[Multiplataforma] The Division 2 - [Preview ]

só criei meu personagem e sai, tava curioso pra ver se eles iam deixar sem customização igual no beta mas graças a Deus tem uma parte pra vc customizar. :haha:
Pelo que eu entendi, na prática, a versão gold só oferece acesso antecipado ao jogo de 3 dias. Prefiro aguardar 3 dias e economizar dinheiro, mas vai de cada um.
tem umas roupinhas e armas mas é tudo inútil, teve isso no 1 tb e nos primeiros dias de jogo eu já dropei coisa melhor.
Joguei um pouco logo após as 00:00 visualmente falando acho que tá melhor que no beta, ou antes não estava em 4k ou colocaram algum filtro top.

Ou é apenas a felicidade por finalmente o jogo ter lançado.

Tá muito melhor visualmente comparado ao beta realmente, eu tava até meio desanimado. Só tive umas quedas de frames meio aleatórias ontem.

Alguém vai fazer o TO?
Esperando sexta feira, acabei pegando a versão standard mesmo.
Tá muito melhor visualmente comparado ao beta realmente, eu tava até meio desanimado. Só tive umas quedas de frames meio aleatórias ontem.

Alguém vai fazer o TO?

O @PELO está trabalhando no tópico, vai colocar ele no ar na sexta-feira!
E se tudo der certo aqui, até sexta eu termino de baixar Saporra! :haha:

O meu ganhei para PC pela AMD, ainda nem liberaram a Key kkkkkkkk!
Começaram a sair os primeiros previews.

Metro GameCentral:
Ubisoft has clearly looked at the problems suffered by its rivals and successfully identified where they’re going wrong and how to counter it. Unlike Anthem, we don’t think anyone’s going to be complaining about a lack of things to do or a disappointing endgame in The Division 2. Instead the main question now is how entertaining the grind is to get there.


"Encouraging" is generally how I feel about The Division 2 at this point in time. It's got a fantastic sense of place and progression, and the combat scenarios and skills continue to be interesting. There's a lot of love, especially among the minor improvements--the small design decisions that make the act of finding and equipping loot so snappy and convenient, or the smart integration of per-mission multiplayer matchmaking that even lets you call upon other players in the middle of a mission. I haven't personally hit any server issues or major bugs, just some humorous oddities, like a floating iPad entertaining two excited children.


Despite my misgivings with the narrative, The Division 2 is a polished shooter and that counts for a hell of a lot. Mission variety is on point, there seems to be a decent amount of progression available, and there's a lot to do.


The Division 2 has already succeeded in many areas where the original faltered, and as a result my impressions so far are largely positive. Gunplay is punchier, enemies are more mechanically diverse, loot is generous and interesting, and its wonderfully realized recreation of Washington DC is sufficiently populated with fun activities and hidden goodies. Based on what I played of the private and open beta tests, I’m still concerned that the combat may revert to its spongy state in the endgame, but for now, The Division 2 feels very good.
jogando ontem e ao explorar o mapa notei que não havia som ambiente, chuva, vento etc.

Músicas também, na verdade só rolava durante as missões, será que o patch que iria arrumar o som arrumou em partes?
Minha única birra para The Division, era aquele farm para fazer qualquer coisa, era farm demais, ai vc ia para as zonas neutros e tomava bala dos cara equipadasso...

Acho que é legal ter um "farm" leve de itens, mas não que o jogo seja isso... Wildlands por exemplo tem muita coisa do Division e é 10x melhor.
Minha única birra para The Division, era aquele farm para fazer qualquer coisa, era farm demais, ai vc ia para as zonas neutros e tomava bala dos cara equipadasso...

Acho que é legal ter um "farm" leve de itens, mas não que o jogo seja isso... Wildlands por exemplo tem muita coisa do Division e é 10x melhor.
No 2 o farm é pra armas e equipamentos como mochilas e coletes, modificações de armas como cartucho, mira, silenciadores etc agora são habilidades passivas para serem desbloqueadas, tipo o cartucho tem 5 níveis/tipos...
The Division 2 Latest Update Introduces Better Endgame XP Rewards, PC Specific Fixes

A new update is now live for The Division 2, the new entry in the series now available for select players on PC and consoles in all regions.

The new update introduces a fix for the Castle progression bug, as well as some other missions fixes. Endgame XP rewards have also been buffed, and some other PC specific fixes are introduced.


  • We removed a work in progress weapon that was not properly named and balanced.
  • Crossbows now deal explosive damage to multiple objects as intended
  • Exotic weapons equipped with silencers will now produce the sound they’re intended to make.
  • NPCs engaged in combat will now react to grenades as intended.

  • The ropes will now deploy properly to allow for extraction at the end of the Beekeeper Jeff side mission.
  • Players should no longer be able to unlock Castle prematurely. This issue would block progression in some instances.
  • Fixed a loot exploit that involved repeatedly killing bosses in some Invaded missions.
  • In Jefferson Plaza, the NPC scene can no longer be interrupted during a boss fight.
PC specific

  • PC players playing together while connected to the same network were meeting a number of issues when interacting with each other. This has now been fixed.
  • On PC, FreeSync 2 HDR can now properly be selected in game regardless of your PC’s configuration.

  • Stopped “SHD CPU V.2” and “Cyclone Magazine” skill mods from dropping as loot. Player’s who already have the items can use them once they unlock the corresponding specialization perk.
  • Players will no longer get stuck on black screens after watching introduction cinematics.
  • We have updated XP rewards for all end game activities, so that they will scale to the player’s level, instead of being flat values.
  • Several corrupted audio issues have been fixed.


Pourra ainda nem terminei da baixar o jogo e já tem update! :xorinho:
Esse patch vai arrumar o áudio:full:
O patch até que arrumou o som ambiente, meia hora depois adeus, voltou a bugar e o silêncio voltou:folks:

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