[PREVIEW] Deadside

Update 0.2.3
The update will be available from 11am UTC / 4am PDT

All changes and fixes:

- Automatic gameplay activities frequency increase depending on players online
(Can be turned off in the Admin Panel)
- New convoy bots logic
- Convoy sniper boss can spawn with Mosin instead of VSD
- Sound effects of distance gunshots reworked
- Some forest areas near the center and north of the map reworked
- Fixed grenades sometime doesn't play their effects/sounds
- Fixed "Ghost Footsteps"
- Fixed some bots AI settings
- Fixed client crashes when sorting servers list
- Fixed UI problems on very low resolutions
- Fixed blurred inventory sprites for some items
- Fixed: ammo dissapears when unequipping extended mags
- Fixed: players registered on a base can't remove some objects
- Fixed: players can't access a base they are registered on after changing their steam username
- Fixed: Convoy case marker doesn't update after picking up a backpack wich contains this case
- Fixed: Secondary or tertiary weapon mods are equipped on the first weapon after login if its mod slots are empty
- Fixed: "Left" and "Right" keybind names are mixed up
- Fixed: Character stays on a stair after it was destroyed
- Fixed: Character can climb the stairs of the object that's not built yet
- Fixed level design bugs
Accelerating the development of Deadside

Friends, we have exciting news to share with all of you. We've partnered up with tinyBuild to help accelerate the development of Deadside. Please meet Alex, CEO of tinybuild who has more details:

Hello everyone!

Alex Nichiporchik from tinyBuild here - we’re a video game developer and publisher,.

Last year, I started playing Deadside. Much like many of you here, I was excited about every single update. So much so that I got in touch with the fine folks at Bad Pixel to see if we could help in some shape or form. We started chatting with the team, and turns out they were going through a lot of the things we’ve been through -- challenges of scaling a team, establishing communication lines with the community, excitingly watching every single update get played by users (and the adrenaline of hotfixes), and more. Many of the teams tinyBuild started working with were just a few people, and grew into dozens.

The video games industry exists because of great people, and I can tell you that the team at Bad Pixel are great at what they do. And what I love is helping teams figure out how to scale up, and deliver upon expectations of really engaged fans.

We have seen how we can help, and decided to join forces and help Bad Pixel develop Deadside into a full release, getting more frequent updates out and helping the team scale up. Bad Pixel is joining tinyBuild, and will remain a separate studio working on Deadside, with the backend support from our side.

Let's do this!
Andei assistindo esse game e aparentemente sofre do mesmo problema de outros que são os servidores bosta. Uma pena.
Acho q o problema nem é o server
É falta do que fazer in game

Customização de armas é bem pequena
Mapa grande mas bem vazio
Missões básicas
Falta de veículos
Áreas para combates simples d+

O jogo foi lançado EXTREMAMENTE cru
Algumas coisas foram adicionadas, mapa aumentou, novas missões.... O jogo evolui, mas ainda falta
Server, tem com PVE, TPP, FPP, + Loot ou -Loot

Meio q posso afirmar, acesso antecipado é assim mesmo, apesar de Deadside estar indo a passos de formiga
State of Deadside: October 2021
Hello friends!

Alex here with a brief update on the latest and greatest. We’ve spent the last couple of weeks on administrative & planning tasks as we look to scale up the development of Deadside.

I wanted to talk to everyone here and give some transparency to the things we’re working on/planning around. This isn’t an official roadmap or feature list, this is an overview of the challenges we’ll be going through as we ramp up. Think of this as a behind the curtain look at game development and the discussions happening. And let us know in the comments if you'd want more updates like this.

How to scale a team
Before we can start hiring new members, we’re doing an in-depth evaluation of the code with a co-development team. It’s not always a good idea to start rapidly hiring new people as you need to identify the positions you need. This co-dev team (I won’t name them yet) has previously helped us on several Unreal Engine 4 projects (Deadside’s game engine) and worked on AA-level shooters. The idea here is to have a team come in and help evaluate the amount of work, start helping the original team, and gradually form a structure within Bad Pixel itself. There are engineering challenges which are difficult to scope out, and due to this we don’t know exactly what kind of profiles/positions we need to hire for until we evaluate the amount of work. This is already in progress.

The Netcode Challenge
The biggest challenge will likely be the netcode in general. So far we’ve discovered that the main limitation for the game comes from the server-side code. Things like storage are limited mostly due to this. We do want to give players more boxes in bases. Player count is also currently limited by some fundamental bottlenecks. These challenges are all solvable, they will just need time and resources.

Vehicles have been a highly requested feature in Deadside. While I can’t speak for the team on if/when, I can talk you through the backend challenges that arise from implementing such features. First off, if we talk about ground transportation, the biggest issue is that we would want the server to have authority over the vehicle. The server needs to verify movement of the object, and give minimal “trust” to the peer (player). Otherwise cheaters could have a field day - feeding data into the server and you’d see cars flying all over the place. For collisions to work properly, a lot of work needs to be done and tested in live circumstances. In its current implementation, ground vehicles would feel very “rubberbandy”. A stepping stone for this could be vehicles that don’t require collisions - floating or flying ones. So expect a stepping stone before ground vehicles would be considered.

The second challenge with vehicles is building a system that “binds” passengers to the object, so that everyone is moving in sync.

And third is game design. There needs to be lots of thought put into how vehicles would spawn, where they are kept, how/if they decay, and most importantly - where to go using them.

I anticipate both the netcode and vehicle challenges will collide and require some work under the hood, so we will need to balance that with other features that can currently be done without issues (i.e. new locations).

Like many of you I fell in love with Deadside because of its gunplay. The only real challenge we have there is to figure out how to increase the TTK (time to kill) by snipers. Nerfing the weapons would be an obvious choice, however might not be the most fun. We’re exploring different options here - from sound design to more ways to med -- to more “out there” ideas like tactical shields (tell us in the comments what comes to mind when you imagine that!)

Speaking of sound design - in many games, you hear the gun pop before a bullet lands or wizzes by. In real life, it’s actually the opposite - a bullet flies faster than the speed of sound, especially in sniper rifles. So this is a question of realism vs practicality. If you could hear the pop sooner, it gives you a moment to react to sniper fire. In reality though, you’d hear the pop post-factum.

  1. Raiding. We believe it’s the best fun you can have in an online shooter when a raid is happening on the map. We also believe there should be a system that gradually decays bases when owners have left, so that at one point you could offline abandoned bases. This creates both gameplay for non-confrontational players, and eases the servers. This would need to come with more tools to raid.
  2. Building. We need more things to do in the bases, alongside building more interesting structures.
  3. Optimization. There’s already a plan in place for an optimization pass for the game. We will find a time to plan that in as we scale the team up.

Outside-of-game housekeeping

We’ve done some housekeeping on the Steam page, and I hope you’ll enjoy some of the community-picked screenshots. The page description has been updated, a couple of pieces of missing artwork were added, and we’re working on a redesigned website that’d also host a press kit for influencers.


This is a nutshell a summary of the latest behind the scenes developments without talking about what the development team is actually working on right now. I hope it gives you an idea of how we think about the future of Deadside, and would love to hear what you think in the comments.

I also hangout on the official discord - https://discord.gg/u4pYuZ9g4F

Thanks for reading
See you in the game

PS some work in progress visuals

Halloween Update Preview
Hello friends,

Next week, on October 27 we will be releasing the Halloween update. It features a new map location, sniper rifle ballistics tweaks, and a time-limited Halloween themed weapon skin event.

There's also something very bright in the works. A few screenshots:




See you next week!
October Update + Halloween Event
Hello, friends!

Today starting at 5pm CET (Amsterdam) / 6pm Moscow / 11am New York time, the servers are getting a thematic Halloween update alongside permanent content for the game.

The thematic update includes the already familiar masks and helmets from last year, and 28 new wonderfully eerie weapon skins. The event will run until November 2nd. Happy Halloween!

  • New point of interest (a town next to the plant)
  • Various level design changes around the map
  • Rebalanced ballistics for sniper rifles: M99, VSD, Mosin-K
  • Optimized bot spawns to improve performance during beginning of missions
  • Improved obstacle animations
  • Fixed: throwing grenades through obstacles
  • Fixed: incorrect distance showing when dying from hunger or thirst
  • Various fixes for bugs and exploits and performance improvements

Location Screenshots:






Weapon Skins:

We are working hard on future updates and can’t wait to share news on them soon
See you in the game
Deadside Roadmap 2022

Hello friends

Vladimir Savchenko here, I run Demagic Games studio, where we work on Unreal Engine projects, specializing in solving really complicated problems. I’ll be stepping in as the production director for Deadside. Our team is working on Hello Neighbor 1&2 with tinyBuild and a while ago Alex Nichiporchik asked us how we can assist the guys at Bad Pixel with their game’s development. We immediately fell in love with the project and after many hours spent with the game and the team, I’m here now to outline the 2022 roadmap for Deadside.

First let’s talk global. The Bad Pixel team will be rapidly growing to speed up development, shorten updates delivery time and improve the overall stability of the game. Team expansion is never an easy process and we’re hopeful for your support as we build up momentum.
Deadside has an outstanding community, your feedback is extremely valuable for the team and we are working on improving this process. A major part of this improvement will be extended updates staging on Public Test Server (PTS) prior to going live and establishing more convenient feedback channels for you to report issues and suggestions based on PTS, as well as voting for features. All voices will be heard.
Now let’s talk tactics. We aim at delivering 6 major updates throughout 2022 and several minor updates in between. We will be sharing the exact dates and detailed scope for all every update closer to its release, meanwhile here’s an outline of the main points we will be focusing on:

1. Technical foundation and groundwork.
The team did a fantastic job delivering the game in its current state to Early Access, and in Q1-2 we will be focusing heavily on getting the project’s base ready for expansion. We’re talking movement optimizations, death and damage registration improvements, inventory and items storage expansion, support for advanced base building and systems, vehicles, significant increase in encounters density on the map, etc.

2. Spawn system overhaul.
We are working on a design for a new spawn system with custom respawn markers and more control on the way players are spawned on the map. Though being relatively cheap to implement this feature has a significant impact on gameplay and balance. It will take several iterations on the PTS for it to hit all the live servers.

3. Resources and craft system redesign and expansion.
Current state of this system in the game is the first step towards its original design with weapons disassembling, crafting and improvement and during 2022 we’ll be adding a lot of features

4. PvE events, missions, map density and expansion.
The world of Deadside is a beautiful place to live in and we want you to have plenty of things to do in it. Over the course of 2022 we’ll be adding new non-combat mechanics, missions with unique rewards, PvE events, uncharted encounters and much more.

5. Weapons system and content overhaul.
Deadside strikes a great balance between arcade and realistic gunplay, but as many of you mentioned it lacks distinct division between weapon classes for CQB, midrange and long range and the balance across all weapons lineup could be better. We’ll be addressing all of it in the nearest updates as well as adding more depth to the weapon system itself with features like more detailed recoil feedback pattern, progressive spread, damage drop and overhauled ballistics over mid/long range distances. On top of that we’ll be adding improved sound positioning, reworking all guns sound effects and animations

6. Base building system and raiding overhaul.
We’ve got a huge number of requests from you for the late game stages features such as more content for the bases and improved raiding, so we will be addressing these points in 2022 as well. The team has great ideas for electricity, workshops, traps and a whole lot of other handy devices to complete your base in the grim world of the aftermath.

7. Vehicles.
This one is a long time coming and due to the complexity of the feature itself and the colossal impact it has on the gameplay we will be implementing it in several stages throughout all of 2022. First stage - propeller swamp boats and rivers to support it will be introduced in Q2 with land vehicles to follow in Q3-4. We will share more info as we progress with the feature.
8. 100 players per server.
With the proper foundation in place and all the core features implemented the team’s ultimate goal for 2022 is having 100 players per server along with an increased number of NPCs.

9. And more

We have tons of more features and content planned for you that we’ll be sharing the info on starting from January. As for now we’ve prepared the New Year Update that is currently being deployed on all live servers. It marks the beginning of a new era in Deadside development, with super talented guys at Bad Pixel at the helm and tinyBuild as a publisher the game cannot be in better hands.

Stay tuned, friends!
Deadside Roadmap 2022

Hello friends

Vladimir Savchenko here, I run Demagic Games studio, where we work on Unreal Engine projects, specializing in solving really complicated problems. I’ll be stepping in as the production director for Deadside. Our team is working on Hello Neighbor 1&2 with tinyBuild and a while ago Alex Nichiporchik asked us how we can assist the guys at Bad Pixel with their game’s development. We immediately fell in love with the project and after many hours spent with the game and the team, I’m here now to outline the 2022 roadmap for Deadside.

First let’s talk global. The Bad Pixel team will be rapidly growing to speed up development, shorten updates delivery time and improve the overall stability of the game. Team expansion is never an easy process and we’re hopeful for your support as we build up momentum.
Deadside has an outstanding community, your feedback is extremely valuable for the team and we are working on improving this process. A major part of this improvement will be extended updates staging on Public Test Server (PTS) prior to going live and establishing more convenient feedback channels for you to report issues and suggestions based on PTS, as well as voting for features. All voices will be heard.
Now let’s talk tactics. We aim at delivering 6 major updates throughout 2022 and several minor updates in between. We will be sharing the exact dates and detailed scope for all every update closer to its release, meanwhile here’s an outline of the main points we will be focusing on:

1. Technical foundation and groundwork.
The team did a fantastic job delivering the game in its current state to Early Access, and in Q1-2 we will be focusing heavily on getting the project’s base ready for expansion. We’re talking movement optimizations, death and damage registration improvements, inventory and items storage expansion, support for advanced base building and systems, vehicles, significant increase in encounters density on the map, etc.

2. Spawn system overhaul.
We are working on a design for a new spawn system with custom respawn markers and more control on the way players are spawned on the map. Though being relatively cheap to implement this feature has a significant impact on gameplay and balance. It will take several iterations on the PTS for it to hit all the live servers.

3. Resources and craft system redesign and expansion.
Current state of this system in the game is the first step towards its original design with weapons disassembling, crafting and improvement and during 2022 we’ll be adding a lot of features

4. PvE events, missions, map density and expansion.
The world of Deadside is a beautiful place to live in and we want you to have plenty of things to do in it. Over the course of 2022 we’ll be adding new non-combat mechanics, missions with unique rewards, PvE events, uncharted encounters and much more.

5. Weapons system and content overhaul.
Deadside strikes a great balance between arcade and realistic gunplay, but as many of you mentioned it lacks distinct division between weapon classes for CQB, midrange and long range and the balance across all weapons lineup could be better. We’ll be addressing all of it in the nearest updates as well as adding more depth to the weapon system itself with features like more detailed recoil feedback pattern, progressive spread, damage drop and overhauled ballistics over mid/long range distances. On top of that we’ll be adding improved sound positioning, reworking all guns sound effects and animations

6. Base building system and raiding overhaul.
We’ve got a huge number of requests from you for the late game stages features such as more content for the bases and improved raiding, so we will be addressing these points in 2022 as well. The team has great ideas for electricity, workshops, traps and a whole lot of other handy devices to complete your base in the grim world of the aftermath.

7. Vehicles.
This one is a long time coming and due to the complexity of the feature itself and the colossal impact it has on the gameplay we will be implementing it in several stages throughout all of 2022. First stage - propeller swamp boats and rivers to support it will be introduced in Q2 with land vehicles to follow in Q3-4. We will share more info as we progress with the feature.
8. 100 players per server.
With the proper foundation in place and all the core features implemented the team’s ultimate goal for 2022 is having 100 players per server along with an increased number of NPCs.

9. And more

We have tons of more features and content planned for you that we’ll be sharing the info on starting from January. As for now we’ve prepared the New Year Update that is currently being deployed on all live servers. It marks the beginning of a new era in Deadside development, with super talented guys at Bad Pixel at the helm and tinyBuild as a publisher the game cannot be in better hands.

Stay tuned, friends!
Pelo jeito eu vou demorar bastante pra reinstalar issaew.
Update 0.2.6 is now live!
Hello, friends

Update 0.2.6 is now live on all servers! It features respawn system overhaul, improved spacial sounds positioning with Steam Audio and more. Next update features will be staged on PTS during the upcoming weeks so stay tuned!

New features:
  • New respawn system. All players can now choose a respawn point from available ones on the respawn screen map. Every point has a cooldown that is currently set to 5:00min, but it will be tweaked in further updates based on the statistics and your feedback.
    We’ve got a lot of feedback regarding the removal of Dog Tags during the closed testing of the new respawn system. We want to ensure you that Dog Tags will be back in a separate game mechanics that is currently in development.
    Over the course of the next updates we will be adding more respawn points to even out their density across the map
    Next update will feature even more player control over respawns with the player-crafted markers.
  • Steam Audio. Its integration brings a significant improvement for environment sounds spacial positioning. Now it’s easier to determine the range and direction from which the shot been fired from.
    You can learn more about this from the article at the link



  • Base building availability zones expanded
  • New location “Silo” - between lower Safe Zone and Dubovoy
  • New furniture added to houses interior
  • World map icons redesign
  • “Press Enter” death screen removed

Bugs fixed:
  • Maklok lake not making sounds when walking on the shoreline
  • Main menu changes to the sound settings are not applied upon server connection
  • Map legend’s position is shifted on the spawn screen
  • Player’s body marker info is missing from the map’s legend
  • Boxes used for craft no longer have collision
  • Player’s Base will be destroyed if the owner or registered person has no logins to the server within a week
  • Traders have wrong items count if this item was added to the starter kit
  • Wrong number of logs displayed in the message after player cuts down a tree
  • Autorun works with main menu opened
  • Game menu and Chat windows remain opened after player’s death
  • Right click menu is not always properly opened upon right mouse button click
  • Wrong items spawn cooldown after moving an item into the crafted box
  • Sometimes weapon modifiers placed in inventory work incorrectly
  • Sometimes player gets disconnected when shuffling certain items in inventory
  • Markers are not fully visible at the edges of the screen
  • ADS mode can get stuck after Esc is pressed
  • Render distance is too low for crates on player’s bases
  • Foam on water on Mid and Low graphics settings
  • PLayer can fall under the map when clinging to a concrete well
  • Various graphical content issues
Vi um vídeo num canal gringo e me interessei, fui pesquisar sobre e me assustei em ver que foi "lançado" em 2020 rsrs Mas parece que agora as coisas estão andando mais rápido ( ou menos devagar que antes)... Já favoritei na steam.. Jogar com amigos deve ser mto bom.. Minha ultima experiência nesse tipo foi num mod de Arma3 (Exile) ... era bem legal, dava pra construir sua base, guardar seus veículos lá etc.. Torcendo pra esse aí vingar...
O site steampowered diz que o jogo é PvP. Daí fiquei em dúvida de como será ou é o jogo PvE.
O jogo possui BOTs
Alguns andam pelo mapa
Outros ficam em bases
Bots nas "missões"

No PVE vc não pode matar outro player, fica apenas contra os BOTs no mapa
O jogo possui BOTs
Alguns andam pelo mapa
Outros ficam em bases
Bots nas "missões"

No PVE vc não pode matar outro player, fica apenas contra os BOTs no mapa
Sim, entendí. O modo PvE é o próprio COOP.
Daí vém a questão: é possível jogar no modo PvE completamente sozinho, só contra os BOTs?
Sim, entendí. O modo PvE é o próprio COOP.
Daí vém a questão: é possível jogar no modo PvE completamente sozinho, só contra os BOTs?
Até dá, mas vai ser meio sem graça

A partir do momento que vc conseguir mira longa (seja em drop, loot ou comprando) vai facilitar sua vida
Update 0.2.7 is live on PTS!
0.2.7 is live on the PTS!

Friends, in this update we have prepared a lot of new and interesting stuff for you!
First of all, we will tell you about the main changes that are awaiting you.

Respawn beacons
Cannot be placed in the vicinity of any base. Only one beacon is available (can be replaced by the next one) and can be destroyed by other players. Cooldown after installation or respawn is 5 minutes. Special components are needed to craft a beacon.

Search for hidden stashes.
The Bearing Finder is used to search for stashes containing various items, including a component for crafting the Respawn beacon.
Hidden stashes can be dug out with a shovel. Currently, the shovels are intended only for digging out hidden stashes and will be available in the inventory immediately after each respawn. The shovel included in the Support Pack will have a custom skin, designed exclusively for the pack.
The search for hidden stashes is a simple yet fascinating process!
In order to find useful items:

  • take the bearing finder in hand
  • press LMB to activate it
  • move around the world with the bearing finder turned on in different directions to search for a signal
  • when the signal is detected, the device will start making a sound and the lamp will flash.
The more often the light flashes and the louder the sound signal, the closer you are to the target.
The signal may fade out if you are already really close to the signal, but turn away from it by a significant degree.
As soon as the signal of the device has become stable, without interruptions, you can start digging out the target with a shovel.
This will require a few simple steps:

  • take a shovel in your hands
  • look towards the ground - the shovel icon should appear
  • hold down the “F" key until the action is complete
The item can be found at various locations on the map, and is also available as part of the Support Pack!
The multiplicity of the binoculars is 4x.

Universal inventory slots.
Universal inventory slots. Quick slots 4-7 and devices slots F1-F4 are now merged into universal slots, that can store consumables and devices. These items won’t take space in the main inventory

This update brings all weapons rebalance (including sniper rifles) and new recoil system with smooth camera adjustment after shot. This update is the first step towards total weapon system overhaul, next one will feature progressive spread and customized per-weapon recoil patterns. We need your feedback on this one more then ever so let us know what you think on Discord and Steam forum!

New features:

  • Respawn beacons
  • Due to the appearance of beacons, respawn cooldowns at other locations have been increased to 10 minutes. Base respawn cooldown is set to 5 minutes.
  • Hidden stashes and pelengators.
  • Universal inventory slots.
  • Binoculars
  • New weapon recoil system
  • All weapons rebalance
  • Breath hold and recover timings changes
  • Menu option for disabling teammates names in game (“P” by default)
  • Universal inventory slots. Quick slots 4-7 and devices slots F1-F4 are now merged into universal slots, that can store consumables and devices. These items won’t take space in the main inventory
  • First-person and third-person view FOV can now be tweaked separately through the game menu
  • Cherny Log landscape changes
  • Some items (broken flashlight, walkie-talkie etc) can now be disassembled into components

Bugs fixed:

  • In some scenarios, players could not connect to the server
  • 2-sided material added for rocks and stones to prevent players from shooting from inside the geometry
  • Items in quick slots are not stacked at purchase
  • Various graphical bugs and glitches
  • Items in quickslots don’t properly stack after buying

Instructions for switching to the test version of the client

To connect to PTS:
  1. navigate to Beta section in Deadside properties in Steam
  2. switch to “public_test_server” branch
  3. wait for the update to finish and launch the game
  4. connect to one of the PTS official servers available depending on your location
To switch back to Live servers:
  1. navigate to Beta section in Deadside properties in Steam
  2. switch to “None” branch
  3. wait for the update to finish and launch the game
  4. connect to one of the Live official servers available depending on your location

We need your feedback on this one more then ever so let us know what you think on Disord and Steam forum!
Create topics in the Test section on the Steam forum or in the #feedback-pts channel on our server in Discord[discordapp.com].
0.2.7: Respawn Beacons are here
Hello, friends

Update 0.2.6 is now live on all servers!

Friends, in this update we have prepared a lot of new and interesting stuff for you!
First of all, we will tell you about the main changes that are awaiting you.

Respawn beacons

Cannot be placed in the vicinity of any base. Only one beacon is available (can be replaced by the next one) and can be destroyed by other players. Cooldown after installation or respawn is 5 minutes. Special components are needed to craft a beacon.


Search for hidden stashes.
The Bearing Finder is used to search for stashes containing various items, including a component for crafting the Respawn beacon.
Hidden stashes can be dug out with a shovel. Currently, the shovels are intended only for digging out hidden stashes and will be available in the inventory immediately after each respawn. The shovel included in the Support Pack will have a custom skin, designed exclusively for the pack.
The search for hidden stashes is a simple yet fascinating process!
In order to find useful items:

  • take the bearing finder in hand
  • press LMB to activate it
  • move around the world with the bearing finder turned on in different directions to search for a signal
  • when the signal is detected, the device will start making a sound and the lamp will flash.
The more often the light flashes and the louder the sound signal, the closer you are to the target.
The signal may fade out if you are already really close to the signal, but turn away from it by a significant degree.
As soon as the signal of the device has become stable, without interruptions, you can start digging out the target with a shovel.
This will require a few simple steps:

  • take a shovel in your hands
  • look towards the ground - the shovel icon should appear
  • hold down the “F" key until the action is complete

The item can be found at various locations on the map, and is also available as part of the Support Pack!
The multiplicity of the binoculars is 4x.


Universal inventory slots.
Quick slots 4-7 and devices slots F1-F4 are now merged into universal slots, that can store consumables and devices. These items won’t take space in the main inventory

This update brings all weapons rebalance (including sniper rifles) and new recoil system with smooth camera adjustment after shot. This update is the first step towards total weapon system overhaul, next one will feature progressive spread and customized per-weapon recoil patterns. We need your feedback on this one more then ever so let us know what you think on Discord and Steam forum!

New features:

  • Respawn beacons
  • Due to the appearance of beacons, respawn cooldowns at other locations have been increased to 10 minutes. Base respawn cooldown is set to 5 minutes.
  • Hidden stashes and bearing finders.
  • Universal inventory slots.
  • Binoculars
  • New weapon recoil system
  • All weapons rebalance
  • Breath hold and recover timings changes
  • Menu option for disabling teammates names in game (“P” by default)
  • Universal inventory slots. Quick slots 4-7 and devices slots F1-F4 are now merged into universal slots, that can store consumables and devices. These items won’t take space in the main inventory
  • First-person and third-person view FOV can now be tweaked separately through the game menu
  • Cherny Log landscape changes
  • Some items (broken flashlight, walkie-talkie etc) can now be disassembled into components

Bugs fixed:

  • In some scenarios, players could not connect to the server
  • 2-sided material added for rocks and stones to prevent players from shooting from inside the geometry
  • Items in quick slots are not stacked at purchase
  • Various graphical bugs and glitches
  • Items in quickslots don’t properly stack after buying
0.2.7: Respawn Beacons are here
Hello, friends

Update 0.2.6 is now live on all servers!

Friends, in this update we have prepared a lot of new and interesting stuff for you!
First of all, we will tell you about the main changes that are awaiting you.

Respawn beacons

Cannot be placed in the vicinity of any base. Only one beacon is available (can be replaced by the next one) and can be destroyed by other players. Cooldown after installation or respawn is 5 minutes. Special components are needed to craft a beacon.


Search for hidden stashes.
The Bearing Finder is used to search for stashes containing various items, including a component for crafting the Respawn beacon.
Hidden stashes can be dug out with a shovel. Currently, the shovels are intended only for digging out hidden stashes and will be available in the inventory immediately after each respawn. The shovel included in the Support Pack will have a custom skin, designed exclusively for the pack.
The search for hidden stashes is a simple yet fascinating process!
In order to find useful items:

  • take the bearing finder in hand
  • press LMB to activate it
  • move around the world with the bearing finder turned on in different directions to search for a signal
  • when the signal is detected, the device will start making a sound and the lamp will flash.
The more often the light flashes and the louder the sound signal, the closer you are to the target.
The signal may fade out if you are already really close to the signal, but turn away from it by a significant degree.
As soon as the signal of the device has become stable, without interruptions, you can start digging out the target with a shovel.
This will require a few simple steps:

  • take a shovel in your hands
  • look towards the ground - the shovel icon should appear
  • hold down the “F" key until the action is complete

The item can be found at various locations on the map, and is also available as part of the Support Pack!
The multiplicity of the binoculars is 4x.


Universal inventory slots.
Quick slots 4-7 and devices slots F1-F4 are now merged into universal slots, that can store consumables and devices. These items won’t take space in the main inventory

This update brings all weapons rebalance (including sniper rifles) and new recoil system with smooth camera adjustment after shot. This update is the first step towards total weapon system overhaul, next one will feature progressive spread and customized per-weapon recoil patterns. We need your feedback on this one more then ever so let us know what you think on Discord and Steam forum!

New features:

  • Respawn beacons
  • Due to the appearance of beacons, respawn cooldowns at other locations have been increased to 10 minutes. Base respawn cooldown is set to 5 minutes.
  • Hidden stashes and bearing finders.
  • Universal inventory slots.
  • Binoculars
  • New weapon recoil system
  • All weapons rebalance
  • Breath hold and recover timings changes
  • Menu option for disabling teammates names in game (“P” by default)
  • Universal inventory slots. Quick slots 4-7 and devices slots F1-F4 are now merged into universal slots, that can store consumables and devices. These items won’t take space in the main inventory
  • First-person and third-person view FOV can now be tweaked separately through the game menu
  • Cherny Log landscape changes
  • Some items (broken flashlight, walkie-talkie etc) can now be disassembled into components

Bugs fixed:

  • In some scenarios, players could not connect to the server
  • 2-sided material added for rocks and stones to prevent players from shooting from inside the geometry
  • Items in quick slots are not stacked at purchase
  • Various graphical bugs and glitches
  • Items in quickslots don’t properly stack after buying
Andei assistindo mais um pouco e é bem pegada Scum , pelo menos foi o que achei.
Me diverti com scum mas os servers estragavam demais a brincadeira
Andei assistindo mais um pouco e é bem pegada Scum , pelo menos foi o que achei.
Me diverti com scum mas os servers estragavam demais a brincadeira
Scum eu nunca joguei, mas lá acho q a pegada sobrevivência pesa mais, além de ter zoombie
Aqui, por hora, vc apenas come e bebe.

De resto, é dar tiro (pvp ou pve) ou construir base (que nem é tão fundamental, hoje, no futuro pode mudar)
Aqui vc consegue armas facilmente, então o loop para morrer e ir trocar tiro é muito rápido. O que falta mesmo é missão mais elaborada. O jogo vai evoluindo lentamente....
Scum eu nunca joguei, mas lá acho q a pegada sobrevivência pesa mais, além de ter zoombie
Aqui, por hora, vc apenas come e bebe.

De resto, é dar tiro (pvp ou pve) ou construir base (que nem é tão fundamental, hoje, no futuro pode mudar)
Aqui vc consegue armas facilmente, então o loop para morrer e ir trocar tiro é muito rápido. O que falta mesmo é missão mais elaborada. O jogo vai evoluindo lentamente....
Falta players também como sempre . Pensando aqui acho que é o que mais reclamo ultimamente é falta de players em jogos.

Sobre SCUM é cansativo por ter que cuidar para não ficar doente na chuva, não comer coisa errada , precisa cagar, mijar , roupa molhada pode ficar resfriado , etc..... , em resumo é um bichinho virtual.
Sobre armar você precisa achar a arma , achar o carregador e achar as balas.
No final até que a proposta é legal.

QUanto ao deadside vou seguir acompanhando, apesar do preço baixo o chato é novamente a falta de players.
Falta players também como sempre . Pensando aqui acho que é o que mais reclamo ultimamente é falta de players em jogos.

Sobre SCUM é cansativo por ter que cuidar para não ficar doente na chuva, não comer coisa errada , precisa cagar, mijar , roupa molhada pode ficar resfriado , etc..... , em resumo é um bichinho virtual.
Sobre armar você precisa achar a arma , achar o carregador e achar as balas.
No final até que a proposta é legal.

QUanto ao deadside vou seguir acompanhando, apesar do preço baixo o chato é novamente a falta de players.
Scum acho exagerado, toda essa parte de sobrevivência me afasta dele
Deadside é BEM mais light nesse sentido (talvez light d+ para a maioria que gosta de sobrevivência), aqui da tranquilamente para morrer, dar respawn, pegar a primeira arma e tentar ir para a treta.
Se não me engano os servers são até 50 players + BOTS, mas honestamente se o jogo tivesse missões realmente interessantes, nem me importaria de entrar em um server apenas PVE

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