DayZ Standalone - [ PREVIEW ] [ ALPHA - PAGINA 66>]

Achei hoje esse saco hahaha

Pode ficar andando de boa com ele na cabeça ou da treta pro char ?
É que, sei la, esse jogo é cheio de surpresas ...

Acho que não dá nada, fiquei com ele um tempo na cabeça e não tive problema algum. Provavelmente um item apenas "cosmético".
Ave maria ... alguem me da umas dicas !

Quando eu nasço sempre vou em direção às casas procurar loot ... mas nunca tem nada visito todas ... inclusive em sv com ninguem jgando.

Ando ando ando ando e chego nas outras casas com o carinha quase morrendo de sede. Quando chego la não tem loot e de brinde sempre tem uns 3 zumbi.

Conclusão sempre morro.

Se eu tento ir direto pra uma cidade andando eu chego la com a visão cinza morrendo de sede e chega um zumbi e plaft me mata !

Ta foda aprender :(

Eu faço o seguinte: Saio que nem louco atras de um backpack, machado e agua.

Agua, voce pode estar bebendo das fontes e em lugares com agua acumulada.
Do mar, nao dá.

O machado, eu considero essencial, pra vc poder deitar os zumbis e vasculhar as casas em paz hahaha .


Chega perto e vai teclando F ate aparecer a mensagem stuffed :lol2:

Outro lugar pra beber agua até ficar totalmente saciado:



Eu nao jogo em servers em que o jogo ta a noite.
Entao, ja comeco liberando 2 slots, jogando a lanterna e a bateria fora.
Se fosse se interessar em jogar em servers que rodam a noite, bom, da uma lambida na bateria e combina com a lanterna.

Faça download de um mapa, imprime um ou abra um mapa usando o navegador do Steam, pra ver durante a jogatina. É outra coisa com um mapa do seu lado.

No começo, é tenso mesmo. Tem que ter paciencia.
Qual a config para o jogo para rodar de boa???... aqui no meu pc o jogo esta muito pesado..
Qual a config para o jogo para rodar de boa???... aqui no meu pc o jogo esta muito pesado..

Quando puder, sugiro trocar esse processador, mobo, etc. Estão segurando demais sua R9 290. :feelbad:
Quando puder, sugiro trocar esse processador, mobo, etc. Estão segurando demais sua R9 290. :feelbad:

Pois é.. Eu estou pensando nisso mas estou prevendo no mínimo 1 a 1,2k pra atualizar... Memória, mobo e processador...
Eu faço o seguinte: Saio que nem louco atras de um backpack, machado e agua.

Agua, voce pode estar bebendo das fontes e em lugares com agua acumulada.
Do mar, nao dá.

O machado, eu considero essencial, pra vc poder deitar os zumbis e vasculhar as casas em paz hahaha .

Chega perto e vai teclando F ate aparecer a mensagem stuffed :lol2:

Outro lugar pra beber agua até ficar totalmente saciado:

Eu nao jogo em servers em que o jogo ta a noite.
Entao, ja comeco liberando 2 slots, jogando a lanterna e a bateria fora.
Se fosse se interessar em jogar em servers que rodam a noite, bom, da uma lambida na bateria e combina com a lanterna.

Faça download de um mapa, imprime um ou abra um mapa usando o navegador do Steam, pra ver durante a jogatina. É outra coisa com um mapa do seu lado.

No começo, é tenso mesmo. Tem que ter paciencia.

Valeuuuu ..... não sabia destas coisas amigo !

Muito obrigado mesmo !!!

Ave maria, me digam se tem algo errado, meu Dayz ta rodando com as config no medio em 30/35 fps e a movimentação pesada, se eu for ter que atirar a precisao e mínima !

Meu PC:

Core i7-3770k
Z77 Professional-m Termo
16GB RAM 1333
Fonte 750w Seventeam
Gtx 760 2gb 256-bit Gddr5



Achei estranho... desabilitei muita coisa e mesmo assim o drop de fps é imenso ... se coloco as config na metade ele roda em 30/40 fps, ja desabilitei tambem o ambient oclusion !

Algo mais que eu possa fazer ?

Vai em proriedades do jogo no steam>>opções de inicialização>>>digita -winxp (vai fazer o game rodar em modo de compatibilidade winxp sp3, mas antes disso desativa o ambient occlusion e o cloud coloca no low, ai seu fps sobe.:joia:

Observe que utilizando o comando de ini -winxp vc não pode alterar a qualidade grafica dentro do game, se não da crash, ou seja, faça as alteraçoes graficas antes de colocar o comando, caso precise mexer no grafico sair do jogo remova o comando, altere os grafico conforme necessário, saia do jogo e coloque novamente o comando ini.
aqui não passa de 30fps no geral fica na casa dos 25fps :haha:

já coloquei tudo que é linha de comando e não muda nada :poker:
O jogo ainda está mal otimizado, já foi falado que otimizações e melhorias gráficas virão quando estiverem terminando o BETA, existem algumas coisas que podem melhorar o desempenho, mas no geral esqueçam qualquer milagre antes dessa data.
aqui não passa de 30fps no geral fica na casa dos 25fps :haha:

já coloquei tudo que é linha de comando e não muda nada :poker:

Aqui muda muito colocando -winxp.
Bem perceptivel.

Só funciona se eu colocar como ultima linha de comando.
Mas, se eu der ALT + TAB, nao volta pro jogo e me é exibido um erro.
comprei o jogo e tava la jogando, mais reparei num negocio que me encomoda,

eu andando no mapa e principalmente quando entro em casas, parece que o meu boneco ta deslizando e nao andando o mouse é horrivel e o personagem nao anda ele parece que ta numa pista de gelo deslizando,

tem algum jeito de melhorar isso ?

Aqui muda muito colocando -winxp.
Bem perceptivel.

Só funciona se eu colocar como ultima linha de comando.
Mas, se eu der ALT + TAB, nao volta pro jogo e me é exibido um erro.

Sim tem que tomar cuidado com o ALT TAB, e lembrar de colocar o HDR do jogo no very low, se não da erro ao tentar iniciar o game.

[h=1]Branch: Stable

ETA: Complete

Version: 0.33.114926

This build continues with small bugfixes and several engine changes. A late addition of a significant change to the server variable processing has provided us a major performance boost on the server of around 5-10 FPS. This helps with a great deal of issues and results in a much smoother game experience from players even on a smooth server. Once several more of these optimizations are made it will allow us to increase player/zombie numbers and enable loot and zombie respawning.

Known Issues:
- Spawns: Loot is not spawning in military tents
- Spawns: Some structures in Svetlo currently do not spawn loot
- Server: Servers under load can delay actions from the client
- Graphics: Only 4 dynamic light sources will be rendered at one time currently
- Actions: Looting a dead body may make a ghost clone copy of the inventory

- Actions: chambering SKS round from pile, loading 10 rounds from pile
- Actions: You can uncuff other players with the hacksaw
- Actions: Cannot use an item (e.g. drink/eat) if it is "Ruined"
- Actions: Interactions with items reworked. Drinking/Eating/etc... more robust and user-friendly
- Actions: Restrained players cannot use inventory or action menu
- Animations: Player now can take and hide rifle in crouched run
- Animations: SKS reload animations
- Animations: firing weapon when sprinting will transition player into the aimed run(with some temporary limitations)
- Crafting: FNX45 pistol can be chambered with single round
- Crafting: Opening cans with combat knife added
- Crafting: Opening cans with machete added
- Crafting: Painting Motorbike Helmets to Black and Green
- Crafting: Waterbottles and canteens now allow pouring water between them
- Effects: Magnum revolver ejecting shells when reloading
- Effects: Magnum revolver sounds - gunshots, reloading
- Effects: Mosin ejecting shells when cycling
- Effects: New Mosin sounds - gunshots, cycling, reloading
- Gear: Improvised courier backpack added
- Gear: Machete added
- Gear: Hard hats added in various colors
- Gear: Motorcycle Helmets have black visor variants
- Gear: Small, uncomfortable, and silly (but cute) children's school backpack
- Gestures: Clapping Gesture added, default F5 key
- Gestures: Pointing Gesture added, default F6 key
- Login: Player queuing system introduced. Penalty waiting time added for switching server or disconnecting a server quickly
- Login: Players receive a login timeout when disconnect, increased if disconnect within 30 minutes of joining (max 5 minutes)
- Login: When players logout, their avatar sits on ground for 30 seconds. Players must make sure they logout somewhere safe
- Server: Player spawns now cached by engine directly, increasing performance
- Server: Optimized synchronization and transfer of variables within and outgoing from server (significant performance increase on server, of 5-10 FPS)
- Spawns: Added Bubble goose jackets into the loot spawns
- Spawns: Added SKS rifle, speedloader, ammunition piles and boxes and SKS bayonet into the loot spawns
- Spawns: Healthcare Center now spawns loot
- Spawns: .45acp box of 25rnds added to loot spawns
- Spawns: Police stations now spawn loot
- Systems: Hunger and Thirst slightly modified.
- Systems: Notifications added to UI for hydration and high energy
- Systems: Fractures can now occur due to melee and shot damage, not just environmental
- Systems: Fractures (arms/legs) now saved and loaded correctly from database
- Translations: Added strings for all consumable items (Gas canisters, Batteries etc) and container items (First aid kit etc) for English, with some Spanish and Russian
- Zombies: Different types of Military zombies now have tougher attack values and improved durability
- Zombies: Engine dynamic obstacle checking (zombie, another player)
- Zombies: Svetlojarsk zombie spawns added

- Actions: morphine injection can be used on other player effectively fixing his broken legs and item correctly positioned in hands
- Actions: Keys won't disappear after uncuffing
- Actions: loading ammo works for sprayed Mosin variants
- Actions: Read/Writing notes with paper and pen now works again
- Actions: reviving with epinephrine or defibrillator works also if player blood is below 500 units of blood
- Actions: Actions on another player no longer have an unlimited distance (max 2 meters)
- Art: Bug allowing players to clip through geometry of the police station building.
- Animations: fixed an issue where reload in prone would leave some residue sound clutter at the end of the reload animation
- Animations: Weapon reloading for magazine was not working properly when no magazine fitted
- Animations: Rifle Aimed Walk Updated, diagonal animations fixed
- Animations: Sidestepping through doorway with rifle while crouching should not cause the player to get stuck now
- Animations: knocking down player now possible in prone states, (possibly fixing the issue with frozen characters)
- Animations: changed animation for equipping the compass
- Animations: Proper animation played when taking pistol in run
- Animations: Changing stances is faster now both for armed and unarmed player
- Animations: Skinning problem with armored zombies that caused the model to warp during some animations
- Animations: Standing with aimed weapon now allows for higher angle of tilt/bend
- Animations: Mosin bolt animation after each shot updated to match hand animation
- Animations: Removed footstep sound from pointing animations
- Animations: Pointing gesticulation now possible even when holding 2 handed weapons
- Animations: Clapping now possible to initiate while holding 2 handed weapons
- Config: Berries have more nutrition now
- Crafting: You can no longer saw off sawed off shotgun
- Crafting: Can spraypaint M4 to green or black
- Crafting: Damage is now transferred when items are painted
- Crafting: Improved Backpack creation only possible when Courier Bag is empty (previously items accidentally deleted)
- Crafting: Weapon cleaning kit can't be used when it's "Ruined" and won't reduce condition of a gun
- Crafting: Spraypainting an M4 won't delete your carry handle
- Crafting: Guns are no longer placed on ground while being painted (if not nescessary)
- Crafting: You won't loose attached universal weapon flashlight after M4 painting
- Items won't longer appear on ground after unsuccessful force feeding/drinking/fibrillating/handcuffing and won't loose quantity
- Effects: Dazed effect plays again when a player is hit/damaged/shot
- Effects: Some effects were not active locally when a player was restrained
- Effects: gunshot sound of Magnum reverted to original one
- Fixed: Missing texture error dz\weapons\data\weapons_damage_metal_smdi.paa
- Fixed: Popping up texture error for beret models
- Gear: Spraycans won't deplete after relogging
- Gear: Book, radio, pot, pan, gas canisters, matchbox, paper, firewood and stone can be placed in hands
- Gear: Headlamp beam raised slightly
- Gear: Painted items now retain their previous quantities (i.e. Magazine ammo won't reset)
- Gear: Various item descriptions and notifications fixed for grammar, typos, more detail
- Gear: ZSh-3 Pilot helmet fixed and updated
- Gear: Hoxton and Dallas masks where displayed in center of character, now display on face
- Gear: Splint position in hand was wrong now corrected
- Gestures: Taunt defaults correctly to F4 key
- Graphics: "god rays" could cause overloaded post-processing and graphical corruption
- Graphics: fix of removing shining object from hand (switch off)
- Graphics: Roads have per pixel lights
- Graphics: Dynamic lights should be now defined with "radius" value which is maximum radius of light in meters
- Graphics: Tooltips are now not displayed for quickbar items, as it is a reference to type not specific item
- Login: Respawn button now works correctly
- Login: Various bugs fixed associated with connection errors that could cause a character to be deleted or killed by the server
- Spawns: Lowered chance of Taloon and Mountain backpacks spawning
- Spawns: Drastically lowered chance of backpacks spawning on the construction site
- Spawns: Loot spawn tweaks in some civilian structures
- Weapons: Mosin recoil increased
- Weapons: Sawed-off shotgun can be loaded with ammo (was broken due to changed inheritance)
- Weapons: Sawed-off shotgun: reduced size in inventory, reduced spread
- Weapons: It is no longer possible to attach longrange scope onto SKS
- Weapons: M4 carry handle can now be attached to painted variants of M4
- Weapons - fixed error in config of shotgun snaploader causing low velocitiy and damage
- Zombies: Better filter/check of attack hits directly in engine
- Zombies: Military zombies made tougher

- Crash: Irregular crash of server in corpse garbage collector consequence of this is that the bodies will not disappear if other player is in vicinity
- Crash: Creating item using recipe system caused serious server crash when not enough space in inventory
- Crash: Client crash on exit, all systems 100% reproduction
- System: Previous build caused overzealous starvation to occur
alguem ai poderia infomar como faz pro personagem nao fica andando como se tive-se numa pista de sabão principalmente quando se entra em casas ?
alguem ai poderia infomar como faz pro personagem nao fica andando como se tive-se numa pista de sabão principalmente quando se entra em casas ?

Bem vindo a engine do Arma. :haha:
- Login: Player queuing system introduced. Penalty waiting time added for switching server or disconnecting a server quickly
- Login: Players receive a login timeout when disconnect, increased if disconnect within 30 minutes of joining (max 5 minutes)
- Login: When players logout, their avatar sits on ground for 30 seconds. Players must make sure they logout somewhere safe

Agora vai !

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