[TÓPICO OFICIAL] No Man's Sky: Endurance

Putz! Será que mudaram alguma coisa relacionada a isso?

Eu tenho um save q comecei do zero depois do Next, mas quase não joguei... vou tentar entrar lá depois para ver tbm se descubre como esta agora ahahaha
Ah tah, pq ele disse sinal, eu conclui o incremento.

Nao tenho o tal beacon ainda, pelo visto.
Agora ta explicado, eu também não tenho esse lance de sinal enquanto não arrumo o jeito é fazendo o lance de marcar + guardar as coordenadas
Vou começar novo jogo.
Agora qual escolher ?

Normal ou Criação ?
Qual dos 2 vale mais a pena ?
Vou começar novo jogo.
Agora qual escolher ?

Normal ou Criação ?
Qual dos 2 vale mais a pena ?

se é a primeira vez, normal. Até pq deve ser onde tem mais players para encontrar.
Encontrei um planeta bem estranho... Acho que o pessoal chama de planeta exótico ou raro, não sei a nomenclatura exata por que sou novo no game. Fiz até um videozinho, quem quiser conferir tá aí:

Pode ver que no vídeo fica brotando a mensagem da missão do computador de base que acabei de referir no outro post. hehehehehe

muito louco esse planeta, nunca tinha visto algo parecido com esta textura meio metalica, eu montaria uma base nele so para mante-lo por perto
se é a primeira vez, normal. Até pq deve ser onde tem mais players para encontrar.

To recomeçando do 0, e pra variar cai em um planeta com tempestade de fogo a cada minuto. cool

Edit, menos de 20min ja morri 2x ahuahuhuahua
pra um que já tinha disponível no portal, na missão tava pedindo pra fazer dobra pra outro sistema... como estava sem combustível, tentei fazer o teleporte pra um local já
descoberto, mas to vendo que me fudi né...:okay:

Yep... você se fufu... hahaha.

Não da pra contratar qualquer técnico nessa parte. Você deveria ter ido para o espaço, selecionado a missão no log, apertado M, botão direito do mouse, afastado a câmera, achar em qual galaxia o jogo estava te mandando e ir até a estação espacial dessa galáxia.

Faz isso que falei acima que vai funcionar.

aqui nao funcionou nao. deixei um incremento de sinal no chão, viajei, e nao o vejo fora do planeta. (nem dentr)

Agora ta explicado, eu também não tenho esse lance de sinal enquanto não arrumo o jeito é fazendo o lance de marcar + guardar as coordenadas

Meu... essa foi uma das primeiras coisas que liberei no game. Você libera o Minerador Autônomo e logo em seguida libera o Sinal (em português ele colocaram esse nome, Sinal... Beacon no caso.).

Inclusive me lembrei aqui, é o Especialista de Ciências que te dá ele e até te aconselha a utilizar o Sinal juntamente com o Minerador Autônomo, para poder encontrar onde deixou o Minerador.

Esse é o Beacon:


Esse é o logo dele de dentro do planeta:


E aqui fora:


P.s.: Desculpa a SS ruim... tava uma leve tempestade no planeta... hahaha...
Yep... você se fufu... hahaha.

Não da pra contratar qualquer técnico nessa parte. Você deveria ter ido para o espaço, selecionado a missão no log, apertado M, botão direito do mouse, afastado a câmera, achar em qual galaxia o jogo estava te mandando e ir até a estação espacial dessa galáxia.

Faz isso que falei acima que vai funcionar.

Meu... essa foi uma das primeiras coisas que liberei no game. Você libera o Minerador Autônomo e logo em seguida libera o Sinal (em português ele colocaram esse nome, Sinal... Beacon no caso.).

Inclusive me lembrei aqui, é o Especialista de Ciências que te dá ele e até te aconselha a utilizar o Sinal juntamente com o Minerador Autônomo, para poder encontrar onde deixou o Minerador.

Esse é o Beacon:


Esse é o logo dele de dentro do planeta:


E aqui fora:


P.s.: Desculpa a SS ruim... tava uma leve tempestade no planeta... hahaha...

Por isso é fueda os recursos travados através desse tutorial-campanha. É muito longo!
Saiu esse update ontem, mas acho que passou batido

Fixes and improvements
  • Fixed a case where invalid characters could cause saves to fail to load
  • Fixed an issue with freighter expeditions where, under very specific circumstances, a certain pattern of loading and reloading within a limited timeframe could cause saves not to be loaded
  • Fix to restore savegames for players affected by a specific issue with freighter expeditions
  • Fix for an occasional white screen crash during loading
  • Fixed the Base Restoration mission failing to find a proper site for your legacy base
  • Fixed an issue where players would not know the Living Glass recipe after upgrading their save
  • Fixed an issue where players would not know the Blueprint Analyser after upgrading their save
  • Fixed an issue where players would not know the Frigate Fuel blueprint if they undertook the fleet tutorial in multiplayer
  • Fixed a number of issues with Galactic Commission missions that involved freighters
  • Fixed an issue where players would not see their ships docked aboard a freighter when loading
  • Fixed an issue where players would see multiple ships docked on the same landing pad when loading
  • Fixed an issue where the freighter bridge would unload after accepting a mission from the Galactic Commission Terminal
  • Fixed an issue where players would be jettisoned into space after warping aboard another player’s freighter
  • Fix for frigates not reporting their damaged state correctly
  • Fix for an issue that could block players in the “fuel the warp drive” stage of the tutorial
  • Fix for repairing broken ship slots in Creative Mode
  • Improvements to exocraft laser damage
  • Improvements for animations while turning, jetpacking, and standing on objects
  • Memory optimisations to improve stability
  • Preventative fix for potential stability issue with mission handling
  • Fixed a number of text bugs
  • Fixed a number of incorrect prices
  • Improvements for text translations, especially Japanese

Thank you,

Hello Games
Encontrei um planeta bem estranho... Acho que o pessoal chama de planeta exótico ou raro, não sei a nomenclatura exata por que sou novo no game. Fiz até um videozinho, quem quiser conferir tá aí:

Pode ver que no vídeo fica brotando a mensagem da missão do computador de base que acabei de referir no outro post. hehehehehe

A palavra correta para estes planetas é "sintéticos". Eles ja existem desde o Atlas Rise la pra agosto/17

só pra ilustrar
Peguei essa "coisinha linda" classe S seguinto um tutorial do youtube:



Esperando a chuva passar..

Fazendo a manutenção...

Pronta para a proxima expedição..


Minha simples frota!!!
Consegui achar um animal maior que o anterior... 8.2m e 368kg...


Ninguém descobriu como ajeitar esse bug dos dados da base?

Eu dei uma sugestão de como resolver nas ultimas páginas ai... pra mim funcionou... não sei se funcionou para outros usuários também.
Forever alone na real life e nos joguinhos :forever: :okay:

Eu comprei uma segunda nave, mas to bem no começo do jogo (nem tenho base ainda). Como eu faço pra alternar entre elas, ou chamar a segunda?
E o galactic Hub sera reconstruido novamente em um novo lugar agora com o NEXT:


Como chegar la...

The NEXT Generation Galactic Hub

We’ve come along way, we Interlopers, Travelers, glitches in the simulation. When the Galactic Hub was founded, on October 30th, 2016, the only form of player content which was visible was uploaded names. Most of you know where it went from there - Comm Stations, base building then sharing, floating orbs. Now, the NEXT Generation offers civilizations potential at least as significant as the addition of base sharing, as well as significantly expanding on the nature of that old feature.

As we approach our 2nd year of interloping, we have plenty of history to look back on. We have much to be proud of, even if necessary digital cataclysms brought by updates have left us with little to remember of those times but pictures and whatever we can carry in our freighter. There’s an extensive history of cooperation and innovation in the Galactic Hub which could, and should, be celebrated - but today is not for the past. Our civilization’s focus and energy must be directed into building the future.

Today we relocate to the Arm of Vezitinen region, a mushroom-cloud / tree-shaped region which also features an impressive linear constellation down the center, the Spine of Olympus. Shungka never quite felt like home to me, and as much as I loved the Rentocniijik Expanse, I’m already more comfortable in the new Hub region. This excellent region of space was located by GHDF Officer & Ark Program participant u/Mark4945.

Where is the NEXT Generation Galactic Hub?
  • Coordinates: 042F:0078:0D55:0021

  • Portal Address: Click

  • NOTE: TopOfTheTree3 was uploaded with the default name on PS4 by mistake. If you enter the system and it shows as un-uploaded, please try uploading it with the name [HUB1-21] TopOfTheTree3.
Note that Black Holes are not behaving as expected and Portal Glyphs are currently glitched on new saves; this means your only options are old-fashioned, coordinate-based navigation, or…

  1. Join on a friend in the Hub (or use a Portal if you already have all glyphs)

  2. Go to the Space Station and use the teleporter terminus.

  3. If using a Portal, return through the teleporter, then back through the Portal (back to where you started this process). If joining on a friend, quit to single player / hosting your own session.

  4. Access any teleporter (space station or at a base) and teleport to the destination in the Hub.

  5. You are now in the Hub without any restriction (ie “Portal interference” or returning back to origin when your friend leaves).
Remember to sign the NEXT Generation Galactic Hub Census when you get here!

Ark Program
Thanks to the dedicated Interlopers of the Ark Program, the entire Arm of Vezitinen (new HUB1) has not only been renamed, but documented on a spreadsheet. Naturally, as this was done in under 2 weeks with over 500 systems, this is not wiki-level documentation. However, it’s an invaluable tool for navigation.

If you warp into a system in HUB1 and it is not showing the proper name, or if you’re on XBox and the system hasn’t been renamed at all, please upload the system with the same name as it has on the spreadsheet. This is only a requirement for HUB1, but will make navigation much easier between the 3 platforms (PC/PS4/XBox).

Just hit "CTRL + F", or click "Edit > Find", and type the system's default name or coordinates to locate it on the spreadsheet.

Special thanks to seamonkey420 for creating the spreadsheet, and u/rwhitby & Vexare for managing it (Hub Discord usernames).

Naming Guidelines
The Galactic Hub’s Naming Guidelines have been significantly simplified.

We have dropped secondary tags entirely (the tags that said things like Vortex Cubes, Crashed Ship Here, 6m Diplos, etc). While these tags were incredibly useful in the short-term, they were also, unfortunately, the only reason we had to relocate our civilization with each major update. In an effort to avoid future relocation, we are asking all players to avoid explicitly referencing any in-game content in the uploaded names of planets and systems.

This leaves the primary tag (now the only tag), [HUBn-###]. This now serves purely as an abbreviated coordinate set and Hub space marker: Each different “n” value in “HUBn” represents the first 3 parts of a coordinate set which are the same for every system in a given region; and the “###” portion represents the Solar Index Value, the 4th part of a coordinate set, which is unique to each solar system.

This means that just by knowing the Hub tag, you can navigate to the associated system. For this reason, the Hub tag is considered mandatory / required for all 11 regions of the Galactic Hub. If you don’t want to use the tag, please only upload systems in the Huburbs / Hubble Zone, outside of the Galactic Hub’s official regions.

Wiki Documentation
In the following week, new Galactic Hub Wiki Templates will be a priority for the Galactic Hub Council. For now, just use the wiki’s default templates, and put {{GHub}} at the top of any pages relating to the Galactic Hub.

Increasing wiki documentation is one of my biggest goals for the NEXT Generation. I will likely be paying (in-game) interlopers for, or otherwise incentivizing, the creation of wiki pages. Without secondary tags, wiki pages will be the only way for us to document in-game content for our fellow interlopers (except social media ie Reddit & Discord, but such posts always get buried eventually).

Creating a new main wiki page for the Galactic Hub will also be a priority in the near future, likely following the templates.

Explore, Fight, Trade, & Survive
These are the pillars of No Man’s Sky, as stated since early trailers. The Galactic Hub has focused, and will continue to focus, on “Explore” since its earliest days. To a lesser extent, or perhaps just more indirectly, we’ve also focused on “Survive,” helping each other locate the best equipment. While we will be expanding on both the “Exploration” and “Survival” pillars, it’s mostly the other two I want to focus on: Trade and Fight.

Player Trading: The Potential of an Economy
The simple feature of player-to-player (party-based) trading unlocks a whole new side to civilized space. For the first time, you can pay other players, as well as helping them in other ways.

Payment is simple enough, although not quite so simple as paying for real-life goods. Perhaps the person you’re contracting with will accept Units (which can be given in the form of Stasis Devices or Fusion Ignitors, or less-valuable goods as appropriate), Nanites (transferrable via Modules), or a range of more barter-oriented forms of payment (“Need 10 Gravitino Balls for some tech,” “Need a Walker Brain,” etc). Of course, as this is the Hub, many people will always help you for free - but an economy offers a fun semi-roleplay element, as well as an actual way to thank whoever helped you.

So you know how to pay them - but what will you pay them for? This falls under the category of “emergent gameplay.” I can’t imagine everything people will come up with, but here are some ideas I’ve heard or come up with:

  • HUber - Players with freighters can give warp-rides to players who don’t have the required warp drives (due to star color or distance), aren’t comfortable with navigation / are having a hard time finding a spot, or are just feeling lazy and like paying for a ride. (Name coined by u/Independableps4)

  • Construction Material Supply - Near-unlimited bases means near-unlimited resource consumption. The architect will be able to hire Construction Material Suppliers to gather the supplies needed for construction, significantly speeding up the process.

  • Real Estate Agents - Latitude/longitude on the Analysis Visor and “build anywhere” bases means you can now sell information that you obtain from your exploration. One particularly valuable career may be locating ideal sites for base construction, and selling the information to architects.

  • Fuel Delivery - Plainly stolen from E:D’s Fuel Rats, players (especially in Survival & Permadeath) can bring Starship Launch Fuel to players who, due to circumstance and/or recklessness, find themselves without it and stuck in deadly storms.

  • Exploration Services - Place “bounties” on certain ships, multitools, or fauna species, hire exozoologists to scan all planets in your system, or reverse the real-estate role and send someone searching for a specific base site to your specifications. Many exploration-oriented services will be available.
All of these careers / jobs will, as you may have guessed, be referred to as Services.

Services will work essentially like the GHDF’s “#distress-signals” Discord Channel. Although the exact details are still being worked out, the plan is that players will ping (tag) everyone with the role of the service they need help from - for example, tagging all HUber Captains, or all Construction Material Suppliers - to get assistance as quickly as possible and encourage a competitive & active market.

The somewhat-underutilized Mission Board will likely be expanded in the near future to accommodate requests which don’t quite fit in the parameters of any Services.

I aim to have the “Services” channel on Discord, which will be merged with “Distress-Signals,” running by the end of the weekend or early next week.

Player-versus-Player: Competitive Sport, Machinima & More
Also a note on the future of the GHDF

Although the community initially had much concern over the exact nature of PVP armies - the Hub raised a military/police-force of over 75 individuals in response to such concerns - all PVP features in the NEXT Update are mostly benign. If someone kills you, they can’t do anything to your grave, and you can just kick them from your game or (if you’re not host) turn off Network Connection, retrieve your grave, then join a new session.

With the fear of PVP hopefully alleviated and the taboo over the subject lifted, it’s time to look towards how we can use PVP for the enjoyment of everyone involved. Although this isn’t a topic which has been discussed extensively in the Council, some possibilities include:

  • Competitive dogfighting (space-battle) tournaments

  • Competitive ground-based combat tournaments

  • PVP & PVE combo tournaments: fight your opponent and a Sentinel mothership or walker at the same time, using the NPC enemies to your advantage

  • Machinima, essentially, video game movies - more details on that later in the post.
As malicious PVP is essentially a non-issue, the future of the Galactic Hub Defense Force must also be discussed. It won’t be disbanded, as malicious PVP could still be a concern with future updates, but at

least for the foreseeable future, it’s time for a repurposing - feel free to give your thoughts on the topic, especially if you’re GHDF yourself.

Build: The Fifth Pillar
Also a note on Project Coruscant

No Man’s Sky’s unofficial-yet-never-ignored pillar, “Build,” has been expanded to near-unlimited bounds. With the Hubble Zone being the greatest density of players anywhere in the universe, there will be no better spot to accidentally (or intentionally) stumble upon bases created by other players.

The exact nature of base sharing outside of the party system still requires extensive testing (which is the main reason we aren’t beginning Project Coruscant quite yet).

It is, in my opinion, fair to assume that at least one base per system will show without use of the party system. That means we will be able to build farms and gas refineries just like before, but on a much, much larger scale (although gas refineries may not be necessary - gas products are sold in most space stations). We will also be able to, for the first time, create Mining Outposts where (as long as other players can access your AMU’s, which has not been tested) you could gather large quanities of metal without spending any money, or much time.

More importantly than the potential for earning Units is the incredible bases players will create in this civilization. I’m excited to visit all the PS4 bases you guys can come up with, and see screenshots from the other platforms.

Holiday Base Decoration
With the holiday season approaching, we will be hosting contests for holiday-decorated bases (two categories: bases built for the holiday(s) & bases redecorated for holiday(s)).

This will mostly be focused on Halloween and Winter Holidays/Christmas/Equinox/etc, and will likely include the opportunity to win prizes.

YouTube Channel
Although the Galactic Hub YouTube Channel has been quiet since the release of NEXT, expect that to change very soon. A variety of talented NMS content creators have videos ready for the Hub, and NEXT offers new avenues of creativity as well. “Video mode” in photo mode (world doesn’t pause while in multiplayer) opens the possibility of new recording styles. A universe more beautiful than ever provides more opportunities for exploration. Player models, gestures, and PVP also open the opportunity for machinima videos.

Subscribe to the channel and keep a close eye for new videos - personally, I’m pushing hard for a Hub-based Star Trek knockoff machinima series.

Post-Euclid Galactic Hubs
Post-Euclid Galactic Hubs, such as Galactic Hub Hilbert, Calypso, Budullangr, and Eissentam, will be relocating to the same coordinates as Euclid. This will, hopefully, be the final relocation. Eissentam already has significant progress on both PS4 and PC, and I believe Budullangr has made quite a bit of headway on PS4.

Hubble-based Civilizations
Another one of my goals for the NEXT Generation is increasing traffic to and from, and interaction with, Hubble-based civilizations. Although most civilizations aren’t yet ready to go public and start accepting visitors, here are some civilizations to keep in mind:


Eu não entendi...comprou as fragatas? Elas ja vem com pilotos, voce interage com a sua frota na sala de comando que vc constroi no cargueiro...e pega missões pra elas na ponte de comando do seu cargueiro. Agora se não for isso, esse lance de pilotos pra mim é novo..não tinha isso antes não..
Qual o local que posso construir na nave? nao acho

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