[PREVIEW] Ready or Not

RIP Balaclava nos operadores
Pois é.
Notei também que tem umas armas que devem estar disponíveis apenas pra quem é Supporter mas acabam aparecendo para todos. Ai você monta o loadout crente que está com a arma e carrega o mapa com outra. Não avisa que na verdade você não pode usar a sua arma.

E poderiam já ter aplicado uma forma de salvar diferentes loadouts. Eu pelo menos não achei uma forma de fazer isso e toda vez tem que montar o boneco do zero.
Peguei o jogo ontem... TOP mas PUTZ, mega perdido... Bixo num tem 1 tutorial, nao tem 1 popup falando nada... Rapa certeza q monte de gente ja comprou e pediu reembolso na hora por conta disse.
Jogo tem porrada de coisa e nao te ensinada nada. Confesso q achei super estranho.
Achei so o stand de tiro e fiz algumas missoes off line mesmo pa ver se pegava os comando.
Peguei o jogo ontem... TOP mas PUTZ, mega perdido... Bixo num tem 1 tutorial, nao tem 1 popup falando nada... Rapa certeza q monte de gente ja comprou e pediu reembolso na hora por conta disse.
Jogo tem porrada de coisa e nao te ensinada nada. Confesso q achei super estranho.
Achei so o stand de tiro e fiz algumas missoes off line mesmo pa ver se pegava os comando.

A grande maioria creio que foram os órfãos do Swat4 ,então a pegada é a mesma, pessoal já se familiarizou .. mas não vejo muito mistério n.. é tudo ali no scroll do mouse.. O menu amarelo é geral, azul e vermelho para os times respectivos das cores.. você dá a ordem e ela é executada.
Early Access, faz parte do processo.

Até o lançamento da versão final deve rolar um tutorial mais elaborado.
Sinto muita falta de poder dar ordens pros times pela bodycam deles, usava muito no SWAT 4 pra mandar um time pra cada lado do mapa.
A grande maioria creio que foram os órfãos do Swat4 ,então a pegada é a mesma, pessoal já se familiarizou .. mas não vejo muito mistério n.. é tudo ali no scroll do mouse.. O menu amarelo é geral, azul e vermelho para os times respectivos das cores.. você dá a ordem e ela é executada.
Curtindo aqui, so joguei singleplayer ainda, mas porra muito top, bons graficos, som e jogabilidade.
Foda q tem hora q a AI ve uns inimigos atras das coisas e ja sai atirando hehehehe
Muito bom
Vol. 34 Ready or Not Development Update

Attention Officers,

Welcome to the 34th edition of our biweekly development update! In this briefing, we're going to take a look at some of the concept art our team has put together for Ready or Not's characters. This is their first step en route to being fully integrated suspects and civilians within the game's levels.

Going forward we’re also going to be changing how we update the community on upcoming patches and how we announce dates to ensure that, at a minimum, we never have to delay an update ever again. In the process of getting the AI rework and the new maps to Supporter Edition users for testing, we announced a timetable which hindsight now tells us was a little over-optimistic as we had to delay the release a few times.

In the future, definite timeframes will not be made public unless we are 100% sure we can deliver on that date, which will hopefully amount to smaller lead times between announcement and update.

Scumbags and Security Guards

Our first character in the spotlight is none other than the charming George Brixley, the prime suspect of our as-of-now unseen level of Agency.


Above: Mr. Brixley with his tools of the trade. For perfect touch-ups with a smile that could rot.

Greasy, smug, unkempt. Any number of words could be mustered to describe George Brixley. Except, perhaps, for 'wholesome'. His exploitative work at the Agency makes him and the fruits of his labor a top priority for police to bring down, but he won't be alone. And he certainly won't be unprepared.

The next character concept we have to show off can be found at Data Center, the level featured in our last newsletter.

Above: The data they're guarding is more valuable than gold. They sure dress like it.

The MindJot security team is well-trained, professional, and equipped with bleeding edge gear. They're well compensated to ensure that their clients' information, no matter what it may be, is safeguarded from any threat. This is their territory; tread carefully.

Lastly, we want to take a look at some concepts of a few characters that we've kept under wraps until now. We're very excited to show off -- 8,15,13,5

Above: Wake up. Remember. Your country needs you.

There is not an End. Every road converges upon You, every bloom becomes Us. Listen to Them. Listen. Breathe.

Above: You're not a hero. Not a King. Not a God. Just mulch for us all.

Where has it gotten you, this heaven-scorned fury? The blood seeps through you. Your eyes blinded by viscera. You're disgusting. You don't have to be this way. You don't have to be this way. You can be more.

the pus blooms, Our roots take hold. a Throne for Our vaunted Sepulchre. may we All claim it.

Don't let go. It's too late, now. You remember. Take hold. Fight for Us. The Lost.

Conclusion 7 15 2 0 18 9 15 2 2

This concludes our 34th biweekly briefing. Make sure to tune in next time for more development news.

If you'd like to help us test new content on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with the Supporter community, you can become a Supporter at www.voidinteractive.net or at our Steam store page.

Peel open your e̴y̶e̵s̷.
VOID Interactive
O jogo com essa atualização está sensacional, tem alguns bugs, os gráficos estão muito bons e os bots bem responsivos, se escondendo... tá bem legal.
Jogaço, quem não testou vale a pena
Community Content Exhibit Vol. 3
Welcome to the 3rd in our series of monthly newsletters dedicated entirely to community creations and contributions to Ready or Not; this week, we’ll focus on popular, well-made, and unique mods to augment your gameplay!

Community Spotlight – Mods of the Month

1.) Mount Threshold Research Center by Vegriv

Following hot on the heels of our last mod newsletters shoutout of the Fairfax Residence, this time, we’d like to show off the beautiful recreation of another iconic SWAT 4 map! Mount Threshold comes off strong with claustrophobic rooms and halls, tense gunfights across side-halls, and jam-packed laboratories accented with clean textures and unique suspect skins!

Download Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/readyornot/mods/1280


2.) US Marshal Special Service Group by Taereus [Uploaded by VastGameMaster]

Lowering our scope slightly, we had a clean skin made by Taereus showing off a law enforcement unit that doesn’t get a lot of representation in popular media. The clean camo pattern and Marshal iconography show the SSG in all its glory.

Download Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/readyornot/mods/1214


3.) Ready or Not - Half Life Alyx Combine Voice Mod by eckojay2192

The last of our monthly top three is a mod produced by eckojay that takes the voice lines from the iconic Half-Life series newest installment, Half Life Alyx, and applies them to our officers. All that is really missing is a skin mod; thankfully, one is available on the Nexus as well!

Download Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/readyornot/mods/762


Editors Choice

4.) Ready or Not - The Foundation by zSchloop

Showing some love for a universe that I love quite a bit, we have a set of configurable SWAT skins that rep the iconography of the SCP Foundation and their bespoke tactical units, Mobile Task Forces

Download Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/readyornot/mods/91


Going forward, we can’t wait to see what else the community brings to the table as we update the game and give modders more functionality to play with and improve their own works.

Outside of our drops, you can find more of this wonderful content here:
https://discord.gg/TjyfbXTU28 or https://www.nexusmods.com/readyornot/

If you'd like to help us test new content on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with the Supporter community, you can become a Supporter at www.voidinteractive.net or at our Steam store page.

Make sure you follow Ready or Not on Steam here:
Ready or Not PVE Update - Patch 21677
  • Hotel lighting fixes
  • Gas lighting fixes
  • Fix players being able to walk through vending machines on gas
  • Removed Ridgeline and Hospital (We have received enough feedback on these levels and they will return complete later)
  • Fix bullets not penetrating through limbs
  • Fix ammunition penetrating through suspects despite being blocked by armour
  • Fix shotgun ammunition having incorrect penetration and armour durability damage
  • Fix buckshot having too much spread
  • Fix excessive camera movement when shot with certain weapons
  • Incapacitated kill penalty buffed to -200 (was -15)
  • Damage to neck bone is now considered a headshot instead of a body shot
  • Multiple crash fixes
  • Armoured suspects will now react more severely to bullet impacts
  • Reduced suspect damage tracking time from 5 seconds down to 1 second
  • Fix AI getting stuck under some beds on Meth
  • Fix an issue where an arrested AI who were previously in a cover pose would snap back to the cover pose again
  • Fix a few animation snapping issues related to cover
  • Fix an issue where suspects taking damage in cover would not play a hit reaction animation
  • Fix swat AI not looking in the direction they are moving sometimes
  • Fixed bug causing AI to get stuck arresting
  • Changes to Suspects reactions when encountering a player
  • Fixes to arresting animation
  • Fix supporter only items appearing unlocked for everyone
  • Localization updates
  • Weapons/Items/Gear
  • Removed suppressor socket for Python Revolver
  • Renamed PFC9 to PC19
  • Fix the M320 Grenade Launcher sometimes killing the user firing

  • Created dedicated modding FMOD bank for the modding wizards
  • Certain glass smashing sounds are now easier to discern which direction they’re coming from
  • Improve footstep directional audio (especially above / below)
  • Balance SWAT footstep volume
  • Breaching shotgun equip SFX changed to be more appropriate
  • Added feedback when door is unlocked using lockpick gun
  • Player dirt footstep SFX now easier to hear
  • Various improvements to reverb
  • Fix certain door not playing SFX when closed
  • Fix SWAT footsteps not playing on certain surfaces
  • Fix NPC footsteps not playing on certain surface
  • Fix certain explosion having waaaay too much reverb
  • Fix certain reverb activating a second reverb
  • Potential fix for certain SFX when entering certain bushes sounding delayed
  • Potential fix for SWAT shotgun breaches not having pew pew SFX
  • Added additional diegetic track
  • Additional sound detailing
  • Bump volumes for certain SFX
  • Various optimizations
Fast food
  • Certain SFX now sound like they’re coming from the world
  • General backend improvements to restaurant track
  • General improvements to ambiance
  • Fix exterior ambiance firing inside of main restaurant
Hotel (First Floor)
  • Added additional rumble layer to exterior
  • Place certain SFX in the world for more immersive feel
  • General improvements to ambiance
  • Various optimizations
  • Fix metallic walking sounds on certain surfaces
  • Fixed certain ambiance popping when looped
  • Added cloth wind SFX
  • Added tunnel pipes SFX
  • Added police radio SFX
  • Added diegetic rap SFX
  • General improvements to ambiance (volume, transitions)
  • Improve how certain sounds react behind walls
  • Various optimizations
  • Fix plane sound being audible from the tunnels
  • Potential fix for instances where sounds can drop out
  • Added crowd SFX
  • General improvements to ambiance (volume, transitions)
  • Certain sounds are now placed in the world rather than 2D
  • General improvements to ambiance
  • Various optimizations
  • Added cicadas around level
  • Restore exterior SFX (birds / cars now sound like they’re coming from the world!!!)
  • General improvements to ambiance
  • Various optimizations
  • Potential fix for certain interior diegetic song being cut out too much by gunfire
Fast food
  • Overhaul for Fast Food OST (Certain combat section won’t play for now)

If you'd like to help us test new content on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with the Supporter community, you can become a Supporter at www.voidinteractive.net or at our Steam store page.

Make sure you follow Ready or Not on Steam here.

Keep your feet on the ground.
VOID Interactive
Vol. 35 Ready or Not Development Update
Attention Officers,

Welcome to the 35th edition of our biweekly newsletter! This time around, we'll be showing off the first-ever in-depth look at 'Ridgeline', a cabin in the woods that will be a challenge to tackle and is filled with immense detail.

A Broken Day

Ridgeline pits the Los Suenos Police Department SWAT team against a pair of well-armed suspects in a deadly game of cat and mouse. Be wary; you may outnumber them, but you won't have the element of surprise for long. Approach the cabin surrounded by stoic sentinels and a wall of razor wire.


Above: A safe haven from watchful eyes and listening ears. They won't take kindly to intruders.


Above: Rust covering metal, paper covering the windows. Just wait for the welcome party.

The Wretched Nest

The moldering walls of the fortified cabin hide a myriad of dangers and sights, caution will be paramount as you carefully make your way through the building in search of the suspects. Your first breach will be just as dangerous as your last, be sure you keep your wits about you.


Above: Every corner can hide a gun, every doorway a trap.


Above: What else has been going on here?

This concludes our 35th biweekly briefing, showcasing Ridgeline and discussing some of the challenges the player will face there for the first time. Make sure to tune in next time for more development news.

However, we have one more treat in store for all of our community members: we will be collecting questions for an AMA on our Discord! So if there are any burning questions Navaro or Mark, one of our excellent sound designers and our level artist lead respectively, now would be the time to ask!

If you'd like to help us test new content on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with the Supporter community, you can become a Supporter at www.voidinteractive.net or our Steam store page.

Make sure you follow Ready or Not on Steam.

Keep your feet on the ground.
VOID Interactive
Ready or Not Update - Build 21753


  • Assign phys mats to certain surfaces
  • Minor timing tweaks in ADS events
  • Minor volume balancing for generic sounds
  • Remove conditional redundancy in weapon firing loop
  • Re-render wood creak assets to remove pop
  • Reduce sound size for general HRTF preset
  • Fix double spatialization on many footstep foley events
  • Door transition overhaul
  • Various tweaks across env to better suit door transition system
  • Door transition overhaul
  • Various tweaks across environment audio to better suit door transition system
  • Fix certain footstep foley volume not having anything assigned to it

Voice Acting:

  • Added Generic Civ Male 3 / 4
  • Added Generic Sus Male 2 / 3 / 4


  • Tweaked the AIs ability to 'sense' targets through walls
  • Tweaked Penthouse AI with lower overall reaction time.

  • Updated build to generate pak files based on level to make updating more granular in terms of files downloaded

If you'd like to help us test new content on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with all the activity and play testing events occurring within the Ready or Not Alpha, you can become a Supporter at www.voidinteractive.net or at our Steam store page.

Keep your feet on the ground.
VOID Interactive
Ready or Not Update - Build 21753


  • Assign phys mats to certain surfaces
  • Minor timing tweaks in ADS events
  • Minor volume balancing for generic sounds
  • Remove conditional redundancy in weapon firing loop
  • Re-render wood creak assets to remove pop
  • Reduce sound size for general HRTF preset
  • Fix double spatialization on many footstep foley events
  • Door transition overhaul
  • Various tweaks across env to better suit door transition system
  • Door transition overhaul
  • Various tweaks across environment audio to better suit door transition system
  • Fix certain footstep foley volume not having anything assigned to it

Voice Acting:

  • Added Generic Civ Male 3 / 4
  • Added Generic Sus Male 2 / 3 / 4


  • Tweaked the AIs ability to 'sense' targets through walls
  • Tweaked Penthouse AI with lower overall reaction time.

  • Updated build to generate pak files based on level to make updating more granular in terms of files downloaded

If you'd like to help us test new content on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with all the activity and play testing events occurring within the Ready or Not Alpha, you can become a Supporter at www.voidinteractive.net or at our Steam store page.

Keep your feet on the ground.
VOID Interactive

Amém que aerrumaram a AI em Penthouse
Tava um absurdo :incri2:
Oq tava tendo com a AI do jogo? Notei que eles estavam rushando mais...mas nao sabia dizer se era algo relacionado com a moral da IA

Eles estavam te vendo pela parede; Então na hora de abrir o pixel, o boneco já tava cravado em voce.
E como o tempo de reação deles estava bem alto, voce morria no momento que dava o ombro :incri2:
Vol. 36 Ready Or Not Development Update

Attention Officers,

Welcome to the 36th edition of our biweekly newsletter! In this briefing, we’re going to dive into some AI improvements our team has made as well as explore future plans for suspect AI development.

Manipulated Chaos
As of our most recent update, AI behavior will be altered depending on player interaction. Over the course of the game, AI stress will naturally decrease or increase depending on how aggressive your team is. AI in high stress will not hesitate to shoot you and be combative, while AI in low stress will not be as aggressive. Our goal is to show you how your team’s actions impact the world and gameplay experience. As we progress, we hope the stress mechanic will create the opportunity for a wider range of dynamic situations to arise.


Above: Slow to raise the weapon, wonder what else?

Suspect Gameplay
Our team is looking into improving how AI moves through the world by using spline paths during navigation. By using a spline path, AI will be able to move more easily and smoothly around sharp edges and corners, giving them more natural and realistic characteristics. Through the addition of more complex animation transitions, turns will be determined by AI speed and trajectory. In response to gunfire or stress, future versions of AI could slip or stumble during transitions. This new feature aims to make interactions with threats more entertaining and challenging in high-speed situations.


Above: There's no Lombard Street in Los Suenos, but this will do.

Our top priority is improving AI movement and consistency during gameplay. AI can currently burst into full speed without any build-up; we will be introducing methods to slow down encounters, allowing officers time to react. Slowing down initial movement will make interactions more believable, but players should still proceed with caution, even if the threat doesn’t appear to move as quickly as before.


Above: Think twice before you do whatever it is you plan on doing.

For suspect AI gunplay, we’re focused on reworking reaction times and how they locate and engage with players. Instead of suspects blending between two poses (weapon up and down), specific states to raise a weapon and then aim it will be introduced, minimizing issues related to readability during encounters. Our next major update will also include the ability to startle unaware suspects and civilians. Startles will fill the gap when suspects are deciding to flee, hesitate, surrender, or shoot. Lastly, we are working towards creating more variety in suspect profiles and abilities depending on their role in the world. These additions should build up to create a more realistic and improved gameplay experience.

This concludes our 36th biweekly briefing, discussing AI updates already integrated in Ready or Not as well as revealing some exciting plans for gameplay against suspects. Expect more details on our plans to improve civilian interaction and SWAT control in the future. Make sure to tune in next time for more development news.

If you'd like to help us test new content on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with the Supporter community, you can become a Supporter at http://www.voidinteractive.net or at our Steam store page.

Keep your feet on the ground.
VOID Interactive
Vol. 37 Ready Or Not Development Update
Attention Officers,

Welcome to the 37th edition of our biweekly newsletter! This week we will be showing an in-depth first look at our new map, “Coyote”, still in the very early stages of development. Our newest level will take players into claustrophobic halls chiseled out of the hot desert along the border. We can’t wait to see how players handle the tight corners and hidden enemies.

The Path to Freedom

Three teams (BORTAC, HRT, SWAT) have been pulled together on a cold night to stop the exfiltration of key members of the Los Locos gang into Mexico through underground tunnels. Little do they know what awaits them mere feet below the ground.

A small tunnel lies at the back of a property leading deep below the Los Suenos surface. Once opened, the loud steel door gives away your presence within the tunnels, erasing the element of surprise.


Above: The sign reads “Dejad toda esperanza, los que entráis” meaning “Leave all hope, ye who enter”

The Coyotes Den

The tunnels are dark, wet, and narrow. There’s no turning back when you enter, nowhere to run or take cover. The suspects have the advantage over you; they know the layout with their eyes closed and can be hidden in plain sight. Every sound you make will carry, so we need to be especially careful.


Above: If you’re claustrophobic, good luck. The tunnels won’t give you a second chance.


Above: A bedroom, how thoughtful. I guess they do care about their people after all.


Above: The tunnels are lined with small rooms and dugouts. Even more space to hide.

The Cave

Proceed with caution when approaching the hidden dock at the end of the tunnels. Where the water comes from and where it is going is a mystery. We need to find out exactly what they are transporting, where it’s going, and who they got it from.?


Above: I guess there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Literally.


Above: Hope you brought a second pair of socks, you might be getting wet.


This concludes our 37th biweekly briefing, taking a first look at one of Ready or Not’s future levels, Coyote. Be sure to tune in next time for more development news!

If you'd like to help us test new content on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with the Supporter community, you can become a Supporter at www.voidinteractive.net or at our Steam store page.

Keep your feet on the ground.
VOID Interactive

Following the AMA at the beginning of the month, we’re going to start posting a text transcription of the event leading up to another AMA for the Supporters.

Q. Will there be pre-mission briefings?
Deadpixel: Actually Yes, it’s already being worked on as it’s been planned for a while now. We’ve just been trying to find the right way to do it but it is going to be quite involved. We’re even looking at being able to select level entry points among several different things, maybe even the ability to interact with certain doors on the map.

Depending on the level, the map may not be entirely accurate due to the nature of the location.

MR3D: We feel that it’s sort of one of the things that’s very much lacking at the moment, the system we have for level selection is very lacking. The city itself is one of the most fleshed out characters in the game, we want to inject as much life as possible, make the city feel lived in despite it being fictional.

[with the briefings] We’re going to take this opportunity to allow the players to get a really in-depth look at these individual places to get a sense of where everything is, to zoom in a little bit on the [level selection] map to get an idea of where [the level] is in relation to everything else as you’re selecting your missions, as you’re looking at the pre-planning map, as you’re making these pre-game tactics, and as you’re going into the levels.

We feel like that’s an excellent opportunity to bring more of that city personality to the player and I feel that’s really important for our storyline as well.

Ropolio: I think it’ll be interesting because Swat 4s maps were pretty interesting, like they’d be on a whiteboard or a napkin or there would be a full on blueprint so I want to have that variety as well. I think it would add some character to the planning and the map itself and it sort of prepares you for what you’re getting into.

Deadpixel: I know early on there were some ideas about the blueprints for Hotel, because it was an old building that’s been renovated a lot that the blueprints wouldn’t necessarily be up to date. So you might have rooms that aren’t on the blueprints or routes that are on the blueprints but don’t exist anymore.

Ropolio: Yeah, the current Hotel is under construction so a lot of the rooms that were there from the 80s aren’t there anymore or are being renovated completely, so that inconsistency you need to watch out for. More on Hotel later because it may change in the future.

Deadpixel: Yeah, that one's always getting overhauls. It’s always beautiful, but it’s all about how it’s running and how it’s playing in terms of layout [and performance].

MR3D: I think it’s a testament to us and what we’re doing where some of the earlier maps that we were still trying to figure stuff in the early stages of our development where we’ve implemented all of this new stuff, we’ve grown as artists and developers, we’ve found what works and what doesn’t. It’s one of those things where I’ve worked on tons and tons of games at this point, there’s usually a point where as you go through the development cycle of a game where the earlier stuff doesn’t hold up in terms of quality or mechanics have changed.

MR3D: There’s definitely parts of the hotel map that I sorta built 95% of, and it just kept getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and one of the things I like about Hotel is that due to its size we can cordon off certain sections of the map so that you still have a large play area, but you don’t get to see the entire map in one playthrough. Trying to achieve all of that in one playthrough is kinda crazy, like it’s so big and there’s just so much going on, but it does allow us to have so much room for exploring different routes and gamemodes and playing with the AI in that space. There’s a lot to be done with this but yeah, Hotel was a great map to work on as well, it’s got such character.

Deadpixel: Going back to the original actual question, we really went on a tangent but that’s fine, yes there will be planning, it is planned and actively being worked on right now. Hopefully soon, as in the next big update, as long as everything goes well.

It would be ideal for us to have it there cause the loadouts are kinda the first big UI thing, planning and briefing is the next big item we have in the hopper.

MR3D: Collectively, as a team mentality, we care about the quality of this game so we’re not going to push it out unless we’re happy with it. It’s something that we’re actively working on but we’re not going to just throw it out and hope it works. We’re also trying different ways of communicating, like we were talking about having drawings on napkins, blueprints, stuff like that. We’ve also even talked about having a fully realized 3D city where you’d be accessing it as if you were flying around in a helicopter, looking down on the city.

We’re not convinced that works but still, we’ve got it, we’re experimenting with it, we’ll pick which one works for us and in the context of the game and it’s themes. We’re definitely not just picking the first thing that comes to mind and going with it, we are experimenting with a few different ways of achieving the end-goal and really just trying to go with what works for everyone in every scenario sort of thing.

Deadpixel: On the same end of that, we don’t want to push things off for too long, we want things in there that we want to play too. So the planning thing, even with the loadout, things will keep changing until it gets to a place [that we’re comfortable with]. I view everything as the first pass, because there’s a point where it’s like ‘Alright, it works, it’s functional, it’s got the things we want, let’s get it in because we want to play with it.’.

Keep your feet on the ground.
VOID Interactive


Alguns MODs






Para quem não sabe a Operação Neptune Spear é a operação da captura/morte do Bin Laden
Esse mesmo mapa é reconstruido no Ground branch 9de forma oficial), até postei uma screenshot comparativa em Spoiler no tópico do Ground: aqui
Vol. 38 Ready Or Not Development Update
Attention Officers,

Welcome to our 38th edition of our biweekly newsletter! Today we will be showing a first look into one of our future levels, Agency! Vol. 34 Development update introduced the prime suspect of this level, George Brixley, owner and main agent of Brixley Talent Time.

The Row

The Row is one of the poorest areas in Los Suenos and is often avoided by the general public. Months of trash accumulates on the curbs, clothes hang from windows waiting to be stained with the smell of smoke, and makeshift tents of the homeless litter the sidewalks. Meanwhile, Brixley Talent Time looms right in the middle of it.


Above: The choking smog leaves inhabitants wondering what they’re exactly “worthy” of.


Above: Life finds a way even in the harshest environments.


Above: You can’t walk the streets of the Row without seeing Police cars posted at every alley.

Brixley’s Playground

Brixley Talent Time is a filthy place, disgustingly decorated with childrens toys, clothing, and photographs. Used as a front for talent scouting, this place is a breeding ground for sexual assault, pornography, and financial abuse.


Above: It’s highly unlikely Brixley invested in a washer and dryer - or a janitor.

Approach with caution, as Brixley may not be acting alone in his repulsive schemes. He has a lot to lose and a prison cell for life if captured. That man has a face you could see in your nightmares, a challenge for even a mother to love.


Above: I don’t envy the investigator that has to catalog all those photos.


Above: The locks on these bathroom doors wouldn't make anyone feel safer.


This concludes our 38th biweekly briefing, showing a first look into one of our upcoming levels, Agency. Be sure to tune in next time for more development news!

If you'd like to help us test new content during playtesting periods on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with the Supporter community; you can become a Supporter at www.voidinteractive.net or at our Steam store page.

Are you a content creator on youtube or twitch looking for new games? We’ve got you covered; Ready or Not has partnered with Lurkit to elevate your gameplay! Make sure to follow us here[www.lurkit.com].

Keep your feet on the ground.
VOID Interactive
Vol. 39 Ready Or Not Development Update
Attention Officers,

Welcome to our 39th edition of our biweekly newsletter! This time around we will be showing new developments in our upcoming level, Data Center. Our level designers and artists have been working hard to add new creative aspects to make this level a force to be reckoned with. We are excited to share these updates with our supporters!

Encrypted Crime

The data storage facility featured in our new level, Data Center, is one of the last remaining centers still operating for Mindjot, a company that provides the online outsourcing of trade workers to workforces within Los Suenos. Mindjot was formerly known for being a platform where people can voice their opinions anonymously, avoiding punishment from the police and public.

Due to the lack of socio economic stability in Los Suenos, Mindjot quickly grew in necessity; at one point responsible for facilitating outsource work for almost half of the city's developmental projects. Another key factor to success was Mindjot’s utilization of crypto currency, which proved to be an advantage when the value of the dollar was wavering.


Above: You know, for a dirty company, their lobby is kept surprisingly clean.

Their success took a turn for the worst as larger companies began to lobby for industry change. A once strong respectable company became a mere joke overnight. Following the collapse, Mindjot turned once again into a hub for the anonymous illegal trade of various listings.


Above: The claustrophobic racks will make any gunfights long and dangerous. Liberal use of flashbangs is advised and will keep collateral to a minimum.


Above: Humming server racks and rumbling HVAC makes pinpointing suspects locations a bit difficult.

The Los Suenos Criminal Investigation Division has found evidence of prostituation, trafficking, and exploitation within Mindjots online servers and employees, specifically the security guards. The individual identity of these users has proven to be difficult to identity due to the extensive use of VPN’s. Following the conviction of a pedophile, investigators were able to link the distribution of explicit child pornography to Mindjot.


Above: Outside of the pristine front desk and server rooms, the cracks start to show.


Above: One has to wonder if the employees know what sort of data they’re managing.


Above: The rooms tend to blend together, though if you look closely, it’s easy to keep track of where you’ve been.


This concludes our 39th biweekly briefing, taking a deeper look into the criminal activity happening within one of Ready or Not’s future levels: Data Center! Be sure to tune in next time for more development news!

If you’d like to help us test new content during playtesting periods on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with the Supporter community; you can become a supporter at www.voidinteractive.net or at our Steam store page.

Are you a content creator on youtube or twitch looking for new games? We got you covered, Ready or Not has partnered with Lurkit to elevate gameplay! Make sure to follow us here.

Make sure you follow Ready or Not on Steam here.

Keep your feet on the ground.
VOID Interactive
Community Content Exhibit Vol. 5
Welcome to the 5th in our series of monthly newsletters dedicated entirely to community creations and contributions to Ready or Not, we’ll be focusing on popular, particularly well made, and unique mods to augment your gameplay!

Community Spotlight – Mods of the Month

1.) G36C Full Carry handle by Unselles

Starting off with the smallest mod of the bunch, both referring to the size of the mod and the change, is the G36C Classic Carry Handle mod which does exactly what it says on the tin. Though the G36C in its unmodified form isn’t as unique as it looks, the half-rail setup even appearing in HKs official advertisements, it’s vast under-representation means that the casual firearm enthusiast would feel the stock version is out of place.



2.) Howa Type 20 by Ballistic

Moving on to a section of the world that is very under-represented in the world of firearms, we have the near-future service rifle for the JGSDF produced by Howa, a domestic arms company in Japan. The Type 20 brings a familiar Masada-like aesthetic to the table while being different enough to stand on its own among the American and German offerings ingame.



3.) SIG MCX Virtus by MarkHood

Both the bigger and younger brother of the SIG MCX, upgrading from 9mm to 5.56 and bringing the increase in armor piercing capabilities that upgrade entails to the platform. Replacing the GA416, the well made model does not seem out of place next to the array of stock guns in-game.



Editors Choice

4.) IWI Jericho 941 by Jin

Shamelessly plugging one of my favorite real steel handguns and what is arguably an iconic pop-culture firearm, we have the Jericho that takes the slot of the venerable M9 in-game.




Going forward we can’t wait to see what else the community brings to the table as we update the game and give modders more functionality to play with and improve their own works.

Outside of our drops you can find more of this wonderful content here:
https://discord.gg/TjyfbXTU28 or https://www.nexusmods.com/readyornot/
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Vol. 40 Ready Or Not Development Update
Attention Officers,

Welcome to our 40th edition of our biweekly newsletter! This week we’ll be giving our community a break from maps and suspects, we instead take a look at the new firearms to be added to the departments armory coming in the next update.

Armory Expansion

The first new weapon is the SPC, an addition to the games roster of SMGs whose claim to fame is its prodigious rate of fire of up to 1,100 rounds per minute. Any officers that choose to bring the SPC out into the field will have to practice careful trigger discipline and target acquisition if they want their ammunition to last throughout the entire engagement.


Next comes the M11 Compact, it stands alongside the P92X and G19 as another long time workhorse of multiple law enforcement agencies. Chambered in the ever-reliable 9mm, the clean lines of the M11 will fit in among the pre-existing roster of wonder 9s.


An upgrade to a classic, next we have the MK18 whose brand new model will be replacing the legacy M4A1 model so that we can maintain a consistent look and feel for all of our weapons going forward.


Lastly we have a weapon that’s been heavily requested, the MP7. Being the first firearm in the PDW category, the MP7 brings a unique combination of capabilities between its’ armor piercing capability afforded by its 4.6mm round and high rate of fire that every entry team would love to have at their side.



This concludes our 40th biweekly briefing. Be sure to tune in next time for more development news (there are many more to come)!

If you’d like to help us test new content during playtesting periods on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with the Supporter community; you can become a supporter at www.voidinteractive.net or at our Steam store page.

Are you a content creator on youtube or twitch looking for new games? We got you covered; Ready or Not has partnered with Lurkit to elevate gameplay! Make sure to follow us here.
Vol. 41 Ready Or Not Supporter Development Update - Mod.io Integration
Attention Officers,

Welcome to the 41st edition of our biweekly newsletter! This newsletter will be showing off something quite exciting!

To start off, we’d like to announce the integration of the mod.io platform into Ready or Not. Starting October 18th you’ll be able to download and remove mods at the click of a button!

This may come as a surprise to many members of the community, as we have said that we would bring Steam Workshop functionality in the past. However, given how under-performing the system is, we’ve decided to instead adopt mod.io. Just like the Nexus Mods and Steam Workshop users will not be limited in what they can upload to the mod.io page, with the obvious exceptions being obscene or unsuitable content.

The adoption of mod.io will allow direct integration with Ready or Not, giving users the ability to search through and download mods from inside the game itself, instead of having to open up the Steam Workshop or download via a third-party website. It will also offer the most flexibility going forward as we make updates to how we support modders and as Mod.io continues to update and add more functionality to their platform!

We’ve worked with both Modders and the Ready or Mod Discord team to ensure that the concerns of the modding community are met, currently we are testing the implementation of Mod.io with just map mods!

As we update both the game and our support with mod.io, we will extend compatibility to all of the weapon and skin replacers that the community has come to enjoy!


At the moment you can download skin, weapon, and attachment replacer mods via mod.io, however they need to be extracted from their folder in [C:/Users/Public/mod.io/3791/mods] to [steamapps\common\Ready Or Not\ReadyOrNot\Content\Paks]


This concludes our 41st biweekly briefing. Be sure to tune in next time for more development news (there are many more to come)!

If you’d like to help us test new content during playtesting periods on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with the Supporter community; you can become a supporter at www.voidinteractive.net or at our Steam store page.

Are you a content creator on youtube or twitch looking for new games? We got you covered; Ready or Not has partnered with Lurkit to elevate gameplay! Make sure to follow us here.


Make sure you follow Ready or Not on Steam here.

Keep your feet on the ground.
VOID Interactive

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