Tem que ter pelo menos uns 10.
Eu tenho até alguns de situações que eu talvez possa querer reviver...![]()
Da Triss eu até gravei.

1.03 online, galera!
Patch notes in text (PS4):
Corrects a bug where player was able to fire bolts at friendly NPCs
Corrects issue with stamina regeneration while sprinting
Corrects a bug causing spontaneous conbustion of gas clouds
Reduces spawn times of certain groups of NPCs
Upgrading set items no longer destroys sockets in that items
Blood particles will now properly appear after killing enemies on the water
A visual effects correction in the Wandering in the Dark quest
Improves foliage behavior in scenes
Minor Gwent graphical bug fixes
Reduces foliage shadow popping
"Melltith" sword is visible again
Corrects some missing translations in localized versions
Improves performance especially in cutscenes and gameplay
Fixes an issue breaking autosaves in longer sessions
Minor SFX improvements
Fixes an issue that may cause an infinite loading screen in certain circumstances in Wandering in the Dark quest
Corrections to an issue in the dialog system that might rarely cause dialog looping in scenes
Improves stability in gameplay and the UI especially during Gwent
Fixes an occasional bug in the journal in the Fake Paper's quest
Englarges the size of the loot pop-up window in the UI
Button callouts are properly visible in main menu and in paused menu in the Japanese version
edit: Framerates melhoraram bastante e também dá pra aumentar a fonte, pelo que entendi com o pessoal falando. Os menus estão mais orgânicos tbm.
Última edição: