Tem como desinstalar um jogo da steam remotamente ou só instalar? to no trabalho :haha:
a botinha nova la...
Guardian Greaves
boa bota... cara... mas
  • Active: Mend - Restores 250 health and 160 mana to nearby allies. Removes negative debuffs from the caster upon cast. 45 second cooldown
Centaur Warrunner
Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade to Centaur: Stampede reduces all incoming damage by 70% and allows allies to run through obstructions (trees, cliffs, etc). Destroys trees

Quanto hue vai querer zoar com isso. kkk

Skeleton Walk cooldown from 20 to 20/19/18/17
Death Pact cooldown from 45/40/35 to 45/35/25

Buffaram o pick do Ryako :coolface:

Crystal Maiden
Crystal Nova movement and attack slow from -30 to -20/30/40/50
Crystal Nova slow duration from 3.5/4/4.5/5 to 4.5
Frostbite cooldown reduced from 10/9/8/7 to 9/8/7/6
Freezing Field cooldown from 150/120/90 to 90

Que buff em

Inner Vitality cast range increased from 550 to 800
Inner Vitality cooldown from 25/22/19/16 to 22/18/14/10

hahaha lá vem os picks de huskar pulando feito canguru.

Jakiro base strength increased from 24 to 25
Macropyre duration increased from 7 (14 Scepter) to 10 (20 Scepter) (Nossa que robado :lol2::lol2:)
Macropyre area of effect increased from 225 to 240

Blade Fury cooldown from 30/25/22/18 to 42/34/26/18
Blade Fury now has the same Spell Immunity on cast dispel behavior as other Spell Immunities [?]
Healing Ward movement speed from 450 to 420
Omnislash no longer ministuns on cast
Using items/abilities in Omnislash no longer requires facing direction

Aeee Ryako, nerfzin no jugger.

Kunkka no longer turns to cast Torrent
Torrent cooldown reduced from 12 to 10 seconds
X Marks The Spot mana cost from 80 to 50

kct outro buff no kunkka :awesome:

Nyx Assassin
Using Spiked Carapace no longer removes Vendetta
Added Aghamin's Scepter upgrade to Nyx: Adds a new ability, Burrow, with a one second cast time. While Burrowed, Nyx Assassin is invisible and unable to move/attack, but has 40% damage resistance, and regenerates 1.5% of his health and mana per second. Nyx Assassin's abilities also have improved properties while burrowed: Mana Burn and Impale have 50% increased cast range, Impale Cooldown is reduced from 13 to 9, and Spiked Carapace instantly stuns any enemy units within a 300 area of effect without requiring them to hurt him first. Casting Vendetta causes Burrow to end
Interessante em :forever:

Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade to Weaver: reduces the cooldown of Timelapse to 20 seconds and allows Timelapse to target allied heroes. 1000 cast range

Nossa legal poder usar agora em aliados :lol2:

Wraith King
Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade to Wraith King: Allies who are near Wraith King (within 1200 aoe) when slain become Wraiths for 5 seconds, delaying their death. They can continue attacking, casting, etc. When the duration ends, the hero dies, and credit for the kill goes to whowever landed the original killing blow.

Resumindo. Ladrão safado, não deixa os mortos descansarem em paz :lol2::bwahaha::bwahaha::bwahaha:
Centaur Warrunner
Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade to Centaur: Stampede reduces all incoming damage by 70% and allows allies to run through obstructions (trees, cliffs, etc). Destroys trees

Quanto hue vai querer zoar com isso. kkk

Skeleton Walk cooldown from 20 to 20/19/18/17
Death Pact cooldown from 45/40/35 to 45/35/25

Buffaram o pick do Ryako :coolface:

Crystal Maiden
Crystal Nova movement and attack slow from -30 to -20/30/40/50
Crystal Nova slow duration from 3.5/4/4.5/5 to 4.5
Frostbite cooldown reduced from 10/9/8/7 to 9/8/7/6
Freezing Field cooldown from 150/120/90 to 90

Que buff em

Inner Vitality cast range increased from 550 to 800
Inner Vitality cooldown from 25/22/19/16 to 22/18/14/10

hahaha lá vem os picks de huskar pulando feito canguru.

Jakiro base strength increased from 24 to 25
Macropyre duration increased from 7 (14 Scepter) to 10 (20 Scepter) (Nossa que robado :lol2::lol2:)
Macropyre area of effect increased from 225 to 240

Blade Fury cooldown from 30/25/22/18 to 42/34/26/18
Blade Fury now has the same Spell Immunity on cast dispel behavior as other Spell Immunities [?]
Healing Ward movement speed from 450 to 420
Omnislash no longer ministuns on cast
Using items/abilities in Omnislash no longer requires facing direction

Aeee Ryako, nerfzin no jugger.

Kunkka no longer turns to cast Torrent
Torrent cooldown reduced from 12 to 10 seconds
X Marks The Spot mana cost from 80 to 50

kct outro buff no kunkka :awesome:

Nyx Assassin
Using Spiked Carapace no longer removes Vendetta
Added Aghamin's Scepter upgrade to Nyx: Adds a new ability, Burrow, with a one second cast time. While Burrowed, Nyx Assassin is invisible and unable to move/attack, but has 40% damage resistance, and regenerates 1.5% of his health and mana per second. Nyx Assassin's abilities also have improved properties while burrowed: Mana Burn and Impale have 50% increased cast range, Impale Cooldown is reduced from 13 to 9, and Spiked Carapace instantly stuns any enemy units within a 300 area of effect without requiring them to hurt him first. Casting Vendetta causes Burrow to end
Interessante em :forever:

Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade to Weaver: reduces the cooldown of Timelapse to 20 seconds and allows Timelapse to target allied heroes. 1000 cast range

Nossa legal poder usar agora em aliados :lol2:

Wraith King
Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade to Wraith King: Allies who are near Wraith King (within 1200 aoe) when slain become Wraiths for 5 seconds, delaying their death. They can continue attacking, casting, etc. When the duration ends, the hero dies, and credit for the kill goes to whowever landed the original killing blow.

Resumindo. Ladrão safado, não deixa os mortos descansarem em paz :lol2::bwahaha::bwahaha::bwahaha:

confesso q to desanimado de clinkz ultimamente... tenho perdido bastante, e ontem mesmo ganhei 1 partida e perdi novamente 12 pontos no rank... não entendo ssa porra
a botinha nova la...
Guardian Greaves
boa bota... cara... mas
  • Active: Mend - Restores 250 health and 160 mana to nearby allies. Removes negative debuffs from the caster upon cast. 45 second cooldown

Boa bota. Vai salvar um slot dos utility/suportes, juntar a fome com a vontade de comer, e ainda vai ter aquele purge maneiro com o mesmo CD da Arcane.

Aliás, viram que a Arcane agora não pede mais mana pra ativar? 135 de mana pra quem usar ao invés de 100 o/
Legion Commander
  • Moment of Courage counterattack chance from 16/18/20/22 to 25%
  • Moment of Courage lifesteal from 20/40/60/80% to 55/65/75/85%
  • Moment of Courage cooldown from 0.9 to 2.7/2.1/1.5/0.9
  • Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade to Legion Commander: Duel lasts until either Legion Commander or her target dies. Ends if duelists are ever more than 2,000 range apart.
Legion totalmente bufada, com a queeling blade melhorada agora, da pra fazer jungle bem mais suave

só fechar silver edge e correr pro abraço, dano inicial de 225, + duelo+ desabilitar as passivas...
não tem PA que sobreviva
Legion Commander
  • Moment of Courage counterattack chance from 16/18/20/22 to 25%
  • Moment of Courage lifesteal from 20/40/60/80% to 55/65/75/85%
  • Moment of Courage cooldown from 0.9 to 2.7/2.1/1.5/0.9
  • Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade to Legion Commander: Duel lasts until either Legion Commander or her target dies. Ends if duelists are ever more than 2,000 range apart.
Legion totalmente bufada, com a queeling blade melhorada agora, da pra fazer jungle bem mais suave

só fechar silver edge e correr pro abraço, dano inicial de 225, + duelo+ desabilitar as passivas...
não tem PA que sobreviva

New meta de Legion é fechar aghanim e duelar o carry inimigo, aih vem seu amiguinho Bane e da nightmare, duelo dos pesadelos infinitos :lol2::lol2:
New meta de Legion é fechar aghanim e duelar o carry inimigo, aih vem seu amiguinho Bane e da nightmare, duelo dos pesadelos infinitos :lol2::lol2:

pior que os caras ficariam em 1 looping eterno, se ninguem os matasse

olhem o alch de moon shard no final

olhem o alch de moon shard no final

eita poha,esse atk speed monstro
eita poha,esse atk speed monstro

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Vai ter patch já já. Esse alchemy MINHA NOSSA SENHORA DO APELO DA VELOCIDADE DE ATAQUE :lol2::lol2::lol2::lol2:

Aproveitem pra trollar jogando com ele. Porque vai ter fix
Não se desesperem com essa Octarine Orb, btw. É um item de 6k que não pode ser rushado pois não dá sustain early... Esperem isso como item de 30 minutos de jogo, no mesmo nível de Shivas (que normalmente é terceiro ou quarto item da build). Nenhum bristle que se preze irá abandonar sua Vanguard, sua BM e sua Crimson pra rushar um item de 6k.
Não se desesperem com essa Octarine Orb, btw. É um item de 6k que não pode ser rushado pois não dá sustain early... Esperem isso como item de 30 minutos de jogo, no mesmo nível de Shivas (que normalmente é terceiro ou quarto item da build). Nenhum bristle que se preze irá abandonar sua Vanguard, sua BM e sua Crimson pra rushar um item de 6k.
Nunca duvide do poder dos BRs cara, a huezagem eh forte!!








Última edição:
Não mexeram na linkens sphere? item bom mais muito caro, acho que se o recipe custasse no maximo uns 400 de gold seria um item bem mais utilizado
Não mexeram na linkens sphere? item bom mais muito caro, acho que se o recipe custasse no maximo uns 400 de gold seria um item bem mais utilizado

-1 sec de cd.

Voltei a jogar essa joça essa semana e tá complicado largar :bwahaha:, parei a uns 4 anos atrás com o vício mas não deu :feelbad:. Ai, vem mais uma pá de mudança pra atrapalhar um pouquinho no assimilar.

Literalmente tá virando street fighter como quem da antiga reclamava tanto a cada update.

Obs.: recomendo ler fortemente isso aqui: http://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/344vdw/lotus_orb_all_targeted_spells_interactions/

Pois se tão falando de hueragem com CW e tudo mais, isso ai acima sim é roubado!

Só deixando alguns destaques em negrito, pra deixar com gostinho na boca:

  • LVL? Death damages both, Doom is damaged based on Doom's level, not target's.
  • Doom dooms Doom.
If his target has Aghs, timer on that will be paused if Doom is nearby his target. As if target casted Doom on him.
  • All creeps abilities are also reflected normally.
  • Laguna Blade hits Lina back. Looks gorgeous.

Outras no final em especial, observações tensas!!!
  • Linken Sphere blocks most reflected spells.
  • Blade Mail reflects damage of reflected spells. If target has blademail, caster will recieve double the damage of his spell, and if caster has Blade Mail, target will recieve double damage respectivly. :damn::damn::damn::damn::damn::coolface::lol2::bwahaha::haha:
  • Abilities, reflected by other Lotus Orb, will not trigger Lotus Orb.
  • Spells casted by allies are not reflected, even if they can be cast on both allies and enemies.
  • Attack modifiers are not reflected.
  • Reflected ult is only upgarded if target has Aghs, not the caster (possible bug?)
Posso tá falando *****, mas acho que veremos weaver sup/offlane rushando aghanim e wk supp fazendo aghanim tambémFiquei imaginando um axe rodando igual bayblade no meio da TF, aí a weaver vai lá de boas e tira ele, isso a cada 20seg.
Melhor chamar logo de dota 3
Odeio perder uma partida pro rat doto, mas esse meta era o mais prazeroso de se assistir os camps, podia voltar.

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