Crysis - [ PREVIEW & DEMO ]

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O kra ali de cima disse... 20mil keys para BETA???
Como BETA?
Que eu saiba somente jogo online tem BETA ¬¬"
Escolheram bem a data, hehe.
Pra quem ainda não conhece as tecnologias de Crysis, observe o vídeo.

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Caraiu cara, que video animal! :eek: :eek:
Quero só ver uma edição especial do jogo como a que teve do C&C que vai ter do GTA4!:yes:
Olha que bonus tosco :lol:

Purchase Crysis for PC and receive:

GameStop Exclusive Crysis Poster
In-game item: NK Amphibious APC assault vehicle: An 8 wheeled amphibious armored personnel carrier. Capable of seating 6 plus the driver and firing anti-armor rounds as well as armor piercing missiles, this vehicle is equally at home fighting on land or on water. Top speed of 40 mph on land.
Bonus DVD that contains trailers, screenshots and high resolution renders from the game.
Online customers will receive the poster, bonus dvd and instructions on how to redeem the in-game vehicle inside a bonus box that ships with the game. In-store customers will receive the same box upon reservation. Supplies are limited.

Ninguem mais aguenta ver esses trailers e screenshots.

Vo pega a versão normal mesmo, ou então se a diferença não for grande vo pegar a bonus por causa do carrinho que vem junto ( na verdade é um APC, mas ninguem liga )
putz nao gostei da data de lancamento achei q fosse agora em agosto, bom vamos esperar entao, tomare q liberem um demo/beta agora em julho
espero q só lancem ano q vem... estou chorando aqui... minhas finanças esse ano não sairam como esperado e ainda estou com uma bosta dum P4 2.8HT e Radeon 9600 PRO.
Novo vídeo, preview e screenshots de Crysis.


LAW Rocket Launcher


GK8 Gauss Rifle


Modify Your Weapon


Special Operations Combat Assault Rifle (SCAR)


FY71 Assault Rifle


DSG1 Sniper Rifle​


Crysis: Tools of Destruction
Crytek gives us the lowdown on the customizable weapons system in Crysis. New HD video included!
by Dennis Schwarz - Game Designer, Crytek

US, July 3, 2007 - While AI and level design retain a high level of importance in any first-person shooter, the first line of defense remains the actual weapons that players will be employing during the game. Being that Crysis is set in the near-future, many of these tools of destruction will be fairly conventional at their base though don't count out weapons found farther into the game that provide a little more bang for the buck. Today Dennis Schwarz, Game Designer at Crytek, has graced us with an explanation of the weapons system and what to expect from the basic weapon set in Crysis and why it's more than meets the eye. We've also got an exclusive new nearly 3 minute long weapons video (including an HD version) for you to check out (just click the image below or go to the media section for other video formats) that'll give you a look at some of the weapons you'll be handling in the final game.

The weapons in Crysis were designed with the focus on customizability and diversity to allow players to find their own style and quickly adapt to new challenges by modifying their weapons in real time. So while we feature all of the conventional FPS weapons you'd expect from a near-futuristic FPS, it's up to each player to decide how they want to best utilize that weapon - be it an assault rifle, SMG, shotgun, missle launchers or even some of our high tech late game weaponry, like the gauss rifle, which fires super-fast metal slugs.

Just because you choose a precision rifle, doesn't mean you are restricted to sniping. If you mount a red dot reflex sight and a laser aiming module, you will get an excellent close range weapon to clear out those buildings up ahead. This is how we round the player's arsenal out - supplying additional attachments like silencers, scopes and grenade launchers to beef up your weapons arsenal.

Different fire-modes enhance this experience. For example, when using the shotgun, you can narrow its spread, put a sniper scope on top and take out that pesky sentry at the window across the street with an aimed shot. When you enter the building to round up your remaining enemies, switching back to normal spread will give you the necessary punch in close quarters. In the same way, you can modify your trusty assault rifle with a silencer and sniper scope, and stealthily take out that guard in the watch tower, or blow up a fuel tank with your underbarrel grenade launcher attachment to create some confusion and snatch those important documents from the commander's office without being detected.

With a wide range of conventional and experimental arms to choose from, it's hard to pick one that stands out. My personal favorite is the missile launcher. It gives you a wonderful bang for your buck. The weapon holds three missiles that can be fired in rapid succession. They can be controlled midair by pointing the launcher at the target you want to hit. After firing all three rounds, you simply throw the disposable tube away and can pick up a fresh launcher.

You can have so much fun with this weapon, firing salvos of missiles and guiding them on multiple targets or concentrating them on a single threat in one awesome display of firepower. If you want to be on the safe side, you can also aim through the launcher's weapon scope and take advantage of the built-in locking mode that will automatically guide the missile to the acquired target - very handy for distant vehicles, boats and aircraft.

I really love using the missile launcher like a mortar, which is so much fun against stationary targets or against convoys for example: Just fire all three missiles up into the sky with a slight delay between shots. After a couple of seconds look down on the convoy and guide the missiles in, changing targets after every successful hit. You can wipe out the whole convoy within a couple of seconds that way!

The cool thing is this is just one of the many cool things you can do with one weapon in the game. I am really excited to see the creative ideas players will come up with on their own once they get their hands on the game. In the mean time, I'll keep bombing away.
Um verdadeiro arsenal nos espera :lol:
Vou pegar a q mais suportar balas e vou ficar 1 hora só derrubando arvores :eek:
Vendo o vídeo deu pra reparar que eles mudaram o mapa e o HUD de seleção das habilidades do nanosuit....

nossa mai ta um tesao o crysis PQP :lol:
Galera, um user de um fórum de Crysis reparou a seguinte inscrição no video da IGN postado acima....


Essa área marcada, seria a data de lançamento??? 0911 - 11 de setembro... :eek:
sempre tem alguem pra viajar nessas paradas...
Galera, um user de um fórum de Crysis reparou a seguinte inscrição no video da IGN postado acima....

Essa área marcada, seria a data de lançamento??? 0911 - 11 de setembro... :eek:

Náh, acho que não tem nada haver pois tem outros numeros e codigos na imagem que foram ignorados.

E sinceramente se isso for do fórum do Crysis-Online, eu acho que esses caras não sabem de porra nenhuma a mais que nós, pelo que li quando passei por lá...
sempre tem alguem pra viajar nessas paradas...
Ah tá.... vários sites tão com prevenda pra dia 11 de setembro, e ai vem isso no video.

Coicidência??? Eu acho que não.

Náh, acho que não tem nada haver pois tem outros numeros e codigos na imagem que foram ignorados.

E sinceramente se isso for do fórum do Crysis-Online, eu acho que esses caras não sabem de porra nenhuma a mais que nós, pelo que li quando passei por lá...
É o inCrysis.....

E vendo esses sites fazendo prevenda + essa numeração no video, pode ser que sim, pode ser que não. Os outros numeros devem ter significados, não pra nós, mas pra Crytec....
tomara q a crytek faça algo decente!
geral ta confiando nela e esperando, se esse jogo vier uma m.erda, vai ser decepçao mundial
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