[PREVIEW] Ready or Not

Community Content Exhibit Vol. 1
Welcome to the first in our series of monthly newsletters, dedicated entirely to community creations and contributions to Ready or Not! This month, we’re focusing on popular, well made, and unique mods to take your gameplay to the next level. Let us know if you’ve already experienced one of these in the comments!

Community Spotlight – Mods of the Month

1.) In-Game Menu[www.nexusmods.com] by TheRareKiwi

For many players this will be one of the first mods they download, and often the first they are recommended. The simply named ‘In-game menu’ offers users more granular control over their lobbies in both single and multiplayer. The mods feature set includes a proto-server browser, user limit changes, a map selector, and even a simple mod management and identification interface, to see what mods you have loaded at any given time.


2.) The Fairfax Residence Remake[www.nexusmods.com] by bmatthew9342

The Fairfax Residence is a map that features many veterans of the Tactical Police Action genre. It’s a faithful remake of the old SWAT 4 map, and faithfully maintains both game’s high level of environmental storytelling. Most present is the slow feeling of dread from the compact map, the well decorated environment, and its sparse use of NPCs.


3.) Old Wenderly Psych Hospital[www.nexusmods.com] by WasabiParty

Old Wenderly’s claustrophobic corridors, and high density of both civilians and suspects, lend themselves very well to the short, furious firefights that test all players' target acquisition and identification skills. The only downside to the map is the lack of decoration, but given the map's size combined with how hectic the action tends to be, it’s very easy to overlook its missing flair.


Editors Choice

4.) ODST RONMOD[www.nexusmods.com] by Sierra107

I really think the name of this mod speaks for itself! Though given the in-universe talents of the ODSTs and the incongruity of placing them in a reasonably modern space, it doesn’t mean that Sierra107 didn’t hit it out of the park with a modern version of the ODST battle suit and aesthetic. The cherry on top of this mod, is that Sierra also adds voices that sound like they’ve been passed between helmet comms, as well as two weapons! The headliner is the venerable M90 pump shotgun, whose sheer imposing presence makes it an absolute joy to use. The other is the MK50 Sidekick from Halo Infinite, whose replacement of the USP is quite a fitting choice.

All round it’s a wonderful package, with more tweaks and firearms on the way!




Going forwards, we can’t WAIT to see what else the community brings to the table as we update the game and to give modders more functionality to play with and improve their own works.

Outside of our highlight posts you can find more wonderful content here:
https://discord.gg/TjyfbXTU28 or https://www.nexusmods.com/readyornot/

Don’t forget to share your mods with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, and join our modding community on Discord.

TOC, signing off.
Os mapas modificados são insanos, mas uma pena que a atualização mais recente bugou esses mapas e não rola de jogar coop - somente os mapas do vanilla
Vol. 31 Ready or Not Development Update
Attention Officers,
Welcome to the 31st edition of our biweekly newsletter!! This time around we'll be taking a deeper look at Club and Valley, both of which have progressed significantly in recent weeks.

The Prysm Night Club

Pulsing lights and pounding music, strong drinks and intoxicating vibes. The promise of something more within. A crowded dance floor left vacant and streaked with blood. Pain and chaos. Bring an end to it.


Above: The heart of the club.


Above: The lounge. An uneasy stillness lingers.



Above: Death and destruction in a place of joy and respite.

The Valley of the Dolls

A poolside party under the warm rays of the Los Suenos sun. A birthday and all the presents money can buy. A dark secret waiting for you to bring it to the light.



Above: Decadence and excess.



Above: The entrance and bar, respectively. These folks are living the life.



Above: An abstract art gallery and a themed sitting room. What else do you need?


This concludes our 31st biweekly briefing, showcasing Club and Valley as they get closer to their final forms. Please tune in next time for even more development news, and keep an eye out on our social media!

If you'd like to help us test new content on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with all the activity and playtesting events occurring within the Ready or Not Alpha, you can become a Supporter at www.voidinteractive.net or at our Steam store page.

Keep your feet on the ground.
Community Management Team
Status Report on the Next Content Update
To the Ready or Not Community,

We are excited to get the new content update in your hands as it is our biggest one yet! At this time, we're putting the finishing touches on the bevy of new mechanics being added into the game so that they're fully playable and testable for our community. As soon as it’s ready, we will be deploying the update to our experimental testing branch for Supporters to experience and help us find any major issues before public release.

It's been a long wait, but we're ready and excited to share some of what you can expect this month. Our team has put together a 6 minute video showing off the overhaul to the game's A.I., specifically new suspect behaviors and the built-from-scratch cover system they utilize. We are confident that these new mechanics will add significant depth and replayability to Ready or Not.

Keep your feet on the ground.
Void Interactive
Esse jogo vai ficar completamente mortal com esse update da IA. Antes já era difícil com os suspeitos só ficando em pé e tal, imagina ativamente se preparando e se escondendo.

Muito teamplaybe frustração
Essa é uma parada que sempre falei
Vilão (BOT) do jogo tem MUITA vantagem por estar confinando em um quarto esperando o policial (player) entrar. Podendo ficar atrás de uma mesa, atrás de um sofá.
Espero que o tempo de reação seja curtíssimo, exigindo do player uso de recursos como granadas não letais.

Agora quero ver quando a missão não estiver concluída, vc rodou o mapa inteiro, não encontra o ultimo inimigo, reportou todo mundo, coletou todas as armas e vê que já fez tudo, mas falta 1 inimigo.... e ele vai estar dentro de um guarda-roupas escondido.
Essa é uma parada que sempre falei
Vilão (BOT) do jogo tem MUITA vantagem por estar confinando em um quarto esperando o policial (player) entrar. Podendo ficar atrás de uma mesa, atrás de um sofá.
Espero que o tempo de reação seja curtíssimo, exigindo do player uso de recursos como granadas não letais.

Agora quero ver quando a missão não estiver concluída, vc rodou o mapa inteiro, não encontra o ultimo inimigo, reportou todo mundo, coletou todas as armas e vê que já fez tudo, mas falta 1 inimigo.... e ele vai estar dentro de um guarda-roupas escondido.

Mas é isso na vida real. A força de segurança nunca sabe o que espera lá dentro onde estão os inimigos... A polícia sempre estará em desvantagem.
Vol. 32 Ready or Not Development Update
Attention Officers,

Welcome to the 32nd edition of our biweekly development update! This time around we're going to explore elements of environmental storytelling in the game, breathing life and adding detail to the world of Ready or Not.

Los Suenos is a city in decline. Widespread poverty and homelessness, skyrocketing crime rates, and a lack of municipal support are just some of the issues facing the local population. There is an aura of desperation and hopelessness across the city, and the symptoms and results of this can be found throughout the game's levels.

Without further ado, let's explore the everyday realities of Los Suenans....

A Stagnant, Halted Place

The 4U gas station has been hit hard by Los Suenos' woes. The city officials' refusal to budge on wage increases has led to a now 40 week long strike by sanitation workers. Garbage is piling up in the streets, and its nauseating stench lingers wherever you go.


Above: They've stopped trying to maintain it. Why bother?


Above: Trash ends up wherever there's space. No one's paid to pick it up.

As if things weren't bad enough, a robbery gone wrong turns into a hostage situation inside the gas station. An armed civilian tried to put a stop to things early, but being a hero doesn't always pan out.


Above: He should have known better. Luck wasn't on his side; in this city, is it ever?


Above: A failure to eject at the worst possible time.

It's no surprise people are driven to crime. With the worn down DeBanco security services protesting for safer working conditions amidst a string of robberies, there's no one to transport money for the banks. No one to refill the ATMs.


Above: We can't even access the money that we have. What the hell can we do?


Above: Just a machine that mocks us. What's it good for?

Throughout Los Suenos, you'll be able to see broader signs of the city's struggles through its media outlets. Whether it's over radio, TV broadcasts, or newspaper publications, everyone's looking for answers that no one seems to have. A series of magazines in the game's levels help to flesh out this story.


Above: A little bit of history for one of America's most storied, and now downtrodden cities.


Above: Trouble across the border. Tensions boiling over. Who's going to fix this?


Above: Even the affluent are starting to feel the pain. The rats spread like a plague.

This is just a taste of what you can expect from Ready or Not's environmental storytelling, as we strive to make the world come alive and include as much detail as we can in every level to contribute to the world that we've built. You'll see more and more added with continued updates to the game, so be on the lookout!


This concludes our 32nd biweekly newsletter, focusing on the various story beats located in the game's levels. Please tune in next time for even more development news, and keep an eye out on our social media!

If you'd like to help us test new content on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with all the activity and play testing events occurring within the Ready or Not Alpha, you can become a Supporter at www.voidinteractive.net or at our Steam store page.

The Largest Supporter Edition Content Update Yet

Attention Officers!

We’re happy to finally bring the supporters one of our biggest updates yet!

The update brings substantial changes to our AI cover system, new weapons, a mountain of bug fixes, the semi-final version of the Valley of Dolls map, and so much more!

It’s been a long time coming but we very much hope the wait was worth it, as of the posting of this announcement the patch will be live for Supporters with the public branch coming when more issues are worked out and tested by the Supporters.

Without further ado, lets get right into the longest patch notes yet!


  • “Valley of The Dolls” — Valley Map
    • Out of whitebox into final art — will likely be receiving smaller improvements and a destruction pass in the future
    • Most characters are still being worked on by art teams
  • “Neon Tomb” — Club Map
    • Out of whitebox into final art
    • Civilians are still being worked on by art teams
  • 3 NEW Whitebox Maps
    • Ridgeline
      • “A former USIA analyst has a warrant for his arrest over the suspected murder of five police officers in Makade County, Greater Los Suenos. Gerard Scott, 55, waited out the front of East Makade Police Department with a loaded mini-14 after setting a car alight on the street in front of the department. He then shot at officers while they attempted to extinguish the alighted vehicle. Witnesses on the street reported his vehicle as he drove away.”
    • Hospital
      • “Retaliating for the actions of the [REDACTED] shooting, remnants of “the Hand” go after the lone surviving active shooter, now placed under police supervision in the Coastal Grove Medical Center ICU.”
    • Agency
      • “Seized data-center assets point to the owner operating in one of the poorest neighborhoods: The Row. SWAT have been deployed to serve a search warrant on the Brixley Talent Time to assist with investigations into an illicit pornography ring.”
  • Cloth physics added to certain levels
    • Curtains, Beads, Plastic Covers will now be able to be interacted with and walked through.
    • Clothing on AI
  • LSPD SWAT Officers
    • New t-shirt variations added to SWAT — this is available for Swan, King, and Alabama.
    • Ranger Green swat uniform variations added to all LSPD officer types.
    • SWAT heads will no longer be floating in place — they have undershirts now!
    • IR strobes and reflective patches added to SWAT uniforms and helmets
    • New helmets added with improved detail and modeling
    • New night-vision goggle mesh added
    • SWAT Anti-Stab vests added to game with variations
  • New Vehicles
    • Cars can now be interacted with in many ways: side mirrors can be shot off, glass can be broken and shot through, airbags can be deployed and tyres can be shot out, lowering the car slightly.
    • Vehicles are safest behind the wheels of the car and the engine block.
    • Multiple new vehicle types have been added, such as:
      • Debanco Truck
      • LSPD Cruisers (two variations)
      • LS Private Ambulance
      • Various sedans, trucks, and vans
  • Destructible props
    • Lamps, water cooler, vending machines, chip bags, glass bottles, plates, arcade machine, fire extinguisher, and balloons can all be shot and destroyed (and many more!)
  • Environmental storytelling — the world of Los Suenos is slowly being introduced to the gameplay environment, with lots to learn about the city itself, the history of this alternate United States, as well as the inhabitants within each mission environment. This can be seen mostly on:
    • Gas
    • Valley
    • Meth
    • Penthouse
    • Club
    • Dealer (WIP)
    • Flashlights
      • New flashlights are brighter with a wider cone and no longer use the IES system.
    • Lockable status on various doors (some doors shouldn’t be lockable)
    • Civilians in active shooter run to spawn once they are in sight of the player (and within a safe place). They will get arrested automatically
    • Fix roster spawner not spawning the minimum required AI count specified from the config, resulting in spawning more/less than the specified amount
    • Fix ragdolls having no inertia when killed, some guns will influence the AI ragdoll directionally depending on where they were shot.
    • Fix an issue where non-lockable doors would become locked
    • Fix spawn chance reducing the number of AI in the level instead of changing where they're more likely to spawn
    • Fix infinite loop crash when spawning AI for more MaxSuspects/Civilians than a level has spawners
    • Multiple crash fixes and quality of life improvements


    • Restrain dead/ragdoll AI
      • After reporting, players can restrain dead or faking AI that are in a downed state.
    • Blood splatter when explosive vest explodes + improved particle effects
    • Gore (explosive vests only, first pass)
    • Electronic doors (with keycards)
      • Keycards spawn in areas of the level. This is usually outside or within knox boxes on the premises.
      • Electronic doors will sound an alarm if breached without a keycard to activate the door, and can not be lockpicked.
    • Armor (SAPI) Plates
      • Small Arms Protective Insert plates stop rounds from killing the player, and are broken into three different types: Kevlar, Ceramic and Steel. These increase in protective ability, respectively, but also in weight.
      • Armor plates will affect your acceleration and deceleration speed. Your top speed will always be the same as other players, but you will not be as maneuverable.
      • Armor plates can also be isolated to different parts of the plate carrier depending on what is needed:
        • Front Only
        • Front & Back
        • Front, Back and Side
    • Tap-switching items (press the same key to equip to a different item in a group)
      • For example you can now cycle grenades by tapping the grenade key
    • AI can now blend more cleanly from a ragdoll state into being active, standing up, or being arrested.
    • Grenade throw arc has been adjusted to be more intuitive
    • Paired interaction weapon holsters and transitions. Weapon will always be holstered first before playing a paired interaction (arresting, carrying, etc.)
    • Laser pointers now maintain visibility over distance
    • Traps are typically pre-placed in a level vs. AI placing them when a level starts for a better gameplay experience.
    • ROE updates:
      • Authorized use of force when AI is in cover
      • Authorized use of force when AI is drawing or picking up a weapon
      • Authorized use of force when AI is melee attacking
      • Authorized use of force against explosive vest suspects
      • Authorized use of force when AI is playing dead
      • Unauthorized use of force when AI is committing suicide (less lethal recommended)
      • Unauthorized use of force when AI is hiding or exiting a hiding spot (Cover Landmarks)
      • Unauthorized use of force when AI is getting up from a ragdoll state
      • Unauthorized use of force when lethally damaging/killing unaware or suspicious AI
      • Unauthorized use of force when an AI has not heard a yell from swat before being lethally damaged/killed
      • Fixes to C2 breach not being considered unauthorized use of force against unaware AI
    • Reduced arm recoil nerf for players (to minimize noodly arms!)
    • Increased grenade trap damage
    • Increased bomb vest damage
    • Wait for AI to get down after surrendering before showing the arrest UI prompt
    • Fix grenade getting stuck on obstacles sometimes
    • Fix a rare bug where reporting a target would crash the game
    • Fix zipcuff and multitool locking up the player when held in hand while arresting characters
    • Fix issue where one hitscan would sometimes apply multiple instances of damage to the same character
    • Fix blood impact effects playing multiple times for a single impact
    • Fix grenade throw arc becoming more off-centered the higher the throw angle
    • Fix an issue where a penalty would not be given to unaware AI. (Shot in back, killed by a C2 door breach, etc.)


    • Car materials — Cars now use a car paint shader which simulates accurate reflections on vehicles. This has been applied to most vehicles in the gameplay environment.
    • Bullet impact decals now spawn on glass — reinforced glass will show a small impact point, and window panes will also reflect this change.
    • Fix incorrect orientation of decals
    • Fix scaling of all bulletproof glass decal mesh impacts


    • Cover Landmarks. Suspect and Civilian AI now have the ability to take cover/hide at certain objects in the world. Under beds, closets, tables, etc.
    • Injured movement animation set for AI — suspects and civilians when injured below a certain level of health will begin to limp away.
    • Tactical movement animations added to relevant AI — this is visible on Valley, Penthouse, and Farm, to name a few.
    • Movement gait transitions so the AI are not always in a run state
    • AI Morale formula/logic
    • Civilian morale now has its own dedicated slot — this can be tweaked to suit AI on different levels for all you modders out there!
    • Fix AI not being able to see through breakable glass
    • Fix AI focusing on stale/old focal points resulting in incorrect rotations
    • Fix a rare bug causing AI not being able to surrender after multiple yells and stuns
    • Fix loadout not being able to equip on AI sometimes
    • Fix AI not attaching their equipped weapons back to their hands properly
    • Fix weapons not being detached from AI after being thrown
    • Fix a rare bug causing AI not to shoot
    • Fix out of memory crash when trying to equip items on AI
    • AI inventory bug fixes
    • Fix AI opening door whilst arrested
    • Swat movement animations
    • Increased Swat AI accuracy
    • Swat engagement updates
    • SWAT must yell at least once at a target before firing a weapon, unless threatened
    • Fix not being able to command swat to pick up evidence by looking at it
    • Fix player taking damage from SWAT team during engagements with suspects
    • Fix swat always engaging non-threatening AI
  • Suspect Dynamic Cover System. Suspects will now utilize the environment around them to take cover against incoming threats. This involves:
    • Taking low cover when there is nothing to stand up behind
    • Peaking out under low cover if there’s no way to peek while standing
    • Blindfiring
    • Peeking (or “checking” for threats)
    • Returning fire with accuracy
    • Position switching and traversal
  • Suspect Fake Death
    • Suspects will lie down on the floor as if they are dead. Players will be able to report them, as if they were actually dead. They are not discernible from truly “dead” suspects in any way.
  • Suspect Suicide & Fake Suicide
    • This has a chance to be triggered when morale hits 0.0 on some suspects.
  • Suspect Armor
    • Suspects will utilize armor the same way players can, and have different types depending on their preparedness.
  • World building
    • Smoking cigarettes
    • Urinating
    • Selfie/Texting
    • Admiring Art
    • Drug Production
    • Sitting
  • Knife and Explosive vest suspect ambush attack logic
    • Knife and Explosive vest-wearing threats will hide in places out of sight and attack the player when they’re close, particularly if they’re moving around loudly
    • Bone targeting. Suspects now target various bones on their target’s body, instead of just aiming for the head every time. The more they engage a target the more accurate they’ll become, eventually targeting the head. This period of time varies based on suspect skill level.
    • AI morale gain per weapon shot
    • Melee and Unarmed combat behavior. Suspects in melee mode are now more cautious than before. They will determine when to stun the enemy or run to cover depending on the current situation
    • Melee to armed combat behavior. Suspects will now determine when to stun the enemy and run to pick up a weapon.
    • Suspects can now pick up dropped weapons vs. only being able to draw a new gun out of their underpants every time.
    • Improve AI melee hit detection. It is now animation accurate instead of being scripted, so you can dodge punches, technically!
    • Increased suspect lethality (increased damage and accuracy)
    • Replaced Tec9 from fake surrender weapon spawn pool with G19
    • Fix an issue where suspects would constantly raise and lower their gun forever
    • Fix suspects placing traps clipping their body through the door
    • Fix suspects placing traps on a floor below them lol
    • Fix suspects standing still and not moving sometimes
    • Fix suspects not shooting whilst moving sometimes
    • Fix suspects not going into low ready when colliding with geometry
    • Fix knocked out suspects being spammed with multiple 'pickup item’ requests
    • Fix suspects holding no gun whilst in the aim pose
    • Fix knife suspects performing a knife surrender when their target is behind them
    • Fix explosive vest suspects not behaving correctly at times
    • Fix explosive vest suspects running past you without detonating the explosive vest
    • Fix an issue where an AI could not successfully reload a weapon
    • Fix suspects reloading while stunned
    • Fix suspects being frozen after hearing a door kick


    • Decal density option (was causing issue with decal art not being visible), this has now been replaced with a “decal fade” option that allows players to control the distance at which world decals fade. The lower the number, the better the performance. Things may not look as pretty, though!


    • Display who friendly fired/team killed when displaying the penalty


    • Fix performance issue in loadout menu


    • Grenade replication performance
    • Host Migration
    • Fix client crashes on modded maps due to door replication
    • Fix chemlight deployment not working when crouched (on clients)
    • Fix delay with grenade projectiles (on clients)
    • Fixed AI hesitation issues (on clients)
    • Fix players not being able to push around characters as a client
    • Fix AI arrest animations on clients not matching up with the player’s arrest animations
    • Fixed ragdoll pop (on clients)
    • Fix ragdoll on clients not being able to exit the ragdoll state
    • Fix breakable glass desync
    • Fix shotgun infinite reload (on clients)
    • Fix an issue where clients were not aware that a paired interaction was playing
    • Fix an issue where after arresting an AI on high latency clients, the AI would be seen as surrendered and not arrested


    • Players
    • B1301 HRT Entryman Shotgun
    • MP5A3/MP510mm
    • MP9
    • PFC9
    • HRT G19
    • Suspects
      • M249
      • AR-15
    • Ammo Type Slots
    • Tactical Device Slots
    • Grenade Slots
    • Laser, IR pointer to M92X
    • Item physics hit sound when colliding geometry
    • Magazine/Grenade/Tactical device count now determined by new slots system
    • Grenade projectiles only kills on first impact, not on ricochets
    • Greatly buff SA58 damage
    • Unified damage values of weapons with same calibers
    • Lowered recoil for VKS
    • NVG now uses PVS-31 NT mesh
    • Tweaked SCAR-L RPM
    • Tweaked sawn-off shotgun spread pattern
    • Damage values for various weapons
    • TAC700
    • Obsolete attachments from MP5
    • Fix beanbag shotgun applying damage multiple times
    • Fix and issue causing projectiles to collide with SWAT collision capsule
    • Fix UMP45 Red dot Alignment
    • Fix an issue causing spread to occasionally go perfectly horizontal or vertical
    • Fix HK416 not having a high ready third person pose


    • Distance matching for players and AI
    • Turn In Place for players and AI
    • Stride Warping for players and AI
    • Swat movement animations
    • Tactical moveset for suspects
    • Injured moveset for suspects
    • Disable IK when in ragdoll to prevents legs clipping through geometry
    • Fix no root motion on some surrender exit animations
    • Fix a bug that could cause no skeleton update if an AI was playing an animation while being made relevant
    • Fix legs glitching with the ground when playing a getup animation after finishing ragdoll
    • Convert unarmed standing hit reactions to fullbody, instead of upperbody. Fixes AI leg movement while stunned
    • Fix suspect one handed melee being broken due to bad additives
    • Fix hit reaction animations breaking due to bad additives


    • Weapon throw physics
    • Adjust ragdoll physics
    • Fix physics props affecting swat AI movement

    • 'No Officers Injured' is now 'No Officers Dead’


    • Loadout UI overhaul
    • The loadout UI now allows players to customize their weapons and edit their load-outs from one single menu. Players will still have to go to the mirror in the lobby to change uniforms (for now)
      • Quartermaster UI has been merged with the Loadout UI
      • “Armor and Ammunition” tab added
        • Players can control their SAPI coverage, armor material, body armor type, munition slot balance, and ammunition types from within this menu
    • Players can now change ammotypes in weapons by having their primary or secondary drawn and then by pressing the corresponding primary or secondary “key” again.


    • Meth Biker
    • Male Hotel Guest
    • Male Club Civilian
    • Laurie Bower (Penthouse)
    • Penthouse Suspect
    • Club Suspect
    • New Male Civilian
    • Revamped idle dialogue system for suspects / civilians, lines now fire in a palindrome style
    • Naming convention changed for character reactions (Pepper, Stun, etc)
    • Re-added previously omitted dialogue
    • Tons of assorted audio cleaning to existing / updated lines
    • Updated stun voiceline reactions


    • Tons of new additional footstep sounds (Boot, Barefoot, Heel)
    • New interior reflections for all weapons
    • New armor impact SFX
    • New shrubbery SFX (most bushes should go shhhhhhhh when walking through them now)
    • New bodyfall SFX
    • New sonic crack / whizzby SFX
    • New ziptie SFX
    • New destructible item SFX
    • New cloth physics interaction SFX (PVC curtain, cloth, beads)
    • New bullet impact SFX (car impacts, water)
    • New footstep bullet casings SFX
    • New electronic door SFX
    • New radio ads that can be played from a bunch of sound sources
    • Many levels now play subtle sounds at doorways for better interior / exterior transitions
    • Many sounds now consider occlusion for better spatial awareness
    • Increase footstep volume for better spatial awareness of enemies
    • Footstep foley trigger revamp (water splash step, etc) fires for much better playback, and tons of tweaks to all of these sounds
    • Flashbang optimized and tweaked for better overall sound
    • Tweak gunshot volume over distance
    • Tweak gunshot EQ so gunfire behind player is more obvious
    • Tweak weapon foley ducking so it isn't drowned out by gunfire as much
    • Tweaks to weapon foley volumes
    • Subtle feedback now plays when player goes to fire an empty weapon
    • Backend revamp for reverb for much better consistency, reverb should no longer stop playing in certain areas
    • Updated HRTF EQing for sounds that use it for better spatial awareness
    • Certain distant sounds now have echo applied for better spatial awareness
    • Distance tweaks for tons of sounds (so they can be heard further / closer, etc)
    • Certain animations should now trigger sounds for better awareness
    • Cuffed alive characters now use a shuffle sound when moving instead of a footstep
    • Tweak reverbs for most sounds
    • Tweak timings of gun foley (reloads, etc) for certain weapons
    • Tweak sound balance when shooting during an explosion
    • Tweak bass on SWAT voices
    • Volume bump to player voice
    • Updated SWAT metal footstep for most metal surfaces to be more pleasing
    • Bodyfalls and weapon drops now consider surfaces and should play surface-according sounds in most instances
    • Tons (...tons. Like, tons. It's disgusting) of optimizations to many sounds and overall sound mix, both level specific and general
    • Fix instances of pops / bad loops on tons of sounds
    • Fix issue where certain sidearms used incorrect sounds when firing
    • Fix issue where adjusting certain volume sliders would lower the overall volume for other sounds
    • Fix issue where certain footsteps would fire incorrectly for certain surfaces
    • Fix sound blowing out / peaking during explosions
    • Fix issue where certain gunshots duck the mix too intensely
    • NPC voices now locked to NPC head to fix voices floating if ragdolled
    • Fix instances of UI sounds continuing to play silently for an extended duration of time
    • Fix Foley and Voice audio not following the skeletal mesh
    • Fix certain sound potentially cutting out
    • Added tons of footstep foley areas (puddle, glass, etc)
    • Interior diagetic music is now persistent
    • Interior diagetic music now plays more dynamically depending on where the player is
    • Tweaks to exterior ambience for better overall sound
    • Additional ambience added throughout level
    • Fix instances of duplicated sounds in certain game modes
    • Hotel lobby no longer sounds so... pleasant :)
    • Added carpet sploshing sound around sprinklers
    • Added additional footstep foley triggers around level
    • Backend updates to sound triggers for better flow
    • Backend ambience update for bomb threat mode
    • Optimize placement of many sounds
    • Tweaked ambience to better match updated visuals
    • Additional detailing added throughout level
    • Ambience changing now smoother
    • Fix instance of corrupted sound
    • Fix instances of sounds not playing outdoors
    • Tweaks to ambiences for better overall flow
    • Additional detailing throughout level
    • Fix instances of certain ambiences playing where they shouldn't
    • Fix instance of a certain sound having a teeny tiny audible range
    • Added underpass sound
    • Added a bunch of additional ambience and tweaked existing ambience to match updated visuals
    • Tweaks to garage rock EQ for much better overall sound
    • Tweaks to ambiences for better spatial awareness
    • Fix instances of sound duplication
    • Fix issue where barrel fire could suddenly stop near spawn
    • Updated adjustment of reverbs for certain areas
    • Fix instances of rock foley triggering over and over again
    • Added additional detailing to match updated visuals
    • TV news now pseudo-propagates around the corner, can be heard throughout the room
    • Fix TV news not sounding quite right when listening at certain angles
    • Added updated sauna diagetic music
    • Added tons of footstep foley areas (puddle, glass, etc)
    • Club music now uses simple occlusion behaviour with doors
    • Added sound detailing throughout level
      Fast Food:
    • Added various shrubbery triggers around level
    • Adjust trigger areas for ambiences for smoother transitions
    • Fix instances where certain sounds would retrigger in smaller side restaurant
    • Added new diagetic music throughout level
    • Tons of additional ambience added throughout level
    • Added base ambience to level
    • Added base ambience to level
    • Added base ambience to level


    • Valley OST
    • Ridgeline OST
    • Tweaks to existing music timelines for better flow / overall sit in mix

    • Fixed players not re-spawning in lobby when dying


    • World building points (First floor only)


    • Environment art overhaul
      • Laundromat art overhaul
      • Main house interior art overhaul
      • Tunnel art overhaul
        • Garage entrance to the underground tunnels
    • Lighting overhaul
      • Tent house interior overhaul
    • New characters — we’ve added a “mudman”. Go find him.
    • Crystal Meth evidence improvement to look more realistic based off of first-hand experience (perp caught with possession)!
    • Add missing doorways
    • AI Spawns sometimes spawning outside of the level


    • World building points
    • Exterior environment art overhaul
    • Interior environment art overhaul


    • Level Art overhaul
    • Gas diner area
    • Price tags to gas service station area


    • World building points
    • Knife suspects


    • Fix nav modifier cutting off path in the tunnels


    • Penthouse suspects and civilians (two civilians still pending rigging)
    • Environment Art update
    • Reduced fog intensity
    • TV now displays video feed
    • Min civilian count set to 6
    • Fix nav modifier cutting off path in the tunnels


    We’re glad to bring you the largest update yet and hope that it was worth the wait! We cant wait to bring it to the public branch as well for everyone once it is fully ready!

    If you'd like to chat about the update, join our Discord!


    Keep your feet on the ground,
    Void Interactive.
Vol. 33 Ready or Not Development Update

Attention Officers,

Welcome to the 33rd edition of our biweekly development update! Before we dive into this briefing, we want to let you know that Ready or Not is now available for 10% off during the length of the Steam Summer Sale, its first ever discount Be sure to tell your friends before you continue this briefing, where we’ll be taking the first ever look at Data Center, a new level still in its early stages of development.

An Endless Stream of Data

Data Center sees the Los Suenos Police Department raiding the offices and server rooms of a shady tech company. The search for sensitive information related to an active case is a race against the clock, requiring the player to overcome a series of secured doors and on-site security guards.


Above: A very early look at the exterior and surroundings of the map, Data Center.

Above: A collection of tens of thousands of files, all tucked away in the mountainside.

Data Center's interior combines a series of open spaces utilized by the staff, and claustrophobic, tight stacks of servers with little space to maneuver.


Above: Watch your fire. Those vending machines aren't cheap, you know.


Above: A state of the art kitchen. Only the finest for the company's employees.


Above: The amount of dirty secrets and dollar signs stored on these machines is staggering.


Above: Be careful. Everything in this room is valuable and delicate to boot.

While Data Center is still in the early gray box stages, there's a ton of depth already on display and much more to be added. Our level designers, artists, and story writers are all hard at work putting it together. We look forward to sharing more with you in the future!


This concludes our 33rd biweekly briefing, taking a first look at one of Ready or Not's future levels, Data Center! Make sure to tune in next time for more development news.

If you'd like to help us test new content on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with the Supporter community, you can become a Supporter at www.voidinteractive.net or at our Steam store page.

Make sure you follow Ready or Not on Steam here.

Keep your feet on the ground.
VOID Interactive
Esse jogo é muito bom, mas ainda falta o charme. Até agora não to sentindo o mesmo feeling e imersão que eu tinha jogando Swat 4. Sim, eu sei que é early access, beta, etc. mas se o alicerce do jogo não é bem construido, o produto final pode deixar a desejar.

O maior problema nesse momento é o tamanho dos mapas. São GIGANTESCOS pra equipes de cinco homens. Chega a ser frustrante ficar 30, 40 minutos procurando o ultimo refém ou a ultima evidência. Jogando coop com 2, 3 amigos as vezes fica chato também, pois falta ação em vários momentos do jogo. Estava jogando hotel com um amigo e tinha momentos que era quarto atrás de quarto vazio...

E olhando os devlogs, a coisa vai continuar dessa maneira. Esse mapa "data center" tem cara de ser enorme... e é frustrante... Deveriam investir em mapas menores (casas residenciais, lojas, apartamentos, mini shoppings, etc)com posicionamento procedural de objetos, assim a replayability e a diversão aumentam bastante...

Mas que o jogo é muito bonito, é... e bem otimizado em alguns mapas (a performance no Club é muito boa pra quantidade de luzes, shaders e assets no mapa... mas ao mesmo tempo tenho queda de 15 fps olhando para os balões da Doll House ).:haha:
Esse jogo é muito bom, mas ainda falta o charme. Até agora não to sentindo o mesmo feeling e imersão que eu tinha jogando Swat 4. Sim, eu sei que é early access, beta, etc. mas se o alicerce do jogo não é bem construido, o produto final pode deixar a desejar.

O maior problema nesse momento é o tamanho dos mapas. São GIGANTESCOS pra equipes de cinco homens. Chega a ser frustrante ficar 30, 40 minutos procurando o ultimo refém ou a ultima evidência. Jogando coop com 2, 3 amigos as vezes fica chato também, pois falta ação em vários momentos do jogo. Estava jogando hotel com um amigo e tinha momentos que era quarto atrás de quarto vazio...

E olhando os devlogs, a coisa vai continuar dessa maneira. Esse mapa "data center" tem cara de ser enorme... e é frustrante... Deveriam investir em mapas menores (casas residenciais, lojas, apartamentos, mini shoppings, etc)com posicionamento procedural de objetos, assim a replayability e a diversão aumentam bastante...

Mas que o jogo é muito bonito, é... e bem otimizado em alguns mapas (a performance no Club é muito boa pra quantidade de luzes, shaders e assets no mapa... mas ao mesmo tempo tenho queda de 15 fps olhando para os balões da Doll House ).:haha:
É mais ou menos o que eu falei alguns post atrás.
As vezes, falta 1 inimigo e vc acaba perdendo muito tempo procurando esse ultimo inimigo.
Talvez a melhor forma de resolver isso fosse finalizando a missão após salvar os reféns, fazendo com que o objetivo Traga Ordem ao Caos (nem lembro se é esse nome) fosse um objetivo secundário.
Dessa forma bastava vc fazer a extração para finalizar a missão ao invés de apertar apenas um botão.
Imagina com os boneco se escondendo debaixo da cama e dentro do armário agora....

Mas o jogo é muito bom.
Esse jogo é muito bom, mas ainda falta o charme. Até agora não to sentindo o mesmo feeling e imersão que eu tinha jogando Swat 4. Sim, eu sei que é early access, beta, etc. mas se o alicerce do jogo não é bem construido, o produto final pode deixar a desejar.

O maior problema nesse momento é o tamanho dos mapas. São GIGANTESCOS pra equipes de cinco homens. Chega a ser frustrante ficar 30, 40 minutos procurando o ultimo refém ou a ultima evidência. Jogando coop com 2, 3 amigos as vezes fica chato também, pois falta ação em vários momentos do jogo. Estava jogando hotel com um amigo e tinha momentos que era quarto atrás de quarto vazio...

E olhando os devlogs, a coisa vai continuar dessa maneira. Esse mapa "data center" tem cara de ser enorme... e é frustrante... Deveriam investir em mapas menores (casas residenciais, lojas, apartamentos, mini shoppings, etc)com posicionamento procedural de objetos, assim a replayability e a diversão aumentam bastante...

Mas que o jogo é muito bonito, é... e bem otimizado em alguns mapas (a performance no Club é muito boa pra quantidade de luzes, shaders e assets no mapa... mas ao mesmo tempo tenho queda de 15 fps olhando para os balões da Doll House ).:haha:
ja saiu atualização?
Esse jogo é muito bom, mas ainda falta o charme. Até agora não to sentindo o mesmo feeling e imersão que eu tinha jogando Swat 4. Sim, eu sei que é early access, beta, etc. mas se o alicerce do jogo não é bem construido, o produto final pode deixar a desejar.

O maior problema nesse momento é o tamanho dos mapas. São GIGANTESCOS pra equipes de cinco homens. Chega a ser frustrante ficar 30, 40 minutos procurando o ultimo refém ou a ultima evidência. Jogando coop com 2, 3 amigos as vezes fica chato também, pois falta ação em vários momentos do jogo. Estava jogando hotel com um amigo e tinha momentos que era quarto atrás de quarto vazio...

E olhando os devlogs, a coisa vai continuar dessa maneira. Esse mapa "data center" tem cara de ser enorme... e é frustrante... Deveriam investir em mapas menores (casas residenciais, lojas, apartamentos, mini shoppings, etc)com posicionamento procedural de objetos, assim a replayability e a diversão aumentam bastante...

Mas que o jogo é muito bonito, é... e bem otimizado em alguns mapas (a performance no Club é muito boa pra quantidade de luzes, shaders e assets no mapa... mas ao mesmo tempo tenho queda de 15 fps olhando para os balões da Doll House ).:haha:
Pois é, ia perguntar: você está com a versão de Supporter então para estar jogando já né?
rapaz que update gigante kkkk
Ficou legal as novas telas de customização das armas e kits. Pena ser tão limitada a customização dos personagens ainda. Tem opção de escolha até do tipo de placa qe vai ter nos coletes, mas não fala a diferença entre elas. Também achei chata a limitação de carregadores que pode levar, sem poder substituir os carregadores de pistola. EDIT: Depois que fui ver que tem um EDIT SLOTS ali, ai você pode escolher certinho o que você quer.

Joguei aqui com o FSR da AMD em Balanced, os FPS explodiram mas achei meio embaçada e serrilhada a imagem. Em modo qualidade já perdi uns bons FPS, estou testando pra ver o que fica melhor e tolerável. O jogo é bonito demais!

As novas ações dos NPCs deixam o jogo realmente mais desafiador mas tem umas sacanagens nessas de se entregar que você acaba tomando tiro na cara a toa.
No mais, grande update. Estão estabelecendo bases sólidas para o futuro do jogo.

Última edição:

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