Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad - [ TÓPICO OFICIAL ]

Alguém sabe me dizer o porquê de uma barra de honra em cada classe? Por exemplo, sou level 2 no Rifleman e aparece uma barra de até 30 e nas outras classes que sou level inicial a barra vai até 10.
Alguém sabe me dizer o porquê de uma barra de honra em cada classe? Por exemplo, sou level 2 no Rifleman e aparece uma barra de até 30 e nas outras classes que sou level inicial a barra vai até 10.

É quanto de honra vc precisa ter pro próximo nível.
Meu game deve estar bugado, pois quando eu recarrego o rifle, ele não para deixar ele fica o dia todo colocando bala na arma, da a impressao que tenho 500 balas na arma.

Parece ser um bom jogo, tentarei passar da parte da sniper no treinamento do SP, que faz um tempao q to enroscado nela

Última edição:
We're releasing an update later today (if all goes well) and below is the list of changes and fixes:
posted by [TW]Yoshiro @ 04:44PM on November 02, 2011
-Initial implementation of demorecording to support clan play and server admins
-Fixed a server crash in garbage collection that would sometimes happen when changing maps
-Fixed main menu movie corruption (random green squares) when going to/from fullscreen when the startup movies are playing
-Fixed dynamic shadows for fixed MG's not being visible when deployed
-Fixed "double ironsights" issue
-Fixed exploit where players could hide window curtains, etc. by changing their world texture group lod bias
-Fixed bullet decals being completely black in low texture settings
-Fixed black scope textures on Panzer IV
-Fixed interaction icon showing during transitions to a seat inside a tank
-Fixed object and object material popping when you start or stop sprinting
-Added showing the name of the player you are spectating on the hud

Notes on Demo Recording:

First pass implementation of demorecording. This should be considered an "Alpha" implementation, as only certain functionality is hooked up. This early implementation has been created to help support clan play and help server admins finding/catching cheaters. Here is what works/doesn't:

What works:
- Basic server side demo recording: you can record a demo on a server which can be played back on a client. This demo essentially records the net traffic for the gameplay that is sent by the server and then plays it back on the clients. So when the demo is played back on a client you essentially get the same views you would have as if you were spectating a match in real time.
- Third and first person player spectating as well as viewpoint and free roam spectating
- An added "Aiming Info" toggle which will show where the spectated player is looking, and where they are aiming (which with free-aim can be two different places)
- Most sounds play
- Added displaying the specated player's name on the hud. Works with demo recording and standard spectating

What doesn't work or isn't implemented
- Rewinding
- Showing the first person weapon
- Some sounds will not playback in the demo (battlechatter)
- Have not tested with vehicles
- Client side recording
- Have not tested what the maximum length of a demo can be
- Older demos may not work properly with newer builds of the game
- Pretty much anything else

How to use it
- On the server through webadmin or through admin console commands use the command "demorec " to start recording the demo
- When you are done recording the demo through webadmin or through admin console commands use the command "demostop" to stop recording the demo
- In the ROGame\Demos folder you will find your demo files. Copy the demo file(s) to the same location on a client machine
- Start up Red Orchetra 2. At the console type "demoplay " to view the demo

Server do Click continua online...
Ainda não desisti do jogo, mas pela população dos servers, fui um dos poucos. Lançamento bugado + BF3 + MW3 = fail. Não conseguiram atrair o público dos FPS fast-paced nem agradaram o povo que curtia o RO1. Complicado.
Server do Click continua online...
Ainda não desisti do jogo, mas pela população dos servers, fui um dos poucos. Lançamento bugado + BF3 + MW3 = fail. Não conseguiram atrair o público dos FPS fast-paced nem agradaram o povo que curtia o RO1. Complicado.

Complicado mesmo. Quando o jogo não é conhecido não pode ter bug, mas quando é famosão milhões de dólares pode ter bugzinho que não vai ser arrumado até o fim da vida que vai ter maluco protegendo com unhas e dentes.
Complicado mesmo. Quando o jogo não é conhecido não pode ter bug, mas quando é famosão milhões de dólares pode ter bugzinho que não vai ser arrumado até o fim da vida que vai ter maluco protegendo com unhas e dentes.
Justamente. Imagino que só o orçamento da campanha de marketing do BF3 deve ser maior do que de todo o projeto do RO2 e mesmo assim jogo sai com alguns bugs bisonhos.

Mas coisas como:
Referente ao patch do changelog acima disse:
It looks like we've found an issue in our final testing for this update, so we're going to have to push the update back. We'll let you know when it is ready again.
mancham a imagem da TWI. Seria ainda pior se liberassem o patch e descobrissem depois.
Post do Ramm sobre a atual situação do jogo: About "RO2 Dying" - Tripwire Interactive Forums

E pior que ele tem razão em várias partes, mostra bem a diferença entre uma empresa menor como a TWI comparada com as gigantes do mercado.
As I've previously mentioned Killing Floor player counts dropped off pretty quickly after launch. But then something happened. Tripwire's commitment to the long term success of the game turned it around. Through polishing up the game, doing special promotions like free weekends and special themed events, and through releasing lots of free content for a long time after the release of the game it grew and grew.
You see it is a key difference in the strategy of Tripwire vs the EA's and the Activisions of the world. Their strategy is to spend a 100 million dollars in marketing to get everyone to buy the game day 1, then to nickel and dime you for the next year with overpriced DLC's. Tripwire's strategy is to market the game as well as we can for the launch (although we aren't yet big enough to spend 100 million dollars), and then provide continued value for our customers over the long term.
Última edição:
Eu pretendo voltar a jogar tão logo diminuir meu interesse no BF3. COm tempo limitado, não dá pra jogar os dois :(

Uma coisa interessante, alguns reclamaram que os russos e os alemães falavam inglês no Red Orchestra, mas no BF3 todos os times falam inglês e ninguém reclama. Acho que com o orçamento da DICE os times podiam falar a lingua nativa sem nenhum problema.
nada da campanha coop ainda? será que vao lançar ou com o game morrendo eles desistiram?
Olhem a SS que tirei hoje, o braço do sujeito é de borracha.

Estou curtindo o jogo, mesmo quando jogo em servidores de fora do Brasil e com o ping alto. Ainda mais que fiquei meio cansado do BC2.

Beta Testing New Patch
postado por [TW]Yoshiro @ 09:22PM on November 18, 2011
We are currently testing a new RO 2 build.

Add the following to the end of your target line of your steam start up shortcut:
-beta orcred2

example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe" -beta orcred2

Change log:

Map Balance

- Reduced Elite Riflemen and Assault roles on all maps.

- Fixed various spawn camping issues on all maps.

- Apartments - Added additional allied spawn after capturing the first set of objectives

- Barracks - Fixed an exploit that allowed you to get into a wall

- Fallen Fighters - Added missing spawn on squad leader spawns to sewers and trenches

- Grain Elevator - Added a spawn for the Allies that is on the 4th floor. This for when the allies are defending the Foothold

- Spartanovka - Fixed an issues with spawn protection incorrectly showing up when one of the objectives was captured in the 16 player version. Also fixed an Allied spawn not working correctly on the 16 player version.

- Reduced the fps hitch during first spawn
- Improved the framerate smoothing video setting to give more stable FPS
- Fixed memory spike when changing teams in the role selection menu
- Improved physics performance (removing another cause of hitching)

- Fixed a wall exploit while leaning
- Satchel objectives can now be 'captured' by destroying the target
- Fixed getting kicked for idling if the server has set MaxIdleTime when reinforcements have run out, or when dead in countdown mode.
- Fixed momentary green scope texture when taking over a bot with a sniper scope.
- Fixed an bug where tank crew members would be invisible the first time they unhatch from the driver seat
- Tank geometry should no longer disappear after being killed as a tank crewman
- Several problems with the hero rank have been addressed (Enemy loadout weapons not showing up, losing hero status after death, UI refinements, etc...)
- Launching the game the first time will add a setting, HUDTipsLevel, to ROGame.ini. Changing this will reduce the amount of text tips that appear on the HUD (0 - All Tips, 1 - Moderate Tips, 2 - Few Tips). Looking for feedback and later on we may add it as a menu option.

To leave the beta, remove the -beta tagline from your steam shortcut, and delete your .ini files for RO 2 in the mydocuments/mygames/ro2/config folder.

- Reduced Elite Riflemen and Assault roles on all maps.
- Reduced Elite Riflemen and Assault roles on all maps.
- Reduced Elite Riflemen and Assault roles on all maps.
- Reduced Elite Riflemen and Assault roles on all maps.
Legal isso também:
- Satchel objectives can now be 'captured' by destroying the target

Pena que não tem como "defusar" o satchel. Ia ficar meio CS, mas ia dar um gás a mais pro pessoal defender a satchel, ia dar uns combates bons.

Agora só falta limitar as Mkbs\AVT para Heroes apenas e lançar uns novos mapas.
pelos bugs q andei lendo no forum pelo jeito nem na promocao de hj do steam ele compensa, né? ta tao ruim assim!?
Pelos comentários em vários fóruns, BF3 saiu MUITO pior e nem por isso meteram tanto pau. Porque $erá? :hmm:

Esse ultimo patch resolveu o problema de desempenho aqui (o patch antes desse ultimo derrubou os FPS aqui, mas agora voltou tudo ao normal) de resto, só algumas incomodações com o sistema de cover (usa a mesma tecla de outras ações, ai vc quer catar uma arma e acaba colando em algum muro, coisas do tipo; vão alterar isso em patchs futuros) e falta de servidores (eu só consigo jogar em 2, gringos, mas que sempre estão cheios 64/64).

Com esse ultimo patch liberaram também o SDK então devem surgir mapas novos em algum tempo, fora os oficiais que devem ser lançados.
Como está a situação dos servers nacionais (se é que existem)?

O jogo tá saindo por 18 reais na Steam russa, acho que vou bonitar.
[pacman];1065624504 disse:
Como está a situação dos servers nacionais (se é que existem)?

O jogo tá saindo por 18 reais na Steam russa, acho que vou bonitar.

Isso. Tem server nacional denovo ou morreram? Esse RO2 foi uma decepção forte :/
Não existem servidores nacionais. Tem uns clãs brasileiros que alugam servers, mas são gringos.
(usa a mesma tecla de outras ações, ai vc quer catar uma arma e acaba colando em algum muro, coisas do tipo; vão alterar isso em patchs futuros)


reclamei tanto disso e vc lá dizendo que não era possível
Eu comprei o jogo e pretendo jogar ainda hoje. Não é do feitio da Tripwire lançar jogo e esquecer que ele existe (viu EA!), eles lançam patches periodicamente ... vide Killing Floor que ainda recebe content depois de todos esses anos.

Estou confiante que os bugs vão ser solucionados :awesome:
Estou com o meu RO2 instalado aqui ainda, mas faz muito tempo que não jogo... Agora acabo de ver que saiu um novo update. Segue a lista de mudanças:

- New achievement Fighting The War on Christmas - Participate in a successful territory capture on Commissars House
- Improved CPU performance for all players
- Spectators will now respect the server's roaming restrictions if the viewed player is killed
- Fixed occasional crash when changing teams in the role selection menu
- Weapon upgrades that have been unlocked no longer have a lock icon next to them in the profile menu
- There is now a 5 second timeout after using a reinforcement wave in countdown. This addresses problems where several waves get used up at once.
- If the last player alive is still bleeding out they will now be able to live out their last few seconds before the round ends
- Fixed the round end screen not displaying if the spawn select menu is open
- Servers that become unranked will now attempt to become ranked again after the map changes. We are still working on fully solving the issue with some servers going unranked, but this will help improve the issue.
Fonte: News - Red Orchestra 2 Update Released

Acho que vou testar hoje. Pena que o único servidor brasileiro (falecida Click21) que tinha saiu do ar. :(
E pelas notícias soltas ultimamente, parece que o próximo patch conterá pelo menos 2 mapas; Espero que saia esse ano ainda:
With a patch out the door yesterday, and the SDK in the final stages of work before we release it to the community, the team has been hard at work finishing up their tasks before they take a few days off to spend with their families.

We've been isolating the few remaining crashes we are receiving and have identified a few more causes of hitching. Code and QA are already working on and testing fixes for these. You will likely see the results from this next week or the week after. It depends on if we can slip them in before the next "big" patch we have planned.

On that note, a large patch is in the works due to some content packages that need to be updated for some bugs. When this happens we are forced to do a several gig update (due to how the engine is structured and the cooking procedure). We will be trying to cram as much into that patch as possible so we don't have to do many of these.

Now we made a fairly large change in terms of weapon availability in the last patch so we have been monitoring community feedback in the forums and in game to see how it is taken. As I've stated before, other changes are being considered based on community feedback as well. I'll speak more about them once we've tested them and feel that they play out well and the community will enjoy them.

As to new content, one of my favorite things I had a chance to do in RO 2 late last week was to test a new prototype map with everybody in the office. I really think the old RO crowd will get a kick out of this one. The rest of the LD team are also cranking away and hope to have their new work in testing soon.

Last but not least we are trying to get the full SDK out the door to everybody, but are working on fixing up a few last issues. With luck it will go out the door late this evening, but may be out early next week if we can't get it done in time.

Have a good Thanksgiving everyone!

Addendum: I forgot to mention we have one of the problematic routers on site that is having issues with the server browser (updating past first refresh and similar problems) and we are starting to dig into what is going on.
For those of you who had an extended weekend, we here at Tripwire hope you enjoyed it!

With one holiday behind us and one just ahead (Twitter especially for KF fans) we are hard at work on updates for RO 2.

Performance and crashing:

Work continues to be done on isolating and addressing several more causes of fps loss and hitching on the clients. This will once again result in a more stable and higher fps rate.

Be on the lookout for calls from us to fill up a server as we take a look into the server ping climb under player load. We will likely need near full to full severs to help diagnose the issue.

As for crashing, we've identified and are testing a fix for the team swap crash and are looking at several others based on .dmp files we are receiving from the community.


Some of the major bugs we are looking at this week is the death screams not always playing and some exploits reported by the clanning community.

We are also digging into why some routers are blocking the server browsers call for servers either right away or over time and are investigating ways to address the situation.


While we had hoped we could ship the SDK to all users last week, the community and modding teams made us aware of several lingering issues we are having a crack at before we push it out. We are now expecting this late this week (or more likely next week to coincide with a patch that will include the some of the results of or work this week)

What is on the horizon:

We continue to monitor both the community (forums, websites, in game, and social media) for their feedback and we are in the early stages of some major design work based on said feedback. But among the first things you'll see as a result out of this are maps. This week we'll have another chance here in the office to check out another new level (not the same as last weeks) and begin to give it a proper shakedown.

I look forward to letting you know more about these things in the future, and wish everybody a good week!

Original post is here: What we are up to - The Nov 29th Edition - Tripwire Interactive Forums
Ainda é a melhor coisa que posso jogar qnd enjoo de ArmA ou H&D2, fico puto com CS ou deixo de jogar GRID. Tudo isso pq BF3 não roda aqui. :haha:

Mas é um bom jogo. :megusta:

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