[TÓPICO OFICIAL] Battlefield 1

  • Iniciador de Tópicos Chackall
  • Data de Início

How to Solve Stages 1-9









Essas armas são liberadas conseguindo a dog tag? Ou são da nova DLC?
Se já é difícil achar, imagina quanto tempo levaram pra bolar e implementar esse easter egg no jogo. Tanto tempo perdido para poucos jogadores conseguirem uma simples dog tag

Eu acho perda de tempo esses easter eggs complicados. Easter eggs tem que ser coisas mais simples.

É algo tipo: "Ah, o jogo tá chato, vamos ficar decifrando códigos..."
Recentemente teve um challenge de baioneta onde todos os premium ganhariam um battlepack avançado, o desafio esta completo mas não recebi o battlepack, alguém com premium recebeu?
Recentemente teve um challenge de baioneta onde todos os premium ganhariam um battlepack avançado, o desafio esta completo mas não recebi o battlepack, alguém com premium recebeu?
Sou premium e ainda não recebi , sinto falta do battlelog na qual ele registrava as missões da comunidade e mostrava quantos kills por exemplo faltava para cumprir o objetivo.
travei no terceiro código, no meu caso "ABBEY MAP APREMONT", o símbolo não está onde deveria
Essas armas são liberadas conseguindo a dog tag? Ou são da nova DLC?

Dog tag é de um easter egg , as armas novas são da DLC , e elas não serão disponibilizadas diretamente serão desbloqueadas no estilo BF4 , cumprindo objetivos .
Quem não participou, perdeu! Foi muito bom! (ainda estamos jogando)

Que isso o @jaaben ainda não tem mic?

Me recusei a fazer o morse do BF4 e vou me recusar a fazer esse, já tenho pouco tempo para jogar, vou ficar correndo atras de firula não
MORAL DO RUSH ... vamos pro nosso servidor que la os players bons estao todos banidos
Que isso o @jaaben ainda não tem mic?

Me recusei a fazer o morse do BF4 e vou me recusar a fazer esse, já tenho pouco tempo para jogar, vou ficar correndo atras de firula não

O @jaaben é um dos que eu ainda não conheço por voz no TS. Ele quase nunca fala. kkkkkk
Pessoal ta no TS ou discord ? jogar alone é foda, só passo raiva e dou rage no chat
O meu battlefield (conteúdo extra), está bugado, comprei a versão standard (na loja aparece: Você tem a Standard Edition deste jogo), mas quando clico: ver na biblioteca e depois conteúdo extra... aparece Battlefield 1 Passe Premium (desbloqueado). Fico pensando, será que esse bug tem futuro? Espero pra ver o que vai dar!? O logico seria esperar :) Mas quando a esmola é demais o santo desconfia!
AEEEE, terminei o easter egg...


Se alguém precisar de ajuda é só falar. Até que é fácil fazer, mas é demorado.
Hi all,

Initially, we are publishing the weapon and core gameplay changes and will continue to update this list as the patch gets closer to release with the rest of the changes as they are confirmed, so stay tuned for more details on upcoming changes.


As part of an ongoing effort to address excessive use of explosive gadgets and grenades, we changed the way grenades resupply for this release. The goal for these changes is to reduce the amount of grenades available while getting constantly resupplied, as it is common in choke points, without making resupplies unnecessarily long in other gameplay. * Similar to some gadgets, all grenades slowly resupply when out of ammo. This resupply is greatly sped up when near an ammo crate.

The resupply timers are as follows:

  • Frag: 36 seconds
  • Light AT: 36 seconds
  • Impact: 36 seconds
  • Incendiary: 36 seconds
  • Gas: 27 seconds
  • Mini: 24 seconds
  • Smoke: 18 seconds
  • Resupplies are 3 times as fast near ammo crates

Other changes:

  • Reduced Smoke, Gas and Mini Grenade ammo from 2 to 1
  • Ammo pouches currently no longer resupply grenades

All these changes are subject to tweaking in future releases. We are looking into expanding this system to more gadgets in the future.



MG 08/15

  • Decreased horizontal recoil from 0.7 to 0.3
  • Full accuracy is reached one shot earlier
  • Fixed an issue where the MG 08/15 would overheat much faster on PS4 and XB1 than on PC and set the new overheat threshold to 67 bullets
Fixed bad reload timers on M1911 Extended:

  • Tactical reload time increased from 1.4 to 1.6 s
  • Empty reload time increased from 2.3 to 2.6 s
  • Reload threshold reduced from 1.1 to 0.78
Fixed staged reload timers

  • M1903 Experimental:
  • Reduced rate of fire from 450 to 360
Increased close range damage, allowing it to kill a healthy soldier with 4 hits within 16 meters

Self-Loading Rifles and Pieper M1893:

  • Made recoil decrease smoother
  • Most recoil values were tweaked, but are not comparable to previous releases
  • Updated the way the CONTROL value is calculated to better represent the amount of recoil that players have to compensate for
Self-Loading Rifles

  • Fixed an issue where spread would reset too quickly after firing
  • Reduced base spread increase per shot of self-loading rifles from 0.25 to 0.2
  • Decreased base spread decrease per second from 3.75 to 3
  • Decreased the spread increase per shot bonus in ADS that Marksman, Sniper and Optical versions get to maintain the old effective spread increase per shot values of 0.125
  • Added a small bonus to spread decrease per second for Marksman, Sniper and Optical versions
Reduced the number of magazines carried by the M97 Trench Gun by 1


  • Increased moving hipfire dispersion by 0.25 degrees
  • Fixed incorrect CONTROL values for Low Weight LMGs
Madsen MG:

  • Reduced first shot recoil multiplier from 1.9 to 1.8
  • Reduced horizontal recoil from 0.6 to 0.55

  • Reduced vertical recoil from 0.38 to 0.35
  • Reduced Experimental third shot recoil multiplier from 1.8 to 1.5
  • Doubled Experimental spread decrease per second in ADS
Automatico M1918:

  • Reduced vertical recoil from 0.44 to 0.40
  • Increased horizontal recoil from 0.8 to 1.2
  • Increased Trench and Storm first shot recoil multiplier from 2.65 to 2.8
  • Decreased Factory first shot recoil recoil multiplier from 2.65 to 2.33
  • Increased Factory recoil decrease from 12 to 16
Increased Frommer Stop Auto horizontal recoil from 1.0 to 1.2

Hellriegel 1915:

  • Increased 1915 horizontal recoil from 0.8 to 0.95
  • Overheating now cancels ADS
  • Increased moving hipfire dispersion by 0.25 degrees

  • Increased Impact grenade minimum time before explosion from 0.7 to 1.0 seconds
  • Increased Incendiary grenade minimum time before explosion from 0.67 to 1.3 seconds
  • Increased Mini Grenade damage from 65 to 72
  • Decreased inner blast radius Light AT Grenades from 2.0 to 1.5
Decreased inner blast radius Assault AT Grenades to 1.5 from 2.0 Reduced Tripwire INC ammo from 2 to 1 to better account for its high damage and AOE


  • The crossbow launcher now regenerates all its ammo even when not reloaded
  • Increased autoreplenish time from 15 to 25 seconds
K bullets now resupply in 2 s rather than 5

Reduced suppression by friendly gas and prevented coughing at low levels of gas suppression


AA cannons:

  • Removed blast and impact impulse to prevent them from pushing and rotating planes
  • Reduced impact damage to planes by 50% for fighters and attack planes and by 40% for bombers

  • Reduced A7V flamethrower range from 44 to 24 meters to better match the VFX
  • Reduced A7V flamethrower speed inheritance and velocity and increased time to live for more predictable behavior
Os caras estão nerfando demais a classe Assalto, a Hellriegel e automatico nem a queima roupa mais estão prestando, ridícula essa decisão da Dice de ouvir os noobs. e 24m de lança chamas tb é tenso, aqla opção de tanque já é ruim, agora então, doido é qm pega...
Eu acabei de pedir refund do meu premium, e pelo andar do negócio, vou acabar abandonando esse jogo.

Porque a DICE escuta os noobs :yuno:

Os caras antes de aprender jogar ficam chorando pra DICE :mesa:
Os caras estão nerfando demais a classe Assalto, a Hellriegel e automatico nem a queima roupa mais estão prestando, ridícula essa decisão da Dice de ouvir os noobs. e 24m de lança chamas tb é tenso, aqla opção de tanque já é ruim, agora então, doido é qm pega...

automatico é extremamente OP
Eu acabei de pedir refund do meu premium, e pelo andar do negócio, vou acabar abandonando esse jogo.

Porque a DICE escuta os noobs :yuno:

Os caras antes de aprender jogar ficam chorando pra DICE :mesa:

Ainda bem que não peguei a premium..... :haha:
Vo comprar o Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite:melior3:
Hi all,

Initially, we are publishing the weapon and core gameplay changes and will continue to update this list as the patch gets closer to release with the rest of the changes as they are confirmed, so stay tuned for more details on upcoming changes.


As part of an ongoing effort to address excessive use of explosive gadgets and grenades, we changed the way grenades resupply for this release. The goal for these changes is to reduce the amount of grenades available while getting constantly resupplied, as it is common in choke points, without making resupplies unnecessarily long in other gameplay. * Similar to some gadgets, all grenades slowly resupply when out of ammo. This resupply is greatly sped up when near an ammo crate.

The resupply timers are as follows:

  • Frag: 36 seconds
  • Light AT: 36 seconds
  • Impact: 36 seconds
  • Incendiary: 36 seconds
  • Gas: 27 seconds
  • Mini: 24 seconds
  • Smoke: 18 seconds
  • Resupplies are 3 times as fast near ammo crates

Other changes:

  • Reduced Smoke, Gas and Mini Grenade ammo from 2 to 1
  • Ammo pouches currently no longer resupply grenades

All these changes are subject to tweaking in future releases. We are looking into expanding this system to more gadgets in the future.



MG 08/15

  • Decreased horizontal recoil from 0.7 to 0.3
  • Full accuracy is reached one shot earlier
  • Fixed an issue where the MG 08/15 would overheat much faster on PS4 and XB1 than on PC and set the new overheat threshold to 67 bullets
Fixed bad reload timers on M1911 Extended:

  • Tactical reload time increased from 1.4 to 1.6 s
  • Empty reload time increased from 2.3 to 2.6 s
  • Reload threshold reduced from 1.1 to 0.78
Fixed staged reload timers

  • M1903 Experimental:
  • Reduced rate of fire from 450 to 360
Increased close range damage, allowing it to kill a healthy soldier with 4 hits within 16 meters

Self-Loading Rifles and Pieper M1893:

  • Made recoil decrease smoother
  • Most recoil values were tweaked, but are not comparable to previous releases
  • Updated the way the CONTROL value is calculated to better represent the amount of recoil that players have to compensate for
Self-Loading Rifles

  • Fixed an issue where spread would reset too quickly after firing
  • Reduced base spread increase per shot of self-loading rifles from 0.25 to 0.2
  • Decreased base spread decrease per second from 3.75 to 3
  • Decreased the spread increase per shot bonus in ADS that Marksman, Sniper and Optical versions get to maintain the old effective spread increase per shot values of 0.125
  • Added a small bonus to spread decrease per second for Marksman, Sniper and Optical versions
Reduced the number of magazines carried by the M97 Trench Gun by 1


  • Increased moving hipfire dispersion by 0.25 degrees
  • Fixed incorrect CONTROL values for Low Weight LMGs
Madsen MG:

  • Reduced first shot recoil multiplier from 1.9 to 1.8
  • Reduced horizontal recoil from 0.6 to 0.55

  • Reduced vertical recoil from 0.38 to 0.35
  • Reduced Experimental third shot recoil multiplier from 1.8 to 1.5
  • Doubled Experimental spread decrease per second in ADS
Automatico M1918:

  • Reduced vertical recoil from 0.44 to 0.40
  • Increased horizontal recoil from 0.8 to 1.2
  • Increased Trench and Storm first shot recoil multiplier from 2.65 to 2.8
  • Decreased Factory first shot recoil recoil multiplier from 2.65 to 2.33
  • Increased Factory recoil decrease from 12 to 16
Increased Frommer Stop Auto horizontal recoil from 1.0 to 1.2

Hellriegel 1915:

  • Increased 1915 horizontal recoil from 0.8 to 0.95
  • Overheating now cancels ADS
  • Increased moving hipfire dispersion by 0.25 degrees

  • Increased Impact grenade minimum time before explosion from 0.7 to 1.0 seconds
  • Increased Incendiary grenade minimum time before explosion from 0.67 to 1.3 seconds
  • Increased Mini Grenade damage from 65 to 72
  • Decreased inner blast radius Light AT Grenades from 2.0 to 1.5
Decreased inner blast radius Assault AT Grenades to 1.5 from 2.0 Reduced Tripwire INC ammo from 2 to 1 to better account for its high damage and AOE


  • The crossbow launcher now regenerates all its ammo even when not reloaded
  • Increased autoreplenish time from 15 to 25 seconds
K bullets now resupply in 2 s rather than 5

Reduced suppression by friendly gas and prevented coughing at low levels of gas suppression


AA cannons:

  • Removed blast and impact impulse to prevent them from pushing and rotating planes
  • Reduced impact damage to planes by 50% for fighters and attack planes and by 40% for bombers

  • Reduced A7V flamethrower range from 44 to 24 meters to better match the VFX
  • Reduced A7V flamethrower speed inheritance and velocity and increased time to live for more predictable behavior

Pra mim até agora todas as modificações da DICE estão sendo pontuais e assertivas ,vão aumentar o tempo de resupply das granadas evitando o spam doido pelo mapa , mais um ajuste na 1918 que continua muito forte em comparativo a todas as armas do jogo, me lembra a k10 do hardline que até hoje mesmo após vários nerfs continua desbalanceada , a hellrigerl é uma das poucas que eu discordo não achava ela tão op assim , o caminhão AA estava impossível de jogar de avião quando se tem um deles em campo , o player só tinha o trabalho de ficar da base spamando tiro, sei que é a função da AA derrubar avião porem estava muito quebrado em comparativo as aa fixa do jogo.

automatico é extremamente OP

Pode ser impressão minha , mais eu achei que ela ficou ainda melhor pós patch .
Hellriegel completamente inutilizada. Tricampeã de nerf.

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