will be similar. We have this great controller, we have the limited power of the console, How we can make a confined space or large outdoor level, whatever, how can we make the best out of the controller that’s giving the experience that we want to give? Completely fluid interactivity – how can we do that? I think it would be a completely different approach, and it deserves to be as well. So, if it our decision to make Crysis for Wii, if and I don’t want to be quoted saying we’ll do it. But if – if we would do it, it would have to be a completely optimal version, but it would be great. (laughs)


Opnião minha: Duvido muito e MUITO mesmo, mas se acontecer, que aconteça.
pode acontecer sim, eles irão capar o jogo ao máximo, deixando apenas alguns elementos da fisica e talz pra aproveitar bem o controle...

mas vai ficar podre
Poh jogar Crysis no Wii deve ser show!;)
Novo preview por Crysis France. Tradução para o inglês:
The beginning of the demo is in fact a tutorial where the user learns mastering his nanosuit, launching grenades, and shooting with the various weapon customizations/mods available. Once the tutorial is finished, the player continues directly on to the real game story.

Not being able to go beyond the particular scene (action bubble?) located on the island, we will share you our impressions on this one. Small funny stories: RaYz (who isn't very good at gaming) preferred shooting in the sky than on the Koreans; surprisingly, wounded/shot birds fell directly into the sea or on the ground. Solvik also had fun (on the request of Gregory Queste) throwing chicken into walls, result: a pretty sanguinary explosion.

To start off again seriously, we could see multiple effects. For example, when you walk in sand or on the ground, while stepping backwards, we see the traces of footsteps. The same applies when you're using a ground vehicle. When walking in sand, footsteps are left behind, which the enemy is able trace in order to locate you or vice versa. The water effects are superbly well made. One can observe the algae under water, the effects of the sun which passes through these (the algae), and especially, 'the must', when one raises his head from the water there are water drops which stream off the helmet of the nanosuit.

After several tests we could indeed see that when you shot into the water, you'd see the impact of the bullets in the form of splashes. In the same way the traces of the bullets in the water could be seen, when you'd be under water while Korean soldiers are shooting at you. We also saw that vehicles have a gasoline tank which only allows a limited use of the vehicles. And indeed, when you've used all your gasoline, the vehicle breaks down.

A little information concerning the multiplayer mode: when you create a local (LAN) server (or Internet), you can select the box "activate DirectX 10". This enables further options like management for the day/night cycle, and another option which is unknown for us. So if you do not activate or do not have DirectX 10, you will not be able to profit from playing in "real time" which makes it possible to naturally pass from night to day time.

The fact of also being able to climb in certain trees to create ambushes rather charmed us. A blow of your nanosuit (the strenght jump, I presume) and the turn is played: you, perched 3 meters up in a tree with your rifle between the legs, waiting for your enemy to come by. All the objects of the decorations are sucspetible to be used as weapon (dustbin, brushes, cans).

The visitors, even though they cannot play the demo, leave the stand with a smile on their lips. Crysis appeals to them.
Pra wii? que lol ^^
Tpw, no wii eh facil controla a mira, e atirar neh, mas no XBOX e PS como faz nos outros jogos? mexe a mira com o analogico? oO
Uhuhu, será que é real essas screens?!

Se for ta próximo um BETA!:)
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