[TÓPICO OFICIAL] Elite Dangerous: Horizons

  • Iniciador de Tópicos Iniciador de Tópicos Zero.
  • Data de Início Data de Início
Qual seu jump range? Equipa sempre o melhor Frame Shift Drive na nave, sempre, é a primeira coisa a se fazer ao comprar um nave!

Pra procurar por coisas: https://eddb.io/station

Coloquei aqui pra achar a courier em um sistema controlado pelo Li Yong (desconto de 15% no valor da nave de dos modulos) e o mais perto de wu guingi é esse:

Estação Hermite Port, sistema Yen Nu 113.72 ly

Meu range máximo é 13.45ly, eu lembro que equipei o Frame Shit Drive mas não creio que foi o melhor, até porque na época estava em um sistema bem fraquinho de materiais. Vou finalizar as entregas e dar uma olhada nisso, haja paciência para tanto jump haha. Vou dar uma olhada nesse site, não conhecia esse. Obrigado.
Meu range máximo é 13.45ly, eu lembro que equipei o Frame Shit Drive mas não creio que foi o melhor, até porque na época estava em um sistema bem fraquinho de materiais. Vou finalizar as entregas e dar uma olhada nisso, haja paciência para tanto jump haha. Vou dar uma olhada nesse site, não conhecia esse. Obrigado.

no eddb mesmo nesse link que te passei, procura em "Station sells Modules" por "4A frame shift drive" (acho que esse é o melhor pra cobra se não me engano) ai depois em "Reference System" coloca o seu sistema atual e aperta pra buscar, vai mostrar o lugar mais próximo que tem pra vender

pra saber sobre modulos das naves: https://coriolis.io/
no eddb mesmo nesse link que te passei, procura em "Station sells Modules" por "4A frame shift drive" (acho que esse é o melhor pra cobra se não me engano) ai depois em "Reference System" coloca o seu sistema atual e aperta pra buscar, vai mostrar o lugar mais próximo que tem pra vender

pra saber sobre modulos das naves: https://coriolis.io/
Maravilha, obrigado Zero :joia: vou dar uma olhada e já faço esse implemento.
Maravilha, obrigado Zero :joia: vou dar uma olhada e já faço esse implemento.
Foi em Yen Nu que comprei e fitei a minha. A cobra pode passar fácil dos 20ly, é só deixar ela leve e com o melhor FSD. Coloca o FSD, power plant e power distributor A. Tira hull reinforcment, armas, cargo e o kraio, deixa o bulkhead light (o primeirinho mais leve) e o resto tudo D. Vc vai fazer essa viagem até Yen Nu em uns 8 saltos no máximo! :D

Usa esse site: https://coriolis.io/
Aí vc consegue ter uma ideia do potencial da nave antes de fazer qualquer coisa. Muito útil.
de 2015 lol do tempo pre horizons
hahaha maus. achei em um topico la do reddit onde os caras comparam o procedural do elite com o star citizen. Ta rolando um choro la kkkk
hahaha maus. achei em um topico la do reddit onde os caras comparam o procedural do elite com o star citizen. Ta rolando um choro la kkkk

Mano, todo fucking ano é a mesma coisa. Todo.
Bem fácil pegar rank master no império pra courier!

Basta ir no sistema "wu guinagi", qualquer estação, e pegar missão de entrega de dados, todas elas vão ser pra um sistema proximo, lota nave de missão e vai entregar.

Chegando nesse sistema entrega e pega mais missões de entrega de dados pra entregar de volta pra "wu guinagi", é um loop.

Não esqueç de apenas pegar missões das facções do IMPERIO (vai ter o simbolo do império do lado do nome do cara que ta dando a missão)!

além de fazer uma grana boa em questão de 1~2 horas vai pegar rank 3 do império.

Não esquece da manha de mudar pro solo e pro open pra ficar recarregando as missões na estação

Só não esquece de ir com nave média pra baixo, o outro sistema só tem pad pequeno e eu de Anaconda :cereal::thinking: 15 saltos pra essa desgraça :sqn:
Poxa galera, to nesse Rank o dia todo :genio:. Não é possível :vader::vader::vader:
Um causo do espaço.

Lá atrás, no começo do tópico, fiz alguns vários causos das novas descobertas, muitas "newbices" e outras historinhas ao jogar Elite.

Pois bem, voltando aos idos do começo do ano passado, ai vai mais um causo.

Sistema CEOS, estação de alta segurança New Dawn, em construção.

Ao docar na estação, após exaustivos 24 saltos da bolha, reparando os danos causados nos módulos da Anaconda Barba Negra , acesso o painel de missões e me deparo com uma missão de "aliviar" a carga de um NPC no valor de 5.800.000 cr, para pegar 48 cargos de roupa. Fico na tela algum tempo, pensando nos riscos e na possibilidade de ficar procurado em um sistema tão rico em missões e nos valores pagos e passo para outra de entrega de algumas informações pagando 1/20 da anterior e alguns itens dos engenheiros... Pensativo e saudoso, volto para Gliese 868, quando um grupo de amigos se reuniu para caçar traders em busca de tesouros alheios e os momentos alegres de muita risada nos grupos do Skype vieram a tona, uma época que a ASP codinome Missionária, tinha uma caveira "tatuada" no casco e hatch brakers tão nervosos quanto o laser que derretia os escudos incautos de Hauler, T7 e, às vezes, de T9. Lembrei da Wing em cima de Anacondas, Phytons e Clippers que teimavam em resistir, sendo pulverizadas pela "matilha". Era o embrião do que em muito pouco tempo se tornaria a infame Gangue do Adrena, odiada por alguns brasileiros e por todos os gringos por tornar, lá atrás, Elite realmente Dangerous para os incautos.

O tempo passou, a GdA cresceu atraindo todo o tipo de player, mas, como tudo nesta vida, após o seu apogeu, começou a definhar até se tornar um pequeno grupo no Whatts e apenas dois no fórum berço de sua origem.

Posto isso, um frenesi psicopata começou a surgir, na câmara externa da nave olhei a Anaconda e suas cicatrizes não negavam seu passado, tomado pela lore do jogo, joguei fora o fuel scoop 4A e o scanner stelar para em seu lugar colocar mais carga e um drone roedor de cargo bay, o pirata estava de volta!
Potência máxima, saio da estação dando boost e raspando na doca de saída, o coração disparado, o radar tomado por quadrados vazados, players para todo os lados, players traders!!!!

Para esquentar, uma T7 sossegada sem escudo, derrubada brutalmente do super cruiser, recebe a mensagem gravada, uma rápida saudação (porque não custa nada ser educado), um "pedido" de "doação" da carga ou enfrente as consequências.
O pobre, talvez na primeira vez no jogo enfrentando aquela situação, liga o FSD e dispara, miro no motor e poucos tiros são suficientes para o desligar e deixar boiando. Curiosamente ele resolve falar, dizendo que não tinha carga, só que eu escaneio o safado e, voilá, cheio de uma parada que eu não tinha visto, algo como Focus Gold, daí mandei um "liar" e ele começou a cuspir tudo, uhauhauhauhauhauhauhauha, daí falei, "reboot your ship and you can go, thanks for your donation"

Esse foi um dos mais legais, foram umas 30 interdições, outras anacondas, uma cutter, Asp, etc, a maioria fugia, outros simplesmente soltaram biowast, aff, deixei o cara pegar de volta porque eram únicos de alguma missão de entrega e não valiam nada. Descobri que o scanner não detecta item dos engenheiros, só com o hatch breaker eles saiam, consegui alguns que não tinha e foi muito bom.

A única morte foi de uma Phyton, veio pra cima e pagou com a vida.

A polícia vinha, só viper e eagle, sem engenheiros, muito fraca, a festa foi boa.

Enfim, o pirata ta de volta e só descansará quando estiver no top 01 do bounty nos dois sistemas, pelo menos até sair o 2.2 :problemo:
Mano... Tem item que ta tão chato de pegar que estou pensando em piratear tb hehe
Poxa galera, to nesse Rank o dia todo :genio:. Não é possível :vader::vader::vader:

teu rank ta outsider 100%, provavelemnte tu ja deve ser rank 5 e não sabe HAHAH

Procura agora por missões que tem NAVAL no nome, pode ser de entregar algum item ou dados mesmo, qualquer um do império vai dar, ela vai te fazer passar pro proximo rank.

Toda experiência que tu pegou mesmo estando em 100% vai passar pro p´roximo rank, por isso tu deve ta já lá pro rank 5
teu rank ta outsider 100%, provavelemnte tu ja deve ser rank 5 e não sabe HAHAH

Procura agora por missões que tem NAVAL no nome, pode ser de entregar algum item ou dados mesmo, qualquer um do império vai dar, ela vai te fazer passar pro proximo rank.

Toda experiência que tu pegou mesmo estando em 100% vai passar pro p´roximo rank, por isso tu deve ta já lá pro rank 5

Que isso cara hahaha to desde ontem fazendo missões do império. Só encontrei uma vez essa Naval ou Navy e uma que o colega nuns post mais cedo disse. Porém precisava de cargo, depois não encontrei mais essas missões. Já devo tá quase full rank :bwahaha:
Que isso cara hahaha to desde ontem fazendo missões do império. Só encontrei uma vez essa Naval ou Navy e uma que o colega nuns post mais cedo disse. Porém precisava de cargo, depois não encontrei mais essas missões. Já devo tá quase full rank :bwahaha:

coloca cargo então, realmente elas aparecem mais pra levar cargo mas é pouca coisa, com certeza a essa altura tu já tá master HAHAHa
coloca cargo então, realmente elas aparecem mais pra levar cargo mas é pouca coisa, com certeza a essa altura tu já tá master HAHAHa
To fazendo minha ultima entrega do dia depois vou transformar a Cobra num cargueiro hahahaha :bwahaha::bwahaha:
Me encontrei com o @TuLe em wu guinagi, ele fazendo rank e eu procurando missão com nanobreakers como recompensa.






BETA 06 Possivelmente o último antes do release

Great news! There is another 2.2 beta update coming in this morning.

The Beta servers will be going down in a few minutes at 10:00 BST and we will expect them to be back up within a couple of hours.

Here's a nice juicy change log while you wait.

Change log

Stability Fixes

  • Allow the "visited stars" map filter to apply to route-plotting
  • Fixed crash when starting the game with an HMD for some monitor/resolution combinations
  • Fix a low level vertex locking crash
  • Fix a crash when self-destructing the SRV
  • Fixed JSON error in ship delivery
  • If we lose connection with server immediately after connection, before mtu discovery is complete, don't crash, reset mtu discovery for another go around
  • Server time synchronisation can soft-lock the game fixed
  • Ensure that system map materials get destroyed on shutdown
  • Fix crash swapping modules in outfitting
  • No longer assert when trying to add an item which is supposed to be empty
  • Fix for buyback and stored items being deleted in one array but not another
  • Don't crash id planet materials are not sensible
General Fixes & Tweaks

  • Neutron & White dwarf schematics fixed
  • Fixed star-class info not appearing for some systems when initiating jump
  • Fixed supercruise motion indicators not being displayed
  • Fixed incorrect integrity value for size 1 class 2 refinery
  • Prevent duplicate ships being generated on authority transfer
  • Docking computer staying 1km above planetary outpost fixed
  • Latest translations added
  • Various text fixes

  • Added in Gimballed versions of the Fighter Weapons so that the lasers don't look so wrong
  • Following NPC crew oddities (When NPC crew is flying a player's ship) fixed:
  • If MC turrets are fitted and set to Target Only, the combat AI cannot fire them
  • Can only use one missile launcher, even if two are fitted
  • Missiles are fired at long range and are wasted
  • AI doesn't use boost to chase and kill targets, instead lets them get away
  • When out of ammo, AI ship should drop back into formation
  • Player ships with just missiles won't fight
  • After requesting docking, all other order hotkeys are ignored
  • AI crew in mothership will not attack targets if they have non combat modules deployed before switching to fighter fixed
  • Added clearer message to indicate that the players fighter will be destroyed when they FSD away
  • Moved empire fighters hit spheres for the weapons even further forward to help in hitting them
  • Use numbers rather than bars for displaying fighter stats
  • Wanted NPC has clean fighter fixed
  • Fixed bounty credit notification not appearing or being awarded in a fighter when destroying a target with a non-local bounty
  • Added loading animation to screen for switching between fighters and main ship
  • Fixed missing font glyphs on Role panel when running in Russian
  • Fixed commander name having the "Crew" tag on the death screen when killed by a player in a fighter
  • Can use hotkeys to send invalid NPC commands to unmanned mothership fixed
  • Audio: target destroyed lines of NPC crews and ship voice do not conflict anymore
  • Audio: reduced probability of "no more targts" npc crew message down to 40%
  • Audio: Fix for Crew member saying wrong line when asked to attack target

  • We think heat attacks have been reduced a little too far, and need a very conservative buff:
  • Diminishing returns for heat now limit at 100% (up from 95% in previous beta)
  • Damage penalty for Thermal shock reduced to 20% (from 25%)
  • ECM needs some slight tweaks:
  • ECM will now fire when hardpoints are not deployed
  • ECM charge time increased to 3 seconds (currently 2 in beta, 4 in live)
  • Hatch Breaker limpets are also having heir acceleration multiplier turned up significantly. For comparison firing at a target 1km away and with both ships matching speed the travel time has gone from roughly 10 seconds down to 5.5
  • Improved flight speed and hacking time of all hatch breaker limpets
  • Removed strange hatch malfunction behaviour where you could cancel it by toggling power. Hatch breaker limpets and general 'your hatch got damaged' hatch malfunctions can no longer be cancelled
  • Slight reduction to the effectiveness of Incendiary rounds for Multicannons:
  • Remove the hidden 20% kinetic damage that was left over
  • Reduce the fire rate penalty from -10% to -5%
  • Net effect is that the DPS has gone down by 4% vs shields and 15% vs hull (if unmodified), leaving the weapon strong but a slightly clearer tradeoff.

  • Process transaction cost correctly when fetching or selling a remote module
  • UI was being unlocked before hardpoint animation was complete. This should now be fixed
  • Module distance incorrectly show when transferring a module fixed
  • Adjusted the balance areas of the popups to have an auto width, to account for large balances
  • Added module class rating, added warning texts to sell and transfer module popups, gave the clock icon an orange tint
  • Made class icon visible, resized the location icon to its, added space between icons and text, tinted transit text to red
  • Fixed keeping hold of buyback items once we've bought them back
  • Icons resized and centred, added missing class and rating, resized warning icon and added spacing between it and text
  • Prevented focus from being lost when pressing Right on the read more section of the module transfer
  • The Store [X/X] button is selectable when all 30 slots are full but no modules in the tree are selected
  • Ship loadout doesn't update after multiple swaps fixed
  • Updated icon positioning and colouring in the Inventory Browser Screen
  • Added functionality to the 'Store Multiple Popup', to support pressing 'UI BACK'
  • Starport UI: fixed quick action button icons disappearing when coming back from outfitting
  • Store multiple modules lists incorrect number when unticking categories fixed
  • Damage type tagged as 'labelfield' overlapping fixed
  • Adjusted colour of "in transit" text, when focused on
  • Made the "Stored Ship" tab, glow white when a ship completes its transfer

  • Make sure we always get the right string key for existing modification name
  • Added ellipses functionality to blueprint text strings. If they are greater than 25 characters an ellipses will be added
  • Fixed layout problems in engineers workshop that would cause a scrollbar to appear and have unintended effects
  • Fixed bug where engineer special effect animation would always overlay the description of the successful special effect, before the animation had completed

  • Passenger missions not displaying or paying out rewards on hand in fixed
  • Updated the transaction tab for passenger sightseeing conflict, and for passenger vip conflict. They now include the system address for the conflict zone
  • Remove commodities bought for passengers when completing a mission
  • More balance tweaks for reputation, influence and state effects
  • Player has been scanned - When scanned just once, the inbox message will pop up several times until the passenger is disgruntled fixed
  • Stop passenger cabins containing passengers from being swappable
  • Generic passenger generation now fits cabins with Tourists instead of Generics
  • Fixed errors in passenger cabin classes and types
  • Fix for passengers hiding when the ship is dismissed (from a planetary landing via SRV) and comes back...
  • When you abandon a mission and the passengers eject themselves, the message you receive does not actually appear in your inbox fixed

  • Make sure players in SLFs can get credit for kills in assassination and massacre missions
  • Added missing strings for illegal delivery missions

  • Fixed incorrect landing volume for Type 7
  • Cannot see Tail Shipkits on Vulture in Outfitting due to camera angle in VR fixed
  • Fixed some mapping issues on the Cutter
  • Audio: Ship drives silent when respawing over planet surface having died in SRV fixed

  • Fix for faction lighting being applied to the new station inner docks instead of their own lighting
  • Audio: Fixed number station audio events not synced due to time step miscalculation
  • Audio: The new flight controllers are too quiet fixed

  • Stop data points showing up on a fighter HUD after been scanned in the SRV S
  • Stop fighter mothership pointer appearing in an SRV after the player has been in a fighter

  • Fixed some misaligned tunnels on civilian installation
  • Make sure that persistent POIs cannot spawn within their minimum separation of each other
  • Audio: Fix for silent ambience on a secret thing
  • Audio: Fix for number station ambience being audible at infinite distance

  • Audio: Fix for Materials sound wrong on planet surfaces
Galaxy Map

  • Reduced loading time for galaxy map
  • Fixed some stalls loading the system map
  • Bookmarks all disappeared and can no longer create them fixed
Player Journal

  • When importing stars from a file into the VisitedStarsCache, interpret any line containing just digits as a starsystem address in decimal rather than a name
  • Fixed journal entry for "ScientificResearch"
Dando uma espiada ó


Não sei se aparece, aqui o link direto
Última edição:
Ontem foi legal! ED é legal! Hoje vai ser mais legal! Um abraço genial!

- Hull trincado é diversão na certa!

- Matando Anacondas pela galaxia!

- Python Surfer

- Chegando pra conhecer a nave do Zero





- Skin nova pra Python! Gastei mais 50 conto com a Frontier!

- Saindo pra mais uma missão!

- Acho massa esses sistemas com sois tão proximos!

- Achei outra Clipper! Essa foi pro saco!

- Na minha jornada ei que recebo essa missão "Tip Off" com coordenadas para encontrar algo em Omega-1 Aquarii 3 ... O que será?

- Crateras e mais crateras!

- Achei depois de muito tempo os destroços! Analisei o computador da nave mas nada aconteceu!

- Relato de um CMDR sentenciado a morte e ao esquecimento nesse planeta desértico!

- Negocio é chamar a Python e voltar a base esperando ter um Mission Accomplish!

Tive que ir em uma reunião (foda ter que trampar e deixar o game de lado hahaha) e deixei minha SRV la nos destroços! Espero quando acabar esse freela ela estar la viva hahaha!

Última edição:
BETA 06 Possivelmente o último antes do release

Great news! There is another 2.2 beta update coming in this morning.

The Beta servers will be going down in a few minutes at 10:00 BST and we will expect them to be back up within a couple of hours.

Here's a nice juicy change log while you wait.

Change log

Stability Fixes

  • Allow the "visited stars" map filter to apply to route-plotting
  • Fixed crash when starting the game with an HMD for some monitor/resolution combinations
  • Fix a low level vertex locking crash
  • Fix a crash when self-destructing the SRV
  • Fixed JSON error in ship delivery
  • If we lose connection with server immediately after connection, before mtu discovery is complete, don't crash, reset mtu discovery for another go around
  • Server time synchronisation can soft-lock the game fixed
  • Ensure that system map materials get destroyed on shutdown
  • Fix crash swapping modules in outfitting
  • No longer assert when trying to add an item which is supposed to be empty
  • Fix for buyback and stored items being deleted in one array but not another
  • Don't crash id planet materials are not sensible
General Fixes & Tweaks

  • Neutron & White dwarf schematics fixed
  • Fixed star-class info not appearing for some systems when initiating jump
  • Fixed supercruise motion indicators not being displayed
  • Fixed incorrect integrity value for size 1 class 2 refinery
  • Prevent duplicate ships being generated on authority transfer
  • Docking computer staying 1km above planetary outpost fixed
  • Latest translations added
  • Various text fixes

  • Added in Gimballed versions of the Fighter Weapons so that the lasers don't look so wrong
  • Following NPC crew oddities (When NPC crew is flying a player's ship) fixed:
  • If MC turrets are fitted and set to Target Only, the combat AI cannot fire them
  • Can only use one missile launcher, even if two are fitted
  • Missiles are fired at long range and are wasted
  • AI doesn't use boost to chase and kill targets, instead lets them get away
  • When out of ammo, AI ship should drop back into formation
  • Player ships with just missiles won't fight
  • After requesting docking, all other order hotkeys are ignored
  • AI crew in mothership will not attack targets if they have non combat modules deployed before switching to fighter fixed
  • Added clearer message to indicate that the players fighter will be destroyed when they FSD away
  • Moved empire fighters hit spheres for the weapons even further forward to help in hitting them
  • Use numbers rather than bars for displaying fighter stats
  • Wanted NPC has clean fighter fixed
  • Fixed bounty credit notification not appearing or being awarded in a fighter when destroying a target with a non-local bounty
  • Added loading animation to screen for switching between fighters and main ship
  • Fixed missing font glyphs on Role panel when running in Russian
  • Fixed commander name having the "Crew" tag on the death screen when killed by a player in a fighter
  • Can use hotkeys to send invalid NPC commands to unmanned mothership fixed
  • Audio: target destroyed lines of NPC crews and ship voice do not conflict anymore
  • Audio: reduced probability of "no more targts" npc crew message down to 40%
  • Audio: Fix for Crew member saying wrong line when asked to attack target

  • We think heat attacks have been reduced a little too far, and need a very conservative buff:
  • Diminishing returns for heat now limit at 100% (up from 95% in previous beta)
  • Damage penalty for Thermal shock reduced to 20% (from 25%)
  • ECM needs some slight tweaks:
  • ECM will now fire when hardpoints are not deployed
  • ECM charge time increased to 3 seconds (currently 2 in beta, 4 in live)
  • Hatch Breaker limpets are also having heir acceleration multiplier turned up significantly. For comparison firing at a target 1km away and with both ships matching speed the travel time has gone from roughly 10 seconds down to 5.5
  • Improved flight speed and hacking time of all hatch breaker limpets
  • Removed strange hatch malfunction behaviour where you could cancel it by toggling power. Hatch breaker limpets and general 'your hatch got damaged' hatch malfunctions can no longer be cancelled
  • Slight reduction to the effectiveness of Incendiary rounds for Multicannons:
  • Remove the hidden 20% kinetic damage that was left over
  • Reduce the fire rate penalty from -10% to -5%
  • Net effect is that the DPS has gone down by 4% vs shields and 15% vs hull (if unmodified), leaving the weapon strong but a slightly clearer tradeoff.

  • Process transaction cost correctly when fetching or selling a remote module
  • UI was being unlocked before hardpoint animation was complete. This should now be fixed
  • Module distance incorrectly show when transferring a module fixed
  • Adjusted the balance areas of the popups to have an auto width, to account for large balances
  • Added module class rating, added warning texts to sell and transfer module popups, gave the clock icon an orange tint
  • Made class icon visible, resized the location icon to its, added space between icons and text, tinted transit text to red
  • Fixed keeping hold of buyback items once we've bought them back
  • Icons resized and centred, added missing class and rating, resized warning icon and added spacing between it and text
  • Prevented focus from being lost when pressing Right on the read more section of the module transfer
  • The Store [X/X] button is selectable when all 30 slots are full but no modules in the tree are selected
  • Ship loadout doesn't update after multiple swaps fixed
  • Updated icon positioning and colouring in the Inventory Browser Screen
  • Added functionality to the 'Store Multiple Popup', to support pressing 'UI BACK'
  • Starport UI: fixed quick action button icons disappearing when coming back from outfitting
  • Store multiple modules lists incorrect number when unticking categories fixed
  • Damage type tagged as 'labelfield' overlapping fixed
  • Adjusted colour of "in transit" text, when focused on
  • Made the "Stored Ship" tab, glow white when a ship completes its transfer

  • Make sure we always get the right string key for existing modification name
  • Added ellipses functionality to blueprint text strings. If they are greater than 25 characters an ellipses will be added
  • Fixed layout problems in engineers workshop that would cause a scrollbar to appear and have unintended effects
  • Fixed bug where engineer special effect animation would always overlay the description of the successful special effect, before the animation had completed

  • Passenger missions not displaying or paying out rewards on hand in fixed
  • Updated the transaction tab for passenger sightseeing conflict, and for passenger vip conflict. They now include the system address for the conflict zone
  • Remove commodities bought for passengers when completing a mission
  • More balance tweaks for reputation, influence and state effects
  • Player has been scanned - When scanned just once, the inbox message will pop up several times until the passenger is disgruntled fixed
  • Stop passenger cabins containing passengers from being swappable
  • Generic passenger generation now fits cabins with Tourists instead of Generics
  • Fixed errors in passenger cabin classes and types
  • Fix for passengers hiding when the ship is dismissed (from a planetary landing via SRV) and comes back...
  • When you abandon a mission and the passengers eject themselves, the message you receive does not actually appear in your inbox fixed

  • Make sure players in SLFs can get credit for kills in assassination and massacre missions
  • Added missing strings for illegal delivery missions

  • Fixed incorrect landing volume for Type 7
  • Cannot see Tail Shipkits on Vulture in Outfitting due to camera angle in VR fixed
  • Fixed some mapping issues on the Cutter
  • Audio: Ship drives silent when respawing over planet surface having died in SRV fixed

  • Fix for faction lighting being applied to the new station inner docks instead of their own lighting
  • Audio: Fixed number station audio events not synced due to time step miscalculation
  • Audio: The new flight controllers are too quiet fixed

  • Stop data points showing up on a fighter HUD after been scanned in the SRV S
  • Stop fighter mothership pointer appearing in an SRV after the player has been in a fighter

  • Fixed some misaligned tunnels on civilian installation
  • Make sure that persistent POIs cannot spawn within their minimum separation of each other
  • Audio: Fix for silent ambience on a secret thing
  • Audio: Fix for number station ambience being audible at infinite distance

  • Audio: Fix for Materials sound wrong on planet surfaces
Galaxy Map

  • Reduced loading time for galaxy map
  • Fixed some stalls loading the system map
  • Bookmarks all disappeared and can no longer create them fixed
Player Journal

  • When importing stars from a file into the VisitedStarsCache, interpret any line containing just digits as a starsystem address in decimal rather than a name
  • Fixed journal entry for "ScientificResearch"
Dando uma espiada ó


Não sei se aparece, aqui o link direto
fod@ d+ essa imagem e isso que vem no 2.2 ?
sai dia 25 ne junto com titanfal 2 :fuu:

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