Grand Theft Auto IV - [ TÓPICO OFICIAL ]

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Muito bom! :lol:
Alguém confirma? kkkkkkkkkk

comédia isso .kkkkkk pareçe que ele é bom de fazer comercial..falaram que fica mesma coisa..
Galera... alguem pode me esplicar como jogo isso em MP? estou com o jogo aqui... já procurei pelos menus e etc... por favor alguem poderia me explicar como jogá-lo?
po, ocara disse pra fazer várias coisas. Voces só colocaram -windowed e tão dizendo que não funfou? Testem direito isso ai...:slap:
Os caras no forum oficial estão dizendo q essa porcaria de "GET-YOUR-FKN-GTA4-RUNNING-GUIDE" é um "comercial " do próprio usuário querendo aparecer, ou seja, não faz diferença nenhuma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PQP!!!!
Galera , vendo que os GIFTS nao estão funcionando , se alguém comprasse o jogo lá fora numa conta criada lá fora tb e me passasse o login e a senha iria funcionar ??
Average FPS: 19.45
Duration: 37.64 sec
CPU Usage: 86%
System memory usage: 94%
Video memory usage: 87%

Graphics Settings
Video Mode: 1024 x 768 (60 Hz)
Texture Quality: Medium
Render Quality: High
View Distance: 25
Detail Distance: 37

Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Service Pack 3
Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT
Video Driver version: 178.24
Audio Adapter: Realtek HD Audio output
Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz

File ID: benchmark.cli

galera isso é bom? desculpa to meio por fora
Galera... alguem pode me esplicar como jogo isso em MP? estou com o jogo aqui... já procurei pelos menus e etc... por favor alguem poderia me explicar como jogá-lo?

O menu do multiplayer você acessa através do celular.
Dentro do singleplayer puxa o celular, vai em menu e o multiplayer vai estar lá.

Joguei free mode com um amigo. Tinha uns 10 no server e foi muito divertido. Na maior parte do tempo rodou melhor que no singleplayer até.
...Alguem ai sabe como faz para aumentar o tempo da gravação de video? Aqui quando aperto o F2 ele so salva os ultimos 30-35 segundos
...Podia ter como mudar isso!
Average FPS: 19.45
Duration: 37.64 sec
CPU Usage: 86%
System memory usage: 94%
Video memory usage: 87%

Graphics Settings
Video Mode: 1024 x 768 (60 Hz)
Texture Quality: Medium
Render Quality: High
View Distance: 25
Detail Distance: 37

Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Service Pack 3
Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT
Video Driver version: 178.24
Audio Adapter: Realtek HD Audio output
Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz

File ID: benchmark.cli

galera isso é bom? desculpa to meio por fora

DICA: ATUALIZA PRO ULTIMO DRIVER DA NVIDIA O 180.70 procura no "Google" q tu acha

dps posta pra nos v
coloquei os comandos do atalho e nao aconteceu nada :(

nao tem como colocar em um txt igual crysis nao?
Galera , se um amigo nos EUA , criar uma conta lá , comprar o jogo e me passar os dados....vai dar algum erro aqui ????
Fala pessoal,
poderiam me indicar lojas que estão vendendo o jogo ou se a previsao pra quando vai estar disponível?
When it launched in April, Grand Theft Auto IV on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 was greeted with a chorus of approval from gamers and critics alike. With the PC edition of the game arriving in stores earlier this week, the reaction has been notably different.

Forum threads on GameSpot, Steam, and elsewhere online are lighting up with complaints from gamers about a host of performance issues. Poor frame rates even on powerful rigs, short draw distances, crashes, and missing textures are among a slew of stated issues gamers have with the title.

Not content to vent on forums, disgruntled GTAIV PC gamers have taken to and panned the port with negative user reviews. In addition to complaining about the game's performance, the Amazon reviewers have taken exception to its use of SecuROM DRM technology. Of the 56 reviews on the retail site as of this writing, 46 of them have issued a 1-star-out-of-5 rating, with the customer average now sitting at 1.5 stars.

The technical support section of Rockstar's official site acknowledges a host of known issues. For instance, Rockstar tells gamers with Nvidia 7900 series cards that a driver issue is causing the game to not render anything in the distance, leading to functionally unplayable performance. According to Rockstar, "NVidia is working on releasing a new driver as soon as possible."

The Rockstar tech support site also suggests that missing texture issues could be caused by driver tuning programs, and includes a list of dozens of possible error codes players may have encountered. Additionally, ATI card owners are advised to set the game's "MipMap Detail Level" slider to "quality" or they will see blacked-out textures, while the ATI 1900 series specifically has problems with flickering shadows. A patch for the shadow issue is underway, according to the developer.

As for performance issues on high-end rigs, Rockstar's tech support documentation contained the following explanation: "Most users using current PC hardware as of December 2008 are advised to use medium graphics settings. Higher settings are provided for future generations of PCs with higher specifications than are currently widely available."
Galera, o jogo ficou tudo transparente aqui :( O que pode ser?

Aqui tmb to com esse problema =/
When it launched in April, Grand Theft Auto IV on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 was greeted with a chorus of approval from gamers and critics alike. With the PC edition of the game arriving in stores earlier this week, the reaction has been notably different.

Forum threads on GameSpot, Steam, and elsewhere online are lighting up with complaints from gamers about a host of performance issues. Poor frame rates even on powerful rigs, short draw distances, crashes, and missing textures are among a slew of stated issues gamers have with the title.

Not content to vent on forums, disgruntled GTAIV PC gamers have taken to and panned the port with negative user reviews. In addition to complaining about the game's performance, the Amazon reviewers have taken exception to its use of SecuROM DRM technology. Of the 56 reviews on the retail site as of this writing, 46 of them have issued a 1-star-out-of-5 rating, with the customer average now sitting at 1.5 stars.

The technical support section of Rockstar's official site acknowledges a host of known issues. For instance, Rockstar tells gamers with Nvidia 7900 series cards that a driver issue is causing the game to not render anything in the distance, leading to functionally unplayable performance. According to Rockstar, "NVidia is working on releasing a new driver as soon as possible."

The Rockstar tech support site also suggests that missing texture issues could be caused by driver tuning programs, and includes a list of dozens of possible error codes players may have encountered. Additionally, ATI card owners are advised to set the game's "MipMap Detail Level" slider to "quality" or they will see blacked-out textures, while the ATI 1900 series specifically has problems with flickering shadows. A patch for the shadow issue is underway, according to the developer.

As for performance issues on high-end rigs, Rockstar's tech support documentation contained the following explanation: "Most users using current PC hardware as of December 2008 are advised to use medium graphics settings. Higher settings are provided for future generations of PCs with higher specifications than are currently widely available."

Tomara que lancem logo mesmo um novo driver.
No minimo a Rockstars se preocupou em fazer um sistema anti-pirataria e esqueceu do jogo... é uma pena, pois até então eu acreditava que a Rockstars era uma empresa que pensava mais nos seus clientes... Claro que como empresa ela deve se preocupar com os lucros e etc... mas desta vez ela deixou seus clientes completamente de lado... Uma pena, tomara que estes problemas sejam resolvidos o quanto antes e que vendam o game no Brasil... no mais ficam milhares de clientes insatisfeitos e uma mancha na história da empresa...
Tomara que lancem logo mesmo um novo driver.

Ou seja
vamo tapar o sol com a peneira e quem tem sua placa de video de 1500 reais logo logo sai a de 2000 pra voce jogar "decentemente" gta iv
Pra quem não acreditava que isso ia acontecer:

GTA IV PC Patch Coming
[Ure "Vader" Paul]
08:19 am EST @ December 04th, 2008
GTAGaming has the official word from Rockstar regarding the recent issues gamers have been having with the PC version of GTA IV.

"We are aware that a small number of fans are having problems running GTA IV on their PCs and we would like to assure them we are working to help solve these as quickly as possible," said a Rockstar rep. "We would ask anyone that is encountering difficulties to contact their local technical support helpline for advice and recommendations. These telephone numbers can be found in the game's manual."

The statement continues: "There is also a regularly updated technical support page available on the Rockstar Games website where there are many useful FAQs, and information on how to resolve some common problems being encountered."

We didn't expect this blunder from the boys and gals at Rockstar. Hope they resolve it quickly. We'll let you know the moment the patch is available.

Fonte: ActionTrip
Será que roda no meu lapbosta? :lol:

Pentium Dual-Core 1.46/ 1gb ram/ intel x3100

Nem que seja ultra mega low em 640x480 ou algo, eu quero é jogar.
tive um ganho de 2 fps..
ta melhor =P

o de nda mano:yes:

ate q 2 a + fps tah bom pra sua VGA to ansioso pra v como vai fika na minha falta 1 hora pra termina o down

jah to vendo vara a noite jogando gta
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