[PREVIEW] Deadside


No pain, no gain!!!!!!


Deadside é um shooter hardcore com elementos de sobrevivência, pós-apocalíptico e com recursos realistas.
O mundo de Deadside é vasto e aberto cheio de florestas espessas e assentamentos abandonados, o qual os jogadores tem uma área de cerca de 225 km2, emaranhada por uma rede de estradas e rios (no acesso antecipado, o território do mundo do jogo será limitado a uma área de 25 km2). Além dos jogadores (PVP), o mundo do jogo é habitado por vários NPCs hostis (PVE) e amigáveis.
No mapa, os jogadores poderão encontrar várias zonas seguras (até o momento 2), onde poderão comprar recursos, incluindo munições e alimentos, Deadside também possui um manuseio detalhado e realista de armas onde é possivel a colocação de acessorios, semelhante ao Escape From Tarkov.
Atualmente existem basicamente NPCs civis e militares, os NPCs militares possuem melhor loot, normalmente são encontrados em bases militares.
Futuramente teremos missões com "AirDrops" (uma carga valiosa em local aleatório) e "Helicrashes" (valiosos acidentes de carga em local aleatório)



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Como o jogo realmente funciona?
Você nasce em um ponto aleatório com roupa comum (com poucos slots), uma faca e um isqueiro.
O objetivo no Deadside é simples: saquear, matar, salvar seu loot e repetir (Pelo menos para o status atual)
Então, apenas corra, pegue o loot e divirta-se um pouco!

Safezones (Zona segura)
São 2 no momento (norte e sul)
Lá você pode armazenar itens e seu dinheiro em seu cofre, negociar com NPC vendendo ou comprando itens, ou conhecer outros players para fazer missão.
Cada Safezone tem 2 NPC
O primeiro para ferramentas e alimentos
O segundo para armamento e roupas militares
Lembrando, outros players podem ficar esperando na saída da Safezone, para fazer emboscada e roubar seu loot.
OBS: CADA zona (norte e sul) tem seu cofre, se deixou um item na zona sul, vc não terá acesso ao cofre da zona sul estando na zona norte.

Missões (PVE)
As missões têm diferentes níveis de dificuldade

Muitos jogadores gostam de ficar na região da missão e esperam que você as complete apenas para te matar e roubar seu loot.
Sempre avalie o custo x recompensa

Pequenas Dicas
Roupas - Procure sempre por equipamentos militares, possuem mais slots para carregar munição ou itens e oferecem mais proteção. Sempre rasgue as roupas velhas pois elas viram bandagem para recuperar vida ( existem 3 itens para recuperar a vida: pano, pano alcoolizado e curativo).
Sempre verifique os "bolsos" dos inimigos que vc matar.

Rádio - SEMPRE carregue o rádio com vc (ele é encontrado no loot do jogo ou vc pode comprar, não é um item raro), sempre que vc estiver próximo a um NPC o rádio faz um chiado (estilo Silent Hill)

Crie um squad - olhe para o seu amigo e pressione a tecla F5

Arma e munição - sempre observe que tipo de munição a arma utiliza e sempre leve em boa quantidade, NPCs normalmente não andam sozinhos

Construções - você não precisa "aprender" nada, tudo o que você pode criar é imediatamente mostrado em seu inventário na guia Craft.
Mas você precisa de um machado, uma serra e um martelo. Tudo isso pode ser comprado de um revendedor na zona de salvamento ou encontrado no loot do mapa.
Para começar a construir uma base, primeiro você precisa fazer uma "bandeira". Ela é colocada no lugar da futura base e não deve ser localizado próximo a estradas e assentamentos.
Após a conclusão da construção, você pode começar a criar cofres de armazenamento para seus itens, armas, etc... O cofre da zona segura não é muito grande.​
Última edição:
Bom tópico, @rodrigofariasximenes!

Comprei esse há algum tempo. Joguei umas 3h e larguei.

O jogo está bem cru. O mapa é pequeno e você vai trombar com outros players com frequência, isso pode ser um ponto positivo pra quem não quer saber muito dos elementos Survival e quer mais o combate.

Muitos jogadores gostam de ficar na região da missão e esperam que você as complete apenas para te matar e roubar seu loot.
O que eu vi de gente dando rage por causa disso, não é brincadeira :haha:

A parte de construção achei bem sofrível, precisa de bastante material e tu não acha muito fácil. Aí acaba que você tem que andar por muito tempo pra chegar em cada lugar e lootear. E como o espaço é pequeno, acontece muito de passar em lugares e não ter loot nenhum.

Enfim ... Desinstalei e nem penso em jogar de novo a não ser que tenha algum update maior. Se eu quiser jogar algo nesse estilo, SCUM está muito mais polido e interessante. Embora ainda falte no SCUM o esquema de missões e NPCs humanos inimigos.
Bom tópico, @rodrigofariasximenes!

Comprei esse há algum tempo. Joguei umas 3h e larguei.

O jogo está bem cru. O mapa é pequeno e você vai trombar com outros players com frequência, isso pode ser um ponto positivo pra quem não quer saber muito dos elementos Survival e quer mais o combate.
O que eu vi de gente dando rage por causa disso, não é brincadeira :haha:
A parte de construção achei bem sofrível, precisa de bastante material e tu não acha muito fácil. Aí acaba que você tem que andar por muito tempo pra chegar em cada lugar e lootear. E como o espaço é pequeno, acontece muito de passar em lugares e não ter loot nenhum.
Enfim ... Desinstalei e nem penso em jogar de novo a não ser que tenha algum update maior. Se eu quiser jogar algo nesse estilo, SCUM está muito mais polido e interessante. Embora ainda falte no SCUM o esquema de missões e NPCs humanos inimigos.
Estou jogando, de fato esta bem cru, ainda é um versão 0.1
Por hora venho gostando "por ser mais direto"
O que pega é a falta de canto para loot, mas faz parte, é um suvivor

Craft de base por hora não tem função, apenas armazenar loot.
Work in progress 0.1.8

Deadside continues to grow and move forward!

In this blog we’ll talk more about the process of the game development and give you some insight on how some things work. We can’t demonstrate all of these processes to you, but we’ll try our best at explaining them.

Game development is a pretty complex and multi-faceted process which we are going to examine from the point of time costs. From the player’s perspective it’s not always clear why it takes so long to release updates, because the working process can’t be seen. And we know that waiting is one of the most painful things, especially if you don’t have necessary information about the status of the update.

So, let’s shed some light on that matter. The thing is, some of the tasks we face demand immediate solution, usually they are of a technical nature or balancing ones, and some of them are not time-consuming, and the results of others can’t be achieved on a mid-term or long-term perspective. However, we’re working on all of these subjects simultaneously. We’re constantly gathering and analyzing feedback to resolve them quickly and improve the quality of the game, and trying our best to make necessary changes as fast as possible.
But we can’t do everything immediately for objective reasons.
The process of solving many of these tasks is gradual and requires a lot of time.

For example, to identify the source of the problem with the absence of damage registration in some cases, which some of the players encountered with, is pretty complicated task because of the inability to repeat this situation and of the unpredictable manner in which this error occurs. In order to fix it we’ve created the system whose mechanisms helped us to spot the sources of the problem. At the moment we’ve made necessary changes in the hit reg mechanic, which removed the known negative aspects, and it should improve the situation after the 0.1.8 update release.
Currently, these changes concerning shooting mechanic and grenade damage are getting tested on the test server.

We’ve shown you some of the content that’s waiting for you in the upcoming update. Today we would like to show you the process of the development instead of the final result.

One of the big objects in an industrial zone





Sawmills will acquire a woodworking machine

Underground military bunkers
In these abandoned facilities you we’ll be able to get a good loot and meet competitors who have the same interest as you.



Helicopter Mi-8AMTSh “Terminator”
This helicopter will occasionally roam the sky and drop the cargo during “AirDrop” events. You will also be able to see this helicopter crashed during “HeliCrash” event which we talked about in our 0.1.8 roadmap


New weapon models

Barrett m99
This monster will kill anyone in just one shot, even if the target wearing heavy utility vest. You will be able to find It during the missions or in the boxes with prize loot.

Light machine gun - RPK

Light machine gun - HK MG36

New equipment

Tactical helmet LZSh-1+

This helmet will be presented in two different versions – with camouflage cover and without.

Tactical assault vest
The mix of a light armor and 4 slots inventory

We know that many of you are waiting for the world expansion and new visual content for it, new events and opportunities. The development process doesn’t end on what we’ve revealed already for the next update, there are still fundamental complex updates behind the curtains and it is a long-term process which we don’t always have an option to demonstrate.
Update 0.1.8

Today we’re going to install first part of the long-awaited update 0.1.8, it's a first part of previously announced updates in the future that we will continue to add in the upcoming updates.
When we were working on this update, we'd made a huge amount of work, more than we initially planned . We managed to complete not only required tasks of integrating new mechanics and bringing new content, but also solve some of the old problems, for this we would like to give special thanks to our community and everyone actively involved in the testing

You can see the changelog of the future update below.

New system for client-server interaction while shooting/receiving damage by the character which should significantly improve situation with hit registration


AirDrop – an airdrop of a valuable cargo at a point marked on the map so that you will have the opportunity to get there first, ambush someone or be ambushed yourself.


New firearms and equipment

- Anti-material sniper rifle - Barrett M99
- Light machine gun – RPK- Light machine gun - HK MG36
- Tactical assault vest with armor plates
- Tactical helmet







- Added option to scope by pressing or holding RMB.
- Option “hold” is on by default, like It was before
- Added an ability to craft multiple items at once
- If you have more resources than needed for one item the dialogue will appear with an ability to choose the number of it
- Interaction with objects: moving shift-click/double-click
- Added an option to disable HUD (Settings -> Controls -> Interface. First press will close quickslots and second other HUD elements)

More server settings

- PvE mode. Players can’t damage each other and differed from bots with special mark
- Starting kit – the starting items for every respawning player
- Added an option to set the bases lifetime
- Added an option to forbid ability to login for players with VAC ban
- Added an option to set the number of players in a squad (max 10)
- Added an option to set radius of red zone which prohibits respawning near a dead body
- Added an option to set time of the day
- Added a welcoming message (MOTD) in a window when you enter the server
- Fixed problem with logs saving on the servers with a long title

Multiple balance and gameplay fixes

- Added restrictions for spawning close to your corpse
It works for both random and respawning at certain point. You can see the radius for these restrictions on the map marked with the red circle
- Increased grenades damage and blast radius
- Reduced the flying speed for grenades
- Every grenade now stacks by 1 (You need to put them by one in your inventory and storage so you wouldn’t lose them after the update release!)
- Top-tier weapons and equipment are no longer sold by traders. You can get them only on the missions or find at the airdrop places.
- OTs-14 Groza now has the sight rail which you can use to mount different scopes

Other fixes

- Fixed: Corpse mark disappears after the first interaction with it
- Fixed: head falling through objects (now for sure)
- Fixed: Chat will show the information from which distance the player was killed
- Fixed: an error when the items from device slots were ignored while searching craft components
- Fixed: Removed an ability to reload a gun while colliding with obstacles
- Fixed: When you throw something on the ground the area for it will be highlighted
- Fixed: occasional crashes at certain map points
- AI Changes: fixed players being unable to complete missions because of bots running too far from the center of it
Work in progress

Hello Deadsiders, in the upcoming patches there are a number of changes waiting for you, which aimed to enhance the gameplay and different graphical content for locations.
Some of the changes are inextricably linked to each other which means that they will be comprehensively implemented in the game.

The necessity of such approach leads to the increase in both amount of work and timeline.
Also, together with the addition of bunkers to the game, which we mentioned earlier, we are going to change and enhance system of a loot distribution – it will become more complex and interesting. But we will reveal the details later.

And today we present you several screenshots of some locations that we’re currently working on.




Friends, we’ve prepared another portion of the new content screenshots for you which our graphic design team is currently working on.
We want to highlight that agrarian industrial zone will be added to the game in the next update which we’ll be released on Hallow’s Eve.

Also, we draw your attention, that in addition to the new visual content for locations we’re developing new useful features for the game mechanics 😉

Follow the news!







Update 0.1.9

While we’re still working on the fundamental and the most expected changes for the game, we’ve prepared a small update for you related to the holiday that couldn’t just get pass Deadside – All Saint’s Day.

During the holidays you will be able to transform into a smiley vegetable, to shine with your clean-shaven skull or to play hockey with your friends by using, of course, an axe and an expressive gesture system understandable in any language 👻🎃💀😵


We couldn’t also ignore fans of underwater hunting, now your character will inevitably go up to the surface but instead you get the ability to swim across the water obstacles.

New Location
In addition to that, we added the agro-industrial complex, where you will be able to meet workers of the local agricultural sector.

Press N to open the menu

Fixes and changes

- Increased chances of getting rare weapons or gear in airdrop
- Increased the size of the list of squad members
- Setting "hide server name" for streamers
- Fixed exploit with containers
- Fixed ability to get into objects that are above the player
- Fixed loss of items dropped from the active slots
- Fixed swaying of the Mosin rifle in the sitting position
- Fixed animation related to Barrett
- Fixed a bug with voice chat not switching off after death
- Fixed incorrect rounding of the distance to the marker
- Fixed some client crashes
Deadsiders, our update 0.1.10 has released and it will be installed on every server from 11:00 am till 12:00 GMT (PDT 4-5 am) , because of this they might be unavailable.

Despite the fact that this is not a major update it still contains a lot of new things.
We’ve added new locations, events and mechanics, reworked whole medicine system, improved AI of the normal bots and added new ones.

We’re doing everything we can to make Deadside give you positive emotions and new experience with every update. And we’ve got a lot more for you in future.




Helicopter crash site

New game activity: a fallen helicopter, guarded by the surviving paratroopers, who are more dangerous and aggressive than usual bots. You can get a valuable cargo as a reward if you kill them.

New locations

Lighthouses located in the South-West and North of the map.

New missions

You can find them in the agro-industrial area near the Cherny Log, military base in the north and both lighthouses.


Character’s health will slowly regenerate now. The speed will depend on the levels of thirst and hunger. If at least one of the parameters is red health will not regenerate. If one of them is yellow health will regenerate, but slower.

New items

- Painkillers, heals you quickly, but will also decrease your thirst
- Med-X will restore significant amount of your health, but your thirst and hunger will also decrease greatly.
Both of these items you can find in the world, get as a reward for different missions and Med-X you can also craft yourself if you find necessary components.
Pay attention, that if your hunger and thirst decrease to 0 then all kind of healing will be impossible.


Equipment crafting

Radios, flashlights and electronic locks will now appear less in the world, but you will be able to craft them yourself with electronic components, spare parts and other items. In one of the upcoming updates we will add more very useful craft options.

Breath hold
The left shift (default) while aiming.

Other fixes and changes
- Steam Family Sharing is prohibited because of the amount of abuse cases (gamebreaking exploit)
- Added random bot encounters in some locations
- Changes of balance, hearing and vision for bots (should be less of instant kills from shotgun, guard in watchtower will spot players from a greater distance)
- Many masks and hat can be torn to rags
- Vodka, moonshine and alcohol can be stacked (3 items in 1 stack)
- Fixed armor on some Halloween masks
- Fixed incorrect damage to the helmets from heavy weapons
- Fixed ability to interact with items while using gestures
- Fixed ability to use items while walking into the water
- Fixed: in some case the amount of ammo didn’t update in the interface
- Bases and stashes can be deleted in the Admin Panel
- Some items can be disassembled into spare parts and electronic components
- Fixed bugs with taunts, aiming and freelook (Left Alt)
- Increased the reload speed of shotguns
- Fixed door opening/closing bugs
Parece que ninguém está acompanhando o game ou tendo interesse nele. Será que a comunidade cansou de games do gênero?
Parece que ninguém está acompanhando o game ou tendo interesse nele. Será que a comunidade cansou de games do gênero?
Serve br sempre tem players
Eu mesmo joguei nesse sábado, pretendo jogar mais um pouco nessa nova att
Mas é um jogo que vai evoluindo muito lentamente, atualmente não tem muito o que fazer no jogo, basicamente: caçar outros players para roubar o loot e fazer as missões PVE
São menos de 10 devs (desde a ultima vez que pesquisei)
Última edição:
Serve br sempre tem players
Eu mesmo joguei nesse sábado, pretendo jogar mais um pouco nessa nova att
Mas é um jogo que vai evoluindo muito lentamente, atualmente não tem muito o que fazer no jogo, basicamente: caçar outros players e roubar o loot e fazer as missões PVE
São menos de 10 devs (desde a ultima vez que pesquisei)
Eu tenho ele mas não tenho galera pra jogar.
Joguei bem pouco no começo.
Eu tenho ele mas não tenho galera pra jogar.
Joguei bem pouco no começo.
Me add
Hj, praticamente full time do meu tempo estou no Hell Let Loose, mas se quiser passar um pouco de raiva no Deadside e eu estiver de bobeira, chama aí.
Bad Pixel team wishes you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

The past year has been hard for all of us, that’s why we’d like to thank everyone who have supported us through all this time. Some of you are veterans of this project already, you’ve come a long way with us, helped us to grow and make this game better and someone came recently, bringing a fresh look and new ideas. You are not only helping Deadside develop, but also giving us strength to move forward despite the difficulties.

We sincerely wish you more bright emotions and happy moments in the coming new year.
This update is not only the final stage in a series of updates, but also serves as a starting point for the future ones, which are currently in a development process. We’ve got more exciting content and events waiting for you next year, with the first portion already on the way.

Update 0.1.11

Our target for this update was to make gameplay more intense. Not only we added new activities and events, but also expanded the map in a way, that wouldn’t reduce the concentration of players, creating new hotspots.

Map changes

Added new multi-level location – military bunker.


Weapon with camouflage
Bunker has locked boxes that can be opened only with a key, dropped from military NPCs with a certain probability. This box contains a weapon with camo and other valuable items that are well known to you.

- Added a new mission in the bunker
- Added new random encounters in various locations around the world
- During holiday event you can find New Year themed hats
- Added wandering traders who sell a more valuable equipment

Other economic changes
- Increased chances to get a reward from hard and epic missions
- Traders no longer sell flashlights and walkie-talkies but they buy it for higher price

- Fixed lags with moving items inside your inventory

Improving the quality of life:
- Pick up item – Shift+Click
- Drop item – Alt + Click

Improvements to the military bots AI

Balance changes
- Reduced negative effect from painkillers and Med-X
- Changed a number of items per stack for 7.62x54 (50 per stack), VG25 (3 per stack)

Other changes and fixes
- Added official PvE servers
- Fixed bug when bullets didn’t deal damage under the water in some cases
- Fixed absent or incorrect translations
- Fixed bug when F-57 pistol could disappear or fly away when dropped on the ground
- Building a base on lighthouses and in a bunker is impossible now
- Added markings on the map for “secret” locations (they existed before but weren’t marked on the map)
Work in progress

Hello fighters!

It’s time for us to unveil the mystery and reveal some details about next update. It will be quite big and thus requires more time for development. We’re working on implementing a lot of new content. Also, there are new game mechanics waiting for you.

One of the most significant part of the update will be map expansion and new objects on it. Below you can see a rough outline of the new territory, with marked points of interest. The plan represents only the general idea. The number and location of new objects can change during the work process.
We have a vast location in active development, which is a large industrial facility, indicated by a big orange circle on the map. We’ll pay special attention to this object and show more of it in some time.

Map legend

Green zone – approximate borders of the territory which will be available
Orange points – industrial facilities
White points – localities
Red – possible place for a new military object









Map expansion and new graphic content is not the only thing our team currently working on. We have equally important elements of the game in development, which will bring something new and much needed in a gameplay. More details will be revealed later, as soon as they are ready for show.

Next time we will show you:
- New firearms
- More abilities to modify weapons
- New equipment (in particular Ghillie suit)
Work in progress

Dear friends, we congratulate all of you on the anniversary of the project!
In honor of this significant day we decided to take end result of the development of the update 0.1.2

0.1.2 update has been in the development for a long time and you probably grew tired of waiting. We’ve been publishing news about our work progress all this time, and now we want to sum it up and briefly tell you everything about all the features that you will find in the game.
We’re purposely not going to go into too much details because we don’t want this announcement to be very heavy and overloaded, but there will be more separate news describing every feature in the nearest future.


We’ve noticed the enthusiasm with which many of you began storming the bunker in a search of weapons with the unique skins, and we’ve decided to develop the skin system, which will give us an opportunity to regularly add new skins and for you - to collect them. In the upcoming update new special items will appear – “skin patterns”, which you will be able to find in the same bunker or in the other activities. Upon receiving this pattern player will get the ability to add it to his skin library and then paint his weapons or equipment with it. In future (not in 0.1.2!) we’re planning to give the ability to create skins to players themselves.


Steam terminal

To allow you to transfer your items between servers and even trade some of them, such as item skins, we’ve developed a special Steam terminal which will allow you to move game items from your in-game inventory to your Steam inventory and the other way around. Of course, such operations will not be free and require special game currency, which is not so easy to get. At first only skin trading will be available, and only after we make sure that this system doesn’t have any exploits and it doesn’t break the economy, then we’ll start to expand the list of items, available for trading.


New items

In the upcoming update there will be a lot of new items added, we’ve already announced some of them, but their number is constantly growing and that’s why we will release the complete overview in one of our next announcements, as of now the list looks like this:

- New military suit
- Ghillie suit
- New combat helmet
- New balaclava
- New weapons (FN Scar and Famas)
- Many modules for weapon modifications (extended mags, muzzle brakes, silencers, sights)
- An explosive (trip wire and radio-controlled explosive device, which will also be used in the base raids)
- A compass, helping players to coordinate their firing while playing in squad.





New activity

In order to make the process of getting new items more fun we’ve developed the whole new activity called “Convoy” which will require both PvE and PvP skills from you. Implementation details will definitely be changed, but the essence is this: the special forces units will appear on the map periodically, traveling different routes and you will see them on the map. These dangerous groups headed by the commander will carry a special container. It is your job to intercept the cargo, destroy this squad and receive your award by delivering a container to a certain point on the world map. It sounds simple, right? It definitely seems like it: you kill bots and deliver a container. But there is a one small detail - this container can be constantly seen on the map, even if it is in the player inventory, so those who want to ruin the holiday for the owner need to simply come to the marker, kill the owner and pick up the container (or get ambushed themselves)


New territory

We don’t want convoys to walk the same roads over and over again, that’s why starting with this update we are going to expand the map! The game world will expand more to the south and these territories will introduce you to new settlements, a bunker and a large industrial area bordering a seaport with the huge cranes, which are very convenient and attractive places for camping. Besides, some existing villages will be significantly expanded, they will get the new houses and other objects.



Base raids

And, finally, the most anticipated feature – base raids! Our system will be somewhat different from those you’re used to seeing in the other games, because we want to exclude passive gameplay, when attackers can raid a base of an offline player without difficulties. But the process of a raid itself will be classic, with using explosives as a tool, which are quite hard to get.
To increase the value of bases and, as a consequence, the need to protect them, we introduce the registration system: the base owner will be able to allow his friends to use his base (including building it) along with all the features, that are available, for example, respawning at the base. In addition to that, starting from this update, game will have special modules for the base, which will give the registered players an ability to perform special actions that only they will be able to do!
You can read more about raid system and registration system by following this link: https://steamcommunity.com/app/895400/discussions/0/3112526089306948932/


Anticipating your questions regarding
, we want to mention that some things, that are currently in development, will not be included in the 0.1.12 update.
The transport system is among them, but we’ve been working on it for some time and we can already demonstrate the results.


We’re not yet ready to give you exact deadline by which the transport will appear in the game, since the system is quite complex and needs a thorough work.
Development news
Hello everyone, team Bad Pixel is here.

First, we want to thank all of you for the patience and support, which you’ve been giving to us all this time.

Now for the most recent update from our development team.
Preparations for the release of the update 0.2.0 are in the final stages and we’re sure that your expectations and hopes have not been in vain!

As we’ve mentioned before, this update will be the biggest and the most extensive so far. The changes, which it brings to the game, will take the gameplay to the whole new level.
We have not only added a lot of new mechanics and content, but we have also reworked some of the already existing aspects, which allowed us get rid of the old bugs and improve the quality of the game in general.

So, there are a lot of changes and everything needs to be tested properly. We are happy to tell you that first stage of the testing will begin very soon and we’re counting on your help.

We will let you know about the start of testing separately. Stay with us and follow the news!





Acho que qualquer hora dessas vou testar para checar o avanço.
Joguei umas 6 horas quando saiu em EA e tava bem cru ainda.
Acho que qualquer hora dessas vou testar para checar o avanço.
Joguei umas 6 horas quando saiu em EA e tava bem cru ainda.
Esse foi um dos pouquissimos jogos que joguei as 2h e pedi reembolso. Achei mt fraco
Esse foi um dos pouquissimos jogos que joguei as 2h e pedi reembolso. Achei mt fraco
Sim. Realmente.
O ruim é que parece que o desenvolvimento está bem lento.
Porém, apostei consciente de que isto poderia acontecer.
Acho que não muda muito do que falei nesse post

o desenvolvimento é MUITO lento
Esse jogo é muito focado no PVP, as missões PVE são MUITO básicas
Mas vira e mexe eu ainda entro no jogo para dar uns tiros.
Friends, as we prepare for the tests, we can show you some of the graphic content changes.
The update 0.2.0 will include not only new locations but also you will see some changes in the already familiar ones.

Beregovoy is getting an expansion, receiving new locations and becoming more immersive.
And 4-storied buildings have got new interiors!










Update 0.2.0
We all love games for the new emotions and experience. By creating the 0.2.0 update we were thinking of more than just expanding game content, we wanted to give you an opportunity to feel the same emotions, same passion for which we are playing and creating games.

Welcome to the Deadside 0.2.0
Update will be available approximately at 11am UTC/4am PDT

We overhauled graphics and lighting, improved and expanded the map by adding new locations and redesigning already familiar ones.



A lot of work has been undertaken to enhance performance and improve optimization to allow us to do it without darkening your spirit with new more demanding system requirements that would spoil your experience of the local beauty of Deadside.The animations of characters, behavior of weapons have been reworked and improved, changes to the recoil, improvements to the 1st and 3d person views weremade along with the further refined audio system. We’ve changed almost every aspect of the game and we’re confident that you will love it.


Of course, what’s an update without enhancing the game features, one of the most important and anticipated one is the base raids.
Exactly as we promised, the new unique system has been created, allowing you to avoid an asymmetric gameplay with destruction of players that are offline.


We completely reworked managing and building of bases. Now registered players have access to the base and to a cooperative building, which became more convenient.
There is also the new game activity – the Convoy, where the high risk is compensated with the unique rewards. A special forces group (advanced bots) escorts the case which you need to intercept, seize it and bring to the trader. Location of this case can be monitored through the map and its duration in the world is limited.

Leader of this group is an experienced soldier (new AI) wearing the unique equipment which you can claim for yourself.


We also have made improvements to the existing bots of different types and added new patrols, encounters and missions on all available map.It is not everything, there are the complex enhancing for tactical features, new modifications for weapons (silencers, muzzle brakes, extended mags and new scopes), new equipment (ninja players will definitely appreciate a practical use of the ghillie suit in all types of terrain), new types of weapons (radio-controlled bombsand trip wires). We’ve created new locations taking into account the variability in often-used tactics, so now your ways of killing the enemy are limited only by your imagination.





All changes and improvements:

Map expansion and new locations

- Cherny log expanded
- Beregovoy expanded

- Added a village Medovka
- Added a village Krivec
- Added a village Krasnoe
- Added a village Dubovoe
- Added a village Alexeevka
- Added Factory in the south-west
- Added Port in the south-west
- Added new Military base in the south
- Added a sawmil in the northern peninsula
- Added a sawmil in the south-east

Graphics & leveldesign

- A lot of new objects: houses, factories, technics
- More realistic lighting
- Improving current locations
- Replaced a model for loot case which appears randomly in the world
- Four-story houses are open for visitors
- Expanding nature objects (new trees, bushes, grasses, cliffs)
- Added bullet holes on objects


- Sound notification about the lack of ammunition when shooting
- Sound notification about the inability to reload, because there is no ammo

Game activities

- Convoy
Group of strong bots which can drop a case with valuable items. It can be opened only by a trader. Approximate location of a player's carrying a case is visible on a map
The leader of the Convoy is a new AI, with unique equipment.

- New patrols, encounters and missions (on a new territories and a couple on an old ones)

Animaion system rework

- FPS animations are more smooth now, fixed weapon "tossing" when rotating and sprinting


- Players can be registered on the bases (Allows registered players to use the boxes, the respawn marker, and build base together.
- Base admin panel opens when interacting with the claim
- Coop base building
- Owner of the base can forcibly destroy it in the interface for base management
- Registered on a base players can now prolong the duration of it, this way owners won't need to enter the server once every seven days.

Base raids

Base owner or registered player have a chance to drop a Raid Token after death. Activate this Raid Token to make this base vulnerable. During a raid some base modules, such as walls, decks etc (except for scaffolds) can be destroyed by Explosive Charges.

Base respawns

- You need a Respawn Marker base module for that

New items

- Tripwires
- Plyers (Used to disarm a tripwire)
- Radiodetonator
- Explosive Charge (Can be exploded with a radiodetonator, with shots or other explosions)
- New Assault Rifles: Skar and FASAM
- Ghillie suit
- New military uniform
- New masks, helmets, gloves, etc
- Muzzle Brakes
- Silencers for pistols (Bots don't hear silensed shots but still react to bullet hits)
- Extended Magazines
- Scopes and sights: 2x, 4.5x, 1.5x


- Redeployment (available only in the safe zone)
- Reworked the recoil system
- Rags and bandages healing is faster now
- Stair movement is faster
- Increased VSD recoil
- VG-25 stack changed back to 1, can be bought only from wandering traders
- Hunger and thirst are now not restored to 100 when respawn
- The placed explosives can be seen on the map
- Melee attack is now automatic when you hold LMB


- Free camera when on stair on when parkouring
- Other player's storages can now be opened only when the raid token is active
- Compass added to Supporter Pack

PvE servers

- The inability to loot the corpses of other players on PvE servers.
- Removed the restriction on respawn (circle) on PvE servers.

Admin Menu

- Gameplay activities (missions, airdrops, etc) frequency settings
- Bots Settings (Damage, HP)


- Bug with the ability to run while using an item (bandage, food, etc).
- Fixed all known methods of access to the boxes through the walls of the base
- Many other bugs have also been fixed

Improved game optimization and performance
Hotfix 0.2.2
- Maximum climb height increased
- Restored the ability to climb when jumping
- Fixed basebuilding bugs for registered players
- Level design fixes (flying objects, trees, rocks collisions etc)
- Fixed Airdrop spots on new territories
- Fixed AI settings for some types of bots
- Increased chances of loot spawn
- Fixed spawn of skinned weapons from the bunker containers
- Added skins for MR5
- Fixed a bug when you take an item into hands and then drop equipment piece in which it was stored
- Traders now buy up almost all items, including tracksuits, broken flashlights, rags etc
- Explosions should not damage characters on PVE servers
- The detonator's range has been reduced to 100 meters
- New territories sound design has been improved

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