DayZ Standalone - [ PREVIEW ] [ ALPHA - PAGINA 66>]

Mas pra mim foi burrice anunciar isso no Early Access ainda. Esperasse o jogo lançar pelo menos...
Features confirmados que virão nos proximos meses. Retirei de um topico da steam.

Q&A with rocket (12.02.2014)

  • Binoculars models is ready, but not yet configured
  • 6 Month is a very conservative estimation for vehicles, rocket expects them much sooner
  • Facepalm gesture is coming
  • Animals/hunting will be in very soon
  • Cooking has already started work
  • Machete kills
  • Bow & arrow models are ready, need some programming
  • Fishing is a biteasier (dont now compared to what...)
  • Spear is coming as well
  • Horses look to be very hard, but they will defently be done
  • Saddles with inventory spaces ==Easy
  • "I'd love a snow area"
  • Experimental build makes use of steam cloud (saves profile)
  • They'd like to do a CZ550, it's on the list but it's not sure when it will be in
  • When throwing (Physics) is implemented, guns and pistols will be very rare, because it will exist an option for ranged weapons beyond rifles/pistols
  • Rocket worked on Tazers, as part of the unconscious system
  • The medical system is also expanding a great deal too
  • That all togetherallows them to reduce military style weapons a lot
  • Hand signals: They cannot go much beyond the current gesture system (like manually made ones). But if they run out of F-Keys, "we will simply make it you can configure the gestures however you want"
  • Bows should work almost like they work on Skyrim, then they will look on for poisoned darts etc. which nwill be easy when the basic bow system works
  • More pistols will be added (while reducing rifles) Dean loves the Brown HP, so chances are good, that it will be in game
  • A "Stream straight to twitch" mode will be considered but focussed will be a "cinematic mode" so that youtubers have an easier way to make content
  • Server based persistent containers is coming in next update and will appear on experimental any day now (Said 4 days ago)
  • "Medical system is getting a major facelift and cooking is starting shortly"
  • Major performance updates (which is already an experimental)

Q& A with Hicks( 19.02.1014) (quotes taken from reddit)

  • ambient sounds are being worked on
  • every building should spawn stuff
  • there is no "right" way to play Dayz
  • suppressors, depends on work organization about some key devs
  • environmental effects should be done right, so patience here
  • loot from zombies: is alreay a dev task
  • WET, SOAKED state on experimental have no meaning yet (regarding sickness)
  • hardcore ideas: no reticule, more damage to bullets, more damage done by zombies....many things might be happen
  • hacking: permanent being worked on, also with battleye
  • viewing around corners in 3rd person mode: permanent discussion topic
  • clan/community support: private hives(shards), form community around features/feature sets
  • physics system: almost made into exp branch, was being worked on today, for throwing items
  • 1st person lift over walls: teams has to see if this unbalances things
  • almost 40 people (to whatever question that was the answer. Maybe teamsize?)
  • damage slots on containers: is not Hicks_206's department
  • balancing: will happen all the time
  • campfire: not in yet
  • modding: we available (e.g. Taviana), not earlier than beta/release
  • wish of hicks: persistent storage
  • naturally suppressed pistol will be in game, is being worked on
  • "suppressors will suppress soon." config needs to be done
  • little story: throwing poop was in very very early game (because of the 3d poop model i guess)
  • dev process: features with some content -> bug fixes -> more content per feature -> bug fixes
  • maybe regular(weekly) streams on with changing team members
  • 10/22 needs some bug fixes, almost done
  • IEDs: some ideas are being worked on(?)
  • lights and walls: bugs in arma engine, nights will have more lights to the player available
  • Dean is working on vehicles, maintance might be needed
  • dynamic events like helicopter crashes needed to be done right. It was a useful addition to the mod. Indeed added sniper cycling on mod, but there were also guys watching the crash site
  • fishing: maybe Dean is working on it
  • throwing knives and axes: "Would be very interesing!"
  • new spawn points near Svetlo, Berezino, Kamyshovo - also better loot spawn near these spawn points (med kits, etc). Already on experimental.
  • "Swords would be ♥♥♥♥♥es!"
  • Bows are still worked on
  • steam controller: not being worked on, but close relationship with steam
  • target style: not realistic, but authentic. good feeling of being in another world
  • boonie hats should be in next update
  • Senchi (map designer) has a work roadmap for a year. For locations in the north.
  • snow: needs to be figured out the right way
  • timeout system for login/logout is work in progress
  • NVGs: might need spawn limitation for whole hive. No clear idea for this
  • snap someone neck: Don't tell Dean about this.
  • Players create better experiences than devs. Give players the right tools. Narrative elements (should) come from the players.

Live stream with Rocket (20.02.2014)
- from reddit, thanks to rudette
UPDATED after hearing it myself
2. Update: merged with iBanes list (thanks ^^)

  • Female models now have female voice acting.
  • Bugfix for lootspawn buildings/cars/tents is worked on
  • Rain: Damp clothes make you cold, lowers body temperature makes you use more energy, damages equipment etc.
  • Bows are still worked on, arrows will stick where they hit and be recoverable
  • Zombie wall glitch is priority task together with performance
  • run up hills: should maybe be possible (actually a collision issue)
  • flashlight performance will be increased
  • new gas lamp is worked on
  • Light sources: resolving the collision/leaking issues with light sources would be incredibly difficult and largely unusable at the moment
  • hunting, cooking, crafting before vehicles
  • vehicles will come afterwards, starting with bicycles
  • Vehicles: No carbon copy of the mod - vehicles will be totally redesigned, bicycle are possible already with the code that is in the game, but other vehicles will need far more work, but will definitely in before beta
  • When will barricade houses, set up camps come: short to medium term, they will be persistent server based
  • Prison: Work in progress, longterm thing
  • Server Files (privat hives) : working on security/control protocols
  • Friend Identification System (to ID Steam Friends in-game) - not planned. Would likely be left to the modding community and only for non-hardcore servers
  • Wallhack/floorhack: known & worked on
  • Hacking is dealt with every day, continuous ban waves
  • New towns and buildings - being worked on all the time (Senchi) and will be part of many major updates
  • Better fps in cities: ongoing thing, working with graphic cards manufacturer, lot of work to find out where the problems are
  • Zombies getting more aggressive, higher numbers as server performance gets better
  • Backpacks as first persistent storage, tents later
  • Refrigerators and other static scenery items in game will have storage values and gear spawning in them in the future.
  • Ragdolls are being worked on with other physics (throwing: not only weapons)
  • Hunting, Cooking and Crafting up next for major implementation.
  • Dead linger inspired boarding 'short to medium term'
  • Binoculars done but not in game yet
  • "Complicated" medic system is coming
  • heart attacks not common (fever, then hit with blunt, electrical shock etc.)
  • disease mechanics are already in game just not turned on
  • Morality System: Not planned at the moment
  • possible console versions: When the game is successfull enough, he doesn't want to affect the pc release, so after pc release maybe, doesn't affect him as a pc gamer, it would be nice but there is no timeframe on it
  • Blood on hands after looting a dead player is being considered.
  • Suicide: Is worked on, Pistol & rifle & knife suicide is planned
  • No custom faces (scanned in, like rainbow six) due to TTP and performance hit.
  • Axes to have spawn chance in stumps near woodpiles.
  • 3 types of animals: Predator (Wolves and Bears), Prey (Food), Companions (Dogs, horses)
  • Dog mechanics were working ok, becoming owner of dog was not, that's why it wasn't implemented now
  • Amputations are tabled till performance testing can be done with ragdolls.
  • DMR/Other weapons are implemented when they get around to them, no real road map for when certain weapons are introduced. (AK is being worked on now "quite a beautiful and brand new")
  • self made silencer: maybe, crafting is worked on atm
  • Beards may not get in due to being to gender specific and too much work.
  • Indian faces being worked on.
  • Chainsaw almost done.
  • Stats will be available on site
  • Degradable items (food, medical supplies) over time, being worked on with refrigeration devices
  • Paint Fire-axes ("I thought they were in")
  • Stamina to be improved (balanced?)
  • Physics based doors, locking doors and a complete overhaul of doors in the future.
  • Player will be able to lock doors, zombies pile into them until they break
  • Fishing Confirmed
  • Cannibalism: Definitely want to put it in, but need to work on the consequence system of something like this
  • 100 slot server in stable would be very interesting
  • Slow vault"jump" will be removed
  • Axes take damage every time you hit something with them but depending on what it takes more/less dmg (flesh, stone, other melee weapon in hands of opponent etc.)
  • Sliding down ladders probably coming
  • Dampness from sweating seems to be implemented on experimental branch now
  • Weight based+volume based inventory system: Old system will be revisited
  • New maps/enlarge chernarus: (no answer because he was distracted - happend more than once, just mention it once)
  • Lootrespawning will happen soon ("has to be done first") beforethings like loot % per server population can be thought about (the mor epeople on a server, the more loot spawns)
  • Skills: It will mainly be passively skillbased. So as you get better at repairing certain things, you will be able to repair more and more badly damaged stuff. It won't be something you'll put a skillpoint in. It will only be the more you do it, the better you get at it
  • Kids: Very complex to put in, has to be done tastefully
  • Nudity: Talked about it, no rush to put it in
  • Environment should be more effecting the player (e.g. rain, wind)
  • Barricading/player built camps & cooking are the things Dean looks himself most forward to
  • Campfire: Will come but is very complex for something like so specific
  • Hardcore mode should be hardcore
  • Particle System - will be replaced at some point in the future. Will allow for better visuals/animations.
  • Better blood effects: Unknown, probably when the particle system is replaced
  • Melee System - it's clunky, but it's very difficult make it really smooth. Would like to improve it, but focus is improvements to the medical system
  • Currently in 3-4 week update cycles for stable branch. This should be the expected time frame for updates to Stable branch for the foreseeable future
Nossa, to coçando aqui pra voltar a jogar.

Só esperando meu microfone chegar pra jogar em grupo. jogar alone não dá
Pending Changelog: Experimental Branch: 0.37.115791

ETA to Experimental: Within next 2 hours
ETA to Stable: No current ETA, dependent on testing results

Known Issues:
Physics: Item throwing physics is currently disabled
Melee: Gestures currently do not work from two-handed melee
Melee: Cannot conduct melee attack from "lowered" melee stance (press space to chance stance to "raised")
Actions: Vomiting have associated sound effects
Actions: Ballistic helmet variants can be painted to black and green color with spraycan
Actions: Can check pulse on unconscious players
Actions: Searching for berries will now add berries to your inventory
Actions: Eat All now supported for consumables
Actions: You can catch rain into canteen and water-bottle from inventory
Animations: New Ruger 10/22 reload animations
Animations: Player now can sit with gun/weapon
Animations: Completely new two-handed melee animations. New right-handed poses, moves and attacks for axes, baseball bat, pipewrench, crowbar, fire extinguisher, shovel, farming hoe. "Low" and "Aim" stances introduced for stand, crouch and prone.
Environment: New rock textures
Food: Sambucus berry item added
Food: Canina berry item added
Gear: added black and UN ballistic helmet variants
Gear: can opener can be used as melee weapon
Gear: hard headgear (ballistic, moto, construction and pilot helmets) cannot be wear together with masks
Gear: Farming hoe configured and spawns
Gear: M4 attachment green variants added
Graphics: Adding lights to currently rendered scene changed
Graphics: Lighting from objects now is rendered during daytime also
Graphics: HDR improved and tweaked slightly to perform better with bright lights in scene (i.e. flashlights etc...)
Graphics: Engine supported point source light objects (e.g. Gaslamp) now working correctly
Map: Olsha has been updated
Map: Khelm has been updated
Map: New rock formations outside Svetlo have been created
Map: New Orthodox Chapel has been created
Map: Police Stations & Medical Centers have been placed across the map
Map: New villages surrounding Svetlo

Medical: Players can have a heart attack (declared as "irregular pulse" with pulse checking actions)
Weather: Rain, Clouds, Wind, calculated on server and distributed to clients
Weather: Rain now causes items and player to become wet
Zombies: Simple respawn mechanic implemented for zombies, pending more robust method
Actions: Added 'inUseItem' back to action on target function
Actions: Proper nutritional value will be added when eating near empty food
Actions: Berry picking script messages to player improved.
Actions: Crafting splint from bandages now uses whole disposable bandage and half of dressing bandage
Actions: Ruined rags/bandages and wooden sticks doesn't produce infinite splints
Actions: Clicking on Eat All action if amount of food is below 1/4 will result in playing only short eating animation
Actions: Edited player messages in force drink action and fixing broken limbs
Actions: Force feed/drink doesn't use whole quantity of some food/drink items also canteen is not destroyed after action
Animations: Bandage and eating pills animation glitch fixed.
Gear: Added color variants of ballistic helmets into loot spawns
Gear: Even lower chance of backpacks spawning on construction sites
Graphics: SSAO in options saved
Graphics: Rain effect settings changed
Graphics: Rain geometry optimized (28 bytes vs 12 bytes per vertex)
Graphics: Spot light culling fixed
Graphics: Fix of terrain intersections
Graphics: Fix of geometry trace for flares
Graphics: Rain now does not fall inside buildings for those on Lower/Disabled shadow settings
Login: Failure during new character creation could cause player to get stuck as unconscious
Map: Optimizations for Svetlo performance
Map: Forests surrounding Svetlo bugfixes
Medical: Would never actually die from zero health or blood due to medical conditions
Medical: Epi-pens will now wake anyone (briefly) from unconsciousness even if blood very low
Medical: Defibrillator used for restarting the heart of players who have a heart attack
Medical: Unconsciousness had irregular and unpredictable behavior (epi-pens will now always wake an unconscious player, unless they are having a heart attack)
Medical: Melee damage application system changed to better balance
Medical: Chance of bleeding from fists reduced significantly
Medical: Disconnected players avatars did not take shock or blood damage
Medical: Falling from height while sprinting did not kill player when it should have
Medical: Player could vault with broken legs
Network: Dropped items appeared only after a delay (now instant)
Network: Inventory items causing desync due to non-guaranteed update spam (hotfix currently until guaranteed message change is complete)
Network: Optimizations to network messaging updates should result in reduced bandwidth and some increases in FPS for clients/server
Structures: Changed inheritance of barrier structures (due to errors in logs)
Weapons: Long-range scope reticle properly centered
Zombies: Zombies aims mostly for chest area now when attacking (stops the "helmet of armor" change)

Bold nas mais interessantes, ainda estou lendo o changelog.

**quem ainda estiver jogando add na steam
Última edição:
A steam ta OFF:hmm:


Última edição:
achei bom o experimental n vejo a hora de ir pro stable branch com os fix!
Dean Hall ‏@rocket2guns 29 min

Discovered what could be one of the major causes of FPS slowdowns on client in cities. Will report on progress later #DayZDaily

Aí sim. :fovhappy:
nada de previsão pra arrumar a aceleração do mouse?
nada de previsão pra arrumar a aceleração do mouse?

Previsão não tem, mas eles deram uma olhada nisso hoje.

Dean Hall ‏@rocket2guns 10 h

We're now actively looking into those experiencing problems with mouse acceleration issues #DayZDaily

Dean Hall ‏@rocket2guns 9 h

Frank programmer description of mouse acceleration bug "...turning like if I'm stuck in honey..." ... Love it!!! We'll get it fixed :)
pra jogar é só comprar o Day Z na steam (77 reais) ? ou é que nem aqueles mods que tinha que comprar ARMA 2 e a birosca toda..

e vale a pena ?

to escasso de jogos pqp
pra jogar é só comprar o Day Z na steam (77 reais) ? ou é que nem aqueles mods que tinha que comprar ARMA 2 e a birosca toda..

e vale a pena ?

to escasso de jogos pqp

Só comprar, é uma versão independente, muito mais elaborada que o mod, mas está em alpha, se curte o jogo compre agora pq o preço vai subir e nao abaixar.

Em breve na nossa telinha:fovhappy: Tô pensando em ficar na experimental:hmm:
acho que vou comprar esse jogo

vale os 80 reais mesmo ?

ai papai
phenon 920

da pra rodar no minimo pelo menos ?
na real? To cagando..... só vai ser uma pena se o jogo for abandonado.... warz foi um lixo.... nada chegará perto.... o jeito vai ser jogar o mod, assim como aconteceu com o CS.... ainda existem loucos jogando o 1.6
Nem é cheater brother, eu tô com 2 medkits, 3 caixas amarelas e 1 de munição :fovhappy:

É o único jeito de ir armazenando as coisas que acha :awesome:

Mas o medkit nao da pra enfiar qualquer coisa, só medicamentos. A amarela sim, tira do sufoco.... cabe uma tonelada de coisas se conseguir achar várias.
Estou com umas 3 amarelinhas agora....
alguém jogando?

add steam raphaelprivus
Mas o medkit nao da pra enfiar qualquer coisa, só medicamentos. A amarela sim, tira do sufoco.... cabe uma tonelada de coisas se conseguir achar várias.
Estou com umas 3 amarelinhas agora....
O medkit realmente serve somente para itens hospitalares, imagina tu colocar um saco de arroz, latinha de comida e etc (que não seja item hospitalar) junto de uma seringa, atadura e afins.... a caixinha amarela, meu amigos chamamos de lancheira. xD
Enfim, esse sistema está muito bem feito, só acha que na caixa de munição poderia ser por magazines além de somente capsulas/projeteis e caixa de munição. :/
Mano muiiito foda# esses videos aqui, o cara testa as pessoas que por ali passam:

*uma algema
*uma chave
*uma arma
*duas escolhas:haha::hmm::bwahaha:

Favoritei o canal:mao:

Galera, vou cair em tentação e comprar DayZ. Eu não jogava o mod do arma2 então não manjo nada. Tem alguma turma que joga aí ?
Sou noob mas sou gente boa :haha:

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